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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jan 1962, p. 21

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27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale {|29--Automobiles for Sole {32--Articles for Sale {32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIi.\ES, Wednesday, Januery 31, 1962 21 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent\27---Real Estate For Sale od ; --four-room bungalow n " " la, black, two/SAVAGE pump, 12 gauge shotgun, ad-|SIMPLICITY washing machine, reason- agg WILL EXCHANGE two . bedroom mod-|8100 DOW! Tier ro eer ndltioMt on ee ag pals carburetors, justable choke and recoil pad, al Good condition. Apply 73 Hitson|39 Articles for Sale 35--Legal ~ f 1 home, bal- Road South. -- Three-piece bath, picture windows, TV AL ern home for six-room, brick complete with oil heating. Low taxes. and gun $55, Telephone 728-6755. Ro outlet, Plenty cupboards and closets, FOR SALE ance cash. Apply Box 628, Oshawalooi,' 7700 full price. Cali Lorne Hart-|tion, ' after four p.m, 728-8396. lephone after f ' SOLITAIRE Ting, white gold,2* PRICE furniture clearance on Kroeh- : Quiet. Private garden, Available March] 3. heqroom brick' house | Times. ford at 728-6286, 8, D, Hyman Realtor. CAR radio, in the dash, ' fon quick, sala' (ler chesterfields, continental beds, oc- CHANGE OF 5 » suit . rug ----~ | ~~ "55 CHEV., outstanding condition guar-|$32.50. Aerial and installation extra. Try| lue $250. Sacrifice for qu sale. tite for gentleman. 'Telephone 7257386] "on Ritson Rd, South. All RO Tee vette' echoseatis tamer' Oot [Sem «Sige angie ragsigon --pebce in central Whitby. Write to|Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. _|Telephone 725-5366. | eitemeng aah tate Gea tienen NAME ACT r 6 p.m. conveniences, hardwood |o. trade on house, property, ete. 728- Adee aad heck : athe oil heating, One| 29x 845, Oshawa Times. TENTS, camping supplies, marine|BALL bearings and bronze. Mitton|supply). Also drastic reductions on all THREE-(large) room apartment, self-| floors, newly decorated, oil |9714 or 725-4701. Mr. Martin. open for balance. Call Bob 'ge5 powN. Bank finance '55 Chev. $4955 motors, guns and in aw bedri kitchen, dining room suites,| UPON the ication of contained, unfurnished, heat and water| heated, garage, 2 antennae. Stevenson at 728-6286, S. D, Hyman|*s: ojds, hardtop, '54 Ford Custom, ge Bary gee Try nui a . st DAVID ROSS SAVAGE, and « Terns ie | OY oe ae gaer" ($6,750 FULL PRICE (zs: EHie on Na setanne lee |UFRTORY pan fo ae, sn a |r tne leant Far' | een oe Aes 4 | ; - ' : -- ee pn : pean, Huron Biteet, Home tn 3 fused. Stewart Motors,'King at Thorn-| dition, CO 3.2698 728-4683. erate. Btrest South, Furnishings,| of a ee noe 26--Rooms for Rent $500 DOWN Tess condition, Low down t; ton, 725-1667. SMOOTH top mattresses at sensational|TYPEWRITERS, adders, buy or rent. Friday, the 23rd of ideal buy for smaller family. Full price/*5; CHEVROLET four door deluxe,|savings, fabulous purchase direct from|Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock|DINING réom, solid oak, nine pieces, day, rd | day ; ONE bed-sitting room and kitchenette. D W Mc $65 PER MONTH $10,500. Call $. Macko Realtor, 728-4661. !two tone, fully radio, oil fil show. Regular value from|South. MO 8-8442. Free delivery. refectory table, glass door china cab-| February A.D. 1962, at the - Comfortably furnished, centrally loest- ° . $1,000 DOWN. Five room, two bed ter, id washers. $59.50 to $89.50, All selling in three|AwninGs, canvas. pete