BROWNIE JANICE McLEAN AND TERRY LUKE Brownie Pack's Lif Good Turn Highlight of Anniversary Party The highlight of the twentieth birthday celebration of 6A Brownie Pack held on Monday evening, April 30, at Christ Me- morial! Church was the presenta tion of an album of records and a book of kindergarten songs as a 'good turn' from the Brownie Pack to the Crippled Children's School and Clinic. This 'good turn' was presented by Brownie Janice McLean and accepted on -behalf of the School by Terry Luke. Mrs. W. H. Sterriker, princi- pal of the school, thanked the Brownies and referred to them as 'good little Samaritans' and told them of some of the activ- ities of the school. The parish hall was transform- ed into a fairy woodland with trees and flowers and the occas- ion was marked in the form of a mother and daughter pot luck supper. Yellow tapers in Silver Can- delabra, and, a miniature toad- stool and fairy ring graced the buffet table. Individual tables set around the hall were decor- ated with yellow ribbon and centered with daffodils Brownies, Margaret Garrett, Chery] McCune and Pamela MacKay, greeted the guests at the door. Kathy Lancaster had charge of the guest register, and Brownie Linda Popham _ wel- comed those present and asked Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon to say Grace Following a toast to the Queen, with Brownie Ruth Young at the piano, Mrs. Clare McCullough, Brown Owl introduced the guest as follows: Archdeacon and Mrs, H. D. Cleverdon; Mrs. D. E, Fox, Oshawa Division Commis- sioner; Mrs. F. M. Jamieson parkwood district commissioner; Mrs. D. L, St. Andrews, presi- dent of the 6th Oshawa Parents' committee; Mrs. J. H. Lee, Mrs. W. H. Meredith and Mrs. J. C. Stephenson, all former Brown Owls of the pack; Mrs. Fred Feted By Friends Miss Mary Louise Cornish whose marriage to Mr. George M. Wilson is to take place in Northminster United Church on Saturday, May 12, at 2.30 p.m. has been honored at several showers. At the home of Mrs Reid, Simcoe street north, a pantry-shelf shower was given by neighbors and friends of Northminster who also presen- ted a card table and chairs Co-hostesses were Mrs. William Archer and Mrs, Robert Single ton Mrs. Joseph Markle, Arthur street, was hostess at a kitchen shower for classmates of the Class of '59, Oshawa General Hospital and friends and Mrs. David Jamieson and Mrs. Frank Black were co-hostesses at a miscellaneous shower at the/ former's home on King street east, where members of the bride-elect's mother's bridge club and their daughters gath- ered Relatives and friends of the prospective bridegroom, many from Toronto, Scarborough, Ajax and Whitby, honored Miss Cornish at a _ miscellaneous shower last Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Thomas Pol-' litt, Arthur street. Assisting Mrs. Pollitt were Miss Ardyth Pollitt and Mrs. Alex Wilson James WORK LONGER SEOUL (AP)--South Korea's military junta, announcing its Ggtermination to get more work wat of government agencies, de ereed a 50-hour work week .in place of the. present 44 hours. | of 6A" Free Jackie Owl Gail and Taylor, 'Tawny and Pack leaders born, Carol Prest Rogan A to the Girl Guide movement was proposed by Brownie Sally Macdonald ,Mrs D. E. Fox replied. A toast to the mothers was given by Brownie Carol Freeborn and. replied to by her mother, Mrs. W. A. L,! Freeborn Following the supper with the special birthday cake being cut and served by the three former Brown Owls, the Brownies form- ed a circle and singing was en- joyed with the mothers joining in The Brownies then formed their fairy ring and an enroll- ment ceremony followed, Jeanne Burns, Susan Tremble and Diane Smith were enrolled new Brown- 1es Mrs. F. M. Jamieson, district commissioner met the tweenies as they walked up the stepping! stones to the toad-stool, heard their Law and Promise and pre- sented them with their Brownie pin and six emblem. Mrs. D. L. St. Andrews gave each new Brownie a Brownie hand-book on behalf of the parents committee. Games were played' with Brownies, their mothers and guests taking part Brownie Diane Simpson closed the evening with prayer and "Taps' | Mae te toast Brownie Pack was formed on April 15, 1942 with Mrs. J. H. Lee as Brown Owl Mrs. Lee served in that capacity until 1947 when Mrs. W. H Meredith took over as leader until 