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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Feb 1962, p. 5

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| " 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Februcry 26, 1962 § DEATHS | By THE CANADIAN PRESS WHITBY And DISTRICT Brooklin Scouts, Cubs At Father, Son Dinner ic: . Thomas -- James Mel- Collec- ville, 56, police chief of St. House homas and former Ontario light-heavyweight boxing cham- ip AGREE ON RESEARCH | governments for signing in the PARIS (Reuters) --Twelve, Eu. |next two or three months. ropean counties agree y) on a draft convention for the GETS CHECKUP creation of a European space| ROCHESTER, Minn. (AP)-- research organization with a|Ladybird, the wife of Vice- $290,000,000 program. Sir Harrie|President Lyndon Johnson, is at Massey, British chairman of the|the Mayo Clinic here for what conference, said the draft con-|was described as a routine vention will be submitted to the| physical checkup. training and Stevenson, Toymaker, their fathers'\tor; Bobby Richardson, Orderly, Collector, ion Peter Keo, a former member Halifax -- John D. Wood, 38, part of badge scouting from Almost 70 Scouts and Cubs of the 1st Brooklin Scout Com- pany and their fathers cram-|knowledge. med into the Oddfellows Hall! "The wise father will be in-| I in Brooklin on Saturday night|terested in their boys all the|of the Soo Pack but now a ,ominent Halifax investment for the Scouting social event of|way," he concluded, '"'and he|Scout, was awarded a badge|qesier and president of Nova| the year -- the Annual Father must be the boy's pal in every|for the highest mark achieved | co otia Textiles Limited of Wind- and Son Banquet. , . way." as a Cub by -- i panes leer, NS. The present company, forme 0 is pac! sass oa, 4 in 1958, consists of 23 Scouts|HONOR SCOUTS, CUBS were made by Akela Gordon aut oa wae Se and 43 Cubs, who are divided) Following the banquet the/Hurst. Toronto Harbor Commission. into the "Cree" and "Soo"|company honored its outstand-| ee Brantford -- Clifford C. Sle- packs. ing Scouts and Cubs who have| CREE Te PS B min, 66, Brant County Crown The group committee chair-worked in the past year to win). dge Winners: Ricky tee eoraey foe tha tak 1h Poa: man. Don Roberts, who chaired|proficiency hadges and promo-\First Aid, Gardener, Home- nc le Alera + Pog " ; craft, Cyclist, House Orderly the banquet, outlined the high-|tions, Cath, Vycust, use |< Ara : it Be lights of the company's third The awards to the badge win- Pet Keeper and Guide; David Ee eee "page : illey. Observer, Toy. .|former editor of McCall's and| ese afb go Pel oA 1 aia ambaatsa Doug. Burleigh, FirstAid, Art. Woman's Home Companion. | 17 Wolf Cubs were promoted SCOUTS ist, Toymaker and Gardener; Norwich, ae -- Irving Ives, into the Scout troop and since, Brian Crawford was awarded|Bobby Egan, First Aid, Team- va rego -- States sena- then most of them were tender-|the Friend io Animals, Healthy player, Swimmer; John Frendo-| get oF ci a Se AI: foot Scouts Man, Missioner and Public|Cumbo, Homecraft, House Or- . aynes aoa f'the U.S. Na.| During the 12 months of 1961, Health badges. derly, Artist, First Aid, Pet)s Th bs wr hescban thik mual the company held paper drives) Second Class Scout badges| Keeper; Joe Frendo - Cumbo, oy Aan en i infielder. | and the money made would be were awarded to Kent Edwards|House Orderly, Artist; Brianja Sacer pineal a oe ee | probably used for more camp-jand Eric Butler and in addition, a ay -- pagal are C. Clarke Oke, 01. one of the| ing equipment. The annua! a Patrol Second stripe was pre-|, itchell, oymaker; Hily first United Church ministers to| bottle drives and Apple Dayjsented to Eric Butler. Scout Nolan, Teamplayer, House Or- " f Aontaeaks ti thaclhey: were also successful, said Mr. Master Bruce Miner made the/|'¢rly, Homecraft, Collector; nig ' an nite wn