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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 May 1962, p. 19

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16--Female Help Wanted |16--Femele Help Wanted |17--Mole Help Wanted (22--Storage Spoce [29--Apts, & Flats for Rent;25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 4, 1962 . y RELIABLE "housekeeper wanted | f0t/agsISTANT manager. must be will and Garages ool pgm hag nec aggre Leta tage nea MB de ol soba anion tstuee da soe 4 nd eupbo athroom, reason-|four-room bungalow, six years . 27---R. ¥ Hobie, stents emplaymest to rian per modern home, school-aged children,/ing to work nights and weekends. Ex-/ 740 stores, 299 Simcoe Street South.|stove and refrigerator. Two gentlemen bis, central Telephone MA 3-2750. {four-piece bath, gas furnace, $7,900. 27--Real Estate for Sale eal Estate for Sale King OT x pod ran tae $800. Tiled 'our a 3 dea. Apr foal 00d wages, Telephone. ra su. perience helpful but coger APlAmple store front, parking, tear en-|or couple. Available June 1, 728-0759. | So ep ~~ Sartmient with|2t©_% 125", Dunbarton 639-3270. | s¢509 FULL PRICE. Tidy _bungalo at, Oohaw in nD in Mets nant __|trances. (600 and 1,000 sq. ft. ateas.)/nryisign Bizeel, $70 monthly, three: 'month.|3600 DOWN or offer, Whitby, one-| with Jot, lose to North GM or 'est, awa. 17--Male Hel Wanted DIVISION Street, $70 ve ag heat, hydro included. $110 pices solid bri 'Adel East. New ol 7254 Can ae cae a P TOOL and die makers to work on|Cobourg, FRanklin 2-9992, room, partly furnished apartment, alsoliy, Apply Aldsworth Cleaners, 36, Athol ving ties "ant neem So laide maable. i gg Bon Ky -voveg CAPABLE woman 7 he |REAL Estate salesman wanted, ex-|dies and fixtures. Top wages to quali- frig. stove, TV outlet, bathroom. Tele- he East. Telephone 725-1812 day- Ep old, au! garage, terms -avi kept' Mrt, Samuel, MA 22473 or Orono] and ambitious. Telephone|fied men, Write Box 310, Oshawa B R AND NEW phone 728-5643. time. 725-9196 evenings. . Realtor 725-0670. tor, Times. ---- ' * Ul " Arthur Welnberger, , THREE modern furnished rooms, pri-|WESTMOUNT Sireel, fourroom unfur- PICKERIN { 4s 723-724, days 72-5145. 26% King Street)EXPERIENCED service station attend- bath and entrance, automatic laundry|pished, main floor apartment, heat, G AREA PART-TIME sales girl between 25 and) East, ant required. References, Apply 74 FICE 1S facilities, very clean. Suitable for one Or) water included, heavy wiring. Avail- Most 'scenic location, néare 2. roi of age for cone for -|Simecoe Street South. OF two business women. 725-6740. able June 1. $65 monthly. 725-5363. | D- A R F conservation parks. New. executive home. Four-bed~ oe ment, | ¥ b 'ER required han tty ecessory store. Apply in TRUCK drive an, THREE room basement apartment for| BRIGHT, atiracti artments, down: es adian Tire Corporation peony age J TRUCK driver required, young m roo! Pi IGHT, attractive apartments, - Sf Nise Bel ot" ie, og" 8, oe Pa eg ae ee ey ee nine ges ace] §-- AVAILABLE oN gg gene ogy rage odo nn a 360 KING STREET WEST room, three bathrooms, 30-ft WAITRESS for night work and week- Genosha . Assoc, Store, 115 Simcoe Street South, 5 p.m, . 