pe gg ater 27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Reol Estate For Sole |27--Reol Estate for Sale #500 DOWN, new house, one NHA mort- fage, mahogany woodwork ggg three bedrooms, on ravine lot. ments $105 monthly, taxes pip = MO 8-8734. FIVE room house and bath, in Oshaw; $500 down, $6,800 full price. mrelephone 635-4850. SCHOFIELD: AKER LIMITED 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 MARY STREET a 000 -- 5-room brick -- 2-bedroom bungalow. The following items ore new within the last 3 years. New roof, new 3-pc. both, new forced hot air oi! furnace. Monthly payment on 1 open mortgage 0.00. Cash price $8,200. For further detoils, call Bill McFeeters, evenings, 725-1726 EXTRA GOOD VALUE A wonderful buy in an 8- room brick 2/2-storey home, located in a prestige area. A charming living room, over 21' long family-size dining room, and modernized 29--Automobiles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale CALL 723-1133 FOR A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE CARL OLSEN REALTOR 19 ATHOL ST. W., OSHAWA FOR SALE or RENT Owner transferred. 6-room dwelling, 2 baths, rec-room, attached goroge. Built in 1958 -- on a large land- scaped ravine lot -- Lynde- view' Drive. 6% N.HA. mortgage. Cash to mort- gage. Asking $135/month rent Patrick G. McDaniells _ Real Estate Broker Whitby MO 8-2311 LOOK ! - $600.00 BUNGALOW, five rooms and bath, % PONTIAC four door sedan, good or $175 or best offer, acres, chicken house 3,000 $13,000, $3,000 down, 655-4703. Apply 300 Montrave Avenue, Apt. 2. $850 DOWN buys this lovely three year old six room bungalow in Whitby, close to schools and bus. Owner moving to) T; JEEP 1947 four wheel drive, hydraulic snow blow, best FULL length muskrat coat, size good condition. Telephone 728-5710. 1, GREATEST January furniture clear- prize busters while they last. Five only high grade chesterfield suites, ance, after 6 p.m. 725-3993, nylon Toronto. Must be sold, For call Les Hall evenings 728-5513. Scho- field-Aker Ltd., 360 King Street West, Oshawa. Telephone 723-2265. $500 DOWN, five rooms, heat, close to schools, garage, ge, "ol i964 METPOR Niagara ee ay in A-l shape, $350. Telephone 723-2194. 1932 CHEVROLET half-ton ie UP, in| fair condition. Good tires, $165 cash.| nd | Telephone 728-1593 after 4. | transportation. $7,500 full price, $70 a month, low taxes, immediate posses- 'sion. Dougias L. Gower Realtor 728-4651. PRIVATE sale, five room brick bunga- low, north east section, Beverly Street. Terms arranged, Telephone 725-6398. for | appointment, | §10,600--82,000 DOWN for six-room, Ii | storey home, convenient to St. Greg- jory's, on Alma Street. Home has large |living room, large kitchen with plenty lof cupboard space, also room and bath on main floor, two bedrooms up. Dry basement, oil heating, garage. Schofield-Aker Real Estate. Telephone Henry Stinson, 725-0243. THREE bedroom brick home, north- west section, @pse to schools, shopping jcentre and bus route. 5 per cent NHA mortgage, Private sale, Telephone 725 |7951 before 6 or 725-7160 after 6. MASSON Street. "Lovely | clay brick two storey home in excellent condition; new oe furnace, large treed lot, one owner since new, $13,500 with terms. Newt |Hodgson 728-6408. Joseph Bosco Realtor \ 725-9870. Js bod FULL price, nice five room brick [bungalow, only five minutes walk from South General Motors, Low taxes. |Newt Hodgson 728-6408, Joseph Bosco | Realtor 725-9870. 56 FORD hardtop, automatic transmis- sion, custom radio, washers, back-up lights, wheel discs, Clean car, mechan- feally good. Reasonable, Dial 728- al, MECHANIC Spe 750 "Pontiac, cylinder automatic; '52 Pontiac sedan delivery; '50 Chevrolet four door; '52 Vanguard four door, Your choice, $75. Apply 324 Bloor Street East. 1959 SIMCA or will trade for yr General Motors product. Lady's car. New paint Job. ¥ MO 8-8130 after 5. 