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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Apr 1962, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 25, 1962 QUEBEC GoaLfe, Joo Cardinal makes save on ed | ; s ht and the right to Wings' Wayne Rivers. | Tuesday nig 8 ed ie | Wings won the Eastern Finals | That Key Shot Isn't Easy In. Tiddely - Winks| By "WINK" TIDDELY Few people in the world today realize the' one of the most thrilling games played is 'Tid. » \ley-Winks"'. "Nuts", you say? Let's not be too hasty in scorning this ; |statement. Not only do people play this for sport but as a pastime also. The National Sports Advisory Council could tell us that over a million and a half persons play this game. "Not exciting', you say? Well, let's just suppose we're at a game. We're in an arena jammed full of Tiddley-wink followers, ner-|f vous and tense. Ah, we are just in time, the game is nearing the end. There are two players left as a result of elimination rounds. We also find out that they have been playing for @ jover six hours. : |sweat ibid go on to the Memorial Cup | Citadels 9-3 in the fourth ; | game in the best-of-seven. finals, by beating the Quebec | --CP Wirephoto The two players left look tired and haggard. The hair on their heads is mussed, the beads of on their brows reflects the fluorescent lights hovering over the table. Suddenly a hush drops over the congregation. The winner of last year is about to take his shot. With his "shooter" ready, he lines up his shot. He is about six inches away from his goal] and a shot away from another championship. He takes his shot pa we and driven by Almer Holmes, Full Swing covered the mile in Stepping right along to win | | the fifth is Full Swing. Owned | by Max Webster of Brantford | $3.80. Jerome G, Creed placed Cobourg Sees Moss Parents Say Action Galore 'Quit The Sport' | COBOURG, Ont. (CP)--The |Little National Hockey League "Stirling knows that I have elt like this for a long time." playoff tournament began Tues- LONDON (AP)--Both parents| lll ii dil. tie cil Bi. lia FULL SWING TAKES FIFTH AT OLD WOODBINE RACEWAY 2:09 paying $15.50, $5.90 and | second and Huron Boy was third. --CP Wirephoto Trott Lae ; By 113 Pins SASKATOON (CP)--Western Canada won the aggregate title for the first time in three years and flips just short of the "'hole-iqay and three of the first six of severely injured racing car in the wall" target. The crowd|games went overtime and oneldriver Stirling Moss said today|after seeing her son lying un-|i" the Canadian five-pin bowling |"oohs"' in amazement! |was protested and replayed. they want him to quit the sport|conscious in a South London|Championships which ended |. habs A apvcre ggg kD gtx) Toronto Township, in the huge has made him famous. --_{hospital specializing in brain|Tuesday. into the game, uu ind/nior A mites class, protested) 'You can't go on seei | s | iui ; jout that a six-inch tiddley-wink| their 4-3 loss to tenner Falls. eea have Bint t neg eilhont WIT cule like Stirling to stop| The individual-event winners shot is comparable to a three-|then lost the replay 3-1. Toronto|wanting him to give up," said|racing after this," she told re-| ere: s Citadels -3 foot putt in golf! _|thought it had scored the tying| Alfred Moss, the driver's father,|porters. But I don't want to} Men's " 'py | ; " N n HAMILTON (CP)--Hamilton|bec it was Jean-Noel Turmel -- (goal and the goal judge agresdlwho tas been with him conclhink about it:now."" Mrs. Aileen Moss agreed) sporTs MENU Wings Demote By Geo. H. Campbell * SPORTS EDITOR 4 es singles--Bob King of yy 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' SANDY KOUFAX, the Los Angeles Dodgers' little left- hander, pitched himself quite a ball game yesterday, in Chicago, where he whipped the Cubs 10-2. Koufax struck out 18 batters in this game and this equalled his own mark when he fanned 18 S.F. Giants back in August 1959 and it also matched the mark set by Bob Feller of Cleveland Indians, away