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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1962, p. 11

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For Pro HALIFAX (CP) -- Victor Oland, Halifax brewer and for- he's convinced the Maritimes can _ support a_ professional team. "But it would have to be a See Good Prospects Maritimes Centre jadvantage in being a long way) wick." mer hockey team operator, says|from other EPHL cities is more} The big initial problems would |than compensated for by Mari-jbe financing and obtaining a SPORTS CALENDAR ' TODAY'S GAMES HOCKEY OHA Metro Junior "A" League -- Brampton Seven-ups vs Whitby Mohawks, at Whitby Community Arena, 8.30 p.m. OHA Little Big Five Junior "C" League--Alliston at Stouff- ville, 8.30 p.m. Oshawa Minor Assoc. (Midget League) -- Lions vs Kiwanis, at 9.30 p.m., Oshawa Children's Arena, (Bantam League)--Local 1817 vs Civitan, at 8.30 p.m. BASKETBALL Hockey In Humphreys said Halifax's dis-/Cape Breton or New Bruns-| timers' natural hunger for goodifranchise. "Most businessmen hockey. |wouldn't get into it. Anyone While most of the players on|With any brains wouldn't invest Maritime team--not just a Hal-/g professional team would be|two cents in a hockey team. ifax team," Oland said in anifrom outside the Maritimes,|The NHL's lack of interest in interview. 'Humphreys and Oland agree|US down here is another big dents, Coca-Colas vs Engineer Stu- at Simcoe Hall, 9.00 The idea of a pro team for} Halifax, biggest city in the Mar-! itimes, is not new but it has been rekindled this winter as existing senior leagues in the province continue to play before sparse audiences. The idea of a Maritime team, which would) play its home games in a num-) ber of centres, is Oland's and it's new. Oland suggests that half the team's home could be played here, with nearly 300,000 population. The. remainder could be in places such as Moncton, Saint John,~N-B., Charlottetown and! Sydney, N.S. The revival of interest in pro hockey here was touched off by Jack Humphreys, general man- jage~ of Kitchener - Waterloo) Beavers of the Eastern Profes- sional Hcckey League and chief about games a city RODGERS' REWARD Phil Rodgers gets a kiss | day with an amazing final from tournament Queen Luise | round of 62. His 72-hole total Hurd after the 23-year-old pro | of 268 was nine strokes ahead from La Jolla, Calif., won the | of second piace. $45,000 Los Angeles Open Mon- --AP Wirephoto |scout of New York Rangers. jsee a Halifax team. But the! Scheduling would raise diffi-| there likely would be a sprink-| Problem." po ling of homebrews. Humphreys| H. R. Nicholson, manager of} GAMES FOR WEDNESDAY notes there are 24 Maritimers|the 6,000 - seat Halifax Forum,| HOCKE playing in central Canadian|says "There's no doubt Halifax} Oshawa Minor Assoc. (Midget ; | leagues this season, |would support a pro team play-|League) -- Kinsmen vs Local Oland says "'it's just the way|ing in a top league such as the) 222, at 6.30 p.m.; Legion vs Maritimers are" that convinces|Eastern Professional. |Rotary, at 7.30 p.m. and Fire- him the team would have to ke-| "We'd need an angel to carry| fighters vs Navy, at 8.30 p.m.; long to the whole area. "'A guy/it along for a while. Agfranchise| All games at Oshawa Children's from Cape Breton living in Hal-|would cost about $50,000. And|Arena. ifax for 30 years won't go and|players would cost plenty." OHA Lakeshore Intermediate League -- Napanee at Belleville, first time the ydney Million-|cyjties. Oland suggests the Mar-|at 8.30 p.m.; Lindsay at Port aires come to town that guy willl itime team could play games in| Perry, 8.30 p.m. stand up in the rink and holler|serjes as major league baseball! his head off." |teams do. A visiting club: would| One of the discouraging things|play four games in succession| he found as promoter of a projon a Maritime swing, with one) team here several years ago--|game