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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jul 1962, p. 3

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ee nee BRITISH BRIEFS By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- The Ministry of Health has launched a new anti- smoking drive with some of the frankest posters ever pub- lished on cigarets and cancer. One of the posters gives fig- ures on the rise of lung can- cer deaths in the past 20 years. The other makes a comparison between the rise in lung can- cer deaths and the increase in the smoking habit since 1920. SUB BASE ON CLYDE GLASGOW, Scotland -- The Royal Navy's first super sub- marine, the nuclear - powered Cancer, Smoking Link Publicized 9,000 American airmen. Only 400 men are being' left there to outside the kitchen doors by householders, U.S. BASE CLOSES SCULTHORPE, Norfolk After 10 years at Sculthorpe, Norfolk once the biggest American station in Britain -- the 47th U.S. Bombardment Wing has officially ceased to exist. Practically all the giant B-66 jets, have been returned t the United States, along with operate a supply unit. PLAN MOBILE HOMES LONDON Two thousand THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdoy, July 28, 1962 3 Many Activities Keep Sea Ranger Crew Busy SRS CRUSADER % Anchors aweigh! We're back in our boats again. Yes, cutter- ing has begun for another sum- mer and every Monday and Wednesday night you will find us down at the lake cultivating more blisters and having a lot of fun. I'm sure Cathy Duquette can vouch tor that -- the blis- ters I mean, It's been a long time since our last column and a great deal has happened. The Domin- ion Day weekend was spent in an informal camp at Newton- ville which a number of the girls attended. I didn't, so I Bilyj, we were shown pictures of this memorable event, bu' we still haven't seen your mas- terpiece of the cows, Louise. The party was a lot of fun and a good chance to blow oft steam. Our thanks to Louise, and to the more unfortunate members of the Bilyj household who had to put up with us. On the 15th we took off on a bicycle hike to Chalk Lake --' do you realize how far that is? We didn't until we started climbing those hills. Groan! We arrived there in good time though and promptly lay (fell is more truthful) down to rest. started paddling again and searching for a place to camp for the night. Finally after a great deal o! trouble we located a small deserted island and later we found out why it was desert- ed for two reasons. Saturday night was a night of infamy. On the average only one to two hours of sleep was. had by all members escept "Stirling Sproule" who slept ; his canoe in the middle of the: lake. Never had anyone seen' mosquitoes so thick as on "'Mos- quito Island" that night. Very early Sunday 'morning after breakfast we left our is- Going home was easier though; it was all down hill. Of course flat tires are to be expected land and continued our trip without further incident. We were very sorry to lose HMS Dreadnought, which will be compleied and at sea this year, will be based on the mobile homes, instead of the|can't tell you too much about it 1,000 originally planned, are to/except from what they tell me, be put up on vacant sites in)and, from what they tell me, EXCHANGE STUDENTS END VISIT TO OSHAWA Exchange students from the province of Quebec and their visit to Oshawa as they meet at the Hotel Genosha to start their long journey home. The youngsters were the guests of Oshawa students -- who visited them recently-- | and members of the Oshawa | Junior Chamber of Commerce who arranged a program of sight-seeing and social events for them during their two- weeks visit. Shown, right, are Jonquiere, Que; "Rich" | Townsend, Hall, sard, Arvida, Que.; Francine left to | Ouellet, Jonquiere; and Mar- Yvon Bouchard | garet Jardine, Oshawa. Oshawa; Gord Oshawa; Doris Bras- --Oshawa Times Photo CAPSULE NEWS East Germany Lost 188 BERLIN (AP)--At least 188,-;dou. Doukhobor women charged Communist-|witia public indecency for strip-| 000 persons left ruled East Germany in 