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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Apr 1962, p. 4

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& THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 25, 1962 | Woman Stands For | NDP Nomination _ REFUSE WATER PURCHASE tn Durham Riding HAMPTON (Staff) -- A Golf Club Request esse: housewife announced today she will allow her name to stand at the Durham riding - |New Democratic Party nomi- Vetoe ouncl |nation meeting in Orono April 30, when a candidate will be chosen for the June 18 federal "This was a tough problem élection.* to. discuss," said Councillor, Mrs. Eileen Coutts is no Wetherall. "We must try to|stranger to the political field. make a wise decision and at|She is now secretary of the the same time remain co-opera-NDP Durham riding associa- tive." tion. In 1960 and 1961 she was Reeve Pat Sheehan said that|president of the Hampton the town had an adequate|Home and School Association water supply for possibly the, and for the past eight years has inext ten years and that it would not hurt Ajax to sell the club water. "T think we set a precedent AJAX (Staff) -- Teetotaling golf enthusiasts who tackle the 18 holes of. the Duffins Creek Golf and Country Club may not be able to quench their thirsts this season because the club hag no constant water supply. The club made application to buy water from the town of Ajax two weeks ago but coun- cil decided Tuesday that this sale would be "'setting a prece- Joyriding On Tractor Costs Year BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A 23-year-old Oshawa man was placed on one year suspended sentence in court here Tuesday on a joyriding conviction dating back to October 1961. David Bruder, 115 Agnes street, was found guilty Octo- ber 24, 1961, of joyriding on a farm tractor and also on two charges under the liquor con- trol act. Magistrate R. B. Baxter warned Bruder that if he came back again he "wouldn't be coddled." been a member of the Durham branch of the Farmers' Union. The April 30 nomination meet- ing in the Orono IOOF hall will in this matter back in 1952)serve a dual purpose. A pro- when we sold water to Picker-| vincial candidate will also be ing Village," he said. ""Weinamed. Well-known NDP mem- must be realistic about our de-|ber Harry Ashton of Pickering velopment", he said and I think the finance committee should reconsider the request." "IT don't think we should sell dent" detrimental to town de- velopment The subject was studied by the finance committee and a resolution refusing the applica- tion was passed by a count of five votes to four, The Duffins Creek Golf and Country Club is located in a stirp of Pickering» Township territory, south of Highway 401, between Ajax and Pickering Village The club wanted to pipe in water from a main waterline closeby, which. supplies Picker- ing Village In 1952, Ajax entered into an agreement with Pickering Vil- lage to supply the village with for 20 years sold the club water be setting a prece- dent,' said chairman of finance, Edward Wetherall, 'and if we £ we will have to g water "If we we would ve in to one ve in to all "Tt up to Pickering Town- ship to supply them water," he added "Tf maker Mayor a attractive money for Ajax." commented William Parish, '"'but it matter of principal that the offer sell water outside aries we will lose area and sew ms might be is an pfuse Beach has announced that he will stand for the provincial Mr. Ashton is the NDP pro- water to every Tom, Dick and vincial councillor of New Party Harry that wants it,"" comment- tario Ridings, and represented is impossible." these ridings at the NDP found- °: last October. Land Fill Plan He is a graduate in business defence co-ordinator, and was elected twice to Pickering has also been Disaster Chair- Dis osal Issue man of the Canadian Red Cross Pp Branch 541 of the Canadian AJAX (Staff) -- The wheels Legion