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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jul 1962, p. 14

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Pe ge Nr gg) ys agg a pegntp lat gAhlamen tario counties were under the ewes |Today's Stock Market Listing 'RCMP Seize |Auction Centres [22°"0s 5 M. STOCKS 11 Net arene | uM nes 300 Beer Cases : ; ee ae ogs have BIRTH | go caaabian: Prem Stock Sales High Low a cae Sotek Bales High Low a.m. Ch'ge, Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge In Raid Closed To Swine Sa rien ae - eps -- Ron and Bev are happy to! oronto Stock Exchange--July 30 Du Pont 200 $30% 30-30 -- | Bail 5% pr 7240 $22% 224 22% 3 Waite 1000 21 «2 oat | | e safe arrival of a daugh-| Quotations in cents unless marked $. *aleon 300 $47% 47% 4 + %|Calalta 1000 15 15 15 | Jacobus 1500 73 «470 7 --2 sult of the disease, which is not announce th 2 Fri * nd, xr--Ex pot ze 4 4 Vaiss ia Ann, 7 Ibs, 10 978., on 2-Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, Fleet Mig 700 85 BS. |C Chieft 1000 106 196 106 | Joliet 1000 22 22 2 , Oe ' ; ti 4 eo pe ee 71, 1962, 'ai Oshawa General rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is tmnean 25 $31% 31% 3 pes tg io ak a ck ee i +»! NORTH VANCOUVER (CP) By THE CANADIAN PRESS jail Ontario community auction transmissible to humans, Dr, day, July 900 620 62 56 tied All auction sales yards in al Paya will be closed to swine|Sennetville added. Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Butts and Dr.!from previous board-lot closing sale. |" power ' A+ | tario and Quebec will be quar-|immediately but "sale of hogs) The two-province quarantine Ruddy and 4th floor nurses. LS Hees 600 145 +5 |Dev-Pal 1000 57 57 «457 +2 stata gee = ae 2K --1 |Two boatloads of RCMP offi- Hendshot | pr Gla 1000 22 22 | Kenville 000 "hee : . \ : i INDUSTHIA wep |Lme Life 5 91187 -- #8 B Oil G 229 $14 14) 14M Kerr Add 390 was ois. is 6 COPS swooped On the Wigwamjantined as a precautionary for immediate sleughter will be| f s faciliti ais Rak ib act ee kas 9» 197 Tale Bae Sa en Kopan too iz it tz) tw Inn here Saturday and later/measure against the further/allowed under federal license."|" salge facilites come afters $44 444 44a -- M4{ Int Nickel tMalpac Pele w 40 625 go [Lab Min 20048244 24% 24% + (Charged 17 persons with of-lspread of hog cholera, says @ Dr, Collacutt said the quaran.|"oums Thursday of federal i Ue et na ne {| Petrol 5 St +1 | Dutault 750 470 465 470 +5 (fences ranging from theft tojfederal agriculture departmentitine would not affect sales of\@8ticulture officials at the of- 44s ars fest as lene 5 105 105 ae ee ee gambling and bribery of a P0-|spokesman. : _... other livestock through commu-|fice of the veterinary director- Clara and Ewart are hap-| Alta Dist 50 220 220 220 linv. Syn A 50 $4714 4744 47% + 4 Weburne 1000 65 63 ee 38 8 |liceman. A dozen Vancouver) In Toronto, Dr. G. H. Colla-inity yards general vg MBASH Se the birth of a daughter,|Alta Gas 245 $2414 24\a 24s + ta |Jefferson nn oie | | uadeet a io 2) 240 «| Romes were also raided. cutt, Ontario district veterin-| 7) ( : ; s: ; ' hice 'dopiuss on Tharaday, July, 2:1 Aula Gas pre Se logtetoass (Lsbant" a0 Siz% 12% 1 MINES {Malartic | 1000 90 90. 90 Gambling equipment, docu-jarian for the department's Py Quebec, Dr. 0. Sennetville,| Dr. Coltacutt said the meeting 7 =] ta t Gas pr 258) 240 10254 H bd 'dg at n i ' . spd ae , . " 8 ' ee 3 z : Fda eet Niepaten Heep Laura:|Alta Gas w 27 863 665 863 Cont Cem 200 290 29 +s , 3000 35. 