1953. Mrs, J. C. Stephen- son then became Brown Owl until 1959. Mrs. Clare McCul- lough is the present Leader Members of the pack at the present time, each of whom! played a part in Monday night's program are as follows: Jane Bastedo, Jeanne Burns,| Christine Fox, Carol Freeborn,| Margaret Garrett, Joan Gard- ner, Sally Macdonald, Cheryl McCune, Pamela MacKay, Jan- ice McLean, Kathie Lancaster, | Linda Popham, Barbara Prest,| Elsie Spring, Laurie Spring, Di- ane Simpson, Joan Stanley, | Sharon Stonebridge, Beverley Saunders, Diane Smith, Marg-| aret Tooley, Diane Taylor, Su- san Tremble, Ruth Young. DNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES | [FRIENDLY DOUBLE'S CLUB jand shut-ins. Mrs. Major Cecil{Ireland had the misfortune to The Friendly Double's Club of|Clarke, gave her personal test-|fall and break her arm. Albert Street United Church|imony. peg eg a | | |held its regular meeting recent-/ Mrs. Flannigan read from the|!0TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. ily in the church hall. Scriptures, giving an inspiring) The regular meeting of the The meeting was opened with|message an dread a poem "The 10th Oshawa Scout Mothers' devotions with Mr. and Mrs.|Hand of Jesus", Mrs. Rankin' Auxiliary was held recently in William Yourkevich and Mr, and closed in prayer. |the Salvation Army Citadel. Mrs. Wilfred Alexander in) Mrs. Flannigan showed many, Mrs. William James led in charge. Vice Presidents Mr, andjinteresting crafts, that she had|prayer, The thirteen members| Mrs. Eric Jacklin presided over brought with her, The the business meeting. jchorus closed the meeting, and/the president, Mrs. James Gar- On May 26 the Club is plan-|refreshments were served. vock. ning a trip to Toronto to the The next meeting on Tuesday, | \Crest Theatre to see "Spring/May 8 will be in the charge of | Thaw". Mrs. Robert Young and the mae igie og agg poly a et 7 Pe A bake sale will be held on jweekend of June 22, 23 and 2 -- Pie ; when the Club will visit Bonnie} LEGION AUXILIARY TueaGay afternoon, May 8, at tae f Kashi i The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal)the Citadel. b porte mm oh perro Canadian Legion, heid its week-! aay ly meeting on Tuesday, May 1,|candy sale will be held for Cubs sues c yer : ago = Fivaat hg a with president, Mrs. Norman and Scouts. showed some films of their trip|McEvers, presiding. It was an ar tthe world age eg were served by|feW seats available on the bus|day evening, May 28, at 8.00! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lowry, Mr.| for the visit to Lindsay next p.m, { and Mrs. Samuel Grant, Mr, Monday, May 7. The convener) Refreshments were served by and Mrs, William Milne and Mr.|!5 BUS. RUE Jacklin, tele-\ Mrs, Neil McRae and Mrs, | and Mrs. Albert Walker. phone 725-4168. The bus will/Monery. Mrs. Thomas Coull| leave the terminal at 6.30 p.m.| won the door prize §. A. HOME LEAGUE The night of cards will be 9 Mrs. Major Marsland Rankin held on May 15 with Mrs. Rob-) KNOX PRESBYTERIAN WA opened the May 1 meceting with|ert Williams as convener. Tick- The regular meeting of the choice of choruses chosen by the ets at the door and there will] Women's Association of Knox} |members, after which she madejbe good prizes and refresh-| Presbyterian Church was held the announcements, referring to) ments. on Tuesday, May 1. with 17 the visit of Miss Carol Lane on! Mrs. James Anderson report-| nresent . ' P May 15, and Captain and Mrs. ed on catering done recently. The Austin Millar on May 22 Plans for the Zone Rally were, 1 s Mrs. Rankin introduced the discussed and a committee ap- Taylor, presided and opened guest speaker, Mrs. Lt. Colonel pointed. It will be held in Osh- the meeting with prayer. A Morgan Flannigan who was ac-|awa on May 29 hymn was sung and the scrip- companied by Mrs. Major Cecil) On June 12, the 25-year mem-|!Ure was read by Mrs. Robert Clarke who has spent sixteen bership dinner will take place, | Houlden and prayer by Mrs. years on the Mission Field in'and the 35th birthday of the|J: P: G. Maroosis. India Auxiliary will be held on June) The secretary and Mrs. William James read out) 26 gave their reporis the birthday list, and greetings) Members reported ill were, Plans were made for a tea were sung. Mrs. Ernest. Sarge-/Mrs. William Rutherford and/and home baking sale to be ant led in prayer