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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Apr 1962, p. 24

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 25, 1902 sam] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [fz 723-3492 |Well Drilling -- Digging | 9--Summer Properties 13--Business Opportunities |1 6--Female Help Wanted | MACHINE DUG WELLS ___for Sale or Rent FOR RENT -- Service station with|$30 WEEKLY, housekeeping, sleep ing SERIE RGR ER rrmaeaeser ep i own room. Central ES | Quicksand, Specialists, 30" |AARE DALRIMPLE citage for ren |Rouig tt Bing. seconde oma era, Zens | casing. Work guaranteed. -- N 'lle, Ontario. EXPERIENCED woman required, whe | Foundation e art h boring |-- will board and care for four-month-old | Cont. Hadco Well Digging |COTTAGES #30 - $40 weekly, two and|14--Employment Wanted | boy in her home. weekly, whi ves } hydro, refr a works. Teleph: after 5 p.m. 728-5246. Ltd. Agent -- Oshawa -- Excellent fishing, pike, pickerel, bass,|PETER PAN DAY NURSERY. All or|---------------- => De. 728-8246. 723-1001, Head Office El- |New boats. 7254323. : rrnenn id vee ee 5.30, p.m. 581 Nebitate uae oe fay farm home, ' : oe : | mira, Ont. | ies tennis ele RT hi 13-2420 |Gardening and Supplies Money to Loan Painting and Decorating = _ cola Fees ee eeaee, 2°, "9S50o%S WOMAN would like housesiosning.| No.cujecto" *® one child. CO oF j AWARD oe hydro, safe beach on Canal Lake, 60 ; = Been Be INTERIOR and. exterior house paint- W. WARD miles from Whitby, by season or week,|ine® yun would do repair jobs. wash-| EEPER wanted to mind chil [GER . Con- i. nds taken care of by ing walls, | CLASSIFIED AD RATES [Sheen Keone Sumas Revie ain Aietees connie eee ing. window cleaning. Reasonable rates.| WEL! DIGGING by _ |MO 8.3473. 725-4130, dren, while mother. works, "live "in teas ||Anger_ 623-2273 Bowmanville, cleanup. Call H. A. Russell, Port Perry, 5 : no MACHINE CAMERON TARE, shore coage for Te cy 723-1633 after five. or fest ------ } ollect. 4 28 'Cyan Charge || YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim-|%85-7051_collec DODD & SOUTER . | SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE |fent, sleeps eight, screened -verande,|16--Female Help Wonted |Gits 'aged 14 or is see commen rf CLEANU J { | insi . WOMAN : ' rood Hey erm gare ig Renna Merah ng ag Meo greg | PAINTING AND DECORATING | WHITBY, ONTARIO =o WOMAN 'as assistant cook with cook-|with YWCA day camp during Sunn ues 6 CONSECUTIVE , | Sor a7 ie 7s 4.13 oy Friday. All day Satur- | CONTRACTORS Mi & = Aes -3809 ing » must be dependable/a few senior counsellors. Te oe 37% mates. : Very foal we ¥ | Pca ia Paperhanging | 039 yoy Seppe' ers NEW summer cottage for sale on Four|and have good character references. |723-7625. YWCA 199 Centre Street, Oshe ejb eet oats 225 248 |ICERAMIC, plastic wall tile, wood-|°4° | 9, pr 9 i > . |Mile Lake, three bedrooms, 'running Steady position, No late night work. awa. INSERTIONS Free esti-|CALL Jack Mulligan for your garden, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, P.O. BOX 329 i Pict in-| Apply Hotel |WAITRESS wand GS lk an working, all floor coverings. yptex, 4 ie oe VE tea water, all conveniences. Picture win- Apply Hotel Lancaster, Oshawa. ~ =e If not paid within 7 days the mates, Work guaranteed. 728-0850. rote-tilting. Anytime OL 5-4659 Brooklin, Spray Painting, i tr ee AT Sem: J. W. Wideman, Box 377 Stout: EXPERIENCED waitress" Manes Shick oe, ieee dante tana Charge rate will apply SIDING -- and cocoate vboogggy $ 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY BILL LEMON jee and 25 years for 11 a.m. to 8 p.m,|preferred. Apply in person Mall Res- Above peat apply only to original |/(blown method). Reduced eoge Ped WEEPING bo pa ee roy Taly oo SSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSSSS DAYS MO 8.5231 | |LOT for sale, 250 x 66 feet, Lake Sim. | Apply Mr. Knudson, Hollywood Motel |taurant. Oshawa Shopping Centre. orders for corsecuive insertions, [April and Max, Hee eatmates,,"Atm|tree. ot ant acy. tly bane] 5S | Nios 928-7426 WELL DIGGING __ coe, near"Peiteriaw goit course: Clat-|and Restaurant, 00 Brock street Noss, carat --Cstawa Shopping Centre, Subsequent insertions ordered at @ |itite Insulation. 