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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jul 1962, p. 5

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. WHITBY and DISTRICT Manager: Lloyd Robertson Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 4 Ml } A PORT HOPE RINK, made up of three members of one family, took the McBride Tro- McBride Trophy Family Affair Winning the McBride Trophy| turned out to be a family affair at the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Vicotr Highfield and daughter Margaret of Port Hope won the trophy in the mixed trebles event Thew niners received te tro- phy from Mrs. McBride, donor of the trophy in memory of her husband. The Highfield rink had three wins and a score of 53 Second prize, for the next high three wins ,went to an Oshawa rink, skipped by Charles White, with Mrs. White as vice and Farle Judge lead The prizes for two high wins went to a Whitby rink, skipped by Dick Adams. Eileen McBride was vice skip and Mrs. Adams was lead The high one-win prizes were also won by a Whitby rink, skip ped by Jos. Coverley. Marion Knubb was vice skip and James Ross was lead HISTORIC FESTIVAL Wales' National Eisteddfod, an annual festival of music, arts and crafts, began in the 12th/ century. phy home with them at the | conclusion of a mixed trebles tournament at the Whitby Lawn Bowling club, They are Oral Polio Clinics To Be Set Up Soon The Ontario County Health Unit (Southern Area) proposes to hold a series of clinics dur- ing the weeks of September 10 to 14, and November 5 to 9, 1962. These clinics are for the administration of Oral Sabin Polio Vaccine and are. intend- ed for all audits, adolescents, schoo! children and children over three months of age. Despite preventive measures taken over the past several years, a percentage of the pop- ulation remains unprotected against polio. It is hoped that the administration of Sabin vaccine shall give complete protection to the entire popula- tion The vaccine a pleasam- tasting pink syrup that is taken by mouth on a cube of sugar by adults and older. children. Infants will receive the vac- cine from spoons. This is a safe vaccine and is not given by needle. It gives added pro- tection and should be taken even by those who recently have had booster doses of Salk vaccine, tor Highfield, Mrs. Highfield and their daughter Margaret. Oshawa Times Photo Stalled Yacht Sought Help From Whitby A call for assistance by a pleasure yacht in Lake Ontario Sunday sent Oshawa's search and rescue craft out into the lake for nearly four hours and pointed out the lack of. sueh facilities at Whitby.. The call for assistance had been relay- ed to Whitby Harbor Master David Ross who had to call the Oshawa boat for assistance since no rescue boat is oper- ating ai Whitby. All. ended well, however, for the yacht -- got motors running again made it to port. About 9 a.m., the Imperial Oil tanker, the Imperial, spot- ted the motor yacht Sandy, out of Toronto, adrift in the lake about 10 miles off shore. The captain reported that the motor would not run. The Imperial radioed to the Department of Transport in To- ronto that the Sandy was adrift with inoperative motors. .ne department called David Ross in Whitby who in turn relayed the call for help to the Oshawa search and_ rescue shown above receiving the tro- phy from Mrs. McBride, the donor, Left to right in the photo are Mrs. McBride, Vic- It is not recommended that this vaccine be taken hy those who have had any surgery in their mouth. (like tonsils or teeth extractions) in the two weeks prior to these clinics or who expect to have any such surgery in the two weeks fol- lowing these clinies. It shoud not be taken by anyone who is acutely ill Ten clinics have been ar- ranged in this area with two or three repeat clinics being held in the more densely populated centres. This shall permit. per- sons on shift work to procure the vaccine at a_ convenient time. In' the rural areas the clinics are arranged during the evening at various alternate centres allowing the agricultur- al family to receive the vac- cine after the day's work and farm chores are done. Please watch your newspaper during the week of September, clip out and retain the schedule of these clinics, as the dates, times, and places of all clinics shall be published at that time. its and stricken local first MANN CUP FEVER? Brooklin Hillcrests Torpedo Sailors 15-3 By GERRY BLAIR Mann Cup fever is beginning to smite Hillcrests' followers, and rightly so, after some 350 fans in attendance witnessed the classy Hillcrests easily dispose of the hapless Port Credit Sai- lors 15-3 on Saturday night in 'Brooklin