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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jan 1962, p. 5

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| "WHITBY And DISTRICT | HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Senior Girls Team Scores Smashing Win By JOAN CALDER A smashing victory for Henry Street High's Senior Girls' Bas- ketball team marked the be- ginning of the basketball sea- son. In their first game, the Seniors defeated OCCI's senior team at Central Collegiate in Oshawa. The score read 28 to 11 for Whitby. The forward line-up, consist- ing of Henry's three best girl forwards in the shape of Bon- nie Townsend, Mary Lou Cuddy and Joan Fairman, roped in most of Henry's points, It looks as if Henry has hopes of a reasonably good season with this year's Senior team. Al- tume director, Virginia Enliott; make-up director, Joan Clader; co-producer, and producers, Mr. Fisher and Miss Lamont. MISCELLANEOUS I noticed some girls about the school wearing a uniform en- semble of a grey pleated skirt, white blouse and school sweat- er, Gradually, more and more girls will join them as the days pass and then the young women of Henry will be similarly clad. Susan Schilling, A common gripe of girl stu- dents duting the winter months is the annoying barrage of snow- balls which are pelted at them.!High, If the youngsters using their same time to do some good for the school such as playing on a school team or joining a club, teams and fellows, to show compassion and leave 'the girls alone. hear Henry's representatives, Ross Gibson and Leslie Pryce- Jones, express the life of Henry though the players played a! sloppy, rough game, spectators realized that the teams are still accustoming themselves to the grind of practices and games. Top scorers for Central were Jane Gales with four points and Gerry Hoffman with three points. Mary Lou Cuddy and| Joan Fairman were Henry's 'oP scorers. c Henry's Junior team did not|eight Rinks from various curling lubs in Toronto won six of the prizes offered at the fare as well as the Senior team.| Whitby Curling Club's Invita- Henry was defeated. by a score|tjonal Men's Bonspiel on Satur- of 21 to 9. The junior game pro-|day. Two Whitby rinks claimed vided better spectator appreci-'the other two prizes. ation because the game was| rink skipped by Bruce Toronto Rinks Tops In 'Spiel Canadian Curling Club, of To-) ronto, won the top prizes in the |9 o'clock draw with three wins land 46 points. Second prize in {the same draw went to Harold {Sims and his Avonlea Club, To- ronto, with three wins and 44 points. Henry would be full of winning) © successful clubs.| | Recognize your Christian duty,| © Don't forget, students, to lis-| ten to Collegiate 62 on CKLB,| | Thursday nights, 7.15 p.m., and) =~ spare time to, pitch snowballs at) | passing pedestrians used the|| This aerial shot shows the front end of theyCPR's Do- minion train derailed just out- side St. Eugene, Ont., 48 Dam Will Hide 3 Centuries Of History MONTREAL (CP) -- Three| lcenturies of lusty history will \be submerged when the Caril!on {Ottawa over islands and low- more smoothly played than theipuckingham, of the Royal] Third prize in the early drawjjands next year. be Ps TRAIN 'Honor Defender Jailed For Life nographer thrusts Dam backs the waters of the/her palm and-pens a poignan miles west of Montreal. Two CPR employees were slight- ly injured. The last three ears on th train, only ones DERAILS, INJURING TWO ie 5 is ; *: $ oe carrying passengers, remain- ed upright although two left the tracks. The passenger car at centre was empty. The train was bound for Montreal from Vancouver, ° ---CP Wirephoto THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Jenuery 8, 1962 § BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor There appears to be a great deal of confusion in regard to '\the terms socialism and social welfare, says the current news letter of the department of eco- nomic development of the