in Dunbarton. night to solve Ajax's garbage disposal problem when council fill plan, introduced by the works Fi d $45 committee. e Councillor Owen Ashley, | in council that the new plan would )tyyoe men who jumped the commence on May 1, and had! oun on the fishing season were He said that his committee) costs and a reprimand by Mag- had negotiated with R. B, Baxter in court le Limited, principal! developers, who} Ronald Philip, 26, RR 1, Keith Fletcher, nomination. clubs for both Durham and On- ed Councillor Owen Ashley. "It ing convention in Niagara Falls administration, a former civil Solves Garbage Township council. Mr. Ashton Society and is a member of were set in motion Tuesday Fi h approved a sanitary land works committee chairman, told) already been budgeted for each given fines of $15 and Duffins| istrate Creek Estates Ajax| here Tuesday ior Frank Petersonjagreed to rent the equipment.| Nestleton; 36, said the town's refusal to sell water to the club would create labor and land to the town on aj9g2 Lasalle street, Oshawa and yearly basis. iFred Crowells, 28, of Verdun friction with Ajax's neighbors. | The developers, he said, would|road, Oshawa, pleaded guilty "If we sell water outside our|rent a four-acre site to the town|to the charge of fishing out of boundaries, we would have to/for $1 per year and that it was/season. w what development would|jocated south-west of the Ajax; Conservation Officer Douglas ce outside our bord-'and Pickering General Hospital.| Powell of Orono told the court d His Worship. The heavy equipment andihe found the trio with poles, vave no way Of CON-\labor would cost the town $10|lines and baited hooks fishing this development Once! ner hour to rent, he continued,|the Fleetwood Creek in Man- water and it might/but that it would not be used|verse Township. He said there the Ajax Shopping|more than two hours per' day were no fish in sight. jand five days per week. Magistrate Baxter In addition to passing resolu-jdisregarding the regulations tions to this effect, councillyou spoil it for those who agreed to build a six-foot high}obey them. These regulations wire mesh fence around the site.|have to be, obeyed to give Councillor Ashley said that/everyone the same rights." his committee would complete, This is the first conviction of . 15 Grass Fires In Two Weeks jthe plan and would present it to\this type in Durham. county . |the next council meeting this year Worry Council Paarencnnnensncr sss AJAX (Staff) -- A total of 15| grass fires within two week mainly ,set off by children,|% 115 BROCK ST. caused Ajax council some con-|+ NORTH cern this week. % "Some of our industries are }Qpen Thurs. 'til 8 pm. -- Fri, "til 9 pm. said, "by sfeslesfertortectooteoten! Cae ae ea ae ie ae a. SLICED RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON / OR WING STEA EA $ keep in check."' x "There is not much grass left ¢ in Ajax to be burned," said/s. 4 3 BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --] |provincial res LEELA EEE EEE EEE TELE EEE EEE EOE EEL ARNOLD'S FRESH CUT SIRLOIN HARDWOOD CHARCOAL _5 Ib. bag. 39 'County Grant | 'For Hospital | AJAX (Staff) -- There were |smiles on the faces of the coun- lcillors of "'the savagely over- assessed" Town of Ajax on Tuesday night when they learn- led that the County Council had just approved a $1,079,166 grant \for the Ajax and Pickering Gen- junior and senior citizens of the) town. "T need only to refer to the ictures on. thé walls of this! District Youth Draws Acquittal BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- An Oshawa district youth was acquitted of a careless driving charge here Tuesday resulting from an accident February 17 involving a parked car and a police cruiser. James Donald Hinkson, 19, RR 4, Oshawa, skidded into a parked car which in turn struck a police cruiser, after failing to negotiate a curve near the junc- tion of Highways 115 and 35. Constable Peter