2 1529 venil Rundie's. Garden Centre, King East, S $SSS55SS | HS jed for building. Beautifully treed, -Rea-| Whitby. | LEGAL later date constitute a new original || mings or Ajax, WH 2-1920 evenings, 725-1764 - 5 $ hy Personal Service 1 xtesbllacah SeepeTINGS, com jsonably priced. 725-3424. j - 7 . | ' essor wo t t : | ed ine |) =) KHARLEIGH S Ssssssss $ S TP] | installed." "> "PIS TPS I axesHOME, property tr sal, includ CAPABLE | SECRETARY Professional ond Business listings | CALL 4 = MODERN GRILL | alled. /ing lots for developing. Fill available. H k 7,50 per month for . ne f kends, two hours) | Exch 'additional line $1.60. per | MFG, CO. | 725-0665 drive trom Oshawa, 158-2901. mahediowmcs $ S $ nS { nth. | House Remodelling. Kitchen G BROS. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS BZr-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey aes Gorey Meare | Bsa po. wildly abbreviation |! and bathroom planning, Wall SANSENC | Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home | 1--Women's Column | SEASONAL CAMPSITES For Oshawa Home | keeping required Immediate- er figure counts as @ word. Box j/ Jiiing = Modernfold Doors. 728-3755 | Y r | Made Pies and Desserts, | | | Todoke fal io ee ly. Salary -- commensurate eee ee See etc, Free estimates any time. S YOU | WE DELIVER COLD WAVES on special. Page Halr-| "n 20-ft, lots. Cottages, i be _ with ability. Reply stating Building Trades With knowledge of book vel Sassitieg patie aay oe: H PHONE 723-7589 We specialize in garden 2ND OR 3RD 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH -- |ressing, 396 Pine Avenue, Telephone} Boats. Excellent Fishing, Sate No -- swale " 48 gag Sag a oe 725-3887 an Swimming. 9AM. until 5 PM. which will:be accepted until 9 a.m. | COTTAGE SPECI | LOAM. GRAVEL Mortgage CRESCENT ersona ; ay Gis 6 DAY WEEK | __ OSHAWA TIMES Ceneslictions 8:30am. otice.|| 22/0" x 18/0 t DRY CLEANING SERVICE| Removal of superfluous hair, 728-2301 Hours Daily 8 - 5, Soturday 8 - 12, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living WASHED STONE, COMING DUE ? | Invisible Mending, Storage, Marie Murduff will be in | : | Excellent pay and AVON REGULATIONS-- room. Regular price built MULCH FILL i | Pickup and Delivery, Cash Oshawa, May 8th and 9th. | RACTIVE LAKESHORE | working conditions, The Oshowa Times will not be $1 132 | Tractor and loader work. Before Renewing See Us | and Carry Store. Phone Genosha Hotel on ATT responsible for errors in advertise- | Lote lavallid: Ransonabie eaten | 22 BRUCE ST, | these dates for appointment. LOTS. COTTAGES | MO 8-474] or ots levelled. Rea ABOUT A . COSMETICS | writing, not for more. than. one id cs a 725-21 56 | 725-3321 ELECTROLYSIS Steenburg, Paudash and Glon- | MO 8-4025 writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver- }} $1059 shee RSET ae | | isement, nor ond th ice |) burg, Paudesh end Glon- | by 'ecw eee | An tow As, =| NUMBER ONE Low Con i TAS ACA _| fos "KenMatewn'85 | REGISTERED | Need# qualified Women ccc. And ole, reer H a ° Wilson Rd. N. Oshawa 725- ' di od o occurs. And also reserve the right |} 105. DOWN } | rt age Loan . | olen & tiene intermedi oe pine to classify advertising according to $ Hl 6-YD. LOAD----$10.00 } Mo g g ALL types of repairs und remodelling, | 7740. NURSE rhea gee ese its own classification | Delivery free within 100- 10-YD, LOAD--$15.00 tes. Estimates free, Dial 728-6931, J.|BATHING, trimming, de-fleaing, board:| ; In the case of display advertise- |} mile radius. | Cement, Road Gravel Low Monthly Payments Foley. eect tei |ing. Waubena Kennels. 