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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jan 1962, p. 9

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FOWL ANG GDS ae eons ome" aes mea tate mane: ae THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Jenuery 10, 1962 9g THE STARS SAY by ESTRELLITA For Tomorrow Today should be the time for you to push ahead with impor- tant projects, since there are fine indications for accomplish- ment in both job and financial simatters. Be alert to all oppor- tunities to advance now. Don't expect too much along social ANN LANDERS Can Son, Stepson Have Same Names? Dear Ann Landers: I married,ana two girls in the car which a man who was married park be eight of us. Somebody/|lines. He had a son by that marriage|suggested a ride to Shorty's for| If tomorrow is your birthday, whom he named Junior. The|hush-puppies. Well you know how boy is now 11 years old andjeasy it is to forget about time lives in another state with his|when you're having fun. When 1 i Self - discipline will pay off during November and creative ideas, backed up by practical methods in carrying them out, should ultimately yield fine re- sults. Late December will be fine from a financial stand- point; should help you start 1963 on the right footing. A child born on this day will very likely take things as they! come and bounce right back) after disappointments. your horoscope indicates a pro- ductive year, but a great deal will depend on your co-operation with superiors, partners and business associates -- especially during July and September. Where personal matters are concerned, romance and social activities will be favored in late June, August and November, and domestic concerns will be od Shoppings leasure HERE Glecoff SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON S. OSHAWA - SPECIALS! 'Thurs. ~ Fri. « Sat. BUTTER" °" u. 65* CIGARETTES «act carron 3.09 BREAD "St" Que 37? PLUMS coe |= ts' 1.00 under fine aspects during the same period. mother. I got home it was 12:05 a.m. S| We are expecting our first|My father was on the porch. "= \child in May. If it's a boy my| He was wild. My mother was husband wants to name him Ju-|aiready in bed with two tran- nior. I told him it would not be | quilzi proper. He replied in anger, "Proper shmopper, it's our own business and other people couldn't care less." It's true we never see his other family and have nothing whatever to do with them. In fact his former wife refuses to accept support money or gifts for the boy. My husband hasn't secn the child in seven years and says he feels nothing for hin. pills. He exploded when he saw eight kids in the car! and said we were breaking the} law and could have landed in jail. He said he was just about to cali the police and have them leok for me. | I tried to explain that I just forgot to call home but nobody weuld listen. Please help me.--| IN SOLIDARY | Dear In: "Forgot" is no ex-) planation. It's an excuse. Two| Under the circumstances what| weeks in solitary is not severe) +\do you advise?--TORN \punshment considering the} "| Dear Torn: Sorry--Only one|agony you caused your parents. | Junior to a generation and your|Sit it out and think it over. huspand has used up his quota. | identically named cousins are | bad enough, but two Juniors] GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES create real confusion and even COUPLES' CLUB legal problems. My advice is to |come up with another name. PHONE MANNERS Ucar Ann Landers: In refer-| The regular meeting of the St.| ence -to your questions and an-|7 yke's Couples Club was held| swers on telephone etiquette I) 5, Saturday, January 6. . The| do not agree. members met at the church and I believe it is rude to ask an) proceeded to the Motor City unknown person "Who is this?" Rowling Alleys for an evening 1 especially resent it when a of bowling. A short business meeting was held upon return- ing to the church. The president Mr. Adam Morris presided. It DURING OUR STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE Clip and bring this ed with yeu during this sole and you will be allowed 1.00 off frien Ser' any purchase over 5.00. RECORDS Reg. Value up to 4.98 1,98 HI + FI Big VANGUARD CAMERA KIT Includes . . + Flash Gun, Ever- ready Batteries, G.E. Bulbs, Ged- get Boag ond FREE. Kodak Film for 1 year. Reg. 18.95 Now 8.95 Limited Offer NOW Masterseal RECORDS 12". name artists ot @ truly reasonable price. Reg. 3.98. ONLY 1.49 SPECIAL GIFTS lf you clip this ad and present it on purchase of 15.00 and over. Daughters of Mr. and Mrs. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee Bishop, Sunset ave- | E. F. Lowery and Mr. and nue, are Jane Ann, four years | Mrs. Frank Bishop, all of old, and Lisa Marie, one. | Oshawa. Jane and Lisa are the grand- --Photo by Ireland All Swiss Made Gents or Ladies WATCHES Large voriety, 2 year guarantee, Free ex- es racelet during our January Store- pa Wide Clearance Sele. 5 45 ond ESPECIALLY DISCOUNTED .. ® up LADIES' HAIR DRYERS Ronson, Torcan, Samson, beam, Dominion. UP TO 50% SAVINGS TRANSISTORS -- ALL SIZES Special -- 9% volt battery redler tach ..... 498 12¢ Flashlight ond Pentlight Table and Travel Betteries. EACH ALARM CLOCKS 5 Yeor Guarantee 40% OFF "Price" dv SIHL di15 NYLONS CLOCK & MANTLE RADIOS HI-FI & F-M RADIOS The Biggest Var- jety and The Lowest Price. rrom 9,99 15-0Z. TINS Panties, Lace trimmea 3 for 1.00 All lace helf slip end 6-0Z. TINS chi'd asks me this before calling his mother or father to the was decided that the club would attend the St. Mark's Couple's CHILD GUIDANCE telephone. In my opinion it is Club Snow Ball on January 26. Mother Asks How To Deal With Child's Officious Manner risus sity' e's Refreshments were served by the hosts of the evening Mr. and By G. CLEVELAND MYERS jthey repeat the alleged offense,|a message. : When there are guests in the|then deal with them as you see} My husband is on your side. family we parents and grand-'fit. |He always -- to know _ parents may have an officious} study this girl and curb her|iS Calling. When I refuse to as ' way of answering for a child possiness vail got her playmates|he gets mad. I say a person's Mrs. Ross Smith and Mr. and when a question asked by alwhen they are in your home,|Mame is his private property|Mrs. Fred Smith. | guest is one he could easily an-/she probably tries to decide|and if he doesn't wish to pass} The next meeting will be held swer for himself. Who of us has| what they ali will do next. Help|it around that's HIS business.}on March 3. Mr. and Mrs. Stev- not been guilty? her find satisfaction from her|Please reconsider. -- MINOR-|en Melnichuk and Mr. and Mrs. If you have made public ad-jown skills and achievements. |!TY Fred Upshaw will have charge of this meeting. CONNAUGHT PARK AUX. The regular meeting of Con-| naught Park Ladies Auxiliary) dresses on rearing of children,|Ruiid on her strengths. Gener-| Dear Min: Sorry, but a per- some members of the audience|ouysly compliment her when she|son's name becomes the busi- may have gathered about you/shows consideration for the|ness of whomever he calls, since at the end of bei sag gg rights and feelings of others. THAT party is the one whose you some questions. , | " privacy is being impinged upon. a person in this small group/PARENTS' QUESTIONS Mit takes little added effort to|was held recently in the club-| may, when you are asked a| Q. I understand that say: "This is Hortense Cabot|house with the vice-president] question, quickly give an an-/UNESCO's Study Abroad lists| ailing", before you ask, "Is|Mrs. John McQuade presiding. | swer for you. How exasperated|more than 115,000 individual op- Mrs Lodge at home?" J Roll call showed 9 members| you and the questioner feel| portunities for free travel and)* : present. Treasurers report was given| by Mrs. John Poch. Card report} given showed that six get-well) cards had been sent. | Mrs. Ernest Burrus won the} then! |study in 115 countries. How may|-GROUNDED' 2 WEEKS lucky draw prize. ) I vividly remember a certain|! get further information? Dear Ann: Please help me. The next meeting will be in the form of a: Valentine Party.| L A &B Di Ou After a penny sale was con-| a * w ® a deserved and effective rebuke I} A. From International Hand-|My parents are grounding me once got from my father. A|book, International Publications|for two weeks and I'm going ducted refreshments were) served by Mrs. Ray Morphy! 9 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA 728-9521 guest had asked him his opinion Service, 18 E. 33rd Street, New| Stir crazy. and Mrs. Murray Gillies. SOUND MOVIE KIT Automatic Camere 49.95 Zoom Projector . Transister Tepe Recorder .. 34.95 Total 144.85 FREE film and tape with the pur- chase of kit. SEWING MACHINES Remington-Fully 59,95 Automatic jag Zig Zeg also available Tape Recorders Largest Variety, bettery op- erated. Exclusive. 34,95 FROM . : BINOCULARS Precision Optics. All sizes available, featherweight. uP TO 35% DISCOUNT Imported Carpets Original Oriental 59.95 Design. 9 x 12' rug iNOA HLIM LI ONIN GNV YORK, WHOLE pare CREAM su , CORN CHOICE TINS 1.00 CLARK'S, RICH BROWN PORK & BEANS 1.00 OLD SOUTH, FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 1.00 TOMATO JUICE 2': 53° MARGARINE 4»: 1.00 FROSTED, 25's - 40's - 60s or 100's -- Reg. 26¢ each Light Bulbs cx" 5 + 1.00 SARDINES °"""" 3x 25* LIQUID DETERGENT ™ 2 =: 95* SUGAR GRANULATED | 0 she 83° YORK, FROZEN -- CHICKEN, TURKEY or BEEF MEAT PIES 3 ron 79° FRESH AND SMOKED _ THAT MAKE THE MEAL! a am AR RA A CLIP THIS AD AND BRINGIT WITH YOU! Electric Shavers Largest Variety, all makes. uP TO 35% DISCOUNT STAINLESS STEEL COOKWARE Hond er Automatic Mixers. UP TO 40% DISCOUNT Brand Name TOASTERS, ELEC. TRIC FRY PANS, STEAM IRONS, COFFEE PERCOLATORS All At The Lowest Price In Oshewo on a matter and before my .