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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jan 1962, p. 23

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jenuery 10, 1962 23 T E L E V I S 10 N: L O G rman ogee yan mes rir en fer nes sree OSHAWA DROP F000 AND BLANKETS ON THE ISLAND, CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton. ~----- CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto HURRY, Cade Rid ee eee BOWLING NEWS oo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Butfalo Sk Yous GATE Fo oe (he ANOTHER NIGHT AND THEY WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo COULD GET PHEGMONIA, OSHAWA MEN'S MAJOR HAS MEANS FOR BONTS, PLANES TO RESCUE AT ONE O% RESCUING MY . "uNgo- ees TV Channe) 5--Rochester : | ' ; HIGO-SAN. ZE TO DEATH 'The standing was tightened up con WKBW-TV Charvel 7--Buffalo © WROC-TV Cha SOY THERE SOME siderably 'when Spoilers took a two to one win o CFTU-TV Channel 9--Toronto | CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie onweernaa ore Neo Ravtaden Trethan Goiek out Jay Men and the Short beat Sabers. Spoilers, Jay Men and Short Circuits are now in a three way tle for Place with Ozarks just one point beh! Sel Himes is setting a terrific pace for the Spoilers and the boys are re- admirably after a rather dis- opinion 'was that they were very wetk, re bom Lg engined Ron rg fore ; he ' *. <i are a up Aavemturee 2-Yankee Doodle Time|€--Valley of Yester- ; | : of keeping the Jay Men in the running. 5:30 v.M. wg 7% hese "DUTCH" and Hank bo cHuckleberry. Hound |11--Hobby Time -se:30 PAM. to toe ach ae be hog 4 r : J % ro mu CH 4 Theatre and Girls' 6-3--People and Places Sabers and it was nip tuck for a PI oh tga prong Banjo Henning was best for e jabers. 2--Three Stooges 4.45 P.M. 9-Free and Easy | #)--Beve Around The 7~--Our Miss Brooks uD B -Highway Pattol 5$-2--Piay Your Hunch | 2--Captain Bob 6:15 2.M. 4--I Love Lucy THURSDAY EVE. 3 PM 10:45 A.M. 5:00 P.M. bl ne 3--Salvation Army Ul--Family Theatre oe Weather Nhe ones 15. ae Dazzle -- i az tas Weathers godt gy 5--Kukla 6:44 P.M 7--The Texan 4--Fun To Leara -- Theatre 5-2--Price is Right pre, ae 4--Video Village 4&Dick Tracy's ch, Brinkley 3-Romper Room Adventures 7300 VM 7. ete Fae ted 5:30 P.M, ve PS aug --Yours pata Sirhan £-8-- Concentration bp Aly 4---Your Surprise eCoys Eee ee, "| Pastas od ¢ Ron nat _-- f : Ray Mann 727 (331) 12:00 NOON 2--Huckleberry Hound Sng? ™ = Lloyd Sabins 722; Dan Taylor 716; Joe Sports J g--The Law and Mr. |11--Bugs Bunny and 6:00 P.M. o LS < 'ead Kastner 716; Doug Harding 711 and Jones Erenes 9--Man From Cochis® | , \ Alex. Donaldson 709, mS PM ce | ee, ACROSS 2.Forehead 23. Rhine LEGION SUNDAY LEAGUE . jan Ss . 7--Camouflage : : RIE TE REY IAIMMIeEl| Led by Harold Nugent's even 600 $2--Your First ee. 1. Bottomless 3, Old trib- . TALIA SUale (270), the intained thelr one- Impression 6-N. tio al Velvet guif times utary A & point lead over the second place Men- Josteve nee Pave 3--Popeye and "peg -- 6. Pulls 4. Take 25. Poly- @ IRICIEINTT | aces. The Rockets, ropped their first 'ovincia' . rf On '<The Alvin Show om aS tees 6:30 P. 11, Fresh-water supper nesian = FEDIGVMIPION ICU ™ a _- Paget a See eee te ee S-2--Wagon Train ps Al gy 4 1-5-4-3-2--News: Weather fish Emitted herb BIAIs oF Trade WHAT'S "THOUGHT 1/7. GIT for a total of nine, in this section. --Spea 62 "at Q . * eae yey M House PM + spleens Stukus 12. To fray. vapor 26, High ae EIN} WE'RE LOW ON | HIM? ince ane AN? i % The Menaces following sult, also lost ' 2 12:30 P.M. 5:45 P. 13. Electric . Comical « (mus,) Ye. FIREWOOD, GOOFY! Ei , . their first game but led by a nice Hh ey T--Make a Face patina Pay Hah mingod Papal g triple of 655 (243) by Lloyd Corsen took a re. 6--Movie Matinee ¢3--News Greed court the next two from the Any Old Things. 