27--Real Estate Por Sele |27--Real Estate for Sale 29------Automobiles for Sale BEDUCED to $11,700 for quick sale. Thre o 4 three bric! ung: '» Municipal water. years old, in spotless condition. Situat- cellent area. 8-8147 after 6.30 p.m. LOT, 76 x 180, level on dead-end. ak io "51 PONTIAC in fair condition, asking $75 also parts for °52 or '53 Ford prod- juct. Apply 263 Mary Street. uae ed on a quiet street, off Park Road North. Joseph Bosco Realtor. 725-9870, PRIVATE sale, Apple Hill, attractive fi ull 4: ("Sk MERCURY, three-ton truck, five- 900 tires, new motor PRIVATE sale 5% acre farm with fi storms and screens, 5% per cent inter- speed tr tt Job, $425. Buck's Body Shop, 728-4513, buildings, Taunton Road W: very reasonable. Telephone 728-2416. tie OL LE 63, hardtop, black and white, four new tires, battery, com- 1955 p, black 91300, TRY ANY LOW down payment, FO) ALE t, five rooms, bathroom, large lot. Mrs.| ole ria ons six-room 'brick plete brake job, Radio, power brakes, By ALAN DUCKETT Tierney, 725-5207, Howe and Peters. buses, many extras, Definitely in ex- jcellent Can be in- |Immediate Please. 728-1963, six to nine. lspected by anyone. Original mileage MONTREAL (CP)--An emc¢ galow, broadioom, _ fireplace, PAUL RISTOW buyer. 725-7279. NORTHWEST, spacious six room Rah and. | scaped. $1,500 down. Will finance to suit)" 42.000. Cail anytime after 4 p.m.|tion - packed documentary filn 25-5555, seen at 621 on Canada and the Seconc Reet Be _|World War has been completec | 10961 RAMBLER "custom, Recessories, | hy the National Film Board. REALTOR 52¥2 SIMCOE ST. N. for appointment. PRIVATE sale. Five room brick bunga-|© Jow. North east section, Beverly Street a 725-6398 aqua mist, Reason- " jable. Will take older model, Can be| The 6% - hour film will be |Hinsnees. 73-0081. shown on French and Englist \television networks of the CBC 728-9474 Residential Farm Commercial Industrial GUIDE REALTY galow, patio, recreation room, garage, landscaped. One 5 rer cent NHA mo gage. Carries for $77 monthly, 723-2397 SEVEN HUNDRED down, duplex three room and five room apartments Realty Oshawa, Limited, Realtor. MASSON Street lovely five-room bi galow with carport, Has all the extri walk-out basement, $2442 down. 725-9 DUPLEX beautiful modern rug brick, double garage, north section, PRIVATE SALE, five - room brick bun- rt-|'bd BUICK, four-door, one owner, new| central. Bill Horner 728-5123. Lioyd)'51 W. Me- i953 METEOR Niagara, red and cream, eet erer, Telephone 7269719." |starting early in April. The documentary is the re- sult of three years of effort by an NFB crew digging through millions of feet of Canadian \tion, $150 or best offer considered. Ap- British, American and captured jply M95 Wecker Drive. ae __.}enemy film. wes rier ate Gea'b ses, The series of 18 half ~ hour after 5 o'clock, anytime weekends, $900. films will be shown on the Eng- lish network Tuesday nights at .|paint job, standard transmission, radio. -|Private $395, Only 41,000 original miles. *|MO 8-409. CHEVROLET coach, good condi- 728-2805. LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 BRICK & FIELD STONE This attractive three bed- room home, hos a nice large kitchen, L Shaped living room Two rooms in basement one '58 CHEY, station wagon, excelient con- dition, custom radio, new white wail \tires, whee) discs, will finance, Tele phone MO 8-4778 \'52 BUICK, in good condition. Phone jJohn MO 86-4456. Auley Realtor, 28 Prince Street, 723- OPEN for admiration, Futurama model home on Rossemere Street, North West Oshawa. Open daily till 8 p.m, Joseph Bosco Realtor 725-9870. NEW SIX-PLEX '30 CHEVROLET Impala convertible eight cylinder, automatic, power steer- ing, radio, many extras, low mileage, excellent condition, 723-2736 after five} FOR SALE In Whitby. Ideal location. All rented. Retirement oppor- Temple: 9-2224 with a stone fireplace and bar, also a barbeque in the back yard. This home has to be seen to be appreciated. SUBURBAN LIVING '8 CADILLAC, four-door hardtop, 21,000 miles, fully equipped, two-tone, clean, $2195. Buck's Body Shop, 725-4513 53 GMC %-ton truck, excellent condi- tion, new tires, reconditioned engine, $350 or best offer, Telephone Ajax, WH 2-0114, between 6 and 9 p.m Just outside the City, a well kept two bedroom bungalow with a garage, situated on eo large nicely londscoped ond fenced yord. 3-pc. bathroom. ANNAPOLIS AVENUE PRICE REDUCED TO $6,900 j on this comfortable and | | | | 28--Real Estate Wanted WE have buyers! W. 28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or MO 8-5765. Thinking of Selling Call D. W. WILSON REALTOR 725-6588 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ATTENTION HOME OWNERS We hove several good buyers. All kinds of listings urgently needed, city as well as suburban. We will be glad to discuss your Real Estate needs with you without obligation For honest and courteous service please call MACKO-REALTOR 728-4661 spotlessly clean two bedroom home, Oil heating, nice kit- chen, with new cupboards, stainless steel sink. Three piece bathroom. Call today to inspect. Immediate posses- sion. For full call 723-1121. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m Roy Flintoff, Irene Brown, Phyllis Jubb, Jean Peacook Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, Lucos Peacock. YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING particulars JOHN A. J, 30--Automobiles Wanted _|LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want McAuley Realtor,!cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. lar rise in the role of women in|the series and the tempo is in 50 CARS WANTED j Buying a New Car? | Sell your used Car to "Ted'" Tolk 'Cash' to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", | | TED CAMPIN MOTORS | Dieppe raid, the muddy fot-/@cToss Canada. It is part of an Res. 725-5574 -- $ ALL CASH $ For clean cors we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. | 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 |32---Articles for Sale INIAGARA Cyclo heat and massage |pad, used one week, bought for arthritis but became hospitalized for other con- jdition, Sacrifice, 723-3158. ACCORDION, full size, 120 bass with 3 {pitch selectors, Will sell for $125 com- plete with case, 725-0351 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- |teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. BOLAHOOD INSURANCE LTD. REALTORS | 167 SIMCOE SOUTH | | | 187 King St. E. } BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 OFFICE HOURS: 9AM. -- 9 P.M MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT AND SOLD AT GRANDVIEW GARDENS |20--Automobiles for Sele |Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- |vice, 728-0591 anytime. |REFRIGERATOR, Norge; Sunbeam mixmaster; kitchem suite, television, washing machine, six months old; |steam tron, dishes, Reasonable, Tele- [pions 728-6006 SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, jstoves, etc. For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131. [DINETTE set, table, four chairs, and buffet; also Frigidaire refrigerator, Connor hi machine, bed and & room brick, 1% yr. old |dresser; Comet floor polisher, 728-5225. 10 p.m. from April 3 to June 126 and on the French network jeach Sunday at 5:30 p.m, from jApril 1 to June 24. F | The film story of the 10-year period from 1936 to 1946 covers jthe rise of Nazi Germany, fas- cist Italy and Imperial Japan. |the six years of the war and the early post - war years when {the United Nations was formed. |CANADIAN HIGHLIGHTS Presented are film clips por- traying the change of Canada War Era Subject Of Documentary and flashbacks of radio shows of the era, including the Happy yang and Mart Kenney and his Vestern Gentlemen. The NFB crew has reproduced with film clips such events as the conscription crisis in the 'ederal cabinet in 1944. SPLIT CANADA give the viewer a sense almost of being present at cabinet meetings. There is Mackenzie King, fumbling with a handker- chief before news cameras, a stern Defence Minister J. L. Howe, then munitions and sup- ply minister; an expressionless Finance Minister J. L. Isley; Gen. A. G, L. McNaughton, re- tired from 1st Canadian Army command and trying to recruit volunteer reinforcements, and Quebecers Louis St, Laurent, then justice minister, and Air Minister C. G. (Chubby) Power in opposite camps -- Power with the anti conscription forces and St. Laurent support- ing the government. There is no essential differ- ence between English- and French-language versions. The commentary and editing Ralston; the implacable C. D.| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Febracry 26, 1962 93 Nobel Winners Appeal For Disarmament LONDON (Rueters) -- More than 5,000 persons gathered in a wind- and snow - swept Trafal- gar Square Sunday to her two calls for disarmament from No- bel Prize winners Bertrand Rus- sell of Britain and Linus Paul- ing of the United States. Russell, 89 - year -old philo- sopher and author whose anti- nuclear "committee of 100" called the rally, accused the British government of "prepar- ing for global butchery." Standing grim - faced and) erect in the biting, freezing tem- perature, Russell said that in the world today there are "'mili- tary" people who could cause Canada's royal commis- sion on health services has heard arguments for and against compulsory medical