for the sick Mrs. EF. Williams. Mrs. Robert/held on Thursday, May 17 at Women The next meeting is to be 723-3474 were read by Mrs. Percy Mon- ery and Mrs. Clayton Hurlburt. The next regular meeting will. president, Mrs. Jack treasurer ¥ |held on Wednesday, June 20, 'following the strawberry sup- . per, sponsored by Group No. 2. Frank Mullin Weds Georgina McKean In Two-Ring Rites A double ring ceremony unl- ted in marriage, Miss Georgi- na Isabell McKean and Mr Frank Mullin, at Centre Street United Church recently with the Rev. Warren G. Dickson of- ficiating The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac McKean, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Irene Mullin, all of Osh- Mrs. Charles E William Cook and her awa, all formerly from the east tained at a trousseau tea forjdaughter, Miss Barbara Cook, | coast her daughter, Dianne, whose King street east, entertained The bride's street-length dress, marriage to Mr. William Law-|at a miscellaneous shower. | was of blue organza over taf-'rence Liss takes place tomor-| 'The choir of St. Andrew's| feta, She wore a shoulder-len- row afternoon in St. Andrew's} United Church, of which the gth veil held by a tiara. Her [njted Church. bride-elect is a member, made| | Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 4, 1962 7| Trousseau Tea and Showers Honor Miss Dianne Yule Yule enter Mrs nounced that there are still ajbe held at the Citadel on Mon'| | themejand a guest were welcomed by| » Reports and correspondence} : During the week of May 28, a)" HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DANNY AND DAVID and David are the grandsons ; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean, of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- | Maple Grove, and Mr. Dun- Rae, Oshawa, and Mr. and'; can McRae, Mrs. Eve Garrow Mrs. Lorne Garrow, Mid- | and Mr. Bertram Grennon, land, and great-grandsons of | all of Oshawa. SOR NS --Aldsworth Photography Twin sons of Mr. and Mrs David Garrow, Athol street east, are Daniel, Joseph and David Alexander who are four years old today. Danny Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No.3 Celebrates 81st Birthday The 81st birthday of Oshawajter Annie Lee gave a number! Accent Rebekah Lodge No. 3 was cele-|of readings and Sister Nora/juice. Heat slowly 10 to. 15 brated recently at a supper|Hopps sang several numbers,/minutes, turning occasionally, served in the banquet hall, fol-| playing her own accompani-juntil prettily glazed. This fresh, lowed by the regular meeting|ment and Miss Linda Hopps en-|colorful vegetable is wonderful with the Noble Grand, Sister|tertained with. ballet dancing. (with ham steaks. son gl i ipwons pg ® rest A lively sing-song with Sister! s vice-gri » wis * . res Cook. ee sie Eva Tipton at the piano wasicluding a birthday cake which jenjoyed. was cut 'by Sisters Meta The noble grand extended a| ' : welcome rag ype to Sister) Refreshments were served in-|Priestly and Gladys Gamsby. Florence Sommerville, secre|= tary of the Rebekah Assembly| of Ontario, who was introduced by Sister Pearl Peacock. Also introduced and _ wel- comed were the following past) presidents of the Rebekah As- sembly of Ontario. Sister Mabel Disney' by Sister May Bunker; Sister Annie Courtney by Sister Goala Couch; Sister Meta Priestly, by Sister Helen Kins- man; Sister Isobel Carr, by Sister Nelda Thompson; Sister Louise Clark, by Sister Viola Keeler; district deputy presi- dent of district No. 8, Sister) Gladys Gamsby, introduced by Sister Flossie Ball. Also there were a number of visitors from the lodges in the district and RAISIN GLAZED CARROTS Saute hot cooked carrots in skillet with butter, a generous sprinkling of raisins and a few tablespoons of brown sugar. with a dash of lemon UNDER_NEW MANAGEMENT MARY'S BEAUTY PARLOR f 325 SIMCOE ST. S., 2 OSHAWA _ Dial 725-3243 Mary Dinkow, Hair Stylist, corsage hae of ig ee whee Attending the door were Miss|g presentation of a crystal vase Sharon Knight of Oshawa. She(i0d2 Semmon and Miss Betty/and bathroom accessories at a was dressed in a pink organdalin the irousseau room and Miss @ren™e at the church, street-length dress with a lace|/Anna O'Neil in the room where Mrs. A. R, Marto entertained bodice. Her headdress consisted the adding and shower gifts the neighbors on c olborne of a clip-on veil with flowers.