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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jan 1962, p. 4

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added that it must not be broken @ YIM GoMAWA Timm, weaesey, senvery TU, T7EE | AT ROTARY CLUB Smaller Purse even to go to church. She was . also told not te associate with WHITBY and DISTRICT | Good Communication Ss Avice, eres cae ca mana Ra I Understanding Need part bottle of rum in her purse,|if I were you," said His Wor- " was told Tuesday to carry|ship. ; Tel. MO. 8-3703 smaller . Yvonne Johns, Tom H. Proctor, Toronto sales promotion expert, told the Whitby Rotary Club on Tuesday that.effective commu- nicaton in sales promotion had been illustrated by the commer- cial discount stamp system used in Canada today. The one-time sales lecturer at the Universites of Toronto and Waterloo, claimed that the i trading stamp promotion gim- mick had created a: great deal of economic activity and addi- tional income opportunity for a wide range of Canadian em- ployees. "The stores issuing them have successfully communi- cated to their customers their appreciation for their patron- age," he said. "I say 'success- fully' because they certainly bring thousands of customers back to buy more/ tinued. As a standard/ of measure- ment of the effeftiveness of dis- 40M H. PROCTOR imperfect communication, mis- understanding; while only through effective communica- tion can any of us achieve the objective of understanding which we all seek and desire." Mr. Proctor said that in his opinon, history was made, not necessarily by the best thinkers, but by the most effective com- municators. A "Consider these names for a moment: Shakespeare, Marconi, Einstein, Henry Ford, Church- ill," he said. "Except for the purses. 18, of 25 Division street, was . placed on suspended 'sentence Schedule Winners r two years by Robert Dnieper in Whitby police court and for six months of that In Lady Curlers time will be in her home every night at 9 o'clock. Miss Johns was convicted in December shortly before Christ-|Sala with mas by His Worship after Whit-|Cuddy and Winona by police told the court that/Runners up were, they had found a part bottle of rum in her purse at a teen town|Farlane and dance at the arena. His Worship's terms of pro-jebony salt bation included a 9 o'clock cur- few for the next six months and'slippers. and pepper shakers, abilty of each of these men t communicate their thoughts, " knowledge, ideas, skill and understanding to others, we would today be denied the legacy of benefits endowed upon humanity by such great leaders of human development," he said. "But what can the abilty to communicate effectively mean to the individual?" Mr. Proctor asked. "TI believe that to be able to Jordan Bros. 114 DUNDAS ST. WEST (WILSON'S FOOD MARKET) WHITBY The.winner of the second Ness Jack with Laura Andrews, Bea Mec- Marge § The first. prize was a pair of second prize was a pair of cosy Rib End of Pork ': 39° Loin End of Pork «. 49° SPARERIBS =». 47° wt 55° count sta:nps, Mr. Proctor said: "Well over a nfillon and a quar- ter items have now been re- iton the speaker said that with|'get through to the other peo- the increase of speed of commu-|ple', either with the written or nication uver the past quarter|gcoken word, enriches your deemed by stamp savers!century it had become a much/felationship with every human throughout the country. more dominating factor in our/being," he said. "It can be of "This is proof enough that)lives. lincalculable value in building the people who buy at these} «"Communicaton serves as|the bonds of understanding be- eae . stores iixe them and in spite of|ine key to understanding be- tween yourself and others." ; ; : the earlier hue' and cry, food|tween indivi inl, groupe ane NEW EXECUTIVE BRANCH 112 LEGION ve ' costs have not increased as a P " : " result of their introduction." yng Be) yo Oe eee David Marshall, padre; ©. | Middle row, left to right, are Brush, 2nd-vice - pres.; J. | A: Daigle, executive board; , ; K Mr. Proctor pointed out that) reward than the achievement of i i board; Mclvor, 1st vice-pres.; Ver- King, executive F. James, trustee, and T. Connolly, executive board. Missing from picture are The 1962 executive