Cana- dian Chamber of Commerce. Core of Chamber policy, as outlined in the letter and in its policy statements, is support of pred competitive enterprise sys- em, In pursuance of this it opposes socialism, It does not, however, oppose necessary social welfare measures. At the same time it does not think social welfare should re- lace individual initiative. Also, t feels that anything that drys up revenues is self - defeating he even a welfare point of view. OUTLINES POLICY In its policy declarations, the By RUKMINI DEVI Canadian Press Correspondent F Bombay )cp)--A pretty ste-|Has taken up his "cause" and|da letter with her own blood. a needie into started a deluge of mercy ap-| t{peals directed at President Pra-| cial offices totalled 39,573, down |sad, who holds the final powers|from 41,344 in November, 1960. /of clemency. | Marriage registrations in- ewer Births But More Marriages OTTAWA (CP)--Births. were down but marriages and deaths were up during November com- jcilling his English wife's lover.|pared with a year earlier, the A mass « circulation weekly| bureau of statistics reported to- y. Births registered at provin: Chamber states: "The Chamber recognizes the responsibility of society to help those individuals incapable of providing for themselves, but does not believe it is the busi- ness of the state to provide those services which the indi- vidual can supply for himself. "Social security must not be- come an end in itself, Canadians must beware of looking to the state to provide security to the extent that the individual loses incentive to provide for him- self." The current news letter de- Social Welfare, Not Socialism as the business system under which ownership rests with in- dividuals or groups of indi- viduals and not with govern- ment, It adds: "While imperfect in some re- spects by the very nature of its freedom, it is the only system found thus far in which the basic freedoms of the individual can exist." "The Chamber believes that within the freedom concept, lim- itations on the freedom of the individual are justified in the interests of law and order. However, the unwarranetd and arbitrary exercise of power by vernments, often influenced y collectivist theories, destroys initiative and curtails the dyna- mic qualities which are essen- tial to productive operation of private enterprise." FINDS ANCIENT COINS CAIRO (AP) -- A om 01 a Aida Mohammed, 9, jar containing. 288 gold coins dating back 10 centuries while playing hide-and-seek with her seven-year-old brother. The di- rector of Egypt's Islamic exca- vations depariment, Dr. Gamal Uddin Mehrez, ordered the site guarded and said there was a possibility the treasure of Cal- Al Moezz, who conquered gypt 10 centuries ago, might be disocvered. FAMED EXCHANGE The original London Stock --|went to a rink from the Toronto Young boys go about the Exchange was built in 1801, and Nannie: O The Ottawa has been called|st,cets ay ¢ ay Granite Club, skipped by Den-|,, fir Pcs <p rote alled'sticets of Bombay and other) '<, nis Whitehead, with two wing | C2nada's most historic river.|{ndian cities asking people to|C®*e: and 35 points. The consolation|{'@pPers, voyageurs, soldiers,|sigi, petitions on long scrolls reheat settlers and Indians all used| brown paper. Housewives light/tional in the country's history. senior game. Central has a good Juniort eam and should have a} successful season. | Irene Cheras topped Central's) 0 'the "eternal triangle murder|creased to 12,411 from 11,860 as it has come to be|and death registrations to 11,551 was the most sensa-|from 11,443, scribes competitive enterprise reconstructed in 1855, CARIBBEAN ? {f you like to stay at a particular hotel, now is the time to make your reservations, Just let us know where you want to stay and for how long, We do all the work and you enjoy the vacation, @ Hotels © Tours Travel Arrangements Donald Travel Service 300 DUNDAS ST. £,, WHITBY -- MO 8-3304 OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN TOWN OF WHITBY CHRISTMAS TREE PICK-UP A special garbage pick-up of Christmas trees will be made as follows: TUESDAY, January 9 -- North of Dundes St. WEDNESDAY, January 10--South of Dundes St. Charles C. Hoag, Town Engineer. Svave vane insurance CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE CALENDAR WEEKLY Events! Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our location ef 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Post Office in Whitby He imports the brier bowls) from Italy and the material for} the stems from England. The quality of a pipe depends! Is Most Convenient For Your Buy- ing Needs of Quality Goods et Prices That Save! MO 8.3483 W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to play @ sport to be a good sport 110 Dundes St. & MO 8-3410 WHITBY WILSON Cycle & Sales C.C.M. & RALEIGH DEALER "The Best in Bicycles" 10@ Colborne St, £. MO 8-3746 COUNTY BOWL "OPEN BOWLING" Saturday: 1 p.m, - 5 p.m. 7 p.m, - 11 p.m, Sunday, Start Oct, 1 T p.m. - 6 p.m. 118 Byron N. MO 8-2651 . hi AN as : ildi ladvance, the Paynes are plan- t it to cotincil. 'aha the i cs eter which will control the flow|Lean Building Reports totalled | 8° , "this body would not have the of the Seletens etore from Horne Lake to the river./$3,220,937,300 in 1961, $167,800 to expand the workshop ning power to spend, the doctor con- SCHOOL ADDITION scoring list with 13 points. Anne Damage prize went to Chester Gayda's|), |. : shel iecag | : a Henstock and Jan Noxgfood) rink from the Tam O'Shanter|'he Vital inland waterway. -- earthen lamps and wave them| Keturning to his Bombay FAMOUS FLIGHT brought in the most points -for lwith one win and 23 points. Adam Dollard des Ormeaux|around gilded images of Lordjhome after months at sea, 39-| Alcock and Brown's pioneer Henry | roug ce | An Avonlea Club rink, skip. 2" his men made their cele-|Ganesha, the elephant - headed|vear-old Commander Nanavati,! non-stop Atlantic flight in 1919 lprize in the 11 a.m. draw with quois near the Ottawa. Lawyers, merchants and|was stunned to learn that his) : ; The stage production Of] Ithree wins 'anf rp ae. Samuel de Champlain neisiy trae union leaders open their|beoutiful wife Sylvia was hay-| '0 Ireland in six hours, 10 min- Shaw's play, "Arms _ a epo S lond in the late draw went to|lost his life there. \ |mormng mail and find the pic-|ing a clandestine affair with) utes. Public eee Ten sel la Whitby rink skipped by Hugh; The fertile _ soil the|ture of a handsome man in/Prem Ahuja, his close friend, |<-- ublIC Ss viewing ) § : ' pil) March 23. Manager of the Whitby Public|' dh tha 2 bord to Ahuja's flat and shot hi : levastesi oa . c@ |points. weapons, utensils, fabitations|Porders. Wibge laine 8 im. et ae eont eee ee tay eae Roy Howe's Whitby rink won,2!l have been unearthe by| ine central figure behind) The case rocked India for| d are studying their| I : 4 seed PO Nerave j Touw| moatihinn wate fetal A : Coes maasis, A randewn of{peared to have left Whitby's|two wins and 34 points. Con- Bers. , ; - ae ig ~~ Navy MCCUnGs Wate held to hail him : NSWERE D Wears Seon is as follows:/power lines unscathed. Hejsolation prize went to Joseph The Historical Society of Ar- hemené-Ao-dile ipsselaaniannt £61 a er Mi cigs of eg and 3 § § s: nce 5 r|the "saviour of womanly chast- theri rebuilding f varri ictori ing Club. salvage as many historic ar-| SC Bonnie Allan; Catherine, Bar-|rebuilding program carried out|Toronto Victoria Curling Club. |to sa nany NS oe, t ne ckenbridee: Bluntschli,/by the PUC for the absence of| The 24 rinks in the event/ticles as possible before the) ys q started to raise funds for hisij bara B ridg 1 derence, office girls sent 100-|% Ross Gibson; Serguis, Miltonjany power failure. found entries from Lindsay,|4rea 1s flooded. ipe a er S Faves (i) ty Boned : = Lawrence; Officer, Ross Mc- between 5 and 7 p.m., he said,|Whitby and 10 rinks represent-/to move a tiny stone house, B B pats Kenzie, and Nicolal, Donaldithere had teen severa ||ing clubs in Toronto. |built in 1828, to a park at Caril- usiness oom wrong b Leslie. instances of lights dimming in|~ -- lon, Que. One of the original] yANCOUVER (CP) -- Pipe-|,02¢ Woman sent three 100. ls ; the scenes contribute just as|he said, apparently were) Spend Money she end of No. 2 lock on the/tyrned his craft into a thriving|*"e wrote a verse from Byron. important a part to the success|caused by a bad ice and sleet| old canal system. business despite the gloomy|, 4 lower court jury believed MO 8-3762 the production as the actors|storm west of Toronto whi ch} ; Inscription stones, signal lan- of Pp To Assist terns, buoys and_ boundary/ties when he arrived in Can- weal off accidentally during a STATE FARM of the backstage crew: set)bringing power to Oshawa and fi director, Michael Eggert; cos-! Whitby. the Carillon Canal park. ago. |Supteme Court held that he had MUTUAL Salmon Spawn Mildred Douglas, director of] 'They told me I would prob-| tilled his wife's lover with de- p a the society and a descendant of|ably go. broke in the pipe-mak-| berate intent and sentenced several of the oldest families in|ing business here," says the| mm to life imprisonment. the geography of Vancouver Is.(built by Benny Noyes, her late|of London. land for the convenience of| uncle, to a point above the yi Mr. and Mrs. Payne operate Inaugural Meet rt mess at cic aie em we tat heber per ey YOUR A flow-control project on the| The old Owens General Store, |can nen # three bag ag Whitby Township Council hadjat Garrard road should be in-/ Qualicum River, 100 miles north changed ateun a. aes ee i i ag c ig its 1962 inaugural meeting at|cluded in a winter works pro-\°f here, involves diversion of |i" 1881, will be left to the baad hag = aauel . age ae Brooklin Saturday. The new|gram. creek and construction of a 2,-| Dense bush about the Chute a| The couple. started the ented } 7 cavedithe evenings and on weekends velock Robert ks was discussed Councillor 294 drop structures. jcleared away. It is believed|'). : Soe cual toy Bane Heber| Frank Timea Ba tat "a|. Fisheries experts hope to con-\that Indians ambushed bg ag te Within rgd ' Down and members of council.|new brush clearing program|trol the temperature and flow|French lieutenant, de la Gem.|*' & Suptite Fee This Programme Presented By The Local Councillor John Dryden spoke|should be started. Mr. Thomp-\°%f the river where millions ofjmeraye, and 30 men at this\ievgte full time to the skills|f. Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! ! the township during the past 10/brush clearing we have these born each year. | Historians also claim Cham- Ma eters " tne wk e years and the prospect for the,men on direct relief, at least] The Qualicum River has al-|plain 'nearly lost his life drag-| STAFF future. Mr. Dryden also gave a\this way we are getting some-| YS been affected by weather./ging his canoe up these rapids| WHITBY MOTORS LTD plea to the 1962 council for hon-|thing done." In times of high water the sur-jin 1613. e Saying that the Water Com-/ment of Reeve Heber Down as|}PaW? has been as great aC A d Brothers Lid. G.M. DEALER FOR PONTIAC, BUICK mittee had done its duty as an\the township's representative on|1°.9 Per cent. In years of ontract wards largely on the grain in the| advisory body, Dr. John McKin-|the Central Lake Ontario Con- drought it is as low as five per ney asked council to appoint/servation Authority _ following/ ent. | NEW AND USED CARS : ; 4 | - . " The firm, now employing six said that it w r f : 'phases of the project, largest} TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian|,..1 ' . age npomeane take 'au: for 'Zhompson said that In. the Undertaken by the age fish-| construction contract awards oo $30 Pg ey to ros M0 8-3552 Whitby New Car Sale 1d roo savin sys body |few y rg) eries lent, lacus |! 00 61. | Shuctty, ovat Sie svitat, ae Se Meg neg Meg crete tunnel eight feet in diam.