back in October, 1938. Koufax broke one record -- he topped the National League day-game record of 17 strike- outs, set by Dizzy Dean against the Chicago Cubs, back in 1933, July 30. This of course was the big game in the National League with Cincy Redlegs starting the Mets off on another losing streak while Pittsburgh edged the Giants; Milwaukee Braves nipped the Phillies and Houston won over St. Louis. In American League play yesterday, just to keep things alive and interesting, Baltimore edged Minnesota and Chicago White Sox nipped the Yankees. Boston also won over Washington and Detroit Tigers edged Kansas City 1-0. The Major League baseball scrambles are starting out just a little different than usual but there is just a chance that Red Wings completed their de-|with two and Gilbert Laforest,| struction of Quebec Citadels|the latter one of three Junior| Tuesday night and won their/B call ups. first crack -at the Memorial) A far-from-capacity crowd of Cup $493 turned out to watch what | The Wings survived somejwas probably the_ roughest} shaky early going, then turned| game of the series. The 16 mi-| on the visitors to win 9-3 and|nor penalties were divided take their best-of-seven eastern|evenly and both clubs were final 4-0. They now meet either good opportunists, each scoring! Brandon Wheat Kings or Ed-|three goals with a manpower monton Oil Kings, who have| advantage. their showdown series tonight,! The Red Wings, with a 47-22! in the Dominion junior hockey| advantage in shots, again made championship opening Sunday jife miserable for Quebec goalie! in Toronto Se. |Jocelyn Cardinal who was| Happy coach Eddie Bush/forced to withdraw by an at-| hopes it will be Edmonton, /tack of nausea with seven min-| since both the Wings and the/ytes left in the game. He was Oil Kings are farm clubs of De-|succeeded by Fernand. Rivard,| troit Red Wings of the National) who wasn't scored on. | League. | | in the| TRIO BENCHED "That would keep it Sammy Taylor' Ready To Quit Cubs, Baseball WOODRUFF, S.C. (AP)-- Sammy Taylor, regular catcher for Chicago Cubs, said Tuesday he will quit baseball if he is not} traded. Taylor, 29, said he is not mak-} ing enough money to keep up| two homes, in Chicago and in| Woodruff, where his wife pre-| fers to live with their four-year- old daughter. | Taylor said he has no team| | when he saw the puck enter the Niagara Falls net. However, it bounced out and the referee, who hadn't seen it go in, ruled no goal. In the same division, Scar- borough beat Peterborough 7-0. In the AHL peewee section, North Bay beat Scarborough 2-1 in overtime and St, Cath arines downed Toronto Town- ship 2-1. Both the games in the NHL bantam division went overtime --Trenton beating Niagara Falls 2-1 and North Bay taking Scar- borough 2-1. There are 17 teams in Group A, which winds up with to- night's finals. Group B, with 23 teams, goes into action from then until Saturday. |stantly since Monday's crackup| Moss suffered serious head in- at a British racing track. juries in a 100-mile-an-hour |smash at an Easter Monday | YESTERDAY'S race meeting watched by 100,- STARS |000 fans. An early morning bul- jletin on his condition 'said he |had maintained his "slight im- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Moss Sr. said he no longer Pitching Sandy Koufax, /|thought his son's condition was Dodgers, equalled modern ma-|a matter of life or death. jor league strikeout record held} 'Twenty-four hours ago, they |by himself and Bob _ Feller,|were testing his blood pressure, |fanning 18 batters in 10-2 Los/temperature and pulse every 15 |Angeles victory over Cubs. |minutes. Now they're doing it | Batting -- Ty Cline, Indians,|every half hour." jscored first run after doubling,| Moss' retirement would de- jdrove in second run with an-|prive British auto racing of its jother double and knocked injbiggest name. In 12 years on |game-winner with seventh in-|the track, he has had 20 crashes ining triple in Cleveland's 3-2|but has come back each