insurance. This story des- cribes the operation of Aus- tralia's voluntary scheme. . CANBERRA (CP)--Since the Second World War Australia has evolved a national health scheme based on the principle): that the more you help your- self the more the government helps you. With the exception of pension- ers and their dependents, it is a long way short of 'everything View Australian Health Program july heavy burden on the na- cludes $52,168,500 for hospital benefits; $25,211,000 for medical care; $77,832,000 for prescription drugs; ers, and $14,475,000 for treat- ment of tuberculosis, provided free under an agreement with the six states, reedom of choice; yet without mposing a heavy financial bur- len on any individual or an un- ional treasury itself." TB CAMPAIGN For the fiscal year ending Tune 30, total cost to the fed- 2ral government various health schemes is $180,414,500. This in- $10,728,000 for pension- the death of 200,000,000 Russians and 160,000,000 Americans. "These men have enormous) power and if they succeed we are all doomed to death," Rus- sell added. British actor Tony Church read a message from chemist free for everybody." For example, the government pays eight shillings (96 cents) a day for each hospital patient whether or not he is a member It's easy to join one of the 114 benefit organizations. Most will accept anyone as a con- tributor. New members must wait two months before qualify+ ing for benefit except for acct+ dents (immediate) and preg- nancy (10 months). The organ izations are non-profit. Medical payments are norm mally not made for examina- tions leading to prescription or the like may cover the costs to the patient. FEES ARE LOW The weekly cost for hospital benefits ranges from six to 30 cents for single persons and 12 to 60 cents for families. For those paying enough to qualify for fund benefits of $1.92 or more a day, the government contributes a total of $2.40. For those making lower contribu- tions, the total government pay- ment daily is $1.44. Weekly contributions to medi- cal benefit funds range from 15 to 24 cents for single persons and 30 to 48 cents for families. For certain major operations a patient may get as much as $142 toward his surgeon's bill. of one of the 114 benefit or- \ganizations in the country. But if he belongs to such an Pauling in which he said the organization, he not only gets world is moving rapidly toward|extra money from the benefit the catastrophe of nuclear war./fund, he also receives more "Universal disarmament now|{rom the government. The total is the essential basis for life and/from the fund and government liberty for all people," Paul-/may be as high as £4 ($9.47) a from an agricultural to an in-| Ninety minutes of theme and dustrial economy, the spectacu-/mood music were created for) tha, uidS: the internment of Communistjemotion of \leader Tim Buck and Montreal |Mayor Camillien Houde, and|PLAN FOR 1967 ; wartime politics. | The Canada at War series Shown are Canadian service-|Will be made available to edu- men's sallies into humor, the| Cational organizations and clubs e years NFB plan to have complete slogging Italian campaign, con- Pesta pn, oy {film coverage by 1967 -- the voy duty and anti - submarine} and bomber attacks and fighter|the history of Canada from the battles in Europe. \time of responsible government Interspersed with these are|in the middle 1800s. This in- scenes of the jittering madness|VOlves re - creating earlier his- that caught the public fancy| tory. | |--__--_--_____--______--__| The years of the Second : |World War, however, are com- 32--Articles for Sole _| pletely documented, since the FURNACE forced air, 10 year guaran-|navy, army and air force had tee, $2.25 per week, no down poyment.! ry * 7 Package deal, $130, Telephone 723.4729, | {ull - ym film crews with all DRYERS -- used, one Douglas dryer, ae he ormations. good condition $39.95, budget terms;| With the series, one Norge dryer re-conditioned $99.95.!comes the first country to pr $10 dow d $2.50 wee! 100d: ' ot Heh Stores 86 King West 723-4543," |duce @ documentary covering) jits complete war history. Docu- ONE Easy washing machine, good con-| - dition. $45. Telephone MO 8-5277. jmentaries have been produced) TREMENDOUS savings on floor cover.|in the United States and Britain| ings |signs and colors, Clear out 25 cents per foot, Congowall clearouts 39 cents per| \foot, Inlaid linoleum canvas back 99| torical with gross phy: defects during the next few gen- jerations." The American scientists de-| scribed the Anglo - American' PAYS DOCTORS |decision to prepare for the re-| warfare in the North Atlantic, |Centenary of Confederation--of|sumption of surface testing as/plan that is similar in most res- "premeditated murder of mil-|pects, The difference is. that ing's message added. "In the name of science 1? have appealed to the Soviet gov- ernment not to resume testing.