38... 35 ee ee ae ae ie 1 |ments and 300 cases of beerjhealth of animals division, said| eral veterinarian, said hogidiscussed means of "improving sister for Margaret \Alta Nat aap $174 17% 174 -- W | Law Fin A 3 an I ane 115 590 390 590 413 \McKen 92300 23 21 pokes is increasing 2! aN| sontrol measures" to cope with ' Shirley (nee| Algoma io 4 a eed _4 jAnsil io, 20 |McWat 32% 3214 32 : : alarming rate and all Quebec... MACLEOD -- Keith and Shirley (itt Alumini 164 $alie 21's Bie -- W|Lob Co Aw 160 84 OF oa ren ee a a oe len ates | Wigwam Inn, a storied tourist) Voice Of Women auction centres will be oisreaithe hog crolera outbreak. d| Readie) of Scarboro, are happy fo ane\ AiG 660 86% 6% 6 \Lob Co B --"% a ite a < nounce the birth of a third dnughter,| Ars © pr ey, $50 30% 2014-- Yaliod Co pr 25 $474 M74 47i4 -- | Bankene dat og jMeta Uran er ispot at the extreme head of the under quarantine effective to-. Dr. Sennetville said the gov- ey ernment is having difficulty ; y @ fh a 2 3 +1% | Min- ~ : ne Catnerine, on Sina a1. Toran Atias Steel $156 $35 oy el 3 =. sii" ia aa | Bary Expl 5 ' ie New Ath 5 7 350 1} Vancouver Harbor, is copeceee 962, a es ea Bari Bank Mont 164 $535 x 33 Mass-' j ry ; : Be om Sy , to A sister for Elaine and Barbar) Bank NS 218 $6 bh |Mass-F og ordre bel : See : P les place for afternoon' Plan Conference Dr. Sennetville said 20 farms finding all the infected pork be- 'en you|EeaY jam =. 830 ) Paper euertaart . Camp Chib 3 3 +8 .|Norbeau F ven: in the provinee had be 2 : did STORY -- When YOU\Rel) Phone 561 $50% 5 ¥s | Moore 303. $4445 Y Poh Pee Bee ggg tg aes Lene ml i We pt wee had been quar-|cause some farmers not re- -- by yhe a 'of your child iB Beer ° "50 825 25. --2 |Nat Drug 125 $16% 16% -- 4% : + gt BP ag ov deh 5 i a 'Three of the 17 accused were) TORONTO (CP) -- Women|antined in 12 countries. Twenty.|port the disease to department The Oshawa Times, clippings | of the| BA" Oil 950 $2 |Noranda 380 $29% 29% 294 --. % i ms 'A IN eek" 4. 34 --3 \ocarged with conspiring to cor-jfrom 25 countries are expected|seven Ontario farms in six On- officials- ogo Tree Senet bP aeons BC Pack 'B 100 bert isa logins" too. Prrtil with wih +14 |Cassiar 5 $1 10% Opemiska 50 495 495 495 --i5 jrupt a member of the RCMP.|to attend a conference on peace a, ne saci Family aw 4 " rs ' Cent Pat 3 5.135 135 Orenad 1000 5 \Thev -OUV VET! res ih: Y Family Jad relatives in those far-aW8Y| BC Pack B 100 $15\4 15% 15%.+ %4/P 725 $62 6% 6a Cont Pore ao 6 alpaomen ogey s They are Vancouver lawyerjresearch in Montreal Sept. 9 to/ $i4% i44e 14% 16 +1 | places. To Done ot a Cassified. a oe 210 50351 51 5 4 Chib M 2 3 3 |Pick Crow 500 74 4 ca |Rockmill Myers, William Foul-|16, organized by Voice of] call ey Revers is' Brae 44| Rothman , , }Comb Met 2 Placer ee ae ee Ider Robertson end Jack Me-| Women branches in Canada and} Phone RB: ; eB sp ty diag aeons ek Con Key : 12 --i |Quemont z10 960 960 960 {Grath the United State | em ¥ | Rey lite > C Discov 4500 130 5 +5 |Radiore 1500 50 50 50 | Grew, : - C Chem w | Roya ic 1000 39 = 3 Raglan 2000 71 71 oC. , 3 3 ii --2 | Specifically the three are; In a statement to the press-- jc Curt W 0095 Russell s 5 5 IC ' 100 265 5 Ravrock a 5 ae if ay. tl press DEATHS 1c Dredge 725 $8 {Salada | : ICN 'on OA ON Fs ig ani. jo 2 2 92+? charged with giving money and/the second anniversary of the I cea + ; Vices in _y|€_Northid 5000 31 29° 29° --1 | Rio Algom 5585 960 940 940 +20 | Valuable considerations to an