here and the others inj it played in a Maritime league|other parts of the area. --was the attitude of Halifax; A chartered airliner could) fans, "Three - quarters of them|carry beth teams much of the] were cheering for the other/time, thus saving money on| team, and quite naturally. They|travel through the three prov-| probably were from P. E. I. orlinces. | Tigers Defeat Arch Rivals In Sunday night's Pee Wee triple header, at the Children's CROWDS BIG, BUT-- '10-PIN ACTION English Cricketers Fail | Master Arena, St. Gregory Tigers sub- dued their arch rivals, St. Greg- ory's Lions 3-2, while St. John's edged St. Gertrude's 2-1, and St. Mary's soundly trounced Holy Cross 7-1. PULTZ BROS. CLICK For 2nd Place _ jit THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, January 9, 1962 1] UAW LEAGUE Tony's Refreshments one-two punch of netminder Joe Melnick and leftwinger Jackie Sneddon have bounced the Vendors into a first place deadlock with Mer- chants in the UAW Hockey League pennant race. | Tony's, who have been occu- {pants of the second division for most of the campaign, have been the hottest club for the past month Sunday morning Tony's whip- ped Unionaires 7-3 while Mer- chants were upset 5-2 by last place Baker Vending. This cre- ated the tie with each club hav- |ing identical records of 5 wins American Loop Prepares Clubs \For Law Suit SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) -- | American Football League own- were bricfed Monday on r $10,000,000 anti-trust suit against the rival National Foot- ball League. It was the first item of business at their annual meeting. | | 3 losses and 4 draws for. uu points. Unionaires. front +r Goalie And Winger Give Victory Edge points. Keith West has moved into third spot with 23 points. Last year Sneddon won the scor- earlier in the year, are still in the hunt and are only one point off the pace with 13 points. Baker Vending, the loop's door- mats, have been hot since the New Year winning all their games and could decide who will win the pennant in the re- maining three games. Needless to say Tony's suc- cess story can be told in two names, Melnick and Sneddon. Melnick has been superb in the Tony's cage and has taken over undisputed possession of top spot among the goaltenders' goals against averages. ing laurels with 51 points made up of 26 goais and 25 assists. Action resumes this, Sunday morning at the Bowmanville Arena with Merchants hosting Unionaires at 10.00 a.m. while Tony's meet Baker Vending at 11.30 a.m. WLTFA PTS. Merchants Tony's Unionaires Baker Vend. 3 8 1 GOALIES AVERAGES GA SO AVE. Melnick, Tony's In accordance with statistics released this morning, Melnick| has permitted 35 goals in ten} games for a mark of 3:50. Mike} Cirka of Unionaires, league! has dropped to second with an average of 3:67. Sneddon, defending scoring| champ, tops the snipers with 18} |goals and combined with 16 as-| Burke, Tony's sists gives him a league leading} total of 34 points. Nearest rival] is ex-teammate Syd Arnold, of|McPhee, Union |Merchants, with a distant 26'Wright, Merchants 35.0 3.50 Cirka, Union 44 0 3.67 Morden, Merchants 46 0 3.83 Robinson, Baker's. 32 0 4.57 TOP TEN SCORERS leader since the season started,| Sneddon, Tony's Arnold, Merchants West, Tony's McMahon, Merchants 12 9 21 Smith, Merchants 11 11 22 9 12 21 li 919 8 10 18 71118 2 14 16 Myles, Union Middleton, Union Baltimore lawyer Warre n| Baker gave the briefing. The! suit is scheduled for trial in| Baitimore Feb, 19. | Joe Foss, league commis-| sioner, told reporters: '"You) dont' discuss a case like this) "Selling or Buying .. ANY MAKE--ANY MODEL--NEW OR USED . STEW is worth trying" Discount Brake Reline ! Including front wheel bearing re-pok, Philip Pultz' tally with only! five seponds remaining, finished| When it's so close to trial." Impress On India Tour Opens BANGALORE, India (Reut-|Smith, have carried a heavy ers)--The