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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Mar 1962, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Mostly sunny and mild toaay. Cloudy Sunday with wet snow or rain likely late in the day or at night. THOUGHT FOR TODAY Inflation: Something that cost $10 to buy a few years ago and now costs $20 to repair. he Oshawa Time ' Authorized as Second Class Mall Post Office Deportment, Ottawa and for payment of Postage im Cosh. WEST READIES NUCLEAR PLAN 3 Die, 50 Hurt In Paris Blast Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1962 SIXTEEN PAGES VOL, 91--NO. '59 Clue Hope For Arrest (CP)--Police|cials, William Shumaker and Joe Esakin. The union officials said they were beaten up in the city's = downtown area by two men who Ee mistook them for Doukhobors A court at Nelson is hearing more than 80 charges involving arson and bombing against members of the sect, long blamed for terrorism the Kootenays The power tower was owned by the Consolidated Mining and ia NELSON, B.C say they have a new clue which may lead to early arrests in the $500,000 power pole bombing which has given rise to new de- mands for anti-terrorist action in southeastern British Colum- bia The 200-man RCMP detach ment wezking on the new out- break of violence in the area has turned up a clue to the identity of the saboteurs who wrecked the Kootenay Lake Proposal Means Success Or Failure For A-Talks GENEVA (AP)--Britain andjsolidly agreed in principle on the in pylon Tuesday "We are getting information) which we think will be very helpful to us,"' Supt. F. S. Spald- ing said in Victoria He declined to state the na- ture or source of the informa- tion but said no claim has been made for the $10,000-a-head reward which the B.C. govern- ment has offered for of those responsible for the blast. He said it is hoped suspects will be arrested "'in a time." The announcement came as local organizations demanded a arrest short Smelting Company and carried lines across Kootenay Lake to| the firms smelter operations. Nelson city council has asked Attorney-General Robert Bonner to visit the area for talks on new measures to.combat the prob- lem Justice Minister Fulton an- nounced in the House of Com-| mons that a special penal insti-| tution is to be set up near Chilli- wack, 70 miles east of Vancou- ver, for Freedomite offenders The announcement met with objections from many quarters in B.C. Residents of the area PART OF BROKEN TANKER section the Liber- | ian tanker Gem as_ sighted from Coast Guard search plane off the North Caro- | Stern of lina coast fury of the Atlantic The 9,620 ton ves- sel was broken in two by the storm several days ago. The bow section taken off | Photo via AP Wirephoto) (not shown) (U.S Coast was also found and some of the crew jscheduled to hold a meeting 45 Guard |minutes the United States worked today|need for controls on last-minute touches to a new; The Rusk - Home - Gromyko nuclear proposal that could spell| meetings will precede the open- success or failure of their meet-|ing Wednesday of a 17-power ing with the Soviet Union's An-|conference on general disarma- drei Gromyko. ment. The French are not tak- In Oran, 16 Moslems were Wag ap one oo ze sige ni gar ' MOE . ave. set up private talks be- he big three minis - shot dead in a gun battle that ginning Monday which will de-|ceed in dulling the sages hs raged around a liquor and wine/jermine whether a thaw ac-iold East-West arguments they warehouse in the Moslem sec- tually is beginning in the cold'undoubtedly will clear the way tor of the city. Four of the dead) way, for a spring summit meeting wake wepnee State Secretary Rusk, Foreign! n Algiers another 10, eight of Secretary Lord Home and Soviet E ] L d F of Ramadan this week ended Friday as 44 persons were killed and 31 others injured in 55 gun, knife and bomb attacks in Al- geria PARIS (Reuters)--Three per- sons, one of them a_ student priest, were killed today and at least 50 others injured when a |booby-trap planted in a car ex- ploded near a bus stop } The car blew up in front of a thall in suburban Issy-les-Molin- jeau here the pro-Communist) "movement for Peace' was later The blast, blamed on the out lawed Secret Army Organiza- jtion, killed two policemen stand- them Europeans, died in separ-|;, ~. coy "6 ;: , I |Foreign Minister Gromyko will) ate attacks : French sources indicated range over all the big, tough problems. Nuclear testing, gen-| eral disarmament and_ Ger- S$ k t h many's future head the list. The; as a C. ewan three will have a preliminary} I C li new approach to suppression of terrorism in the Kooten and there were fears of violence against the radical Sons of Free dom Doukhobors CHARGE TWO In Trail, brothers Arthur and Dennis Hayward were charged vith assaulting two union offi- chosen