THOUGHT FOR TODAY + WEATHER REPORT Any day now, fishermen are i Partly cloudy and. warm with : nage a few scattered showers and apt to gs uses! ad thundershowers tonight and guaranteed annual catch. Sunday. VOL. 91--NO. 147. on een, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1962 Gttowa and for" payment of" Postoge. in Cou, EIGHTEEN PAGES H Tightening END) OF STRIKE Expected. By HAROLD MORRISON stand behind the banks' deposit WASHINGTON (CP) -- Well-|liabilities. E informed sources said: today} A bank's liquid position de- 4 that Canada is about to borrow|termines whether or not it can ~ ili | a 'sizable' amount of money;make new -loans, since such) pe s 3 from the International Mone-| lending increases its deposit lia-|/ ' | Issues Settled tary Fund to help bolster the bilities. exchange value of the Canadian) Banks must maintain cash re- © dollar. serves -- currency in their tills : ' : The. sources said also that|plus deposits with the Bank of % ; 1 ' V ego 1a, ors Canada is seeking and likely;Canada -- no. lower than eight ; e3 ' : will obtain financial assistance) per cent of their liabilities to ' / . | oe : from "other sources" as weiijdepositors. Up to June 20 this : i CLEVELAND (AP)--A quick| passenger automobiles could be * as the monetary fund. 'month. cash reserves had' av- 2 end of the crippling strike which! produced in one hour, while the ' | eraged 1p er cent. A bank of|@ P i: a ' resulted in layoffs of 77,000 Ford|company insisted on 300. bs OTTAWA (CP)--The govern-\Canada- report Thursday . - Motor Company employees; It is believed that engineer- ia Oe a ment belt-tightening indicated) j5wWed that in the last week é fi be "il across the United States was injing' plans will be changed to : lin Friday's statement by PHC canieal hank har loaned P Z 4 : sight to-day. |permit a new quota on panels. STRANGE SHIP FOR RESEARCH Mniister Diefenbaker appears! g96 990.000 to one or more banks ' ' @ id ; _ | Top-level negotiators for Ford| Apparently both sides compro- : : : likely to be accompanied by|ig bring cash reserves up to ; ; and the United Auto Workers) mised on their positions. The strange ship FLIP pic- | teen tons of sea water let into | ing operators of this research |some tightening of the easy the required level. : ' i union (UAW) Friday night! "The union's negotiating team tured as tugs handled her in | stern will flip the FLIP up- | craft in its study Of ocean | money conditions that have pre- onstt " 2 ' i '| reached agreement to settle all|is Satisfied with the agreement river after launching today | right to stand 300 feet deep in sounds and waves vailed for the last year. re fs : : -lissues involved in the 17 - day|Cconcluded," Bannon said. "We in Portland, Oregon, shows a_ water with four-storey cabin : Signs of such a move have . i 7 i : -\strike at the suburban Walton|P!an to recommend it to the bow, for ease in towing. Fif- | in the bow above water hous- (AP Wirephoto) uate aaveared. extl e a e if - ae 4 \Hills stamping plant. members." 1st - ps a ig a é | | A grievance over these pro- Not only have interest rates Pe ty: E The 3,200 members of UAW! F ide é ; sie f 3 : |duction standards, plus 15 other bien Gatey the week but Study Pledged ag _ -- @ |Locla 420 will be called on to|isches" triggered 'the strike e there has been a steady nar- 5. 4 ratify the agreement Sunday : Algiers People Back = fxicwscts gy ate Se i aro eeu i st: ability of chartered banks to in- 7 C : g tin? : sued until then. of bod ' _ Major ~-- an crease their lending 0 onsumers b aaa br y stampings used in a | A joint announcement of the! Ford passenger models. | Also, the steady increase in agreement was made by Man-| Because of a shortage of | | e rear, KINGSTON (CP) -- The con- | i , i ord's the money supply begun a year) NS Page lbbiray-s }ton M. (Mike) Cummins, Ford's) par On Stric kel i Sir eets ago by the Bank of Canada ap- Sumers Association of Canada WORD FROM MAMIE |director of labor relations, ent the ane nen . aoe