| embersh Surface tests would mean that|ganization is voluntary but the 160,000 children will- be born|advantages are obvious and 72 sical and mental|Per cent, or about 7,500,000, of lions of people." day depending on the rate he ays to the benefit organiza- tion. Membership in any such or- By DOUG MARSHALL LONDON (CP) -- The first blitz of London wiped out the timed to hite the West End May 8. Blitz! is a 200,000 production with 27 songs, 200 characters played by a cast of 56 and a £40.000 mobile set. Its theme is the conflicting spirit of intol- erance and courage among East End cockney and Jewish fam- ilies during the 1941 air raids. The man who hopes to set the Thames on fire is 30-year-old Lionel Bart, whose flair for the population are covered. \Membership fees range from six to 60 cents a week Doctor's bills are under a lgovernment doesn't contribute OTTAWA 1961, cent ovr 1960, cent. (CP) \fiuid milk and cream, measured| Canada be-jin terms of milk equivalent, to-|plan is that between 70 and 80 o-\talled 5,813,887,000 pounds iniper cent of prescriptions for an increase of one per|drugs are subsidized so that the the Dominion} Bureau of Statistics said today. Sales were up in all prov-|sive the drugs are. The govern- | Fluid Milk Sales Higher Than 196 -- Sales ofjcents weekly. discontinued patterns, Many de-ion individual armed forces but|inces except Prince Edward Is- none has taken in complete his-/land and Manitoba. They in- necessary to belong to any or- coverage as has been|creased in Ontario by one a ag to qualify for this. at all unless a patient is pay- ling into a medical benefit fund. | Sixty eight per cent, or 7,173,000, of the population are} |provided for under medical ben-| jefit schemes, paying 15 to 48 catchy songs, dramatic magic and pure showmanship has won him fame and £50,000 a year in British theatre. Bart already has two hit mus- icals on the West End stage-- Fings Ain't Wot They Used To Be and Oliver!, a bouncing ver- sion of Dickens' Oliver Twist that has kept ticket scalpers in business since it opened in June. GOES UP THE LADDER The seventh son of an imgi- grant Jewish tailor, he grew up in the East End's Petticoat Lane district where the first tinkling of the words and music Another feature of the health patient pays a maximum of 60 cents regardless of how expen- |ment pays the rest. And it's not For the country's nearly 800,- jcents square yard. Wilson's Furniture,|done by the NFB. | 20 Church Street |--------________--__ |FREEZER, television, cedar chest,| chesterfield suite, lamps, room-divider, | |cookware, silver, clock radio, lady's) |golf equipment, luggage, 728-1963, six| to nine. 1953 JOHNSTON outboard motor, |horsep » in . Will sell} % | Role Of French 000 pensioners and dependents, idrugs and medical treatment Jare 'completely free. The gov- jernment also subsidizes their |hospital costs at a basic rate of ($1.44 a day. | The part played by the fed- eral government in all these matters is solely financial. It for Blitz! echoed through his childhood. Now he lives in a Kensington Mews flat, dresses in vivid skin- tight silk trousers and a straw hat, speaks a mixture of cock- ney and beatnik slang and rarely turns on the radio these Second Attempt To Blitz London one else,"' he said in an inter- view. 'The Blitz! Marry the whole thing together, man. That's how it all began." Composing on a tape re corder, Bart weaved the stray threats of words and music floating in his mind into a pat- tern within six months and soon had London's toughest impresa- rios bidding for the rights. Bart's formula is simple, alk though it often has sparked charges that he is a derivative composer. The theme tune of Fings is almost identical to the 1920s hit Mountain Greenery. FAMILIARITY SELLS "People like what's familiar. They're thinking a note ahead every time they hear a tune, a word ahead every time they hear a lyric. e "All I do is make them feel both are familiar, recognized, like--then give them a little sur- prise by changing a phrase." Two examples of the Bart touch in showmanship are the opening date of Blitz!, the anniversary of VE-day, and his casting for the role of Mrs, Blitzstein, the combina- tion Mother Courage and Mis- tress Quickly who dominates the show. Passing over established act- resses, Bart chose cigar-smok- ing Amelia Baynton, a year-old publican's wife with 24 years' experience in minor character parts. good cond e jfor cash. Telephone 725-9478. | |LARGE refrigerator and 42 inch elec-| ; I i i an 1n |tric stove, in good condition, Both for| h | 728-467) days without hearing a song that clanks up another 3 in his cash register. Bart says the show began to take shape in his impetuous imagination last year when, weary of American-style musi- cals, he was looking for some- thing English. "Something so English that it couldn't have happened to any- THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK N. WHITBY MO 8-474] SPOT CASH 78 tric, two years old; Moffat refrigerator, four years. Both in good condition. Telephone 725-2270. ROCKING chair, only $29.88, heavy frieze cover, $49.95 value, Hassocks only $9 cents with each rocker sold. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe {Street South ranch bungalow with built-in even ond stove, newly decora- ted, well landscaped, divided bosement, asking only $13,- 900 with $1,000 down. Call Mr. Appleby 725-6544, 723- 33 WASHING machine, Westinghouse, |$100. Telep! wringer, like new, $50. Telephone 723- jdoes not itself provide treat- 117, They have also said they in-/ment and, in the administration tend to demobilize 40,000 Al-lof the schemes through the gerian Moslem soldiers wearing|health department, has no con- the French uniform. This would|tact with individual patients. still leave 280,000 troops--more| than five times greater than the DOCTOR OF CHOICE size of the Moslem army esti-| Treatment is given by priv- mated at about 45,000 effectives./ate medical practitioners, state, As a prelude to this move, |municipal and private hospitals the army high command has/and institutions just as it was His reason? "She is true--she lacks the established actor's sophistication." The show will also include a recording of Vera Lynn signing a Bart song in her "forces sweetheart" style and film scenes projected on dry ice that dissolves to clear the way for the next act. Dave Oancia of the Lon- don bureau of The Cana- dian Press went to Algeria to report on the explosive situation there. In this story he -tells of the attitude of the French Army toward the prospect of Algerian in- e. "MUST SELL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Rng, Fo APPLY | ROWE STREET 6 room brick, newly decora- ted, gorage, large rooms. Is OLD guns wanted. Rifles, sh Te |volvers and pistols also old cartridges. dep presently duplexed with 2 kitchens ond 2 bathrooms. i $12,900 with $1,500 down. Call now . Mr. Appleby 725-6544, 723 3398. PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE $800 DOWN Four bedroom storey and V4. Large living room, modern kitchen, two bedrooms ond both on first floor. Good lo- cotion, downtown. Leoving town, must sell, Call Mr. | Ratcliffe, 725-6544 DUPLEXED Spacious 2 storey, Oshawa Blvd. N. Con be used os duplex, 6 large roorns decora- ted, oi! heat, garoge, ond tondscaped lot. Only $12,000 full price. Down payment and terms to be arronged. Call Mr. Gower, 725-6544. FULLY LANDSCAPED WITH TREES | 6 room bungalow on Ravine Lot. 100 foot frontage by 260 feet deep. Suitable for V.L.A. A real buy with only $3,000 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-0331 _ 63 HIGHLAND AVE, _ SAVE 30% On all your purchases of STEREO & LONG-PLAYING RECORDS. _.| $6,000 worth of the finest By DAVE OANCIA ALGIERS (CP) -- Tanks car- rying "reluctant" French sol- diers rumbling along the boule- vards and tent camps of troops ringing this terror - stricken city graphically illustrate the 725-8183. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. Telephone 728-4683, {MEAT scale, chopping block, slicer, jshowecase, pop cooler, coffee grinder, grill, cheque writer, fire proof ledger, milk shaker, large safe, file cabinet, desk, chair, Hamilton's, Whitby. jarmed troops in and around the prevent bloodshed when the cease - fire is announced. PLAYS CRUCIAL PART ideployed more than 50,000 jmajor cities in an attempt to ears the development of the various plans. The over - all result is that more ailing people get medical advice and treatment promptly; Ithat more of them use private |hospitals and medium - level ac- A49 RITSON S. == 728-0921 _ selections to choose from. MEAGHER'S BEL ER AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. |HALF priced sale of Sunworthy redi- |pasted and regular wall paper at Edgar's Decor Centre, 34 King Street West, Room lots of 10 single rolls from | VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE $3.45. Visit Edgar's first. STAUFFER reducing couch and ti In @ location, 146% | Bond Street West. Top prices |new condition. $100 cash. paid for used radios, televis- | | 5 King St. W. mer, Telephone new o mi ion- DELUXE Frigidaire range, 40'; also | py