said the proposal posed dangers for local inhabitants and suggested that remote area of the province should be used Mr. Bonner has said convicted Freedomites should be treated as ordinary prisoners and spread throughout the country's penal establishments estimated at Presi econo NEW YORK (AP) dent Kennedy and his mists expressed confidence this week that business in 1962 will live up to expectations Doubts had been raised January declines in persona! in- come, manufacturing sales, in- dustrial production; housing starts and employment. Retail sales had been reported down, too, but a revision of statistics showed a one-per-cent gain The number of unemployed declined by 120,000 to 4,543,000 This represented a 19-month low of 5.6 per cent by the work force. A the same time, empl ment increased by 731,000 to 65 789,000 Walter Heller, chairman of the president's council of eco- nomic advisers, reiterated his belief that the Gross National Product will hit $570,000,000 this year, up $50,000,000,000 from 1961 President. Kennedy announced that months-long negotiations vith Canada and 30 other coun- tries, including the European Common Market nations, had produced tariff-reducing agree ments AFFECT HUNDREDS The agreements will affect the cost of hundreds of U.S. im port and export items includ- ing automobile The initial opinion of business men was that the r tariffs would have little influence on by informa- asa for ® |ing beside the car and the young|cease-fire agreement might be t esl ents seminarist, who had just left the! signed Tuesday U. s odas post office opposite the hall. A ' - ina nae : "unio ae i ee ge-iogether Sunday might ata vd |many of whom were waiting for Woman Repeats dinner given by Rusk. ear tor I I i eS T1S | werk-hound buses, were taken to _ rd MUST SETTLE DETAILS BULLETIN {hospitals by passing motorists Claim Against London sources said British) By JACK SULLIVAN The charred skeleton of the and American experts still have| KITCHENER (CP) -- Saskat- aga NEW YORK (AP)--The deva-|appear during the day. It car-)damage $300,000,-\car and the debris-littered area nas not completed the new nuclear] chewan piled up a big early lead |stated U.S. eastern seaboard|ried rain and light snow as far|000 were cordoned off by police. RC Authorities proposal which Rusk and Homeland went on te humble detend- ed jfought to clear a monumental/north as southern New Eng- presipENT ORDERS AID | yIOLENCE RENEWED eats will present to: Gromyxo. ing champion Alberta 14-6 today U S Con l ence Cnn Atlin Hard-hit sections of New Jer-| Meanwhile, as French and|.,\@W YORK (AP)--The wife) The two Western powers are|in a sudden-death playoff for the . . |worst week of winter storms in) Tides running a foot above)... narviand. Delaware and Alt Fan nauthintacd' continued of an ex-Roman Catholic priest reported willing to modify some-|Canadian curling championship. its history faded under clearing/normal slowed the drainage of) vi;cinia were due to receive fi- ie cease-fire talks at the Al-|reiterated Friday that he was|what the control provisions for|It was a record-equalling title e | skies flooded coastal lowlands and),.,ciai aid as a result of Presi- he mane ne "Evian secret) #bducted by church authorities a test ban which they previously Victory for the Ernie Richard- I 1962 Business | A storm that dropped seven/hampered cleanup operations) ont Kennedy's designation of veers and moslem extremists! 2"4 later returned home here to| insisted upon For one thing,|son rink from Regina. n jinches of snow on parts ofjfrom Miami Beach's wave-\tneam as disaster areas. Also in- Manned sin the "hiood lettin 34 father her fourth child new scientific techniques are| The Richardsons--skip Ernie, Georgia dwindled in intensity as'chewed shore to the wind- and cluded was West Virginia,| Algeria Pp 6 ; Mrs. Alice Ryan said the for- making it easier as time goes|mate Arnold, second Garnet and Steel production last week/it plodded northward Friday water-battered coast of south-| nich suffered from floods last! A comparative lull in the ter-| Mer Priest, Walter A. Ryan, 57,/on to police sneak explosions. |lead Wes--won the toss for last dipped for the second week in)night and was expected to dis- ern New England week ritory which coincided with the (4 an "untruth" Thursday in) pjtferences remain between|T0ck on the first end, piling up a a row but was expected to pick But this latest assault of the' New Jersey suffered damagelend of the Moslem holy month San F rancisco when he said he the British, who lean toward fat three, and simply over- up if the labor negotiations dying winter weather was small/estimated at $100,000,000 or Meadors ta a left her in 1955 and went west\oacing some control require-| Whelmed Alberta the rest of the gs ect or ir greg Cornwall Man compared to the storm which more and a