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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jun 1962, p. 2

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* soe ioe Pima: eisdgnsteoneane SEES i eceeeiaiitaiteeaniemenantt vo * THUNDERSHOWERS PREDICTED WEATHER FORECAST , Bribery Attempt Fine For NEW YORK (AP)--State Su- preme Court Justice J. Vincent Keogh, who once aspired to be mayor of New York, was con- victed Saturday night of trying to fix a federal court case. A federal jury of nine men and three women debated three days to reach a verdict of guilty in a $35,000 brbery attempt to lighten a bankruptcy fraud case sentence. Convicted with the 56-year-old ; {veteran of 12 years on the trial 4 \court bench were a former as- , | sistant U.S. 'attorney, Elliott Kahaner, 36, and labor racket- jeer Antonio (Tony Ducks) Cor- /allo, 47. | They face sentences of five years in jail and a $10,000 fine. Federal Judge Edward Wein- i |feld set July 17 for sentencing. eel | Keogh told reporters after the verdict: "T am innocent. Nothing any- Blamed On Doctor Image Politicians Mostly Cloudy Weather Seen MINAKI, Ont. (CP)--A lead- Forecasts issued by the Tor-|noon, continuing overnight, end-| --.° pH si, onto weather office al 5 a.m.:jing Tuesday morning. Very| et os oon Mgt Synopsis: Another in a series|Watm again today. Winds south- present public image of Cana- of weather disturbances over|¢tly 10 to 20, shifting to west! qian doctors. - the central United States early|or northwest 10 to 15 Tuesday é ( today is expected to move east-| Northern Lake Huron, Lake Dr. G. B. Maughan of McGill ward across the Great Lakes in|Ontario,, Georgian Bay, Hali- University, president of the So- the next 24 hours accompanied|burton regions, North Bay, Sud- ow of Obstetricians and Gyne- by more thunderstorm activity.|bury: Mostly cloudy today and me gud of eosonger] it the an- Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie Ni-| Tuesday. A few scattered show.) hua convention of the society . , ' 8 ere last week that "insidious, agara, southern Lake Huron re-|¢Ts or thunderstorms today. In-| iMate Anus Sai tats . gions, Windsor, London, Hamil-|creased shower and thunder.| open the Reet goa ton: Partly cloudy today and|Storm activity tonight, likely|> te ee ne Season me : ending Tuesday morning, not|PUblic image of doctors has quite as warm today. Winds reached its present state of dis- mostly light and variable repair Toronto: Mostly cloudy but Tuesday. Scattered thunder- storms developing this after- "If this pervasive propaganda Tuesday. Scattered thunder-|seminated . storms tonight, not quite as| Burn More Homes warm today. Winds mostly light! livered to them on a silver plat- and variable ter the head of the medical pro- NELSON, B.C. (CP)--Sons of} Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie,/fession, with. an apple int its Freedom Doukhobor w.ome.n|White River regions: Mostly|mouth," he said. burned three more homes early | cloudy with scattered showers! ; Sunday at the F reed omit e/and thunderstorms today. Tues-| _ He said that with a welfare stronghold of Krestova, 20 miles/day partly cloudy, not much|St@te mentality properly sown west of here. change in temperature. Winds ns cages and file of electors, The burnings brought to 132 mainly easterly 15 today, light aes le dg agers the number of houses, most of | variable Tuesday. ie ta ven te ries on sh ah them tarpaper shacks, de-| Timagami, Cochrane regions: 4 ee nee, Cece. by : , : ate gt : ggg Re 4 promising a medical profession stroyed during a nine - day/Sunny with cloudy _ periods '0-\legislated into democratic si: rampage of arson and nude/day, becoming mainly cloudy 7 Beak demonstrations in the British'with scattered showers and ay Columbia Kootenay country. chance of a thunderstorm to-| He asked if we (doctors) are Police believe the incidents|/night and Tuesday. Continuing) meek and mild sheep who must are in protest against conspir-'cool. Winds mainly light and) be expected to bow to the will acy charges against 70 mem-| variable. of the electorate. bers of the Freedomite's Answering his own question, fraternal council. Dr. Maughan said that doctors --_---------- are dedicated men who value jtheir "basic freedoms in our democratic society" very mind- Doukhobor Women with sunny periods today and/has been cunningly enough dis-;@ 'azor blade to Adolf Eich-|dangers created by a relatively next week the,)Mann-before he went to the|weak nuclear nationa, including Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Tuesday Windsor St.' Thontas ....... 