pears to have levelled off in the aes oe : heap tne soo! - Mamie Eisenhower shouts a | Mrs. Eisenhower was there |Ken Bannon, chief of the un-|for cars--Ford halted produc- . last month oa compalen to Ret lsuele 8p greeting from the North Por- | to attend a tea for the Na- |ion's Ford department. Both| 4; t its 16 a By CARMAN CUMMING appealed to municipal workers|tory. Some of their ancestors . a " _ textiles which will indicate; > hig Ser a C e avon lit inna had BbaA on at its Passenger car as Canadian Press Staff Writer to go back to.their jobs. A spe- had lived in Alger for gen- The measures when. | Mr, their use and recommended feo of the White House in | tional Cultural Center Ad- | aed wt a8 f 1 d | ently Diants. Sam pene "The citizens of Algiers walked) cial appeal was made to the erations, working its farms and Deifenbaker said will be an-| nape. Washington as she and Jacque- visory Committee of which |meeting with U.S. federal med-'tign has continued. freely through the night streets| garbage collectors to clean up| dominating its business life e™ nounced Sunday--a reduction in GAC president 'Mrs, A. Fe W line Kennedy turn to enter the | she and Mrs. Kennedy are co- jators. : _In Detroit, Ford said ratifica- af tho-cliy fee the first Ge inithe, eireetaccittered by thou-| sare then 100000 left in ihe Plumptre announced at the an-| ¢xecutive mansion after | chairmen. The chief argument in the/tion will start recall of 38,000 more than a year as the tat- sands of spilling cans. first three weeks of June alone, nual meeting Friday that the| POS for photographers. | AP Wirepioto jako gg standards bono workers Monday. The remuin- tered Algerian capital tasted) On Wednesday Moslems be- fighting their way through trade and commerce depart- Se aia te teen sawlilgenrace, Tossdan kako eee ther canada a city fa" Ferre Site aoe sie aeeew rn ier eeenta ments -- are apparently aimed shh ac hin iia i el |The union claimed only 237 of|ing until July 2, y 5 3 . ' . Fey pe siiar's ict: at increasing confidence among ° committee under the Cana- : : por @ ' on marked by hundreds of burned) municipal services. Most of the airplanes foreign investors and easing|dian government specifications Experts Probing the 16-pound panels used on and shattered buildings, dirty) postal employees reported for Moslem leaders called for an dbwawava pressures on the dol board to study performance la- Sisthions seats Oakville Plant 1 streets, spilled garbage cans. | quty and half the raliroad work- end to the flight. lar's exchanue rate bels attached to textiles. P But for the first time in pea ers. "Algeria needs all its chil- saiahde interest rates would), She Said the CAC has been 1 n . ® they went into the streets wit The te ace came with dren," a Moslem_ official : retcg : asking for such a committee 7 Ta ce ras F ] P h a measure of confidence that eee gmt seg in Algiers pleaded in a radio address, peed a Aig ie Sr since 1945. In US. Gets Hot ee ing inc bs po gene: a pe tage a age last weekend between Moslem Pee eee a die Muda one percentage point in the in-| CAC members repeated a 1960 POINT-A-PITRE, Guadeloupe pilot of another Air France| CHICAGO (AP)--Angry union| sub-machine-guns or the blast leaders and the European Se-|& ite with Moslems "to reno-|terest rate on treasury bills to resolution asking that manutac- (AP) -- French and United|liner here blamed the crash on| officials re pre senting 200,000 of a plastic bomb. i a sie | poo eg * pt van. the Algerian fatherland » 14.92 per cent was one of sew obliged * pam te ped " ees pein ae e shed pe Regen oss _ 'he|trainmen have. accused. opera- denis 'violence: continied in derground terroris' ; wno we Silvis of the xetaawes thought eral indications that interest r eo I a ws) verRe of Mae torn ce ing was very low. \tors of United States railroads|pecause of a strike Ford's ia am wer meer ee ete reg let they might be back again. Oth-|T@tes are rising. pridiects : France Bo el ng 707 jetliner| ot af phi rag had plane |of trying to provoke a country-|Cieveland, Ohio, . plant, suppli- ¥ ; canita] seria before the Moslems were ' gy nai ; | ats, France P P carried sufficient fuel-to have) wid il strike. . : H t Z I 8 : ers se vies 7 Aer INS : ra alia ' are after : wide rai jers i wil wea i. capa" able to vote their way to inde- sig oe bag Sarggcct poe LIQUIDITY DECLINES The resolution rfoted that/ crashed in wa thunderstorm after) enabled the pilot to have flown) The accusations came| "Tye Gakvilie sanenene cae i tan Roan ia Sorce: "atne pendence July 1. -- Bag hea lay This has been accompanied|some Canadian manufacturers reporting landing gear trouble.!/on to its next scheduled stop, after management representa-| assembly line which was (a March 17. 195¢--when attacks Though Moslems swarmed) Pehir a aah ikl by a decline in the liquid posi-|had placed foods on the mar- All 112 persons aboard were|Caracas, Venezuela, about 500/tives for the second time ing out 520 cars per day, ceased by the Moslem rebels were at| through the European areas of tion of chartered banks -- the| ket which were harmful and un- killed. miles to the southwest. walked out of a negotiation| operations when supplies sup- a peak--and had been lifted Algiers again there was no fra- N A lt amount of liquid assets which fit for human consumption i Police blocked off the crash) 'The fiery crash scattered|meeting with union officials plied by the Cleveland plant ran perhaps a half-dozen times. for gph _ at the nyse ew ssau sy ve ee Bee 2 is ee ef pay seco es wreckage over more than ajFriday. The last walkout was) out. special holidays during the en- 2nd airports Huropeans 'ined 4 ' ne ae : Aeronaullcs mile of the thick undergrowth. May 17. : | Don Tucker, an official at suing six years of bloodshed. up by the eee to seek B T ; t TOTAL DISASTER soard and Federal Aviation| Bodies hung from trees. A! The break in bargaining arose| Oakville, said that if the strike ie ' ales passage across the Mediterra- y erroris S | Agency teamed up with French small girl, one of 11 youngsters|/over work rules the carriers|continues, Ford plants in Wind- NEEDS 'GAIETY pean. air experts from Paris to in-/killed in the crash, still clutched! consider featherbedding -- call-|sor and Niagara Falls will be a peat ch gry ales EUROPEANS LEAVE ALGIERS alle e new Ri "i iti ' R row pir cans Ag pl scage 4 her doll in death, jing for unnecessary jobs. 'forced to close. spokesman sa yas ne 4 tie of terror today threatened to S St singie-pla wae ; " é F no more--and besides, it was The exodus left fewer than sale any hopes of peaceful co- Tl 1CS oar |commercial aviation history. eg is beige yg thr time to, bring some "gaiety" 1,000,000 Europeans--less than (victonce between Algeria's The four - engine airliner them id ge 5 8 i Bing back to Algiers. a Aenth of the population -- in a : them out of the jungle. , t 'i ; Moslems and Europeans i jsmashed into a hill and burst) The toll in a single - plane P ofessor Sees At the same time, the city the vast North African terri- i. west Algerian command Ma Prove ure sito: flamiesvon thik French Car| cogeh wie wecaoded only: by the T ~ of the Secret Army Organiza- ibbean island early Friday\crash of another Air France| e e,°e tion Friday night ordered its en shortly after flying over Pointe- Boeing 707 jet early this month| e P n terrorist commandos back into By EDDY GILMORE side the Duke of York's Thea- g-Pitre's Raizet airfield in the which killed 130 persons, includ«| ection eat njus OSI1 10 action for a last ditch stand) LONDON (AP) -- Playwright|tre where his play opened four|start of a landing approach|ing 191 Americans on a Euro-| the government's budgetary de- ficit and an improvement in {the deficit position of Canada's international balance of pay- OAKVILLE. (CP)--About 2,- 500 Ford of Canada empolyees were laid off at 4 a Friday t against the country's imminent William Douglas Home said to- days ago. after a flight from Paris. pean tour sponsored by the! : eS ; ioe