THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 26, 1962 17 TELEVISION LOG | aia [ gazans noxonen, = Z Hartman of Ottawa and CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto SAWYER,OFFICE OF ; pl McCormick of Montreal : COR. JOHN 8. $ WUE-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Butffalo Or eee {AS 4 tor \ SB } | Ihave been named to the 1962 WEBW-TV Chanrel 7--Buffalo © WROC-TV Channe) 5--Rochester ee See RSUADED OUR ( ; Sports Afield ali-American skeet CFTO-TV « CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie ; +x y teams, it was annou' Friday eos 44 - , STREETS . i : oO, ; SUIT OF C' 4 4 |by Jimmy Robinson, skeet ed- 4 f . azine. Hartman SYENING aa ae fee toeeeey, ; SoOSk * SO oo eee the first team rh Hyg (TC UESDAN | 7--American Bandstand 2 i CASE BROKE OPEN.» anf a | and MeCormick to the profes *'--Fami . 8:00 A.M. ] , : sional squad. T -- 7--Talk of the Town 4--The Brighter Day 4--Captain Kangaroo 3--Women's Show 5-2--Today Show 2--Make Room For 8:30 A.M. Daddy P, 7--Showcase 4:15 P.M. 4--Dick "Tracye's 9:00 A.M. 4--The Secret Storm Adventures 7--Romper Room 4:30 P.M, 5:30 ?.M, 5--Movie 1--Alakazam 7--Early Show 4--Popeye's Playhouse | 6-3--Adventures Of @--Long John Silver 2--Funny Funnies Blinky 5--Theatre 9:15 A.M. 2--Three Stooges = Sotere cat Pale 2--Debbie Drake Show 4:45 P.M. a bout 9:30 AM. | G3Flowerpat_ Men 6:00 P.M. pee iat hile TULSDAS. EVE. , %-Man From Cochise Mig orang Doodle Time 5:00 P.M N 4 '4 i REALLY, IM NOT HUNGRY/ 6--News : -M. h, COME, NOW/ WE'VE GOT TO 4 ¢ & 10:00 A-M. i } oN . > STRENGTH BAC! JUST TAKE IT AWAY, e SoHichwey Patra |1--Hobby Time T--Popeye and tis Pals u - RE ABAD cIRL/| | SET CUR STREN K 4 6:15 P.M, 6-3--Razzle Dazzle Q é j "1 TE OF 9--Boys' and Girls' House 5--Bozo ee PM 7--Jane Wyman Show | 4--Fun To Learn oan '-M, $3 Say When '; 2--Captain Bob 1 -- Ne 4--Calendar -- Harry H . &-2--Weather: Sports Reasoner 4--Dick / Bebo 6:45 P.M. 10:30 A.M, Adventures ti--Family Theatre 9--Free and Easy 5:30 P.M. ! y , 7 9-6 2--Weather: 7--Day In Court 1--Early Show - ' ' : News: Sports 5-2--Piay Your Munch 6-3--Mike Mercury : a Brinkley 4--1 Love Lucy 5--Theatre i | 11:00 A, a 1:00 A.M, 7:00 P.M, is: tuk bat 4--CH. 4 Theatre 9--Father Knows Best a er een &-MeGraw : ; oateaco ter Fen ane Ceey: 6:00 P.M. ay : . 7--The Texan : $--Educational Special 4p 9---Man From Cochise d & News Weather-sports <_viee vitesse 6--News CROSS W ORD = \ Nea a nn" , * Pee ad a Theatre | 3--Romper Room rs yf Not for Children ~~ io air ied 11:30 A.M, 6:15 P.M, Wwe ~ ; . : 215 F. 7--Yours For A Song ; \ S : 4 | Mothers or doting aunts often 5-2--Conrentration 6:3 poe als ' _ think it's "cute" to give an 4--The Clear. Horizon . ACROSS 2.Greekletter 25. Pilfers ce ee 1 r-old a tic case ; sanaon INI tle 7 Cheyenne PT eg nicer o--News: Weather: 1, Knights 3. Regret 26. Old- SOAS Don Messer's Fiasis Sport 5. Made 