9~77 Sunset Strip $-2--Truth or S--Huntie Brinkley 15, Miss y The latter produced some nice bowling $-3--Playdate Consequences 7:00 PM. Claire . Factor 29. Scor- : when Inga Nugent threw a 662 (253) Ebi Pyar 4--Search For To- othave 1k a Bekeee 16. Solemn . Thick pio's Yesterday's Answer rong: A A ey ogee Lived a ined : .M. morrow Li , i ivhte eas » 238), was not quite enoug! 11--Cheyenne 3--News: Weathers § Bavena-One : Li and sd : -- 36 aon to count in the team points, 7--Top Cats : 5--Top Cai 11. To trouble Be : 'The third contest of the day saw the 5-2--Joey Bishop t lf 4--News, Weather, 18. Girl's . European 38. To dirty Rolling Pins and the Goofniks have a 4--Checkmate €-Guiding Light The Pintatones nickname herring 5 39, Hawaiian sawoff. The Rolling Pins took the 9:00 P.M, 1:00 P.M, SoRavsl Canesten 19. To melt . Mackerel- dance first two contests but Herb Bathe's 282 9--NHL Hockey --Movie Matinee Mounted Police ; '| 40. Employed and Lois Glover's 303 in the third 6-5-3-2--Perry Coma 7--Day In Court ore like fish 3 . Employ : saw the Goofniks come up with a 7--The Hawaiian Eye | 5--One O'clock Movie 7:15 P.M. 21. Forms . Japanese 3, Famous 43, Mrs, int Ve total of 1,145 to take the last game and 9:30 Poa. | {Meet 'the fillers fodiens, seser 24. Java tree measure fabulist Cantor : : 7 Pip fishsthclng : total pointe, othe Dick Van Dyke | 2--Mid-day Matinee 9--The Real McCoys 28. Listened ee : og Hg pack ok Y v0 i Piaf th, Karis Fe pony wil' be ry Fy meg Show 1:30 P.M. rae ree 29 ou Pronoun . Fuel goddess <--_E K ~ wate]; |Saturday the 20th of January. Come iu:30 P.M, 9--Playhouse 6--Toronto File . ° ae - -- bes m erage mtn and bring another couple, \l--Bob McLean 7--Medic §-2--Outlaws womanish 2 13 5Y 9 }10 ee Top Bowlers -- Reta Hughes 7--Naked City 4--As the World Turns £-Erontles, Circhs 30, Extra Lou Black 257, Harold Nugent Ss 63--News Magazine 3--Movie 3--Rea eCoys (Scot Y (270), Paul Swarts 251, Lois Glover 671 4-U.S. Steel Hour | 2:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. cot.) (303), Herb Bathe 661 (282), Muriel 5-2--Bob eee anew. | Se mneae a 9--Theatre -- Odongo oe Rotnik 234, Lloyd Corson 635 -(243), Elot i0:30 PLM. | ¢--Numbe: e 7--Donra Reed . Savory Landry 639 (241, 238), Inga Nugent 662 @--The Detectives 6-3 --Chez Helene 6-3--Nature Of Trings 34. Belgian 5 WHERE ANY 6GNOWBALLS (253). 6-3--Explorations 5--Home Cooking ' is NO ONE HAS COME ALONG HECK, BETCHA T GHOULD om) E Lobe 4--Password 8:30 P.M. town , ? 1'> MAKE WOULDN'T BE Lemon Leaguers -- Walt, Devenish ee Recs Pa Si rarcay Prine FPR Junior Hockey 37. Guido's Y THIS STREET ALL MORNING? NO a ae Db 65, Lou Smith 78, $3; Albert Hale 98. ALO M. 7--The Real McCoys Yen me ' 2:15 P.M. % " Son note y DUPLATE SOCIAL AND SPORTS tags tags tt A 11--Cooking Party SB nA eager 38. Old We are glad to see that everyone 11:15 P.M, 6--Nursery School 4--Bob Cummings Show Chinese survived the New Year weekend, and 9--Better Late 2:30 6M. 9:00 P.M kingdom severe) heir were able Se stast the Flats teow U--Jane Gray Show shiv 'Pused sine is lew Year with some very good scores. 