'S@ PONTIAC sedan, radio, "$745. Im- maculate interior, excellent mechanical condition, good tires. Ted Campin) Motors, 725-5574. i961 CHEVROLET two wo door, one owner, low mileage, trade considered. Terms available. Private, Telephone 725-8640, 1958 BUICK, black and whites "als0} smal] house trailer, needing some re- pairs. Would like offers. Telephone |*" 725-9946. | 58 GMO cab-over two ton with twelve foot van, A-1 condition, motor recently overhauled, Best offer. Will accept trade and arrange finance. Telephone -7032. '38 PONTIAC V6 Parisienne, loaded] ios7 MONARCH hardtop, A-1_mechan- leally, spotless 725-5522 between 4 and 7 p.m. ductions. \suites as low as $88. Easy Wilson, Furniture Discount, 20 Church Street. Package WEDDIN teries, vision, Thrifty Budget | Plan. bedroom suites, For quick CASH 'Fegisters, show ¢ slicer, grill, milk shake, Monark mark- small safe, multi- Hamilton's, er, billing machine, r typewriters. sale terms. two Frigidaire, Ri years old; also rangette, all im good .|condition. Telephone 728-0028 between 6 and 8 p.m. FURNACES, forced air, 10-year-guaran- tee, $2.25 per week, no down payment, eal, $130. Telephone 725-4729, gown, size 15, full length, jwill sell reasonable. Telephone 728-6188. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral meget in allowance. Free demon- trati Telephone 728-4683. B. F 'sine Stores -- Tires, bat- Kelvinator refrigerators, 725-4543. Spring crib mattresses $5.88. Wagon wheel bunk beds $68, Continental beds suites $29.95, U; painted students desks $12.88. Large size white enamel cribs, --|$24.50, Wall to wall floor coverings 25¢ Three hundred mattresses, with extras, $1,495 with terms to be ar-\famous brand names, all greatly re- ranged Call anytime, 728-0569. lduced, BIG January furniture sale. filled $29. Chrome dinette |per avot. j20 C hureh Street. regular to $89.50, sale from |$24.50. Every articje in the store greatly inside and out, $1,475, |teduced. Ed Wilson Furniture Discount, foam regular $329, fabulous re- ductions your choice, $168. Glamorous some store samples, 19 suites at sensational January re- eae half price, By GLADYS YELLOWLEES freshments at his home. 137/ The three M's met at on Thursday night day night. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Bowmanville. tele} Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Oshawa. son were New Year's SOLINA -- Mr. Wes Hills en- tertained hus Sunday School class to an evening of bowling in Bowmanville. They had re- the home of Stan and Mary Millson The CGIT girls entertained the young people of the commu- nity at a party in the hall, Fri- Wes Yellow- lees, Harold and Murray were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Clare Allin and sons, Ralph Davis and Pat were New Year's Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. Yellowlees and family and Mrs. A. J. Bal- Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and family, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell and family, Mrs. Joe Chapman, Hampton; Chester Mills, Ennis- 'CGIT's Entertain Solina Youngsters and Mrs. H. Tink, Ebenezer, on New Year's Day, ed Mrs. Ethel Sutton, Oshaa. manville, Mr. and Mrs, W. Matthews, Taunton, wer holiday visitors with Mr. Mrs. R. Fraser and family. at Englehart.. Mr. and Mrs. Dyer's, Oshawa, on Sunday. dale, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ha: old Pascoe. They were Ne and Mrs. family. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires and family were with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bemis, Oshawa, New Year' ay. Mr, and Mrs. E. Spires visit- Dr. and Mrs. A. Steele, Bow- Weber, Sudbury; Mr. and Mrs. and Allan Fraser visited relatives Rae Pascoe and family visited at W. Skuce's, Taunton, Saturday night, and at Neil Gifford's, Taunton, and J. Mrs. Florence Pearce, Willow- Year's Day tea guests of Mr. Rae Pascoe and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Jenvary 10, 1962 2} Four Teams Sponsored In Orono By MRS. KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- The Orono Ama- teur Athletic Association is this year sponsoring four Minor hockcy teams for which final arrangements were made on Tuesaay evening at the Orono Arena. The teams being sponsored this year are Atoms, Pee Wees, Bantams and Midgets which will represent boys in the area from seven and eight years of age up to sixteen years of age. It appeared on Tuesday even- ing that all teams will have a full roster of players. Coaches are still needed for some of the teams. In the Atom group, there is expected to be over twenty boys on hand for