Wee or os [power lawn mower, homespun nel ay eee 5 { ' » all lent 5 _change. Telephone 728-4401. [Telephone 1253060, GOOD RECONDITIONED Refrigerators Ranges And Washers All parts and service j AJAX |. BARGAIN CENTRE | HARWOOD AVE, NORTH : AJAX -- WH 22-6410 jat reasonable prices. Parkway Tele- |vision, 918 Simcoe Street North, Your jcolor TV store. BEFORE buying or selling televisions, ers, call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294 BABY bargains, large full panel eribs, }$17; baby carriages, $20; $8.88; chrome high chairs, $10.88; Stroll- ers, $5.88, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street TYPEWRITERS, electric ten key add- down. For further particulars, call Mr. Zurbo, 725-6544. |27---Real Estate For Sale ing machine, calculator, check writer, jalso cash register. Will sell reasonable, TV. TOWERS METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. DIAL 728-4678 HIGHLAND AVE. A wonderful two-storey house for o family. Three bedrooms upstairs, living, dining and kitchen down. This home hos been remodelled from top to bottom, new kitchen, new bathroom, new goroge, poved drive. The landscaping is exceptiona! with mony shrubs, perennials, flowering trees, etc. Priced ot $13,000.00 Call to see this one today. CHEVROLET ST. Very modem bungolow on large lot, 3 good size bedrooms, broadloorned living room with natural fireploce, Hollywood kit- chen ond dinina area. finished rec. room and bor. Finished foundry room, patio with fibergloss roof. A rea! buy ot $16,- 000.00. Let on TAUNTON RD, W. -- 74' x 314' -- $2200.00 LIST PHOTO CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE AFTER 5:30 CALL : Everett Elliott, 723-9290 John Kemp, 728-2392 Dick Borrioge, 725-6243 Joe Maga, 725-9?91 Morion Drew, 725-7610 723-4434 Antenna's and T.V. Service | if you want to be sure of the lowest possible prices. Best workmonship and = quality material try TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E. 728-6781 used furniture. Pretty's Used Furnt- ture Store, 723-3271. 444 Simcoe South. |TYPING paper on sale, jwhite newsprint, buy in bulk lots and Jaave. 4% Ib pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00. |Circulation Dept., Oshawa Times. CAR radio, in the dash, transistor, ITENTS, camping supplies hardware, outboard motors, guns and bicycles. Best prices. Try Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. marine DISCOUNT prices at Edgat's on Para {paint and varnish. Gloss, flat ,semi- gloss, latex in white and 20 colors at 20 per cent off. No limit to quantity. iGet free advice at Edgar's Paint and |Wall Paper, 34 King Street West. . |B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, ba jteries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- | vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. | REPAIRS on any make cash registers, adding machines, typewriters. Also sup- plies. Work guaranteed. For free esti- Then see us and find out for yourself how a food freezer service can take out the wor- ries ond expense of food. A playpens, | geria. From fighting a bitter seven- dependence - seeking guerrillas, \forcing the peace. |; The army's main opponents |will be the European settlers jand the crucial question is: \'Which way will the army lead- jers swing? {goon selection of reconditioned TV's} The illegal Secret Army Or-|in the cities, too. And a block-|maximum of essential protec- |ganization is determined to sa- |botage any accord President de reaches| Gaulle's government {ship. furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash-/ with the Moslem rebel leader-| e sit General Strike | The secret army could throw killer commando corp of} into a melee that| jits hundreds |tion against the Europeans |MUST REMOVE DANGER |WE pay highest prices In the city for) The task of his force of about/Special to The Oshawa Times|plan. |440,000 will be to eliminate the danger of such communal strife letter size,|hetween Algeria's 9,000,000 Mos- lems and 1,900,000 Europeans. | And the loyalty of army lead- ers to the government is a key |$22.50, Aerial and installation extra. Try|factor in the test of strength|*ears of @ national strike ofjunions, now that they have Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. | about to come with the immin-|the major unions were dispelled|reached a settlement, are ad- lent announcement of a cease- ifire between France and the re- bels For many of the career offi- seers the new task comes as 8 jbitter pill. "Certainly they're unhappy," jsaid one highly - placed source in Paris to this reporter when jhe was en route to Algiers. | "They still sympathize with |the Europeans who want French jrule to continue