Marylebone Cricket|/burden throughout the tour.! qe Oshawa and District Club's five-month tour of India./Time and again these two did Bowling Association'; third. an- Pakistan and Ceylon is nearing|their utmost to maintain Dex-| 15) «\fasters" Tournament be- its final stretch and though the|ter's pledge to play bright cri- gins this Sunday, January 14 at off a determined Tiger rally. s Tournament Next Weekend @ ici Team' standings -- Russ' City Service (245), G. Reid 586 (202), B.. McCul-|/their previous outing, which 7-61, Doreen's Gang 7-49, Auto-Magic|lough 580 (200), C. Andor 567 (235). F.| ended in a tie. Carwash 5-74, Leftovers 5-60, Eastway|Sobil 561 (211), W. Scott 558, B. Bor- | % i Lanes 5-51, Aces 5-50, Cook's Body Shop|rowdale 552 (204), B. Katocs 542, B.| Tigers were the first to get on 4-70, McHupeels 4-58. Stickpins 3-63, |Hood 537 (234), F. O'Neil 520 (236), J. the scoresheet on a goal by Mike| Sabyan Motor Sales 3-63, Hyman Real|Hroncich 525 and J. Zambonelli 520. English tourists have attracted huge crowds, few of the players have enhanced their reputa- tions. After this week's fifth test against India, which England must win to square the series, the touring team returns to Pa- kistan for two tests and one other game, before paying a brief visit to Ceylon. This tour is recognized as be ing by far the most arduous for English cricketers. Mental and physical weariness result from the ceaseless criss-crossing of th vast Indian continent, with its torrid climate and strange food. LEADERS TRY HARD Tex Dexter, on trial as Eng- land's captain for the all-impor- tant tour of Australia 'next year, and his deputy, Mike cket, but rarely did poe ie! 1:30 p.m., and will run for seven ial eee response. trom the cundays to February 25. This is B i . ... la gruelling test of skill, in which Indian and Pakistani cricket-| Her hur ers, it has long been recognized,|tne entrants Nat eo Pugs ve approach cricket differently)? on five of the ; ee : w]./games, seven Sn coremet Shel Weekends. Only members of this k s. : |Association are eligible with en- cesta mpoan 0 tee amc ca Sanday Yet the average cricket fol-| nm: - si lower in India and Pakistan) The winner of the "Masters does not appear to mind if the|Will receive the Bud Royal matches he watches consistently|Memorial Trophy, a cash prize end in draws. Nowhere else in|2d the right to represent this the world currently does cricket|4istrict in the Ontario Ten Pin draw larger crowds. |\Championships at the expense Wie Arash AS ea toh & OF of the local Association. ae . All scores used in the 'Mas- MCC's visit wi yatched by! We vite 'nen LAGE pettae |ters" are scratch but additional) more than for. the whole of the|Ptizes will be given each week 1961 English domestic season. ered gaat Paice prions Attendance for the entire tour 4 re Pane we hp +t a . could be more than 2,000,000. cdl Mah cca Nat A atadialabite Ue 9 Sterlings Knob Hill Series Sierling Button and Pleating bowiers took a firmer hold on second place when they won all five games from Knob Hill Bow] at their home alleys last Satur-| day afternoon. For the first time, the Ster- ling team appeared to be. work-; ing to perfection with the right bowlers coming through at the rignt time and winning the close ons whenever necessary. How-| ever, even with the five-point win, Sterlings were unable to make any gain upon the leader! McGuinness as they also won) five games so that Sterlings are| stiil six points out of first place. Ihe first game was taken by Sterlings with 1,160 against Knob Hill 938 and in this game good bowling was provided by Mike Paulo 250, Ballam 242 and Orva) Brown 234 and for Knob} Hili Bill Garrard was the only one able to bowl over 200, bow!l- ing 205. The second game was really close up to the ninth frame and} it was in the ninth and tenth frames that Sterlings pulled away, winning it with 1,257 against 1,160. In this game, Herb