Mrs. Heber Scuch, Mrs. Harry Ip Miss Lynn Bailey, 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, July 27, 1962 | Ser vice Stations | Orono Fair : Executive aoe, Bal, lia aoe Sunday at the home of Mr. and _ Orono To Purchase Now Open On 401 /Pians Photo Contest == 32 ings of Paul Rodrik, son ( e be . ' PORT HOPE -- Two of the, The station began pumping) ; oP a ee ae / " um Villa e Water Site finest highway service centres| gas on Monday using permanent, ORONO -- Several of Orono's\tobacco -show at the Fair|/Sam Keane of Oshawa visited gale pet ay rl ged me 1 in Ontario are expected to open|pumps and a temporary office,,senior citizens went by bus to grounds. with Mr. and Mrs. W. J: rg Pee reste rage Dak ; -- a ' . . ' in November, 1962, on High-|said Mr. Towler. iCobourg Wednesday, where New caitle ties will be install-/Bob Keane is spending f By MRS. KEN GAMSBY rental basis during the period of the Centre would be of great- way 401. They will be situated) 'The contract with the depart-| groups from Orillia at the north/ed at the grounds prior to fair ---- visiting his family and) Mrs. Pete Wallace, Mrs. Mel ORONO -- The Orono Police|of use. jer service to the Medical Cen-/on the south side of 401, five;ment uf highway of Untariojto Picton on the east, gathered day and general clean-up pis _ ss ea Fh hoes ease Rly Bevesn bem eee rustees met on Monday even-| Planning is also a part of the|tte than possibly Cobbledick/ miles: west of Port Hope, and/calls for completion of the centre|for a huge picnic. enhance the appearance of ¢ « 4 ~ en be ce Mid we vintted Mire Chaves Comme ing when approval was given to agreement and the Police Trus-| Street. They stated that it was on the north side, 10 miles west/by March 31, 1963," he said.) Each unit present at the pic- grounds and agony eae ale fam 4 os iss Barnes ae iv- pag imc 1 and j he Town-|the most logical route to the of here. "But we hope to be in full oper-jnic was asked to provide a num- A new feature for the fair t ing a eir permanent resi- 7 afr P S ane ee te | eapaney to the tees are asking eat wae piehe Centre from the north The nearby Texaco centrejation several months hefore ber of entertainment. Oshawa's year will be a photographic con-| dence in Orono. _ Seven Girl Guides of the Orono Aes fil tae tale iship of Clarke define the area will feature a three-part restau-|that, probably by the end ofjunit gave a most entertaining test. 'Nye various Camera Clubs! Mrs. C. Gibson, Oshawa spem Girl Guides are this week at ownship Council for vg Con-/asked for Incorporation be set-' A motion by Lowery and Mer- rant of ultra modern design,| 1962." number and the Colborne Band in the district are to be contact-ja few days this week visiting/camp with the Bowmanville ideration. The oy ate ae ron( 2? & Planning area and that\cer passed in which the secre- according to J. O. Towler, serv-| 'the Imperial Esso station 10/4" Majorettes provided an ed in this matter for assistance|former neighbors, Mrs. Bowen,|Guides. The camp is at Nogies pee oe tee ; ie Pe sOn/a planning board be established|tary was instructed to write ice station supervisor for Tex-| miles west of Port Hope on the/hour's entertainment of music. and to take pari in the competi-|Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Branch Oreek um the Pidgeon River. The [an area ee ba for the area so defined. . |the Trustees of the Medical Cen-'acp Canada Limited. It willinorth side of Highway 401 fea-\Games and contests were also tion. es : Robt. Cooper, Warren, Mich.. Guides left on Saturday of last illage of Orono and immed-| This is recommended to be|tre advising. them that the/include a coffee shop, take-out! tyres a similar three-part oper-|held. The Board is interested in ob-|joined his wife and family end|week and are to return this Sat- ate district. (done under the Planning Act of/Orono Police Trustees anticipat-|orders section and a restau- ation: Coffee shop, take-out| ns Haren taining photos of the Fair. Any-| visited relatives in Orono on the|urday. The proposed agreement was| Ontario. ed opening the road east of the rant section with a 45-seat capa-\orders section and a res say a . NEAR |. one interested may take part in|weekend. | Those from the Orono' group tee co in wee porys pogeed The agreement also asked/Medical Centre. city. rant, according to officials of seven necks oa), Gi oame Gl ue Con Me Peas Joe of Mrs. J. C. Gamey and her a Mi aol Yeeaes ~ til "ig of Mercer and Lowery is(ttatin the meantime, the Town-| 'rhe chairman still felt that, AN approach ramp of about Imperial Oil Limited. Dircehies ate now cbenaleiie ie ee in charge of this|sister, Mrs. Roper of Toronto band. pe oy Phen =, 9 be submitted to the Township ne cites 4 ine pronibtting or end ring na weer j Me Saver vata iat ¥e Dr Gas Dis oF yeti Ag TEL the final arrangements for the Another new feature for the| erpowige aie nay _ Forrester, Joyce Long and Jean- : 8 *k str Y eadeiad ; wd cafe ¢ 5 ; x4 ia "kee Sat red Trull s week visit- 4 cope . an| tbe use of those lands included tan in "0 "the Det artoent is the restaurant. Beyond the restaurant, added the officials. ja!" % be held on Sept. 6. 