EROOMRY: | Roberts. presentations. Bruce Potts, Gardener; Jim/)after a long iiness. . : Short, Guide, Artist. Calgary -- Lawrence Arthur) CUB CAMP £00 CUB PACK David Bailley was awarded|Cavanaugh, 76, prominent Cal- A total. of 20 Wolf Cubs at- Badge winners: Gary Ablett, his 13th and 14th badges of gary automotive distributor. | tended a summer camp atiGuide, Athlete, Toymaker,|Observer and Toymaker -- the Montreal -- Lovell Mickles,| Sibald's Point, he said, and this| House Orderly, Teamplayer and highest mark a Cub can/8l, Montreal industrialist and fi-| was the first such camping/Artist; Barry Bowden, House attain. nancier who came to Canada| venture undertaken by Brook-|Orderly, Teamplayer, Athlete, from the United States in 1905; | lin Cubs. Although the Scouts|Artist, Homecraft and Cyclist; | were after a long illness. did not camp during the past/Murray Crawford, Collector; |Bowden Z year, he continued, they did|Bobby Godfrey, Toymaker;|; The turkey dinner was pre- have several hikes. George Kerr, Teamplayer;|pared and served by the Scout- The company now had a/Brian Kidd, Homecraft; P hiljing Mothers' Auxiliary. large amount of camping -- aneerieen . equipment, said the chairman, and camping trips for both e Presentations as ae nt ~ If you are torn between two major purchases, perhaps you don't have to decide which it " will be. Maybe you should ere a | have both! Pig iron production orsk| Jernverk in Norway, 320,000) pagesial ee pia ponent tons in 1961, is expected to reach | 720,000 tons annually by 1964. them on the Bank of Montreal aie . Family Finance Plan. to by this Akela pack Al Presentations sf made is Peter Keo, now a Scout, but formerly of the Soo pack who also earned 14 proficiency badges --Oshawa highest mark attainable by a Comparing Cub proficiency Cub. Left is Wolf Cub David badges at the annual Father and Son Banquet of the Ist | Bailley, 11, of the Cree Pack, Brooklin Scout Company are | who was awarded his 14th two boys who achieved the | proficiency badge and right Times Photo minor hockey club to be drop- coouts and Cubs were being ped by the wayside. The Mid- planned, immediately gets were knocked out of fur- Guest speaker for the ban ther competition by Bowman-\quet was Mr. Charles Elms of | Ville Brooklin, an 'Old Scout' and Still very much in contention! ,.1y pioneer of the 8th To Whitby Pee W Oust Trenton are the Juveniles and of COUTSE| ronto Scout Troop. He began his the Pee Wees who now await). ddress by saying that although By GERRY BLAIR .period on goals by George their next opposition --unknown had been out of The Whitby Pee Wee All-|Reeson, Peter Vipond and Mike @t the moment. The Juveniles\coouting service: for seven Stars advanced into the next/Keenan go to Trenton Wednesday with) \,arg Old Scouts were never round of Ontario Minor Hockey! 'Trenton came roaring back,? 5ix-80al lead. discharged from Scouting Association's play-offs after)in the second period with their, SATURDAY'S PEE WEE , se : eliminating Trenton in a two-|two goals, to narrow the Whitby SUMMARY IN PLAYGROUND ; game total goals series 8-7 itl aurgin to one. Andy McFall) TRENTON -- goal, O'Neill Scouting. he said, started In was a thriller right through! and Phil Clark were the marks-and Garrett; defence, Reid,|the school playground where both games. |... men. The ,homesters checked|Walling; alts, McFall, Clark, natural gangs formed a ft ¢ 5 On Saturday afternoon, Whit- (diligently for the balance of the|Mader, Dobbie, DeMille, Wan-|School. Each of these na a by won an exciting 3-2 opener,/game to preserve the win. namaker, Taylor, Steinberg,| #2085 had a leader, Ne salt. then battled Trenton to a 5-5 Coulter, Hewitt Lynch |just as Scout patrols had a deadlock on Sunday for the one-/BANTAMS LOSE famtare ' : 'patrol leader goal edge on the round In the Bantam series, also) wiTBpy -- goal, Partington "Unless these natura! gangs There is no summary avail-jwith Trenton, the Whitby ladsiqefence Gibson. Sorichetti:{and their leaders are intro- able for Sunday's game at time/didn't fare as well. They drop-|ais Norwood Pritchard. Ree.