725-6321. 11--Articles for Rent cosmetic business creates | Openings in Oshawa. il not be held ! -- ~ aC SPC . 'Required b Tanabe Or Wore wees tent a; rie a oe ond Fill No Bonus CHINN'S plumbing supplies, pumps,/FIVE Holstein Springers, ue soon.| Dishes, cutlery, glasses (stem- q y | ; c hi tual , pressure systems, new, used, repa Four bob calves, for sale. 351 Liberty med wine, cocktail,) silver rl bt Tithe: endeavour || choice of two valuable prem- 723-3162 No Extra Charges 288 Hillside. 723-7088. Street North, Bowmanville. MA 3-2353, candelabra, table cloths, buf- ONTARIO é Pssst sirarisachSoat Bestel: | , " | Jost el : | ee more ene saree tus | OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE No Legal Fees ee rea Lee Lemiee PPTUM: | dunia mhepheid, lars gute waic | fet pieces, trays, lazy susons, | | RAINING SCHOOL } CALL 725-8466 1 Telephone 723-2648 ly, but assume no liability vd Phone 725-3521, Harold H. St ark,|© oF ada ecient Ie ony inaccuracies Long Sault | LIMITED Ltd., plumbing, heating and adie. Telephone 723-264 _|. coffee percs and urns, 10-44 FOR BOYS E " aml la in any form are contained therein, . | ing, 255 Si: Street South, . or i" addle rot d 75 e cae eee | Construction Ltd. |GRAVEL- MULCH | SUPERIOR, | |scettss cer ssoramas arar-roclan ures, Runnin," mide] Seon 8 Se | ie 134 SIMCOE ST. S. | | ! new and used materials. Reasonable|Mrs. Ann White, Townline North, % 725- 3338 Ontario Civil Service Benefits | HOSTESS Accountants Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. IZES DISCOUNT LIMITED PHS cad ene, TEI. MoGrata| mile North, Taunton Village (Ceircle _140- ee ik aie es Aiea Lt ab STONE, ALLS 'The Fastest Growing All! art WeLL GERMAN 'shenerd, aie arena] , H/ROFESSIONAL pee AND Tai Bond Street 'Wert, 125-0397" Res, |COrtoge gk eo 723-3528 Canadian Loan Company eas a -- : siting LR HAIR DRYERS SUPERINTENDENT FULL AND PART-TIME nan) et ---- | SS Rasunaie fone, Pee eee | OSHAWA GARDEN 17 SIMCOE ST. N Woh Bing ie fe PUREBRED miniature poodle, puppy O For Rent, $5.00 af ped | WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered | Whitby. insured, Phone Tiss | H . N, at white male, sire. Gonderful Guy ot] Oshawa Beauty Sup Accountants, 114 King Street East, (Pe read -- | SERVICE | OSHAWA 725-6541 GUSCOT Er PLUMBING Manderley, se weeks old. Telephone 15 KING STREET ee s J SELL WAITRESSES Osh: » Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA;/ slices a accalanines i G. Edmund Burrows, Ca, 725-7334," | Caterers | and HEATING LIMITED |necistenen beagie hound and gold: 723-7011 OVER | For appointment call 207 Simcoe St. $.--725-5132 jen Labrador, males, both trained for Free delivery. } MA 3-3373 MONTEITH, MONTEITR, £IEHL, s»4| WEDDI NG BANOQU ETS GARDEN CENTRE! jhunting. Apply 669 Ssakespeare Avenue. Co.,. Chartered. Accountants, 728-7527, 135'Simeoe Street North, Oshawas Ajax| RECEPTIONS, PARTIES Ww H 2-0890; Whitby, MO 8-4131. joyfully remembered when een ne seid Behe AS hid ce Oe R, B. PROSSER, CPA, Certified Pub- Pontiac Inn Caterers 1259. SIMCOE ST. NORTH PLUMBING CO. Ltd. - oad, 114 Elgin Street East. |GET QUICK CASH irom, one of cd EXPERIENCE MOTOR MOTEL ic Accountant, 906 Centre Street. handle details expertly for you. | -- Fertilizer, all bronds. Monies ovailable on First A 4--Mark Bask din the Osh Ti Classified Sec. North Whitby, MO 8-5447, _| THORNTON'S RD, SOUTH | (Free loan of spreader). Mortgages at 7% per annum | Furnace Installation Service. Alans tion. Turn to' the Business' Service| NOT NECESSARY } | { } | | 723-3222 | MORTGAGES. | METTE {Ene niet eat "hoist 12--Articles Wented TELEPHONE fying DUTCHMAN 8. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- at BLOOR == Seed "abd. ton soll without bonus. Cleanout and Repairs. [THREE acres of garden, soil for rent.