DenHoed of the Bowmanville OPP detach- ment told Magistrate R. B. High School | Drama Group Draws Prais AJAX (Staff) The Ajax High School and its« principal were the recipients of a pat on the back by Ajax Council on Tuesday night for a winning effort in the recent Simpson's Collegiate Drama Festival. | Under the direction of A. Efti- moff, a group of the students won the preliminary rounds of the festival in their presenta- tion of 'The Devil and Daniel p council chamber,' presenting athletic ments and also the presenta- tion to Piotrowski senior and) junior last year in this cham- ber. | "Our high school entry did not win the finals," he continued "and that was not to be expect- ed from the mat this, their first! try, but. they had the satisfac- tion of losing against the final winner of the festival. "They did win, however,"' he stressed, "the applaud and ap-! preciation of a capacity crowd at Hart House and some of them | achieve-; probably didn't even know that! ROBS PRIEST, 3 YEARS an Ajax High School existed."| MOTORISTS FINED BOWMANVILLE © (Staff) paired driving offences were|Church, was robbed of each fined $50 and costs in mag-/$1,175 proceeds of istrate's court here Tuesday.|game. Simmons was pincot avenue, Weston, Witold Sosnowski, 35, 101 Ritson) road north, Oshawa pleaded goods. guilty to the charges. Lar SPECIAL TYPE HISTORIC ART French - Canadian wood-carv- ards, ished as early as 1675. tree. Baxter he parked his car on the side of the highway to offer as- sitance to a Toronto motorist, Keith Hadley, whose car had skidded into the ditch because of icy conditions. "I saw the car coming side- ways towards us,' said Con- stable DenHoed, 'somebody yelled 'watch out, here comes another one' and I jumped for the ditch." The parked car was owned by Laurence Thompson, a Les- kard mechanic who also was Webster'. The entry appeared in the finals at Hart House Theatre in Toronto recently. Councillor Owen. Ashley point- ed out to council that it had been a practice over the years to recognize winning efforts by Sidewalk Slabs Immediate Delivery from Factory Cured Stock @ Steel Reinforced there to render assistance to Mr. Hadley. Crown Attorney Harry Dey- man suggested that the Hink- man car went out of control |eral Hospital. fo A satisfied Reeve Pat Shee-| Had in presenting his report to|the accused be allowed the d that a special com-|benefit of the doubt hospital grants had) hospital) jhan, 'council, sai |mittee on itoured the present building and had recom the grant because of future po' mended -| ylation explosion in the area. be congratulated on its deci-| sion," he said, "'and so should the county councillors for adopt- ling the report." | Reeve Sheehan pointed out) that the grant would be dished out-over a seven year period in- stead of one big debenture issue. "County Clerk - Treasurer Bill Manning was_ responsible for working out this annual grant system," he said, "and he too should be congratulated." "It is most welcome news," said Mayor William Parish "For the hospital board it is a dream come true." With the present fund-raising campaign in full swing, the hos- pital board anticipates that con- struction of the 110-bed hospital may begin in the fall. CITY OPPOSES BILL CHATHAM (CP)--City coun- cil Tuesday supported opposi- tion by London to the province's construction safety Bill 162, which will make municipalities responsible for the enforcement and inspection of new building safety measures. London be- lieves enforcement and inspec- tion under the bill should be a ponsibility. + + JUST NORTH OF THE . FOUR CORNERS? --_ Sat. til 6 p.m. | P-| 1 |Hinkson to skid into the ditch "J think this committee should) than Hadley, who had no lights us O09: Mayor William Parish, "but |+ next year the fire committee|3. | should study some sort of pro-|+ gram for this. problem." < Ajax has well over 2,000 acres of thick grassland. being threatened by these