|Compiled by Southam - Mac-|der books filled for a month in MO 8-3610 Used Car Sales A 98-foot vertical shaft with| higher than in 1960 and $972,771. |e muah Hire He 198 TAat * VIGOR OIL STATION tinued, but could commit the : "1 Operated by Council passed a bylaw au-|!ake at different levels will pro-) The last:seven months of 1961: "Vie"' Van Luven be a board in close eontact with n| showed gains which overcame council, he added, with pos-\debentures for public school|°ontrol. sig losses. Ontario's tot: DODD & SOUTER sibly three members. |purposes. The reason given for/Rarse LAKE LEVEL for the year was $1,229,002,600, | PAINT The: Bast Deal i : s LE a and e Best Deal on Doug Kerr asked council, as the debenture issue is the pro-| "An earthfill dam will be built down $96,878,800, | WALLPAPER STORE New and Used: Tires METROPOLITAN JR. ""A" LEAGUE inclair' ait | DIESEL OIL Whitby Arena, BRAMPTON payers in the Garrard roadjrooms to Sinclair's School./tg provide sufficient storage in| CANCER RESEARCHER DIES 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY Ph Tuesday, Jon. 9% at 8:30 pm. y Arena, i | , | one MO 8-364 7 UPS vs WHITBY MOHAWKS., tra, ifthe road could noe There will be 6 Percent inthe ike for flow coirl, Te og Me oS ne ee eat altuved jlake may be backed up 20 feet} Dr. Leonard Bolen, 72, a pio-| MOHAWKS 'vs TORONTO MARLBOROS, hi 4 ' : jabove its normal level of 392/neer in cancer research, diedii €.J.L, Paint Dealer WHITBY MERCANTILE HOCKEY LEAGUE : : Sunday in hospital after a} Busi was collected from that area in/Myrtle Community Hall was| sthy. illness Ay YOUR Whitby A OTTENBRIT the township to pay for the|approved as was a board of | ocding a bes FR ig i ge lengthy illness. Dr. Boies te) Painting & Decorating GEORGE H. HARDING mere aUhnos at 12 noon ot tate' SHELL vs petty sees widaning sii Gare was|manneemens, for cue, Athistic ters. the river will be diverted] saniy Giaganels of Caeeae which Contractors CONSTRUCTION CO, LTD. Se Me ni ; . | ; gh an open channel to near| was later cail e Bolen test. | WINTER WORKS pee gig eggroeeakeg hee | 2 mouth of the river. He spent 35 years in er) fall Well Murate -- Haar aan Sundoy,_ Jon, 14, at 9:15 pam. ot Whitby Arenas S503 vs | j Z ARRY'S; :30 p.m, i When Roads Superintendent | The project started last April.| research. S saree at pom. ve DRAMA lped by John King, won top brated stand against the Iro-/goa of good-luck. a veteran of 17 years service,| too them from Newfoundland alo . 3 ' ' : | \Nicol' with two wins and 3514|shores is full of artiflsy ones, |naval uniform framed in black/'!hat afternoon Nanavati Sg 0 lag i gg, AA a lt end ice and sleet storms ap-|third prize in this draw with amateur and professional) dig-/!hese developments is Kawasinearly. three years, Public| Herm, "Susan Stratford; Louka,|credited a recently completed|Cochrane and his rink from /genteull Is engaged in an effort). ----|itv."" When a campaign was Vanderveen; Petkoff. Hugh) Early on Saturday evening, Orillia, Oshawa, Agincourt and| The society is seeking a way [bearing the imprint of their : Lockmasters' Houses, it stands! mak |Tupee notes on each of which In every play, people behind|the town, These occurrences, | ' maker Leonard Payne ha 608 Brock St. S. Whitby | forecast of immigration authori-|'¥.navati's defence that his gun on stage do. Following is a list)struck a 110,000 volt feeder line, | markers also will be placed in'ada from Britain five years|fist-fight with Ahuja. But the e e Canadian Head Office--Toronto Whitby Township wumn ous Shears 250,000 is being spent to change|the area, is moving a house/cheerful, 43 - year - old native| AGH {built in 1840, land sell all the brier pipes they . members of the council, Myrtle| When the question of winter 000-foot tunnel, concrete flumes|Blondeau Canal has bee nipriee. As. 6 Sicepe, Werene & Si 0 R |he was able to quit his job and| of the increasing prosperity of|son stated, "If we don't have Pacific salmon and trout are|spot in 1690, esty in municipal accounting. Council approved the appoint-|Vival rate of fish going up to| VAUXHALL & G.M.C. TRUCKS 5 brier, he says, 'and Italian) Th mi ve and, Malin = Monumen another body to do its work.