| Directory todyy. j BOWMANVILLE ified Public Accountants, a PHONE 725-0078 -- Perennials -- Alpine Monies also available on | 23 CELINA ST. a oe | | We teach you how in TAs. FARRDLANDER, WOES | plant. Second Mortgages. | PHONE 725-3279 | SHAW twenty tinier, Deck | THE pte co S Aameneane and Auditors. Dressmaking Roses --~ Shade trees. Mortgages and Agreements | | 5--Farmers Column AUTO WRECKING CO. | soges Sy Pierac a | A & W DRIVE-IN Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, 64 ss ---- Evergreen -- Flowering for Sale purchased. |Rug Upholstery Service | WHEAT straw, 15 cents per bale. per f ing. | vided at our offices, If King Street East, Oshawa ;B. L. Yale,|Grenen spon gon an bee eel ies ig Vp ry H w. 15 cents per bale per] Wants cars for wrecking rea- epee ae CA; F, Friedlander, B.Comm, CPA. | sonable rates, 1428 Bala Drive, 725-7994. Flagstone -- Rockery M. F. SWARTZ Severed fie tae en ee teas |22,,c. yards manure. Telephone MA| |3-5290, shrubs. HESTERFIELDS and old chairs re: |2°° Fifty-five fence posts, 8 feet long:| Parts for sale, also scrap iron you have a pleasant ' '. and metals, etc., bought voice you can earn,a | REQUIRES ; DRESSMAKING, alterations, plain sew- stone. = Iders' t Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe |>~ Sa UN eRS ENP) ' i jood income on a liber- } Appraisers ing such as children's wear. Reason- Patio ---- Wailstone. pst aes Molin South, Call 728-6451, "Foe estimates |CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid Open Scturday all day. Phone z commission basis. Age | CAR Boaie Avcetlige ant Brees Wee ctl il dasa ca Garden tools and Lawn rates. GHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered |104 ead. Tole Meee aick.| 725-2311 - 89 BLOOR E. | no barrier, if you are Bree Arcus > Whitby. PVIMBLE | manding om yomseving. mowers, 26% King St. Eost like new, Why pay more? Our rates!3.2721, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, | over 21. Convenient } T or app! a Ya King St. Eas! are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed, Licence 149. | 5----Farmers Column } hours can be arranged Auto Parts siabalbatonas GARDEN SERVICE Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 | Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery Licence 149. ! { se ged. | | 18-35 ans , Registered Under Mortgage |©°» 10 Bond Street West, Dial 725-0311. ' KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran|Fuel and Wood Landscape design. Bakes! Registered J toa CHESTERFIELDS re-upnoistered and R. YOUNG Lg weg yee gi ng Sse eas FACTORY pit yen cuttings. eg Spring cleanup. restyled. Eka denies ac feeng en Alig | full or part time for ever- 5 ing Street est, oft ae furn % ilizi a H . j * a 728-1607-8-9, Five bays to serve you. ome aces. Tele-| Sproying, Fertilizing. Mortgages ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212, \Oshawa Times Ltd. ing or weekend work, Power rolling. Barristers Gardening and Supplies sna bhem SF londecoping. -- I eactar, Sip tameew South, TarGeMn loovered Mw mow' Get Us best te se 723-3474 |PHONE 728-5731 ---- Stone work, i at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe . sor 3M Bt veh ath ert anes opeyay eke Rensence, Tent South, Call 728-6451, Free estimates, for appointment tor, 3 imeoe South, ly 100 tons sheep and duck manure for i FIRST and second mortgages. Sale dence, 728-0264. sale. Best offer. 725-3954, Household Repairs parchased and sold. Hen. y Ys, ¥N a L-|G. DENS, lawns, bor , roto. nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King UPHOLSTERING max Prat doctor Hag pen serine svt. Tele MOREPAIR SERVICE sales see a eee, RE coon WHI T B Y CLASSIF TED re st, awa. . . | an * 30) . . j phreys, ac; G. Ss. Boychyn, BA, QC;|phone before 9 am. and "ater '4 P-m./ RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, pro etn vey Sul Bay Yr 86 REPAIRING Contact us for your supplies isson or legal) Fqbyj | shi d W_ A. Hillman, LLB. Office, 725-1177,|Glen Munro, 414 Park Road South. no comm! abri¢ somples shown an 725-1178; Residence, 725-4604; Whitby, |725-7887, ; g POLISHERS, IRONERS anon Seite BSE OH. Ovbawa Tinee.