2m. ao 5 bolcony, walk-out basement, end. shart order cook for week- Pins ee Man Newly Built... Elevator Ser- |GLEAN cozy three-room apartment, r a ee eee BUNGALOW double Rie : ends. Apply person joy Restaur- SALESMAN wanted to sell uniforms vice Bright... Freshly frigerators stove, par' central, Bork Brick t Ga 2 old. 5 Nicel O 8-2336 ant, lies. Salary and com- rea : dults preferred. Now available. 723-|CONNAUGHT STREET -- Three-room ick, stone front. ees yeors od, 2 rooms. Nicely USED t AR aad bepety capplies. Salary Painted ... Tiled Floors... [2190 or 'apply 164 Ritson Hoad Bouth.|avcrtimeat, private bath, Adaiis only.|' decorated, Asking $12,900. Pay $83.00 monthly P..T. Call + mission. Write Box 312, Oshawa Times extra money, aver- i ome pen. geee Oenete tie i S10 oF: & Bosses end abethatluoccee' fee' pe otharog teed hour doing simple SALESMEN full or part time for Omi-| Avoilable in Few Days... (jogo e oom unfurnished upstairs Tinmediate posseasion. Telephone 72%) Don Stradeski, daytime 723-226 sewin, Moderat: Rent Lease 18, evenings 728-8423 } time. Piece Whitby, Aj Bowmanville area. oderate ee apartment, private bath. Heavy duty i ees METCALF work, work. Apply Devt. Dat Box 7010, Ade SALESMAN To present "Ontario's most progressive Available... Third Floor... more. eupboc=as and aise i oaths 250 TAUNTON ROAD west = Three. 5% MORTGAGE A Se f rket . i arking s preferred. Phone 5 ment & ath. nie" Post Office, Toron' hood. pias Se TEE beluesn 9 am| Ask for T. L. Wilson. Bie? after 4 p.m. Available "May b Ag Telephone 725-7462} | 6-room bungalow plus 3-room basement apt. renting for $60.00 REAL ESTATE LIMITED! MOTHER'S help for July and August ; and 6 p.m. vasa Sings | dein Gains iy pri-| for per month, has private entrance -- 2 baths, hardwood ond summer setae. Goorsian Pf vont PB nal Man ~~ PRI CING CLERK THE vhtar baated Fencroth floors, ag a ee 128 WILSON Road South, three-bed-| tile floors with natural trim -- well decorated, close to schools, DIAL 728-4678 Telephone A elgg oi Sad TU TIMES BUILDING cupboards, beers piece bath, 589 Albert/room apartment in week "apartment shopping ond bus. Phone Les Holl, daytime 723-2265, even- SHELLEY AVE. flo: > |occupancy, Telephone 725-7998. Ings 728-5513. ins, Port Hope. NICOLS Preferably with stan oe TT ai Ron: Tatée WH be the short order cook experience. Require y d ' a 'or family that needs! gutted" Appi im pervs. Genoa Hot Northern Canoe. Supply | MARY ~& KING STREBTS)sti tet eset 7 acest Wee: tee tase aes haat BALDWIN. STREET room -- most attractive 7-1 70 King Street East. : HAWA phone 728-3600. Near South General Motors, after $12,800 -- down payment $1,640 for 3-bedroom brick bun- room, 4-bedroom, 2. PART-TIME cashier required for Gen- Motor Sales Ltd Ltd., Oshawa. Apply_in OSHAW. ATTRACTIVELY decorated, one - bed-|P-™- Telephone 723-3292. gelow, has stone trim front, finished rec-room with bar. Good- home, paved drive, cluminum : osha Hotel Coffee Shop. Apply in per- person or write C. J. Cun- 23--Wanted to R room apartment in a tri-plex, electric-/FOUR-ROOM self-contained apartment,| <8 living room, large kitchen -- 4-pe. bath. Lorge lot -- storm windows, screen doors, | aon, 12 8B k § t North h M mm WY NTE '° ent ally equipped. Free washer, dryer andjrefrigerator and stove, laundry facili- ing ,, varge F. in lot .. beautifull WAITRESS for night shift. Apply Aa 5 roc tree 1 _ningt jam, Manager. aN a TES APRS EgTS -|parking. Close to shopping centre. 