of-lorganization -- Mrs. Helen This. fine importation of Period Furniture, Works of Art, 3 Conwest 600 500 5 --5 {San Ant 1100 167 165 165 --3 Ifieer to facilitate the commit-|Tucker, one of its founders, says! Sterling and Sheffield Plate, English ond Continental Chine, ¢ C imp Bk Simpsons 50 $2644 264 26%2 + 96! Coprand 252 126 1 126 Sand Riv. 150 I a " SF eee wo 12 a 500 4% «Oe ;: 4 , ; " i iew: hs teenie, Dons Gan Oi : 'a +% Steel Can 1585 516% 16/4 16% Pricer dan wan eS Sand Riv. 1500 8 t'4 _, \timg of an offence, and with in-|the conference will be the first Choice Glassware, Copper, Brass, etc. will be on view: | ' i ry 1 7 17? , 4 : A | . 3 . ' m 2 Avenue, Ajax, on Sunday, July 29, 1982; Cer *. & cs os oe eh Racca on 125 $i7%4 ti I7in + Rone ae ae 16 phage a5 0 te 30 18 jterference in the administration| of its kind imitiated by women Charles Richard Battleday Age 2:\Cdn Pet pr 22 Si0% 105 {Tor Dom 150 $524 52% 52M 50 $i0% . ee oe jof justice. jof the Western worl THURSDAY AUGUST 2 d 1962 years. Regimental Sergeant Major 18t) Gan Gas 5 316% bf : rT Fin A 235 Slim 1" lik+ % Seer ~~ 10% 10% 200 520 S10 520 +5 |} j d ' n a v er of Corps of Com-|CW ] y eh 7 om tar 455 460 | r ime 8 # 1 Le VoW was formed in Canada Wixtonsires mand Canadian Legion as Gon 'at s Ho $i ue oa 200 $165 i 16% beat' S il 150 ic 160 6. Trans R 3607 46% 45% 46 +1 |SET HIGH BAIL following the collapse of the FROM 2 P.M. TILL 9 P.M. 26 " tal Number|*0F "= R # 9 b = o : ast Sul 5 i 60 160 Trans Res 1000 Li il 1 lp ai 4 P %. Tyg wd Branch 322 Ajax (Regimenta Cons Paper 80 $38% 389 _ 4 Vendomat 100 $6 6 CG actaay an ee" aes _o lates oo 4 UB UB +4! Bail for Robertson and Mc- May, 1960, summit conference at the ; of the late . 2 Hy 78 a © 140012). Beloved husband 0! Con Gas 5 7 Walk GW 175 $49%% 49%-- 49% +44) py, * ' : : s - . nt 1 iGr: th was set at $25,000 each); ; ~ ; ses ear father of °F. 4 % Frobisher 500 13 13 Un Buffad 7000 54 52 2 4 arath was set at 920, eacnlin ¢( PVE Vieabeth Marion Verral,.dear father of) Crain "Ry, 990 3 '4 4 \% |Weoast vt 73) $149 1458 14% 'oot » gO RN EE 5 . 7000 oe 48S 4 . | reneva. rmouries nt. Margarhita M. Wilkes of Ajax; dear * A estan A 500 $14. 13% 1 mhrane Mineo 100 $24 24% 24%4+ %/|Un Keno 200 900 900 900 and for Myers, 10,000. Bail of) wire Tucker says the confer. Ld ' Cu 00 $12%4 12% 12 U ,a 70 170 17 r of Margaret and Sharon " ss w A t 51 695 695 . 4 re 12% pp Can 1000 170 170 170 1 1@5 J a . P § . A grandfathes jax, Resting at the Wiliam | Di See ty Sia rab ai oa nt , Goldray 4000 37 F Violam 12808 190 1/2 Lie: cjg (99:000 each was set for Bunta) once will highlight VoW's claim (S miles, North: of Mawensiiy? in Funeral Home, No. 2 High- 1 po oe ee anaes 4415 935 885 935 5 |Yk Bear 900 015 102 105 Singh, Keith Anderson of Van-|\that "women everywher oe A N ee Pickering Gust east of Harwood roo pa co ellers 50 833% 35¥5 33% H ot take 1900 2 20 -- %4|\Young HG 1000 17% 17% 17% +1, |couver and Irwin Victor Moore,/, unique sia sun a and sold by 070.8 £ J, s Ps in = Wy mn y he 2:4 venmac 35 9 : * ¢ Arse Nwednesday Aagust 1. at 1.30)! ue tt " OILS |Hud Bay 150 $51% 51% 5i14--1 |Zulapa. 'oo a ot ot all charged with keeping a CoM-|search for peace." ay Lawn Cemetery, ar 5 A Inspiratn 700 53) OS 5 . if ami re cay | FRIDAY 3 d AUG 7 30 SHARP p.m. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery: non, Text 200 $174 17% 17% Bailey $ A 125 730 730 730 oe ee es mon gaming house. Moore de-| 'The ofganization claims 7,000} , vr on Fe p.m. ext 'Irish Cop 4200 47 s Sales to 11 : 602,000 ane 7 i Rercato a ie. & . 