| Last Monday night my girl father had time to reply, 1|¥°rk 16, New York, $3.25. This/rriend and I went to the library. butted in with an answer. My/also may be found in most pub-|Just as the library was closing father's rebuke caused me for/lic libraries. we met some fellows from months afterwards to reflect on| school and they offered to drive how rude I was. - us home. A Massachusetts mother There were two more fellows writes of her daughter, eight, who has the habit of butting in on similar occasions. OFFICIOUS DAUGHTER The sale that all Oshawa waits for . . . at Erwinnes "Our eldest daughter, eight, has to put her word in every time someone speaks. My hus- band will say something and she'll inquire what he's talking about or give her advice before I can answer. She'll also take over when one of the other two children, six and three, does something wrong. She'll punish them as though she were a mother, or insist that I punish) them then and there when she| tattles on them." My reply, in part: That eldest | daughter of yours has not yet learned to respect the rights of others in the family. | When she butts in as you are} talking to your husband or an other person ,rebuke her. If she repeats this offense, have her sit in a chair in another room, | unamused, for half an hour. | Decisively make clear to her) that she must mind her own business and not rebuke or pun- ish the other children. When she does, apply effective punishment to her. When she tattles on them, say nothing, do nothing. Don't reward her tattling by punishing them. Just be more vigilant' to catch them when WIFE PRESERVER Food spill-overs on an electric range can be burned off the coils, using high heat. When cool suck or blow out charred par- ticles with flat tool attachment of vacuum cleaner. SLEEPWEAR Printed Flannelette Pyjamas a. vei eeceeer cca ee 2.49 100% Opaque Nylon Gowns 2 for "ae Wardrobe | By ANNE ADAMS Sew one skirt to match, one to contrast with the brief jacket -- this clever trio is the basis of a wardrobe of changes for a junior miss with a lively life. Printed Pattern 4947: Junior Miss Sizes 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. Size 13 jacket 2% yards 35-inch; slim) skirt 1% yards; flared 344 yards. | Send FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat-| Long and Shortie. 1 5 eees e Sorry! Sizes S and M only Baby Dolls and Capri Pyjamas be a ae ey ayes S. M. and L. c n pink, blue, yellow and mint green. . Ys " NOW 1.59 two pair for 3.00 SLIPS 1.59 3.00 ARNEL SLIPS Full and half in colors .. Reg., 2.98 & WOOL SKIRTS Plain and plaids, Wonderful Buys, Sorry not all sizes. 1.99 & WOOL SKIRTS Completely Reversible Sizes 10 to 12 only. er 4 yy Reg. 19.98. .. JO-MAC SKIRTS ... $6.98 AND OTHER FAMOUS MAKES ALL GREATLY REDUCED SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS 97° Breakfast BACON rurrxs. SIDE PORK => =». 49 SIDE PORK «irc: ss BP SIDE BACON ic' =u. 498 BEEF CHUCK ROAST ». 45° LEAN, BLADE or THICK RIB u. 99° ROAST of BEEF COOKED HAM «i: u 89° Macaroni, Cheese Loaf or Chicken Roll 'co' uv. 49* EGETABLES > FRUITS; POTATOES ""* 'i 99 FOR JUICE FLORIDA ORANGES... 35* LARGE WHITE ¢ EACH 25 CAULIFLOWER 6-T. BASKET 59° Kameo-Knit Ban-Lon Cardigans 4.98 In all sizes and colors. Reg. 16.95 tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. OSHAWA CUSTARD PIE BAILEY FOODS LID. AJAX THE FOOD SHOP OSHAWA AND WHITBY PLAZA WEST HILL Specials: Thursday, Friday, Saturday SPECIAL 49« Made with fresh eggs and milk NYLON QUILTED DUSTERS In pastel shades. Sizes S. M. and L. Seseseeess Now 0,98 Short Sleeve Pullover To Match Long Sleeve Pullover Reg. 14.95 SABLE SLIMS Wool merino worsted slims. Discontinued plaids. .. NOW 2.99 SIZES 14 TO 20 $98 T BLOUSES Some counter soiled, drip and dry cotton, nylon end terylene, -- and colors. Sizes 10 to OFF RE PRICE 20% SPY APPLES SPECIALS toting sane MEN'S SPEED STICK -- Reg. 1.00 STOPETTE DEODORANT SUGAR BAGS "**"" NYLONS LADIES', SEAMLESS oan 69« INK WATERMAN'S es aa 23¢ 3-RING REFILLS "*** sees cscs 19° ror 878 3 ron 95* PHILLIP'S -- Reg. 30c Milk of Magnesia Tablets ** 4, 238 6 VAPORUB or VA-TRO-NOL sow 50° 25¢ SIZE VICK'S -- Reg. 64c FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES 3,., 29° APPLE CREAM TARTS = 4,0, 27¢ FOR QUALITY,, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. ERWINNE SIMCOE ST. S. SPECIALTY SHOP * OPEN TO 10 P.M. DAILY @ SHOP & SAVE at GLECOFF'S 723-7421

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