| were displayed Mind Silane street east, when the bride-to-be Her corsage was of white car-|potipco had charge of the|"°* presented with e chrome nations aa bnokk canister set and paper dispen-| The best man was Mr. Fred Pouring tea were Mrs. C ser, ae McKean, brother of the' bride. Johnston, Miss Helen Yule,| Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson, Mrs.| The wedding party and guests) aunts of the bride-to-be, Mrs.|!. H. Tonkin and Mrs. Alfred returned to the home of the bri- william Cook and Mrs. Harold Austin entertained at the for- des' parents for a buffet supper./Tonkin. Others assisting were Mer's home'on Mary street at| To receive, Mrs. McKean wore Mrs |, F Savery, Mrs. Ewart miscellaneous shower a dark sult with a fur collar and/Robinson,, aunts of the bride- Former neighbors of Oshawa SA fo Ck tae ee to-be, Mrs. Alfred Austin, Mrs.|Boulevard south were enter- and beige ae on leted her Cialre Siemon, Mrs J. L tained by Mrs. Ross Bennett of PLES pA Pp Crumback, Mrs. Stanley John- Arlington avenue, 'when the -- dicen' tie son and Mrs. Harold Cornish. |bride-elect was presented with/ wore a blueflowered nylons: Anne O'Neil entertained a chrome bread box, cake tin dress with white hat and acces- at her home on Brock street ~ noe Boe yeppere ton Sories and coteage of ted cariMem, at 2 witchen and pantry Claire' Selmmon assisted the fiatisne shelf shower. : hostess in serving. The bridal couple motored to Mrs. George Ulrich, Ross-| The staff at Beneficial Fi- Peterborough and on their re. ™ount street, entertained at herjnance Company presented the turn will take up residence in home at a miscellaneous show-| bride-to-be with an aluminum) Oshawa r. Guests included former!sandwich tray and relish dish.| Mrs. Emma Hasey from Tor. S©hoo! chums and friends After the rehearsal this even-| onto, an aunt of the bride, was| Miss Helen Yule, aunt of thejing the bridal party will be en- among the guests. bride-elect, entertained at her/tertained at the home of Mr.) nes home on Simcoe street northand Mrs. George Yule, East-! at a family supper party haven street To celebrate her 87th birth- day Mrs. Alfred Mack will be the central figure at a family party to be held at the home | of her daughter, Mrs. William | Rodman, Annapolis avenue, | tomorrow. Known all over her) neighborhood for her cheery | disposition, Mrs. Mack posses- ses the magic quality of be- | ing young in heart which | makes time stand still. Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and |} superfluous hair. I Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be In Oshowe at the Genosha Hotel, May 8th end 9th PHONE 723-4641 for eppointment on these dates e If waffles stick and you're sure temperature is correct,| try adding another tablespoon or two of shortening to your recipe | IF YOU ARE | | PAINTING SEE FUR Modern fr fi) STORAGE » FUR CLEANING © 2% OF 81 WILLIAM 57, Automatically Controlled. COST ONLY @ FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY @ ALL GARMENTS INSURED OSHAWA FUR & COLD STORAGE PATTE'S FOR THESE EXTRA FREE SERVICES: STORAGE hstlimatnd Venda @ We mix any. color in any finish , . . no extra charge 'ur Coat Cleaning COATS CLOTH GARMENTS SHINERIZING © REPAIRS Color schemes in your home Parking behind store Delivery every day VALUATION Estimates on. painting or paperhanging @ 91 years experience 85 SIMCOE NORTH OSHAWA DIAL 725-3529 DIAL 723-3012 HAPPY BIRTHDAY| Sunshine Lodge, No. 222. After the regular business of jthe lodge speeches of apprecia-| tion were given by the visiting sisters, and an enjoyable pro-/| gram was presented. Sister} Ruth Bestwick sang several solos accompanied at the piano by Sister Gladys Morgan. Sis- wishes to announce the opening of her "Hairdressing Shop" formerly under the name of 'Mary's Beauty Parlor' Ct Peter iPlay i bbiiiad iRmeeoGES KRESGE'S| ARDEN FURNITURE for OUTDOOR LIVING Relax. outdoors in a comfortable folding WEB CHAIR from Kresge's. Wonderful for cottage or back yard, comes in lovely colors of green, blue, red and yellow. KRESGE'S PRICE ONLY . You'll enjoy that extra comfort this summer on a beautiful CHAISE LOUNGE frorn Kresge's, folds down in a jiffy, slips into the car with ease, you con take it with you TION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE anywhere, KRESGE'S PRICE ONLY . >