time to jout the night, ivictory over Los Angeles An-|seek. the world championship provement" of Tuesday through-| family,"' smiled Bush. Corriveau benched three reg jin mind he wants to be traded Other scores Tuesday: gels. iwhich has always eluded him. Pittsburgh Pirates may maintain their league-leading pace, even though Cards, Giants and Dodgers are all tied for second place. In the American loop, everybody expects the Yankees 'o walk away out in front, once again, but in the meantime, Baltimore leads the pack, with Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago next in line. BRIGHT BITS -- Hamilton Red Wings whipped Quebec Citadels 9-3 last night, to sweep their Eastern Canada Me- morial Cup series in four-straight games. There has been no doubt this time. Quebec disposed of Ottawa Montagnards without any trouble and the Maritimes produced little in the way of a threat either. Yet, against Hamilton Red Wings, the Citadels haV€~been=proven to be just ordinary STIRLING MOSS is still unconscious but London doctors have every hope that he will recover from the injuries suffered in his racing car crash, on Monday . .. THE IN- TERNATIONAL LEAGUE schedule gets under way tonight, with Charlie Dressen, ex-Big League pilot, leading his Toronto Leafs into Columbus for their opener. With two more new clubs in the International League race, this could prove a very interesting season ... UAW GOLF CLUB will hold "opening day' at Bowmanville Southview Golf Club, this Saturday, with a 9-hole competition as the feature attraction and anyone wishing to join this year's fun, should contact one of the following: S. Hines, E, Bradley, H. Smith, J. Jarvis, D, Waller, H. Cook, K. Garrison, J. Smith, L. Abramoff or J. Armstrong . . . TONY'S VENDORS are going to compete in OASA Inter. "AA" ranks this next summer and they are holding their first Sunday morning, at ten o'clock. practice session this coming All persons interested in playing with this club will be made welcome. The powerful champions ofjulars -- Yves Lacoste, Simon to. CASEY GETS IN TROUBLE WITH POSING BEER ADS NEW YORK (AP)--Kathy | Kersh is batting for Casey Stengel in beer ads, And Stengel is $500 poorer, and a reprimand richer. It was learned Tuesday that "In future ads the bat will be in the girl's hand, and Casey will be out of the pic- ture." FINE NOT CONFIRMED Frick would not confirm the Ontario Hockey Association|Grenier and Jacques Lachance| \Junior A Series twice came|--in favor of Junior B players) \from behind one goal deficits to|Laforest, Yves Derome and) \lead 4-2 at the end of the sec-|Andre Lacroix. ond period and outscore the Cit-| Laforest's goal, which gave ladels 5-1 in the third. |the Citadels a 2-1 lead, was one LAUDED BY LOSER of the prettiest of the night, He "They are a great team,"|circled the Hamilon defence. said Quebec coach Len Corri-\then went around the goal and lyeau after it was over. "'No|jtucked the puck behind Buddy luck, no alibis -- they were!Blom. great." | After the game the Wings re Left winger Joe Bujdoso andjceived the Richardson Trophy, captain Howie Menard each|badge of Eastern Canada junior |scored two goals. Paul Hender-|hockey supremacy, from presi- json, Earl Heiskala, Lowell Mac-|dent Jack Roxburgh of the Ca- Donald, Wayne Rivers and Jim|nadian Amateur Hockey Asso- Peters added singles. For Que-iciation. Three-Year-Olds | Get Test Saturday (CP)--, smashing race in his 1962 debut) Canada's three-y*ar-olds facejas he circled his field In the} | their first major test of the sea-| final 300 yards and scored an| |son when they run in Saturday's|easy win. $7,500 Queenston Stakes at the) }{al Waggoner, the Fort Erie Jockey Club. The/Tylane 'Universty and Hamil- seventh annual running of the ton Tiger-Cats football player, Queenston is carded for six fur-| nicked up a bargain when he longs. lacquired Burnt Roman from| Forty-one colts and fillies, in-/trainer Doug Davis at Fort jcluding many of the leading|/Erie last summer. Burnt Ro- candidates