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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Feb 1962, p. 14

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| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [== 13--Business Opportunities|17---Male Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent FRONT ROOM, i2' = 20'. Suitable for YOUNG man to drive dry cleaning, UPSTAIRS front room, N f ent at 388 truck, part-time. A to Box 14, Osh- furnished. Kitchen privileges. Parking. i Street East beside Coin Wash, off Sime SALESMAN awa 'Times. iad Sult one or two. 139 Albert Street, tele- pony, orceer, gcauPhed with refrigerse B on Neath. Also "parking, 78 oa SUPERVISOR required for night food ee coe a oi 723-2511. all conveniences, Parking. 725-9595. EQUIRED pet 'Ap- | 412 ~ Giveroom modern pa Ry a R ply Box 816, Oshawa Times, stating ag: stove, deco: + bedroom, fours f and le » laundry room apartment, unfurnished, private qualifications, Applicants must facilities, hot water, parking $85. Adults entrance and bath. Agnes Street near G the f | We have on ding line | have references. aus. north plant. Dial 725-1168. w et ret acts ! of calendars, advertising spe- |SSLESMEN sisminnm peudushs. Diese | THERE < Ts ceieien teieuae ete |ROMGIAL balhele Adatiaial Ws isa: Accountants Fuel and Wood {Optometrists CLASSIFIED AD RATES. Before you invest, reod the ciolties, gifts, and other items {32 park Road North, 728-4491. room, close to bus. 725-9328, |ment building, fully furnished. Ideal a i for couple, Plenty of parking. Posse "S Ontario Accounting F, RICHARD BLACK: Doctor of Optom new 20-page factual Progress and are looking for an aggres- |sares trainee. Newly formed Cana-|THREE-ROOM apartment and bath ow ia. Gomglete bookkeeping service.) Premium Quality etry, the examination of eyes, contact an chee Report: Coin-Operated Laun- sive salesman who wants high | dian subsidiary of international cor cor-|heat and lights, near hospital, one child stom March 18. Telephone : 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res., DX STOVE OIL lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. 6 CONSECUTIVE dry ond Drycleaning Stores."" earning potential and repeot poration has immediate opening for . Tele-\THREE-ROOM basement ap 723-4) artment, pi cated MO 8-844) ee ee INSERTIONS 373 4.13 Find out about the new soles. No objection to an ad- [Young man to be trained for local| phone 728-2852 for further separate entrance, two-piece bath, rtered : : Ff branch manager's position, Full train-|973" RaLDWIN Bireet, basement |parking. Close to buses. and schools. FILSON un id King Street Ease Ost-| For your convenience stove |Painting and Decorating * ee a COIN-OPERATED ga al al we ccd ing given, car necessary. Personal 10-l<Pariment, with Saree dl t 125 So a cassens CA. 7287554. CAs G| oil may be purchased at our |a¢--Gonroy, professional painling.|| if not paid within 7 days the WESTINGHOUSE shes Wednesday, February. 28 Cciee, ee estas ca ee Edmund Burrows CA. "| service station, Hwy. No. 2 {paper hanging, "rood finishi 1962 Phin: cake Will aeoh Write Nichols Ad SLareh <. Adall sheet coumene Yaeketinn: vaonne, = ; ZOUNDFROOF, fireproof, elevator, im 'MONTEITH, MONTE: SIRS. sed between Oshawa and pap stock. 7-008. iets apply any origins DRYCLEANING rite Nichols Advertisers |telephone number to Box 22 Oshawa ers at tercom, many extras, $105, Two-bed- Chartered Accountants, , i bg NTIN * Above rates Times, large brigh; room ment,/room apartments. a ifs wey ts Simeoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax | Whitby, Open Daily, includ atead NG caer oak te orders for consecutive | insertions, MACHINES Ltd., 23-29 Jenet Ave., YOUNG man, 17 to 20 years of age. Beayy | Witte, , DATkInE,| T5454 be pags John A, J. Bola- WH 2.0890; Whitby MO 8-4131. ing Sun. 7 a.m, -- Midnight, |PNCre work, Reasonable rates. Tele.|| Subsequent Insertions ordered ot al] gis 11. |. she national Toronto 4 stating qualifi« |wanted immediately lor citer data' Suitable adults. Apply 72 Cadillac South. |hood, R. B. PROSSER, CPA, Certified Pu mm ivdvabein phone 728-2558. val Baga constitute @ new original Waninchcie Loundromat veld Sd ads 94 Must be willing to learn, Previous ex. Wn ave, verseiekioe mee emipged nee |THREE-ROOM self-contained unfurnish- ccou! tre Street North a - : : i Perience not necessary, but typing|Wwith stove, eral al aun Whine, to baat, a 9 ech l groped by ingots aa Professional and Business listings distributor . . . has helped _Cations. Opportunity for advancement,|facilities, on Simcoe North, Telephone |°¢ ri bath, FALE, FRIEDLANDERS