|duced into the brotherhood of of writing. ped both games -- Saturday it/,on' Keenan, Moon, Vipond,|Scouts," said Mr. Elms, ; y ; '|"trouble will result. It is best Soldiers Trained Against Capture SEOUL (AP)--U:S. Soldiers in torture and bruiality--hung by their wrists, roiled in, mud, tapped inside boxes, s¢{ upon by dogs and made to drape live snakes around their necks A rasping voice bocms them from a lJoudspeaker: "You are prisoners of a peace- ful nation which will bring the imperialist aggressors to their knees. Co-operate and you will learn the trufh about peace-lov- ing people!" : The prison camp scene is not real. It's a part of a training program conducted by the 7th Infantry Division ket without signing for it. But lhe is forced to walk through receive a blanket and ke per- active| Korea are regularly subjected to| mitted to go to bed CATCH TO IT | If they fall for the bail they must sign a receipt before get \ting a blanket. The "'receipt") waging germ warfare. Switching strategy, occasion-| ally a prisoner is given a blan- }distrust the camp in full sight of his fel- iow prisoners with the blanket on his arm. The idea is to breed and suspicion among the prisoners. : Other techniquesdupLcated at the camp: unco-operative pris- oners are strung up by their hands to a pole; a dog is per- mitted to rip their clothing; snakes are draped around their at|{urns out to be a confession ofjnecks as they crawl between lines of guards, each asking for information; they are brought before mock firing squeds. WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO MARCH 10, for demolition of Dundas St. E,, Whitby. | TENDERS FOR HOUSE DEMOLITION 5:00 P.M, ON SATURDAY, the double house at 313-317 When you don't have all the cash you need to buy what you want, the B of M Family Finance Plan is an excellent way to group several purchases under a single, low-cost, life-insured loan. Monthly repay- ments to suit your conveniénce may be extended up to three years. So, don't call a coin--call on your nearest branch of the B of M and enjoy more of the things you want right now! (Ban OF Monrreat ) Fanil Brings all " Finance Plan your personal eredit needs WEAN In the first game played injwas 6-3 for Trenton, and yester-| 155, Mowatt. Town, G the Whitby Community arenaiday back in Trenton, the Whit- pea nal, Town, "Gita Saturday afternoon, Whitb y|by Bantam All-Stars went down theirj/to defeat 7-2 -- losing the two- 4 Pee Wee's hung on for } victory. They built up a com-/game total goals series 13-5. manding 3-0 margin in the first' Peterboro, Dixie Are "Spiel Winners Here skip; Chris Doughty, Ian Cur- walked away with the firstirie, Kay Currie. Points--19. The out-of-town curling rinks prizes for both draws of the Mixed Open Bonspiel in the Whitby Curling Club on Satur- day. Teams from Whitby, Oshawa, Scarborough, Dixie, Richmond Hill, Tam O'Shanter and Peter- dorough braved the elements to curl in an almost full house. In the 9.00 a.m. draw a rink from the Peterborough Golf and Country Club scored a total of 44 points for the three games played to take the top spot. This team, skipped by Jack -- Hewitt eventually went on to | score the highest three-games © total in the spiel. F A rink from the Dixie Curl- ing Club, which also racked up 44 points, took first place honors in the 11.00 a.m. draw. However, a count-up of ends won by both draw winners gave the edge to the Peter- borough rink Following are the first three and consolation prize winners for each rink: 9.00 A.M. DRAW Peterborough -- Jack Hewitt, skip; Lillian Hewitt, vice; Max Comstock, second; Gertrude Comstock, lead. Points--44. Whitby--J. Smyth, skip: Vic Aimes, Doris Aimes, Helen Smyth. Points--44. Whitby--H. Lott, skip; Wishart, D. Harman, A. mah. Points--34. 