Ce $75. After 6) hour of 10:30 o'clock in the "a * a O bs a he mm. ed ety Se Dearborn Avenue ue bis th ilies ee: wi living room, dining |snow tires, Telephone 72 . group prices only, $28, $38, Rory $48./free estimates. rentals. |: ele] T7173. forenoon before the presiding Sebeemins 795-99" REALTOR er Oho ae room, Kitehen; close to high school and|sHop FROM your phone by seanang |Spring fil mat Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North. V-BELTS and pulleys, Mitton Electie| Judge in Chambers ot ONE single furnished room, $4.50 week- : tecie on'a lor GO fh by S68. eect en, Seah ee Oe Oe ee cee h Street. B. F, GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat-|and Machinery Ltd., 208 Chestnut Street] Court House in the Town of | ly, centrally located, close to bus stop. Whitby Plaza jouse on a lo} » by 728-6408. Josep! ° ----|find every! tt edfcaasead CHAINS and aprockela' Milken Biectnic|*eties: Kelvinator refrigerators, tele-|East, Whitby. Whitby, in the County of Apply 163 Simcoe Street South. ft. SEVEN room house, four bedrooms, |j999 PONTIAC Laurentian, two door,|CHAINS and sprockets. Mitton Electric| vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543. 44 ' twi 313 Brock St. S., two kitchens, living room, bath. $800/¢ cylinder, automatic, two tone, radio,|and Machinery Ltd., 208 Chestnut Street TON Chevrolet box trailer; also boat|ONE, forced alr furnace with blower, Ontario, for the hearing of es oes ee 655-4850 * |down or best offer, One mortgage. jetc. 725-3152 between 5 and 9 p.m, East, Whitby. pad Sy Noavy Guly ehintiis tatea' tates ee SOAs cg good condition. $125.) the application DAVID , frally located, close to bus stop. Apply| Open 9 a.m. -- 9 p.m. 723-1231. 1058 PONTIAC Pathfinder two door/SRSEEE:, new and used. #01 ant $x-|model electric troner, large oll space ern rnotors, Milton Bleciia aad| ROSS SAVAGE, 128 Cadillac 128 Elgin Street East, Whitby MO 8-5868 TOWNLINE north, six room house, 1% low mond' giece aie, J heater. 70 Glovers Road, 725-9783. ikerioucy "Lia" Sie t Street| Avenue North, Oshawa, On--» «te DRS sedan, See gg enn ey wee AO pony . suitable for Telephone 728-5004. Street Sa ere ellipse a yop ie GRO floor. Two furnished rooms, TY acres land, large garage, su! $1,659, 'Tele! ae BEFORE buying or selling televisions,| rast, ; tario, to change his name to ida pred . Toronto EM 3-9603 GUIDE REAL storage, must sell, terms to! se OL E Super 88 sedan, ex-/WOODEN storm windows with screens, ifirniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash. | ost. DAVID ROSS REID. A to Shopping me oer sale by owner, T cellent condition, 309 Colborne Street/also aluminum, Telephone 725-6809 after) ors, oj) heaters, vacuums, dishes, cook-|USED parts and repairs for all makes 3 : five p.m. of wringer type washers, % hp motors, DATED at Whitby, Ontario, Centre. Telephone 728-9165. East after 4 p.m. Anytime on ing utensils, call Elmer Wilbur, Hamp- (a ce HEN FIFFINGSTine or knee fooma| VACANT ACREAGE LIMITED VEA APPROVED ge BV eat EET deluxe, two ton, ton, CO 3-2994, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash-| this 16th day of January " unfurnish newly decorated, 32 acres. of scenic, rolling room esa ergata nl Ls mat P| two door, 6 cylinder, $850 or best offer. 7 V TOWERS FURNACES, forced air, 10-year-guaran-|ton, Co 3.2211, AD, 1962. . boards, heavy wiring, TV outlets, util] tong, 12 acres wooded with | 16 Simcoe St. S, 723-1121 |conventences, fireplace, two acres. ot) Ath. wit 2.0914, is ae tee, $2.25 per week, no down p: ties included. Parking. Apply 130 Tyler 4 s land. Eight miles from Os! ee in err Ea ee Package deal, $130, Telephone 725-4729.