|the resignation of Donald R.| One of the most. spectacular Higher - 1960 tue aoe ach ents THIS WEEK'S three separate intakes from the|900 below 1958's record figure. | Hass council to spending. There must Bee p 8 thorizing the issue of $81,000 i \vide the means for temperature Dominion Royal Tires a representative of the rate-/posed addition of four class-| across the present river channel of oS a FALL RIVER, Mass. (AP)--| MO 86-5231 501 Brock St. N., Whitby Sunday, Jon, 14, at 2 p.m, at Maple Leaf Gardens, WHITBY that enough money in taxes) A board of management for feet, covered the "smear test" for| SUNOCO. Gyptex, Paperhanging 411 Fairview Drive MO 8-3566 WHITBY boards. | i Merrill Ross made his report; A motion establishing a volun-| woe aa hg copes ease) he stated that the present Win-|teer fire brigade was proposed: the department hopes it 'will be! ter Works program would be by Councillor Don Roberts and able té maintain a regulated | completed on Jan. 19, and wish- seconded by Councillor Myrtle! flow of 200 cubic feet a second ed to know if council would au-|Lovelock. George Vick is to be in the river during the Aug 1- thorize another program. Coun- the Fire Chief and Ken Greer/Dec, 15 spawning period. : cillor Dryden said that if it was|as deputy chief, the motion was} With stable conditions, it is possible then the road widening! passed by the council. | believed exis ting spawning| jareas will be able to accom- BROCHE EVENING SHOWS at 6:55 & 8:25 [mite ree ine eating te wairsy LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:25 | salmon--possibly increasing the "THE ESCAPADES OF A MERRY] | population to 200,000. wil A CREDIT CARD WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE Monday, Jan, 8, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., tg Heuse League. Tuesday, Jan. 9, 5 to 7 p.m, Juvenile House League. Thursday, Jon, 11, 5 to 8 p.m., Bantam House Leegue. Saturday, Jan, 13, 7 te 10 a.m, Pee Wee House League, SKATING: Wednesday, Jan, 10, 8 te 10 p.m., Adults only, Whitby Arene. Friday, Jan, 12, 8:30 to 10:30 p.m, Adults end Children, Seturdey, Jen. 13, 2 to 4 p.m., Children 14 yeors end under, BASKETBALL: Thursday, Jon. 11, et 4 p.m, ot Anderson St, High School, Whitby, OCV! vs ANDERSON, LACROSSE Whitby Lacrosse A WHITBY WED. JAN. 10 . Emergency Location ALL SAINTS' CHURCH HOURS: 2:00 -- 4:30 P.M. 6:30 -- 9:00 P.M. BLOOD IS URGENTLY NEEDED | TRENCHING AND COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE YOU WANTA SELLUM YOU GOTTA TELLUM USE The Classified Ads Dial MO 8-3703 Efforts may be made to} |clean spawning areas and grade| the gravel to create conditions| in which eggs may be planted. The spawning area may be in- creased at relatively low cost. Areas of valley bottom are} available adjacent to the river where channels may be built| and the controlled flow passed) jthrough to meet. additional | spawning requirements. t ing at the Jen, 10 Whitby ¢ y Ai on W rena ot 7:30 p.m, All welcome, Looking For A Fine Men's Shop? + ae eet pave ER Semet-Solvey Coke @ Wood: TRY THIS ONE FOR SIZE JAMES SAWDON RON ARMSTRONG Sicr & SONS SHOP WHITBY PLAZA K & M CLEANERS AND DYERS Alterations--Repairing 8-HOUR SERVICE 112 Colborne St. West, Whitby Whitby--Ph. MO 8-2831 Oshawg--725-0181 POSTMEN STRIKE | JERUSALEM (AP)--All Is- }raeli post offices closed for a }four-hour warning strike today jand postmen said there would) be no delivery "of letters or cables. The walkout was in sup-| }port of a demand for a salary increase, @ 24-HR, BURNER SERVICE (established 1914) Diel MO. 8-3071 244 Brock St. S. MO 8-3524 WHITBY, Ont. Ss PLUS Second Feature Attraction "THE CONE OF SILENCE" Starring: Michael Craig Peter Cushing Buy from your local deoler, He sup MO 8-8721 ports ypur Home Town Sports, @ FREE PARKING e

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