1961, population figures indicated Fri- day. The Communists' statisti- ,000 ping at an election rally. The} women's counsel asked him to} appear. Mr. Diefenbaker de-| cai yearbook shows the popu-jclined comment on the request lation fell. to 17,079,306, a de-|Friday. cline of 109,182 from the pre- vious year, although there were 79,072 more births than deaths. BUILT AVIATION GIANT LOS ANGELES (AP)--James H. Kindelberger, 67, board chairman of North American|will run about $200,000,000. The} Aviation Incorporated, died Fri-|credits, publicly pegged to Ar-| day of congestive heart failure./gentina's promises to help it-| He built the firm from a small|self in every way possible, are holding company in 1938 into a|for development $1,000,000,000 - a - year giant making -15 rocket planes, Thor and Atlas missiles and the proposed first U.S. moonship. , WON'T TESTIFY OTTAWA (CP)--An aide to Prime Minister Diefenbaker says he is sure the prime min- ister won't go to Trail, B.C., to appear as a defence witness at the trial of five Sons of Free- | ARGENTINA GETS AID WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States has announced a} broad program of assistance to| help Argentina out of a finan-| cial jam. The immediate aid) s|erews wili be. trained in Scot- OWNER WANTS HIT HR'S NOT ROCHESTER, Minn. (AP) Owner Charles O. Finley of | Kansas City Athletics has or- dered Manny Jimenez to start | hitting the long ball again. Finley, laid up after Mayo Clinic surgery, said in an in- terview field and told him: had_ telephoned Hank Bauer "I don't pay Jimenez to hit singles." Jimenez is a "'smart Cuban ue manager | and he's going for singles and a_ better told Bauer. "You get him in | your office and get another | Cuban to interpret and bang your fist on the desk. We'll see what happens." average, Jimenez, who has led American League batting much of the season, now is | in second place with Pete Runnels of Boston leads with Finley | JIMENEZ SINGLES 337, 340. At Kansas City, Bauer said | he had relayed Finley's order to Jimenez. "T have to agree with Char- | ley to a certain extent on this," Bauer said. "Jimenez | has only hit one home run in | the past two months and right | now is more or less what I | would eall a defensive hit- | ter." "I called Manny in after I talked with Charley and I told him Finley pays more money for homers than he does for singles. , "All Manny said was, 'I | try etry? | projects and) to bolster the country's cur-| polls BOY SUFFOCATES HULL, Que. (CP) -- Seven- year-old Denis Vanasse was found suffocated Friday, doubled up in a tool box in the back of a panel truck at his home in suburban Wrightville, The boy was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vanasse. No |ing will be held. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Those who celebrate on Saturday are: Miss Joyce Martin, 377 Glendale avenue. Those who celebrate on Sun- day are: Mrs. A. F. Cox, 13 Elgin street east; Miss Elizabeth Rymdzionek, 1300 Simcoe street south. "| contributions. WANTS MARRIAGE FUND ROME (AP) -- A Christian Democrat group has submitted a bill in parliament to provide jearly matrimonial financing. |The sponsoring deputies said 100,000 to 300,000 lire ($160 to |$320) was the minimum needed to start married life and set up ja household. Young workers }would contribute to a fund un- der social security and would be able to borrow against their Official Reports Petty Chiseling WASHINGTON. (AP) -- An in-| terior department official say} there is petty chiseling by per-| haps 10 per cent of the nation's duck hunters. : Charles H. 