fires," = SLICED reported Councillor Frank |4 COOKED ¢ | Fresh Country HAM ib Youth Facing Boneless Plate Fresh Pork Liver .........1b. 25¢ Fresh Head Cheese . oofoels Sausage ... Ib. 29¢ . Sb, tin 1.19 | Brisket.... Ib. 39¢ foofocfonioofooionss Four Charges BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- + Appearing in magistrate's court Tuesday following a _ seven month remand, Patrick Good- committee, "and the fires are a costly operation for the town to ROAST BEEF Small Link Peterson, chairman of the fire|f + § PRIME RIB HAMBURG STEAK FRESH WIENERS FRESH SAUSAGE win, 17, of Centre street, Bow. |e eles belo manville, was given a further adjournment to June 26 by Mag- istrate R. B. Baxter. Goodwin is facing sentence on two charges under the liquor control act for consuming under age, as well as an as- Sault charge and a charge of escaping custody. Police Chief Bernard Kitney said that Goodwin was, the driver of a car recently which} resulted in two youths coming before the court last week. 103-105 BYRON STREET SOUTH ORTSMAN" WHITBY One of the youths, 20-year-old John Rowe of King street, Bow- manville, was sentenced to one year, in the Ontario Reforma- tory. Another youth, Robert Whelan, 18 of RR 3, Bowman- BASEBALL GLOVES Top-grain cowhide leather. Nylon stitched. Compare ot 12.95. 6 97 ; 8 CLEAROUT rubber wheels. CLEAROUT ... GOLF CARTS Lightweight and strong. Folding type. 10" Compa 9.49 re at 18.95, ville, charged with throwing) beer bottles out of the car win- dow striking another car, is awaiting sentence and will ap- pear June 26. Crown Attorney Harry Dey- man said, "if this continues to be his (Goodwin's) attitude, FISHING REELS Close-faced type. Complete with mono line and prac- tice plug. Some in this shipment with star drag. 1 year full guarantee. Compare at 9.95. SALE seconds). Sold GOLF BALLS Superior quélity. Live rubber centre. (Not in dozen lots only. 4.87 SPIN CAST ROD - REEL COMBINATION ae i fibreglass rod and close-face- reel. jomplete with line. Compare ot ., 897 then we'd better enforce some control." Magistrate Baxter agreed and remanded him to June 26 to see what the situa- tion is at that time. CLEAROUT. Limited quantity r the same reason that the ley vehicle did, and_ that If Your Home Burns. Tomorrow Will your fire insurance pay for Magistrate Baxter dismissed) Jiother like it? Compare your Made from the Highest Quality Materials Avail- able Low Slump, Vibrated Air-entrained Concrete Guaranteed Minimum Strength 4,000 p.s.i. insurance with the current value the charge and said he thought of your home and see. that there was more excuse for WM. H. (BILL) MIDDLETON 608 Brock St. $., Whitby {4 to distract him nor anything to e MO 8-3762 cause him to slam. on_ the STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY Conodien Heed Office -- Toronte CONCRETE PRODUCTS LID. brakes. . SAVINGS | STRONGHEART DOG FOOD CAT REGULAR OR FISH FLAVOUR 10¢ 15 OZ. TIN YORK BEANS WITH IN TOMATO SAUCE 10 OZ. TIN ' EXTRA . CHOCOLATE, DEVON, LEMON SANDWICH WAFERS 10¢ 2% OZ, PKG. (PEACH HALVES " 25¢ STANDARD 28 OZ. TIN YORK CHOICE CREAM STYLE CORN 10¢ 10 OZ. TIN CLARK'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE 10¢ 20 OZ. TIN STEINBERG MONEY SAVING 10° oAlE LYNN VALLEY DICED CARROTS 10¢ STANDARD 15 OZ. TIN 25's PKG. CLARK'S BEEF & HAM BEEF, TURKEY & TONGUE BEEF, TONGUE, LIVER & BACON VEAL, CHICKEN & MAM SPREADS 10¢ ROSEDALE ASSORTED PEA CHOICE 10¢ 10 OZ. TIN YORK CHOICE PEAS CARROTS 10¢ 10 OZ. TIN SURGET cur SPAGHETTI 10¢ 12 OZ. BAG y NEW ZEALAND TOP QUALITY IMPORTED LAMB TENDER 'N TASTY 39 i BASKET 0... JQ READY (CUT INTO CHOPS AND STEW \ VALUE TRIMMED . TENDER RIB LOIN LAMB cHops °49(: 59% SHORT RIB ROAST GROUND CHUCK SELECT - TOP QUALITY PILLSBURY CHOCOLATE, PINEAPPLE, WHITE CAKE Wik 29 21¢ SOUP DETERGENT. 