their first I. r- w Parents Group practice Saturday morning at 10.30. Those in charge of the team are Junior West, Bruce Tennant and Roy Forrester, This group may be split into two divisions depending on the number turning out for the spurt. The Pee Wee group saw anower large group of boys reauy. to play, with a number experiencing their first year in this age group. Wayne Bailey will coach the team and as- lsistance is being sought with the other team. The Bantams, ranging in age froin 12 years to fourteen years, will get their leadership from Don Mercer, Doug Powell and Jack Moffat. The fourth team to be spon- sored by the Athletic this year is the Midget whose ages range to sixteen years. Don Mercer will assist with the team but coaches are needed for this group. At present there are a few who have not registered or sup- plied their birth certificates. FINE FUR The Alaska sea otter, valued for its fine fur, may weigh up to 96 pounds. PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 52¥2 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-9474 Residential Farm COMPLETE DOWN PAYMENT ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE $71 MONTHLY Why rent? Move into one of these solid brick, 3-bedroom bungolows, with oil heat and all conveniences, at your door step. Start 1962 the right way -- own your own home. Only two of these exceptional values left. Detached. Private drive |SELL ING furniture? We'll | buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, |p. stoves, etc. For top cash offer contact 19 Fruce Street. Phone 728-1131. |i" television, Philco portable, with stand on wheels. Brand new condition. $150. Telephone 725-7868. Saat | |SIMP LICITY washing machine, in ane : "|porcelain tub in good condition an radio, $650 or best cash offer. Tele- |two men's dress suits, black, size phone 728-1773. lin new condition. Also good hand fawn | \'@1 PONTIAC Tempest four door, cus-/mower. 770 Somerville Avenue (above! tom radio, standard shift. Can be fi-| Jones Ave.) |g killen; Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brooklin and Marie Flett were with Mr. and Mrs. B. Tink and family, New Year's Day. Mrs. H. E. Tink visited her sister, Mrs. Joe Chapman, Hampton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. C. Langmaid and family were New Year's Day uests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Gill, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hills and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hills, Tyrone, on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and family were with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, New Year's Day. Mr. John Broome and chil- dren; Loran Pascoe, Tyrone and Miss Ruth Pascoe, Peter borough, were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome and family. Mr, and Mrs. N, Leach, Taun- ton; Mrs. T. Flett, Columbus, and Miss Pearl Leach were with Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett for New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. R. Vice, Mr. E. Vice, Mr. and Mrs. H. Knox and sons were guests of Mr. 1954 4 CADILLAC four door, fully e equip-| ped, very good condition. Sacrifice for $595, Telephone MO 8-4517. "6 MERRY MENAGERIE kitchen. 4 large bedrooms with closet space galore. Oak floors and chestnut trim throughout. Almost new forced oil furnace. Located minutes to everything. Only $2,000 down, open to offers. Nome your own terms. Call Henry Stinson, evenings, 725-0243. Member Oshawa ond District Real Estate Boord To Study New School Courses By MRS. KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- Parents of chil- dren in Grades 7 and 8 are being called to meet in an ef- fort to form a Parents" Group. This group'is being formed in order that parents may gain in- formation concerning the new courses now open to students entering high school. The meeting is the result of a request made by the principal of the Orono Public School, Ains- lee McGee at the annual meet- ing of the section last week. Following the annual meeting, a number of interested parents remained and discussed the pos- sibility of organizing a parents' group to study the courses open) 7 to the children entering high school. The parent group will more than likely take in more than just those of the Orono section and it is anticpated that quali- fied speakers will be brought in to address the group when organized. #1 FORD Faicon, four door, 'auto. | matic, deluxe trim, whitewalls, wind- shield washers. Priced right. Telephone 725-3744 after 6. 