'Lawrence, acting chief of the migratory water- fowl enforcement division, also told a House merchant marine subcommittee Wednesday that the illegal take by duck hunt- ers is greater than by commer- cial market hunters. Walter F. Crissey, director of migratory bird population sta- tistics, said the breeder popu- lation of ducks is down through- out the main breeding areas of LAUGHTER WEEK'... | BEGINS APRIL 1 Laughter Week begins on April Fools Day, which is almost a universal custom. Does your budget need a boost? You can laugh away your cares and add dollars to your savings account by using Oshawa Times Classi- fied Ads to bring in the extra cash you want. Make a list of the things around your home you no longer use and dial 723-3492 for a friendly Ad Writer. Do it today and laugh all the way to the bank. the Dakota, Minnesota and Ca nadian provinces. He said this is due to drought in those areas during the last three years. FIVE: Five generations were unit- ed recently at the home of Mrs. C. Cornelius of 282 Bald- win street, Oshawa. Mrs. Jane Wherry of St. Catharines, Ont. is seen seated centre, as she holds her: great-great-grand- le ENERATIONS jas poppy sellers. They have|tom of their gardens. The an-| % Bull Chop, Rogers 112 # |Royal Heavy Man, Potts 112 3 | That Critter, Wolski X114 p | Carfty Lace, Fitzsimmons 112 : |Prize Crew, McComb 115 ; |Marcus Antonius, SISTERS HONORED GOFFS OAK, Hertfordshire] River Clyde at Gareloch.. Brit- ain's future nuclear submarine land. QUEEN'S BIBLE TIE DERSINGHAM, Norfolk --) For the first time, two boys) have tied for a Bible the Queen' gives annually to the top religi- ous schoiar at St. George's School, Dersingham, The Queen has decided to give each of them a Bible, and they will call at Sandringham House next Christmas holiday to re-| ceive them. MODERN LIGHTING WANSTEAD, Essex -- Mod- ern lighting has at last reached the towns of Wanstead and Woodford in Essex. The anti- quated gas street - lighting sys- tem is now being switched London by. the end of 1963 to) help solve the problems of the} thousands of homeless families area. CHANGES JOB LONDON --A senior draughts-| man engaged on secret work for the war department has been moved to a job in the) Post Office because he has be-) come engaged to marry a girl) from Yugoslavia. The decision! to move him was made be- cause he was considered to} have become a security isk.| they had quite a time. Believe it or not, some of them had their first experience sleeping in the London County Council/ynder the stars which was quite a treat, And to think, all this time all they had to do was craw] out of the tent. A few of our more ambitious members even designed a Crusader flag to be flown on the area which} has been designated for e| Rangers. CREW HOLDS PARTY The following Saturday, at crew party .given by Louise HORNCHURCH, Essex -- Back in 1947, Bill Halliday of Hornchurch had his name stuck by one of his workmates, inside the hub-cap of an export car CITY AND DISTRICT while they were working at the Ford Dagenham plant. This started a friendship between Mr. Halliday and the couple who received the car, Mr. and| TO SEE FILM but it certainly was coinciden- tal that a certain mate -- who doesn't like cycling -- just hap- pened to get one close enough - home to rate chauffeur ser- vice. HOLD CAR WASH This past Saturday was our car wash. Oshawa is probably the only city on the North Am- erican continent that can use gondolas -- at least it should be able to after the amount of at ajWater we had running all over |the place. And anyway, gondo- las are much easier to wash than cars. The Spur Garage on Bond street, whose premises were quite generously donated for the day, and the many peo- ple who gave us their business (whetheg their car was dirty or not) made it a big success. Thanks to you all. This too will Members of the Rotary Club|help with our Banff trip ex- of Oshawa, at their Monday| penses, Well, back to bailing the boat. lover to electricity, which will ibe turned on next March. ICE FROM THE SKY LONDON -- The Air Minis- pik > ee he pis roesshiadl try has rejected a_ proposal|/B.C. e friendship culminated) foe the Association of Munici-|in Mr. and Mrs. Hunt visiting pal Corporations that it should|the Hallidays when they came set-up a fund to compensate|to England for a holiday re- victims of the ice falling a baie aircraft. The association, how-) : ever, is pursuing the matter|READY FOR SNOW further. ; KESWICK, Cumberland -- |Councillors in the English Lake| DISPUTE OVER NAME District are preparing for next] CANTERBURY, Kent -- Ajwinter's snow, and are