independence day he planned to advertise his| The play was greeted with) Officials said the pilot radioed] Atlanta Art Associagion. By GERRY McNEIL situation probably will be worse } h --_--------| QUEBEC (CP) -- A political than it is now," he said. "I am t Tr . MD Fugitive former Gen. Paul new play by featuring scathing °"¢ of the loudest critical com-| as he passed over the field that ies - | QUE _ pou ite « that i th 1 or OC . Gardy issued the order to his criticisms heaped on it by Lon. Ment heard for years in Brit- he was having difficulty getting 2 | scientist who keeps _ his pager rag a in fy hoes elec- outlawed followers in Oran after|don's drama. critics an the landing gear down. The Flight Engineers on the piles. of: Quenecers 6ayal O ed sari aie a ; i' { Ss clatcho, latat Of hin ; ' "yp on Migs . ; 7 m 'vedi ill in-|fidence in third ies. WINNIPEG (CP)--Dr. W. general and the Saskatche- stating that contacts with rep- I'm all for putting up these Funny thing," said a spokes- plane then swept out over the Social a a eth ms yt "enmaher tasters ' Stiv Toronto, an executive|wan medicare plan in particu- resentatives of Moslem na- bad notices, for there weren't man for the theatre, 'but busi- sea : crease i : seal : oe eajeians Services Incofs| lar tionalists have failed to yield any good ones," said the play-/ness seems to be picking up.; Minutes later, the control Strike Two Lines |Quebec if a federal election is ee a pithy a been porated, said Friday the lack} Members of the Saskatche- positive results wright, brother of Britain's for-|Could it be because of those bad)}{qgwer radar lost contact at NEW YORK (AP) -- The held within the next year. i eae det Social Credit of interpretation of Canadian wan College of Physicians and) A blaze triggered by a bomb eign secretary, Lord Home notices?" about the same time explosions Flight Engineers International] Professor Leon Dion of Laval) ight' gain 300,000 more votes Medical Association principles| Surgeons have long battled the damaged the Oran town hall) we said he would use such, Home is a playwright who|jn the distance were heard.|/Association (AFL-CIO), said it| University said in an interview) nq the New Democratte Party is "placing colleagues, da y|CCF government over the act. less than an hour after his caustic descriptions of his show not only takes criticism seri-|The explosions were taken bY | will strike against Eastern Air-|Social Credit 'almost CEM| cinossibly 500.000 more" in 4 after day, in an unjust and un-/College President Dr. H. D, Dal- clandestine broadcast The Cigarette Girl, as: ously, but does something about! some as lightning crackling.|}ines and Pan American World|tainly" would have swept the) ,~ocra1 election wtihin the next lehable position." gleish of Saskatoon says it will, In Bone, eastern Algeria, two| 'One of the worst plays I've it. 3ut after daylight searchers) Airways today despite a U.S, | lower St. Lawrence and Gaspe| year. r Speaking 'during a panel on infringe on the rights of the 904 plastic bomb explosions re-) ever seen." After the critics blasted his) spotted the wreckage on Mule's| national mediation board offer| Peninsula seats if it had been" Goia) Credit, he said, is a the current problems of prepay- member doctors in the prov-|m nded the population that the "Drivel. " show, he personally called on Back Hill 18 miles from the/tg step in as peacemaker. jas well organized there as in movement of the people -- a ment agencies in medicine at Ince. : local Secret Army .command "A total disaster each of them. -- field, and one witness reported:/ «ai the mechanics tor aj\other parts of the province. "shopkeeper's movement' simi- the Canadian Medical Associa-| B. E. Freamo of Toronto, was not accepting the peace ne-| 'The 'most dismal and abys-| They all published what he "Nothing left otic horrible} jeaceful settlement of this dis-| He speculated that the only|jar to that of the. Poujadists in tion meeting, Dr. Stiver said an CMA economics secretary, said