65 Le Talbot Wins London oe Maple City Again Kitchener .. . 65 Mount Forest CHATHAM (CP) -- Ted Tal-| Wingham .. bot, 19, of Sarnia, defeated a|Hamilton . field of more than 170 golfers|St. Catharines .... at Chatham Saturday to defend) Toronto his Maple City Country Club! Peterborough championship, | Trenton Playing out of the Sarnia golf) Killaloe and curling club, Talbot fired a) Muskoka two-over-par 73, the same score|North Bay . with which he won the Presi-|Sudbury .. dent's Trophy last year. |Earlton Nick Weslock and Gary Co-|Kapuskasing . wan of Toronto, representatives| White River . on Canada's pro-amateur team,|Moosonee Livdundn were one stroke back with 74s.'S.S. Marie ........ 50 Plans Disclosed On Medical Care lle from $8 prominent La REGINA (CP)--The medical, sibility for payment of premi-|Clear disarmament, the Soviet care commission has announced|ums. Payment for insured med-|/NeWs agency Tass reported Sat- its regulations on Saskatch-jical services still would be urday. ewan's medical care plan,/made on his behalf by the' Khrushchev said the Western scheduled to begin July 1. commission. Comment from officials of the) Rates of payment to manity. 'K Tells Labor West Starting |New A-Race MOSGOW (Reuters) -- Pre- mier Khrushchev has told group of Labor members of the AROrRRAIAIIVIAIIA UMASS MAN IAT | Sin that Western leaders are "de- liberately involving the Soviet Union in another round of com- petition in the sphere of im- proving nuclear weapons." The Soviet leader replied to Saskatchewan College of Physi-|cians are to be 85 per cent of|the (nuclear) tests will set off Doty purchased the explosives! labor dispute was punched on|the_ International cians and Surgeons is unlikely|the schedule of minimum fees'a chain reaction until Jater this week. established by the college and) ,, : The college opposes the planja mediation procedure is out-, "Such a competition is_dan- and says it will provide only lined for settling disputes. serous and unreasonable. If we hospital-based emergency serv-| Medical assessment boards of #7 compelled to do this, there ice at key centres. physicians are to review any/Must be no doubt that the re- Dr. L. J. Genesove, chairman accounts with which the physi-|SPonsibility rests with the NATO of the section of general practi-\cian is not satisied and the| Powers and only with them, tioners of the college, said in decision is to be subject to Moose Jaw Saturday "common appeal to a physician's appeal/ready possible to conclude a sense dictates that it is impos-| board. safes agreement because it sible to make any statement on) Ape ' as "now been proved irrefuta- this matter without spending a poker ee , bly" that national facilities of reasonable length of time study-| idee - sare 5 Outline | detection would assure proper ing the regulations and compar-|Procedure or the hearing of/ verification of an agreement. ing them with the act itself." /ComPlaints against the commis- Dr. D. D. Tansley, chairman) 5!0" Of its staff. 'NO FOUNDATIONS' of the commission made public) 1n all mediation and appeal) sore are now absolutely no the regulations Friday night in|Procedires relating 10 phySi-\ toundations for the United a joint statement with Health| "ans, the College of Physicians! ca10¢ and British demands for Minister W..G. Davies. li The regulations will govern/Mminate its own representa-| ation which would be -tanta-|indications it may have been| [mount to setting up an espio- carried in a_ briefcase found) mediation procedures, rates of tives. ent, secr requirements! . hs : 4 on eae peo ike plan, | Six ministers and priests issue a statement Saturday calling on COVER WITHDRAWAL the government to delay r Included were procedures to compulsory plan. not depend on us. be followed by a beneficiary) The statement suggested that, Khrushchev said "another in- wishing to withdraw