|ROLLER bearings and seals, Mitton ALEX C. HALL, trout stream, 20 acres road to door. Will consider trade on|i959 PANHARD, only 5,000 origin ~:|Electrie and Machinery Ltd., 208 Chest. Seneeeet. waa ideal hel ite older type home in Oshawa, seven|miles, Needs small repair job. Make! 40 . #t, structure with oll- |SELLING furniture? We'll buy it, Re-|Wiecttic and Machinery | JUDGE, t sh bea bi ge Apple Hill District rooms or more. Telephone MA 3-2930| offer, May be seen at 72 Cadillac Ave- andl Anker all het TV's, washers, pianos, z ' plus farming (horses, PP ask for Anderson, or write Box 7, RR|nue South. ¢ e F tS) stoves, ete. For top cash offer contact|WE pay highest prices in the city for Z. T. SALME sheep, pheasants, poultry), : 3, Bowmanville, ae SUPER balck Ad cobdition power| 'ed, quaranteed 1 yeor, 19 Prince Street, Phone 728-1131. used furniture. Bretis's Used Furattare Solicitor' for Applicant, *} LARGE furnished housekeeping room,| Small gravel deposit. One Lovely six-room brick home, brakes, steering, windows, seats, trans-| 171 Bond St. Eost, 728-6781 lwe buy, sell and exchange used furni-|~"*_ "~~ ----_"*s Simcoe South, _ ne laundry facilities, parking, apply 63/ mile from Myrtle. $10,000 nicely decorated. Large rec- CALL mission, radio, new snow tires, Tele- ture or anything you have. The City|FOX ice fishermen: Coleman two burn-|« Greta Street, telephone 723-7800. with terms. Call Mr. Sandy, reation room and also a bed- phone Orono 30 R 14. TRIO. TELEVISION Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Stree! ni Sr Coisinta "nalts trees Stee eed FURNISHED rooms, close to business room in basement. Aluminum 723 ] Ann 5150; 1951 FORD tudor, in excellent| 171 Bond St. E, 728-678) |South and 31 aon ote East, 723-1671. |$13.505 pion og . SPORT BRIEFS "8 section, for gentlemen, reasonable, 160 15 RES storms and screens. $1,500 130 4 running order, good tires, GooD TV's a 4 Park Road North. 0 AC down. '728-3978, VALLEY CREEK at reasonable prices. Lage 4 Tele-| BEDROOM, living room, kitchen r ision, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your|freezer, vacuum, television, chest, cof- Wie Roe siee, Ge wk Teel de price 's8 FORD Walctane, two dor, eniernaye color "TV. store. fee, step, corner tables, golf elubs. COACH REWARDED 18,500 original miles, $850 cash. Tele-} the Peterboro area, located FOR A COMPLETE V-8, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, new FURNITURE color TV store. conthen nae Pah TUSCALOOSA, Ala, (AP) phone WH 2-0666. near junction of Hwys. 115 Income Home REAL ESTATE SERVICE [mow 'tres.' 1) throughout, Can be 145 KING WEST or warehouse, Tiraken ll unit; iy oper_|VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makess| Paul (Bear) Bryant's six - yea? TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, bed- i iS . : am i brushes, guaran- fae, Kighen, ecitin cupbeatt, re} ond <8 x 0 ue front Situated in @ good rented 105) BUICK century hardtop, radio, Next to Western Tire ating i on, duct Ftc: Mag parte, atiaghioents, brushes 54 a0-/contract as Alabama football » laundry -- facilit pase cael bet 2 sooae area, this home has eight '€ AR two-door, good condition, Telephone 728-4401 waredewekel S "a ma| Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- coach was extended Thursday entrance, central. Suit couple. Apply; workable, lance in wood- rooms, including two. kit- 723-9343. : We -buy, sell exchonge used ecplobieang oooh ioe ep a ice, 728-0591 anytime, to 10 