| tree estimates given in your of piel esis Ht jas and other/WANURE for sale, bythe load or| Service Guaranteed FIRST and second mortgages bought.| home. MODERN bungalow in Whitby, three/FOR RENT -- Two furnished rooms, marseane fon : otherwise, reasonable. Telephone 725-| 25 years' experience --_|J. J. Van Heswerden, Mortgage Broker, Satisfaction Guaranteed, FARM FERTILIZER: SEED GRAIN: SEED CORN: bedrooms. large living room, dining |small kitchenette with stove, trig. Suits LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soll-|5077. | Formerly with THOR of Canada | 741 King East, Oshawa, 723-4471, CALL 728-9526 TODAY i * -- Jarea, conveniently located, near high|able for couple. Adults, 303 Presey citor, Notary, Alger Bidg., 37 King MANURE, mixed, delivered, full loads \womtaaars Arranged, bought and | "as GRO-KOTED CLOVER SEEDS & GRASS SEEDS: school and public schools. $100 month-/Street. MO 8-4470, i m ) of - 6 : ' | FA a Btn AB CE . ee TIERS SOON Sara, 'Sinai eters "00 bee yard | TEL. 725-8296 |sold. Call Mr. Bolahood," 725-6544 or) TALBOT UPHOLSTERING | SEED POTATOES: BULK GARDEN SEEDS: MEN Lacincendlic ator [BABY crib, mattress, large, like new, : -3441, 725- a 3 vit lecks, $25, GREER ond: RELLY, Barrister, Soles|---- | ; Steen Cane Oe 0: BE IAM | BOXED PLANTS: FROST FARM FENCE: SEWING machine repairs, any make,| While with grey flecks, £28, 'Door 2 @ ld King St East. Dial) FOR FAST SERVICE |Instruction CLIENTS' money to | All work guaranteed, Mid-town hsb eecbmltdictbel Mane Sst en Hye2iie." Residence phones; J. BM 7 ISORULAE [clans "icaonae aa wiy,|gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale|DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN On-| DAILY DELIVERY SERVICE pial iid ONE large bright furnished room. for reer, PA, Sc., 725-3363. Terence Y. VANDRUNEN S |no previous Waimine neces : 142 On. Purchased, NHA mortgages arranged. tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue-! SYLVIA or Muriel Bates will do baby- stargate ae Board optional, elly, PA, BCL, 728-3832. Landscaping Sodding Soil |tario Street, Bowmanville. MA 3-2697,|Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- | printing, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. } sitting after 4 p.m, during the week, |-- pee ie IONES, BA. and THOMAS Wi} o maaan -- | doch. a PLIM AND TR | m. 9021. APA NTS A, and THOMAS H. Nursery Stock. ' |PRIVATE teacher. student if a |. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Telephone after 6p.m. MO 8-9021, Cad Meee ee ree, lo- Barristers and Solin) 16 years' experience, by interview only.| Land Surveyors. 216 Adelaide Avenue CAPABLE woman for general house- facilities. Telephone MO 8.3193, ishing ry retghtoed aye East, 728-6246, CALL Act now. 725-1054, MORTGAGE East. Phone 725-6881, | / work and answering i tee a iss . jortgage loans available. } i | 4 i hi OTT. i jaune. S See aes | BROOKLIN, 655-3545 HARVEY DANCE Pear chee OANS TY Radio Repairs | 54 CHURCH ST DIAL 723-2229 rane Sere Adult family. Telephone ca ested Gey soe eae, from Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. RR 2, OSHAWA oe: Fa Rae Bee re ree L HEE rte ats ct OE ae and boards xentieman;|'0m suites, complete, from $89; cribs lic. The C cia 286 King t now, 424 King Street West. J i TELEVISION, range, washer and dryer| F Cust r Porki ROO ved pase rivate home, Mo|With new mattress from $19; new yest, Oshawa, Ontario, Client park- LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School) Money available for immed- |repairs. Call' Superior Appliance Ser. ree Cus omer Farking home privileges, priva' id chrome chairs, $3.95, Mid-Town ing available. | CAL NOW DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School acro- iate loan on First and Second vice. 728-4873. : 9 | 5 ee es ----_--___________ ture MO re. sia CREIGHTON, FRASER: DRENAN cas batic. Friday and Saturday. ates Mortgages, and Agreements |ty, RADIO, car vadio yepaire, all 6-- Auction __}12--Articles Wanted BEDS, inativens, electsio stoves, BORVY Se ain, ay ueaionar abeciiels MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- Harry Staveren Temple, Centre Street. 