in Algeria. They |French Army's new task in Al- year war against Moslem in- the troops are to switch to en- might provoke Moslem retalia- The forces in the showdown|commodation in public 'hos- will be the de Gaulle regime, /pitals; and that hospital and the Moslem rebels and the Eur-/doctor fees are met more opean extremists. The crucial/promptly. eee will be the army. | The government asserts that Current indications are it will! by "adopting a plan of mutual back the government. Besides|co - operation between the gov- which, without the flow of am-\ernment, the citizen and the in- munition, food, fuel and other|strumentalities and professional | goods from France, they could/men who assist in providing the jhold out for barely two weeks.|services, the government has | Supplies of fuel and other ba-jachieved a workable system |sic commodities have been cut|which allows every citizen the = would soon starve the ex-|tion with the widest possible Fears Diminish | by. McINTYRE HOOD unions will go ahead with this LONDON -- The grim spectre The same is true of a threat- |Of a repetition of the 1926 gen-jened one-day stoppage of the eral strike has gradually but|London Underground Railway FowriaA faded from the troubled | workeis fixed for the same jindustrial scene in Britain.|date. Leaders of the railway |when the three great railway|vising underground railway junions, after their leaders had/ workers to call off this one- imet with Prime Minister Mac-/day stoppage ,which would be |millan, agreed to accept theistrictly unofficial. The London jthree per cent wage increase/Transport bus crews are also offer made to them by the Bri-|out of the strike picture, jtish Transport Commission.jnew negotiations are under Tied to this was an undertak-|way to settle their wage claim. ing that later in the year, if conditions warranted it, there|SET PATTERN | In fact, the agreement reach- was a strong possibility of a ed by the railway unions by further wage increase for the railways workers. On _ that|the British Transport Commis. family of four spend with us approx, $16.50 per week for food and freezer. Includes approx. 80% of normal groc- ries. SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 KING STREET W. 723-2265 EAST END -- 412% MORTGAGE eae J, Burk, 316 Leslie Street jof wringer type washers, % hp motors, | DUPLICATORS, hand and electric,| Will do their duty for the nation spirit or stencil; supplies, Hamilton Of. and obey its leaders. But they'll fice Equip., 137 Brock St. 8, MO 8-8442.' dy go only with sadness and re- |USED parts and repaire for all makes juctance." {85 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned jwashers and stoves. Paddy's Market, |Hampton, CO 3-2241 PHONE 728-9141 or your Own personal analysis. NO_ OBLIGATION WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- jture or anything you have. The City |Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street ~--~-e| South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671 In Algiers the 'sadness and jreluctance" of which he spoke turned out to be voluble grum- bles. WAIT FOR ORDERS Hundreds of officers from the basis, peace and harmony have been restored on the railway labor front. This settlement is bound to have a telling effect on the other wage claims which have been made by other major unions.' The powerful Engineer- ing and Shipbuilding Union, jand the Transport and General sion has pretty well set the pattern of what is likely to happen in dealing with the other major wage claims which are up for consideration. The National Union of Miners, for instance, can also be 'counted out of the general strike pic- ture. Its leaders are inclined to accept the increased offer }of a wage increase made to INTERPRETING THE NEWS Trading By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer Yugoslavia is trying lo line up another conference of non- aligned nations. It would be along the lines of the "neutral summitt" held in Belgrade last September, but this time the emphasis would be on economic affairs. President Tito is. understood to be eager for another confer- ence because of growing con cern about economic "'pres- sures" on uncommitted coun- tries. One such pressure arises from the European Economic Community. Yugoslavia does about two- thirds of its trade with the non- Communist world, and a consid- erable slice of its exports go to Western Europe. Italy, tadi- tionally an enemy of tlie south Slavs, now is a good and friendly customer. WORRIED ABOUT MARKET As a Communist country, Yu- goslavia has little if eny hope of exerting influence over trad- ing arrangements among the six European countries. But it seems