of the Whitby Branch 112, Royal Canadian Legion, held its distributors of discount stamp merchandise last year placed orders for more than $10 mil- understanding of, and by, an- other human being? H. Bouke, executive board; "Wit hout communication first meeting recently. Fol- iéwing is the Branch 112 non McCarl, president; Dis- trict Commander A. Burgess, A. Price, recording secretary and F. Steffler, treasurer. Back row, left to right, are Earl Ormiston, executive board and trustees H. James and H. Inkpen. lion with Canadian sources of| supply. He added that in the process of supplying commerce there can be no understanding," "and with stated the speaker, for fire and the installing officer and A. Brown, welfare officer. JAILED 30 DAYS Coffee No Ticket executive committee: Front row, left to right, are Rev. Stole Cart As Gift For --Photo by Stannett Took New Car, with the stamps additonal in- come opportunity had been created for a wide range of Canadian employees: typeset- ters, artists, copy writers, print- {k ers, ink 'and paper suppliers, Middleton of etc. | AG ! "I think that it is a tre Created To : 608 Brock mendes example of the de-| Individual 6 p St. S. s s hi Jailed Within velopment of a real understand-| Requirements Whitby, ix H & e Six ours ing between the stores that} STAFFORD BROS. Ont. n ] ' Oo Fi t wner A former resident of Ontario|issue discount stamps and the} MO 8-3762 County, but-now a resident of|customers that buy from them," | Mik aan ; Toronto, Robert Johnston, 21|Mr. Proctor said. A Whitby man who admitted P a ili , ep § STATE FARM LIFE sealing aay grcrt fom a Why aan who grabbed Loy had ore scoala was ean rene" Sle! cOMMUNICATION | 318 ounoas east |) Samer cOLts Mh | alive ee cee ore eee arian brandished a steak knife|joking when he attacked him.|to stealing a 1962 model car| In speaking on the Se MO 8-3552 Seontlig Niek Olio o Toews Gok Ghristmas was Tuesday fined|W25, Tuesday jailed for 30 days|He said he did not know what\from a car lot in. Ajax. John. |tance of successful communica- $50 and bagel 30 sane, in jail lin Whitby police court. Magis-|ihe accused was talking about.| ston appeared before Magistrate oi 10 'Itrate Robert Dnieper told Paul| Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck | Robert Dnieper in Whitby Douglas Armstrong, 510 Palace Pe | ; ; D € an ou. anecatel ih Magis-| MceW hirter, 24, of Brock street/asxcd the court to view this 4S|police court six hours after he hs | e >. a ttate Robert Dnieper. north, that a 10-cent cup of cof-|a serious offence. He. said that|was picked up by Ajax police e ET yA : for you in ° C. Jordan, executive board; homeowners INSURANCE "ean : DEVON Rindless BACON MAPLE LEAF--CELLO WRAP at Ae STEW BEEF ""™ wu 39° BOLOGNA" ww. 27* FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE ENTRANCE TO STORE FROM PARKING LOT Family Monuments : ; Tullock, the|fee did not permit a patron tojhad it not been for the inter-|when the car ran out of gaso- Mais Detectunnet ts as one: expect the owner of 'the res-|vention of McWhirter's compan-|jine near Pickerng. EXTRA "PINKY" % STAMPS TOO! said that on Dec. 19, he re-|taurant to get into a 10-roundjion, there might have been a} PC D. Robson, of Ajax, said os. ee ceived a complaint from the|fight. |charge of wounding or murder|inat he checked the Ainsworth rs FLANK OFF Oshawa Discount House, on| James Papavasiliou, of the|instead of common assault. | wotors buildng at 215 am., LOIN END CHRISTIE'S PLAIN OR SALTED Highway 2 near Oshawa, that a|RJN restaurant, said that about} 'Any time I hear of weapons LB. months. I am sick and tired of|Concord providing his behavior D : ' Babes »»|luesday and found a window tay go-cart, valued at $9, had|3.15 a.m., on Dec, 22, he hadjin semeone's hands I shudder, lbroken and one set of keys been stolen from the front of the|becn counting the cash in the | said His Worship. lmissing in the office, Outside, store. jeash register when McWhirter} He said that restaurant Own-|n¢ said he found a brand new 1 ce e ° seeing your face in this court-jin the next 30 days indicate he Drivin Hittin room. can do so satisfactorily. g, Ai the current rate of appear-| He was sentenced by Magis- 5 1B janes, said His Worship, Burke/trate Robert Dnieper in Whitby » BAG A Burketon district man, who,|taxi home," said Cpl. Barter,|¥oula be in court 60 times in| police court. police said, was about to be|"and asked him to hand me the|Pe next 10 years. For the next 30 days Moses given the opportunity of taking] keys." | Burke told the court he had/jwill go to the Salvation Army a taxi home instead, was Tues-| Instead, said the Cpl., Ander-|driven the car on this occasionjhome. On Feb. 13 he will be 5 -STAFFORD'S BERRY BOX » STRAWBERRY JAM wP pace ip 50 LB. BAG i Gg traced through a licence num-|held a steak knife above his|the benefit of the public and} i fe r. . head with the other hand. then get persons who come in OB yo algebra - » _ Frank McCammond, proprie jhe witness said that Mc-\aftet heavy drinking bouts. os ae re nik a elon Pon Alec tor of the store, told the court|Whirter's companion tripped| "! see no reason why the own- pedi At that tine in said ae that he thought there was a|McWhirter and held him. Atler should get in a 10-round fight naiiend admitted takin , the great deal of shoplifting occur-|that time, he said, McWhirter|because some patron bought a nar. te walt the exceed had ring at his store. Earlier in the|said he was trying to get back|cup of coffee for 10 cents," helneen hitch hiking to Toronto month, he said, a child's wagon|$35 which he charged Papavasi-!sa'd. liad Skoowis 'cold: and waikes into Ajax to take the car. had been stolen after one cus-| had id for a smaller) ob da a | PC Robson said that the car was found later on Highway 401 wagon. On three occasions, he Ti d S od A ed said, merchandise had dis-| ee us h : appeared fon am treat of the Ire ing cc LJ at Church street, in Pickering, store. jout of gasoline. In reply to a question by His| oy aura | Worship, Armstrong sid he Prohibits Driving 'Sent To Concord FRYING OR ROASTING STEINBERG FLANK OFF RIB END 1 LB. BOX ed to give the cart to one of his children for Christmas. | Magistrate Robert Dnieper driving anywhere in Canada for} "How could you give a child)toi¢ 2 Whitby man Tuesday that|the next three years. He was} . = a stolen toy?" asked His Wor-|he was "sick and tired' of see-|also fined $25 and costs for hav- n rla asis ship as he levied the fine. jing him in court. Michael Ed-|ing a motor vehicle registered lward Burke, 21, of 405 Athol|in his name while prohibited. A 20-year-old tagged youth GREAT VOLCANO |street, was making his third ap-| Burke, whom His Worship had| "4° hog Ebay the opportu: Sicily's Mount Etna, at 10,700|pearance before His Worship in|sent home on one occasion in|th Y eat lon yee one Sonne in feet Europe's highest active vol-|the last six months, this time/October for a change of clothes| con, sen ton Al s House of cao, has more than 200 smaller|for driving while disqualified. |to appear in court, appeared|C"COk OF Spending one year craters on its slopes. Burke will be prohibited from|Tucsday in a neat suit and 2 ee 4 Phage ti ni |white shirt. nh Pa a of theft, consuming liquor and I have seen you here three|/two charges of breaking and e Jailed 45 Days fe.ShSm Srecht 2c I have only been here six|the 12 months in the House of before Magistrate Robert|Anderson's overalls. He said|for impaired driving. It was his), Dnieper in Whitby police court.| that the glasses had come from|S¢conc such conviction. In addi- Rei amc herd = pe Cpl. James Barter, of theja hotel. tion, he was prohibited from) og) at Egypt, near Beave Whitby Police Department, said| As he removed the last of the|driving anywhere in Canada for|/T 100 8 had' bathed age ' that on Dec. 23, he had observed| glasses, said Cpl. Barter, Ander-|three years. the' roces and laflieted aboe: oft a pick-up truck rolling back-| son swung at him and struck] He was charged after Sgt. Gamage te thé Mrald 4 wards and forwards along the|jhim in the stomach, then start-|Richard Bodley, of the Picker-| +4 ge to the furnishings ani curb on Brock street north. He|ed to run away. The witness|ing Township Police Depart-|W2¢0WS- investigated, he said, and found|said he tripped Anderson and|ment, met a car on Highway 2) _ the accused at the wheel. then took him into custody|on Dec. 20, which nearly hit|finca $100 and costs or 30 days Cpl. Barter said that -Ander-| again. him head on. for failing to stop at the