for this year's run-}man, which now runs in the col- ning of the $75,000. Queen's|ors of Mrs. Waggoner and Mrs. Plate, have been nominated for|/George Keane, has won six of |Saturday's renewal of thej/his nine starts. The gelding has Queenston Stakes. Racing sec-,won his only two starts of this jretary Anthony Simms predicts|season and he has displayed |that more than a dozen horses| great potential. will be named when he calls on) STAFF SMYTHE | FORT ERIE, Ont. jentries on Friday. It may be Inecessary to split the fields into itwo divisions if there are as former ,. In Chicago, Cubs vice-presi-} dent John Holland said was sus-| pended when he failed to show up for Tuesday's game with Los} Angeles. | Taylor confirmed that Holland | had refused him permission to visit his home in South Carolina and told him he would be sus- pended without pay if he went. "My family means more to me than baseball,' said Taylor. Oshawa Boys | Score Win In Georgetown GEORGETOWN, Ont. (CP)-- Copper Cliff came from behind) a one-goal deficit Tuesday to win its round over Elmira in Series D competition at the Georgetown bantam hockey tournament. The northerners dropped the _game 4-3 but came back to shut out Elmira 5-0 and take the two-game, total-points elimi- nation round 8-4. Also advancing in Series D| | were Winona and Exeter, Osh- awa and Georgetown won in Series A and C respectively. Oshawa beat Peterborough 4-1] and 5-3. | Reason For Colts! Starting Off Well NEW YORK (AP)--There's a Junior A mites--North Bay 4 Niagara Falls 1. AHL peewee--Trneton 6 Bar- rie 3. NHL baniam--Toronte Town- ship 3 Trenton 2, METS WON AND IT WAS NEWS! NEW YORK (AP)--Every headline in the sports sec- tion of the New York Mir- ror Tuesday heralded Mon- day night's first victory of the young New York Mets, after nine straight defeats. Some samples: "Nichols wins golf, Mets win a game-" "Record 15G trot fee, but Mets? Whee!" "Merry Ruller hits to- boggan, but Mets hit jack- pot "' "Moss brushes death in race, but Mets come alive." The headline over the story of the game in which the Mets beat Pittsburgh 9-1 was: 'Mets off the hook: Win one straight." but |Winnipeg; women's singles-- Marion Taylor of Saskatoon; men's teams -- Winnipeg; women's team -- Toronto Cen- tral; and mixed team--Toronte East. King, 17 years old, won the national men's singles by a 113- pin margin in 10 games over John Trott of Oshawa. King had 2,399, Trott 2,286: 4 Mrs. Taylor defeated Joanne Bennett of Fort Erie, Ont., by 312 pins with a 10-game total \of 2,543, Miss Bennett had 2,231, Winnipeg, the western men's team champions, trounced Kit- chener-Waterloo by 1,115 pins with a 10-game total of 12,672 compared with the eastern team's total of 11,557. Equals Strikeout Mark For 2nd Time By JOE REICHLER Associated Press Sports Writer One of these days Sandy Kou- fax will strike out 20 batters in la nine-inning game and people |may recgnize that the Los An- igeles Dodgers southpaw is the greatest strikeout pitcher of }modern times. For the second time in his comparatively brief major league career, Koufax equalled the major league strikeout {mark when he fanned 18 Chi- cago players Tuesday as the | Dodgers routed the Cubs 10-2. That gave the 26-year-old Brooklyn native a career total lof 922 strikeouts in 980 innings, an avérage of better than one |strikeout per inning. | No other pitcher in the his- tory of baseball averaged a strikeout an inning. | Pittsburgh Pirates won their Kingston Fans Draw Fines Judge Lenient HULL, Que. (CP)--Three sup- porters of Kingston Frontenacs learned Tuesday that they won't be in the Kingston rink tonight j1lth game in 12 starts, defea- \ing San Francisco Giants 7-3, the same score by which Cin- |cinnati Reds downed the New York Mets. Milwaukee Braves defeated Philadelphia Phillies |2-1 and Houston Colts shaded St. Louis Cardinals 4-3. CLUBS CARDWELL Tommy Davis and Duke Sni- der drove in seven runs be- jtween them as the Dodgers clubbed loser Don Cardwell and three relief