4, Unnatural fash- arn Jubilee laiesi 6:45 ".M. dl SIH 6--Cheyenne upg one Weathers 5--Huntley-Brinkley * wal 5.Gr foned WITS) Le <-Peath Valley Days | 7_camouflage ae Ps ae ' Pa i ONE TION. t &-Peter 5-2--Y First 300 2.M, . Plant lo 5 SIPISMEAIP pwn ie, Poe Siapeesslon 9--Bachelor Father 12, Tardier wallaba 27, Broad AGS pla P, 6 Seven-o On my NE 63--Danny Thomas 6a "Sea 5--National Velvet 18, Ingenuous 7 shee prt Siem & Show $tiee ana' Ban 4--News - Weather « 14, A wing 8. Co a 9 Sema Ss €-Pete and Gladys Sc maskas at tae Gis »_ Sports 15, ---- Baba knife 29. as ieee B vhole : en Casey , ht 9. Thick slice $2, Roent- " 12:30 P.M. a 17, Slig' : 8:30 P.M. 7--Make A Face wim "cy taste 11. To exile Saturdsy's Answer co Be 7:15 P.M. i--The F S--M 4 18. Exist 16. Loiter i 2 ul--Family Theat! 3 gy a al age im 19, TV viewer's 19. Meaning pictures 88, "Leaning B3--Live A Borrowed sc feareh tor Tomorrow ae fo "ee ee aad 20. Birong 33. yo aad pg News: Weathers : Mh. . Wor! clea' 8-2--The Price Is Right Sports 9--Route 66 34. Ages 40. Actress 4--Fathe B 3. _ 22. Burglar (naut.) + AB 'tae 6 «6(l@elteo jos ae (slang) 22,Backwards 36.Prepare for | ----Claire DO YOU NEED A 11--Loretta Young 1:00 P.M. 5-2--World of Sophia 23, Wide- 24. Skin tumor publication 42, Doze 7--Surfside Six 11--Movie Matinee FS og Se mouthed e bexy is .) ; # SQW SAREE SSS et 6-3--Bob Cummings 7--Afternoon Show mney Show 1 2 V//15 16 17 18 , = 2. f 4 4 Peay . ' Show 5--One O'Clock Movie 8:00 P.M. a VA é . Tay &2--87th Precinct 4--Meet The Millers 7--Bachelor Father . VZ/\i0 i = 9 S } Z : 2 rid 4--Danny Thomas Show Revs ted itis +3--Gary Moore Show _-- - 9:30 P.M iy 4 re nee 4--Password 1:30 ¢.M, &se Chia 11--Richard Diamond ges 730 P.M. @--Take A Chance Pe ais ty Wis 11--Sing Along With 4 €3--Festival 4--The World Turns Mitch é lio 4--Mantovani 2:00 P.M. 9-Naked City ig Ms oe won ie 'iss U NTIL PA Y DA Y? 1:00 P.M, &--Cher Helene ne Altreo, dieeheocs : , SETTER) 1] [uoe'e cs wit cuREACOLD --Bob McLean Soen Marthy. Mon| See ee . GIVE US EACH A BIG BOWL O' JOE'S CH 9--Twenty Questions 35. C Sx YOUR CHILI, JOE/ FOR ME QUICKER THAN ANY Set ey a Z rent serreeoy---- | | a 4--Hennesey wis 4 eer 5-2--Bob Hope Show , costs only 47c 10:30 P.M. tl--Jane Gray Show 9:30 P.M. 39. Ancient é ELS Z . The Jack Benny 7--Seven Keys \1--The Detectives + cubelte ead we Show 6-3--Open House 9--Checkmate Asia Minor Large ny 6-2--Loretta ¥. 7--Yours Fi country ™ ate | hei . 4 other plans to suit your On '_iheatte aig 63-Front Fass ee 41, ---- of So, Y 5 . = SS budget. H i ouse Pa alleng C i 4 41-9-7-6-5-4.2--Newss 3:00 P.M, 'Ichabod and Me ao panier P $50 TO $5,000 Weather: Sports 1--Romper Room 10:00 P.M, y 6 i, e | hae = 1A) rE) Ss 7 E} Ee Mj startin; plunge they can't control? Get ur Reader's Digest today -- 38 articles of lasting interest and a long condensation of the season's ' 1 a MICKEY MOUSE 13:15 P.M. 7--Queen