Donaldson came up with a beautiful 308 and Orval Brown} 291. For Knob Hill it was Glen McLean 312 and Ed. Holland 263. Stcrlings won the third game with 1,136 against 1,010 and it was Mike Paulo with 286 and Herb Donaldson 235, For the op- position it was Pritchard 243 and Holiand 239. The fourth was taken by a score of 1,153 against 998: and! for Sterlings it was Mike Paulo 298, ron Swartz 235 and Orval Brown 233. For Knob Hill it was ,4 Pritchard 271 and Garrard 264. The final game was also taken! by Sterlings with 1,263 against} 1,203 and the final game was not! decided until the last frame when Orval Brown came through with a 344 followed by| Paulo 253 and Ballam 237. For! Kncb Hill it was Garrard 291,| Pritchard 244 and DeGras 241. Totals -- Sterling 5,969; Knob| Hill 5,309. | It was ironical that Knob Hill) hac their lowest score on their} own home alleys but just simply cond not get going. and when! they did, Sterlings were just} tha' much better. The Sterling} team as a whole bowled better than they have bowled for some time On the day Mike Paulo fimshed with a beautiful 1,328 for five games (250, 241, 286, 298, 253), followed by reliable Orval Brown with 1,306 for five games (234, 291, 204, 233, 344); | Herb Donaldson 796 for 35 fYames (308); Harold. Ballam 958 for 44 frames; Manning |section -- jtournament manager, Bill Bax- ter. Bill's phone is 723-4237. BOWLERS OF WEEK This week's top bowlers are Judy Baxter and Mike DiCesaro.| jJudy rolled a.very nice 530 triple in the Eastway Mixed |League, to earn the honor, while Mike turned in a sparkling 639 jeffort in the Eastway Major League to cop the award. A big 245 game featured Mike's score. WOODVIEW PARK MIXED led at Eastway Bowl or from Sweep Swartz 537 for 24 frames and Harry Gillard 492 for 21 frames. *y1 the losing team no one stood out and it was Ed Holland whv led the way with 1,067 for 47 trames; Pritchard 963 for 42; The first section .ended De- frames; Garrard 962 for 45\cember 26, with the Jets and frames and McLean 888 for 42| Aces tied with 36 points each. frames. The Aces were declared win- fhere are two weeks left foriners, because of the higher the balance of this series and|pjinfall next week will find Sterlings! taking on their local rivals Peo- th pie's Clothing at Aprile Lanes. BOWLING NEWS COF LEAGUE It looks as if our bowlers were get- ting back in stride again as the better scores indicate and two great 300's) OTHER HIGH SCORES were rolled. So congratulations to Molly 5 DP pi Hartshorn with a good 307 giving her a/CUrt Russell 537, Joan O'Brien triple of 722 (233, 307) and to Joe 412, Audrey Parker 406. Flynn 311. r al : : a : ' TEAM STANDINGS -- Stick- Swarts G64 2%, a3); Ant Pountng oot ers 4, Jets 3, Selects 1, Aces 0. (281, 211); Arm Greene 650 (243, 216);| LEADING AVERAGES -- Bill Ev Stata 644 (227, 240); Josie Brown Clark 156 and Marg Germond 1127. The second section started is week, with the Stickers \blanking the Aces 4 to 0, and the Jets taking a 3 to 1 deci- jsion from the Selects. | Bill Clarke returned from his recent injury to roll the new men's high triple for the season, a nice 551. 625 (216, 224); Flo Tippett 620 (216, 240), Wes Stata 602 (231). 200's--Don Robinson 242, Doug Kerr| 255, John Gatenby 235, Jim McConkey 234, Ewart Carswell 233, Dorothy Mc- 9 OT Donald 227, Nell Gifford 2%, Norm|,,D0U8S Barber Shop scoyed O'Reilly 214, 224, Lorene Smith 210, their second consecutive shutout Al Smith 207, Horace Hartshorn 207,)in the new section to take the Marjorie Carswell 205, Lew Dervent/sarly lead 205, George Morgan 206, Winnie Killen} 4 202, 209; Vie Pratt 201, 204; Joyce Bell! Danny Thomson and Zena 201, Rose Kehoe 200; Dick Stata 200. |Mandiuk were this week's high This section could be a close one|howlers. as the points show, so it looks as if fe there might be some keen competi- High Scores --,D. Thomson 557 (224), tion in the next two weeks. It could