Memorial Arena. Brooklin was laden with tal- 'ent for Saturday's clash, with the return of Carl Brioux and Lou. Nickle. Both of these vet- erans filled the missing links of the defensive unit. They were so effective, along with Charlie Grandy and Rock Batley, that Port Credit didn't jbeat netminder Pat Baker until jmidway through 'the game. Baker can take his share of the defensive credit for some excel- lent goaltending during that span, He definitely clarified even further that he is the league's number one ball-stop- # per. Port Credit was vastly outplay-| ed, and although they only hadjteam effort in Saturday's tri- 10 players, any additions. would umph, making it extremely dif- not have created too much of/ficult to separate one ndividual an impression with the powerful'from the pack and assert him Hillcrests. into the starring role Actually All 13 Hillerests' players, in- CARL BRIOUX | | Sailors played the game with only nine players as cluding netminder Baker shared - Bob Hanna got the heave-ho in the goals and assists depart- early in the first period for try-| ment ing to make Brooklin's Bob Car-' Baker equalled St negie swallow his lacrosse stick, goaltender Bob McCready's Bob's front teeth prevented the three assists on Friday night not-too-tasty leather from enter-| The top goalscorer was Cy ing his mouth. Three capped-;Coombes with four, followed by teeth were broken, courtesy of}Glen Lotton with two goals and Mr. Hanna. two assists. It was obvious from the first) isis ind rigs waalk entanglement for possession of wae aviies suualiy eee the ball that Brooklin had no in-! ry ai mt : jnine players: Don Barrie, Car! Sie ie | ) ; Part ss ee at eae. Don Vipond, Bob Car- 0 oo tee pri ae ?inegie, Bob Curtis, Rock Batley, = a Se radtiies rate 4 i |Lou Nickle, Charlie Grandy and ita Ss 5, Lal n '"e'Larry Ferguson with one eye bea, ree played as though) neariy closed due to the 15-stitch they couldnt care less cut received in St. Kitts, Fri As a result of the overwhelm.) q.. ing victory, Brooklin widened - i Port Credit goals were scor- their margin to six points over , ' third place Port panes : ed by Flori Tomchishen, Howie : Smith and Julie Kowalski Piige Doce cogging he} two Brook: brought up from Mimico Jun- "iors ers will give Hillcrests owner- See Crane : ship of second spot, and thus PORT CREDIT oa goal: Hen- avoid meeting Brampton Ram- derson; al Kowalski, Teatro, blers in semi-final playoff com- Stephens, sue ragga Han- petition. But many observers,|"?: Tomchishen, Petroff and and the. players on the Brock- Smith ade : \lin squad, probably would not BROCKLIN : Goal, Baker, have too much consternation|Alts.: Nickle; Grandy, Brioux, about opposing Bramtpon Glen Lotton, Curtis, Coombes, With a potent line-up all sea- Carnegie, Barrie, K. Cotten, son as displayed Saturday night, Batley, Vipond and Ferguson. and still without Don Craggs.)pigsT PERIOD Doug Vipond and Don Bruce, i! 1 Brooklin: Coombes |makes one wonder whether) (Nickle) Brooklin could now be the) 9 progklin:Coombes league leaders, instead of Ram- (Baker) blers. Brooklin: G, Lotton Local fans will have one more (K .Lotton) opportunity to satisfy their cur-. 4, Brooklin: Barrie when Brampton Catharines 3 make (K. Lotton) 'Kowalski _for tickets, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, July 30, 1962 § Penalties -- Carnegie (rough) and Hanna (rough and game misconduct) 3.47, Grandy 8.20) and Kowalski (misconduct) 9.33. SECOND PERIOD 6. Brooklin: Coombes (Curtis) . Brooklin: Vipond (Nickle) . Brooklin: Carnegie (G, Lotton) .....+.++6 12.44 . Port Credit: Tomchisen (Allen) cvceses 19.41 Brooklin: Curtis. ..... 14.11 Port. Credit: Smith i (Kowalski) 15.11 Penalties: Curtis and Kowal- ski 6.45, Coombes 12.14, Petroff 12.38 and Allen 17.09, THIRD PERIOD 12. Port .Credit: 13, 10, 11, Kowalski 4.47 Brooklin: Batley (Ferguson, G. Lotton) 14. Brooklin: Nickle .... 15. Brooklin: Grandy (Baker). csaccccccsse- 8.38 Brooklin: Ferguson .. 13.16 Brooklin: Coombes (Baker) Brooklin: Penalties 6.01 'T.34 16, 17. 19.27 G. Lotton ...19.55 -- Carnegie 4.46, 5.43 and Henderson 18 Patsy Anna Jacobs, 8.27. 