duction the nickel-copper mine imiea® *" | Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings (Faraday Uranim [2s25i5 funds to Canadian Silica Cor- TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS 11 Net 11 Net | ll N e BIRTHS By The Canadian Press Btook Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Stock Bales High Low a.m. Ch'ge|' Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'gt} Stock Bales High Low ® poration Ltd. to triple the size . * | 'Toronto Stock Exchange--March 20 |nom El wts 675 900 870 900 +20 |Simpsons 25 Ms 31% 31% --%\W Decalta 600 112 112 112 jLatin Am 2000 ry i ' 1e eo TO ] of its plant at St. Canut, Que KNAPP -- Doug and Kay (nee| (Qotations in cents unless marked $./Nom Stores 467 $13% 13% 13% 9 9 N . Canut, : unl SKD Mfg 225 10. jYan Can 34000 10% --1% | Leiteh 500 15) Corby) are happy to announce the birth|z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--EX-|Dom Tar 460 $ 1 (21 Slater Steel 400 | Lencourt 31500 1: The company has also bought , 6 Ibs, 10 rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is Slat Steel pr 365 ? 4 b ? 3 ° pol gen anata, aren to. i961 ea the tom previous board-lot closing sale.) sea al oe as 1 Southam. 4 275 4 | MINES eng 2200 188 iss iar TORONTO (CP) -- Faraday United Kingdom with respect to, @ substantial interest in Trigon So oe ee ry Hospital 'Thanks to D 55 % ati Steel Can 110 $8534 0514 83 bnncun: OAD Soh. Sk aos ac [Lomvict Uranium Mines Ltd., uranium|an additional contract for uran-|Associates Ltd., manufacturers Doctor Ross and nurses ot ¢ fourth floor. INDUSTRIALS 25 $16H 10% 16% Zoom. Bk a i 65% + Yang Rouyn joo 4 4 4 ree 0 producer in Eastern Ontario,/ium oxide which, if satisfactor-|of specialized supervisory con- Mother and baby both <i a oe poe ae 10% 104 + M4 Maritime . : had net profit in 1961 of $2,409,-|ily concluded, is to be shared|trol equipment. MASON -- Elgie and Shirley (nee 150 2000 10 Mcintyre 8 750 or 55 cents a share com-|by Canadian producers. itn 1 25 } 10 happy to announce the|,,. 100 M4 325 Fin A 75 $535% 53° 6 7750 66 63 64 --1 |Min Corp § i 464 Hoskin) are happ ; % ike "eves Mt 25 7 2 |pared with $1,929, and 44 «In the meantime, pending Sunday, March 18, ea fp 100 $121 A Are B Wright s Seth ot tet erie, 3 oas., at the Osh [ACA sie 38 800 js| Trans 900 $i 14% 14% -- %4/Aninnue ™ imo 7% +B Mum 2500 40 --2 'cents in 1960, definite information on this mat- It's Bi News awa General Hospital. A baby brother $344 344 73 Achor 200 355 355 355 Murray Mi 124 120 1 A. W. Johnston, president,/ter, the company has felt i 4 for Carl and Paul. AltaGas w 5 14M 14% » ic 25 9 7% 74 ¥ Bape tee 8500 pe =~ y, Said the company expects its necessary sg, tans A md genie srr -- Neleon and Leona (nee| Alta Nat 80 $194 19% i 58 S888 %\Be thi 2 h 2000 7 uranium contract with Eldorado) the underground devine oe a FE he Bore Algoma $51% 51% a ae IBe o Brnval of their son, Steven ames, 7/ Amin te 20 249" 240° --20 $5056 58% 58! | Bratorue $0 N Mining and Refining Ltd., the|y,ogram and to reduce the rate , on Friday, March 16 at the| Alum 2 Pr 2% 32% 32 Gr Wpg vt 225 $17% 17% 17% |Wat Equip 430 43 laronaen He s Coen ines. a a eee am Ibs. 2 ozs., Atlas Steel $32% 32% 324 | $56% 56% 5644 + %| Webb Knp 250 250 25 | i of mining new ore so that 95 49 | 4 564 5644 + Mi Buff Ank 100 --1 |pleted by October of this year.