WU NTER| CE SPECIALIZE in permanente, Open) Sised ot once. |] $7.50 per, month for 3 lines daily. || establish over 13,000 suc- usual employee benefits, Apply Stark|725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m. re omer fe es aad Co.. Ancceslasts aed Aumibes, jSataranrs til Rome. tee godly Tele. PAINTING, papering, rai ripen Each additional line $1.60 per cessful stores . . . more stores COMPETENT APPLIANCE Electronics Instruments, Finlay Ave-| SonyH OSHAWA, modern two-bed-|ness couple. Available March 1. MO Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, 64|Snone 723-9411, feo Ol pc wie) egerssee than all others combined. Get SERVICE MANAGER for well | Bue Adax. room , in build |8-3168, King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale,/ | Each word, initial, abbreviation the facts. Coll or write to- established Furniture and ap» | WILL exchange $90 for 40 hours ing, four-piece bath, stove, CA: F. Friedlander, B. Comm., CPA. instruction | \}.or figure counts os @ word. Box aay far 4 leh, No lionce chain store operation week. Apply Room 217, Bloor Bidg., 87 |free washing facilities. Paved parking, eed igh bor Lager --_-- ith or free ure, ian a ; ment, bath a Vv " '° &%. HOPKINS and Company, Certl.|-"" DODD & SOUTER chorge 15c additional, y p Bloor Street West, Toronto, $87 monthly, Telephone 728-3377 nd private en| pine pa ' ifi ligation to service Refrigerators, ANTS' c ing, ntants, 172 King| i i lessons, adults only.| 1 b All Classified Advertisements ob! . | ° ACCOUNTANTS' office requires stu-|SELF-CONTAINED apartment, three Street 'East, Oshawa, Onterto, 725-3508 [POPULAR ptase Outarie' Streets Bow:| °* pray Rede hc ATING Il must be in by 5 pi. the day be- ||. This Is Your | Washers, Ranges. dents, either C..A., C.P.A. or C.G.A.|rooms and bath, builtin retri Telephene _ 7301500. manville. RA 3-2697 | CONT ; fore publication except Births, : B Must have practical mechan- | courses. Grade 13 required. Apply Brit-|stove, cupboards. care Vacant Mar,|ONE-BFDROOM apartment, furnished A isers Painting, Paperhanging In Memoriams, Cords of Thanks Opportunity to Be | ical. experience, combined nell, Moore and Co., 130 King Street/1, Telephone 723-3229 or unfurnished. Apply 496 Simcoe Street pproise | MILLAN cht mAnee ae sehook Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, which will be accents, en? on, Your Own Boss! with eitetes tnd able to [East 725-6451. 300. MONTHLY, Tere North or- telephone 728-395. PATRICK G. McDANIEL, AACI, Real | DEA, allet, ap» re-Sc! Deadline for Lost an 'oul on | } 4 ' " .|FURNISHED two - room apartme: Estate Appraiser and Broker, Ten|bdatic, Friday a rect, 123-728 Masonic) 107 event ere Tey Cancellations 8:30 a.m. Office ALD CANADA LTD. | supervise 6 other employees. 18--Male or Female Help by Suerac: wins" vatereee tel central, conveniences, heat, lights, ---- years of appraisal experience. Whitby.| Temple, Centre Stree! Nae i Hours Daily 8-5, Saturday 8 - 12, 25 Belfield Road An excellent permanent pos- water, hydro, 227 King Street West, (ng, children welcome. Telephone 728- Phone MO 6.2311. PRIVATE teacher, student mae DAYS MO 8-523] REGULATIONS-- Rexdale (7, 10 | ition with well rated com- ante 723-3204, 4386. or 723-9180. i 16 years' experience, by interview only NIGHTS 725-7426 The Oshawa Times will not be exdale oronto ntario ibaa Full A' = 7 : © pany s shop fac- |T0 DO OFFICE CLEANING at night|pRicnT au Auto Parts | Act now. 725-1054, -- r Ts - responsible for srrore in advertise- RO 6-7255 | th ull service Pp aud Waskinla, SAN oF part tite, "Etats own abalone thos ee Toe 26--Rooms for Rent pagers \ - re RVEY DANCE ACADEM on, | vi ments submitted otherwise than in Leds age, experience, references and phone -- ---- ph ade nigel bigs a Timing rg RAD ballet, Highland. Register| hacia sls writing, not fdr more than one Position open In nearby Cen- {number. Apply Box 717 Oshawa Times, Pe ygety Bit aor og pcp FT furnished housekeeping rooms, Ms" King Sirect "West, Osta wa,(oow. 424 King Street West, 723-6122 |REFAIRS to ail makes of 'sewing mé-\| incorrect insertion of 'any adver- 14--Employment Wanted tral Ontario city of opproxi- \Etayton, 1253800; eight to five pms |Detroo™ and kitchen with refrigerator, 3 chines. ree estimates in advance.|| tisement, nor beyond the rice |} ix 4914 ™*\ sink, cupboards, private toile! 'ark- -728-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you rn |Work fully guaranteed. Expert work-|| charged for a single insertion of ||PETER PAN DAY NURSERY. All or mately 50,000, 20----Room and Board |after six, 725-4914. --________.