consider-| dispute has arisen over nam-jing buying $1,200 worth of ing the new anions ~~ blankets for any long-distance ned for Canterbury, Kent. truck drivers who may be had heen intended to call it the/ stranded in the Shap Fall pass, Tniearay pt Canterbury. aut)1,300 feet high, when the snows is name has ~|come. ed because the University of 'anterbury, New Zealand, ob-| WINDFALL FOR CLUB har gua KING'S LYNN, Norfolk--The }one-acre site of a former bowls on t, hd and social club at King's Lynn HUNS?TAN , Norfo -- has been sold for $60,000, mak- Starfish have cleared all the/ing the $3 shares of the 60 club ree po bg ee eg beds/ shareholders _ pnetiy working a unstanton, * men -- worth about each. local council has been told by|Some members objected to the the tenant of the shellfish beds/sale, but all were glad of this that no cockles will be avail-| windfall. able on them for between three} and five years. PARKING METERS SWANS PROBLEM _ LONDON -- Swans are com- jing down the Thames to Graves- Oe sen ce being extn in ever-incronsing sanpery --P: s 'and presenting a new problem. tended to the central areas Of/The river is heavily polluted) iy, ot ie meer with oil, and the birds are being! o help 4 »/contaminated by it. s several streets are to become has had tu 'en ts ele one-way. Transport Minister|affected swans. Ernest Marples has made an order for 577 meters to be in-/TPACHERS' SMOKE stalled at Kingston. SUFFOLK West Suffolk! | education committee has tunned FRIENDLY BADGERS down a proposal to ban smoking luncheon meeting, will see. the} color films, with sound track, of} the 1961 Grey Cup game in To- ronto. between Hamilton Tiger Cats and Winnipeg Blue Bomb- ers. Hey, somebody put the plug in, we're sinking! 'Till next time, HOPALONG. 4TH OSHAWA ROVER CREW During the past few weeks the crew has been preparing for our weekend canoe trip. Last weekend was the big event. Friday night the Pontiac brig- gade left Oshawa bound for Mc- Crackens Landing and our ren- dezvous with o ur canoes. Un- fortunately it was rather late when we arrived so we all re- tired to one of Lakefield's better establishments under the lead- ership of "Stirling Sproule'. On the way back to the camping area we had the misfortune to run across a skunk which is BAIL CONTINUED Bail was continued Friday un- til Aug. 10, for three men charg-| ed with car theft when they ap- peared Friday before Magis- trate F. S. Ebbs here, Daniel Morley Sallows, 22, of 19 Wa- verly road, Bowmanville; Don- ald Cornish, 24, of 83 Ritson road south, Oshawa and Ronald Paul O'Neil, 18, 201 Bond street east, Oshawa, are to appear for hearing Aug. 10 on the charge. 2 \olds, Paulpolly, Wolski X1 SOUTH CROYDON -- People} -- Three sisters, the Misses| Ethel, Elizabeth and Harriet/living in the Ballards' Farm) | Well, of Goffs Oak, have re-|Road area of South Croydon, 12) ceived British Legion certi-jmiles from the centre of Lon-| ficates for their long service|don, have badgers at the bot-| sold poppies for periods rang-|mals are so friendly that they) jing from 20 to 25 years. 'eat cake, honey and treacle put FORT ERIE ENTRIES MONDAY, JULY 30, 1962 Windmill 2nd, Krohn XX111 Battling Way, Harrison X97 Roman Banquet, Bolin 10 7 QUINELLA BETTING , FIRST RACE -- Three and four-year- foaled in Canada. Claiming all $2500, Purse $1900 -- maidens. One mile and one-sixteenth, Graybrook's Last, Wolski X114 Our Stuart, Bolin 115 Upsadaisy,' Robinson 11 0 Hurrah for Us, Dittfach 118 Swing Gal, Kaldi XXX109 Imps Reward, Dreyer X119 Ortonto, LeBlane (A)XX108 Normanton, Dalton 115 Lace Petticoat, Roser 110 Saturday Jones, Fitzsimmons 110 Little Joli, Dittfach 110 SIXTH RACE -- "Golden Garden Club Purse,,' three-year-olds and up. Allowance. Purse $2700, 6% furlongs. Brown Panther, Harrison (A)XX104 Vendetta, NB (B)114 That's Jazz, Remilwrd 113 Moony, Turcotte X115 Count Page, Bolin 115 Dorval, Dreyer X110 Wonderwine, Harrison (A)XX104 Burning Hoofs, NB 115 Rock Age, Dalton (B)114 Also Eligible: Donnon, Turcotte | (A) Stafford Farms entry public house owners against the on school premises or to restrict it to staff