|proken ore reserves may be Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for) 'Auto El 500 495 I D Mr. and Sie | $134% 13% 13% WCoast Tr $19% 19% L Mic, Alan and Joe. A grandson of Bank Mont $70% 70 70 %| Gl ae ¥4| WCoast vt $18% 18% 18% + % oma pd ; +1.| "The immediate future there- fully utilized, This has resulted Joe Wright and Mrs. Rub Bank NS $7814 78% 78% + 4 4 ; ¥ ison for Mrs, Ethel 5 5 He 365 360 365 +15 | Westeel $94 9% 9% C Astori 00 10: --x0 . cen rare sash PB a ge i A Ri a ater wil be dependent on then the laying af af a number off Wate baby, both doing fine. [Bell Phone $5776 57% Se + | 1 Lith = 16 Coen Liu tas 1a os Coe NW re ne eat ri "! t Yiemployees, both staff and 5 mt avin and Brien nee DOW Di FE 10 Sew OG OO t 1, / $2155 21% 21% | creskiri A 4 23M 15% 154 -- m4) being pick tg hes tng bee! hourly-rated." ay $ YURC --Ke' Bowater 37. 7 Sy 1054 -- | Chester .|governments 0 anada an eRe 1 fit hago hg 0 as, | Brazil -- 2 oe Inland C pr 230 1 |White Pass 'os O88 ae 3 Coch Will 810 510 00 28 an, an ie Mo a tia tec cane Oshawa Ti pay Oshawa General Hospital, on|Br Tok qi 38% Inland Gas 165 |Wawd "Aw 150 500° 500 500° --25 | +4 0 % field of diversification the com- mes 3 id pa 5 } ronze pr 5 26 + %!) r le 620 621 Monday, me ives ide: Th ; a Int Nickel 1290 $8 A) As oY] ie er 4 $28,650 Bond Loot eo pele i Bing to Dr. Anderson. Barns, 5 $9 Lid Tuer Fl 113 je 815% -- 14 C 4G GG ; : 4 3 : pte ha retell tho ened tes W/CM Com ed ts au Sete BO ge a ah 25 fb 0 Go -- | |g atte Recovered Monday i Lae 4 Jockey C 525 100 1% 11% + % Cop. Q Metal tO er f id neighbors . * 73 6 , | ¢ 8 8 . ~ friends and n Jockey rts 45/0 Maclaren B 200 27 Coprand 2000 +, Realm 11% 11% 1144 %| WENDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Detec- Ask tor Times is as near as your telephone $ity ; " =~l | R. A " mi Kelly D A 250 $6% 6% 6 Price Br 23 + Kio |Rio Algom 10! 10 . The day of birth, just telephone RA) cp 41, d Labst Se ata ae cae Coules 3100 0 --l4/Re Ate ase Bt a ne tives Monday recovered $28,650 723.3492. The rate ts only $1.50 |dn Can A #40 Me 154 1544 | Crowpat 4000 8 8 | Roch $1 48S: 1 | eC : lCdn_ Celan $344 34% 34M , 100 265 265 265 OILS [Delhi Pae 3000 49% 49% -- | Roche in bonds and securities they be ie 70 $74 7% 225 400 400 400 +8 | Delnite 3416 4744 47% 47% -- | Rockwin : 18 18 --1 |said were stolen in a robbery e est in © nouse : 290 290 LOont Cem p 225 $13% 13% 13% | Alminex 100 221 --6 |Denison 2271 $12%4 12% 12% -- %4| Rowan Con kvi : D $52% 52% 52% -- %| Levy 200 $1546 15¥6 15% + ¥4)Am Ledue $250 6% -- %!Dicknsn 100 370 370 370 pong at the Brockville post office Sie Th THe + Me[LeV Pr 100 $23% 23% 234+ M/Asamera 500 9999 East Mal 500 215 215 215 --10 | Sherritt Oct. 11, 1961. $6% 6% 6% | lp 100 $31% 31% 31% -- ¥4/ Calvert 1500 31 Eldrich 1000 10% 10% 1 | Silvmaq 5 ALLIN, Walter J. ssa $i7i4 6744 Tia -- {Led M6000 $23% 23% 23% |Gamerina 300 25. 22 --10 | Eureka 2000 20 20 20. +1% Sil Stand The bonds and securities were iri fe ne reneged? ™* 2 Sa Gk GR uh ome te oon ag Fate HH OO (sure, oe ate tg," 'found under the porch of . * ; 25% 25% _- bY 3 3 y 4-- a re , ba | Gia '4 20 $10¥ 1% -- Y% Starratt " Se Sree ein waa: 5. Alle CE! oye pg "gh Sus ime ie >" |Manee sia Mapatusie sie une > A/C Geeta sigh tae 1 (GAM TE am Sloe Jo Je -- sara ae downtown house. ' | beloved husband of 'the late Priscila C' Sitica 10s 108 +3 /Mid-West "1100 185° 180 180 --s |C Delhi 100 440440 5 IGF Mining 1000 1914 19% 19% |Sud Cont 8% 8% Bh Inspector of Detectives Chris) Race