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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jun 1962, p. 7

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16 Brownie Banquet _ Honors Mothers St. Mathew's Church was the festive setting recently for the 16th Brownie Pack Mother and Daughter Banquet. The tables jwere decorated in muted tones of brown and yellow the high- light of which were the floral/ centre pieces representing} cmon Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 brown logs interspersed with artifical spring flowers. These THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 18, 1962 7 were made by the Brownies rego tot rid te TNS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES appointed time | Head table guests were intro- duced by Mrs. R. J. Manning,}| District Guider as follows, Mrs.|, \H, A. Pretty Mrs. D. Kirkland,} {Tawny Owl, Mrs. W. E. Gard-} iner, District Commissioner of} Adelaide District; Mrs.. Ej, Wood, Brown Owl and 'her/p grandaughter Gail Smith; Mrs.| leader, lice was, WESTMOUNT U.C.W. | The monthly -meeting The visiting committee for the i was month of July was appointed. a aga ade eee .| Plans for the fall bazaar to Mrs. pri hs ade Saag Nov. 7 were discussed ' : -_i/and it was reported that the The meeting was opened with! quilt to be sold at that time is devotional service led by Mrs, | almost completed. All group ennett. bi mage od the ser-| members are asked to work on ey that work in/one item for the bazaar during Announce Annex to Guide House Gift of Col. R. S. McLaughlin An announcement was made at the May meeting of the Osh- awa Division Girl Guide Council by the Division Commissioner, Mrs. D. E. Fox, that Col. R. S. McLaughlin will build an ad- dition to the Oshawa Guide House in the near future. Guide House was originally presented to the Girl Guides of Oshawa by Col. and Mrs. Me- Laughlin in November, 1948. Mrs, McLaughlin, _ during her lifetime, was a member of the Guide Movement and always most interested in its work and growth. The proposed addition will have a large meeting room which could be used for train- ings, district and division meet- ings and large group activities, R. Smithers, President of the} |Parent Committee; Mrs, D. J. There has been an increasing need for a room of this type with the rapid growth of Guid- ing in Oshawa. The plans also call for addi- tional wash room facilities ana an extension to the present kitchen which would facilitatejto the Guides of Oshawa, -Col the service to larger groups. | hi-te ts rhe cow building ear oqo Fe McLaughlin will be helping once ed to the rear of the existing|#8#" -- and for many years house and will face onto Oak|!0 come -- with the Guidance the Lord's name'. the summer months. Bowler, and Joanne and Bonnie| Mts. Bert Harrison gave a) qe next meeting will be held - 4 pea WR Mrs |very interesting and informa-| pb tl packies; and Mrs, J. A tive Bible Study on Paul, Py nega Meer ondagy og ace ony . as oT? Mrs. Fri Ce |. Mrs, Smithers welcomed thelOwen. at A rank meeting was Mrs. Barbara 4 _|Stewart from the 'Voice of "Women", Toronto. guests and proposed the toast! The minutes of the previou then read and ' Lunch was served by Mrs. to the Queen. Mrs. Manning|meeting were said grace and all enjoyed din-| approved. | 'ner. Suzanne Wiltshire wel-| Various reports were given Mervyn Owen and Mrs. Harry comed the Mothers and Mrs, R.|and the visiting committee re-/Segars. Bowers replied. Mrs. W. E |ported seven hospital calls, 13) The meeting was brought to a MRS. D. E. FOX (Div. Commissioner) a vA gt hp: Mats i Sige ®. Sagas CONGRATULATED ON | Royal Canadian L their 25-year membership in | Mrs. Joseph Spencer Branch 43 Ladies' Auxiliary | Fred Taylor, seated Legion Aux. 25-Year Members Receive Recognition at Banquet The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal tinued activities and success in Canadian Legion Branch 43,{all their projects. held its 25-year membership} Draw for the pedal car jeep dinner last week. Mrs. Norman|was made and won by Mrs. B McEvers, president, welcomed|Wyatt. Other prizes were drawn the guests present and proposed for, which had been donated by "the toast to the Queen. Grace|the members including a hand was said by Mrs Charles Gibbs,|made rug, made by Mrs. Mar- chaplain. Dinner was served by|tha Smith. Mrs. James Anderson and com-| Entertainment convener, Mrs mittee. Mrs. Edward Bouckley,|Herbert Bathe, then presented «past president, introduced thela fine program as follows head table guests. These includ} Three members of the Laur- ed Alderman Alice Reardon, re-jentian orchestra, Mr. Gary Ger- presenting the City of Oshawa, | van, xylophone Mr C lyde 'in place of Mayor Christine|Don, guitar; and Mr: Walter Thomas, who was unable to at-|Trehern, bass viol gave some tend; Mr. Harry Brown, Legion|fine selections with Mr. Gary president of Branch 43; Mr.