3955 PONTIAG, excellent, no Commercial Industrial '28--Reol Estate Wanted SIX or seven room house in North Oshawa or Rossland Road area, have good down payment. Telephone 725- jnanced, Telephone 725-2069, 457 Jarvis), Vp Vear old six-piece Malcolm French Street, Provincial dining room suite, fruitwood '58 CHEVROLET Delray, excellent con-|finish, good condition. Telephone| dition, radio, opening special, peed 723-3716. Whitby Auto Sales, 701 Dundas Street) (oon selection of reconditioned TV's East, College Fina Service. MO 8-8481./ 'at: reabonabla pelaes: Parkway | Tek 19836 57 FORD nine-passenger ranch wagon, |\vision, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your | 8836. eT automatic, power 'steering, Srteng ant color TV store. HAVE you a property to sell? stings io, excellent condition, Whitby * needed, buyers waiting, call s. Hea 701 Dundas Street East, College| CIGARE TTES carton (83.08. ) Butter 6 65 {Snelgrove Co. Ltd, 723-9810 or 725- $761. Fina Service, MO 8-8481. en 'ulip argarine Ibs. $1. sosloos read, 2 loaves .37 cents. Savings ga- '§7 PONTIAC Laurentian, two doorliore, shop daily -- Glecoff's Super- |29--Automobiles for Sale hardtop, two tone blue, matoraie witel market, Ritson Road South, Oshawa. io, one owner car, like new. $1,295.|Open every night | "til 10, i952 Pontiac, whitewalls, radio, back-|rad et Up lights, body and interior clean, $135.|Whitby Auto Sales, 701 Dustss, Site! SE FORE buying or selling televisions, Telephone 728-2872 |East, ollege Fina furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash- '54 BUICK hardtop, automatic, radio,jers, oll heaters, vacuums, dishes, cook- Inew tires, still under guarantee, body|ing utensils, call Elmer Wilbur, Hamp- in perfect condition, no rust, private. |ton, CO 3.2294, MO 8-5152 ELECTRIC razor service, Sunbeam, 1951 PREFECT "in good condition, $65| Remington, Schick, Philishave, Ronson, cash. Telephone Ajax WH 2-4916. etc, Cords, cutting heads in stock. '49 PONTIAC, good running order, heat-|Meagher's, 5 King Street West. er, radio. Take offers Telephone | 36" electric heavy "duty 1 range, excellent 725-2483. condition, Must sell this week, Ideal souk Avatin Healy; convertible, radio, /{F cottage. Apply 306 Highland avenue. spoke wheels, safety belts. Will sell SIMPLICITY washing machine, reason- cheap. Telephone 723-2557. able, good condition. Apply 763 Ritson List Co-op Through This ____ Office. < GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 SIMCOE ST. S$ 723-1121 COUNTRY RANCH NEAR SCHOOL Six rooms, and double gar- age, overlooking the city on an acre lot Recreation room. $3,000 down, and the balance on one mort- gage at $85.00 a month, principal and interest LAW STREET One of those fine custom- built homes, with mony ex- tros. Vanity, both, plus two- piece powder room. Twin- dows, 12 x 22 living room with Georgian marble fire- place, diming room (broad- loomed). Kitchen has built- in stove and oven. Closed patio with barbeque. Situated on large nicely landscaped fot . Owner tronsferred. !m- mediate possession. FOR SALE OR RENT BUSINESS & PRIVATE DWELLING - New store lo- tated as part of a shopping centre. The property con- sists of a new two-storey brick buniding with a store 20 x 50 ond a modem five- room apartment above. 725-1186 W. T, LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED Location Oshawa: Shopping Centre EVENINGS | winterized, | tele- coach, radio, on, 264 Trent Street, 0 after 6.30 p.m, 1954 CHEV. SEDAN Good running order. Good tires and heater. Make offer. DIAL 725-1578 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 _ SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S$. 