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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jan 1962, p. 8

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' scr) prevent the wheels from locking can result from dehydration.;retention does not prevent your Winter. Driving and -- otha and bo. KEEP IN TRIM Restrict mealtime liquids to one|reducing, but merely postpones pery snow. Pumping is a gentle . cup. It's best not to sip ice wa-jthe registration of the weight Demands Respect application of the brakes uiAil W. t R t ti M Be Ca ter throughout the meal for this|loss on the scales, you will want juue skid point is reached, foll- a eT e en 10n ay use washes off the taste buds and|to persevere. Hold on dieters-- jowed immediately by full re- whets appetite afresh. one happy day that pointer will \lease. Ths gives alternate in- . ' . The amount of salt in your/plunge. |tervals of effective braking and Of Dieter S Failure To Lose food is a factor in water reten- On this theme. the Ontario De-|Steering control while the wheels) tion. Use only a moderate FOR VARIETY Pract agpe oanniort suggests| 87 rolling. By IDA JEAN KAIN which the weight may stay at|@mount of salt in cooking and) Try this variation of stuffed . followi bane wales fori = In reducing the unexpected al-|the same high mark, diet to the|40 not add salt at the table. Ajcelery to brighten meatless e fol tek sai ; . ways happens. You lose with|contrary. When the fat globule|high protein intake effectively|menus. Cut stalks into uniform safe winter atving: cal Major. M. Rankin _|pieasing suddenness at the startlin the cells is almost gone, then|ounteracts water storage. Build/lengths and fill each with a mix. re hive Hl cn a a 1" of a diet, or with discouraging|the water will be abruptly re-|e@ch x on daily mealsjture of op hard a s * it "| slowness. leased, and removed through|2?und a high value proteinjeggs, chop parsley and may- tly and gradually. ppboddlai Addresses WCTU | It's the water exchange that|the kidneys. When this happens, ood. a Top each v7!' ole os ae ap Major Marsland Rankin ae ae ee hag youlthe pointer on the scales wili| When you realize that water!sardine. Ideal as appetizers. a . ; ose rapidly at the start, part|plunge. Wheels straight ahead makejthe Salvation Army was thelo¢ the loss is in water, ile in se starting easier. When you are|guest speaker at the first meet-|fat. When you fail to lose, even|IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE stuck in snow, start in low geat|ing of the WCTU in 1962 held in|though you are sticking with the| Even the "impossible" can) whether you have manual Or|ct' Andrew's United Church. He\diet, the cause is water reten-|happen! One overweight, automatic, Move slowly forward) challenged the organization to|tion. The water which has re-|warned by his doctor to reduce as far as possible and then shift! continue protesting against the|sulted from the oxidation of)/65 pounds, cut calories to 1,200 to reverse. Repeat rocking ac-| evils that attack others; to look/f00d, is sometimes held in the|a day. For three weeks he did tion until your car is free. -- beyond the present to see what|body tissues. - |not lose a single pound. Deter- far Hons See and Be Seen -- Kee win-| must be done: to continue to be| To get the picture, under- mined, he stayed with the low Fae Nive 2 aes iti dows and windshield clear Of|;nown as opposing the liquor|stand that fat is stored in the|Calorie pattern, and during the cs mys snow, ice and slush. Lower back interests. Be watchful, charit-|body in individual cells, each of fourth and fifth weeks his : pid FF with windows slightly to ventilate) ahje yet firm, tenacious, with a|which holds a droplet of fat.