|ing_space. Apply 156 Agnes Street. nsurance ed __|manship. Singer Se Machine Co./] the advertisement in which error |/half-day, 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m..| All replies treated 'n strict |two rooms, single beds, sult gentle: |DIVSION STREET, 104, two large |noo ROOM and board in quiet comfortable Barristers ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save' t a 14-16 Ontario Street. 725-5443. | occurs. And algo reserve the right He Bows. street North, 728-2604. | --_ confidence men, close to South General Motors, Lae fie acy duache chaser Goes yr home, central, to business section. Suit MAN, ' Barrister, Solici-|to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For|sp nachine rentals, by the|| to classify advertising according to |! . Rep! iving full background |Pediars, Duplate. Six-day week, $17. perl by space, Park-lable for girl. Telephone after 5 p.m. eigory ' hg h ped Resi-|personal service at your home, call month or by the week. Free pick-up || its own classification. work. Full or part fred tne gia abs estisn ie cee sol- | Telephone 723-2625. ing, Apply above sddrese alter §p.28-i7as-1008, 725-1625. |and delivery. Apply Singer Sewing Ma- In the case of display edvertise- : 4 feur's licence, Telephone Orono 2504J. Seceeeeenenanenne rennin jchine Co., 14-16 Ontario Street, 725- The Times will t be held two-piece bath, heavy duty wiring, AIS S HYMAN OC, Barrister, Soll- ments e es not be he! 4 single and double rooms, near GM room with refrigerator, suitable for one spice, etary, Alger Bidg., 37 King| Save $20.00 on Auto License | 5443. responsible for more space than '16--Femole Help Wanted Pak Times. South plant. Five days weekly, $15. eee mee eee oe ee two, laundry facilities, parking | 7 ? hat in which the actual error Telephone 725- 1716. Stree 63 Greta 723-7800. Street East, 723-4943, Mortgage monies -- |DO YOU make use of a laundromat? t . | phone -- Poe Sigs arate pace. reta 8 dbvailable | Buy.. . nee INSURANC [Let us do your iro Largo, basket, | occupies. The publishers endeavour | URGENT, will give comfortable home| |SINGLE room with board, centrally| ATTRACTIVELY decorated two-bed-|RacHELOR apariment. completely Pak eT eS eT | Premiums as low os.» » ie 25. Telephone 725- |] to reproduce all's vertising matter plus smail remuneration to woman to| MAN R |located, Will mind children three years|T00m apartment in triplex, bee Speer furnished, refrigerator, stove, Suitable Solicitor, 'Notary Public. | $24.00 per year. WING machines sales and service opto ¥, OU ot oe in jobility |itake care of two pre-school children or over while mother works, 173 Ritgon|¢duipped. Free washer, dryer and park: meatless. Central, near North Gen- funds available, 361 King Street East.| SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED lial mies: Wart aoa laer guaran-|] Df adveriisement, if any indceuracie® |while mother works. 452 Loring. TRAIN | Road South, eas atesas ote or 343 Fron. (Seat Motors, 105 Ritson Road north, 728-2336, Res. 985-7163 i SL jteed, 329 Simcoe South, 728-9741. * | EXPERIEN " EE $14 WEEKLY, one single room, one 2 125-1300. -- ---- argest erro CED invoice typist wanted.| ' * ier tat GREER and KELLY, Barrister, Bolick} See... wong 4 . |SEWING machine repairs to any make. | Must be fast, neat and accurate. Usual] 3 double room, single beds, gentlemen or| THREE reste basement apartment, |7Wo-ROOM furnished apartment, bed- tor, ete., 114 King Street East, Dial| Insurance Office | Estimates Work guaranteed. Elna Sew- Apply in person.) Must be high school |zirls. Three cooked meals per day. TV.|Private bathroom and entrance, stove,|-oom and kitchen, built-in cupboards, 723-2278 Residence phones: J. M.j 360 King St. W. 723-2265 ling Machi 428-2391. iTV - - Radio Rep irs Stark Electronic - Instruments, Finlay | Central. 725-9087. television antenna, close to General | refrigerator, laundry facilities, private Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368. Terence V.|-------------- | SEWL Sg to all makes, free|-- a Avenue, Ajax | graduate, some col- FOR GENTLEMEN foom and board, | eens Seem eae Telsrmene Tears |entranss, pala Apply 253 Athol ory expected. Box 29 Osh- ROOM and board for three gentiemen,|*#REE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, ONE large furnished housekeeping sKelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832 } estimates, all work guaranteed, new| ae oo | : lunches packed, singles or to share,|RICHMOND Street east, near HRitson, |Street East. RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS H.| D W HOLDEN Fe used machines bought and sold.