7 and annual fair this year will be anil. his ote, Liova Trull of Kin. canteen " In endeavoring to establish anji, the said application for In-| f Mf hed tated a there restaurant will be a dual bay 4. A 8. ameteur contest which is to be = yf "| Nineteen Cubs of de One greement between the Police! oration but not including the|was no need of rebuildi thig Service garage. 'An extra park- Architects Venchiarutti and 'the Board met on Monday|held on Saturday evening. 'The|S!" : [Cub Pack enjoyed a weekend illage and the Township as|iiocent Police Village of Oronoltevion cfeuad ee "Sing lot for about 30 cars will be Venchiarutti have given the evening at the fair grounds to|show will be held in front of the| Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thomes|camping outing this past week- ecommended by the Ontariolfyr any purpose except agricul-| "It ts tar too narrow," q at the extreme east look of the future' but final/view the grounds and to con- grandstand at the fair grounds,|Visited a few days with Mr. and!end. The Cubs with their leaders unicipal Board, the Township ; ' is Jar 100 narrow, sald" Lessees of the service station Plans cannot be released since/quot further business in the pro. The winner of the contest will| Mrs. Fred Thomas, Galt camped at Centennial Park at ouncil and the Orono Police|'¥' ssa hcrasoadans are Eric, Bill and Don Easton, the oil company is still discuss-\motion of the fair be given an audition for the Ken| Mr. and Mrs.' Carl Billings,|Kirkfield on Canal Lake. trustees have held two meet-/PLAN WATER SYSTEM BUY FOAM EQUIPMENT The brothers are all of Toronto, "8 Plans with the architect. He financial budget for the Soble Amateur show which ap-|-- : ings in which the matter has! The final point in the agree- The Orono Fire Chief met\Eric Easton said they would Name of the restaurant opera- grandstand show was increased Pears over CHCH-TV, Hamilton. | OTN SM a PE OR Oe een discussed. meni is that the Township of|with the Police Trustees in the/likely take up residence in Port\tor has not yet been made pub-| with the result that the enter-| PERSONALS RRY Lewis THE ORIGINAL The agreement on Monday|Clarke, upon request from the| matter of purchasing foam/Hope since it is the "'logical/lic, since the appointment h8S!tainment for the fair will be in-| Mrs. Robi. Allin returned this| hen presented to Council will/Orono Police Trustees, shall ne-\equipment for the Orono Fire Place." not yet been confirmed, creased : week from visiting her daugh-! as THe EPFaND THREE STOOGES , : Department. On a motion of} The regular gasoline pumps! Jimmy Fisher's Orchestra has|ter, Mrs. Garnet Gamsby, Mr. = MOE, LARRY ww CURLY ARE HIGHBALLING ALONG y ' Resources Commission for the |. Lowery and H. Mercer, the have already been installed and|been hired for the Fair Dance Gamsby and family, Kingston. ae cx: ead Bor SEniRae Ua. Oe Oran, Pa ree Oe S imanlctoe! AIS Fillage ie to purchaxe such B ard Gra ts have been in operation since which is to be held in the Oronc|While there, she attended t he ha | ST0PI 190K! fAven] ommends that the Orono Po-|system in the Police Village of|eqlipment at a cost of around 0 n Monday. The eight pumos are Town Hall on Friday evening, wedding of her grandson, Bill bs g lice Trustees exercise the pow- Orono $200 providing the Counties set . on two 40-foot long islands. Sept. 7. Dancing is to com |Gamsby to Miss Evelyn Scanlin, 2 bed one W d ers set forth in Section 550 of The above proposals arejup a foam bank where foam Lot Separation Company officials estimate;mence at 9 30-p.m. following the Bob Keane of England and) & af: bed pau WINCHELL we othe Ontario Municipal Act. made in lieu of Incorporation.,can be stored for use bv the the station service will service|~ aon ; REY WMT at URES SY pu These powers allow the Trus- The hearing on Incorporation is| Fire Departments of the United) HAMPTON (Staff) -- Darling-|about 500 cars a day. This is} IN ONE DECISIVE »MOMENT a toltees to do road work, install/to resume on Thursday, August! Coynties ton Township planning board|expected to increase by about hey faced és es 4 p BRIN DOMEWY = OFFICER JOE BOLTOR s