scene on climbed from his truck, then| In addition to the jail terms,| Fernand Larocque, 840 Dun-|0f an accident. reached in and removed the|Anderson was prohibited fromjdas street east, Whitby, \was| PC Bert Shannon, of the Whit- keys from the ignition. | driving anywhere in Canada for|jailed 30 days for driving while|by Detachment of the OPP, said "J intended to let him take a'one year. his licence was under suspen-|that the accused had been sion. He was charged by PC|chased along Thickson's road at Ernest Stoneman, of the Whitby|spceds up to 85 mph, following win Tis COUPON PD, who saw him driving ona two-car crash on Highway 2 Sth. OF eat. BSkt. OF the morning of Dec. 28. In addi-jat Thornton's road on Dec. 7. APPLES tion to the jail term, the ac-|Then, he said, police found the ANY VARIETY cused is prohibited from driving|car abandoned but the accused for two years. caine to.the police station on the Terence Cottrell, 19, of 110/following day. Wellington street, Whitby, was s ca Miracle Cushion | DODD & SOUTER PAINT and Holds False Teeth}. wactrarer'store | @ER ieee: -- Eases Sore Gums 107 BYRON ST. $., WHITBY! DRINK 43¢ Tight- Denture Cushions, a sen. MO 8-5231 sore erat rn | sational new plastic re-lining, keep wob- iE bliest plates firmly in place. Ease sore gums, CL. Paint Dealer : YOUR ~ Peowen ours | GOLDEN HOUR Awan 2a OTR coon mma | Eas ay ec Core Serene paren Acaction | Fics luca te dntere Recs siae|| Pointing & Decorating Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Wall Murels The accused, he said, was|grabbed him by the shirt andjers remain open at night for $4,500 car missing. day jailed for 15 days for hav-|son tossed the keys to another|because he was afraid he would|brought before Magistrate Dnie- ing the care and control of a/person. He was arrested on the/be fate for work and could not|per again for a report from the motor vehicle while intoxicated! spot and led across the street. {afford a taxi. superintendent. If the report is and a further 30 days for as-| As they walked across the} 5 DA good, he will return to the Saulting a member of the Whit-| street, he said, he heard jingling AILED 30 DAYS House of Concord for the next by police department. George J.|on Anderson and on the other| Edward Atkinson, 52, of 30/17 months. If not, he goes to Anderson, 29, of RR 2 Burketon,|side he searched him and re-|Faitport road south, Pickering|reformatory. ONTARIO GROWN GRADE NO. 1 Haat, OL) sha.) tae A 'Wasnto teabr 16 COOR CELERY a SPINACH COUPON Expines JAW. wn) ms Suv 2rae OF pleaded guilfy to both charges|moved 14 beer glasses from|Township, was jailed 30 days During the taking of evidence HIGHLUNER OF BOOTH BROCK. EVENING SHOWS at 6:55 & 8:25 WHITBY LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:25 "THE ESCAPADES OF A MERRY | WIDOW wiTH A CREDIT CARD Sia AT THE CEMETERY 9 KOVACS-CHARISSE SENDERS 'WITH THIS COUPON: even 7 tans oh CALIFORNIA LETTUCE 'COUPON wxpians JAN. onl Peete Ni AR i seen nscee 'Coupon exrmessave..17/62 >) 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A GIANT TUBE OF PEPSODENT FLUORIO® TOOTHPASTE COUPON EXPIRES JAN. rte, AND PURCHASE OF #32 OF. 8OTTLE OP JUNNY LAUNDRY RINSE 39¢ SOUPON BxPIRES IAN, 17/62 25 EXTRA COD FILLETS STAMPS COUPON ExpIRes JAM, 17/62 >) 'WITH THIS COUPON / AND PURCHASE OP if 215 OF TINS OF CLARE'S ck COUPON EXPIRES JAN vie or A 1.1/2 UB. TIN OF CHAN 1/3 MORE FREE, Ware 65¢ COUPON EXPIRES JAN mae OLIVES §5¢ By COUPON Expines JAN. vn) 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF AN 1) OZ. PKG. OF DARE'S SQUARES at, E-COUPON EXPIReSJAN. 17/62 'With THis COUPON \ AND PURCHASE OF bf 'WITH THIS COUPON AND 2'1 LB.BAGS OF JOLLY Time A318. BOX OF AUKO INSTANT mar MILK : °s powpEns 0d, COUPON Exmie! i COUPON EXPIRES JAN.17/62 ISLAND sos? ROUGE HILL ¢ '> A'i3 OF Tn OF mINUTE POPPING MAID FROZEN CONC, COUPON EXPIRES 1000.17 /62 Ss COUPON EXPIRES JAN.17/62 $) OPEN THURS. & FRI. TO 9 P.M. "THE CONE OF SILENCE" out when replacement is needed. No daily yon ye ba og 2 Sesees Soe Shee ¢ ° * " or lower plates $1.50. Money-back guar- Starring: Michael Craig ----- Peter Cushing | antee. Get Snug brand Denture Cushions | today! At all druggists. FILLING DUNDAS STREET z ; r

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