from the/the government present a plan|Stance of deliberate aggrava- provision of having the commis-| which is more in keeping with! tion of world tension is the se- sion act as his legal agent in|traditional Christian thought. (Ties of high - altitude nuclear making payment, settling the) It said the Medical Care|tests planned by the American rate of payment and taking or|Insurance Act in its present|S0vernment." At Prince Albert, a group of| nage system," he said. ' "As you see, a solution of the its, Problem of banning tests does EYE one can say or do can change that fact . . . My attorneys will |press my appeal from this un- {just conviction as soon as pos- sible," CLAIMS PAID MONEY Dr. Robert M. Erdman, 43, an orthopedic surgeon and ad- mitted go-between in the fix at- tempt, testified that he paid Keogh $22,500 and Kahaner $12,500 to use their influence in behalf of Sanford Moore. Cor- Attempt Made To Smuggle Razor To Nazi. TEL AVIV (Reuters)--Israeli| Attorney-General Gideon Haus-| ner has disclosed that an attempt was made to smuggle citizens of Canada will have de-| Scaffold at the beginning of this| the month Security police guarding the former Nazi officer found the blade fixed under stamps on a postcard sent from Australia. Addressing a. meeting here Saturday, Hausner said the message from Eichmann's un- named Australian friends told him to 'follow the footsteps of your great predecessors." This apparently referred to the suicide of Hitler and other top Nazis Hausner said Eichmann's friends also told him that as a keen collector, he should pay attention to the new and beauti- ful stamps on the. postcard "Of course, the postcard never reached Hausner said Eichmann was hanged and " ansata i 5 "g ; . ac} cig |methods ful and conscious of the trust CTemated--with his ashes scat- against city attack by Russia, | lest aha Wed aclbaien A ve |placed in them for the physical|t¢red in the Mediterranean--|McNamara added that "'we are|are beyond reasonable forecast)of us there is a recurrent ques Jockey Club, with her daught- and emotional welfare of hu- following his conviction in the|giving a possible opponent the and which might prove irrevers-| wartime mass murder of mil- lions of Jews Got Dynamite | Before Blast 'In Airliner WASHINGTON (AP)--An FBI \report said Saturday that a British Parliament in a letter Young businessman facing rob-/men under arms than Russia bery charges loaded up on dy-| namite and -insurance before boarding an airliner which blew apart in the sky, killing all 45 aboard. The businessman was Thomas |G. Doty, 34, of Kansas City, who has been a focux of an in- vestigation since the Continen- tal Airlines' 707 jetliner myste-| | riously crashed near Unionville, Mo., May 22. The FBI itself refused to com- _ {leaders "'are perfectly aware|ment on its report. But other|captain of a I oo physi-|that their decision to resume (Sources said agents learned that freighter which figures in a|day in spite of picket lines of at a Kansas City hardware store and took out more than $300,000 of insurance payable to his pregnant wife. Friends said Doty was qdes- pondent and talked of kil himself rather than face crim- inal charges. He was arrested Khrushchev claimed it is al- in April on charges of armed) of the robbery The FBI turned its report over to the Civil Aeronautics Board. Laboratory experts, said the FBI report, turned up traces of dynamite embedded in the wreckage of the big jet's tail section. 'here was no explanation of how the explosives were and Surgeons would appoint OF international control and verifi.| brought aboard but there were among the bits of wreckage. | Ship Captain | TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) --The Judge jallo, Erdman said, helped raise the bribe money. Moore, 44, a former New York City cop who went broke as operator of a chain of juke boxes on Long Island, admitted concealing $100,000 in assets from the receivers in his bank- ruptcy proceedings. The Moore case was before U.S. District Court Judge Leo Rayfiel, a friend of Keogh and former congressman with Keogh's brother, representative Eugene J. Keogh (Dem. N.Y.). When Rayfiel got wind of the fix, he revoked Moore's bail, refused to let him change