Durant and Pe ee eath_ year. |CRP_Dev 18% 184 18% Mg gh Fa «A A ad gg AR ay = ei as yrandroy 500 15% 1544 15% | Sullivan 31 148° 15) Paget said the home was oc-| Durant of Oshawa, in his reer] | Col Cell f 415 415, +5 |Moore 1420 $57% S74 57% facie iat' tee aan ae : Grandue 200 325 315 315 --10 |Taurcan 8 3 3B ied b : 4 Resting at the Armstrong Funeral' Comp Ent 250 $15% 15% 15% Nat Drug $18% 18% 18% Cent Del 2133 765 755 7 |Grandue rts 2200 16 16 16 --1 |Teck-H CUDGD Py N OF We OE Caceres jarrested in Ottawa following a| Home with High Requiem Mass in St. Con pidg 0: 14% 144--%in gt Car $21 21 22 C Mic Mac 382 410 5 40 -5 {Gulch 7000 «7 7 Temag Gregory's Church Thursday, March 22 Con yf 6 65 21% 21% 21% + "Nia Wire $3 73 CUB Dev-Pal 850 55 55 ia o | Territory 3 ¥: i = | 10 a.m. Interment Oshawa' Uni0N Coronation 425 $10% 10% 10% --| Noranda $59% 59% 59% Dome Pete 1900 $12% 1 ' folk Lene ae ge tt, [tomb Bae ed ey My ego ca tll: Cemetery. ' Cosmos iS. $128 12% 12% NQP i pr 215 $5014 5014 5014 Duvex 200 4h A Ate Ue au ae 13. 41, | Tombill ) 123 oe Ave. post office. [Crush In 00 3 ,|Oshawa A 215 $334 3314 33% | Dynamic --1 | Har-Mi 1000 1 11 | Ult-Shaw ' ttawa police said Albert} PUCKETT, Charles Henry Dist Seag 5: --%4\Page-Hers 110 $234 23% 23% Fargo 500 335 335 |H of Lakes 4570 2134 20% 20% -- %|U Asbestos 400 s --5 |James Stoutley 42, of Toronto, o & , , , 'At Oshawa General Hospital on Tues-'r pridge 3 23 23 + %/ Phantom 200 $8% 8% 8% + % Home A 210 Headwa 4000 32 3 ) Un Butfad 2500 s 5 eadway 00 0% 30% --1%/Un B fori 8 | ¥ Y4 30% 141 Un Fort 1500 Alexander Young, 41, Marjorie day, March 20, 1962, Charles | Henry Dom Elect 1160 6 12% 12% + Yl photo Eng 260 $15. 15 15 HB OUG 200 $1 High-Bell 1809 242 240 240 ; in + pa Ceonadaan fovernment Sypervision Mp Puckett (928 Masson Street) beloved oe Pow Ca 100 $56% 5656 565% -- % . i 6 \Upp Can 600 155 ware i ; husband of the late Margaret Lily Fort Haveleioke 00 Hh oe a gt Medal 700 +1 | Hollinger 309 S22 21% i =," | ventures 295 $00 Binks and Eleanor Hildeman, a chunk in his 83rd year. The tate, te Revelstok pr 100 $20% 20% 23% + %|uideon 1100 2s lHud Bay 335 $57% 57% | Werner 2000 13 13 13--%/all of Windsor, were nabbed y Y, LOH, Pe ee as King Street | Stock ar et Bob 2 pe 0) SISK 18k 18 -- % Pamoil '2000 "414i --%\su-Pam 29500 14 14 16 |W Surf I 8775 19% 18% 19% near the post office. A post of- Shortlad: af 80 id Nodwe! 5 7™% % ™%-- r " i v -- %| Wi " oe F East. Service in the Chapel on Thurs-| Roe AVC 614 $6% 6 6 -- %| Phillips 600 23 2 +1 linen Bay 200 215 315 a a" ater a 0 ee +},,|fice caretaker surprised four Walhorrille Ontario banade day, ae = at 2 o'clock. Interm Rothman 575 $9% 9% 9% aoe. Gas A 5 3 +3 Iso 3000 90 90 Wr Harg intruders in the building. Noth- 5 u Union Cemetery. | Royal Bank 293. $82% 82% 82% + 1%; Quon' 5 1 1 | 0 4 E At his late Weak Monday Royalite 500 $13 12% 12%--% ecur Free 9000 595 590 Jelli 1000 ! 5 an + 4|¥oune iG 10° 2 + */ing was stolen. : BOTTLED IN BOND Bite nao eee asad "nouth. 00 Russell, 350 $134 13% 19% -- 4) Tidal 34850 139 2709 23° + %4|Yukeno +1 | Insp. Paget said the bulk of ee ei te . " adage et | i " |} StL Cem 18% & 18% + % Triad Oi 500 6 166 6 --2 1250 ' 5 =! | Curb e Monday, March 19, 1962, Charles E-/ TORONTO (CP) -- Weakness/Salada F 600 $15% 15% 1514 -- %|Un Oils 1100 146 145 146 100 508 $00 $00 <8 |Bulolp 150 810 610 610 --S the bonds found here were Can baa fae ee uaevell aad dear| predominated on the stock mar- pba Arts 410 $10% 10% 19% Wayne 29700 37 35% 36%4--1 |L Shore 185 2360 4 | ganar ada Savings Bonds. ranging in and o! * | hy | 5 5 " . Fe > band of Firs, Aiton Dunk (Margarets! ket Monday, as all sections ex-| wis 225 $23% 23% 23% Wstates 126 730 730 Lamaque 200 375 --10 | Sales to 11 a.m.: 725,000. value from $50 to $1,000. 