| T.V TOWERS MATURE woman wanted to perform) lege or business ex- wety central, a4°500 Kink 'Sires Raat three or five-room apartment, self-con- ; ' household Guticz for semi-invalid moth- ° | MODERN furnished attic room, divided "GREER Associate Barristers greed SURANCE |Faereae and lessons included. er of two young children (no cooking), perience preferred, pence Ritson Road. pe exo pd "an behad Tepe into bedroom, living room, kitchen, Street East. 7 | IN 361 GIBBONS ST to live in. References, Telephone TE| FOR THE BEST value in living accom-|799.3556, closet space and cupboards, Suitable re barristers Go| 5! KING EAST, OSHAWA : 728-8180 -- tee i abo | Job leads to phone, 756-0078. Wane o chanct Phos MODERN th rtment Telephone 723-9876. me aes DLE, Barrister, Soll- l h d | Sea DEIO phone 725-0078. Want a change? Phone a ree-room Spa. » com a 0 nsure your cor with us an O G LADY to take care of motherless home, | H te $ + letely furnished, cooki vileges, Gisoce Kast. Pose aatiic, 2% Ming) oply the $20 savings in M DERN RILL | Terms -- Open Evenings ive in. For further information tele-| managerial position in ee eee st ial couple. Apply. 4 Quebec Streets [TW eee ee eee FE cn gag eon . i fe: 7, c » © le 4 HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN ond WILI- license fee on the premium. Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey OSHAWA See phine 728-133 8 to 4. about two yeors. home, Free parking, $18 full' week,|SELF-OONTAINED, second floor apart- Dawe and refrigerator. Near hospital MAN, Barristers, Solicitors;, R. 0.) Diol 728-6081 or 723-3376, Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home | Free Survey énd Estimates AMBITIOUS active woman, for custo. close to South General Motors, Shop- ment ia Bloor-Simeoe area. T and downtown, suit two girls. 725-5228. :Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, BAi Made 'Pies and Desserts. ee Gate |mer service work, Full or part time, CRESCENT ping Centre, 81 Park Road South. -8520. SPACIOUS single room, in quiet cleam | | W. A. Hillman, LLB., 36% King Street | | Investigators | | ~~~ |Must be able to meet the public. Ex-| 45 MONTHLY, fo home. an preferred. Five min- Bast, Phones: Office 725-1177 9 bie | 345 PH} gy EN SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT [cellent remuneration. Telephone 728-| 22--Store Space & Garages) upstairs, private bath, heavy duty wir- utes from four corners. Apply 138 Co- 925-4604 or began MO 8-2761; 725 503. | | DAY OR NIGHT! 2233 for f persona! interview ling, TV outlet, heat, hydro lina Street. } --_ STORE ffi ace, a fi ; st ---- ACME 725-3887 T.V, end RADIO LOCAL b buliding supply yard requires al FINANCE fifteen by thirty, heated, parking. West. Bk Ee Bern aM 0 TWO rooms, completely furnished with E FRASER, DRYNAN and |INVESTIGATION BUREAU | | ng woman for invoicing. typing! 10) SIMCOE ST. SOUTH [erm Tire Building, 143 King West, 728-|THREE rooms, central, very lean, |Tefrigerator and stove, all conveniences, MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, BRANCH OFFICE PLASTERING beokkeaping and sales. Reply giving} * 1607. private bath and entrance, kitchen on Parking space. Apply 202 Albert Street. tary Public, Bank of Commerce bldg. ' : i patheatlinisstedboor CALL a. 6 | hey sxe, references, experience and) TELEPHONE 728-7311 and heavy duty wiring, TV | FURNISHED rooms, close to business "8 Simcoe Bireet North, 7 cea : 4 Domestic eg shes LASTERING repairs, ceilings relathed, |saiary expected to Box 123 Oshawa} 24--Houses for Rent antenna, parking space, 725-4497, section, for gentlemen, reasonable, 160 Creighton, QC raser Pe. The tion Security Services or' }dry wall and taping, Sbasenaets cemet-| mes. | x .|Park Road North. Drynan, G vy Murdoch, NHA mort) Jia. jed, waterproofed. 725-6222, 725-8718. | All Work Guaranteed LADY to live in, care for 7-monthe-old 7 s Fastest Growing FOUR-ROOM house, with garage, mon Lichen, enbarete exmenen Teaser ONE lovely furnished room for gentle- e a y s yrs BA iip,|!00 King Street Est 728- 7941| OSHAWA |baby and convalescing mother for two) Finan tiled throughout, full basement, laun One ehild welcome. Close tolinan, private homer private baterocta ES A. MacDONALD, Plumbing and Heati |months. Reasonabl s. Telephone | dry tubs, oil heating, on Athol East. Ap- nd shopping. Te 321 ZiMister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- 24-hour Service | 2 ont Dee iiss. ELECTRONICS Cok nt |ply 103 Easthaven Street. athe Telephone 723-3218 and entrance. 