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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Apr 1962, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Manager: Lloyd Robertson Vimy Ridge LOBA Plans Fuchre Pal Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 held its monthly meeting on Monday evening in the IOOF Hall. Worthy mistress Sister Evelyn Weeks assisted by Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 For the past five years stu- dents of Henry Street High School have been actively en gaged in the popular sport of County Voting deputy mistress Sister Viola Rints presided. Devotional exer- cises were conducted by Sister Madeline Ashmore. 4| During the business meeting #\reports were given on the last +|Euchre held and arrangements +|were made for the forthcoming + |Euchre to be held on Thursday, April 26 at the IOOF Hall under _|the convenership of the build- ing committee. General public is cordially invited to attend. June 30 is the official date for the Orange and True Blue Orphanage "'Tag Day'. Lodge closed in the usual form with the "'Queen", COUNTY COUNCIL At a one-day session held at Whitby Tuesday, Ontario County Council passed a motion granting more than $1,000,000 to the new Ajax-Pickering General Hospital. The special committee on hospital grants, headed by Reeve Cyril Morley of Picker- ing Village, recommended to council that $1,079,000 be grant- ed to the new building over the years 1963-1969. In the recommendation the Grant $1,079,000 To Ajax Hospital that it is absolutely essential that a new hospital be construct- ed immediately in order to pro- vide adequate hospital accom- modation for the residents of the hospital area." Whitby, asked what this would mean to the town of Whitby as "the town is taking giant strides towards the establishment of a hospital and I would like to get It read, "we are convinced Reeve Everett Quantrill, of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 23, 1962 5 4 the situation clear'. Reevejneeds in the future. Reeve Mor- Quantrill also stated, "'we wantiley said in reply that the cal- a hospital as big as the one tojculations did not take natural be built in Ajax with an equal! growth into account. grant."' Using a diagram Reeve Mor- . ley showed the areas that Osh- REEVES' ARTISTS SUPPLIES awa General and the Ajax hos- -- et -- pitals would serve. He said that DODD & SOUTER in time population growth would PAINT AND render a hospital in Whitby necessary. Reeve Oyler of Reach said WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S.--WHITBY MO 8-5231 that Uxbridge and Port Perry with their small population could then ask for hospital grants and according to the figures given there was no pro- vision for any other hospital committee said that after meet- jing with representatives of the |hospital board an inspection of jthe existing hospital was made. DAY-BY-DAY ) JAILED THREE MONTHS Stanley. Richardson, of Osh- awa, was Tiesday--jaited~ for three months for having liquor @\in a place other than his resi- dence when he appeared before =|Magistrate R. B. Dnieper in Whitby police court. A charge of being intoxicated was dis- missed when the court, learned he was found in a private dwell- ing. His Worship told Richard- son, who had been convicted of} a liquor offence earlier this} month, that he would recom-| mend he be sent to the Alex.) Brown Memorial Centre for) treatment. "The courts have) other things to do besides play- ing with you," he told the ac-! cused, | » Requirements } STAFFORD BROS, | LTD. MONUMENTS | 318 DUNDAS EAST | MO 8-3552 | {| | Created To | Individual A World of Magical Contrasts BERLIN and THE RHINE Belgium--Holland--Germany 10 DAYS *123 prom London DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY MO 8-3304 'M TELLING YOU... THIS IS THE BIGGEST sb saa. STUDENT CURLERS TROPHY right are, Bill Mowat, Kathy ; The rink were league champs Bill Mowat is the winning | Mcintyre, lead; Dorothy | in a regular high school curl- | high school rink who won the | Jack, second; Herb Gray, ing schedule. Mowat's BA Trophy. Left to | vice and David Jack, skip. --Oshawa Times Photo | win curling. Pictured above with PERSONALS Dr. and Mrs. E. A. MacMil-} lan and daughter Ruth Ann) May Change Power Setup "..... «. \George Bradley, Miss Linda| The Town of Whitby would|Bradley and Mr. Gary Bradley,| SALE EVER! . EASY TERMS @ FREE PARKING -- 00 Ontario County Council mem-;The present system of County|cil bers meeting at Whitby Tues-|Council representation worked day were presented with ajvery well when the counties recommendation by the Spe-|within Southern Ontario were cial Committee on Council Rep-/predominently rural in nature resentation that advised However, the rapid growth that changes in the council's pres-|we have experienced during the ent voting arrangements.|last 15 years has changed a Reeve Everett Quantrill of/number of our counties from Whitby, chairman of the com-|rural to urban and semi-urban mittee, said, "At this time this}communities. This change has is just a report which the com-icreated many problems and mittee would like to go for-/one of these problems is equit- ward to the Association of On-jable representation for the tario Counties which meets in{urban and semi-urban areas on May." |County Council. As these muni- be entitled to one more vote|of Barrie, were Easter Sunday) and the Township of Pickering|guests at the home of Mr, Cecil would be entitled to two more|Bradley. | -- Private Wayne Kingston, of Reeve Quantrill said that the!camp Borden, was guest of Mr.