11.00 A.M. DRAW Dixie--Ted Wildgoose, skip; Norma Wildgoose, Ear! Bas- com, Connie Baker. Points--44. Richmond Hil! -- Roy Mac- laren, skip; E. Edwards, Faril Scot, G. Maclaren. Points--38 Heather (Tam) -- L. Burch, skip; Betty Baulch, Bi}! Baulch, Eula Burch. Points--35 Whitby -- Jack Doughty, ER roeapmmemnen sorsesoncerscegussen-cperommane F. Har- BROCK Evening Shows at 6:55 & 9:15 WHITBY Feature Starts at 6:55 & 9:25 'THE MOTION PICTURE THAT STARTS ITS OWH TRADITION OF GREATNESS! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ere amme | mmr ne mm Seodd CEU? OGRE OF PST Pe HiT 220 Foe Fi They were the second Whitby) » Whitby: Vipond ........ 2.5 Pritchard 15.45 First Period Whitby: Reeson (Keenan, Moon) Penalty: Pritchard 11.15. Second Period 5. Trenton: Clark (McFall) No penalties. Third Period No scoring. Penalties: Keenan Pictured above is the win- ning Peterborough Golf and Country Club curling rink which scored top honors at Saturday's Mixed Open Bon- spiel at the Whitby Curling Club, Seated left to right. are Gertrude Comstock and Lil- lian Hewitt and standing are Max Comstock and Jack Hewitt, who skipped the win- ning rink. The team scored a total of 44 points for the REEVES' ARTISTS SUPPLIES =< @t -- DODD & SOUTER PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. $.--WHITBY MO 8-523] that we look for and their leaders and get them into Scouting so that all . 2.95 enioy such benefits as brother- cleanliness 5ih ood, 3. Whitby: K |play." "ote hie ie | Although fathers did not wear |Scout uniforms, said the speak-| 4. Trenton: McFall (Reid) 2.28/er, all were members of the company and should be a great 10.29|ald to Scouts and Cubs. suggested in host the bi-monthly patrol meet- 11.50.|ings in their homes so that the boys could gain experience He skilled | 9.00 *spiel, --Oshawa Times Photo three games played in the am. draw | enough ends these gangs} The U.S. armed forces news-| paper Pacific Stars and Stripes recently explained that 'perhaps| the most importart part is the vivid enactment of enemy ac- tions towards captured sold- iers." Describing the training, the! paper said one recent test as- sumed that 'aggressor' forces had over-run friendly positions at night. Those "captured'"' were put in a prison camp. UNDERGO BRAINWASHING | as| After capture, the prisoners! --_---|were taken to the compound,") the story said. "Inside, they were stripped of their weapons and boots and underwent an hour of brainwashing and threats. ,.. Prisoners were humiliated and} |"tortured" when they refused to} give informatien beyond their name, rank, serial number and date of birth. "Take the prisoner out and loosen his tongue," the voice) behind the brigh' light would} say. "When he wanis to talk bring him back to me." "Ageressor' guards push jsome prisoners into a sweat box | |--a wall locker suspended over | ja hot fire. A variation is to keep | ithe prisoner in the locker while lguards pound on tlhe outside with clubs. Another technique is to tempt the shivering pcisoners with |blankets. They are told that if | they answer questions, they will may and fair fathers should that the trades | ~ If You Have a Car, A Home, A Family One man can solve all of your insurance problems. He is your friendly State Farm agent. See him soon, Wm. H. (Bil!) MIDDLETON 608 Brock St. 3. Whitby MO 8-3762 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Lite Insurance Company State Farm Fire and Casualty Company Canadien Head Office -- Toronte and made to take the Hi-Fashion Hair Stylists FOR FEBRUARY AND MARCH 109 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY SPECIAL PERMS 7.00 @ FREE SHAMPOO AND SET With your 10.00 perm @ FREE HAIR SHAPING With your Shampoo and Set CALL MO 8-3621 Tender shal! include complete site clean-up after demolition inclusive of backfilling with rubble