444 Fernhill Boulevard o LL PLUMBING and heating coc satan | -- FOUR-ROOM seif - contained qhanted telephone 723-7070. ic. The Commercial Building, 266 King \A |AJAX -- Five-room house, oii heated, Client parking Phone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, re RESPONSIBLE woman wanted to care, . artment, heavy duty wiring, i+ |$9 PER WEEK. Breakfast included. tala ee Lewn fn RN » Plumbing, heating and Well Drilling Digging for three pre-school children, Monday to |Bewly decorated, Pc tygl Bd lesen gf ovr , reasonable rent. Apply 102 hurch, Clean hotel rooms, diagle. 'or double. 'Sueskic 37 WURPRY, 7h ing, 255 Slmeoe Street South. |WELL digging and clean.outs. Tile| ty, Om 7 am. to 5.90 p.m. Loce- |phone WH 2-4754, er. Nightly rates also available, Telephone Barrister and Solicitor, 4 King Street WHY WAIT ALL types of repairs and remodelling,| supplied (cement or galvanized). Tele- [North Onna. "Felephone as t00 ates | |\NoRTH OSHAWA Modern three: |FURNISHED three - room apartment, |725-0078 "Bast, Oshawa, Ontario, 728-5129 TILL SPRING? new and used materials, Reasonable! phone 728-030 host bungalow with oll, furnace, |0uth end, close to bus, parking, rea- TARGE furnished bedroom, all oom PR ahi si f rates, Estimates free, Dial 728-6931, J, | te very clean, Vacant ow, $80 snonthi, {sonable rent, Telephone 725-0352, Parking for car, very cen McGIBBON el hap gpd gay he Have your lawn mower pre- |Foley. Ww WARD ESSE experienced, to oper- nes Paziee as cere: now, WiDOW cc talddindoed lade to ears | tra, B rar gstnle trey 20 Simcoe Street eats) | pared now, before the rush. {TRAVEL FREE! Check the "Travel . | : » Telephone | Qualifications Se ge ogi Pern house," central,|nouse. Write Box 821, Oshawa Times. {close to bus stop. Telephone 728-8646. crust: "chates ©. Meuitbol, | WILSON' § CYCLE & SALE [Opportunities in the Oshawa Classi- WELL DIGGING by ot : close to schools and shopping. Reason.|THREE-room apartment, private bath,|FURNISHED housekeeping roome, | pri Edgar F. Bastedo, Qc. | 1 f s e Whitb |fu ction now. *s interesting MACHINE |¥OUNG Y lady t to drive ® "Tight "delivery Sound physically reasonable able rent, children welcome. hot water, vate able. ee Pe ee ae ere 06 Colborne St itby GI) ik RHR NR EMRE, |truck, dry cleaning, Apply to Box 14, sf r ' 96 Se ev Stre %. T. SALMERS, BA, arrister, Sol MO 8-37 46 | | SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE |Oshawa Times. education, 'enjoys working March 1, 74 Celina Street, 9 to 6 Fe eg 725-3760 anytime but 4.30 to Parking. Apply" entre a "Wor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North.! | ALL: WELG oes | - -------| with young people, married | (store): 6 P GLEAN furnished room wi kitchen, wOitice 723-1101, Residence 725-5842. | ety i WHITBY, ONTARIO man with one child preferred, |MODEBN large slxroom bungalow, #00900 MAREE UR stove and r RICHARD H, DONALD, BA, Barrister,| © WE SHARPEN AND RENT ut TF you Insist MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 WOMAN who" would en} tside |™onthly. Apple Hill, close to schools, |ed, three-room apartment, Private bath, |central. Telephone 723.08. Golicitor, Notary Public, no Simcoe | ALMOST EVERYTHING on the best... Call 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST | cy outs two year lease, references required.|heavy duty wiring, washing facilities, 7 work; licensed chaffeur; plea- | Telerh 725-7091, |heat, hydro included, Telephone 725- North, 728-2991, Res, 728-2 GIVE USACALL... P.O. BOX 329 os "werk (cll Hine ax alee hein ee ants Meare Tete ---- ATTRACTIVELY . i 3071. E DODDS, Barrister! | . FIVE-ROOM bungalow, Dearborn St., | SEHR BLAKE King m, Barrner j § 1 A N ' S |GUSCOTT PLUMBING 1--Women's Column lady, with some knowledge stove and refrigerator. Don Stradeski. | LARGE one. and two - bedroom al FURNISHED ROOMS Telephone: Business 723-2201. Resi- and Heating Limited {| of sewing, willing to meet | D ti 728-8423. Schofield-Aker Ltd, 723-2265.;ments with stove, refrigerator, m4 'Avalickis i rivate home, dence 728-5373. ________| CORNER KING AT BURK STS. | . |COLD WAVES on special. Page Hair-| people, and duty of posting UTIES veniences. W ponthe, | RUnary, facilities, Telepnone 1a5-o0el. Call Conch 6 ona 7 ath JosEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, 207 + io ara 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone - training. : Townline 4 a . | tiga Euisas. pomay te less. Cliios, 10% 723-3224 } 07 Simcoe St. $.--725-5132 gpd _ a an General maintencnce ef | MODERN five-room Bungalow, all con-'24----Houses for Rent 82 PARK ROAD NORTH King Street East, Oshawa. 