| basis of the report was thejand Mrs. Vernon Moore over} dissatisfaction that many urban|the Easter holiday weekend. | lareas had with the present/ r ' system of representation. At) Mrs. E. Wightman and chil-| one end of the scale was the|dren, of Niagara Falls, are Township of Pickering,. he con- spending the week with he ltinued, with more than 9,500) mother, Mrs. George Munns Sr., |municipal voters and the maxi-/of Henry street. | county council voting! "ss. and Mri, Donald H. Free jmum jpower, 10.26. At the other end | | He also sald that the Assoc-| ation had asked for any thoughts, suggestions or plans that had been made on the subject for further study. | The report read that: lbe a more equitable distribu- andition of the Whitby and the township of/Coynty Council. t The towns of Ajax Pickering have reached maximum voting power County Council. The Townships of Rama, Mara, Thorah and Scugog have/|populatior. a greater number of municipal electors than resident popula- tion. This is caused by sum- mer residents who have estab- lished cottages along the shores of the lakes located in these municipalities. In several] cases the summer residents] have increased the voting) power of the municipalities. In a short time, the Town-| ships of Rama and Scugog will) be entitled to a Deputy-Reeve| and the Township of Whitby to) four votes. | We have found the study of County Council representation very complex and very difficult to arrive at a fair and equit- able system of representation. Assault Charge Dismissed Here An assault charge against a Brougham man, who, it was alleged, bit and punched a housewife, was dismissed Tues- | | lbeen a growing dissatisfaction| cipalities increased in @SSeSS-\\¢ the scale, he said, was the ment and population, there has Township of Scugog with 875 municipal voters and 2.56 votes, man, of Toronto, were Easter| holiday guests of his father, Mr.| C, A. Freeman, of Brock street south. jgraduated scale of representa-| tion based on assessment and j\isfactory as a factor, with the present system of| county government and _ there is a feeling that there should this was the situation to be rectified. The report was voted a on and carried by council. | Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fryer jand daughters Carolyn and Anna-Marie, spent the Easter holidays in Powassan and North Bay visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Fudge, of High street, are celebrating their fourth wedding aniver- lsary today. Their friends wish} | voting power on| Home League Regular Meet Salvation Army Women's 7 iness based|Home League held its weekly them every happy : strictly on assessment of popu-|meeting at the Citadel with Your committee considered a } Your committee} came to the conclusion that in-| creased voting power, Easter Sunday guests at the : |Mrs. L. Brooks and her com-|home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Hicks, pend Oc-# compiintion: Of both | mittee in charge. Mrs. Major|154 Lupin drive were: Mr. and/ is not the answer to county|simpson addressed the group|Mrs. Frank Neal and daughters) council representation. Under |pbriefly. |Sharon and Betty Lynn, of Ham-) this system, a municipality) During the business meeting] ilton. | may get too many votes and|reports were given on the recent| Easter Sunday guests at the] jsuccessful bake sale held.|;n6 of Mr. and Mrs. E.| thus have the power of veto. | mhanks Site extended is all | This would not be in the best). piREr gies Gaskin, 23 Queen's road, were: | who participated and attended. | interest of the county system| Mr. and Mrs. P. Goldburn and} Salvation Army young peo-|Mrs. A. Child, of Scarboro. | of government. After much con-| ple's Sunday School is holding a sideration, it was considered|bake sale and coffee break wh and Mrs. = ageing of dvisable t bandon assess-|{rom 5 to 8 on Friday, April 27|Kitchener, were callers on as- pa ae *g ea of County!" Brock Street Laundermat. ter Sunday at the home of Mr. land Mrs. Albert Carr of Brock Council representation. 'aiso.| At the next meeting of Thurs-|¢ eet Hatth | population was not entirely sat- as it |day, April 26 the members will | those} made no provision for || day by Magistrate Robert Dnieper. Earl Kimble won the acquittal in Whitby police court. Mrs. Gladys Hamlin of} Brougham, said that Kimble) was the tenant in the apart-| ment next door and on the} afternoon of April 21 her two} children had been in his apart-| ment. She said that she ob- served her eldest child, three} years old, consuming whisky) given him by the accused. She said that she stepped in to stop the child and was bitten on the} neck by the accused and later) struck in the mouth. Kimble denied biting or strik- ing Mrs. Hamlin. He admitted carrying her to the door because he wanted her out of the apart- ment so he could sleep. exchange flower plant slips. | Mrs. Winnie Wilkinson, al The meeting closed with pray-'member of Vimy Ridge LOBA)| municipalities which have a ¢t and a social half-hour was|and Rebekah Lodge, is confined large summer _ population,/enjoyed with refreshments|to her home under the doctor's} of representation. We would rec-; ~~ Cae " ommend that representation