years. Dr. Frank Rose, 253 Athol Street East. lots with spring ponds. Clay h c ili ----- An atation Wann, Lauren netsh ses, ft nena eT 4 ens. Close to all facilities, EALTOR 1958 PONTIAC station wagon, : 7 rth: i FURNISHED room. Kitchen to share} loam soil especially adaptable a R O tian series, automatic, radio, 6 eylinder,| furniture, washer, TV, radios |tress % size Good as new, telephone HALF priced sale of Sunworthy redi-|president of the university, also cil heating, gara: artiall ' 725-3339. |pasted and regular wall paper at} oni U ij parking. private' entrance, elose to} '0 Wheat and clover. Borns | . finished rec-room. Reason- | 19 ATHOL ST, W., OSHAWA _|g0od condition. Apply 59 Wilson Road] and so forth at prices to top |72PSi8 7 (Edgar's 'Decor Centre, 34 King. Street|Said Bryant's salary is being im parking, private entrance, oe 80 x 36 and 30 x 36 with : : . : = North. Be oe aVvOne tn ee elty, ra cL need annica, New\woct Room lots of 10 single rolls from|creased to $18,000 a year. North General Motors, reasonable. shel ah Caster bowie, 10. ably priced, 1919 FORD coach, mechanically good, Stee nancition tae phony ve conte" ON |s3.45. Visit Edgar's first. bama unbeaten and untied last: LSE Try ick ith clean upholstery and good body. | $75. GOOD RECONDITIONED VIKING wringer washer in gendZgy_|CASM Tegisters, showcase, meat slicer./season, was picked the No. "% § PER WEEK. Breakfast included.| 90m brick house with oil ' DUPLEX May be seen at 71% Simcoe Street VIKING wringer washer, in good con-|CASH re q 4 : , : Clean hotel rooms, single or double.) heating and bathroom, Ideal Asking $1 1,900 North, Apartment aa CEs REFRIGERATORS, RANGES dition; also double wardrobe with fun, salle choke, Wanart, teastnes Ve college football team in thé Nightly rates also available, Telephone) for 2 families. Spacious lawns 1959 FORD station wagon, good condi- AND WASHERS length mirrors. Telephone 728-2754. _ __ typewriters, Hamilton Office Equip, 137|United States, "- 725-0078. ieiueiedac scageal ) andavall trend This tore hos Lovely. -S-room:. home with ONLY 2 YEARS OLD _[tion, $1,500, 111 King Street East, Bow- All Parts and Service. FURNACE, gas (used), excellent /Brock §. Whitby, MO 8-842, D PRESID PRIVATE comfortable clean room fot! been in the family name for thorcer! gariee: end clenor manville, MA 3-7075. AJAX working cond Tele-|;¥piNG paper on sale, letter size,|NAMED LEAFS PRESIDENT Settee cots niteon North oF tee.| 3 generctions and is. now drive. N.W. ar Call to- Upper ond lower units, 5 Later MR dea i white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and) TORONTO (CF) -- Toronto, See ae ee nt | obferad foe aola fer lat Hire aay toe fall serreuers De o Lareoane aoeR VOLVO BARGAIN CENTRE GIRL'S winter coat, size 12, blue, fur|save. 4% Ib pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.0.|Harhor Commissioner Harry phone P a . jay ull particu 5 rooms, 'OOF HARWOOD AVE. NORTH fabric lined; three sees wrens play-|Circulation Dept., Oshawa Times, Kimber Monday was named TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and| $32.000.00 with $10,000.00 tment. Brick construc- er; girl's bicycles all gi ~ Hitchens builtin 'cupbearde. sink a84| down, Call Mr. Sandy. : : fone Hordused end" Hi THE FAMOUS P.V.544 AJAX -- WH 2.6410 lai. gS0! gly 34--Lost & Found president of Toronto Maple FRE e: Bete ret Alas "one ent Business Opportunity | floors, gas furnace heating, 1962 MODELS cost; Temier dor, grey and-wane,|Leafs Baseball Club of the In- town. Suit two girls. Als 725-5228. RESTAURANT kt ck ti a cb xe paved drive. 