be |Harry Joyce 527 (200), M. DiCesaro 526 that the two low teams could upset the | (205). A. Rose ag ¢ (318), D. Dyce Sal, whole applecart. Hitters 3, Toppers 0; | Babcock 516, N. Differ 512, J. Lee Stoppers 3, Untouchable 3 Jet: | ' seeeet Flops 2. Smarties is Aces 2|. Women: Z. Mandiuk 502, H. Muzik 485 Imps 1. Standing as of now for this B. Differ 454, S. Bowers 438, N. Magee Hitters 15, Jets 14, Flops |420> H. Reynolds 429, G. Murphy 427, M. Potts 424, C. Burnie 414, D. Clements }413 and B. Thomson 412 Team Standings -- Doug's Barber Shop 14, Jim Dandies 12, Satan's EASTERN CANADA CHAMPIONSHIPS Angels 12, Henderson Block 12, Morri All local five-pin bowlers are remind-|*0".* ge tn dec wish Re ae ph ft the Easters Canada Champion.|P#1s 9, The Flintstones 9, The Big Six ships both Ladies and Men's Divisions|tsite's° Car's Barber chon span Siero sede underway bin gary Down Flyers 2, Scugog Cleaners 2, Val- Saturday, January 13th, Sunday Janu.) ~ sae . ary 4th, Saturday, January 20th and| "*¢ Beauty Salon 2, Raymore Lid. 0 finally Sunday, January 2ist. The Qualifying Rounds will consist f a_fiv EASTWAY MIXED LEAGUE Vv block, with 25 t ; getreute cagtviag tar the City There will be a general meet- z inations, based on total pin-jing of the league on Wednes- all av Handicaps will be allowed in th day, Jan. 17 at 8 p.m. and all e 5 qualifying round, which means that the Members are urged to be pres- lower average bowlers will have an ent. opportunity to pick up some of the ' prizes which will be awarded. George Reid was City Zone Eliminations must be con-|bowler with 583, cluded on or before Sunday, Feb. 18th and the Eastern Finals will be held in Baxter turned in Hamilton on March 10 and 1ith at the best, a fine 530. Sherwood Lanes. Results -- Russ' City Service 7 300's A gala Sunday evening banquet will 0, Doreen's Gang 7, John's Garage 0, be held at the Sheridan Connaught Eastway Lanes 5, Spooks 2, Auto-Magic Hotel for the Eastern Canadian Cham-|Carwash 5, Hyman Real Estate 2, Left- pions in all events, Men's and Ladies/overs 5, Collpeel's 2, Aces 5, The Singles, Ladies and Men's Teams and|Dillys 2, McHupeels 4, Stickpins 3, Mixed Team. Cook's Body Shop 4, Sabyan Motor The first place winners of each event Sales 3 will be flown to Saskatoon via TCA) High Scores -- G. Reid 583, (214, 204), for the All-Canadian Championships |G. Taylor 570 (221), G. Turner 556, F to be held Easter Weekend. Return| Wallace 523 (203), E. Mothersill 523 plane flights and Hote] accomodations | (212), B. McHugh 501 will be paid for over a 4-day period,, Women -- J Baxter 530, O. Gunn 515, commencing Saturday, April 21st. M. Peake 488, D. Vann 482, I. Cyr 465, The Bowling Proprietors' Association J. Peel 460, M. McHugh 450. will take care of all expenses and total) Leading averages -- G. Reid 183, G. cash awards will exceed $7,400.00 Turner 175, J. Houlding 168, B. Me- All bowlers are urged to contact the Hugh 164, D. Cole 163, G. McCormack management at both Motor City Lanes 163 and M. Johnson 160 and Oshawa Shopping Centre Lanes for Women -- O. Gunn 166, D. Vann 158, OSHAWA MIXED LEAGUE 14, Imps 12, Aces 12, Smarties 10, Stop- pers 10, Jams 9, Toppers 5, Untouch- ables 4 of the Zone Eli again while the top Judy ladies' Official entry. blanks and all the neces- J. Cyr 151, B. Grant 150, M. Taylor 149, Swartz 552 for 26 frames; Ron\sary intormation y ¥ iJ. Peel 149 and F. Bouckley 148. Estate 2-49, Collpeel's 2.43, The Dillys| Final Standings -- Corvettes 53%, | ~ 2-34, Spooks 2-70, 300's 0-59, John's Ga-/Sjapsticks 41, Nathan Sunoco 38, Bomb- | © O'Vonnell, only to have the lead hange hands before the period ~_ With Trimmers | standing effort. rage "0-42 Jers 3344, WaHoos 22 and Washouts 15. [ended on goals by Allan Leading Averages -- Mike DiCes#ro/Cavanagh and Paul McAllister. -ACTIVAY MEN? "1 180, G Reid 178, John Waldin- EASTWAY MEN'S LEAGUE specuer 377, Walt Scott 