343|ties, parking. Adults preferred. Apply} paved drive -- close to church, schools, etc, For detalls co autifully side snack bar, corner of Thickson' Whitb' MO 8-8001 - HOU SE errs LA middle- aged, bust Frontenac Avenue, Apt, 2. 139 Agnes Street, side entrance after 6) Henry Stinson, daytime 723- 2265; evenings 725-0243 all lorge Road and Highway 2. itby -- ss TRUCK DRIVER quired. Oshawa district, MO 8.8569 after | FIVE: BOOM sell-contained apartment, ES. L_ AREA N.HLA. mortgages, deciles it il 6 ond ishwast ver Semen, tune welovene." Bowmanville, EXPERIENCED vane home required, aly Pious. biviion a Se trtescnaas fea ns soc el he niikane ae +" lines, All stone front Included. Thee is i. choice! Box 724, : PERMANENT POSITION THREE- "BEDROOM abeme pye.|ZWO - room apartment, farnished,| LARGE room, completely furnished for Lorge rand galow with low sweeping h i [ENCED walk wait| UPHOLSTERERS | wito OIL COMPANY _|iween June ear seperate, school. iBe'|parking space. Apply 195 Albert Street,|light housekeeping, including electric| including the attoched garage. Located just off Park Rood South ome in an excellent area., Peritime work in restaurant. 'Tele: ant, Write to Box i, Oshawa Times," (suitable for couple. refrigerator, stove and continuous hot} on @ beautifully treed lot 100 x 100. Fleor-to-celling fireplace | Asking only $16,900 with} ' i! seRiciterehtconlMehentstet STC YY eT e ra 01 Same TORO REQUIRED WRITE BOX 207 [HOUSE waned by middle-aged busines 320 VERDUN ROAD -- Attractivelping 'centre, Suit workioy girl fo} in the charming living room. Family-size dining ra Large reasonable down poyment, EXPERIENCED short ordet cook re- OSHAWA TIMES man and wife, references if required. he Meta decider Mopetate ce weekly, 725-5227. modern kitchen with electric fon, lazy susan, tiled wa carted CONANT STREET quired. Apply in person, Genosha Hotel.) p+ iso willing to train |---- boo Oshawa district. MO 6-8769 after ogee trance ana vath, Immediate possession.|WO furnished rooms, heat, water in-| counter top. Lots of room to éct in the kitchen aie . ae oe foe oe ~ --| suitable applicants, Extel- an ; 7 _...| Adults. Evenings after 5 o'clock [eluded. Separate hydro meter. "Suit! bedrooms one of them 19' long. Walk-in closets, all with lights Sapna bel: LADY wanted to take charge of widow. lent: woges ond working PART-TIME THREE U2 four-bedroom house; 'North \THREE-ROOM apartment Will" five Sraitiy: Selepioes aenesal | lotors, $45) 4-pe. tiled bath with coloured fixtures ond large mirror Hollywood kitchen, large live! er's home, Telephone 725-0820 after 5 diti i : f preferred, Responsible tenants. Two|}0w rent to responsible tenants who |---------- over lovely vonity.. $4,000 down, balance 1 open mortgage. ing room, home immaculately! p.m, conditions. A well established firm oper teenage children. References. 728-5203,|Will give weekend care to two small) ONE room for rent, completely furnish- Coll Bill McFeeters, daytime 723-2265; evenings 725-1726. kept up, tiled bath, mony! ED housek r required Neulors t t it th Ini | nn Children. Telephone 728-9875. jed, sone location. Bus at door. Suitable te elderly couple. Must be able to take For. further particule Hee saa. hroughout the United '|rwo- or three = bedroom bungalow,| lady. Telephone after 6 p.m. 723-3237, extras. Asking prices harge. Room, board and wages. Live opply-- | States and Canada, has open- |with fairly large living room, north|49 SIMCOE Street North. 