|Weight dropped 29 pounds! This] ideal Dairy. No break- cad to keep the inillle PAM Cctgerens etek |When you cut calories, the fat in|Was followed by a lull in losing, | ege! More Sanitary! from fogging up. Turn on head-| yp. 4 Henley presented the cells is drawn on to make|but he subsequently lost the 65 Costs less in the Half- Be he ' lup the fuel deficit. When this)Pounds in a period of eight pay o> gallon size too! / lights during daytime snow Piet bE ecco storms to help others see you.|* New Year's worsillp service.| scours, the fat in some of the/months--and kept them off. Remember that falling snow| Mrs. Clayton Lee presided for|cejls gets smaller and smaller} Dieters, understand that wa- reduces visibility and snowbanks|the meeting and reported that/--but when the space in the fatjter drinking has nothing to do LY >. Fiamma can conceal driveways, ges Pega ts dates Cute ee is ate up Hs ee oe water retention. It is most : = q | sections er vehicles and pe-)' Uri ist-iscales cannot register the loss|important to drink plenty of wa-/ fj > / , pve >, 'oie nla : |mas week, There 'is increasing/until the water has been re- ter between heme Start your| / deal Dairy Limited Get the Feel of the Road--Check interest in the Voice of Women| leased. : |day with a large glass of hot rz) SUAUTYSDAIRY PRODUCTS Ithe slipperiness of the road sur- and it is hoped to have a speak-| The water balance always ay|water with lemon juice. Water} t te face periodically with a single er from its headquarters at the justs. However, there will 'be| drinking helps to prevent the brake application to find out|"ext meeting on February 6. 'periods of days or weeks during'constipation and fatigue that . how easily wheels will slide eh Sree AacaennN i ; a i ; 5, adjusts your speed accordingly. | PICTURE SHOWS standing | dent; front row, Mrs. Hazel | dent of the Oshawa Y's Men- | Fojow at a Safe Distance--Keep| lefi to right: Mrs. Robert God- | Watson, Ontario Regional Di- | ettcs and Mrs. Norma Clark |.) pack of the vehicle ahead| dard, secretary, and Mrs. | rector of Y's Menettes' Clubs; | of the Belleville Y's Menettes' so that you will have plenty of| Graham N e1s on, vice-presi- | Mrs. Clemence Hewett, presi- | Club, looking at first year's nin to stop. Drive at a slower!| record book. Missing from pic- | has. : : *" \than normal speeds. It takes| Oshawa Y's Menettes' Club = [tren *™ P1086 8 ltnree to tweive times more dis ee tance to stop on snow and ice; " | --Photo by Bernard J. Muzeen |than on dry pavement. | Installs Second Executive eee, | Oe ie es Ae QUICK SETTING ticipate breaking situations and) Installation of the second exec-,Graiiam Nelson; secretary, Mrs., To speed up the setiing of Start slowing down well hii utive of the Oshawa Y's Men-|Robert Goddard; treasurer, gelatine mixtures, place the pag a ame ty fo ad ettvs' Club was held by Mrs./Mrs Bruce Logie. d ; Pe s _., tion or the cres . 7 ge A mould in the freezing compart- ice m t safe speed to a W t Region g Slow down to a safe sp Hazel Watson, Ontario 4 Mrs. Watson recalled that the of "the Tol avoid a front-end skid at a turn,| Director of the International Y's|Qsnawa Club was started just ™¢™ refrigerator. : rn, | Menettes' Clubs and °Mrs.\one year ago, in that time he prevent the jelly from freezing,|.a rear-end skid on a curve, slid-| Norma Clark of the Belleville|y'; Menettes have been busy |Teniove as soon as set. Jelly setjing into an intersection, or -to- club, and took place at the|working to help the Y's Men|this way tends to melt a little bogganing down a hill out of} Christmas meeting of the Osh-!with goal to help youth of Osh-|fasier when , big ~~ x int Your Brakes When Stop- ' Oe ee oe ton ec att ca om temerare, png Pomp sear orcs ofl KELLY'S ARE MOVING-PRICES ARE SLASHED ON ALL APPLIANCES lows: president, Mrs. Clemencejed the members that a Y's Men-| a TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS ON FIRST QUALITY GOODS THAT MAKE DISCOUNT PRICES LOOK HIGH! WE MUST MOVE