74 | e Douglas and Eugene Wand' brother of|cept golds showed minus signs Miss Mary Wales and Vernon Wales all) on index. . P. R. Taylor jor-| pi rig Prone a Bruce Wales of Weakest group in industrials Windsor. The late Mr. Wales is resting|was utilities. Bell Telephone fell tt Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home,) Y%. at Mcintostefet Hast, Service in the|76 and CPR % Chapel on Wednesday, March 21, at 2), Oshawa Wholesale A declined J lie : r ; p.m. Interment Union CemeteZacer Se |1%4 to 33 %4 in extremely light ciety would be appreciated by the fam-/ turnover, Royal Bank fell 1% fly. to 82144 and Canadian Breweries aa <rimiing "gue:| wropped % to 11%. Soeetaa Meee aa scatack funeral} Gains were few and most director or phone 725-2327. were fractional. Consumers' Gas eee gained %, as did Atlas Steel, while Moore Corporation rose % GERROW 2 agg and Distillers Seagrams %. CHAP On index, industrials fell 1.45 Kindness beyond price |at 627.15, base metals .01 at -- >. in poe ee : : : yet within reach of all, {207.59 and western oils .32 at : Pe } Ze : : ee } S Compare prices! Compare Falcon's low 121.62. Golds rose .22 to 89.15. f i a ; ; ae : ; ie Y price with all the other compact c: 728-6226 Closing volume was 3,210,000 oe 2 ee : 390 KING STREET WEST __|shares compared with Friday's : ee, ae You'll find Falcon costs Jess than : . most--and offers more! Falcon is the --~ LOCKE'S FLORIST --_|?,803,000. on ee spe : : Base metals saw International] ; ee oe @ \ family-size compact with room for six, Funeral arrangements and : ewan 7 : ; ie : oo ey ae Nickel fall ,34 Falconbridge 4 ae i ge : : loads of trunk space, smart good looks, floral requirements for all A "a i and Consolidated Mining and t eioe ypiples Smelting and Ventures % each. : : : f and a price tag that means low, OSHAWA SHOPPING | iudson Bay Mining bucked the ae esd si soy CENTRE trend, climbing % to 57% after 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE /moving as high as.58--a 1962 728-6555 high. In speculatives, Northgate slipped 15 cents to $5.75. IN MEMORIAM DIVIDENDS BOIVIN os In genders Hg our dear son, 'ernand, who passe: away B The CANADIAN PRESS March 20, 1960. y ; it . always with deep sorrow Algonquin Building Credits ee remember your sad de- Ltd., pfd. 3244 cents, March 22, parture. --Al bered by Mother,/record March 21. : Famer pa year Tae. oe | Anthes Imperial Co. Ltd., first BRAMLEY -- In loving memory of a|Pfd. series B $1.3714, May 1, dear husband and father, Ernest Bram-/record April 19;. class A com- ® @ ley, who passed away a Fed 1961. | mon 36 cents, April 16, record ' Fo any, oe Atm Meneie* April 3; clasy B common. seven- |tenths of one cent, and a stock \ e HARBEON -- In loving memory of| dividend of six second pfd. 5. gon poy apart tg shares of five cents par ars "Looking back with memories ee te ba ta. : Mile after mile after mile, Falcon adds U th you trod, or nieanee | \ : : We bless the years we had with you|pfd, 25 cents, April 16, record \ up the savings. You go up to 35 miles te $e er us aaety," your' thoughts| March 30. S ona gallon of regular gas... up to unknown, uf | Simpsons-Sears Ltd., common § 6,000 miles between oil changes! And But you left us with a memory we/25 cents, June 1, record May 1. : . 