THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 31, 1962 7 SPORTSOUTDOORS By ack Son's J ovelqnd Indians Sport For Cuba: 3... 'Carry Back' Makes FISHING TACKL short-term aim of these coun- cils is to prepare Cuban en- BUSINESS 1S BIG BUSINESS, AND IN : ) ! } "TUNE WITH THE TIMES OF MOREFAMIY =" WS ; W B t N t R b ll trants for the' Central Ameri- New Debut Today Eonunt emcee 7 Risk Much QAMpPuM /DuUL NOT DASE in rama das." nana, ra, cP) -- carey 'THE NEW FANCY LURES. ° U : % : ; HAVANA (Reuters) -- The|spectacles of massed physical Baseball, formerly the most Back, Florida's top money-win- tr C NEW YORK (AP) -- Cleve-ja spot that might be used by ajson with the team, although he\cyban government. hasiexercises performed by thou-/POpular sport, has languishedj/ning race horse, makes his win- land Indians have paid an es-|second-line player who might|hit only .244 last year, and jaunched a major drive to in-\sands of youths and girls in/since strained relations stopped/ter debut as a four-year - old : bow 80. ihak more' valuable contri- outfielder Billy Bruton, a .257/erease participation in sportiathletic attire. |the easy coming and going of|Wednesday in the $25,000, seven- Haanted 910/090 We selpolboy ines 8 hitter last season said he re-\throughout the country and to| No fewer than 70,000 Cubans|Players and teams between/furlong Palm Beach Handicap nard Littleton and become the bution to the club. -- __ |ceived a raise for signing with displace baseball as the most\performed mass callisthenics\CUba and the United States.|at Hilaeah Track against stern first major league baseball club} The Indians also signed five! petroit Tigers. popular game in Cuba. lbefore Soviet spaceman Maj. The government is trying to re-| opposition. to take a chance with the new|American League holdovers, in-/ 'The Tigers also came 0) rver since the creation last/Yuri Gagarin when he visited|Place baseball by soccer. Carry Back has won $851,648 bonus rule designed to 4 ange Phe % fhe number or terms with third baseman) yea, of the Natioinal Institute/Havana for the revolution's an-| Official emphasis also is be-jin his career. He is matched payments to untried young-/men under contract for 1962.\pon Wert and pitcher Gerry!or gport and Physical Educa-\niversary celebrations lastjing placed on chess as a sport./against Intentionally, who has Isters. {while New York kaye or hoo gai Casale, but still have not lined tion growing emphasis has|JUly. | won $590,021, Globe master, "Damn the, torpedoes and full @ 110 of tel i vent Jake UP, Norm Cash, Ameri ear' been placed on the role of sport|SPORTS COUNCILS GROW NOTED WRITER _ ($300,31, and Yorky, $181,185. Arase rsting \speed ahead," general manager |' abe , P 5 League OP aa cage gush -- in the Cuban revolution. At a raty in the Sports Pal-/ Elizabeth Gaskell, The En-| A fourth horse, Beau Admi- po yeep pe eR tg Reve ter agar pert oo og hemes among-the 1udian ae audi ine and slugger) the keynote of the govern- ace outside Havana, Prime glish novelist who died in 1865,|ral, set a track record of 1:08 3, MANUFACTURERS the infielder's oe to ty A gs natchee al epareo) pada. OP aaah Dem ment's campaign is the value of|Minister Fidel Castro an-|was a friend of such writers as/4-5 for six furlongs in the BXHIBITED MANY NEW We me peng tig al good |Chiti acquired tha trade with) National Lea uers jdiscipline. In its most obvious|nounced formation of 5,026) Dickens, Carlyle and Thack-)Royal Poinciana Handicap ear+ ney y s 5 |Chiti, | j tat an as prospect we can, We'll take|Baltimore Orioles that sent g ': form, this has shown itself in sports councils, with a total of'eray. lier this month. our chances." Johnny Temple to the Orioles, To lay 162 Games CINC | The Indians will be takingjand first baseman Hal Jones,| INNATL (AP)--The Na- eae coo {f SS i) : st b . SECTONS WHICH MI \their chances with the new rule|\who hit 2 home runs and BE HOOKED TOGETHER," lthat says any player, regard-|knocked in 100 runs for Salt tional League, operating with ae : : ANOTHERISANEWTPS lees of the size of his bonus,|Lake City of the American As-|more than eight baseball teams Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service OF LANDING NET. ST ill, Imay be subject to a draft by/sociation last year. Pitcherifor the first time since 1899, to- Pyle lye another feam after one year in Larry Patterson first baseman|day has announced a 162- game <1 r aaa WITH SOAP TO REMOVE. lorganized baseball--unless the Antulio Martinez and shortstop schedule for next season. THE FISHY ODOR. ALS® club decides to keep him on