loss of at least 12 to cure a drinking problem and) ments, and the Americans, who|¥2Y: R gress. Output totalled 2,361,000 "began Tuesday and ravaged the lives Rh d . El ti never saw her again. leant "tight eeotection pes The Richardsons hopped in tu tons, down 1.8 per cent from the . |coast for three days; leaving 38} Chincoteague Island on Vir- odesia ection | "He returned home in April| any test ban violations or secret|take advantage of every Alberta pis ge gens To Prosecute jknown dead, 10 missing and|gina's eastern shore was or-' s jor May of 1956 and it was then! preparations. ' jmiscue--and there were plenty Sales of new domestic cars in | ; -- ------ dered evacuated for health rea- Date Set April 27 | that whe fathered the other) Hut U8 southes describe th |--but they din't need any help February totalled 456,872, up 27 a : . sons and the 3,000 persons who i child, Mrs. Ryan said. aifavence -as pity af euihaae from the Hee Gervais-skipned per cent from February 1961. OPP Officers Plannin First rode out the storm were being] SALISBURY (Reuters) -- The Ryan said in California that saving the West S!S,/rink from Edmonton. They out- Even so, the inventory of un- g |moved out. Some 1,000 had fled|Rhodesian. federal electionjhe left home "under a natural/S4¥!"8 Stern partners are! cyrled the 1961 titleholders from sold new cars in dealers' hands TORONTO (CP)--Percy Mil vi jat the height of the onslaught.|forced by Prime Minister Sir|@greement with my wife and not \lead to skip for the victory that topped the 1,000,000 mark. 4 ; SER eis ae I t t ] The Ocean City, Md., area|/Roy Welensky will be held April] under the influence of liquor or put them in the record borks wis Matill ak Gack teachanen: ligan, Cornwall Crown et nternationa |was branded as 'an area of|27--the earliest date legally pos-|anyone." Cubans Request :": with Winnipeg's Ken Wat- the country's 14th securities! ;. on slag date sas 5 Pitan One |state - enforced segregation by|sible--it was announced today oa rs. Ryan had said Roman son and Edmonton's Matt Bald- market and the first new one) yi dat police constable and 0 S ace Shot the National Association for the} Welensky, seeking a mandate atholic authorities had taken, win. : organized since 1929, began OP-|eancbleee, ' . p |Advancement of Colored Peo-|to fight British-proposed consti-) him away and used liquor to aid Canada Asylum Watson became the first man erations here on a small scale.|" Tai pee é é ple, which urged that President|tutional changes he. says will their cause. : to skip three championship Stocks of only eight companies _Mr. Milligan replaces Gordon) WASHINGTON (AP) -- Plans Kennedy not grant federal re-jbreak up the federation, forced Mrs. Ryan, 4l, filed a suit in) GANDER, Nfld. (CP)--Four] Tinks with victories in 1936, 1942 were listed at the start but or-/F ord. removed from the case be-|to launch the first international|pabjlitation funds to the city|the election with his resignation Mineola, N.Y., Monday charging) crew nienibara of a Cuban air.(204 1949 and this was matched ganizers were hopeful of draw-|Cause he was tied up with other' satellite this spring, a joing pro-|without a guarantee that segre-|Thursday and the dissolution of|the abduction and asked $2,300,-lliner have asked for political °Y Baldwin in 1954-57-58 Rich- ing many more from the over-|usiness ject by the United Kingdom and gation there would be outlawed.|the 44-seat federal Parliament. 900 damages against the Catho- avi 4h Cauda ik wae ardson previously won in 1959 Ne-countee wearin Robert 'Wright, former OPP|the United States, were an ~ lic Church. learned today , "and again in 1960. constable, Vincent Feeley and 20unced Friday SNA areata: Hm iy A crowd of about 1,500 gave |Joseph McDermott face charg- s The apne Se - St ; Of R D h T ll N ' Prague bueet Cae enn a big hend when . Fe >'|Space Administration sai s cue E Sithey were presented wi e Cash Disappears «aoe we of gambling) nose: Wilk "Wa" 06" inevease ory es | eatl 0 ow 3 [plane and left the aireratt at|Macdonald's Brier tankard. ' 3 knowledge of s nternational Airport here early|---------- On Route To Kivu ai Cerys: se Feeley = 1 The ionosphere--the elec- | In Mine Disaster | Wednesday. -rigape A i ig lace tag trically charged atmosphere if HEE i, Germany (AP) -- First word of the defection} Castro To Make BRUSSELS (Reuters)--A cash we regain Wonks a ie blanket around the earth, at al O V dl or Another miner died today, |Came when the four men were shipment of 200,000,000 Congo-| "Sit anc Wright fac titudes of 50 to 200 miles--and |bringing to 31 the death toll in|Seen watching a hockey game| Radio-TV Address lese francs ($3,124,800) intended Cna7Bes © ; ; how it is affected by solar ra- |Friday's coal mine disaster/here Friday under RCMP es-| pay the salaries of officials|ice constable