and/or dry granuler mat- erial, the top 2 feet being consolidated granular material suit- able for a parking lot Each tender shall enclose proof of aveilability at tenderer's rsonal and Project to be completed withi: eword, Any or best tender not necessarily accepted. expense of $100,000 erage. HARRY DONALD LTD. WHITBY ty liability cov- Osh Sh with @ low-cost B of M life-insured loan Oshewe Branch, 20 Simcoe St. North: JAMES McCANSH, Maneger 30 days of tender Ajex Brench: Bowmenville Brench: Whitby Branch: HARRY DONALD h, King St. West: entre NORMAN McALPINE, Maneger HUGH HUSTLER, Manager JAMES BELL, Manager COLIN SUTHERLAND, Manager WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 UR CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE [ PORT This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! ! ALENDAR --_ of -- WEEKLY Events! Electroplating New... In Whitby Don't Buy New... The Old Will Do. © Copper © Brass © Chrome Parts Replated The Only Plant In The Aree Replating Old Stock. Whitby Electroplating 412 MARY ST. EAST WHITBY WHITBY MOTORS LTD. G.M. DEALER FOR PONTIAC, BUICK VAUXHALL & G.M.C. TRUCKS NEW AND USED CARS New Car Sales 1006 Brock, Heute a rea Used Car Sales THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS HOCKEY: METROPOLITAN JR. "A" HOCKEY LEAGUE Tuesday, Feb. 27, et 8:30 p.m., Whitby Arens, BAMPTON 7 UPS vs. WHITBY MOHAWKS, Sunday, March 4, 2 p.m., Maple Leef Gardens, WHITBY MO- HAWKS vs. TORONTO MARLBOROS (Lest scheduled game). STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments MO 8-3552 Whitby JUVENILE "A" HOCKEY PLAYDOWNS Wednesday, Feb. 28, 8:30 p.m., Trenton Arene, WHITBY CON- SUMERS' GAS vs, TRENTON (Second geome of series). WHITBY MERCANTILE HOCKEY LEAGUE Sundey, March 4, doubleheader in semi-finals, first geome et 12 noon, Whitby Arene. WHITBY INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Sundey, Merch 4, h in i-finels, first game et 9:15 p.m., Whitby Arene. WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE Monday, Feb. 26, 3:30 te 7:30 p.m., Midget House Leegue. } VIGOR OIL STATION Operated by "Vic" Van Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best Deal on New and Used Tires DIESEL OIL Phone MO 8-3644 501 Brock St. N., Whitby Tuesdey, Feb. 27, 3 te 7 p.m., Juvenile House Leegue. Friday, Merch 2, 3 te 8 p.m., Bentem House League. Seturdey, Merch 3, 7 te 16 a.m., Pee Wee House League. SKATING: Wednesday, Feb. 28, 8 te 10 p.m., edults eniy, Whitby Arene. Fridey, Merch 2, 8:30 te 10:36 p.m., edults end children, Seturday, Merch 3, 2 to 4 p.m., children under 14 yeers. CURLING: Soturdey, Merch 3, Mixed Open Benspiel, Whitby Curling Club. Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our focation et 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Post Office in Whitby Is Most Convenient For Your Buy- ing Needs of Quality Goods et Prices That Save! MO 8-3483 Ww. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funere! & Ambulance Service You don't have to ploy a sport te be a good sport 110 Dundes St. E. MO 8-3410 WHITBY YOU WANTA SELLUM YOU GOTTA TELLUM USE The Classified Ads Dial MO 8-3703 COUNTY BOWL "OPEN BOWLING" Seturdoy: | p.m, - 5 p.m. 7 p.m. - 11 iy Sunday, Start Oct, 1 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. 118 Byron N. MO 8-2651 GEORGE H. HARDING CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 411 Fairview Drive MO 8.3566 WHITBY TRENCHING AND COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Looking For A Fine Men's Shop? TRY THIS ONE FOR SIZE RON ARMSTRONG = 5.0 WHITBY PLAZA MO 8-8721 MEN'S @ FREE PARKING @ ' & Stove Oil © Semet-Solvey @ Texeco Fuel © "blue coal" Coke @ Wood: JAMES SAWDON & SONS Buy frem your loco! dealer. He sup- ports your Home Town Sports. @ 24-HR. BURNER SERVICE (established 1914) Diel MO 8-3071 244 Brock St. S. MO 8-3524 WHITBY, Ont. :

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