4 ' * . seaanetl lh shee enc doe Stanley Brock Ltd., class A Falcon's so easy to drive, so --Lovingl: bered by 4 aes! Pruett pier pcs Wayne aa grand-|15 cents, class B 10 cents, May manoeuvrable, so comfortable! No o gon, Gordon. il 10. i 1, record April wonder it's Canada's most popular compact-- ; MacDONALD -- In loving memory | N 4 of John Basil MacDonald, who passed re the saving-est too! And your Ford { oy NET. EARNINGS -- Dealer gives you a warranty for 12 months 'The sorrow the day would bring | or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first. For the call was sudden, the shock) By The CANADIAN PRESS To part with one we loved so dear.) Atlas Steels Ltd., year ended --Lovingly remembered by mother, sis-| Dec. 31: 1961, $3,928,335, $2.81 a} ay, --_-- ~ ' ter Gertrude and brother-inlaw, How-| share; 1960, $3,015,415, $2.77. | : é ONT NT SE ais | Campbell Chibougamau Mines) ; oe Ee lovee monies ot BE Eag., 08. ended Dec. 31: 1961,| a je a e. BD er, W 4 vA 4 passed away March 20, 1952, and Dad,|$1,004,973, 24 cents a share; | who passed away September 25, 1942./1960, $1,089,413, 28 cents. --Gadly missed by the family. |> Canadian Delhi Oil Ltd., year SCOTT -- In loving memory of alended Dec. 31: 1961, $122,800; dear wife and mother, Mrs. Elma (nee/ 1960, net loss $94,889. j itis world changes from year to year, Faraday Uranium Mines Ltd.,| And friends 5 ay to day ' year ended Dec. 31: 1961, ju' never mn e ove | e4 LA ~ . Fras ey pane Keays ete Oo Cents BR SHAE; --Lovingly remembered by husband! 1960, $1,929,464, 44 cents. George, children and grandchildren, Pacific Petroleums Ltd., 10 jmos. ended Dec, 31: 1961, CARD OF THANKS $1,017,438 (fiscal year change); jyear ended Feb. 28: 1960, net loss $2,480,986. HOGG -- We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us in| ¢7 the loss of a beloved wife and mother, | ; Caroline Hogg. We especially wish to| 7 thank the Rev. Smith for his consoling | / words, all the donors of the beautiful floral offerings, the pallbearers and W. | C, Town Funeral Home for their kind, efficient management of the services. ~Mr. Thomas Hogg and family, OPPOSE PRIVATE POLICE MONTREAL (CP) -- Repre- sentatives of 44 municipal po- lice forces across Quebec prov-! 7 i ince Monday declared their op- j Illustrated: Falcon Fordor Sed if Y 4 n Fordor Sedan .. . one o; position to the replacement of ; ' aed police forces by private agencies| ¢ % j j Ford of Canada's fine cars... built in Canada, { and appealed to the Quebec! government for permission to J j fi federati i ' 2 : ie lon of municipal i Whitewall tires and wheel covers are optional at extra cost. - eee \ iT! TRY ir! BUY i! at your Ford Dealer now! Ea gM pag men arrested Feb. as they tried to tunnel from the basement of one St.! SEE YOUR Catharines store into another) G. J. ST-JACQUES | " op were sentenced to jail Monday | Mkts Charles Pearce, 36, was sen- H. W. Joly, President of Peter a tenced to five years; Albert! Jackson Tobacco Limited, announ- Fabian Connolly, 32, to three years, nd Jean Leonard Trem.|°*? the oppointment of Mr. G, J. ' » lay, 28, to nine months, Each St-Jacques as Vice President of the USED CARS -- come | DEALER 200 DUNDAS ST. WEST WHITBY -- MO 8-3331 ano trucks es