'One and = = <i emeieaeNtae: e ra ae charg: ing for port time man, to |section. Adults, Telephone 729-4867, Mrs, |tWo-bedroom apartments, furnished or|FURNISHED room with housekeeping - 000.00. i eee See cere Me | unfurnished. Available June 1. 'Tele-|privileges weekly. Also three-room tween 5 and 7 SKLAR do outside interview work. No |Yackson_ after 6 Iphone 728-3945, lunfurnished apartment with stove, re-| i DUPLEX cmneg | selling or collecting. Apoli | FIVE-ROOM bungalow, three bed- frigerator, Private bath, entrance, 'utiit-| elling ing Pr |rooms required by adult family, near|THREE rooms and bath, unfurnished, |ties paid, Parking. 728-6108, $2,000.00 down -- | mor- FURNITURE LTD gat : n WAITRESS 30 RICHMOND ST. W. | Sales in verb ay and be bus stop. Telephone 725-7566 erry Seaee ywiting. 370 pest cy $i--PRIVATE rooms, telephone, TV, | gage for balance -- 5-room ; e : at } ee \24 Houses for Rent |Utilities paid. 725-7618. pore ee premises. Hollywood} bungalow, 3 bedrooms, plus EXPERIENCED | POST OFFICE BOX 31 ATTRACTIVE three-room jainfurnished uO d 3623, buses pul dokadenea sd | 4-room apartment. Double ! , |FoUuR-ROOM apartment on second|apartment, all gpnveniences. Close to | : A T | a ; | garage, storms, screen: : required for evening work. | E ON S | OSHAWA, ONT floor, private entrance, Built-in sink,/north A and P suermarket. Utilities|LARGE bright furnished housekeep a et te | saace | -- | refrigerator, Abstainers only. Telephone |paid. 725-3952 for further particulars. |ing room in private home, studio Is property is In excellen' Apply in person: | | 728-886 i ! pply Pp IN OSHAWA \728-8864, : eiahieien 'iaedecs two-room base- |fompta) and "dowstown®" Lady' preter shape, live rent free, First! 57 EAS IN, brie time listed ond won't lest; Bo-Peep Restaurant | pecuires Fully YOUNG MAN = [SxSGnea, Sec tee (tae oe Sie Seeenae ee Taree "KINGSMERE GARDENS" long, Poshw for oouaaane| | > |weekly. 725-2974 | FURNISHED 'large housekeeping room, ___ SHOPPING CENTRE -- MAPLE GROVE District -- Five-room | ** jin clean, quiet home, parking. Abstain- to Inspect. Experienced To train as a set up man __| two-bedroom brick, modern conveni-| APARTMENT for rent, $45 per month. |or Sniy' Aimee IS Dee Benet wee ' -- i Jences, Available June 1. Telephone|Off Sim North, three-room apart- t ~ STAFF NURSE | FURNITURE $95-8001. [ment pa ag, vera, satan, igs | ee Rene atts HAROLD STREET | | : us stop. Apply 33 Arlington Avenue ousekeeping rooms, partly fur- : j | $10,300.00 -- 2 blocks from | | Technical school or machin |pivis10N STREET, 209 -- Two-storey |? ; | 300. $ : SALESMAN | Sennical genoa! SF MACHING 'Trick, seven-room, heavy wiring; new-|UPPER duplex four rooms, all conven. |tshed, separate entrance, close Sales Persorinel On. Site Daily downtown -- 6 good-sized; Public Health Certificate | | shop experience required lly decorated, upstairs, modern apart-\iences. Private entrance. Adults pre-| end) 798-1127, 1s aemann hhes home ! Driver's License. Apply | |ment, with private bath, seml-private|ferred. 