For A Day lit_pop MeLens 44. Relieves without endorsers|er be hed oot Sour Mee 7--Alcoa Premiere @, Japanese bankable securities. wPO! i outcasts r un += F ©8--Westner and Sports | ¢Milionaire S-Bus aap 46. Health gees : wae , SUPERIOR 3:30 P.M. 4--Gary Moore Show 5 i 4 i 21--Late Show --Cap'n Andy Show springs yi , F is E \ a Speen "a a ee ae on DOWN f 7 FINANCE itish C -- 0 : A om ; Po Sag yf ag 6-43--Verdiet Is Yours| 9~-Showdown 1. To pare off "The fastest-growing all- 4--Overland Trail 5-2--Our Five 6--The Lively Arte Canadian Loan Compeny. 3--Crossroads Daughters 3--King of Diamonds 17 SIMCOE st. N, 25-6541 ly un! 2 pm, 'Wednesdey until 8 p.m, NO MATTER WHAT you are looking for in PONTIAC . . BUICK . . VAUXHALL or the D | warn cone : New ACADIAN. There is a model designed a new car you are sure to find it here! for you. swer WHE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. uc: IT'S ANICE PITCHER, IT MERELY SAYS "BALD EAGLE, CONTEM- } WE ALL KNOW "J THE TRAIN WITH ITS TIME-BOMB BEGINS COME ON, SILVER! FI ANT BUT WHUT USE |S PLATIN' TH' BUST O' YUL BRYNNER, ATOP _/ WHO BALD EAGLE. TO PULL AWAY FROM "THE LONE RANGER « « IT?-THARSNO ,; n AN'YUL BRYNNER, 1S,NATCHERLY -- BUT, WHO'S - REMBRANDT? UNTIL 10 P.M. 1038 KING ST. WEST (Atop Mt. Lewn Cemetery) ----ALL DAY -- TUESDAY SPECIAL LADIES' Nee BUT Y NEITHER AMT... | | My MOTHER HAD Y YEAH» IMAGINE CANT COLD TopAY, ; GRANDMA DIDN'T | | A BIG FIRE << rs DUSTERS \_ ISN'T IT# Ae GOING IN THE TO STAY A FIRE ALL PY ANYTHING }} a \ aber ; FIREPLACE : AFTERNOON... Glazed cotton. Pastel shades. c f 4 : 7), j a Assorted sizes, Reg. 2.49. TUESDAY 1 12 ONLY ...seeee THE LONE RANGER --_ALL DAY ------- Wednesday SPECIAL BOYS' YOU MEAN THE GREERS ? NO, BUT | SPORT SHIRTS STILL, WHO'D HAVE EVER THOUGHT In a good range of colors THAT WHEN WE BEGAN THIS THING, mL a and sizes . . . plaids and IT WOULD WIND UP AT THE ALTAR! a checks. Reg. 2.25. p > \ WEDNESDAY ONLY DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER DISCOUNTS ... ON EVERY ITEM 2 Centres To Serve You Better OSHAWA DISCOUNT ah ged "il" tHE oREss J Mm py ME nai! rr' Y YOU DID A FINE JOB & Cy ee HOUSE UTIFUL,YOUD COST ONLY BUY A THOUSAND Sa Ti ers ss BAY|] IN BRITISH COLUMBIA, ENEN LOOK GOOD TWENTY-NINE FLOUR SACKS FOR = LW To, 70,4 ,4 4 ref aga Se want TO g : - IN A FLOUR SACK DOLLARS TWENTY-NINE S< i | GONHIS WAYTO & i : 1038 KING ST. WEST My 9, DOLLARS THE HEADQUARTERS SHOW YOU SOMETHING : : B Reap di < 4 OF Mac INNIS EVTERPRISES: SCOTTY CAMPBELL SENT ; : j ~ (Atop Mt. Lawn Cemetery) Ae EEE TEMA som i OPEN: 10 A.M. TILL 10 P.M. ge et DAILY JULIET JONES BUT THEN You'RE revere ea YES, HEN f CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY HOPS AROUND. 728-0311 OLD Boy 16 Vy e NOW PROS-~ PECTING IN : 290 ALBERT ST. THE NORTHWEST : ONLY OPEN-- TERRITORIES 2 ~ THURSDAY--10 to 6 : 1 FRIDAY 10 to 9 SATURDAY--10 to 6 728-7071 LARRY BRANNON inl