95¢ J al LB. HEINZ TOMATO MIR-LIQUID STARCH 4/496 MARGARINE 65¢ DETERGENT 99 = FLORIDA'S FINEST , SWEETEST, JUICIEST ORANGES LARGE SIZE 163 MEO, SIZE 250 39: 29: IMPORTED U.S. NO. 1 FRESH GREEN CABBAGE IMPORTED U.S. NO. 1 LUSCIOUS FLORIDA STRAWBERRIES HEAPING PINT IMPORTED U.S. NO, 1 JUMBO SIZE 45's CANTELOPE € = ¢ poz. 9; 39 LB. OPEN THURS. DUNPAS WHITBY AND FRI. TO9 P.M. SHOPPING AJAY PLAZA 32 OZ. BOTTLE » 3-1 LB. PKGS. iG OFF' KING SIZE PORK LIVER STREET ISLAND ROAD ROUGE HILL 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A ONE LB, PKG. O1 x 'WITH THIS COUPON PRESSWOOD A ont 0. PK0-OF MAPLE {EAP PORK SAUSAGES WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A STEINBERG FRESHLY BAKED LARGE SIZE CHICKEN PIE COUPON EXPIRES MAY 2/62 % couro! 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 2 4AGS OF US. MO? SPINACH WASHEO, READY TO COOK Ss COUPON ExPIRES MAY 2/6? © 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF ANY BAG OF FERTILIZER ANY ROSE BUSH, Rosi PLANT WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 10 OR MORE OF ANY GRAPEFRUIT COUPON ExpiREs MAY 2/62 $ LONG TRADITION FULHAM, England (CP)-- The fantous air station in this Norfolk town will be closed down this summer, From this) base flew the "Fulham pigs'-- WORM HARNESS Just in time for trout season. Complete with 3 hooks, 2 spinners, 8 red beads. 19° Tied with nylon. CLEAROUT : 2-brush complete with buffing pads. Limited Quantity ; G.E. ELECTRIC POLISHER 28.88 the dirizibles that patrolled the British coasts during the First World War THERMOS JUGS SPECIAL HELP l-gallon size. Steel body. Fully insu- 3 97 8 TONDON (CP)---A_ physchol- GOLF BAGS Strong construction, Divided. Solid colors, Reg. 12.95, CLEAROUT 9.97 ogist has made a long - play record to help people stop smoking. On the disc Dr. Keith Cameron tells the smoker: "The real man is the person who doesn't need cigarettes. Smoking is a childish substitute." lated. Compare ot 6.95. CLEAROUT OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY sucking TILL 9 P.M. WE RENT A COMPLETE LINE OF GARDEN TOOLS AT LOW PRICES. INCLUDING ROTO TILLERS AND LAWN ROLLERS with THIS C AND PURCH 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 16 OZ. JAROP WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 16 OZ. JAR OF YORE iris 29 s WIENERS SANDWICH 496 PICKLES Be QUPON EXPIRES MAY 2/67 WITH MEAT 4 18 OZ, TIN OF CLARKY 3 SAUCE ¢ SPAGHETTI 3] 'OUPON reper WITH THIS CO! 'COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A316. PKG OF INSTANT 9g¢ COUPON ExPiRES MAY 2/62 © 'WITH THIS COUPON ™ 280 2.18 OZ. TH sLUE & GO BEEF TINS OF 25 / COUPON ExPiREs 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 9 O2.PKG. OF MONARCH SPONGE PUDDING MIX oz. SW EETENE GRAPEFRUIT) /2] Jui rs with Tis COUPON AND PURCHASE OF PRIME RIB COUPON EXPIRES MAY 2/62 $ 'WITH THIS COUPON 25 AND PURCHASE OF APPLE, CARAMEL, CHOC, LEMON (43 COUPON SxPiRES MAY 2/62 COVPON EXPIRES MAY 2/6? 2/39¢,. | AND Pi a well Gs s)| COUPOM EXPIRES MAY 2 BALLS COUPON Expines MAY 2/62 § COUPON expines may 7/6? COUPON EXPIRES 'WITH THIS COUPON URCHASE OF A 16 OF. PK NAP LENE MOTH FLAKES o* ns 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF & 1015 OZ. PKG. OF GENERAL MILLS Hm CHEERIOS 356. CQUPOM expiNEs MAT. aa © 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 4.6% OT. TINS OF MINUTE MAID FROZEN ae rsa G. OF "He ; ST. CATHARINES (CP)--Guy Council answered Mr. Ash-|Frank Simmons, 30, of St, Cath- ley's comments and resolution) arines, was sentenced Tuesday 'he said, "'re-|With a unanimous vote in favor.'ig three years in penitentiary for armed robbery in the holdup of a Roman Catholic priest last -- Thursday. Rev. Dominic Pizzac- Two motorists charged with im-|alla, 27, of St. Alfred of hag a bingo sentenced Thomas Robinson, 49 of 21 Lip-jto an additional six months for andibreaking probation on charges f theft and possession of stolen Among strange types of liz- the Malay archipelago ing, mostly for churches, flour- has some that fly from tree to

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