723-7258. for Sale, on vacant and im- |{makes. Thompson Electronics, 157 ---- duty and rang » 301 Dundas Street iin modern building. $90 and $100, Stove, Arh TiwT, Salvation Army Thrift Store. ss t Public, Bank of C Bidg. Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). AN ED West. § a wa ----__|refrigerator, washing facilities. Adults ary Public, Bank of Commerce Bidg., LEARN TO DRIVE | proved property residential, ws W. ] FOR RENT --Two-bedroom apart-|preferred, MO 8.3591. 5 Simcoe Street North, 723-3446. T. K, 4 ry | | 'i 3 7 : ae ire industrial, city, suburban and AUCTION SALE | : aie a, ie a Gk Deven GL Modem: fe MO 8-3007 Oshawa Driving School) country, 'and' summer" cor, T.V. TOWERS | | SCRAP IRON, POULTRY tral, 'Adults, 'Telephone MO #3652" |FOR RENT: Unfurnished, ground floor G. K. Drynan, G. L, Murdoch, NHA} | tral, Adults, | apartment, living room, bedroom, bath- mortgages arranged. | For Your Nursery DAY OR EVENING tages, Forty years experience. et Stirtevant Auction Holl | AND FEATHER TICKS LADY required to care for small chil-|room, kitchen with stove, private en- | j Deer Hides and Row Furs dren, 7 a.m. to 4.30 p.m., Monday tojtrance. Suitable for couple, $65. MO id | | ONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister| Landscaping and Maintenonce H : ae eae "Bae |e eon Maintenance | "Late models, standards, SUMMERLAND A Pe wiaed ne. gate pk aot Friday, Apply. 300 High Street, Apart [basse } A Bouchet, sein Ree tice eee once 33 Hall St. Oshawa April and Solicitor, 26 e "| 4 4 26, 1962 t 7 lice = STB eee care ee Telephone: Busin 723-2201, Resi-| automatics, dual controlled. , 7 @ P.M... POC ent 23, Whitby dence ts iE. R. KNOWLTON! oSHaWik* ond' Wiiitey | SECURITIES LEN & LOU'S | camiscn tole e'bicee | 1. TURNER HOVE pairs zeccat man haa: ORNENT ve Sedan, erin JOSEPH P .MANGAN, QC, Barrister, | LANDSCAPING SERVICE CALL 728-0091 | LIMITED | ANTENNAS | chain saw, etc., followed by | 723-2043 -- 723-3374 sonable. Mid-Town Furniture. MO 8-4961|§75 monthly. Telephone MO $2180 or Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14% | ; ts | 112 Simcoe Street North, | | @ quantity ef household | NEW chrome chairs, $3.95. Mid-Town | Mo 8-5078. King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232, | TOp soil ond god. Repoiring ' 728-5804 or 725-7844 | j 1 ; +. |Furniture. Telepione MO 8-4981. - = MANNING ¥. SWARTE coi ROWAID | \ maintenonce, | Investigators | Oshawa, Ontario | deoullllig 3--Business Opportunities LAWNMOWER repairs. Power and|phone Mo bajar' (Or Sentlemen. 'Tele- MANNING F, § and RO} end lawn et : 2090. L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| ie on sideesik sick Phone: 725-3568 j Seat Pai se t [FARM MACHINERY sells fast with an|hand. Free blade sharpening and bale| Suits,coats, dresses, taries, Money to loan. Henry - Block, patio and sidewalk slabs, ACME | eo CEnaars HARRY LOCKE TV SE TU CUCHIONS' ._- loshawa Tanah Wale ane tint rae ae ee oe een ae etch i® epectally, Mrs. Tome, MO eget 26% King St. East, 4697, al | | | _ Pee are --_-------- ---------=------ | tune-up, $3.95. Parts extra. Fre df ; : . dence, dial 723-4029, 725-6047 INVESTIGATION BUREAU | IINEED MONEY!! [Aerials and towers, new and | 7--Trailers SNACK r sale, central location on and delivery. Phone Sportsman Corner, #lterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, BRANCH OFFICE : used Television Sets. We rent = |------__--_-- peta South, After 6 telephone 728-|MO 