723-9421 SS F {goo McMULLEN 725-0104 728-5075 MR MRS LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER SPECULATORS $6,900 J7-room brick, garage heat, downtown location, see this good buy phone Bill Horner now at 728-5123. TWO INCOME BUNGALOWS IMMEDIATE POSSESSION LA SALLE AND. THOMAS Double garage, excellent rent coming from apartment, three bedrooms. Down pay- ment as low as $900. Don't miss these two. Be satisfied. Call Bill Millar 728-5123. GRIERSON STREET Five-room brick home, excel- lent condition, price for quick sale with low down payment Delay may mean disappoint ment. Call Irwin Cruikshanks ot 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor 728-5123 HANDSON "Did I ever tell 5 you about my operation?" Road South. |30---Automobiles Wanted |VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, CARKESHORE | Auto. Wreckers want bead SAbnItt SReRIEtAG Beations free cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. 125-1181 ice, 0591 anytime BILL HAMILTON, Ashburn, Brooklin, |Now Hamilton Office E 137 |Brock South, Whitby. Visit our store soon, e ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD $12 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 CARS WANTED Buying @ New Car? $ell your used Cor to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Bifeperecile Peper HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 | MOTOR TUNE UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. ~ WILLIS | 67 KING ST. W. | 723-7822 HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE M @) T @) RS [32 --Articles for Sale | 723.100. 728-1679 TAUNTON ROAD EAST' --|fire 'or' anything you 'nave. ihe 'Gty| 34--Lost & Found Your ai ing Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Strect| POWER TOOLS sold fast when you wi INCOME HOME ou AUS IN Dealer South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. |the Oshawa Times Want Ads, Just wel \ CUSTOM Olds. radio and magic eye |Oshawa 'Times 723-3492 right now to 8-room brick 2¥Y2-storey home close to downtown heated, in good condition. oil to TYPING paper on sale, letter size, |white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and |save, 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00. Circulation Dept., Oshawa Times, HE'S ON YOUR PAYROLL... SKATES, new and used, sold and ex- jchanged. Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond § reet East. ---|CUSTOM Gn the dash) transistor ed radio, lowest prices in town. Try Do- minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West, USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp ton. CO 3-2241 40" ELECTRIC Hot Point heavy duty jrange; tires, one 650 x 16, one 600 x 16, $5 each Telephone 725-5055. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. wi: buy and sell used furniture, etc. Call Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe Street South, 728-4873, WE pay highest prices in the elty for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South, jtV "eonsole, 17", reconditioned, $40; canister type vacuum cleaner, $20; floor |polisher $20; automatic ironer $40 or jbest offer. Telephone 728-2956, | BE DR, dressers, stoves, washers and | refrigerators, Must be sold to clear warehouse, After 6 p.m. telephone THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE For ful particulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Roy Flintoff, Don Smith, Philis Jubb, Irene Brown, Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, Lucas Peacock. We List Photo Co-op. Nort! Ve have a good assortment of Used Cars. 123-033) _ oil Best of offer, Telephone MA 3-34% __|start cash coming your way. T. V. TOWERS LOST: Narrow black leather case con: taining five keys, vicinity of Ideal |Dairy, Ritson and Adelaide, Telephone 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- 728-1772 ized, guaranteed | year, |LOST: Lady's black puree, vicinity TRIO TELEVISION | -- Loblaw's Store, Celina Street, contain. \ing valuable papers. Reward. Telephone [---- 171 Bond St. Eost, 728-6781 _ 2 1 Send tou, AN | Curling Club Started In Orono By MRS. KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- Around fifteen in- jterested persons attended a meeting on Tuesday evening in the Urono Restaurant held to discuss the possible formation of a curling Club in Orono. HARWOOD AVE. NORTH | The outcome of the meeting AJAX -- WH.2-6410 jwas the forming of a club ------|which is tu investigate the ob taining of curling stones and if these are to be had to make