02, ed himself as manager Of/members in Canada and organ- > Fyfe-McGregor 204 St. Sacrement St. BATTLEDAY, Charles Richard DAFOE, Evelyn Mamie YOGA Keipp (SE OE ized groups in the United States, Auctioneers & Approisers Montreal 1, P.O. AV 8 6330 At the Oshawa General Hospital, Sun LON bastante _| Eleven other persons, inciud-|Britain, New Zealand and Ja. | e ESTATES APPRAISED AND SOLD BY AUCTION ANYWHERE @ pene Observers Lo OT oh Saltese Seba ey ma | of 520 Citames Dafoe, dear mother of) * lie 17.0 ake up the art of yogairested in the raid and charged) ee Mrs. W. McStephens (June), of Lon jis 17-year-old Jacqueline de Pre.|witn being found in a gaming * Ontario and Darlene of Whitby. |The violinist Yehudi N i ' riage ve "ad set oI don, Sister of Anne Benn of Flint, | i Menuhin house. Their bail was set at Michigan, Mrs. J, Lindsay (Ida), North-| : : jonce described his yoga coach'$i00, All were remanded to Fri- rt, Mrs, G. Dulmage (Helen), Mil- jas "my best violin teacher." |day psa Mrs. K. Hogan (Lottie) of Pic-| | ' RaCHEr ay. ton 'and William Benn of shy: eg i os oer eee ae rere ait Beatin Saye fa service in By GEORGE W. CORNELL had a hand in it. We are just is needed" jis by other Chris the ebapel Tusedns, diy A ery: om NEW YORK (AP) -- Roman/the human instruments.' tians Intermvninister Rev. McLeod Catholicism and Protestantism! The Milwaukee - born priest. acoppp cRITICISM are changing--and moving to-jnow stationed in Rome to aid' . : a FINLEY, Mars ae apa Gen.Ward each other, according tojin preparations for the second Another Catholic change, he bonged rest. tiday, July 29, 1962,;an American member of the| Vatican council, starting next said, is a 'willingness to accept Mary Anderson Ross, beloved wits wcr| Vatican's secretariat for pro-| fall, said reunion will be a long, | Criticism from non - Catholic ee ey ot oabawa, Cameron Ross|moting Christian unity. difficult task, but steps can be) Christians | Finley of B mgt ate a At what point the twain will/t@ken toward it. : Behind the change, he noted fe ar gaat Resting at the Arm-|meet, "'we don't know," said He said the Roman Catholic|this rationale: Since Catholics strong Funeral Homie, | Oshawa, wit) Rev Thomas F. Stransky, this)church has changed its ap-| regard the church as divine, momorial iy ai, at 2 p.9. Interment] Weekend during a visit here. "It| proach to non-Catholics, aband-|such criticism cannot teach the Mount Lawn Cemetery. (in lieu of) whil be by the grace of God no|oning its past "attitude that the;church itself, but can teach its Mowers donations to the Cancer Society how it takes placc niay movement or change that! people many things "which per- would be appreciate haps we have failed to learn HUTCHISON, Gladys from the church." t July 29, 1962, at Buf , * Strancky cae geese, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 2%: Sr pte Kenneth M, Hutchison. Funeral service many movements in the te be held at Rowell Funeral Home, church are going to be encour. Wednesday, y R 2 ad : odstock, Ontario, on Wednes (Continued from Page 13) aged by the council" to advance Ww Aug. 1; 2 p.m the unity process, such as in. SLY, Claude a a a 32--Articles for Sale 35--Legal creased emphasis on the Bible, th Yhawa Gen- ssiitibianaicnoban dine iioiinsino fe SSBB CaN i Siete resins : e eral Fe cital a anday. aay 2, i962, | SHOP until 9 p.m, for used appliances/1 will not be responsible for any debts and responsibilities of the laity. Claude Ashford Sly, beloved husband|and machinery. Buy, sell, trade. Skin-jcontracted in my name, by anyone from Father Stransky said non- of Margaret Nicolson and father of|ner Appliances. Four miles west of) this date, July 28, 1962, .orward, with- Catholic obs ee ak sePeats Mrs, Stanley Ogden (Gladys) of Bow-|Brooklin on No. 7 highway. Telephone out my written consent, -- M. G. Lewis i u ' gr ages the coun THE NEXT RED C manville; John Raeburn of Toronto and | 655-3440, Y a CEN aenauninE stcy: - oT Cheep. 