8-4511. YOR SENT! Dundas asks ee § 4 5 | | | win licitors, Clients' funds available . fo: : | : OO = E equip., biggest stock around. ° frat mortgages, 20 "Maese Street! SELLING OUT Domestic, General Investiga- [You HAVE HIDDEN CASH] "ew portables @ K S Tab with reasonable prices, try us,|Dright, newyl decorated rooms, fire: | North; 725-3965; Charles C._ MeGibboa,| tion Security Services. World IN YOUR HOME MA 3-2312 | TRAIL ER SA LES rapide lier ss cpr Bhr., cater Hamilton's, 137 Brock South. MO 6-842. |Place. Parking space. Near small shop- C; Edgar F. Bastedo, . | ide. - - RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister,| Evergreens, Shrubbery, Trees Yoo. King St. East -- 728-7941 | GET A LOW COST Ist or 22 King West Bowmanville _| North. rinaooi. Rex Taxes." '| Must be cleared before May Ba-hour Service sop ae rat pia Ie an nine f ha | st. Below wholesale prices. |COMMERCIAL property, heated bulld- das Street West. B.C, SERVICES, Complete bookkeeping 2.7, SALMERS, BA, Bars. S| Come in 'ond' cg your cars| Lowa Mower Lec, EXAMPLES: TeV" LOWERS TRAVEL TRAILERS (See ipa a ae Bs ee oie Se ee c. : cite aa hits i cen | i 3 | mont or as desired. mi ae ee ene | BEVERWYCK WE SHARPEN AND RENT | Borrow -- big Bal. pi u es Ta, | Low oo. ae faent, frontage for, stores, $16,000 'with YOUR pared; 'income tax returns. MO 8.8252, Be ae ae ee e ALMOST EVERYTHING Aes bp oie seph Bosco, Realtor 725-9870, J WESTINGHOUSE SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, Sirect East, Phone 728-1763. | GARDEN GIVE US A CALL... og tree Monies ay Terms -- Open Evenings | NOW 2 LOCATIONS |imeatine sna ca <n e 208 Chestnut Street West. Telephone R AND TV COL ' 7 f ; i | BESS : ; MO 8.2563. pore ee | S STAN'S $3000 $70.67 $47.59 Nil | OSHAWA T.V. -- Luwy. NO. 2 AT COURTICE |Oshawa, "Sina independent wane | }~LAUNDROMAT _ iorrice euip., biggest. tock around, / | Ss 1 £- 7 , ery: vi reasonable ices, try us, ns econ oe, St au HIGHWAY 12 | CORNER KING AT BURK STS. For @ confidential interview |___Free Survey and Estimates 3. Miles East of Oshowa pt densi ie aise excellen| 310 DUNDAS ST. W. service wi . P 12, pickerel season. To be sold imme-|STUDENTS A super value, approxi. -- es diately, Ten thousand down or exchange/mately 630 sheets of letter size typing| ROOM and board. Suit young man, ab. a |for property. Box 109 Osh. Ti § t) for only $1.00. Ap-|Stainer. Handy to Oshawa and Whitby. 2nd MORTGAGE LOAN New and Used MEE ee | RAPE news Print) for oy Fi raitey, | Telephone MO. 8-408, Hamilton's, 137 Brock South, MO 8-8442, | | | franchises. alth reasons. W: WHITBY NT -- 860 mont ' L. SCHAPELHOUMAN | 3 MILES NORTH OF WHITBY | 723-3224 | CALL 728-4684 | T V TOWERS | LANSDOWNE TEXACO |216."Oshawa 'Times, We Pox) het tan Gate tee COMPLETE | | Guelph Investment Co | ae Ls Service Station Simcoe St. N, |SPARE OR FULL TIME, Steady year, WILL TAKE THE DRUDG- gentias sre cues, Seorat eee BOOKKEEPING SERVICE MO 8-4735 !Gardening and Supplie | H | * round income, Business opportunity for] ERY OUT OF THOSE BIG nar ar ae "e 7 -- Eira | Bs 9 pplies Member Ontorio Mortgage ° | : : j Open Every Evening |a reliable person to act as delivery Sdren's playground. Apply s INCOME TAX RETURNS COPE Doone saeates gag Antenna's and T.V. Service jagent, to service small shopping); LOADS OF WASHINGAT [street. Apt. 11. MO 8-2336. | Brokers Assoc. if you want to be sure of the | 9---Summer Properties jcentres. (No selling). Selected appli- SPRING CLEANING [FOR SALE refrigerators trom $49 6 LER STRE | ' | / u . | cant must have $750 cash available. vashers from $29; hassocks from $23 68 pi 9953 REET Nursing Homes coe Poeee sib a Rend for Sale or Rent |Also car or light truck. Reply PO Box| "T|MAE televisions from $59; chrome. gultes - Se te Pp a quality | j--____________-- | 12, Station J, Toronto 6, Ontario, ; from $14.50; new chrome chairs, $3.953 | SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home RN in st-| material try. HIGHLANDS OF HALIBURTON | ts peace \10" x 12° carpet and underpad, $393 S14 tendance (No. 2 Highway between Whit- i] r ri ; Building Trades by and Oshawa). Call 725-2330, | ATTENTION! |baby carriage $15; room divider $193 Si ta, A ih ANS Ce } We jla fi $3.95; dryer $59 ;chester- ALL types of building repairs, roofing, | rj TRIO HALIMAR | SNACK BAR Fishermen and Campers ee \fielde" hon $29, All" pypltanaes and prong Po ay poe Pipe w eT ES OWNERS & GARDENERS Optometrists i WEEKEND MAY 18 | ervations now. being 'eae i TV's are guaranteed. Mid-Town Furnie stoops, 728-0394 .Gordon 3 ~~ eee ~ = eee | S Pool and Steam | A small deposit will reserve ture. MO 8-4981, CARPENTRY, remodeling, framing, wre ene aa Content aie ben TExtonaive sand beach aie FOR SALE your boating or camping | GRAVEL AND LOAM roofing and repairs of all kinds. Free A ini Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam- | " | t be estimates. Telephone Harry's 723-2413.| Our Annual Garden Clinic will be held ined at home. Dial 725-4587, | Gant saae. pat varied | Fully equipped, with forhily olen n ee DRIVEWAY GRAVEL FIX that Teaking rool pga Ne ie Bho FRIDAY APRIL 97 d iF. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom-| 171 BOND ST, E. | sports, "water - skiing. ATRO | dwelling attached, plus self- canoes, car fops, motors, CEMENT GRAVEL ings. J. Markland, 728-1285, | , an pivibey 136 Simcoe 'North 'Te "cotbone.| 728-6781 | member. Phone Halimar, Hali- contained apartment which boats, trailers, cabin trailers, FILL AND LOAM Evenings by appointment. 723-4191. | burton 70J2 tents, tent-trailers, etc; Gar- A { J D A A Poet ol SL RE 5h . rents for $55 monthly, All ? i UNITED S T R - PRIL 28 |Well Drilling -- Digging | den and lawn equipment, ERIC BRANTON AL CONROY, professional interior and|WELL digging and clean-outs. Tile sup-| } ' | | J Painting and Decorating wew vr | SUMMER COTTAGES |. conveniences, four - piece power tools MO 8-2660 PAVING CO | Bring in your soil samples for a free soil Analysis. lexterior painting and decorating, Esty |plied (cement or: galvanized, Tele-| We have summer cottages on Musee. Sil Riches. |W haw Oued Wank lee, $22.50 bath and shower wall, tile FOR 'SALE Mr. Vigoro will be here to discuss your Lawn and |mates. tree. Telephone. 728-0086. [salad bedeane | Lake Ontario, and Rice Lake! | | Ups New and used' outboords GOT A Garden problems with you. HOLANDIA decorator, painting, paper|TRADE UP to a better used ear! Priced from $2,800.00 up," | Now operatin ee $75 up: Boats $100 up; 13° . ing, Wi >. j-/from one of the many bargains offered u , j oO perating, see it any | up; iP; hanging, Work eucraniend. Feve: sus |ace sat of toe senay bates Classified] with down payments from MLD: plywood 25 hp. eléc- MUDDY DRIVEWAY ? 728-480) ; A FREE LAWN CARE BOOK WILL BE GIVEN TO |maigr Lew. rates. Section. | $800.00! Phone for an ap- | = tie motor, 08: 700A taller, | ce the crmwer to sour ee - -- re | in n { ; ' w vi Wi N. D. FIRST 100 PEOPLE ATTENDING INTERIOR AR EXTERIOR TED VEENHOF pointment. BLACKSTOCK $1195; 14' MID plywood | ba i We. delver Wenn $135; 14' plywood complete | ALL | orth 6 | wiry - New mulch, grave ight. EXCAVATING | -- MASTER FEEDS, OSHAWA fom hole, sockeanssi, | WELL DIGGING | LONG BROS. | -- 'Mies Noch ot | sith' sted" S100% New, PHONE. seod i ters before painting, ¢ - a > nd D nin | REALTORS 1 i fs WILDE RENTAL ¢ 1S¢ ayso Top so' | S4 CHURCH ST. -- -DIAL 723-2229 | Sis Ser"ncivitne {2,28 | Clepaut ond Deaseing : Seite. Glee tals; |p. seavice'a sates | SAWOONS' cwHITEY) UTD room. Repairs of all kinds. TU 5-4501 $10,000. full price or best fais Dundas St. E., Whitby 244 Brock St. S., Whitby, 723-3898 FREE CUSTOMER PARKING 725.0078 728-3864 PORT HOPE offer, Terms orranged, Ont MO 8.3226 Onterie.

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