his plea from guilty and sent him to jail for three years. This later was reduced to one year, which Moore now is serving. Judge W einfeld continued) Keogh and Kahaner on parole and Corallo in $50,000 bail. {Keogh had voluntarily removed | himself from the bench at the |time of his indictment last De-| * |cember, but his $34,500-a-year| ; salary was continued. j 'US. Strategy Spelled Out By McNamara ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP)-- # Defence Secretary McNamara, # spelled out Saturday night the| nuclear sirategy the United] States would use if major war came in EBurope--including no city bombing unless driven to it by Soviet action. Trenton, N.J., who was At the same time, he chal-| Charged with the murder of lenged, without naming names,| Phyllis Ann Jones, 24, of West President de Gaulle's plan for| Norriton Township, Pa., last France to go it alone with her| Sunday near Toma_ River, own nuclear weapons and stra-| N.J., is shown in custody of tegy. State Police in Princeton, He raised questions about the Harrison, 31, of | Hamilton Township, near Leroy A. possibility. that its very weakness might invite a pre ventive attack by Russia McNamara set forth his views in a speech prepared for the University of Michigan com- mencement ws ipr a ts ' 7 OR 5\...tip Rabert On nuclear strategy in event Rae Y gn Lamia iaaty, of attack on the NATO alliance,|/,21507 ~ "att, In SeAAGAl Name at ogee the man who won the Second McNamara said the principal!,,, mage * sactiv A . World War'"' and the inventor of ovjective of the United States radar. has protested United would be 'destruction of the/[#¢4" "é : at if Ly ue ' tom States plans to explode an enemy's military forces, not off stoniic bomb in the Van Allen his civilian population." ' 'te chive the earth 3 But McNamara attached this 2°'S @ i qualifying clause: He told 600 persons at Ae' strength hag nature of gress of Scientists on Survival the alliance make it possible to|; Na hcsinid iy 8 retain, even after mass sur- luncheon Saturday Sd prise Russian attack, "sufficient|"@ breach of our implicit see reserve striking power to de-|pocratic oath in physical sci-| a Con would be to it." To this attack on the Van Allen belt. by implied warning whose consequences} strongest imaginable incentive ible to refrain from striking our own! i cities," long run. He said "we confidently ex-| Sir Robert, who left for Ghana pect to maintain in the years|Sunday, was introduced by Dr ahead" the balance of nuclear|/Harlow Shapley, director emer- power litus of Harvard University Ob- The Russians.have superiority|servatory and chairman of the in non-nuclear forces today but|meeting. that superiority "is by no} Dr. Shapley Robert meene overwhelming," McNa- '"'won the Second World War .. . mara said. Collectively, NATO pets hatier olan'? a has the potential for defence|Mobody has a better nena against such forces; in man-|reference to Sir Robert's scien- power alone NATO has more|tific achievements Sir Robert said that even in iphysics "it is undesirable that technological fools should rush C di L k in where scientific angels fear ana lan a e€ taken to hospital when she be- came hysterical. Bissette said the man ap- |proached him and asked him if he were captain of the Vic- torious. When Bissette answered affirmatively, the man swung. The Victorious began loading lake| grain at an elevator here Satur- in the short run or in the said Sir and her satellites, he said. Hit In Mouth Canadian Longshore- Local 153 did the Association, the mouth Saturday while he man's personnel walked on downtown Adams Supervisory Street with his wife.' Police| loading. could not identify his assailant.. The longshoremen are sup- Jobin Bissette, 57, master of|porting the Seafarers' Inter- tHE Victorious, owned by Upper|national Union (Ind.) which is |Lakes Shipping Limited of Tor-| disputing an agreement by onto, lost two teeth as a result} which Upper Lakes began bar-| seven stitches to close a cut onjitime Union (CLC) for its his mouth, His wife, Anna, 56, also wasiresentation of the SIU. i CTROUD TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY FEATURES EXAMINATIONS by appointment PHONE 723-4191 F. R. BLACK, O.D. GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED MEAT RINDLESS BACON " 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH fighting court action for medical|form "'allows for the possibility] e= lis. of the denial of any degree of| Such a withdrawal would not|freedom of choice not only to relieve a beneficiary of respon-|a doctor but to each citizen." WHY BORROW MONEY WHEN YOU BUY A CAR? Check the ads for this symbol. It identifies dealers with the soundest terms in town. Ask for PREMIUMS AS LOW AS IAC TIME PURCHASE PLANS 360 KING ST. WEST © Don Ellison @ Gerry Osba;he SAVE... ON AUTO LIABILITY INSURANCE 26.00 wi © BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE e SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED PHONE 723-2265 © Ralph Schofield @ Reg Aker SKINLESS C WIENERS Ib BONELESS, ROLLED c BRISKET yi BRAISING sac RIBS lb LEAN, MINCED BEEF LEAN, SHANK STEW BEEF Uprising In Cuba Rapped By Leader HAVANA (AP) -- The Cuban; -At one point in his speech the government paraded tanks, | crowd began to chant: troops and artillery through the' 'Fidel, Khrushchev, streets of Cardenas Saturday,|with you both." and President Osvaldo Dorticos} After the televised military lashed out at "wretched coun-|parade, the government radio ter - revolutionary provoca-|said the show of strength was tions'"' he said took place there | prompted by "'little groups of a few days ago. counter - revolutionaries, para- This was the first indication|Sites and lazy ones who came there had been any trouble in|into the street waving counter- the coastal city 90 miles east|Tevolutionary signs."' of Havana. | The demonstrators were de- Dorticos' speech at a politicalScribed on the broadcast as rally indicated there may have|Dandits, thieves and dope been disturbances over food! fiends. rationing, There have been recent re- "It is true we are confront-|Ports of anti-Castro demonstra- ing difficulties and shortages," tions elsewhere in Matanzas Dorticos said, but these "are| Province. consequences of imperialism's|) TW° demonstrations were economic aggression." said to have occurred in the "If there is little, the little/City of Matanzas, about 20 we have we distribute equally) Miles west of Cardenas, Ac- and better," Dorticos said, '"We|Counts reaching Miami said must not allow the enemy to|°rowds composed mainly of take the offensive." women gathered to yell: "We're He told the crowd to "squash/hungry" while beating on pots j\the counter - revolutionaries in|@04 pans. . the cities." | . ) Then referring to the military) Oe SCSEVETY vehicles, Dorticos said: In the United States, exile "We do not need those tanks|8TOUPS have been issuing more jor sub-machine-guns. To crush 224 more frequent reports them, all of you alone are @bout underground activity they we are CHARGED WITH Watt Protesting Van Allen Blast enough,"" CROWD STARTS CHANT The crowd then started chant- ing, "Al paredon, al paredon"' ** --to the firing wall, "If they want to seize the reins of a revolution, let them provoke us if they want," Dor-| ticos said. "We are sure that! the presence of popular multi tudes . . . will frighten them." MILO ia: N.J., early Sunday. State po- lice said Harrison, who was convicted on a rape charge in | ee 1949, confessed to killing the aspiring acresss after she ap- proached him while he was Queen Mother fishing on beach near Barne- | gat Light sae Wirephoto) | Wears Taylor (Silk Colors | TORONTO+-(CP) -- Queen |Mother Elizabeth wore the col- }ors of her host at the races Saturday and watched jockeys wearing the turquoise silks of vas es ee horseman E. P. Taylor place | to fly." His reference was to) their mounts first and second the proposed ionosphere shot. | ;,, the Queen's Plate OPPOSES PENTAGON The royal visitor was wearing Sir Robert said he named the turquoise dress and hat for the! ionosphere in 1932, and added:) finaj engagement of her nine-| "It is in matters such as these! qay Canadian tour, the 103rd| that this cautious Scot finds! running of the Canadian classic! himself in severe discord with, | fo, thoroughbreds. and indeed in sharp hostility to.) phe Queen Mother flew home the brash American--or should)tg [London following the race say, the brash Pentagonist."'