10 of them--will B . oo ery een Seaton of| RANG: » four burner heavy duty, Acme} ) |have 'a significant part. ENJOY SUMMER BREEZES! a -- csoelaptn er -- . c ; Maes ee ¥ : ' : the Fa Seay 'year.|gnson Road North, Telephone, 723-4064, i\CAN OFFER VIEWS r held THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd Resting 2 Armstro C nih rtceraaa:sieheonotbataes ertcecttitocastkc | CAD q ows Home, Cabaya, with memoria! serves OE eno | "While they won't have a voice | Install quality screens thot will let in every breath in the Chapel on Tuesday, July 31, at/able e 2 = J a ' o 3 . . cis oan, Interment Osbawe Ub 08\uereraeRaToR, dasctoiax make, ot vee in general actions, they] of fresh air and at the same time keep out pesky from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. and from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Cemetery. small size, good working condition, $55! jwill be admitted to sessions © You'll find th f cash. Apply 124 Jones Avenue |closed to the press, and will be} 'SEC's. YOU ind the perfect screening for your WIRES, Victor Clarence a aa" | A Rae ' ; t MAHOGANY frames, stem, transom| able to offer their view in spe-\] needs at BR N T @uddenly, at his summer cottage, Bal-| screws and plans for 16 ft. runa%out.| ROOFING cial forums, he said aye ¢ OWN'S. e gam Lake, on Saturday, July 23, 1962,/Telephone after 6 p.m., 728-3575 5, Me § i Miser es fos Si, 2 eocrn Ber ORE bag ot eating vievtrs| CONTRACTORS |i called the separation off 9, oa, = BR og ar 8O0 | SIMCOE STREET NORTH i yordon, dear bro-|furniture, refrigerators, stoves, wash-| ea Christians '"'an evil." ae erie a Bickel (Kate) of Bre.|ers. Call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294. ROOFING CONTRACTORS chin; Mrs. L. Peel (Christena) of Bex-| | are invited to apply immed- | "Everyone knows it's a sin, a | OUR BLOOD BANK 1S IN DANGEROUSLY LOW SUPPLY 22" x24"... dal | ley: Mrs. Clifford Peel (Grace) of Osh:|34--Lost & Found iately to the Department of |Scandal," he said. "Its origin 3 98 30" x 27"... ie New and old donors are urgently requested to attend. ; Mrs. E. M (Harriet) of Osh-| aes i i SOP RE "A Z : : cons Mies. B. Moore Haina) of Kirk.|LOST: Vicinity North East Oshawa,, Public Works, Ontario, Room and its continuance are a sin or field; George of Seagrave; Robert of|1960 Johnson outboard motor, 49 hp. 6527, East Block, Parliament {the result of sin on both sides ; Willis of Willowdale; Cecil| manual start, Serial No. 314192. Reward) Buildings, Queens Park, Tor- | . but God draws good from of Scarborough and Donald of Kirkfield. | 723-7475. _ os = 2) pete. 2. Ontario, for Tender 'levi, and il's up to us to. dis FOR SPECIAL C MF | pore who have never given before will learn their blood type and will receive @ valuable Mr, Wires is resting at the Gerroe | LOST -- Silver Grey German Shephard; {orms and Tender documents |cover how." S- ase | identification card. Chapel, 390 King Street West-/female, answers to the name of Heidi ;cover how, : { Service