6--Viewpoint i--Seven Keys oan ths,, Datesaone 41, Even Team standings in the second section 11:30 P.M. 6-3--Open House 4--Tell It To Groucho (poet.) are: Sid's Specials 22, Ken's Hens 19, nya oe | Sega pan | da thought ees eee 6--Maverick 4--House Party dy . or. ta, Wines Ah a oe te w , 7--Cartoons 4:00 P.M. ee tie eae | Ea eg u Family Theatre a8 ae Funnies é--S0 Grows the Child 9:15 A.M, eee Room pee Drake 4The Brighter Day oy 9:30 A.M. Pan ee reer R VAMASAKI APPEALS {1--Words and Music 3--Women's Show - TO WIGO'S FRIENDS, iceere saa Aten 4:15. P.M. : BUZ SAWYER © King Features Syndicate, Ine, 1962. World rights reserved. ' John Trott was at his best for 'Trotters with a really night along nice win with teammate Don Reid a over Jay Men, Ozzie Keeler and Reg came through for Ozarks th Swartz and Dan Taylor also hit! good, it was a high team score of 381 for Ozarks. King Foatzree Svadieate, See 1900. Weck' Hrhte remerred The standing; Spoilers 14; Jay Men 14; Short Cireults 14; Ozarks 13; Stealers 10; Ed Wilson's 9; Rawhides waren 8; Trotters 8; Lucky Strike High individual scores; Don Reid 884 (355): Sel Himes 853; John Trott 826 (318): Ozele Keeler 818; "Dutch"' JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE 5-2 Jack vaar $-Peter Gunn gis nena : --upitor 1, 14, Winoes 11, Die Hards 11, 3--Highway Patrol 3:00 P.M, 7--Margie dance i Tea Tipplers 10, Four to One 9, 4--Cimiarron City 7--Queen For A Day 5-2--Haze} 46. Roman 4 r : : \ stones 4, THURSDAY 2--Sobiol Telecast." | eee. Gertrude 'Berg magistrate b ' . ' Some of the good scores were: A. ; M 5-2--Dr. Malone Show 47. Precipitous , i : Pritchard 761 (283, 244); R. Gardian 756 8:00 A.M, GThe Millionaire 10:00 P.M. Coe ends , G3 i . (262, 251, 243); G. Shullman 684 (288)s scCarnie Kaceicen 3:30 P.M. 7--The Untouchables : ' ae ee j SS H, Ballantine 682 (249); D. Baumhour S--Dave Garroway 7--Who Do You Trust | %5-2--Mitch Miller course : Z ed : 7 Lm 676 (289); F, Gavas 669 (280); ow | 6-4-3--Verdict Is Yours| pF (4 g/L . . _ 669 (312); W. PE Heri ass ork | $--Country unction 'teas Y Y other good singles were: J. Dloune -M. $ i) e - . 5 cl > 9:00 A.M. -3--Rope Around th 16:15 P.M. oa oy : ee * lig--Stm Coleman Show cutting ant 1-10 Solaroll 254, Waite 252, V, GRANDMA 11--Romper Room The high triple for the year is W. the high is FOR TOP QUALITY USED CARS PE ieee ce ALL MODELS ... ALL MAKES... SEE STORIE FARK LEAGUE The Tresanes, Simcoes and Colleges THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. Ss fae tire Sec dock was high bowler for the men with 230 KING STREET WEST 725-6651 Joan Benkowski high for the ladies. It is. good to see Ruby Parsons back bowl- ing after her long illness, High Triples -- Vince Craddock 743 i; "San Banter ea a' Sa a . " ; jan ows! 3 , 'S READY. i OM MAM YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO 1 HADDA MAKE) |-LONG ENOUGH TO )/ HEY, THE WAGON'S RE: Lou Locke 625 (220); Frank French 623 er pri ine per Hy fori ayia -- Mass Cf @ODENESS SLUG JEWELER STONE SO HARD, wine Eel hbase LET US GET h GENTS" : : | Eddie Gresik a6 Gta aoe ore AFTER AMERICAN HEROES || REG/STERED.AS PASSIN' OVER ME-- J: YOKUM IS D uw \ Hi Over 200 -- Gar Killingbeck 23, EXCEPT ONE MISS EVILINEFLEEGLE, | % LIKE A ICY WIND}! ARRIVING!' James Scott 233, Jean Whitmee 220, Esme Kornylo 215, 210; Millie Cameron 212, Ruby Parsons 208, Louise Porter 208, Frank Bright 207, Reg Winfield 207, Deane Redknapp 201, Blanche Norton 200. Lemon League -- Olive Morrison, Dolly Bright, Bud French, Jean Gresik, Tony Killingbeck, Jessie Barr, Doris Wood, Standings -- Hibberts 21, Cuberts 19, Tresanes 17, Burtons 16, Colleges 14, Oxfords 14, Mills 12, Simcoes 12, Crom- wells 8, Hillsides 7, NICKEL PLATE LEAGUE We have two new members to the 300 club with B, Thornbury and "Bur- head" Bailey bowling 300 on the nose. The Mixers, Shiners and Tankers shaded the Automatics, Gyros and Pol- wus BED" triple' rolled b: : EING IN oaooae? a bite' Ff FT YOUR READING <( YE6...AND IM LOST] | THERES NOTHING WORSE wEXCEPT POSSIBLY Bi - |'*Moose" Wilson 727, D. Wyrozub 702, THI WITHOUT THEM... THAN BEING HOME WHEN THE OFFICE WHEN YOUR READING ly. wiliamson 676, ndteate . Cope. 1962, The Lone Ranger, Ine. THE LONE RANGER SO YOULE ford Rights Reserved SHE HINTED SHE NEEDED IS MY DESIRE, SOMETHING TO KEEP ' O QUEEN! HER NECK WARM! == "Bur-head" Bail YOUR READING GLASSES ARE| Ly GLASSES ARE HOME! 665, B, Thornbury 652, M. Carl 619, E = IN THE \ Wakely 615, W. Beach 613, "Auke'* r i cares 606, and "Lardy" Morrison. bie Li tars * LIT your wish | wane deci | | =) In the 200 bracket, we have L, Gib. son 229, 228, J. MecGillivrary 259, 201, G. Morgan 275, R. LeBlanc 247, W. Weroski 249, G. Pappas 238, G, Fitches 235, G. Dawson 234, L, Fogal 224, G. Carr 213 and J. Yakemishyn 208, « And wouldn't you know it, "Bones" Stevenson who last week rolled a 324 game comes along with an amazing wl Fag the other two weren't much tter. TOWN AND COUNTRY LEAGUE E. Hutcheson' had a nice 693 (267, 7 (| 5 4 e , - A 239) triple. Other high triples were B, 1-10 ed & , } Guscott 612 (217, 213); R. Jones $91 Distributed by King Featores Srndiceta. y 4 ¥ dvs (265); G. Woodcock 575 (238); M. Stovin 568 (200); D. Brabin 546 (203); D. Randle 544, M. Bannon 540 (207); N, , |Rowden 540 (202, 202); I. Brabin 533, LD HAVE SWORN fina tk cee i S | cou! 'atterson » J. Towns i ;: A WELL TATER IS : : Ee MT. BUT IT WAS SO THOUGHTS, oe OR or eta nis, Singles at Riglin 223, M, PIERRE Is AFFECTIONATE J! HE IS AWRIGHT P Q } m™. MANY YEARS BACK, IT'S ARE YOU GOING TO a ichardson » M. O'Connor ¥ ' 1 OP--YOU STILL UP ' 7 T, Lemon Leaguers -- E, Miller 99,'.M. TWICE THE 7OG : A SWEBT, GENTLE 1 LET'S NOT THERE? soups on!) |} Dctthg SORTOF DIM.., BORE OY Collard 97, S. Bent 97, D. Omand 96, I. "TATER 16/1 PIERRE |S ' LOVABLE, PAL-TYPE = P Biglin 96, M. Flagel 95, M. Price 95, J. DOG! Gaskell 93, A. Gallas 91, B. Lang 90, D. Fisher 86, B. Rantz 65. Team Standings -- Loons 4 points; Tweety Birds 4 points; Cuckoos $3 points; Dirty Birds, 2 points; Vultures, 2 points; C 1 point; RF: points; Bobolinks -- points. As we are starting the last section, we hope everyone will try to attend regularly and if not able to, will try and get a spare, so that all teams have a fair chance of taking a section, SALLY'S SALLIES DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER "© King Festores Syedicnta, Inc, 100k. Wert Mahia cusmrved } JULIFT JONES } 1/ WHERE DID YOU PUT THAT FIRST. WE GO TO THE i THE CRAZY ONE \ HAIR, DAGWOOD ? Ll WANT ) ! ' = y DAGWOOD, WHOSE . MAINLAND. THERE'S A = &@ STARTED THIS HAIR IS THIS L & mi JO TAKE ANOTHER LOOK | ' HY PATHON THIS SIDE OF THE YOM [oa ROCK-SLIDE . RIVER. IT 16 ROUGH AND NOW HE'LL TRY STEEP. WE'LL HAVE TO AMM ITE, , TO FINISH LEAVE THE CANOE LARRY BRANNON ae, Nba WL $40 "You've been with us for years, -- Beechcomb, Who would you @ay had more sense?"

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