|Gervan as soloist Maurice Proctor, 1st vice-presi-| Ballet dancers dent, Mr. Ben Jacklin, business|Crouter, Miss S manager, also officers of the Miss Noreen A branch and auxiliary. gracefully. Mr. A toast to the City of Oshawa companied by was proposed by Mrs. Robertieco, was loudly Williams, Alderman Alice Rear-|his very fine singir don responded. She congratulat-, At conclusion of ogram a "ed the auxiliary on the fine|short business meeting was held work accomplished over the|/and the charter draped in mem- -years, also for contributions!ory of the late Comrade Flora made to Hillsdale Manor. The}. Simmons who passed away Legion and Auxiliary were al-|recently. Members were re- ways faithful in their duties and)minded that June 17 is Decor- service for others was always/ation Sunday and the annual uppermost. She wished them|picnic is on July 7 with trans- } continued success in all their, portation from the Legion Hall. endeavors. Mrs. Norman McEvers and The toast to the branch was/Mrs, Alyn Elliot presented the given by Mrs. Cameron Oke,|95.vear membership pins to Mrs Mr. Harry Brown responded| Joseph Spencer Sr., Mrs. Fred {and-on behalf of the branch he/Tayior Sr., Mrs. Robert Wil- expressed appreciation for|jiams, Mrs. Charles Preston, help given to the men whenever|rs. &. Alker and Mrs. A. Par- , called upon. He congratulated) ich Each of these members the new 25 year members and| was presented with a corsage wished one and all continued) anq congratulated for their 25 success in their activities. years of membership. Mrs. Alyn Elliot proposed the|" _. pe cee ga toast to the 25-year members, Tickets for the 35-year birth- Mrs. C. E. Vermoen responded|ay dinner are now on sale at 'and stressed the importance of|$1 and must be purchased at loyalty at all times to the au a : 2 iliary, speaking especially to Catering for this is being done the younger members who must|by the Holy Trinity Women's carry on the good work in the! Associattion and the dafe is years ahead. June 26 at 7 p.m. This will also Mr. Ben Jacklin spoke briefly) be the closing meeting until and expressed the hope for con-! September egion were and Mrs. left to Miss Bonnie ra Scott and d performed Ross Cotton, ac- Miss Judy Sen- applauded for a. ¥ ¢ * % J F % MARRIED AT ST. HEDWIG'S In a recent ceremony in St. Hedwig's Roman Catholic Church, Czeslawa_ Pietrzak became the bride of John Kowalczyk. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. John Pietrzak and the late Mr. | Pietrzak, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Martin Kowalczyk, all of Po- land. Mary's Studio SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT | The engagement is announ- ed of Maxine Joanne, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Stauffer of Oshawa and Mr. Donald J Stauffer of Edmonton, Alberta, to Mr. Matthew Thomas Doch- erty, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Docherty of Glasgow, Scot- ; land. The marriage will take 'place at Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church on Saturday,| June 30, at 11 a.m. ! right, x-|the next meeting on June 19.| and standing, Mrs. fred Parish, Mrs. R. A. Wil- liams, Mrs. Charles Preston Al- | and Mrs. Gardner brought greetings and/house calls, spoke briefly to the girls. Mrs.|ti D. Mothers for their Services. Brownies formed in a Brownie} Ring marking the presentation} Edward Alker Sr. --Oshawa Times Photo PERSONALS of Golden Bars by Mrs, Gar-| idner to the following: Kathy Krantz, Susan McGhee, Janie} Russell Sharon McGhee, Lyn Among those invited by the Board of Governors of the Stratford Shakespearean Festi- val to attend the buffet dinner this evening prior to the open- ing performance of the season are Mr. and Mrs. K. H Clarke of Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. Robertson Davies, Peter- borough; Mr. Kenneth Morley, Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. K. D Crone and Mr. and Mrs. J, A Aldwinckle, Oshawa. Guests are attending from many Ontario centres and Mrs. Victor Sifton is coming from Winnipeg, Man- itoba, Those from Toronto 'in- clude Mr. and Mrs. John Bas- sett Jr., Dr. and Mrs, Claude T. Bissell, Lady Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. Rhys Sale, the Honourable Justice C. D. Stewart and Mrs Stewart, the Honourable Justice D. C. Wells and Mrs. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McGibbon, Dr. and Mrs. Ettore Mazzolen Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Voaden and many others Dr and Mrs Will W Baldwin, Brooklin, left day for the Canadian convention in Winnipeg held all this week am on Fri- Medical being Mrs. S. D, Hyman avenue, has returned from Dur- Glentorest more Canadians drink BURNETT'S than any other Gin Bowers, Jayne McGhee, Heddi Lash, Mildred. McDonald, Lyn- da King, Fay Kilpatrick, Susan Clement. Mrs. Manning present-} Those present at the Lowry-| ed badges to the following girls.| Mulligan wedding were Mr.|Collector badges Lynda King,! John W. Milton, Mr. and Mrs.!Paula Horky, Jane Watson. George Pollack, Oshawa; Mr.) Collector and Joy maker bad- and Mrs. Fred Carter, Miss Em- ges Kathy Krantz Sharon Mc-| ily Carter, Toronto; Miss Reta|Ghee, Susan McGhee, Daria Seccombe, Timmins; and others Kuch from Windsor, London and Sar- nia where she her parents, Simpson, ban, South Africa, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs, C. T Totmaker and House Orderly |Badge Anne Louise Crowe. WOMEN DRUG( 6 Writer Artist House Orderly} The Nationa! Association. of/Badge Cathy Serida. Women Pharmacists was! The girls divided into four founded in London, England, in groups and entertained with 1905 songs learned in Brownies. | I'm Told That WARD'S 1S THE PLACE TO SHOP FOR... PHONE 725-1151 Bn te My hin tin, hh hy Ae i hr, he Ln MS 13 SIMCOE ST. S. 1770 Up NET yp SIR ROBERT BURNETIS CELEBRATED LONDON DRY For a carefree vacation-- 4 Ask your travel agent or CN Maple Leaf Package Tours Ke) any location about Kirkland thanked the Guide ---- and three institu-|close with the benediction. led by Mrs. Bennett. on calls. and training of the young Through this substantial giftlof the City. street. people YOU HAVE A HAND IN THINGS CANADIAN when you own Surprising? Yes--but true. Like most people, you have probably thought of your life insurance as protection for your family --as a good way to save money regularly --as a valuable collateral if you need a loan for an emergency. 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