60 x 200 foot NOW ON DISPLAY DO IT NOW clipped, answers to Bobby. Brass eol-| ternational ag R lace of, FURNISHED room in clean quiet} $11,500.00 total price for oe ee Pauidee ry teste lot. Jake & Bill's Garage lar. Telephone 723-2646 after 5 p.m. j|owner Jack Kent Cooke. The pene LOST: Male beagle hound, College Hilljannouncement was made at Ww home, board if desired, central location, restaurant and livin art- i i at bus stop. Telephone 725-2879. SH Lossad Whig Cea and three offices. Immediate WiLLL ACCEPT GOOD FINA SERVICE district. Lloyd Morrison, 'Oshawa, on] reception for Charlie Dressen, Fee ae aa: Seecone i| 98 near Mosport race track. | Possession. BRICK BUNGALOW |t0 SONS = eee! FREE ESTIMATE SERVICE Reward. 'Telephone 7253063," '"™"Inew field manager for the Siding' electric Refrigerator and stove-| Eight rooms ior rent du ing WOULD gentleman who found allver| Leafs i it fri, jor and si + ¢ ' t Os gentleman wi . Heat, light. and "continuous hot water,| summer. Gas furnace, bath- For full particulars IN TRADE. BUYING OR SELLING SEE AVAILABLE AT brooch, Memorial Park area, please| "The board of directors felt? entral to downtown and shopping cen- , coll 723-1121 phone 725-1686 again? Friend lost/it ig essential for the president: fre. Suit working" couple, adults only. pf wring Cal ' ; iti TED CAMPIN Brooch that sipe) of the club to live in Toronto,' ( $15 weekly. Telephone 725-5227. gating. Ca' Apply in writing to C : lishek: E room, completely furnished for) Mr. Sandy. Roy Flintoff, Irene Brown or said Kimber, former pub get Miasavacoinae heats light, continu- F F Pyllis Jubb, "Jean Peacock, MOTORS BUILDING SUPPLIES Good Advertising of The Globe and Mail. " ous hot water, use of washing machine} Residential -- Acreages -- Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, BOX 829 OSHAWA and Cooke, Toronto millionaire; and dryer, central to downtown i Trout Streams -- Farms -- Lucas' Bageok lung, 607 KING At ve ae a who became a U.S. citizen last: fo iat Suit working girl, $8. Lots -- Industrial -- Com- . OSHAWA TIMES Gust East of Wilson Roa 728-4688 Good Merchandising year, retains controlling inter? SORNISRED rooms Tors er mercial -- Businesses, We List Photo Co-op, __ 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 GO Zst in the club and remaing' pf pn i ig o tresophone 7. ] : : ig board ehsiriman. uvee was no. iat | ~-- SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED | LLOYD REALTY | = spor casti -- |_1270 SIMCOE ST. N. (WEST SIDE) | HAND in HAND [stat amet . kitchen, refrigerator, stove, separate LIST WITH LLOYD Good clean cars. Trade up i . Tek 2 ; caged rg suit one person. Tele- 360 KING or W. 723-2265 THEN CALL YOUR MOVER or down. Liens poid: off. TWO room apartment, furnished. Suit- NORTH-WEST DODD MOTOR SALES able for two gentlemen, or a couple. Centrally located, parking. Telephone HORTOP AVENUE -- 5% MORTGAGE 2-year-old bungalow just 34 39421 s. = it E'S ON CLEAN furnished room in quiet home, central, suit 723-9225. 728-7174. es Si listed, over 1,100 square SINGLE room in quiet, clean home,| Lovely 5-room brick bungalow located on a fully landscaped lit feet. $13,900 full price, gentlemen only; centrally located, close} 44 x 185. This 8-year-old home is in' excellent condition inside carries for $85.00 per month, THE HOME OF to bus stop. Apply 135 Celina Street. and out. 3 large bedrooms, beautiful bright kitchen. Substential interest ond principal. Fully GOOD USED CARS down payment, balance $70.00 per month including taxes, Call - Re . : ATTRACTIVELY Don Stradeski, evenings 728-8423 for further iaiforAGtion. oe iat tion, BILL WHITTICK th 'e [ FURNISHED ROOMS hurry for this one. Call Ed ; Available in private home. HARMONY HEIGHTS Drumm at 728-5123. MOTORS LTD. 4 g CHIT between 4 pi | p.m. 14-year-old, 5-room brick and stone bungalow built by S. Jack- NEWTONVILLE 146 BROCK N. / # y so) id Son. Owner paid $13,800.00 . Has j thi 82 PARK ROAD NORTH i andor ond ay ve transferred. Nicely eceneas torane FULL PRICE $8,500. WHITBY MO 8-47.41 728-8671 backyard, handy to school. 