Sidrains and culverts, construct/30, in the Township Hall, Orono. ,, : ... Thursday night, granted a one-|35 per cent after completion of they faced the dangers 4 of the - | N a We wt conn Per 8 wlsidewalks, operate street lights) The Orono Police Trustees, in me he proposal. stated the Fire|io¢ separation from a 10-acre jot|the restaurant, they added. wilderness and lived pairs 1#and fire department and enter|passing the accounts, passed an ' ~ aa rhe before the Coun-| qwned by Norbert Egli, south of! Both service stations have a creat 4 p cnt Minto. agreement for the supply!an amount of $580 for the pur-| U&S Vounci Mitchell's Corners. opened for business using per- g r - " 7 he Drees my NOW PLAYING aaeot water and sewage chase of a site for municipal' On motion of J. L. Lowery, The lot, which has 150 feet;manent gasoline pumps and adventure! P | o) em ( Because the Police l'rustees| water at the south of the village and R. C, Forrester, Ross Mer-| frontage, has been purchased by|temporary office and wash- é ; ae Vi: ) re to accept the responsibili-/from Mr. and Mrs. I...McGee. cer was appointed permanent! Walter Bieri room facilities WALT 4 } Be. yi i ' *Sties of this work and also to fi-- The chairman pointed to the Orono Fire Chief --_ Morrow from Peterborough and - "nance this work, they havejfact that the Police Trustees) Rp ¢ Forrester presented ost of such work carried on|to the entrances to the Village!at the north of the village Th PMoutgide of the Police Village of|from Highway 15 cost to the village eonle be if TO THE FACT THAT HE USES HIS @)/RENT ROAD SERVICES in this matter and that they|the Counties road engineer when ERUPTS ALONG the services of the Road Super-|the appearance sign viding the Police Village isjery and Mercer was passed au-lare available, work. is to be . this matter a A 0 h : | PA BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:15 |" Planning Board Another motion by Lowery), A price of $51 was presented S$ awa usiness 0 ege SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! | CEEUET pen retary to write the Counties injang Mercer felt that it would| " : B lks A Qu connection with the replacing of]. more practical to stone 'hel RING " 7 a t CLy ine "Stop" sign at. Mill and/sige bank rather than sodding| Tuesday September 4 1962 a OF PRISONER oe | On She Same Programme! ito i rices in thi | i " 4 sign off Main street {to Mill obtain prices in this con eoch leads to « well-paying position in a business office-- mm, Adult Entertainment strange things In-woar... ton Township's planning board the Trusttes have su a i ithe s » supported the ; " "u" in this project. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION--MODERN EQUIPMENT TOMORROW! CINDERFELLA (asked that the Police Viilage/had contacted the Department costs for eré " Apps . | DISNEY.. : | s erecting Orono direc- prose axpayers be relieved of any|of Highways for improvements| tion signs, on the Coucties road A Woodpecker owes his SUCCESS Orono He suggested that the Board/the neighborhood of $50. This = a Oar , je refresh the Departments mind|matter is tc be discussed with| HEAD -So you do the same! = 2 ' , ne E men . 4 The agreement also provides|seek to have curbs installed at/he meets with the P | j 4 ' ; : . olice trus- Opis' ownohio may provide these nirsections to improveltes in the matter of the Sool ENROLL AT ONCE IN THE | csc fas hr = 4 : spr ae om machinery) Forrester felt that C The chairman and the sec- er Birds WHEE a ' THE LAW SMASHES i THE WATERFRONT! and labor under the supervision/could be done to-improve the| retary are to review th F L L T E R : . yu THROUGH TO REVEAL : 7 ; ae , e bud- A bh Ate Condetion€ea 4 of the road superintendent pro-|appearance. A motion by Low- get for the year and, if funds! . on im THE TERROR-FILLED charge for such Services on ajthorizing the secretary to write! done in improving the Main and at the | OT aT j i | SECRET ' the Department of Highways in| Mil] street intersection ML. : t *' om i F |by the chairman for sodding of} ' a Pe eae op os iit and Mercer authorized the sec-lthe corner. 'Trustees Lowery! scommencing s DAVID JANSSEN ALL COLOR PROGRAM Main streets. 