eo Ae diations. The ions, electrically) MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--'It wasjIt was the longest night of my here \cort. | KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) in The Congo's Kivu province} on about the say! a charged particles, are believed|the longest night of my life,' life." Mining authorities said an-| The immigration department|Cuban Premier Fidel Castro will has disappeared on the way be-|. Deputs Attorney-Genera ',/t0 be generated by radiation|said a sailor, telling how he} One of those rescued WaS/other injured miner died Fri-\confirmed the men had de-imake a radio-TV address Mon- tween Leopoldville and Kukavu, B Common said Friday therefrom the sun, and. are lost by|and his shipmates rescued injidentified stowaway, Jose day night and six were released| fected and applied to go to the|day, Havana radio announced the Kivu province capital, the|Was '"'nothing unusual" about/recombination processes so that|high seas from the stern section/R. Mercado, a Dominican. Re-| from hospital after treatment of| United States. One of them was|today. The announcement came official Belgian news agency In-|Mr. Ford's removal from the/density of the ionosphere varies\of a broken tanker |porters were not permitted tollight injuries suffered in thelbelieved to be the lane's ca os the heels of Castro' int bel. said Friday night |case and Attorney-General Ro-|from day to night Thirty-three men were res-|question him p fire-damp explosion 3,000 feet tain 4 . rent te eas Gh ee iron. The agency, in a. dispatchjberts said it was because Mr.' 2. Primary cosmic radiation.|cued from the Liberian molas-| Seven sailors and the ship's\underground in the Sachsen! An immigration official said|torate of the integrated revolu from Belgium's Ruanda-Urundi Ford "is heavily engaged inthe Imperial College in London ses tanker Gem, which split off captain were stranded in the mine names of the men would have to|tionary or, eilignitons a body protectorate adjacent to Kivu,|Crown work the federal has developed a device by which'the Carolina coast Wednesday|forward part of the ship. The Operations at the mine werelbe released by immigration of- which. is pag to become volume gave no further details government the satellite will measure ac-|night. The destroyer Stribling|liner Victoria of the Incres Line pack to normal today \ficials in Ottawa Cuba's United Socialist party roeneuannehateecas - - _-- -- -------- |curately the spectrum of prim-jlanded at Mayport, Fla., with|rescued them Thursday. . Ecsbien eNO : k 58 . e ary cosmic ray energy and the|26 survivors Friday and the} One of the tanker's crew) changes that result from action|Caribbean cruiser Victoria took|members, Kjelle Bamberg, 47,| F I rT1es Sidetrack of the interplanetary magnetic!seven survivors to New York. |of Brooklyn, was crushed to} | field The ship's chief engineer,|death while crawling into a life! | The satellite is expected to|Aldoi Composarano, said atiboat and then was washed! ig. e have an orbital lifetime of about|Mayport that he was in the en-|away. He was the only reported a year gine room when the ship began fatality. lf; n as & dil W '@ | an At Ottawa, officials said Can-|breaking up. He said he could} Three persons were rescued) | f ada's first satellite, the s-27,|feel the ship cracking, and then|from the 40-foot yawl Guine-| j will be launched by the U.S. in heard a loud crash jvere off the Florida coast Fri- x A Pe Ah sisi », late August or early septem-| Estonian Willeh Armans, the|\day and the vessel was re- Fisher, he said, sought , 4s iene ee of Queber MPS ber. it is designed to investigate ship's first pumpman, said:|ported to have sunk vengeance"' against attacked Mr Fisher a bay the ionosphere from an altitude 'Nearly everyone aboard was| The German freighter stand against the proposed rail- of sortie G80 wiles ' ' t at OTTAWA (CP)--A CCE My tempt to sidetrack government 'personal Mag: plans for a $14,000,000 railway Quebec extension in the Gaspe area of Gordon Ct PC--W Quebec will be resumed Mon- sordon Unown (FV winnipeg South), chairman as the House day in the Commons lay - a ; bid in committee gave the railway The CCF group lost in one bid }i1) clause-by-clause study, cau- way and the 42-year-old former school teacher snapped back that it is "a bad day for Parlia- ment" when a member ex- presses, views on a certain area fearful of what might happen.