pitchers for 12 hits. {David drove in four runs with a | Koufax, fanning eight of the first nine batters he faced, finished with a flourish, strik- ing out the side in the ninth for his third victory in four de- cisions. Sandy's 18 strikeouts matched the record set in the American League by Cleveland Indians Bob Feller against Detroit Ti- gers Oct. 2, 1936 and later equalled by Koufax against San Francisco Aug. 31, 1959. This is a National League daytime strikeout record since Koufax' 1959 effort was achieved at night. Feller accomplished his feat In an afternoon game. It marked the 32nd time in his career that Koufax fanned 10 or more in a game. Feller and Waddell share the record, jeach having struck out 10 or more 54 times. NEEDED HELP The league - leading Pirates put five uf their seven hits to- gether for a five-run fourth in- ning against loser Juan Mari- chal as Al McBean. registered his second triumph. He needed ninth inning help from Elroy {Face. Catcher Don homered for the Bucs. The Reds scored four runs in the first against New York starter Graig Anderson and went on to inflict the 10th de- zr eppert a many as 16 entries. /good reason that Houston Colts when their team meets Hull- home run and a single, Snider Casey drew the fine and rep- rimand for posing in a base- ball uniform for advertise- ments for the beer company that sponsors radio and tele- vision broadcasts of his New York Mets. The offending ads showed Casey Stengel in a Mets uni- form and a pair of droopy blue baseball socks last worn by Gary Cooper in a movie. The Mets manager is in posi- tion to bunt, although Miss Kersh, who represents the beer company, is standing be- hind him, in a tight knit dress and high heels, already hold- ing the baseball. Commissioner Ford Frick said Tuesday the ads "were a violation of baseball rules, which prohibit men in uni- form from posing for alco- holic beverage ads, But they won't do it again. "The advertising people were very co-operative, and it was all handled properly. but it was -learned that he was. The commissioner did con- firm that he found Casey's bunting style worthy of repri- man, too. "If Casey is going to teach bunting he should be a little more careful to keep his eye on the bail. It's behind him in the picture," Frick said, with a twinkle, Those droopy stockings? Seems the photos for the ad were taken some months ago in California, where Stengel spends the winters. The Mets uniform stocking weren't ready yet, so the ad agency rustled up a pair at a movie studio. They were the pair worn by Gary Cooper in Pride of the Yankees. Cooper, now dead, was about a foot taller than | Casey. | that Stengel had been fined, | GOT DOG ALSO TORONTO (CP) -- The | Stanley Cup is usually won by hockey players, but this year's winners -- Toronto Maple Leafs--had an assist from a boxer. | Stafford Smythe, president | of the Leafs, told the story. As he spoke, he patted the boxer on the head. Duke is not a ring type boxer-- Duke is a dog. "Duke was one of the con- ditions in the trade we made for Bert Olmstead and you'd have to say that Olmstead certainly helped us win." "When we tried to deal for Olmstead with Montreal Canadiens, Frank Selke said he's make the deal only if I bought his boxer puppy from him. "So, to get Olmstead I had to take the dog, too. "It's been a good deal all around." King Gorm, owned by Mr. 'and Mrs. M. J. Boylen's Lanson Farm, is the likely favorite. |This colt, which cost $35,000 ;when he was a yearling, ran a 'Scribes Name Orval Tessier -- Best In EPHL | OTTAWA (CP) -- Two more Eastern Professional Hockey) League honors. were heaped on) playing coach Orval Tessier of, Kingston Frontenacs Tuesday. Sportwriters and sportcasters| in the six EPHL cities named} jthe 29-year-old centre the. most| valuable player and also gave) him the sportsmanship award. Tessier, who has had two brief 'flings in the NHL with {Boston and Montreal, earlier Division II Leeds 0 Bury 0 Middlesbrough 3 Walsall 0 Rotherham 0 Sunderland 3 