278-8232. |Rug- y-Upholstery Service |SPENCER Foundation Garments. In- sion, hospital plon, etc. samp property, 147. acres, } 728-8671 MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONAL _-- oon ------|dividually designed. ; 15 buildings, swimming pool. | L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No. Money to Loon | MESTERFIELDS re-built, re-covered|trente Nero). Herder not, per wamean| Steady work for the right ~ H SPACE FOR Applicants should have all F. to | Henry Block, like new. Why pay more? Our rates on. Salary and commis- TF aaa taries, Money to loan. enry lare reasonable. Batlevaction pe dil Road, Oshawa person fo] a ca] "round knowledge of o } 2 Real Estate or Sale } | ! | 2% King Street East, 723-4697, Resi- Sin Acs IK parton to Mr I car- | ; : 793. | Mattresse built, Osh. Uphoiste: "3 ent | imdym dence, Dial 723-4029, } MONIES FOR \Co., 10 Dood Birect Gehawa, Upbelster | _2--Pe sonal L, Seguin, Mor., Singer Sew- S niee ig lg shed DOCTOR 5, LAWYER 5 OFFICES, CALL 723-1133 Bookkeeping } MORTGAGES |CHESTERFIELDS fe-uphoistered and| iia easy --~) Ing Machine Co,, 14-16 On- ' ve iow cost. | i etl wn Aad: ccsatens dis | : cee Sucre, tax 'returns, ets. gos} Without bonus |CHESTERFIELDS and oid chaira re-| Removal of superfluous hair, A VV @) N Pension, normal _ benefits, CORNER SIMCOE N. & WILLIAM STREETS CARL OLSEN : |South. Call 728-6451 F: mates, | property. Salary commensur- Will Remodel For Tenant. REALTOR L. SCHAPELHOUMAN =| = Mortgoges ond Agreements [ete Leer ---- | Phone Genosha Hotel on | otes with experience ond | Short-term ond Builders' RETURNS. Mortgages at reasonable REMODELING, 728-5123 725-9953 - a 72: | Fabric samples shown end [BEAU L baby ready for| en { tal status, dependents, | 101 SIMCOE ST. N. Brokers' Registered Act } Satisfaction Guaranteed |GERMAN Shephera puppies. Register- ' in details to:-- TWO-ROOM, self-contained, apartment, LARGE modern newly redecorated,| Will be free and clear, @NTERION trim work, kitchen eup- - | CALL 728-9526 TODAY |ta_Zelephone WH 2-1237 725-8466 completely furnished, private bathroom, $0 - bedroom apartment, stove, re- a | -- if Cromwell Avenue. -- MORTGAGES -- a z : 4 tse | Fes nese cg Ee agg ao sold. Call Mr. cog Bought and Surveyors DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. | : psi NEW two-bedroom apartment, builtin land is offered for sale at DEPENDENT sccoaming ead Taz| Monies evoiloble on First [fete Ries euumalte, ee cwrme| FI ECTROL CIC |_tere Steet Benefits BEAUTY SALON FOR A COMPLETE . i Centre Street North, Whitby, MO 8-5447 Monies also available on |covered like new. Get the best for less} -Morie Murduff will be in living accommodation on ae lor j hil 19 ATHOL ST. W., OSHAWA COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING val fe SWARTZ UPHOLSTERING | these dotes for appointment, World's largest Cosmet cs abilty. CALL LLOYD BOLAHOOD -- 728-5123 | ¢ Pet: i oge $2.00 per hour. We 686 OSLER STREET é REPAIRING Past tir A In wellthg,: hating: ge, eile ears talking strain. Apply Mrs.' oddres. Boards, recreation rooms, etc. decorated. Television antenna, |{Tigerator, washer, dryer, TV outlet, stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti-|725-8853. John A. J. Bolahood iz |DONEVAN A AND FLEISCHMANN, On- Margwill Fur "Farm, 'Tyrone Ld 'i | STENOGRAPHER | Oshawa Times aa ce, slove, reltigerata Pacts chin cabinet, colored bath. refrigera. amt wr fecords. A complete bookkeeping and; Mortages at 7% per annum jing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212 REAL ESTATE SERVICE Second Mortgages. jat Modern Upholsterers, 142 oh fod coe) Oshawa, Mar. 13th and 14th. : Compony hos openings for SERVICE INCOME TAX FURNITURE 723-4641 alk dil aes. Ave Reply LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD., REALTOR FOR SALE free estimates given in your | ; Cc s, telephone, exper- | Good downtown property 'Building Trades Registered Under 'Mortgage home re sive! nar dal SO CALL lence, abilities and references 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent/25--Apts. & Flats for Rent Ae, ee er cigar aly. Mortgages | TALBOT UPHOLSTERING 5--Farmers Column hewly decorated. | Television antenna, jatage, College Hill area, $9. Apply] T€Ady for building Wil : § |214 sgpates. 723-2997. FIRST AND SECOND mortcages Eamiareat thas lores bath, terrace, stove, refrigerator, lights |tor, stove, free automatte washer and] $2000. per foot frontage nd ter, television antenna, Parking. AEERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork ranged. W. Schatrmann. te io 3 11 Ontario Street, 725-3632, [TOP MONEY for dead and Aisne jan water, Sent. 725-4555. ai hie ee cre rl ¢ 0 Free esti OK i andas Wes = farm stoc ivian, Markham, 116 ' pinche et | . ; tien, Work guaranteed, 728-085 GLintTe weaker @ loan oo EIN Pare ltcot deve, oe nce 'avenue collect, 24-Hour, seven-day service CEPTI NI tT WE RE | COMFORTABLE furnished bed - sitting) THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- 9 eT types of pullding repairs, roofing, S@8¢. Mortgage and agreement of sale| fast. Phone 7251881 pasa Sic in warm ne igi pehoonagdegs Nh and = included. ave fireplaces sidewalks Purchased, NHA mortgages arranged. 