3 About Zonin It was the feeling of the board) sry. ihaicinan wae avihocwed me FIRE" OF THE 3 wor does strange things that the recent moving of this bghal Eight Cereer Day School Courses from which to choose -- in a fo men...and men do obtain pri | ' IRON MASK HAMPTON (St -- Darling-| +, ad oe 4 <+{nection, and also to again con-} (Staff) -- Darling. street was undesired. In the past};2¢+ tho Horticultural Society' JUST ASK ANY OF OUR GRADUATES may give the nud to a reduc-|,; ; ; ; 2 C-\view that the Stop sign should tion in the size of houses in| emain on Main street. H. M. Mercer was asked to| apuir extartainncer. ASK ANY: GIRL? agricultural zones. obtain prices for the roll curb} Specie! Business Courses for young Men offering Specialized Mrs. Mary Budai, secre-- WANT CURB on Mill street north. The chair-) Training in Accounting. tary of the Darlington Rate-| The Counties Road Engineer elena a mag that Bees Stenographic end Secretarial Courses for Girls payers' Association, threwjis also to be contacted in the|Trustees place one or two logs De 4 \ board members the bait and| matter of having the curb erect-|in the Millson Hill Bridge to y and Evening Classes they grabbed it hook, line and'ed on the east and west side/help hold back the flow of ACT NOW-----ENROLMENT IS LIMITED sinker. of the Mill Hill at the South of Water north of the bridge and ,, 'I hear that you are consid-ithe Village. This was also re-|0 raise the level of the stream.| @ Clip and Mail this Coupon @ DOORS OPEN ering reducing the require-\quested of the Counties earlier) The trustees are to view the 10 Si t North heawe Diol 725-3375 723-4972 'ments for homes in agricultur-|in the year \bridge before placing the logs imcoe Street North, Oshaw i THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401 . . . PHONE 723 _-- et PM, ; AT. 12. PM, ' . " al zones," said Mrs. Budai. The Chairman suggested thatjin the grooves provided for on 1 4 The township zoning bylaw if the sign must remain where the north side of the bridge. a ee eee oe CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON SUNDAY 1:30 PM. fealls for 1,500 square foot. ni 'floor area vanes it is that they then paint a Moil Free Literature Describing Coreer Courses Te: on ...q stopping area on the highway Roy McGill, planning board/toy the Mill street south bdund Canada Vs States tchairman, said the figure dis-|+raffic. All the Trustees were cussed at a previous meeting). 4 jas. 1,300 square feet Sin 'agreement that 'he sign' Ip Bike Scramble he dealing with the atten | Discussion followed over the| MOSPORT (Staff) -- Canada he said. * |possibility of opening the north meets the United States here ! Councillor Sidney Cornish\2%4 south road just east of the Saturday, August 5, for a re- said council is waiting for aj|Qrone Medical Centre andjturn challenge motorcycle recommendation from planning which would be an extension to| scramble. hoard before it deals with this Division street The first match held July 21 situation. The Chairman felt that itiand 22 saw the U.S. team de- 'We should discuss it when|Would be more practical 'o feat the Canadian team in both Hine whole planning board is|Spend the money on improve-|the 250 and 500 c.c. classes Shere and have a decision one|ment of Cobbledick street ra-|There were 6,000 people on fay or the other.' said) Mr.|ther than opening another road.jhand to watch the event held Cornish In this Mercer stated that iffin Grafton, Vermont There were two members ofjany work had to be done on! The two countries are rep- "the board and Reeve Garnet|Cobbledick street it should be resented by a team of six rid- "Rickard absent from las t\carried out from Main street to'ers each. There's no prize night's meeting. Mr. Rickard) highway 115 money, just the thrill of win- "was attending another meet-. Both L. Lowery and H. Mer- ning for their country, with a Ning cer fell that such a road eastitrophy going to the victors 25 years of service to the public eeeereeeereneeeeeen eeeerereneere When COOKING -="= ...fake her out to dinner tonight " ITS PEOPLE...ITS POWER...ITS PASSION the electrifying drama of the revolt that shook civilization... the love that defied the world _ SB oocgeoss SCHOSHHHSHS HSH SSSHOSHSO SHO SSHS FOSS OSOES OPS &SER OS ERE roure ras * co +e a a PHOT ETOH EHO LOOP OHHH ORO S ESOP SOOO O ESSERE ROOOH OOOH OO OEE SOO OO HOSEL EEOOODS S@eeeeeeeeoseeeeeeesseeevee 3 : ac : * Specialist: Anyone --after a taste of Walker's Special Old ° You're a Specialist in good taste when you choose the luxury Ying (Fiidthis whisky at a popular price -- Walker's Spec ial Old. Good taste, geod looks, and economy have made it Canada's largest selling MOTOR HOTEL AND RESTAURANT "1S minutes from Downtown Oshowa on Highway 401 at Bowmanville' OPEN HOURS !! 7 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT DAILY! easeseeeeeesee® N RYE WHISK opular priced whisky, Next time -- make it a point to buy bln pop I , P Walker's Spec ial Old. IN THE SPARKLING DECANTER ee ENTERTAINMENT HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED danclic, calc a ek OF FINE WHISKIES FOR OVER C00 YEARS | eeeeeeeeeseeeeneerseses