in the Chapel Mond. n for th oval of the old { ice e Chapel on Monday even-iVery friendly. Telephone MO 8-5145 or or tne remov' 4 i ee Great '. - ' ing at 8 p.m. then to Corson Siding As-| Mo 8.8207 fost and the supply. od op- He stressed that the Catholic} Screen-in your porch (or cern lated Gospel h, See PG ah Lele ee Pe Daan SE Doe 1 Ohare ce : , i Say 3 apligg rhea ths Coboconk |LOT cat, white, female, small. Last plication of o vapour barrier, hurch was not just standing build a screen porch), It will : > till, waiting for non-Cath t Comalery. seen in Whitby July 25. Reward. Tele-| rigid insulation, and built up | *) H on-Catholics to ¢ ' ' Le ee ____|phone collect Ajax WH 23016. roofing on parts of Kitchens |'return" -- a past -common be the perfect Summer sit- r YOU CAN MOVE RIGH i IN LOCKE'S FLORIST |BLACK Cocker Spaniel, answers to 1 and 2 at the Ontario Hos- usage by Catholics in speaking out spot. | . Sa EI oats ea ERTS sosiacea a ' sal name of Fal. loot Wednenisy during! pital, Whitby, Ontario of reunion iy storm, in vicinity of Elgin Street East. Funeral arrangement and |'knvone with information, please tele- Closing date for receiving "T personally have misgivings floral' requirements for all |phone Mrs. Jean Newman, 723-7814. |» Tenders will be. 3:30 p.m : BIVINGS : ---- about the term," Father Stran occasions. (EDT. F A t 10, : t a OSHAWA SHOPPING | USE THE "ye Fale PE Sas Ja bs flee adding that it can be CENTRE | Parliament Buildings, | misleading, } - | > 2,. Ontario In a sense, he said, it is ac- + . = 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE OSHAWA TIMES hy 3, rina wuris. dines the church i ; 7, \ 728-6555 CLASSIFIED | pendny ia Miler unchanging "rock" of truth, but eo een CT IKIED AN | ty Minister, ithe church also i: thin j GERROW FUNERAL | = Cor ymNS -- | eerie ei rb pod. "moving growing dy PREFER A PATIO? CHAPEL EE taseteahucsteedeltls i Works, Ontario | namic," seeking always to man- Kindness beyond price its: aes ~TENDE R ~~ | ifest the truth more clearly. We oad i all the mao- nes | "The face of the church is dif- terials you'll need to build yet within reach of all. jferent now than at the time of : . a 12 x 8' patio *10 Qa month meer == | «= FOR WATER MAIN: |e detrneien ne ue een: 390 KING STREET WEST {in unknown ways, when reunion Segled tenders properly marked "Tender for Water Main Con- |comes, not by "giving in" on ee ee IN MEMORIAM tract W62-1" will be received by the undersigned up to 5 p.m the essentials, but by 'listening oe tag 3 : oe oy Friday, August 3rd, 1962 . . reflecting and improving | cage : a ee ee WOERMKE -- In loying memory of & ane contract is for the laying of opproximotely 1,164 ft. of | | -- | eo Your ty SUPT htet -- 9 950 00 dear little grandson and nephew "Geor-. 6 woter main in the City of Oshawa, | | AT THE LOW PRICE OF - tf bd away July 30, 1949, in IN BAKED CLAY BRICK AND STONE AS SHOWN 4 Pi id f c i ' Sees sao ve cot eh Uibesiptad Sans the Sebo a Cones chose ot he Shipments, of ait wes of LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. | DOWN FAYMENT Al LrW AS 9°?" . i Of the loss of one we loved so wells) Grrount of $15.00 jhardboard increased 16.1 per And while he sleeps a peaceful sieep s§ ; ' ie His memory we shall always keep jcent in June to 28,633,084 square Always remembered by grandma Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. feet as compared to the same a ee ae H F. Baldwin, 1 anand: 1961 month. Shipments in the! 