rooms. The reason-- some of the village schools have no special room for the staff,| and the teacher often feels in need of a quiet. smoke in the corridor. LICENCE GRANTED BRISTOL -- Sainsburys, the| multiple grocers, can now sell| liquor in their Bristol. Self-serv- ice store. An appeal by local grant of a licence to Sainsbury's was dismissed with costs at the city's quarter sessions. SHRIMP SHORTAGE HARWICH -- Catches of shrimps at Harwich, once famous for them, are the small. est in memory, local fishermen report. The avenage daily. catch this season is five gallons, only OBITUARY CHARLES E. WESTERN Following a lengthy illness now deceased, Bright and early Saturday morning the canoes were loaded and we started for Burleigh Falls. the death occurred Friday, |IN WRONG DIRECTION July 27, at the Oshawa Gener- al Hospital, of Charles Edward Western, A former resident. of. 112% Bond street east, Mr. After three hours of paddling our navigator mate discovered that we were going in the "wrong" direction. Eventually we found the right channel and, Western had been a resident of after two or three stops to Hillsdale Manor. He was in his|empty Skip's canoe, we arrived 67th year. Born at Cambray, Ont., 21, 1895, the deceased was a son of the late William and An- nie Western. A resident of Osh- awa for 35 years, he was em- ployed by the Oshawa Board of Works for 23 years prior to his retirement in 1960. Mr. Western is. survived by seven daughters, Mrs, J. Brock- man (Norma) and Mrs, B. Galt (Connie), Oshawa; Mrs. E, Wil- son (Jean), Mrs. Frank Tar- rant (Marie) and Mrs. George DeMille (Elsie) Brantford; Mrs. J. Aselstine (Barbara) and Mrs. P. Killeleagh (Wanda), London, Ont., and two sons, Alexander, Oakville and New- ton, Mount Pleasant. Also surviving are two bro- thers, Leslie and Hartley, of Cambray; 25 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by two sisters and a brother. The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 10'a.m. Monday, July 30. Rev. H. A. Mellow,minister o f Northminster United Church, will conduct the service. Rev. E. A. Martineau will conduct the committal service at Eden a tenth of what they ought to be for this time of year. Cemetery, near Cambray. X110; Red Flyer, LeBlanc (A-XX108, , (B) W. Wicks, G. M. i and (A) Mrs. W. Von Richthofen entry D. M. Davis Jr. entry | SEVENTH RACE -- Three-year-olds SECOND RACE -- Three-year-olds and up, Claiming all $3500. Purse $1900. 6% furlongs. i Croatan, Wolski X115 | Devil Flower, Anyon 112 and up, claiming all $3,500. Purse $2000. | One mile and 1-16. | Conservatory, Leblane X109 | Mary's Reward, Bolin 109 | Formal Trust, Simpson X114 Inigo, Dreyer X114 Unstar, Fitzsimmons 114 Wee Gee Cee, Gubbins 114 Senor Teddy, Turcotte X109 | |Star Gun, Dreyer X115 |False Start, Harrison X113 Frohlich Immer, Dittfach 117 X107 Red Spray, NB 114 Quadreme, Anyon 119 | EIGHTH RACE -- Three-year-olds, | claiming all $2500; Purse $1900. One mile and 1-16, | McCarthy, NB 108 { Honey Boots, NB 108 | Tantrum's Last, NB 108 | THIRD RACE--Two-year-olds. Claim- ing all $7500. Purse $2200. 5% furlongs. Gossiper, Dalton 122 Double Rule, Gordon 115 Olantangy, Gubbins 122 Spring Eclipse, Wolski X115 Charlie's Folley, Turcotte X108 Rascality, Harrison X115 | Tom Bartle, Adams 123 | Waberlohe, Leblanc X105 | | | Pic n Pie, Harrison (A)X114 Picard, Anyon 122 Free Estate, Gubbins 122 Teachuck, Turcotte (A)XX114 Viva La Zaca, Rogers 115 (A) R. Gian and Mrs, F. H. Merrill Jr. entry POST TIME 2 P.M. CLEAR AND FAST AAC--X-5, XX-7, XXX-10 Ibs. FOURTH RACE -- Three-year-olds. ' e Claiming all $7500. Purse $2200. Six fur- For fe] limited time see longs. | Buzzin, Harrison X99 | Miss Merrymaker, Dittfach 111 00 | Dacos Roman, Dalton 114 Dittfach 114 : $ 50 pai tome nog FOR A QUALITY ' HOME... m sani sercy Winsmanship, Rogers 116 Admiral Gano, Turcotte X111 Bourbon King, Wolski X11 FIFTH RACE -- "Quarter Club Purse." Three-year-olds, Allowance. Purse $2400. Six furlongs. Princess Guard, NB LOOK FOR daughter, Cheryl - Lyn, 10 months old. Seated at left is Mrs. Wherry's daughter and Ohberyl"s great - grandmother, Mrs. M. Dionne, of Akron, Ohio. At right is Mrs. Wherry's granddaughter, Mrs. C. Cornelius of Oshawa, while Cheryl - Lyn's proud father, William Cornelius, is seen standing. --Oshawa Times Photo FOLEY PLUMBING INSTALLATION 11% Simeoe St. S. 728-1681 AIR CONDITIONED OPEN 1 TO 10 P.M. DAILY ONLY ADULTS MAY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER j BUEHLERSs Tender EAT'N A ss TRUE-TRIM BEEF (( 5 2 12 KING E. 723-3633 Meat Specials ! Mon. & Tues. TENDER BLADE STEAKS ». 