80 Rowe Street. Telephone seal : | : SOGMS: ONS Ge? (Oem, i Nurie i Chorge Salary ond Commission 1 32 Upton Road, Scorboro o entrance. Double garage. Large back | 058), [THREE large unfurnished 1 Fooms, 8 aink, in beautiful shope, st x a . oards an ea: wiring, .) in, Vietank Ord Apply Personnel Office hed oy ee sre 728-5600. | $49 MONTHLY, bachelor 'apartment, | facilities. 'elaphens Yabliae. THIS HOUSE BUILT BY lorge kitchen ond ictorian raer lF UR-ROOM he icinity of Osh eae naa ilet' Excellent shopping. |CLEAN large fully equipped house- | ell londscaped. You'll the. AIE 70) € ouse, vic! nity of Osh-; en and toile' xcellent shopping ouse- of Nurses | T. EATON CO PHONE |awa Boulevard South. Three plece bath.|Apply upstairs. James Gibson, 149 Ce-|keeping room. Suit one girl. Central, HOGENBOOM CONSTRUCTION this one, 360 KING ST. W. OSHAWA | id "4 as Available now. Child welcome. Tele-| Street, 725-7663 |Apply 58 Nassau Street. CORE eee AFTER 5:30 CALL | SHOPPING CENTRE | PL 5-5247 phone 725-0798. UPSTAIRS front room, furnished or an-|LESLIE STREET -- Single furnished| ; eu Aaa -2211 } |UPPER LEX--heated, heavy wir- furnished. Kitchen privileges. Parking. jroont, continuous water, near hospital John Kemp sees 728-2392" SRC ch IE the a OSHAWA ling, television outlet, suitable couple,|Suit one or two. 139 Albert Street, tele.|and North General Motors. Telephone! F a wees 725-9191. UaRrap elo hes es --_--)-- "i - ~|near North General Motors, bus, Apply|phone 725-6662. 23-9895, } Prepaid Services BE A SUCCESS j YOUTH eee xborough after $ p.m. - 3 KING STREET EAST -- Selt-con- k ee combinatibn Tommy Hat house-| } | \M CHELL AVENUE -- 14-1 storey,|tained modern apartment, stove, re-| ig, refrigerator, sin! close to} . . t Earn a good income close |four-bedroom house. Available May 19. /frigerator, washer, dryer, TV outlet.|downtown. Suit girl. 475 King East Ceramic Tile Bath Everett Elliott . 9 ; | [Children welcome, $60 monthly. Tele-|Adults only. Vacant June 1. Ample|Telephone 725.9683. Dick Barrioge . . 725-6243. to home, Represent TO LEARN |phone 725-9646 after 5. parking. |TWO unfurnished rooms, in clean, quiet 100 Amp Service |THREE-ROOM summer Py "near|$30 MONTHLY, close to South GM,|home, close to North General Motors| AVON 19-25 YEARS OLD PRINTING TRADE [Oshawa, oauttlde. conveniences. F our|newly decorated, three room unfurnish- Gotborne Beet on bus line. Apply 19 Storms and Screens Telephone | ed basement apartment, heavy-duty ' | 723-7460. wiring, cupboards, laundry facilities.|§INGLE and double large comior CARL B OLSEN: COSMETICS TO TRAIN AS Must be 16 to 18 years old lane: ROOM brick, three bedrooms, Me-| 723-9742 rooms mh Ko ign dl Clay Brick Ms yi | Millan Drive, oil furnace, Vacant June|ATHOL STREET EAST, 256 -- three-|Vate entrance, parking facilities, Apply| J Friendly, pleasant and profit- SALESMAN FOR ond have ot least grade 10 1, $25 monthly. Write Box 216, Oshawalroom unfurnished apartment, bulltn|174 Church Street, } REALTOR ; oble work, quickly puts LEADING education. Apply in. person | Times Senase potas Ben, ee Frivate|CLEAN furnished room, in quiet home, | Built In Vanity ; 'hs P nee 0 furnished room with 'kitch-| OWNER LEAVING CIT ¥ $$$'s In your pocket. For to Information desk for '25--Apts. & Flats for Rent #35 MONTHLY -- four-room, self-con-|¢, stove and refrigerator, Suit gentle-| : : 4 " , it application forms ----|tained apartment, ground floor, stove|™man. Telephone 723-9225. Double