Scunthorpe 1 Huddersfield 3 OLD COUNTRY won the league's individual! scoring championship and was named all-star centre. He received 26 of a possible 30 points to take ihe most-val- uable-player award with four By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Bill Star | Redl, 145, P: are off to a better start than New York Mets, the other new National League baseball team. Of the 45 players lucked from the other eight senior cir- cuit clubs at a cost of $3-650,000, Roman Mejias, Houston out- fielder, has put together best record. The former Pitts- burgh Pirate is ninth in the batting race with a .357 average. Norm Larker, the Colts' first baseman drafted from Los An- geles, has eight safeties in 23 times at bat for a .348 mark. Pitchers Bobby Shantz, ac quired from Pittsburgh, and Jim Golden, from the Dodgers, are 1-0. FIGHTS LAST | jeter with the breaking and en-/| Chicago NIGHT By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Fresno, Calif.--Paulie Arm- stead, 139, Compton, Calif., out- pointed Benny (The Bandit) Medina, 140%, Fresno, 10. REMEMBER WHEN... .?. Boston, Mass.--Bob Fosmire, caused." outpointed Steafan assaic, N.J., 10. 145, Boston, the| | Ottawa Canadiens in the third|batted in three with a home ee a er i r only one game, Cincinnai game of the Eastern Profes-|FUn and triple. rookie Sam Ellis allowed only one hit but was replaced by Moe Drabowsky in the sixth after walking his 10th and 11th |batters. Wally Post hit two |doubles and a home run, Vada Pinson also homered and Eddie Kasko had three hits for the Reds. Two Canadian - born hurlers toiled for the Mets. Right- hander Daviault of Montreal worked the second inning and gave up a run and two hits. Later, ieft-hander Ken Mac Kenzie of Gore Bay, Ont., pitched two hitless innings, striking out four (batsmen and walking one, before giving way to a pinch hitter. Warren Spahn scattered nine Philadelphia hits and doubled home the Braves' first run. Three straight hits after two }out in the ninth ruined Spahn's bid for his 65th lifetime shutout but he tossed out the final Philly batter himself to preserve his second victory of the season and 3lith of his major league career. Southpaw Hal Woodeshick pitched a six-hitter for Houston against St. Louis and ex-Car- inal outfielder Don 'Taussig homered in the sixth, off loser Larry Jackson, for the clincher. It was Woodeshick's second vic- tory without a defeat and Jack- son's first loss in three deci- sions. It was the Cards' third straight defeat since winning their first seven starts. sional Hockey League finals. They'll spend the night in a Hull jail instead. Albert Maberley, 27, of King- _ BASEBALL SCORES AND STANDINGS jston pleaded guilty to assault-| jing a police officer Sunday} evening, a few hours after Fron- tenacs defeated Hull-Ottawa to) ,, i tie the best of seven series hae erg one game apiece. Maus Waa ax | Kenneth Peters, 27, of King-|p2" Alea road jston, and his brother, James, |/tHoucton jformerly of Kingston and now| philadelphia | Ottawa, pleaded guilty to break-| Cincinnati ing and entering a room in the/ yijwaukee Hull courthouse in an attempt! Chicago 310 .231 to free Maberley. |New York 110 091 Two other men are also be- National League ing sought by police In connec-\fos Angeles 021 130 102 - 10 12 0 n 000 010 001- 2 61 tering. Koufax (3-1) and Roseboro; By THE CANADIAN PRESS jbine (8) and Canizzaro, Land- National League jrith (2); Ellis (1-1) Drabowsky WL Pet, GBL (6) and Edwards. HRs: Cin-- 11 1 «$17 {Post (5) Pinson (4). 