just as worried about the Moves Worrying Tito munist countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand have shown themselves to be. Tito recently visited Egypt and the Sudan, where he is un- derstood to have promuted the idea of a sequel to the 28-nation gathering held Sept. 1-6 in the refurbished Yugoslav cupital. The matter will also be can vassed by Yugoslavia's policy planner, Edward Kardelj, on his visit to Indonesia Along with other uncommitted countries, Yugoslavia is sensi- tive to the dangers inherent in the formation of global ape blocs. Though they are ec dent of the long-term future, the men around Tito know theirs is still a poor country. f "Give us anoiher 10 or 15 years and then watch - smoke," is the watchw among many of the seif-assured Slavs in Tito's republic, where pockets of free enterprise thrive amid state planning. As a united nation, Yugosla- via really dates from the Sec- ond World War. It is still haul- ing itself up by the economic bootstraps. Things improve ey- ery year, but there is still a as|Common Market as non-Com-jlong way to go. MERRY MENAGERIE NEW SPRI NG |TONE on tone green rug and pad, size . z | war nwt » TIni ; ll" x 9, Also single bed, spring and|special administrative sections| Workers' Union, are now hope- DRAPERY peeehae tiga Red a Py condition. had their operations disbanded. |ful that they, too, will be able pines niaeeeaiacei ~ __|They waited =it : reement that will CNIS | "KROEHLER chesterfield, only $100.88 y walted here for new or-|to reach an ag stom-made. beautiful styling, good fabric, Kroehler |them by Lord Robens, chair- List price -- $10,800. -- Lovely clean 5 room brick bungalow ist price $ vely m_ bri ung jman of the National Coal with private paved drive. 3 bedrooms, large kitchen and living room. Oil heated - monthly payment principal and interest and * latest colorful ders be satisfactory to their mem-| toxes - $55.17. For further information call Bill McFeeters, doy- time 723-2265, Evenings - 725-1726. QUALITY EVERYWHERE Only $14,300, -- One of the finest 6 room brick 134 storey homes this firm has hod the pleasure of selling. Separate dining crea, large kitchen with cupboards galore. 3 good size bed rooms with deep closets. Good size fully tiled 4 pc. bath with color fixtures. Completed rec. room plus extra stool in base- ment. Newly paved drive enhances the nicely landscoped grounds To see this fine home call Bill McFeeters, daytime 723-2265 -- Evenings 725-1726. LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE.BOARO 4 floral and abstract potterns, Barons' Most had made a holy cause |bers, and will stave off gener-) So on all the major industrial |construction ($219.50 value) Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. |CHESTERFIELD suite, two - piece toast color, in excellent condition. Tele- phone 725-7463 after six 34--Lost & Found Satins, Rayons, Moha rs, lined ond unlined, up to 4 widths, 54 to 95 inch lengths. $17.95 up Kitchen troctive cottor 79¢ yd. up. Don River Dress Cottons. ver- lous colors, paterns. 98¢ yd, M & C DRY GOODS 174 CELINA ST between four corners downtown to Rit- son road back to Hibbert Street by way of Olive, Gibb, tracks Telephone | 725-9270. . LOST: A thoroughbred hound, black |with w of Orono. and Oshawa | | | : Reward. Tele a5 a5 [phe TOTS O& Bia, P. Factew, i 423-1827 leva BR sia ae 0} f helping the poor Moslems by __|performing tasks ranging from|prived of the support of the|that the crisis has passed, the teaching and welfare to the quest for employment for their charges "They have cheated us,"" said LOST: Boy's giasses in brown case, one as he discussed the coming) TOKEN STRIKES of the new order in Algeria. We have wasted seven years." French Army authorities have announced plans to withdraw hite and tan face, tn the vicinity /two further divisions, about 20,-|been rescinded, but as 000 men, from Algeria by the 'end of this year jal strike action. Indeed, de- fronts, there are definite signs any generalfears of a general national strike have. beén_ dissipated, and Labor leaders are more inclined to go along with Sel- wyn Lloyd's) policy of ending| A decision of the Engineer-|the wage pause on April 1) ing and Shipbuilding Unions to\and following that with a per- hold another one-day tokenjiod of wage restraint, in which istrike on March 5 has not yet)increases will not be negatived, a re-|but will be. geared to the rise sult of talks that have beenjin the nation's productivity in railway unions, |strike would be a losing ven- ture before it started a tut = DIONE, 'Initiated, it Is unlikely that eithe year ahead "By golly, you're right! It DOES give one a feeling of security!"