18.27 above sweetheart and Southam Earnings Increase Marked TORONTO (CP) -- Southam Co. Lid., had net earnings in the six months ended June 30 of $2,356,059, or 78 cents a share, compared with $2,313,485 MOSCA TRADED OTTAWA monihs, is, naturally, daddy's she | Mrs. poses willingly for her photo- | Chestreville, and Mrs. Jan Ja- graph, She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jacobs, (CP) --Angelo Mosca, veteran Canadian Foot-| (Reuters) -- Pakistan's batting ball League tackle, has been/failed once more against Eng- traded to Montreal Alouettes for land's fast bowlers in the fourth two players in a straight swap, | test DADDY'S SWEETHEART 14] of Hallett avenue, Grandparents are Mr. Martin Vankessel, cobs, of Wanroy, Holland. | PAKISTANIS FADE NOTTINGHAM, Englan before bad light Whitby. of Photo by Azzopardi stopped and 77 cents in the correspond-|Ottawa Rough Rider general! play Saturday 70 minutes before ing period last year. During the second quarter of} the year, the quarterly report says, Southam-Maclean Publi- manager George nounced Saturday. Mosca, a 25-year-old American) in day reply to England's fir Terlep an-|the scheduled close of the third Pakistan was 127 for six st cations Ltd. expanded its op-|defensive standout, has been! innings of 428 for five declared, erations by the purchase of 10|With Riders for two years and) asons with Hamil-| trade publications from Wal.| played four se ' lace Publishing Co, Ltd. in ad.|ton Tiger-Cats previously. dition, the Southam Co. Ltd.) bought from Maclean - Publishing Co. Ltd. the maga-; zine Canadian Homes and it is) being converted into rotogra-| both Americans, Gaines a monthly magazine "in our|acre is a own and other Canadian daily|linebacker. In exchange, Ottawa receives Hunter|Gene Gaines and Bob Disacre, | IS two-way halfback in his second | vure and will be distributed as)year with Montreal, while Dis. rookie fullback and Two days remain in the test. PLASTERING REPAIR WORK No Job Too Large or Small RECREATION ROOMS Phone MO. 8-8733 gig ed added that. the WHITBY BARBER SHOP Southam Printing Co. Ltd. will concentrate the production of general commercial printing in its Toronto plant. The Montreal plant will concentrate on the production of specialty printing and in developing the market tags, labels, milk and other special WILL BE CLOSED Staff Holidays bottle items. VOLCANIC ORIGIN Tahiti was formed when two volcanoes emerged from the Pacific and cooled in a land caps Re-Open Tues. Aug. 14 (W. E. Mifflin & Sons) Aug, 6-Aug. 13 inctusive REEVES' ARTISTS SUPPLIES = gt =~ DODD & SOUTER PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S.--WHITBY MO 8-5231 crew. Howe Wright took the zOsIY Oshawa boat into the lake and searched an area 10 miles south of Whitby for more than three hours before returning to port. : Later in the day, it was learn- ed that the. motors on the yacht} had been started out on the lake and the Sandy had made} it to Port Hope under its own power. It was also learned said Harbor Master Ross, that the Sandy had been adrift about 10 miles south of Bowmanville, and because of this the Oshawa} boat had not spotted the craft.; to complete the Whitby has no rescue craft! down payment on a home and any calls for help must be} relayed either to the Oshawa! boat or to the Toronto Harbor} Police. 500 Million Peasants Moved To Communes By JOHN RODERICK their final appearance of the regular 1962. schedule in Brook- \lin Memorial arena on Wednes- day night. It was without question a LOANS to pay all your bills LOANS 5. Brooklin: Brioux .... 19:13 mass 37 miles long. CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE ! CALENDAR of YOUR WEEKLY SPORT ==: "This Programme Presented By The Local 'Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! ! SPUR Looking For A Fine Men's Shop? SERVICE STATION TRY THIS ONE FOR SIZE -welvaw town | RON ARMSTRONG 5% VAN SHOP Dominion Royal Tires ihe at nel OF 306 Dundas St. W. Dundas Bldg. MO 8-8721 New & Used Tires FREE PARKING @ Glass and Screen Repairs Glass Cut Any Size Glass Installed Aluminum Doors, Windows, Awnings and Accessories PHONE MO 8-5861 L. F. ROBINSON ALUMINUM & GLASS CO. 1200 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our focetion at 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Post Office in Whitby Is Most Convenient For Your Buy- ing Needs of Quality Goods at Prices That Save! MO 8-3483 W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service gress of the first eight years of|peasant exhausted and dispir- TOKYO (AP)--Mao Tze-tung communism had been steadylited coined the phrase "a great and impressive. The country-| To cap m all, nature struck leap forward" to describe Com-|side yielded record crops,|with terrible destruction, flood munist China's 1958-surge to-jindustry was beginning toing the lands, parching them ward the front ranks of indus-|emerge, the 48-hour week had|with drought, denuding them trialization been introduced for the laborer|with insect plagues Today "the great leap for,and the standard of existence' Mao had no alternative but to ward" slogan has been replaced|had inched upward. admit that the 1958 figures were by one of desperation It is Suddenly, with