6% mortgage. Monthly payment DOWN $700.00 DOWN Lg « dante P. and |. Call Les Hall, evenings 728-5513 for further | . co information. New! Six-room bungalow, W LLIS 27 Real Estate For Sale modern kitchen, dining room, eee pg igen Rg 7 gpd ow 160 LAUREL COURT large living room with plas- MOTORS It-in br iy cveniags 74714. aout Executive type, brick home featuring spacious living and dining ia idk Ps at chad Pelars, Reales, room with exposed beams, natural fireplace, tiled 4-pc. bath with 4-pe. tiled modern bath, TAUNTON ROAD EAST vanity, Kitchen with built-in bar and stools, 3 large bedrooms h- east end, open for offers. No agents| with walk-in closets, Rec room and extra bedroom downstairs, poe aaa Pinar yond Your AUSTIN Dealer please. Telephone 725-4654. tiled laundry room, roughed-in plumbing for extra bathroom. We h jood 0 mat sae " le ; 3.00. e have ag assortment FIVE room bungalow, 2¥% acres, chick-/ Garage and patio. Fully landscaped, Owner transferred, Very of ug Phew bbianig - i of Used Cars, en house, 3,000 capacity. $13,0v0 with anxious to see an offer, Call Bill McFeeters, evenings 725-1726 yearly. ust listed, Pp $2,000 down. Telephone Brooklin 4 now by phoning Bill Horner oan. for further information, ot 728-8123, now! 725-033] cluding built-in automatic washer. Sell List Co-op Through This Office Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., or trade on house, property, ete. o-- H 728-9714 or 728-2548. Mr. Martin. Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Realtor, 3 Automobiles Wanted _ 101 Simcoe St. N., LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. TWOCYEAROLD HARRY MILLEN Real Estate [2#=Res!_Estete_Wonted un 6-RM. BUNGALOW sa ie MODERN CARS WANTED Aluminum Storms, Se ss wpa Landscaped lot, fenced yard, BUNGALOW ay ok cot iene Nee extras, WANTED IN WHITBY Car Dealer and "SAVE", ah Bee ERIS HONE We have on cll cash buyer | TED CAMPIN MOTORS PARCEL OF LAND $9,000 -- $1,000 DOWN agri Mile penag loge 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 1 New oil heating unit -- garage -- private drive. V I kitchen. Lot size approx. 6 , ae Se, Salt home throughout. Terrific buy for a Inigo family ppg eae If interested in sell $ Alt CASH $ Private Sale income home, Reasonable monthly payments will handle. Lo- CALL LES HALL For clean cars we deal up or cated close to schools and shopping area, For further infor- DAYTIME AT 723-2265 down, Liens paid off. TELEPHONE: 725-1615] mation call John Field -- Days 728-1679 -- Evening 723- SCHOFIELD-AKER NICOLS MOTORS LTD. ie LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY P AUL RISTOW EVENINGS 728-5513 MO 8-8001 REALTOR TAUNTON RD. E. -- 1 ACRE OF LAND 29--Automobiles for Sale |31--Automobile Repairs 3,500 DOWN 1990 CORVAIR deluxe; four door, white, YOUR CARRIER is an enterprising young man in 52% SIMCOE ST. N. taal de tow mileage, like new. 7257000, "| KEAMAP- MOTORS ee oe 5¥2-room ronch-style bungalow with attoched garage, large i052 CHEVROLET, good body, radio, * 728-9474 iving room newly decorated, natural fireplace, 3 crdroune |aeatet, Seuala roeckanically""partoct AUTOMATIC business to serve you and the many other customers-- $150. Telephone 725-5555. Can be seen Residential with built-ins, large kitchen, 4-pc. tiled bath, forced air oil |anytime at 621 King Street East. TRANSMISSION. Fam heating. Asking $17,900. Call Loreen Kellett -- Days 728- i i Convnanci ti timun. SELLING SPECIALISTS on his newspaper route, quickly and dependably each Industrial WHI - or BUYING TBY MO 8-4932 SPLIT LEVEL HOMES i RURAL HOME 'SEW |S fae v $15,350 WITH $2,150 DOWN\,. ST re Glas ce Ce Towra mse unee | Lovely six-oom splt-level with stone front, large Lahaped | WORTH TRYING arsenic, asian ts nyc: HE BUYS his papers from us at the wholesale rate and low, all modern, with fire- or Ontario Bedding Co., CO 725-4189. pléce, ah coe, oF lend living room and dining room furniture finished cupboards in '55 CHEV., le cated on No. 35 Highway. kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. bath with vanity. Call Charles Taxes $100 per year. Con- Smith -- Days 728-1679 -- Evenings 728-8254, Easy Terms if required, = CARL PRESTON, sales- asa ee } SERVICE SPECIALS Matched pair, excellent im ror serving you. DON WILSON METCALF CLASS "A" MECHANIC condition. Real Estate REAL ESTATE LIMITED PHONE 728-4646 184 CHARLOTTE STREET, Including el phi lugs, int: . PETERBOROUGH 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 | murfers .... $695 wp | ICE ON YOUR DRIVEWAY? . e ° " aa Hy CASTLE HOMES serie oe pened flares it with Rk welt. or each collection day. Thus, he is on your "payroll", not ours, and appreci- $9,500 -- 8 ROOMS 4" wheels." Bonded' ining. | °2ilum chloride from: | $1050.00 DOWN. | Zoned.c2 -- one block from Simcoe on Bloor St. E -- modem | OIL CHANGE oss, Sea Building: Supplies Ltd, ates being paid promptly--so that he can pay his own paper bill and en- Full Down Payment kitchen, all large rooms, oil furnace, storms and screens. Ideal $10 ala gy Oil and 4 : "1 King Street West for income or commercial with low down payment. or Free Delivery Telephone PREMIUM OIL . per gt. 49c 725-4761 joy the full profit he has earned ! day. G. E. WASHER $190. sells them to you at retail. The difference in price pays Dryer $140 AND BECAUSE he works for you in this way, he looks to you for payment Built-in range and oven Name Brands. Lo del; kitche: ith P roe deluxe kitchen wit i DUPLEX adit Geos" | FOOD & FREEZER Decorated in oils - jo Ave. -- two 4-room apartments -- complete in every | types 4.95 up PLAN . $ Aluminum storms ond screens way. Double garage, good-sized; landscaped lot, building in Good selection. 6.70 x 15. Neriinuns sein dean Immaculate shape. Very good income. Asking $14,500.00. GAS, Save 3 Cents .. 36c You may have tried the rest, Ultre-thedern ek ' DISCOUNT PRICES ON ALL Now try the best. Eat better _ get Recreation room facilities BUILDING COT REPAIRS. FREE ESTIMATE, for less. 80% groceries sup- ' b) i | . on or aes 46 x 161 -- $2,850.00, -- all services including sidewalk in. Sen FOR YOUR CAR. ss Re ee ee H E © S HAWA | | M ES Full price $13,735 LIENS PAID OFF, ais c ' 725 Life-time warranty freezer, =I 186 AFTER 5:30 CALL STEWART the only one guaranteed by Remember! There's never @ | Dick Barrloge 725-6243 Joe Moga 725-9191 Good Housekeeping. -- No second mortgage on a New down payment. Call now for Castle Home. Ideally Io Marion Drew 725-7610 MOTORS demonstration -- no obliga- cated, fully serviced, Everett Elliott 723-9290 John Kemp 728-2392 | 822 KING W., 725-1667] tion, ZEnith 9-6100, f >

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