Kitchen Sink Large, three bedroom bunge- ene STORE CHAIN i and refrigerator, close to downtown. |BURK STREET -- Main floor, large low 1400 2a. ft. 99° x 200" "THE OSHAWA TIMES" MODERN Immediate possession. Dial 725-4569. |furnished front bedroom, mar ise ae Moh c d ' aq. Tt. lot, 20° ' 725-8466 |THREE-ROOM, self - contained fur-|two Sentlemen, Parking space. Tele- anogany upboar. $ fully landscaped us Opportunities for advan- NO TELEPHONE CALLS | APARTMENT nished apartment, parking space, $80|Phone 728- sckeeplng TGA | 15° living room with' notural ' " onth, Telephone 728- y hi iti | fireplace. This home hos Pe eis | Seer sper AN henetis _PLEASE BURNS BUILDING |nmsnd nm |v furnished pteetatar ange cise Partitioned -Sanamnaet three. laige. bedrooene nian se a 908 STEVENSON ROAD SOUTH --|*PACe. single bed. Private bathroom,| i @r bedroom i i i Neot appearance, good per- qualianle. EXPERIENCED Living room, dinette, kitchen, -|@teund floor, three - room apartment, won South, ae Se eromeren, a8 AH) Exhaust Fan | enters, talker' sonality, Interested In selling. TELEPHONE WHITBY bedroom, stove and refrig- Dooce Gatage avaliable' feehiy Lard | At Least Grade 10 AWNING & SIDING erator, foundry facilities. Bus- jed. One child welcome, FURNISHED ' icine es Aooly in peren with =| | MO 85818 iness couple. i eM gon 9 ange ROOMS FULL PRICE $12,998 VARIETY STORE erences. | INSTALLER | Apply: Burns Shoe Store |iaii*ttenuse mane "| Available In private home. | Well' established business in WITH TRUCK 725-4611 THREE rooms, heated, furnished cen.|. Cll between 5 ond 7 p.m. Agron nei: ig Monde 4 7 ee | Biles tral, wl te sorrenee. ay. aoe ly, long lease, Owner fe ia ESTIMATOR Opportunity for good steady Available Seer Nsephons 723- io. 62 pg ot NORTH } SEE THIS ONE other Interests, All books of! BLACK'S earnings, APARTMENTS __|fitrie-noow spariment, private front : the business open for inspec: entrance, verandah self-contained, tion to interested : LADIES WEAR DUMONT FOR RENT parking space, Central. 106 Elgin Street 27--Real Estate for Sale Directions: King St. East to Seventh Day Adventist Jack Cornish, wea TY S3. ye 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Must be capable of | g 74 DREW STREET -- three - rr rgd gt gM ot ne Ng ani Church, Turn Right and Follow the Signs. COSY, pr Da BUILT: a ALUMINUM baie ¥ ° i apartment, furnished, stove, refrigera-|Custom ~. built, perfect surroundings. tor. Young couple preferred, No chil-/This home is reasonably priced. For SECRETARY designing wooden or 333 SIMCOE ST s | Four room apartments dren, Central, Available May 1. appointment to see, call Carl Olsen, Five 'room ip eon bunge- 5 ' GRANDVIEW Street, two rooms, kitch-| Realtor, and ask for Chas, Rankine, 19) metal patterns and _728- 1651 with stove and en, bathroom,second floor apartment, Athol Street West, 723-1133. low in immaculate condition, ' Ti ------ : e ewlyweds. Musi * Fe | ' with refrigerator. Close to |wen'ts kSomeaner ivi" "| MARY STREET | EXCLUSIVE AGENT cnt' baw. serion,. "Cantane REAL ESTATE match plates, estim- | PARTS WHOLESALE | Downtown Shopping area |#i5--SEE this pleasant caataunat siih North, asking price $12,500; | : s appliances in quiet residential district. NEW SUBDIVISION | Coll Ww Eliott 723-1133. EXPERIENCE ating costs of castings SALES and Bus Service weal