177, Bill Bor | it looked as if this slim mar- gin was going to hold up for the HI-LITES -- Black's score an-|rowdale 176, Mickey DiCesaro 176 an other shutout to retain league|Frank Sobil 175. ' " lead. . Parker Electric and! LADIES' CLASSIC LEAGUE |Liors but David Pultz evened Goch Supertest also pick up four) The Danes jumped into second the count late in the final pointers. Frank Smegal place with their four point shut-| period. A penalty called against tops with 580, with Bill Welsh out over the Goofers as Doris|tne Lions in the last minute of right behind with 577... .John)yann's 491 made the big dif-|piay paved the way for brother hig ado 'hye yeh ges 4 ference. Kathy Franklin helped|Philip's winning marker. the new high single with handi-|the Dachshunds move back into cap. first place with a 3-1 victory ST JOHN'S EVEN SCORE perceults, <--, Goch | Supertest s. Lesiover the Poodles. The Boxers ht Mgt wah a count 'veniss Sales 0; Black's } : a Ase. "|handed the Terriers a 3-1 set-;With St. Gertrude's on the sea- ( Eights 0; Parker Electric 4, Mc- ; : Laughlin Fuels 0; Dumont Aluminum 3,|back as Isabelle Cyr came| sti s play, as they smacked by Blue Boys 1; Mackie's Van and Stor-lihrough with some excellent|#cin in a well played game. Pct" Gosia Maes SURE sores for the winners. |The Whitby boys had lst to St. daille Industries 1; Cadillac Hotel 3,| | Hish Scores: i ML Bag lmed br bot - a peed Rr ga Progress Brand Clothes 1. , 160), Isabelle Cy ¥ is season. The first period saw i rs iF Klin 433 (171), M: Mothy ill 414, . piigh, Scores -- F. Smegal 900 (207), Fa atey Beeching 31k Dawe Coulee eh team' score nay Nae ah Pedro Pi pghelvg |MeGee scoring for St. John's S * 405 and Mary Cole 403. McHugh 549, R. Sennott 546 (200), L. A A . aaa Hall 542, J. Spencer 539, R. Milne $38,|,,St#ndings -- Dachshunds 33, Danes/ang Rickey Dignem hitting for St. Gertrude's. Reliable John 3 ; 3244, Terriers 32, Poodles 27, Boxers L 3 (203), R. . > gonoe 3 (203), R. Geroge 530 and 22%4 and Goofers 22. : : sf : Te sta | -- Isabelle Cyr| Hay came thr i in- Team 'Standings Mary Mothersill 145,| y through with the win 5 was a move, the suit charged, aimed at putting the Ameri-/ can League's Dallas Texans out of business. | ) | | | ARCHIE SIGNS | LOS ANGELES (AP)--Light-| heavyweight champion Archie Moore agreed Monday to meet) Argentina heavyweight Alejan-| dro Lavoranie in a 10 - round fight in the Los Angeles Sports Arena in late March. | | | ning marker, late in the final) veried, | ST. MARY'S ROLL ON St. Mary's continued to traiuple the opposition, as they ran their unbeaten: streak to| eight games -- this time it was| at the expense of Holy Cross.) St Mary's goals were divided) among Dermot O'Brien, John) Nickeils, Gary McCormack, | Tony Flontek, Paul Noonan,! |Tommy Dart, and Robert Beau- | pre. Lawrence Wry scored for} | Hoty Cross to spoil John Kasu-' beck's bid for a shutout. : Bonded lining on all four wheels 1 2.95 DISCOUNT PRICES ON REPAIRS CLASS "A" MECHANIC! DISCOUNT GAS ¢3'octene Per Got 36.9 (BRAND NAME) DISCOUNT OF OIL CHANGE Clean, '55 CHEV. "56 RAMBLER CUSTOM SEDAN INE, radio, very clean cor ...00-. HARDTOP, outstanding '54 FORD CUSTOML! '83 OLDS No down payment to responsible Adults! CASH FOR YOUR CAR, LIENS PAID OFF! STEWART M 822 KING ST. W. -- Call 725-1667 Anytime original Qt. Cons ..... 