further arrangements to have curling at the Orono Rink. Ainslee McGee, a representa- tive of the Orono Chamber of Commerce, opened the dis- cussion. Consideration was given| to forming an Orono Club and! renting ice at the new Bowman- ville Curling Arena but this was withdrawn when the majority of those present felt they would 145 KING WEST be more interested in a local| Next: to Western Tire |Club using local ice. 728-4401 | This, it was felt would also) We buy, sell exchange used |assist in helping the Orono rink! furniture, washer, TV, radios |operate financially. | and so forth at prices to top Lyall Lowery was appointed | __anyone in the city an ig ident of the club with Ains- lee McGee vice-president, Mrs. H. Best, Secreatry and Mr. Ray Dickson, treasurer; Dr. R, J. lTaggart and Mr. John Shelter were appointed as an Ice and |Propery Committee. This committee is to see if) | stones can be rented for the use| plied, all well-known pro- of the club. . ducts, highest quality meats. |. Other committees will bell ; formed when stones can be| \ - ' Life-ti e-time warranty freezer, | acquired, | the only one guoranteed by | | Other range: Good ~ Housekeeping. No | Se ' ice time and membership fees down payment. Call now for 'are heing held up pending the findings of the Ice and Property| oreg NOT THE NEWSPAPER'S Ist floor: 2 bedrooms, livingroom, kitchen, 2nd floor: 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. bath, 3rd floor: room 13' x 26' with sink and -woter 1-pe. bott KRXKKKN yy Total income $137.00 per month. Asking price $14,500 $3,500 down. For further information, call John Field -- Days 728-1679 -- Evenings 723-2874. METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 MASSON STREET New 5'2-room brick bungalow with carport, 3 bedrooms, ceramic tiled bathroom with vanity, walkout basement, comes complete with storms and screens, choice location in north .end of Oshawa, All this for only $15,295.00. Owner will con+ sider a trade on this home. ADELAIDE STREET WEST A well-kept bungalow with three bedrooms, coloured bath fix- tures, large kitchen with dining area ond.a living room 12 x 21 tt. All the floors are tiled and broadloomed. This lovely home is situated on a playground sized lot. Close to public, separate and new high school. Asking price $10,900.00 with $2,700.00 down. LIST PHOTO CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE AFTER 5:30 CALL John Kemp, 728-2392 Dick Borriage, 725-6243 Joe Moga, 725-9191 Marion Drew, 725-7610 _Everett _Enliott, _723- 9290 Visit our new Streamlined Drugette Department -- Dry Goods, Children's Clothing, China and Glassware, Notions, and Kitchenware. GLECOFF SUPERMARKET | 174 Ritson Rood South, Oshawa Open to 10 p.m, daily WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED YOUR CARRIER is an enterprising young man in 7 el MME 3 xx = x OO x x xxx business to serve you and the many other customers-- GOOD RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS, RANGES AND WASHERS All Parts and Service. AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE on his newspaper route, quickly and dependably each x x xxKKM x x x 200% POOOOL x x Looe etal ™ x MK day. THE BANK OF HE BUYS his papers from us at the wholesale rate and NOVA SCOTIA Marshall, Simmons, Beauty- rest ond other spring mot- tresses completely rebuilt like new, medium and extra firm, smooth tops, box springs re- paired and eiderdowns recoy- ered. Three day service. ONTARIO BEDDING CO 725-4189 VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE sells them to you at retail. The difference in price pays '|27--Reot Estate For Sale 710 Oshawa Blvd. \, (RESALE) him for serving you. AND BECAUSE he works for you in this way, he looks to you for payment each collection day. Thus, he is on your "payroll", not ours, and appreci- 680 Jasmine ee (NEW) | Both Located in BEAU VALLEY ates beng paid promptly -- so that he can pay his own paper bill and en- joy the full profit he has earned ! | FOOD & FREEZER | PLAN You may hove tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup Open For Inspection SAT., JAN. 13th - 2 P.M. TILL 5:30 P.M. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. demonstration -- no obi tion, Zenith 9-6100.