69° MEATY PORK HOCKS 5 u ee | RIB STEAKS i € LB. Salisbury Steaks .. 69° You'll SAVE MORE at.. _ Buehler's at the Falls and headed for the Dec,|Nearest soda fountain. After one of our Rovers who moved to Kitchener. we Raed Bnd Pog ose that e first Thurs August is the blood ousic' "Curt". "Curt" ' 7TH OSHAWA D. M. ROSE ROVER CREW _ In most organizations sum- is a time of decreased activity, but such is not the case in the D. M. Rose Crew. If anything there has been an increase in activities. Part of this is due to the re-organization of crew's meetings. In an attempt to achieve greater efficiency in a large crew, business meetings have been cut to one each quarter. In the meantime the crew ex- ecutive plans crew activities and more of the regular meet- ing nights can now be turned over to them. Planned for the near future are a canoe trip (Aug. 12, 13, 14) a "Scramble" an election of officers for the coming year. On Monday evening, July 16, the new cutter of the Dunbar- ton Sea Ranger Crew was duly christened in the waters of Frenchman's Bay. To bear wit- ness to this important event in the life of the "Chaleur" crew the D. M. Rose Crew was in- vited. A surprise visit was also made by the members of the "Crusaders" (at least it was a surprise to '"'Ronnie"!) When the boat was finally christened all those present adjourned to the home of "'Chaleurs' " skip- per, Mrs. Cook, where there was swimming, refreshments and a camp fire. Thursday, July 19, some old business was brought up at the crew meeting. That old business -- minute steaks left oven from the Sarnia Moot of this year. These were barbequeued and this a long outstanding problem was brought to a delicious end. Thursday was work night at the den and every one cae equipped with a hammer and crow-bar as work was started | | being refreshed wel day. on our new bunks. A week-ened work camp is planned for this weekend so they should be ready by Mon- "Scribe." COMING EVENTS A FAMILY with younger children wants to buy those outgrown toys. Use an inexpensive Classified ad to get in touch with them fast. Dial 723-3492 BINGO AT U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, JULY 28th 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 WHITBY KINSMEN BINGO Wednesday, August 18st CLUB BAYVIEW Early-Bird Games 52-54 Special Games Watch Wednesday Paper BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, JULY 28th 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 1--$150 Jackpot to go. 4--340 Jackpots to go. SHARE THE WEALTH Children Under 16 Not Admitted. FREE ADMISSION FREE KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK 20--$20 GAMES $150 ee each line plus Full Card 5--$30 Pais 2--$250 Jackpots JACKPOT NUMBERS 54 AND 53 EARLY BIRD GAMES --EXTRA BUSES-- TEAM 1 JUBILEE PAVILION WOODVIEW. COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO-MONDAY, JULY 30th 2--$250 Jackpot Nos. 54 and 55 1--$150 Jackpot (Must Go) Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or Less 20 GAMES $20 and 5 SPECIAL GAMES at $30 REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS. OR LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00--EXTRA BUSES Admission Ticket Gives: You Free Chance On Door Prize RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Monday, BINGO 8:00 p.m. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING EAST AT FAREWELL 20 REG. GAMES--TOTAL $300 Snowball 56 Nos.. -- $100 -- $20 Con. Plus $10 each horizontal fine. Regular Jackpot 51 Nos.--$100-$20 Con. SHARE-THE-WEALTH GOOD PARKING EXTRA BUS SERVICE NO CHILDREN, PLEASE

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