Hewett; vice-president, Mrs. jette is the wife of a Y's Man,| ae --"'lto encourage and help the Y's THIS MERCHANDISE TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW GUARANTY TRUST OFFICES. THIS IS BUT A SAMPLE OF THE ENOR+ Oe el CORRECTION ! IZ MOUS SAVINGS AVAILABLE DURING OUR "SELL-OUT" SALE. BETTER HURRY! MANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE "ONE-Ofe Mrs. Hewett recalled. the A-KIND'. CONVENIENT TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT YOU. evenis of the past year: the 5 jcard party, the corn roast, a| AS EVERYONE KNOWS... bicep nee = cpg og B ' |prcject that the club had under-| fen the as ea, he NESBITT'S | RADIO - HI-FI - STEREO DESIGN SERVICE ing of the tuck shop at the On- q .|tario Hospital, Whitby on_ the LADIES' WEAR IS AT first Sunday of every month. In| This mew service, under the capoble clesing, Mrs. Hewett said she 33 KING ST. EAST 2 eee an dda dis bead Ls soa 169.95 direction of Miss Joan Douglas Ward, jand the executive looked for- n.s.i.d., provides our clients with floor ward to another successful year| : @ MARCONI HI-FI -- 3 speakers. Limed Oak or Walnut Floor 119,95 ) Floor Consoie, Reg. 199.95. SALE : . of service. | : - a no extra charge. Miss Ward is @ member @ MARCONI PORTABLE STEREO -- Triphonic, 3 speakers, 4-speed 19 Oh automatic. 1962 model. SALE : . ef NATIONAL SOCIETY OF INTERIOR @ MARCONI STEREO CONSOLE (1962) with AM-FM radio. 12-tube 94. QB DESIGNERS, of which there ere only three | performance. Scandinavian Walnut, Reg. 279.95. SALE " other women in Canada holding this plans and professional interior designs et i: @ MARCONI (1961) A.M|-FM STEREO. 13-tube (actual 20-tube performance) Tri- appointment. If you have an_ interior Phonic, Genuine walnut cabinet with 2 satellite speakers included, . Pre-wired, Reg. 439.95. SALE 339,95 decorating problem, coll 728-5153 and @ MARCONI FM RADIOS, 1962 models, 5-tubes, No commercials, Just music, SALE make en appointment through the Decor Lounge of Fine Furniture, @ TRANSISTOR RADIOS -- Marconi 6-transistor, Reg. 39.95 @ TABLE RADIOS from ...ccccccccccccdcccnccccsccccccccccccs REFRIGERATORS @ MARCONI CLOCK RADIOS -- Reg. 30.00. SALE FRIGIDAIRE -- 11 cu. ft. Deluxe 239.95 Reg. 339.95. SALE : PERMANENTS 4 ee He be é TELEVISION SETS KELVINATOR -- 12 cu. ft. Automatic. Moist-cold, ne defrosting ever. 299.95 Magnet door seal. Reg. 409.95. SALE FRIGIDAIRE -- 11 cu. ft. Deluxe 249,95 @ MARCONI 23" T.V. In beautiful solid Scandinavian Walnut. Reg. 342.95. SALE eae - ep , 2 speakers. Hand-carved base. Reg. 399.95. SALE DEFROSTOMATIC -- 11 eu. ft., Moist Cold, 1961, Fully Automatic. 229,95 Py q @ MARCONI BIG 24" TY. (in Cartons). 'twin speakers. Reg. 319.95. SALE . no trade needed. Reg. 449.95. SAVE $150. SALE ............ KORGNABO <_. 14 -cu. FE Flush. Bulliag (nodal 249.95 SUITDRESS ; 4 @ MARCONI 19" PORTABLE TV. 1962 models with built-in aerial, push-button, ROG: SETS. GARE ooo i ey ieee asa ts ewe senee arene en power transformer. Front speaker -- lighted dial, \ CORONADO -- 10 cu. ft., 1961 model. By ANNE ADAMS " euleciinees : 199.95 Only 24" wide. Reg. 239.95. SALE ....s0+00e eer eee 179.95 Keep your 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. THIS WEEK eg @ MARCONI 21" T.V. | 3-speakers, Hi-Fi sound, ook cabinets, "23 actual tubes, ; » - r Be: \| power transformer, tinted glass. Marconi's best set! appointments smartly in this 8 (30-tube performance) Reg. 429.95. SALE : _ 279,95 poised, slender suitdress. Dress 4 i it up or down with jewelry -- yA >" @ ROGERS by PHILIPS -- 23" Crestwood table model, Scandinavian, sew it in tweedy cotton, linen, ey i Reg. 289.95. SALE... fe : 239.95 shantung, sheer wool. Printed Pattern 4992: Misses' E A ae Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 40. Size or Appointment 16 takes 4 yards 35-inch. C iI Send FIFTY CENTS (50c) in a : 6 | TV SET, coins (stamps cannot be ac- j q 00 RANGES & BUILT-INS cepted) for this pattern. Please 728-4351 i print plainly SIZE NAME, AD- bd DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. : 2B silks anih-o.: Ouieitink 'wae oi Send order to ANNE ADAMS, inferior, No fuses needed. Reg. 199.95. SALE c/o The Oshawa Times Pattern | - Dept Oshawa, Ontario MODERN MAID -- Cooking top. 4-burner. Porcelain Coppertone 99 95 : sal finish. Only 21" square, 3" deep. Reg. 149.95. SALE .. " Be e , , NEW THEATRE h CORONADO FULLY AUTOMATIC 30" GAS RANGE -- "No Matches', Oven anabager oi tr rte hanhkhins HAl R STYLI NG PORTABLE DISH WASH ae sath Abss los $100 gas allowance. YOU PAY ONLY 89,95 Be tn Siete theatre 0 : } ERS CORONADO 30" RANGE. Automatic with clock timer, lighted panel, 199,95 for the first new theatre to be drawer, 3-year 'warranty. Reg. 289.95. SALE . is built in London since 1937. It is E 360 KING STREET WEST (CKLB BLDG.) @ KELVINATOR Dishwasher -- Reg. 269.95 199.95 @ FRIGIDAIRE -- 4-burner cooking top. Gleaming brushed chrome. 99Q.Q5 the Prince Charles Theatre in SALE Dial lights. Reg. 169.95. SALE You Can WIN... f | FINE FURNITURE ... SAVE UP TO 50% A $50 Canada Savings Bond THIS IS A SAMPLE OF THE TREMENDOUS FURNITURE VALUES : : "04 ' . @ PEPPLER CHAIR -- Reg. 64.50 e@ HUBER DANISH -- 1-pce. Sofa with three seats, Soft foam rubber Simply fill in the coupon below and send it along with §f ae. , : zipper cathions,, Gold, Reg. 199.98: SALE penises 149,95 i ifi || @ PEPPLER CHAIR -- Reg. 94.50 @ 1 ONLY --MODERN 2-pce. CHESTERFIELD -- SOFA AND CHAIR. A real buy! your dry cleaning order to any of the qualified Dry sate 1 wenn Soe. rine 169.00 Cleaners Listed below. You could be a winner! Draw © PEPPLER CHAIR -- Reg. 99.95 Reg. 239.00, SALE He : ! : SALE 2-pee. CHESTERFIELD SUITE -- tregant Italian Provincial. Foam for December winner to be made January 6th. @ PEPPLER SUITE, 2-pce. -- Beige. rubber zippered cushions, imported. brocade fabric, 3-seater sofa 299 00 Reg. 439.95. SALE with matching chair. Reg. 389.95. SALE 4 é tl © WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. e HA®WOOD CLEANERS | e@ PEPPLER SUITE, 2-pce. -- Reol Saauty sa teicéler: 3-pce. TRIPLE DRESSER SUITE. Swedisn Walnut, masterpiece. aT dresser ' 'anel bed. A FINE SELECTION OF USED Fridges, Washers & Stereos All reconditioned and guaranteed. Tel. MO 8-2345 Tel. WH 2-4443 | Reg. pig SALE ein Maclay 'ial mirror, Chest of drawers, 99.00 | @ LANARK SUITE -- 2-pce. 4-seater, with foam reversible cushions, eg. sha © ALDSWORTH CLEANERS @ PICKWICK CLEANERS Brown, Reg. 299.95. SALE : 239.95 @ 8-pce. DINING ROOM SUITE by Hepsworth. Danish Walnut. Hutch buffet, Tei. 725-1812 Tel, 728-5133 | @ PREMIER FRENCH SUITE, 2-pce. -- Imported Italian fabric. 289. 95 3 side chairs, Captain's chair, Table and extra leaves. 289,95 | f] Reg. 389.95. SALE Reg. 369.95 -- S 80.00. SALE : @ BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS @. TROISTER, 3-pce. Sectional -- Genuine foam rubber zipper cushions 299, 95 e SWIVEL ROCKER poh Nylon cover, removable foam rubber cushion. 59. 95 Tel. MA 3-5520 Tel. WH 2.0310 ' ves . @ AJAX CLEANERS | and back. Char brown. Reg. 399.95. SAVE $100. SALE Reg. 79.95. SALE : @ CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD. Tel. 728-5611 -- <_< «as se se ou Gee oe oe om P.S.--Our New -Location will be the ground floor of our Fabulous Decor Lounge . . . where lower overhead will bring to you the $50.00 CANADA SAVINGS BOND most distinctive furniture at the lowest prices imaginable .. . furniture for those who care enough to buy the finest. 5; P me DRY CLEANERS DRAW | aed : | | | DECOR LOUNGE , | . 32 KING STREET EAST The Dry Cleaners Lavndres Tn (Ontario) : Bee Se eee ee ee ee . ' PHONE 728-51 53 ; end Canadi h of t d & Cleaners i ' Telephone No.

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