gotiated in Algiers. mal heap of rubbish to bejhad to say. sight. : 'pute were exhausted long ago,"|thing that might seriously harm|France, The feeling of the annual health examination in| Friday that doctors in Saskat-- Weary Europeans were flee- mounted in London in living The result has been that The plane slammed into the), union spokesman said Friday] 'social Credit in the next year! people was:- Ontario could cost between $10/Cchewan are fighting for the saw no future for themselves) memory. : Home's play has received more hill about 500 feet below its) night in announcing the union|is an alliance with a traditional] "We know our candidates are and $100 depending on who)? ehts of all doctors in Can- ing the country in which they! Home said he would post such free publicity in three days than 2,000-foot crest, off the usual) | ould carry out the strike re-|party, the Progressive Conser-| poor and for the poor. They ada and their children. criticisms, on billboards out-|some plays get in a year. landing approach pattern. The} -ardless of the board's offeg. |vatives or the Liberals. jhave no acquaintance with the does it 3 ie : n Hé said that without defini- | Eastern Airlines President! Professor Dion also suggested|big shots. We know they will annual health exam- |Malcolm A. Macintyre said a\that a minority Conservative) work for us." ination 'or "the. type of doctor DOCTORS STILL REJECT SASK. PLAN strike would force the airline| government for the next two or| The desperate attacks by. la- I to shut down operations. A Pan|three -years may be the only|bor leaders and politicians last ho can perform one, the : fe arency (PSI) is placed in a po-) American official said Pan Am|hope of Canada's two - party| week indicated how much lead- sition of impinging on the doc-| ° ° would continue to operate, but| system. ae jers had lost touch with the heving to take & policy sland. | he didn't say how. | "If an election is held, the/people, he said. having to take a policy stand. | | r) is ee seinen : Dr. D. N. C. McIntyre of Win-| nipeg, a board member of Man- , itoba Medical Service, said that} REGINA (CP) -- In eight|several sections of the act for{quality: of the service pro-|ferred to the specialist by an-jince, except those not eligible no a ape Piguah aati days the Saskatchewan govern-| criticism. These include: vided, ....." jother physician; jbecause of enrolment in -- Manitoba with MMS an ne me ylans t iate North) Section nine: This allows the ; an |plans, must register for the Manitoba Medical Association pelo, eit commen Medical Care Commission, the|OBJECTS TO WORDING PROVIDES X-RAYS res after dies months resi-| deciding these points in amic- medical care' insurance plan.|administrating body, to "'take| The college says these sec-) Anaesthetic services; X-ray,|dence in the province. A penaity| able discussion. Doctors claim the legislation|Such action as it considers nec-|tions and the wording of much) laboratory and other diagnostic] of yp to $25 is provided for fail-| Dr. P. Bruce - Lockhart of wil) give the government a vir-|@ssary" to establish and admin-|°f the remaining portion of the/procedures; preventive mnaicall ve to comply, A similar pen- Sudbury, president of the On-/tug1 monopoly on medical serv-|ister the plan and improve "the|@ct removes the responsibility) services; various routine physi-lajty is provided for non-pay- tario Medical Association, said) jpg, qualify of the insured service." of treatment from the profes-| cal examinations, but not those! ment of premiums. service plans operated by doc- Section 28a: This granis the|Siom and places it in the hands/requested by a third party; The majority of Saskatche- tors are a business ahd positive , commission the power to act as 9f the government. Physical tierapy by a regis-|wan's residents will qualify and measures must be taken to Merely provides for pre-pay- the agent in all matters for the This jeopardizes the patient-| tered therapist upon the order} wij] begin