7 .700 {St. Louis 101 000 100- 3 62 643 | Houston 030 001 00x- 4 75 643 Jackson (2-1) McDaniel (7) 545 4% |and Oliver; Woodeshick (2-0) pe and Ranew, HR: Hou--Taussig -308 1). Probable Pitchers Today San Francisco (Perry 00) at Pittsburgh (Friend 3-0) night. Los Angeles (Podres 1-1) at Chicago (Hobbie 0-1). ' Philadelphia (Short 90-0) Milwaukee (Piche 0-0) night. SemMuwwuwss 9 9 6 5 6 4 3 OO ~I Dit HD w3 9 te at chard. HR: Chi--Robinson (3); NY--Blanchard (3). Washington 000000100 1 40 Boston 001 000 03x- 4 71 McClain (0-2) Green (8) Sten- house (8) and Schmidt; Cisco (2-0) and Pagliaroni. HRs: Was --King (1); Bos--Runnels 2 (2). Kansas City 000000 000- @ 42 | Detroit 000 000 Oix- 1 30 Pfister (0-1) and Sullivan; ossi (2-1) and Brown. innesota 000 002 O11- 4 80 Baltimore 100 000 004- 5 90 Kralick, Bonikowski (1-1) (9) Stigman (9) and Battey; Pap- pas (2-0) and Triandos. Judge Avila Labelle, a regu-\Cardwell (0-4) _Balsamo (6)| St. Louis (Washburn 1-0) at lar patron at hockey games in)Gerard (8) Elston (9) and/Houston (Stone 2.0) night. the Hull Arena, said Hull wel-)Thacker, HRs: LA--Carey (1)! New York (Craig 0-2) at Cin- comes supporters of Kingston|'~, Davis (5) Snider (2); Chi--|cinnati (Purkey 20) night. "who act like gentlemen." | Williams (2). American League "But we can not tolerate dis-|San Fran. WL Pet. GBL orders such as you have! pittsburgh 7 2|Cleveland .667 Marichal (2-2) Duffalo (4)|Baltimore He fined Maberley $50 and Bélin (8) and Bailey; McBean) Detroit ordered the Peters brothers to|(2-0) Face (9) and Leppert.|Chicago Pgh--| Kansas City 000 021000- 3 71 | 020 500 00x- 7 7 636 556 .538 -500 1 1 (4); 1% Cleveland 001 010 100-- 3 80 |Los Angeles 000 002 000-- 2 40 Taylor (1-1) Funk (7) and Ro- mano: Chance (0-1) Spring (8) and Rodgers. HR: LA--Wagner (3). Probable Pitchers Today Chicago (Pizarro 2-1) at New York (Ford 1-0) Washington (Hannan 0-0) at Boston (Conley 1-1). Quackenbush, Oakland, Calif.--Touluca Lo-|pay damages of $62.05 -- one/HRs: SF--Bailey |pez, 126%, La Laguna, Mexico,|half of the damage caused in|Leppert (2). loutpointed Tony Herrera, 124,/the attempt to free Maberley.| Phila. | Los Angeles, 10. Judge Labelle said their con-|Milwaukee 001 00010x- 2 50)Los Angeles Birmingham, England-- duct was caused by Kingston's} Mahaffey (2-2) Sullivan (8)}Minnesota 417 | Johnny Prescott, 18714, Eng-|victory Sunday but noted that) Ferrarese (8) and White; Spahn| Washington .222 |land, outpointed Frankie Dan-|"the series is not over yet," (2-2) and Crandall. HR: Mil-- American League liels, 197, Bakersfield, Calif., 10.) He then ordered that the men| Mathews (5). Chicago _ 000 000 030- 3 60 American Assoclaion gurated 24 years earlier, | Bangkok, Thailand -- Chart-|be held in custody until Thurs-|New York 3 New York 010 000 000- 1.72 Tuesday's Results Quackenbush had played a (chai Laemfapha, 117, Thailand, | day *'so you won't be able to be} Cincinnati 411100 00x - 71 Buzhardt (2-1) Baumann (8)|Omaha 6 Louisville 5 full 60-game schedule with- |outpointed Mitsunori Seki, 11914,)at the game in Kingston Wed-| Anderson (0-1) Deviault (2)|Lown: (9) and Carreon, Terry Denver 10 Dallas-Fort Worth 3 out getting a penalty. jnesday."' \Moford (3) MacKenzie (6) La-'(3-1) Bridges (8) and Blan-|Indianapolis 13 Oklahoma City 9 £ 5 4 -500 500 455 1%| Minnesota (Lee 0-1) at Balti- 14% |more (Estrada 1-1) night. 2 | Kansas City (Walker 2-0) at 214 | Detroit (Gallagher 0-0). 4 Cleveland (Ramos 00) at Los Angeles (Grba 1-0) night. |New York 000 000 001- 1 90) Boston Stoke 0 Liverpool 0 first-place votes and two sec- ond-place votes. Goalie Cesare Maniago of Hull-Ottawa Cana- diens received 14 points and) Harry Sinden of Kingston was next with six points. Tessier nosed out teammate Bob Attersley 19 points to 17 to! jtake the sportsmanship award.| {Billy Carter of the Canadiens} iwas third with seven points. > Defenceman of Detroit Red Wings, was named winner of the NHL's Lady Byng trophy 13 years ago today. | The first rearguard to win the trophy for gentlemanly conduct since it was inau- SOCCER SCORES | LONDON (CP) -- Results of Division Hl soccer games in the United|Bradford 0 Grimsby 1 Kingdom Tuesday: |Bristol C 3 Coventry 2 |Halifax 0 Lincoln 3 ENGLISH LEAGUE jNorthampton 1 Queens PR 1 Division I IRISH LEAGUE Leicester 1 Bolton 1 lArds 2 Linfield 4 mae 2 Aston Villa @ \Cliftonville 0 Portadown 4 RONAN AISI IID NAIMAUNIWA HPs 000 012 000 - 51 12 Japan, 10, ')

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