|dalina, en route to St. John's,| ' ------|Nfld., saved four men from the} ; |40-foot schooner Wooden Shoe {Wednesday shortly before the paneer vessel went to the bot- |tom. Verdict Expected In Court Martial VICTORIA (CP) -- A verdict|measures during the gunnery *'pending a study of other Prospects of an operating rey-| was expected today in a naval/shoot "that would not have been! sible means of providing ade- enue to only $250,000 in the first}court martial on. charges of) adopted by a reasonably careful quate transportation facilities)year indicated profits wouldjnegligence against the captain|person in his position." | for Gaspe. It would, in effect,|"never come near meeting the|of the destroyer escort that pep-| 'We know where the ship} E'have killed the legislation capital investment." pered Clallam Bay, Wash., with'was,"' said Lt.-Cmdr. Sherlock. Mr. Fisher argued that the) Both Mr. Fisher and H. W.|shell fragments Jan, 29 'We also know where the shots Another Lost railway is not economically feas- Herridge, House leader of the' Cmdr. R. H. Leir of the HMCS fell. The question (raised by the ind that another means CCF New Democratic Party|Skeena pleaded not guilty to the defence) of whether the (gun) LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Two should be sought to solve the S7OUP, said they were noticharges of negligence. and anjtraining) apparatus was work-| planes crashed and a third was transportation problems of the | 48ainst the $14,000,000 expendi-| act to the prejudice of good or-jing properly becomes of no! missing today in storm - swept ture but the construction of.aider and discipline as a result) significance areas of northern Mexico and railway with economic fu-'of the incident "The guns must have been|the southwestern United States ture The prosecution and defence|pointed where it has been ad-| Five persons are known dead In other developments in the summed up their cases Friday|mitted that the shells landed."'|and four more are missing. Commons Friday, Prime Minis-|and it only remained for the} Defence counsel Lloyd Mc-| A Piper Comanche crashed ter Diefenbaker announced the\iudge advocate; Group Capt.|Kenzie said evidence of other|near Ensenada. Mexico killin Coquitlam) tOWelfog bed towards ihe Meniorialluiation 10 "the. five-memberiCmdr Lely ad what aur roel A Boe ee amendment WAS] Buildings et Cha vlotiatcen Hh boaitie € supe A ra dic W lat any rea- i Beech Bonanza crashec aos Ge oa ul g t Charl sonable -and- capable skipperjnorth of Prescott in northerr mark the 1864 Confederation} Penalty for each charge is| would have done under similar|Arizona, killing three men. Thi conference jdismissal from the service or|circumstances {U.S. federal aviation agency The government will also con-|"a lesser punishment." "Because shell fragments fell'said there may have been al tribute $25,000 to the Canadian) NEGLIGENCE CLAIMED Clallam Bay and because fourth victim. Centennial Council to. assist ir{ Lt. Cmdr 1g] Sherlock » fragments came from the \ Pipe Cherokee disappeared t rosecutor, sai I ro mounting on Skeena doesn't; Friday near Indio. Calif:. afte: Woman weeps outside luced proof of negligence on the/ prove negligence on the part of|the pilot radioed a distress sig-| of government owned part of Cmdr. Leir who took'Cmdr. Leir," be said. Friday to "hoist" the bill au- thorizing construction of the line from Matane to Ste. Anne des Monts and immediately began another attempt--cut short by the ending of the day's debate Douglas Fisher, CCF member Port Arthur raised wrath of several Quebec as he led the attack against con- struction of the 57-mile railway be built by the CNR alon south shore of the St. I River Roland English Gaspe and parliamentary tary to Fisheries Minister Lean, accused ric} considering himself a harboring a ( towards pr tioned Mr. English to keep his and jis told to 'mind his own remarks "on a more impersonal pysiness.' basis.' He said there is no guarantee Mr. Fisher proposed aniof the large tonnages of either amendment to the bill which)mineral or forest products nec would have sent it back to com- essary to make the line pay its mittee and delayed passage|way The coast guard reported two) |New Jersey fishing vessels} |missing Friday night. They are jbelieved to have a 'total of 11 men aboard and have been overdue since Wednesday. 2 Planes Crash { nus pos- to the aw rence member for secre Mac of t ible area Mr } 4 no Chown ruled his proposal ~ out of order As the House about to sive the bill third and final read ing, Erhart Regier (CCF--Buyn man" tred"' yjecis bec was ib) rose. to lo CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725- FIRE DEP' . HOSPITAL 723-2211 another cut short the debate but The government House leader, Veterans Minister Churchill, an If be the i 0 Hou ( Monda Mr. Regier will be ablejof centennial ito propose his amendment then.| 1967. on he IN WAKE OF DISASTER An feet killed 31 men, nounced tha } ll w tiy t | d-to inc ow many Friday more than 3,000 the surface explosion below gale Sach- nal, Four persons were aboard.| sen coal mine in Heesen. Ger- and injured' six, mining offi- cials said. (AP Wirephoto from Frankfurt) celebrations ir)

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