| ang arrived Sunday. He criticized fellow scientists) Industrialist Taylor's filly| who were "half-educated" in Flaming Page beat 12 colts to history, humanities- and econo win the Queen's Plate. Choper- the prisoner,' stroy an enemy society if driven ence to launch a heavy-handed |™¢S ion, another Taylor entry, fin-/ 'For the scientist, as for alll nog second. of us, the proper study of man- ™he Queen Mother presented kind is man," he said. "For all) yy, Taylor, president of the tion--are we studying the stars s er's personal gift to the winner! above to shield our consciences P 8 of 50 guineas. She entered and left suburban | |New Woodbine race track in a) |horse-drawn carriage escorted by 50 men of the Governor Gen- eral's Horse Guard and cheered by a crowd of 30,000 in warm, sunny weather. Th King Hussein Assails Nasser : ee e Woodbine pageantry. cli- LONDON (AP) -- Jordan's|maxed an eight-hour visit to young King Hussein charged to-|Toronto that featured a drive day that history will blame/through the city to a civic re- President Nasser of the United|ception and a luncheon given Arab Republic for the murder| by the Ontario government. of King Faisal in the bloody, She arrived by car from an Iraqi rebellion of 1958. overnight stay at the Port Hope Hussein declared F aisal's|home of the former governor- downfall had been plotted be-! general Vincent Massey. cause Nasser was jealous of the) Crowds six deep in_ places alliance of Jordan and Iraq andjlined her route along Highway because this union threatened|401 and downtown to city hall, Egypt's ambitions in the Middle|where some 5,000 Torontonians| East were assembled to cheer her. The 26-year-old monarch filed) A 21-gun artillery salute broke | these grave accusations against | two windows and shook sur- Nasser and the U.A.R. in his/rounding buildings as the royal autobiography, published today| guest inspected a'100-man guard | --a king's story of nine turbu-|of the Toronto Scottish Regi-/| lent years since he ascended the | ment, of which she is colonel- shaky throne of the Middle! in-chief. | Eastern kingdom. Before boarding her plane at) Hussein hits put equally) the airport, the Queen Mother! strongly at Israel 'and commu-|inspected another guard pro-| nism--which he calls Arabism's| vided by the Royal Hamilton most potent foes. Light Infantry. | governing, Say is going on in Cuba. One leader claimed he headed a raiding party which slipped into the island nation in mid-May, battled Castro soldiers and es- caped unhurt. Another exile -organization reported Saturday it had. re- ceived word of stepped-up guer- rilla activity throughout Cuba and accompanied this with an announcement that "a hard blow that will have enormous international repercussion is be- Ing prepared against the Com- munist government," The nature of the "hard blow" was not described. Constitution Urged For South Rhodesia UNITED NATIONS (CP) -- Sixteen African and Asian coun- tries sponsored a_ resolution Saturday that would have the United Nations General Assem- bly ask Britain to call a con- ference to draft a new constitu- tion for Southern Rhodesia. The resolution said the new jconstitution should ensure the rights of the majority of the people of the territory, where Negroes outnumber whites about 12 to 1. It said the majority had re- jected the Southern Rhodesian constitution approved by the British Parliament Dec. 6. That constitution sets up an enrol ment system calculated to pro- duce a 40-to-l white majority in the Legislative Assembly that will be elected next spring. Southern Rhodesia is part of the Central African Federation with Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland, but is largely self- except for foreign affairs. MORTGAGES Ample Funds for Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase Ist and 2nd Mortgages N.H.A. LOANS ARRANGED You Will Find OUR SERVICE IS FASTER OUR COST IS LOWER SCHOFIELD-AKER Limited 723-2265 ---360 King West After Hours -- 728-3376 encounter and needed) gaining with the Canadian Mar-| ; employees and ended the rep-|f: ANOTHER HOME ... EXPERTLY BUILT BY 4 728-7122 FOR ADDITIONS OR James O'MALLEY construction . CALL ee eeanernirr eae Rs eit

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