on| i a Jail One, Fine Other and that the municipalities be) entitled to the following votes in} electors, 1 vote; 1,001 to 2,000,| | 2; 2,001 to 3,000, 3; 3,001 to} One Oshawa man was jailed|speeding convictions .and one 14,001 to 19,000, 8; 19,001 to and his friend was fined a totaljcars?" His Worship asked San-| 25,000, 9; over 25,000, 10. of $100 for permitting him to do|iuk. The accused replied that he County Council representation|King street west, Oshawa, was|portance to a car that you are| refers to owners, tenants andjjailed two months by Magist-| willing to throw your life down) Therefore, we decided to use|served by Mrs. Brooks and her|care, Her friends wish her a County Council be based on the County Council: | 0 D sere Char es | municipal} n riving g | | 5,000, 4; 5,001 to 7,000, 5; 7,001/two months and fined $25 and|drunk driving conviction. | Again, we would like to point}so and lending him a driver's|did not. farmers' sons and thus, anjrate R. B. Dnieper in Whitby|the drain for it." | municipal electors as a basis|Committee. /prompt recovery. number of municipal electors Less than 1,001 to 10,000, 6; 10,001 to 14,000, 7;|costs for driving a friend's car} "Do you have a mania about) out that municipal electors for|licence. Paul Saniuk, of 199) "Possibly you attach such im-| average municipality with/police court for driving under) 25,000 municipal electors, would|suspension and fined $25 or 10} have a population between| more days in jail for displaying) 60,000 to 75,000 people. a driver's licence owned by an-} At the present time, the pro-/Other man. Jean Joseph Gionet,| posed schedule of voting -power|481 Howard avenue, Oshawa,| Executive Meeting) Of County CWL | would result in an increase of|Was fined $50 and costs or 15) The annual executive meet- days for lending his driver's|ing of Ontario County South Re- llicence to Saniuk. gion was held April 9, at the) BROCK ©"* WHITBY BROUGHT BACK FOR Feature Starts 6:55 & 9:20 WARNER Bros. TRE SIWVER CHALICE! AVICTOR SAVILLE noncnn » CINEMAScOPE WITH A CAST OF THRONGING THOUSANDS STARRING VIREMA =----PIER JACK. PAUL MAYO + ANGEL! PALANCE + NEWMAN: PC John Found, of Pickering) home of the chairman, Mrs. E.| | Township Police Department,|Spraggs, Ajax. | |said that at 1.55 a.m., April 14,, Plans were made for the an-| 'he stopped a car on Highway 2|nual meeting to be held Sunday, at the Brock road because it/April 29, at St. John's Training had faulty lights on the rear|School, Uxbridge with the} and found Saniuk at the wheel.|Sacred Heart of "Jesus Parish He said that Saniuk showed him|Council, Uxbridge, acting as a driver's licence bearing Gio- hostesses. Benediction will be net's name, PC Found said that|held at 2 o'clock in the chapel) Gionet was a passenger in the|followed by a short business) car and was also the owner of|meeting; then a panel discus- the car. {sion on "The Aims and Ideals| "This {1s past foolishness," "i the 'C hedged Women's} jsaid Magistrate Dnieper, when aac. Niels, ae wicca he learned that Gionet was cap-|dent of the Archdiocesan Coun- able of driving his own car. "I\ci] and convener of organiza- would suggest that this requires|tion and development. some psychiatric looking into.| After the social hour there |This appears to be a deliberate) will be a tour through the jact to get yourself punished." school. All the ladies of the| Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck Catholic Women's League are told the court that Saniuk's\urged to attend this last meet- driving record included fourjing of the year. | g Shows at 6:55 & 9:10 YOUR ENJOYMENT WARNERCOLOR STEREOPHONIC SOUND] 30" Automatie 19" Portable TV Pushbutton Range MODEL TJB-338 Removable oven door Large capacity 25" even Focused heat broiler Full-width storage drawer Appliance outlet No-fog oven window H--44", W----30", D--26% eeeeeeeeen REG. 219.00 Filter-Flo Large 12-lb. capacity Two speed contro! switch Wash and Two wash cycles Deep activated and spray Automatic Load balancing Suds return model 75W11 H--43", W--27", D--25" 279.00 C.G.E. WRINGER-WASHER With All The Famou WHILE THEY LAST 9 Five-hect pushbutton controls High-speed calrod surface units Automatic oven timer -- minute timer 179.00 New V-12 Automatic Filter-Flo washing et ell weter levels Water Saver control for small loads tinse water selection CGE "Daylight Blue" picture tube Styled in Scandinavian walnut veneer CGE Glerejector system Full rich High-Fidelity sound High gain tuner Precision-crafted chassis Easy to set up-front controls H--18%", W--26%4", D--1314" 199.00 13 cu. ft. Refrigerator-Freezer; MODEL 135L11 Deluxe two-door 112-tb. Zero-Zone freezer Washer Two adjustable swing-out shelves Butter keeper -- egg rocks Magnetic safety door Straight-line design Available in Mix-or-Match H--61", W--3014', D--28 299-0 Deluxe. High-Fidelity Stereo Console MODEL 69A12 Tradtionally styled elf wood ecebinet with genuine walnut veneer Four balanced speakers Powerful amplifier -- 1 1 ls fae rinses WITH TRADE s G.E. Advantages Vgcsaiste danas eile esis treble, bass and speaker balance Four speed automatic changer pleys ell size records -- stereo and monoural Exclusive record sever end sloped record storage External speaker jocks AM-FM radio tuner with AFC H--27%", W--41", D--1714" 279.00 INDEPENDENT SALES and SERVICE WHITBY PLAZA

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