49¢ 1.94 *495 *395 *295 *295 eeeneeeceees reliable, Six condition ....0.. OTOR SALES ' ' Leading Averages ; _--_ Black's Men's 147, Mary Cole 146, Wear 26, Parker Electric 23, Cadillac/poris Vann 145, Kathy Franklin 145, Hotel 22, Art's Vending 20, Goch| Fairley Bouckley 141 and Norma Supertest 20, Dumont Aluminum 19,|Magee 140. | Mackie"s Van and Storage 18, Progress | LANDER - STARK CLASSIC Brand Clothes 17, Robinson Motors 17, Les Eveniss Sales 17, McLaughlin Fuels 13, Jokers 12, Houdaile Industries ®. CAPSULES--After this week's Boys 7. jgames the Jets, Royals and| |Regents are all tied at the top| EASTWAY MEN'S MAJOR (with identical 29 won 22 lost This week completed. the first|records. . . . The Royals lost. section with the Corvettes breez-|the chance to go ahead by drop- ing in easy winners with 5314|ping a game to the Lions by one points. pin. .. . The Falcons scored the Mike Di-Cesar - night's only shut-out as_ they new year in pic eae wie g|make their bid to get back into) fine 639 triple, featuring a\the first division. ... John dandy 245 single. |Waldinsperger and Bill Borrow- dale topped the league, rolling Results -- WaHoos 4, Washouts 0; (excellent scores over 600... . Corvettes 4, Slapsticks 0; Nathan|Harry Hutcheon will be lost: t Pune 2 DARere A \the Royals for five or six weeks High Scores ~-- M. DiCesaro &r. due to a recent injury to his| hand. . . . Capable John Hould-| Dunn's Tied jing will replace Harry on the roster for that period. . . Gecrge Turner has joined th ninth .place Flyers and should give them a lift. | | Results -- Falcons 3, Flyers 0; Lions | A ».|2, Royals 1; Regents 2, Jets 1; Colts | In the first game, Dunn's)2' ragies 1 and Chiets 2, Hawks 1. came out on top with 5-2 score.| High Scores -- John Waldinsperger | Nickelson got two goals while/|617 (211, 208), Bill Borrowdale 602 (232, sin cic Pe we Mg , sag og Bill Grant 576 (206), Ken Gunn sing nt to LOcke.|572 (209), George Reid 572 (203), Bill Cochrane, and Collins. Hall and/Potts 564 (210), Charlie Andor 557 (203), | Cawker were th ts George Harding 546, Jim Lamont 544) of the Acadian goal get eT | (901) and Gord McCormack 543 (200), eam. | Standings -- Jets, Royals, Regents, Duplate and Trimmers played|Colts, Chiefs, Falcons, Eagles, Lions, a close game with two Ue inl yen, eee | Se © 'wo goals IN| Leading Averages -- George Reid 185, | the dying minutes giving Trim-|Mike DiCesaro 182, Doug Keeler 181, mers' a 5-3 win. Brian and/Jobn Waldinsperger 180 and Ralph Y : ie (O'Reilly 180. oung picked up three points, | two goals and an assist, and) |K. McPhee got the other goal) for the winners. Scoring for! Duplate were Layton, Mason,| and Planke with a sole effort. | Hoy's lost to the mighty Kin-| loch team on a disputed goal/ 4-3. Kinloch's never had aj chance to get untracked but/23, of Victoria, ranked No. 1 Ca- penalties kept Hoy's on the de- i fensive most of the game.!} |Fitchett starred for Kinloch's,| getting two goals and an assist Susan Butt, Tennis Champ, | TORONTO (CP)--Susan Butt, | } i national tournament tennis. F | Miss Butt declined invitations while singles went to Miller and) to play in Yugoslavia, Gases Malloy. Hoy's goaltender,/pianca, North Africa and India. | Gutsole, put in another out-| She said: | ; : "I figured now that I have! iy sheraia 45 (Played on the centre court at! owes and /.!Wimbledon last June, played all] : over Europe, the Middle East, | W LT F A Pts.|the United States and the Carib-| 0 82 27 16 |bean, I'll call it quits while I'm| : zn 52 ahead of the game. 0 a . She plans to intern as a clin- 0 34 53 ical psychologist in Vancouver 38 60 in May. seine COMING January 2/th Scorers for the Clark, B. Jackson. Kinloch's Trimmers Dunn's Duplate Hoy's Acadians 0 4 4 4 5 | 8 8 6 6 2 1 6 REGULAR SERVICE POLICY OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED Join In The Maintenance Work 1962 WINTER WORKS Remodelling -- Repairing -- Redecorating DOIT NOW! Men and Materials are Available WHY WAIT 'TIL SPRING? No Payments Until June! Our Home Modernization Division will complete the job for you OR... We will supply all the necessary materials for the Do'lt- Yourselfer. LIMITED All Services Available At HEAD OFFICE & SHOWRQOM--COURTICE 728-1611 THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE--728-1617 { Where You May Buy Lumber « CASH & CARRY nd Building Matérials 3 Ways Oshawa Wood Products or our location in CASH & DELIVERY cel ceed

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