its Gordie Lund also came to Houston and New York are "THE BIZARRE {TEMS WAS A NIGHTCRAWLER HOOK DISGORGERS» ; lroster for an entire second sea- terms. new additions to the league. e e WITH A SIMULATED DIAMOND CHOKER,. ERE or BOOS» leon: Gibbs moved into the Yankee With the membership increased Tc eee The Indians, if they decide fold along with pitchers Howard to 10 from eight teams and the RI aN eae ------ Littleton has the potential, Kitt and George Haney. Los An-|schedule boosted from 154 EVE 2 "AN 3 :: d. tall t now they must keep him on the roster geles Dodgers gave second games, there will be more night, al ane Go whee: pa Bg pel itllvor the second year if he is too in-/baseman Jim Gilliam a token baseball, some 421, compared SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK I century cagifles were made of| paraffin, palm and coconut oils.'erperienced to play, taking up|raise to $25,000 for his 10th sea-'with 318 last year. « ee (4 = - MONEY-SAVING SPECIALS! The enaradely ontay STORE HOU RS: GARDEN FRESH ALBERTO CREME RINSE -- REG. 40c PLUS 1.89 Size filter or regular cigarettes OPEN THURS PRODUCE ALBERTO VO5 HAIR SPRAY 1.89 upto 94% less tar bb J see by auaeeus GL 98% less nicotine | FRI. & SAT. FIRM SELECTED "aaah ain deme = aquafiller' sen, Tl LL 10 0 CLOCK TOM ATOES QUICK Home Permanent Reg. 2.00 1,49 The best flee sew anh LE _/ / Pn Ze VIP { Bade / OM. CELLO PACKAGE RICHARD HUDNUT . Say goodbye to odbye t Ree Creme Shenpse CREME RINSE reggie 29: rea. 128... YBE vo 125 ....9Z3e | FRUITATIVES v "=U ytd) Pall LISTERINE Tooth Paste 2 for 99¢ | [lem] 'i | age end Vitemin Copr, G. Doppal 1961 25's McINTOSH || NOXZEMA Skin Cream 1.95 | "2 9877 | ase "eiee APPLES Save 21c ae Always 4 C FRUIT SALT wate Ib. Regularly 1.19... 98e it Sto FRESH, MEATY, NOT FROZEN 59: | EN Oo PENCIL bskt. Average weight ten Ibs. cut into chops and roasts to your own requirements. COUGH DROPS WHOLE LOIN«PORK »49° | 2 OFE! ||Fa@ "==" | comm eerroe puts you RIGHT. FOUNTAIN SYRINGES PEAMEAL--END CUTS--BY-THE-PIECE | BACK BACON we me | oF FRESH, SLICED nee Pe se ip cal YOU GET 4-WAY E COOKED HAM 2 89* BACON SQUARES .. 29° fa an FRESH OYSTERS MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF = 49° J} |] 280, 8 for 1.68 ON LOA. eres -ounce powder 8 99c, 12 for 11.75 | 1. Quolity 2. Quantity 3. Low Prices 4. Guarantee 3% pounds powder Cold Cream Soap ........: ost ;.. 2 for 29c, 6 for 85e SUNBRITE ALL VARIETIES -- PILLSBURY 5.69, 6 for 32.98... Shaving Cream ... ........- ae : MARGARINE oa C CAKE MIXES 3 C ; Evelyn Howard Theatrical Cold Crea 'densa snes wee KG. for Evelyn H i La Si PKG VITAMINS velyn Howard Hand and Body Lotion crcrxecexerexecerere----- 1.00 Epsom. Salt. 3.35. 5.45. cess enenecniemenee er a ae COMPARE AT 99 ty ; ' COMPARE AT 2 FOR 37c ¢ and 1.29 ' Piha glee Milk of Magnesia + poe 4 0 et ove Wow eTe! o foEa « fewer "exenereters 30c, 50c, 85c B i 1 om Milk of Magnesia Tablets ...-.-.:r-ireerenmnenetererr- 359¢, 50¢, 1.00 KLEENEX 2 ' 100s 4.95 Mineral Ol cseacss: o0-:rsuten> won irene inne sees iioan: Gay Te ' 3 for 11.88 Neh AMEE 5d. sesisciceaneeen ac ae ae TISSUES for Clean Sweep C Velvet Tip C Avoratioc Cascere crcces;: caencnssincscccs canine conn, SOG) Gee IDAMALT Stomach Powder | . . «<< .-casinvs:nciwssosonc aurea Ses ee COMPARE AT 39 Each... Each... 79¢ 1.29 2.39 "Utility" Hot Water Bottle . . GRAPEFRUIT 29 COMPARE AT 1.19 COD LIVER OIL Saccharin Tablets--'/% Grain .sesenecer-tortnern-taer.:. 20¢, 55¢, 79 48.072. CAPSULES Hydrogen Peroxide ............ 25c, 35c, 60c J U i E 1-LB 100's... 98c TONE VISGUG |. yes ccs ewiceabekan- wie eee er ee TIN. C Camphorated Oil ssc senyersestus esses svenacs een o een Ge COMPARE AT $1.09 * HALIBUT LIVER OIL ; NESTLE'S NON SCUFF WAX SALES LT Cane ee ee COMPARE AT 49c -- WAGSTAFFE'S 1.15 2.29 4.29 aa fas wich i a QUIK STRAWBERRY or IDAFER Bronenide Cliest Rab ooiicec.k ceive erences C tie Our Guarantee Is Your Guarantee FLEISHMAN'S Raspberry JA ers High-Tast guaranteed to be entirely satisfactory -- OIL COD LIVER OIL All products bearing the |.D.A. label are unconditionally : 8 and 16-ounce etree cre FRUIT BASKETS S aealeemeabiaintmmanded 90c 1.50 er your I.D.A. Druggist will immediately refund your money. NE VL. FANCY FRUIT BASKETS MADE TO : : : ORDER FOR ALL OCCASIONS OVER 500 STORES IN ONTARIO TO SERVE YOU S i? in % a I a | S JAMIESON'S || = LAW McCORDICK SUPER SAWE °° Zi KARN'S POWELL'S MITCHELL'S lif al 28 KING ST. EAST 351% SIMCOE ST. N. 9 SIMCOE ST. N. corner or KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA , 5 723-4621 725-4734 : 723-3431 COMPARE AT 37c