atk Available May 15. NORTH. OF statics sr. | ere é : | REPRESENTA CALL | CLEAN three-room apartment, in bach- Ae | OUR BETTER LISTING IN Required By and complete mach- TIVE | ein soa at and bath.! Only a few lots evailable A BETTER HOME * Busy Lew Office | ining of same. ecRequinen ror | ED. DISNEY Se fiers ae Teaeaae| hn Geir lear" | -- Theta fen, ees REPLY TO BOX 411 ERSHIP | Realtor aie fee a tle REALTOR ain punta ae ae Ceaw ey TIMES ; ~ io rong "a vigil eas atiisaua 82 Simcoe South Cisne scoEN: i? -- Three large| a ment ag fece, For com- ° (Our staff is aware of this sit Ge ae aaa Apply to Mr. Baird . ae last 12935 eee -- wiring. Eee ety eel 725-6031 pe price 'iis tania pope verti . } |cludes hydro, hea " advertisement), plan available. Reply stat- SEAWAY Kinases Road and |FOUR-ROOM. wnfuriahed Private "up. 728-6286 728-6287 728-6288 ir nr mle $17,300.00. i + . i per apartmen jeavy wiring, elevision ee. . + RESPONSIBLE | 'n9fullporticularsto | WOT OpS 1TH Lawrence -_|ritat"sunias. Faeroe tease"! GUIDE REALTY Li mer 8 PERSON DELORO WHITBY . West Hill Kitchen, heat, lights, heavy' wiring | LIMITED MEET OUR FRIENDLY SALES PERSONNEL 19 ATHOL STREET WEST als hea la 205 and 290 BRE ape" consifaee ai Wsikg| 16 Simcoe St. S. Doug Bullies Lome Hertford Bob Stevenson omen oe Required for dictaphone | | cated |. Morningside Avenue [fees cane. batoees, retvale beh LL APMONY HEIGHTS Harold Sega! Howord MeCobe Glen MacKinnon Wanted | vin tovele i picture window with lovely view. Fur- typing and general HELP wanted, male and female, $60| One, Two and Three nished or unfurnished. Reasonable rent| 4 very large bedrooms, 2 (Continued on Page 20) clerical duties. & week part-time can be yours, Must] Bedroom to school veacners or business couple.| bathrooms, complete rec room P.O. BOX 34] |have oar, Be able to follow direction. | fete ae a ort ae priced below replacement . . 'O) it) ember for responsible party. ele- Shorthand an asset. An effi- lawa ner ment write Box 314, isd . cost. Low down payment, 50- | phone 725-534 cient girl Friday with all | sapencntna help Tora few beasy daly Low Rental -----------|_ ft. frontage, fenced yard, you | round experience. Excellent BELLEVILLE, ONT. |Hours to be arranged. Apply in person | Available Now! $55 monthly, 4 rooms over should have a look at this | personnel policies. Salary |Envoy Restaurant. Laundromat, possession May one. To avoid disappointment | open. Apply monoger Attention Mr. W. D, Coverly .|RELIABLE couple to manage smal| ------FULLY EQUIPPED 15th, See Mr. eee ot call tonight for particulars, . apartment. Some experience and| | 167_ Simcoe St. P.O. BOX 700 sears gerne, Wee BE eRe | : oo. | Oshawa mes. AREAS, FREE | room ni Ww Ww! '- SOWNANVILLE Onr._[TE=Romah Wah Wankel FEE nes) MAEM; | APARTMENTS | itermatcutey me | _JOTAL PRICE ONLY $11,295.00 Telep one Brooklin 6: oa 1, | rden in back rd, i | s EXECUTIVE SECRETARY = ry ae bar TV. Ouriers ONE AND TWO parde na aeek vend. hig CARRIES FOR $64.00 MONTHLY PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST hour, an rr Ones Site oe, an ONIES BEDROOMS | able for retired couple close 5-ROOM, 3-BEDROOM, BRICK VENEER BUNGALOW Needs. Repeat 'orders. Large pront| One Bedroom--$75 = | fo bus ond No. 2: at Harmony BUILT AND BACKED BY A. R. JEFFERY CONST..LTD. fe for free copy of Homeshopper | LA A A Road. Don't th - To assist the General Manager in admini- -- |Catsiog then accine, Rarizian eet! Two Bedroom--$87 SALLE GARDEN me ee MONEY BACK GUARANTEE g 725-4964 jae Monten > 408 Belew) Three Bedroom--$94 NORTH END LOCATION | | stration including personnel, management 36. Robe ond Beart Open for inspection anytime. TWO 2-BEDROOM 3 large bedrooms and 4 pec | N B FA T| F [L tiled bath in this f brick and payroll. ROOM spa board fo one. nivale Tom | Call (APARTMENTS | bunociow with paved' drive, | weekly, Telephone MO 8-4517 Only 5%4% mortgage. Osh- BOOM "and nd "board for gentlemen mers | 284-467? $95 and $100 awa's finest location. Many Excellent typing essential, shorthand, and dic- -- Privienes."eiphone 78370. is Mt aes ounehose of ng Ro Cal A Pp p LF | ea a ard for gentleman in| VENTONCES, rti r | taphone experience preferred. Any accounting clean quiet home, good cl APARTMENTS 725-3302 poheswre iat : eals, _Jancea backed. close OF : T knowledge will be considered an asset. Educa- wn *| Oiner secupiad, : beige 20-FT. LIVING ROOM, OIL HEATING,CERAMIC TILE IN BATHROOM, tion standard at least High School graduate or tnd oer in gut hone" home, one PARKWOOD MANOR ad ek ee oui RECESSED FRONT ENTRANCE, MOST LOTS WITH AN APPLE TREE, ; ee oe, corey batne | pete % Nene CLOSE TO SCHOOLS, BUSES, SHOPPING. SALESMAN AT LOCATION lent. Pref 1 f : eges, laundry service, parking. Gentle- Simcoe St. N. Oil hi d | id nf ce ae oe | ee | APARTMENTS attractively decorated. CORNER OF SHAKESPEARE AND ADDIDSON 'ONE BLOCK EAST Good/appearance and desiring steady employ- hunches packed, sngiee ot to share, | HORTOP STREET OF WILSON AT GERTRUDE COLPUS SCHOOL). STARTING FRIDAY ment. This is a career position with a well esta- --tieaa (KING AND PARK ROAD) Five room brick bungalow, 4 P.M. AND SATURDAY. ; i ROOM and board, in clean, quiet home,| : eics } | with 4 pe, tiled bathroom, al- blished manufacturer of electronic compon- Henchas packed. Soma te Nort Gen-| ; uminum storms and screens, | CONTACT EXCLUSIVE AGENT ents. All employee benefits, including pension tall d rcntes sles hawat OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS | ep ot ange feet he , 2 R a8 aw { ie and double garage. This : ; ra --Room oar anted, : ungalow wos built just 8 Pi: Laer Siery Coleenanearety witty OBUly" - ilae mar pee aeeiea eal IN TOWN | Seog ee Seeley and experience. floor, all conveniences, for respectable | } woman, abstainer. Quiet adult home preferred, Telephone 725-0790 after 3. | For full particulars cail,, Leon |. Modern 2-b t Frid d ; | Masui fanes. | ine CV ments. Fridge, stove, pave Manitius, Steve Zurbo, Roy REAL ESTATE LIMITED | ot has PERG Se eh lL i afee Cee ae fy PHC VA RT De oe igaderce ol eis Telephone WH 2-1540 Mrs. M. J. Barkwell ocd Garenes Flintoff, Irene Brown, Phyllis f | : FOR INFORMATION | Cepate;: Mieke Peary" cists 40 KING STREET EAST | DIAL 728.4678 Store im shopping plaza, | y a . Peacock at 723-112) | " CENTRALAB (Canada) LTD. south end, reasonable, coll / 725-7272 i ferids t r DICK BARRIAGE 5-6243, "esate tony JOHN KEMP 8-2392, y 9am Jack Appleby at 725-6544 | 79 VE : K OSBORNE 8- GS WEE Jo A | our lee eee ties KEN HANN 3-7963 EVERETT ELLIOTT 3-9290 JACK OSBORNE 8-5836 Ajax, Ontario. | Betohoed Ltd. 728-9217 '

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