swe eee es Trim new styling . . . rich worsted fabrics! . . . Specially purchased excep- tionally low priced. Featuring handsome single breasted, two or three-button models in the latest styles for men and young men. Carefully and meticu- lously tailored by leading manufacturers . . . tailored to add a note of distinc- tion to any man's appearance . . . in sizes to fit men and young men 34 to 50, regular, short, tall and hard-to-fit stouts, EXTRA SUIT Only CUSTOM RANGE 69.50 HAND GRADE Use Your CREDIT ! 1.00 EXTRA SUIT SAVE 1.00 48.50 EXTRA SUIT SAVE 1.00 68.50 EXTRA SUIT" SAVE No Down Payment! MONTHS TO PAY! Exira Trousers FOR ONLY Modern two-button, three-button, single breasted and link models, tailored from the latest fabrics in solid tones, checks, basket weaves, blue, brown, navy, grey and multi-splashes. Sizes 34 to 46. Tails ond shorts included. Harris tweeds also in this group. SPORT EXTRA COAT TROUSERS SAVE CUSTOM RANGE 29.50 7.00 13:55 ECONOMY RANGE 34.50 1-99 43-95 ~MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS EXTRA SHIRT Only .00 Brand name sports shirts made from the finest cottons. ~ Long sleeves, short point collar with sewn-in stays and breast pockets,' 'Sanforized" for safe, easy washing. Beautiful shades of blue, grey,.tan, black, yellow and olive. (14-1412); Small (15-1542); Medium, (16-16%); Large, (17-17); X-Large, EXTRA SHIRT 1.00 1.00 1.00 SAVE 2.95 3.95 4.95 MEW & BOYS WEAR 2--LOCATIONS--2 36 KING E. | OSHAWA IN DOWNTOWN | SHOPPING OSHAWA CENTRE Tailored from the finest English:and domestic all wool yarns, dyed worsteds and flannels in pi¢ 'nh' pic, neat, plains, and sparkle tones'in grey, blue grey, medium and dark brown.and blues. Hook and bar fastener above fly, double pleats, tobe on ge pockets Seah SNAG, Te ECONOMY RANGE a po y et ' 'é 9.95 RANGE PAIR SAVE 14.95 1.00 13.95 17.95 1.00 16.95 --