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH You can own this completely new home with its fully WORBMEE -- In loving memory of Chairman : General Manager. (January-June period were up separated sleeping and living quarters carefully a dear little son and brotner, Georgie. | The Public. Utilities Commission 117.7 per cent at 163,200,555 DIAL 725-4704 OSHAWA, ONTARIO | blended' for harmonious quiet comfort. every day for wee yaned igi suddenty, July 30, of the City of Oshawa |square feet from the same pe- 5 year. 100 Simcoe Street. South, riod' a year ago. every member of the family. Time may heal the broken heariea, Osha Ont Years may make the wound less sore, shawa intario 'i i $ own tek But it cannot fill the onging het hiniatcneiisiciniliisnmintiseeidiimentny | We will build this home for you on your own fol For the loved one gone before i There are no extra charges Who shall say the grief is lessened Tho' the smile may hide the tears, : By R J. SCOTT The price is $9,950.00 in brick; lower prices for Favored dae oy thee ee ; bs ' yf bevel siding. The down payment can be as low as SE as aes, heat, Dae | | $99.50. We will arrange your NHA mortgage for and Alan, é x : "ge ¢ : you and look after all other details. Under an NHA eee. -- : 3 Loon your Monthly Payment will be as low as 65.65. ee a. dtd This is much cheaper than paying fent cone | \ Sm ep . ZA oa ae Super Bakery Sp ecials LOTS AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE PRICES WOoO- ar Uras : ' A j | Your new home will contain: SPECIAL OFFER 1, Trim and custom built . Plastered walls and designed ceilings. . Vinyl tiled kitchen ond bathroom. . Landscaping. 3 Our first: FIVE customers will receive kitchen cabinets in 7 8. Cement walk ond 9. 9. 1 die talc uae Fike Ceigrad| es BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN ! ! completely FREE! either of en the lives of four persons, includ- ' | © Built-in Range Top and Oven throughout. ' P ¥ . : | @ Refri t Ceramic tiled bath- img a father and two of his six PLACED oH NEW } FRESH FRESH, DELICIOUS | efrigerctor ; roam with tocensed children and a Toronto man] (paves jn NORTH CHINA = 1)" PEACH BOYS @ Fully Automatic Dryer fixtures. Saturday: Seven other: persons] ~ protect THEM FRO @ Home Freezer 4. 100 amp. electrical were injured, none seriously EVIL SPIRMS. oe ENBERRY service. windows. Dead are Charles Mann Jr., é £ . SHORTCAKE PIE @ Your New Home will Be Completely Finished Ready For Occupancy @ 29, of Flint, his six-year-old son, WE WILL WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY TO PROVIDE FREE ESTIMATES ° grovelled driveway. . Laundry Tubs. . Kitchen Exhaust Fon. 1. Double glazed Ronald, and seven - month - old : é ; 2 2 Your Favorite ! < Mieke Yair danie: eet Auley ecg Special this : : | N YOUR OWN PLANS. Se cee" gy Sahl voce MiBe | ce DBE MO-KAY _ R. VICK Genesee County sheriff's dep- : oD hd / | week - e ERY uties said Mann's car appar- CRTURES. ] ently failed to stop at an inter. ANE dus Pogo Pyr tags 4 Pye Bn reall | SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK !! CONSTRUCTION OR REAL ESTATE section of M-21 two miles east) MAD SEVERAL $Pouts AXD 7H. | AROMA OF TEA, Frou : ' of Flint. 'His auto slammed| azZLE 'WAS 70 FIND waticn Saco nee 112 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 46 KING ST. WEST Broadde iyo the Taio car OnE WOULD POUR PROPERLY. | movers) SEH YEARS, | PHONE BAKERY ORDERS -- 725-3421 | DAY & EVENINGS 728-3105 PHONE 728-6228 es said. . | J

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