paying premiums in| keep insurance an insurance, to| ment of medical services, The jdoctor relationship, the college|of a physician; some dental] 1963, The plan is expected to) beneficiaries of the plan unless} Anes Mh gegen _ | keep out outside interests and a beneficiary exercises his op-|¢laims. jSurgical services; medicallcost about $21,000,000 annually, | not to touch the doctor - patignt | relationship The government says the plan doctors suggest it removes the control of medicine from the cunaaaon tion to retain such powers him-| Premier Woodrow Lloyd says|'teatment while on visits out| with additional funds provided self. Where it -is the agent, the|the government is prepared to| Side the province; and medical/hy a percentage of the prov- Soe The government says it will/c¢ommission would take the ben-|introduce amendments which! Seryice for up to three months! ince's five per cent sales tax. MEETING ENDS launch the plan, with or with- eficiary's party in any court|"would further emphasize the| When a resident leaves Sas-| No premium will be charged The association concluded its out the endorsement of doctors.| action to settle "any dispute or|principle of non-interference in| katchewan permanently for the six-month July 1-Dec. 31 week-long annual meeting on If the plan is rewritten, the|other matter with respect to a|the professional judgment of the) If does not provide payment] period this year. The sales tax the same note it started, dis-jdoctors, through the Saskatche-|cjaim arising out of an insured individual physician." for diagnostic or treatment pro-|collected since Jan. 1; 1962, is| | cussing medical care insurance|wan College of Physicians and service big Dr. E. W. Barootes of Regina,|)cedures for cancer, which 1s|expected to provide sufficient! ) & Surgeons, plan to close their of-| Section 49: This allows the|a member of the college's gov-| provided by the province's can-|sums to meet the expenses. | fices and provide only emer-\commission to make various|erning council, says the plan is|cer clinic; tests" tor eye glas-| A seven - man Medical Care CITY EMERGENCY gency treatment regulations, including the estab-|totally unacceptable to the méd-| drugs; ambulance; dentis-|Insurance Commission includes Dr. H. D. Dalgleish of Sas-ilishment of such terms 'andjical profession. jtry;' provision of eye glasses;|three doctors. PHONE NUMBERS katoon, college president, says|conditions on which physicians} he act provides for |services provided beneficiaries) The commission has set 1963 £ 4 the act gives the g ent|and other persons may provide} Diagnosis and treatment ofjunder the Workmen's Compen-| premiums at $12 a year for sin- control of medical se "i insured 'services to the benefi-|all medical disabilities and con-|sation Act and similar provin-| gle persons and $24 a year for| MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OFFICERS POLICE 725-1133 will result in deterioration of! ciary." |ditions; surgical services, in-|cial legislation services pro-|families. They become due in| : v EERO such services The section also grants regu-|cluding pre- and post-operative! vided for persons enrolled in|November, along with 1963 hos| Officers of the Canadian | nipeg, are, left to right: Dr. | president; Dr. .M. R. Mac- FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 PGE! > SE latory powers to the comm's-|care; complete obstetrical care; |federal fields and covered by| pital insurance payments of $24 : W. W. Wigle, Toronto, incom- | Chnries, incoming president, HOSPITAL 723-2211 scala IZES ACT sion "respecting the mainte-|routine infant care; specialist enior government heaith plans.|for single beneficiaries and $48 fe e ing president-elect; Dr. G. W, Winnipeg. : baorma | The. college has singled put nance and improvement of the services where a patient is re-i Every resident of the prov-|family premiums. | their annual meeting in Win- | Halpenny, Montyeal, retiring --CP Wirgphoto + a ) P Medcal Assocaton, shown at a