7--Trailers |tral, bus service, board optional, phone }, after 8 p.m. END ase ute j hone 725.8876, | 1 Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. a with Shorthan jprivileges. Telephone ' 16. ______|Two large rooms, unfurnished, = m-0394 Gordon May. Ce iTV - Radio Repairs REPOSSESSED used Terry eamp| 5 a d XPAN DING | |UPPER DUPLEX -- four large rooms, |vate bath, $55 includes heat and hydro.| ; bile: TV, RADIO. ce aii|trailer, highest bid accepted. Terms! Required for busy law : four-piece bathroom, heat and water, | Apply 730 Simeoe Street South. 723-2318,| !Ng with: R SMALL FIRST and second mortgages. Sale : cash, Can be seen at Bell's Garage central, vacant March 3, Adults pre- "FO jagreements purchased and sold, Hen-|™makes is 157 )in Whitby, Telephone R. - Cochrane,| office fected. Palaphens 728-8465, COMPLETELY furnished one-room * nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Ellie ue. : Iner d Bus! Additional 'apartment with every convenience, ' 794.79 oe ----m--ewe-|Scarboro, AMhburst 1-3383. 1 crease usiness itlona oa HOUSE REPAI RS Street East, 723-7232. DON'T KEEP IT A SECRET any long-| sdesiad Good salary, Permanent ¢ BOX 3 ss : Produc New I . THREE large room apartment in newer | separate bath. <Abstainer. Apply 531) FIRST and second mortgages bought |et- The whole town would like to ert: --Articles for | Rent position. All replies con- | roducts, New Soles Offices home, near schools and bus, central, | Mary Street. Dial 725-5691. Immediate Attention J. J. Van Herwerden, Mortgage Broker,|What you have to sell. Start the profit- ; ' ond Territories give you the | all conveniences, Reasonable rent, AP-/ cit pe ROOM basement apartment ral 741 King East, Oshawa, 723-4471, {able habit today of using the Oshawa fidential ben |ply 291 Mitchel Avenue after 5. artment ne no ebildren. Apply | | ~~} Times. Want Ads to sell your services. opportunity of joining {-- -- * ap: Call: Labour and |Dial 723-2492 to place an ad. Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, | APPLY WESTMOUNT Street, 29, self-contained |103 Wilson Road North, Apartment 3. | OSHAWA TIMES | ) i unfurnished, heated, | three- apart-| Maintenance Service MORTGAGE (all sizes), Stemmed Wine BOX NO. 3] furnis! ented ee-room api ; large | Silver Tea Service 4 : ee Glosses, Silver Tea Service | emt sir decorated, Ample park: ho af vse |. LOANS | T.V. TOWERS | Sau" sie' "Zntins (OSHAWA TIMES DUMONT ~~; WHITBY CLASSIFIED Leave information in writ- All galvanized, no paint. ets, Bud Vases ond Cut Gloss apartments, in new apartment bull | LEN & LOU'S Vases (with or without arti- 7 Mole Help Wanted | A Division 'ing, refrigerator, stove, washer, we experience esi- Cartage Jential, acreage, apts., busi- paved parking. School and P heehee speeches ah 4 reg scaita. j el 728-5282. $65 MONTHLY, one-bedroom apartment | FURNISHED Toom, ground floor, ele iain avivar ae hat oe, Man of 'Ont ee Bibi j ANTENNAS el arrangements. Automatic of Fleet Aircraft ote three-piece tile bath, very warm base-|and comfortable, "~ llars cleaned. Telephone 728-9604 Grokes Altice, © Ot ato ir ~ size), | CAREERS Manufacturing AVAILABLE NOW -- Poy -- --e fe aed om a et e Z ch bowls, As ays, etc, = - arti: r rent, thr spo oe ngs Siar dareotanes J. E. Harris, F. G, Horris |__728-5804 or 725-7844 neh : : pois r as a MODERN APARTMENTS (aeupemasars modern three-room|foms, bath, modern kitchen, newly de- Taevice: call ae and R. C. Bint | SARGEANT'S RENTALS FOF Stove, frig., laundry. facili- |apartment, stove, refrigerator, parking, Ppa all conveniences, laundry facile ice ly ; : Telephone MOhawk 8-3193. nies ; . ndry, located me Poe tue rae cee SUMMERLAND i } oar Ar YOU NG MEN SALES j ee, ioe T.V, outlet, low [cdarounds. vata for rent March 1. | FREE FREE Bingo card, worth $1.00, with able ra Fully equi } | . ohn eet West 2860 jev ary cleani laund rd and insured. Phone 728-3661 SECURITIES |12--Articles Wanted | REPRESENTATIVE MO 8-3092 leGm RENE G60 tasclhiy titer sai |Rosnowarl. IMS Brock Buvet Bee la, Lif | | " ficial flowers), Artificial flor~ Coterers 112 SIMCOE ST. N HAW. | IN THE er 101 Croydon Rd., Apt. § out, oom Apartments, Daisey, rest MO _€-9074 . Beak | "PHONE 725. rhs ' WANTED | Experience Not ti i scien Parking one to sshools chit moiety w0 went of tte 'hee ovina - PONTIAC INN we ---- | scrap iron, Pouttry | CANADIAN Necessary | Welli S fw nn bly Oshawa 'Times Office, Whitby, Specialists | HOME OWNERS waxy TO MAKE SND FEATHER TICKS | | e ington treet FOR RENT: Three room apartment in| {111 Dundas Street West. in Wedding Receptions | Deer H ss ae Raw Furs ARMY If you ore mature, ambitious Whitby en Ag Bay om ore ce em Bigg eng Goat See RESERVE YOUR DAY Now! | WANT TO CONSOLIDATE? BEAUTIFUL MUSIC? age stag } | and sincere we will thoroughly tag Vacant ow. Telephone; month. Telephone MO 8-44. Attractive Banquet Holl with NEED CASH? i. TURNER If you ore between the age train you ot our expense, at Nos. 105, 107, 109 |= FOR SALE -- Three bedrooms, brick - | i Nieian ihe wake = | CHESTERFIELD, two piece, cinnamon, | cottage, oil heat, paved driveway, gar- Cotering Service for 150 Lowe ur payments with a BUY YOUR HI-FI NOW 723-2043--7 23-3374 of 17 and 23 and single, the Head Office of the com- jtwo years old; plano, (Inglis). Both in|age, newly decorated, immediate foe. Guest 725-0078 Low Cost Second Mortgoge WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED : es : good condition. Telephone MO 86-5201 session. 8-2583 aiid Borrow Poy Term hein | SHAW get full Information on ex pany. You will be assured of jafter five or weekends. "age ' ; pchtuilag sald Si kere agtean tical iain lies adie SEPTIC tanks cleaned, Walter | Ward, ressmokin $1800 $42.40 5 YRS. N ' citing coreer opportunities steady employment, subston- LIVE IT UP! B h Chest: D g a ae ie AUTO WRECKING CO. with he ly ploy! A |v uy 8 home af your own | 204 estnut Street West. Telephone se a ne 2200 $51.83 RS. NI | s i : th Class. -2563. GRESSMAKING dose by experienced, $2200 $51.83 5 YRS. Nil | tial yearly earnings, plus net denis tee Ee eee etaaass geamstress, alterations, mending, etc $3000 $70.67 5 YRS. NIL | . Wants cors 'for wrecking. eee Sree | FOR SALE -- 24-inch snow blower, Telephone after five, 723-1675, | Payments Include Principal | Parts for sale, also scrap iron CANADiAN ARMY many Oey Us ond: com- | 18-inch chain saw, used once. MO 8-4149, ee eel cd dy | y e pa te aed hiss | . benefit pl FOR RENT -- Chain Sow: 7 : ° DRESSMAKING, alterations, reason | And Interest }. end metals, etc., "bought pany sponsored benefit plans. ' build Ret batecs | P Tool 7, He WS, |APARTMENT for rent -- Two bede able prices. 104 Brock Street East F ppointment call | Open Saturday al! day. Phone Visit your Army Reeruite A } nm new buliding wi co | ower Tools, Box Trailers. rooms, heated, self-contained, water. | | Kplephone 723-7063 Car Not Necessar ies. Consisting of living room, Available now, 610 Dundas Street West. DRESSMAKING and slterations of all 728. 4684 | 723-2311--89 BLOOR E. the Oshawe Armoury be- Y dinette, and kitchen, equip- FOR SALE -- Used Boats, [Call at Apartment 1. tinds, on indiew' and children's wear, Guelph Investment Co. Conoes, Motors, Trailers, |T¥PEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, rent- Telephone Reasonable rates Tents. ' als, terms, service. Hamilton Office tween the hours of 11 A:M Discuss this opportunity with ped with built-in oven, hood Shember Ont. Morinoce Broker '13--Business Opportunities} on 3 P.M. on Tues. end fon, broadloom, wall-to-wall, einai el me ec Equipment, 137 Brock South, MO 8-8443 Fuel and Wood Association AL Franchise. vending terri-| Thurs. or wr te our Soles Director at our cloth drapes, private bath, FIREWOOD. ary. good. tor stove y tory available. Nati dvertised local offic garbage: disposal, washer and WILDE RENTAL Seren ae oo Fl = -- ory able ationally ¢ ge osal, wo | tace or fireplace. Free deliver, Tels Optometrists T joreaniation wil leche ta-year axotates hen Becdis Stat pe ail ae dryer, (mot coin type). Fully | SERVICE AND SALES tings. our" specialty. Mra. Tome. MO ak a ame 3 ped Serica co ets + esponsible rties \ Cc ing Statior P 'A a 72 prare CO 32775 iG A. SOCKS BOs Oosometa Pieces NOVA SCOTIA Nesting "Sacre Liter a whey 333 Simcoe S. decorated 1415 DUNDAS ST. E., = FACTORY hardwood cuttings. Suitable pay accounts at downtown Dominion {Eglinton "Avenue West, Toronto, On-| 25 St. Clair Avenue East TELEPHONE WHITBY [oe an Coie eens jor stoves, fireplaces, furnaces. Tele-/ Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam-|¢e vie @ stario. (Attention Mr. F. W. seed | ate tiddananlinca e phone 722-2538, [sede home, Dial Taba | [eaiee Béanager). ea. Toronto 7, Ont. 728-1651 i MO 8-875! . MO 8-3226 monthly ras desired, Statements ore

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