bewildering catastrophically wrong: only "rescue food from the mouth of|speed, he tore up the blueprint|8,000,000 tons of steel, only 250,- the dragon," the cry of the|and gambled away ail these|000,000 tons of grain. Chinese peasant as he tries to|gains on a single throw of the To arrest the downhill plunge, wrest a good harvest from the dice. Mao ordered millions of city reluctant land From the outset, his new plan dwellers out of the factories Thousands of refugees storm-|1an into opposition--intellectu-| and onto the farms, leaving the mg the gates of Hong Kong in als, students, even members of new industrial complexes silent, June are witnesses to the fail-/the armed forces. uninhabited shells. ure of "the great leap forward."', Soviet Premier Khrushchev, The failure has left China ajwas appalled by Mao's com- FIGURES ARE SECRET and of hunger, hard times and! mune plan. Khrushchev saw it) The struggle to recover from malaise as a latter-day version of Rus-|the shocks of 1958, 1959 and 1960 Peking now is jittery, a fact sia's own new economic plan of aS proceeded in grim silence. which indicates possible low|the 1920s that resulted in the|No figures have been released morale, uncertainty and fear in|death of millions of land-owning|'0 the Chinese or to the world. a once-confident leadership. Kulaks and made scars in So-| Starvation apparently now Mao, chairman of the Chinese'viet agriculture that continue|has receded. But hunger, hard Communist party, dreamed four|to plague Russia today. times and unemployment re- years ago of pushing his back-'The quarrel has, over the main. The Communist leaders ward country from fuedalism/years, deepened and festered. (now admit the healing process into = 20th century almost FALSE RESULTS will be long end arduous. overnight. Mao wanted results and he, New light has been thro He moved 500,000,000 peasants vot ¢hem--or so it seemed. The| actual peo a then piel por out of agricultural co-operatives! farmers were set to work tilling;day, by Toshio Takano, a 44. and put them in 26,000 farm their fields by day and working|year-old Japanese military po- communes, one of the greatest home-made iron blast furnaces|liceman turned automobile me- mass movements in human his- by floedlight at night. chanic. Returning to Japan in tory. The official figures published|June with his Chinese wife and CHERISHED IMAGE for 1958 boasted of 11,080,000)six children after 25 years on Throughout his life of strug- tons of steel produced, 373,000,-'the mainland, he said in an in gle, Mao, now 68, had displayed|000 tons of grain harvested. j|ferview whole villages died of a peculiar Chinese characteris-| The truth war bitterly differ-|starvation during the "great ye infinite patience ent leap forward." Yot once. but many times, he Harried cadres, anxious to He ac. 5 said to this writer that com-|prove the greatness of the plan, oy one a 'eed sas: 190; 1961, $731,230 munism would be a slow, pa- had exaggerated or falsified|ing freely" His salary of 95 Southam Co. tient process for China, one in|facts) Weary peasants. disillu-| yuan ($39.50) a month was ade. ended June 30: 1962, $2,356,059, | which controlled capitalism and/sioned by the loss of their lands, quate for his then-small family |78 cents a share; 1961, $2,313,-! bac gs yg megs would -- to Maia abandoned' As the great leap developed, | 485. 77 cents. | exist for a long time eir livestock Takano and the 400 mechanics. Texaco Cana ' 5 Following this Policy, the pro-| The pace left worker andjand 600 truck drivers in hisjended June ac ey |State-run plant at Chan Chiu in|$1.34 a share; 1961, $4,569,731. BROCK Evening Shows At 7:00 & 8:40 ms --, found them-| $1.39, selves working 16 hours | witirey Last Complete Show At 8:40 . ee A ING Adult Entertainment day. In 1958, cummunes were in- troduced in the cities. But in SECRET WEAPON OF ARCHIMEDES! 11960 Takano was offered the ALSO for car or home repairs LOANS fo buy the things you and your family want and need NOW without waiting LOANS for any purpose EXAMPLES OF LOANS f | Mee 7 NET EARNINGS -- By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Canadian Celanese Ltd., 6 mos. ended June 30: 1962,! $1,471,186, 86 cents a_ share; 1961, $1,523,684, 91 cents. Dome Mines Lid., 6 mos. | ended June 30: 1962, $1,053,880, | 54 cents a share; 1961, $928,552,| 48 cents. Fireco Sales Ltd., 6 mos.) ended June 30: 1962, $22.000, eight cents a share; 1961, $115,- 000, 41 cents, Fraser Companies Ltd., 6 mos. ended June 30: 1962, $2,- 029,840, 91 cents a share; 1961, $1,229,138, 55 cents. Irish Copper Mines Lid., year ended Dec. 31: 1961, net loss $1,029,418; 1960, net loss $563,- 568 Saguenay Power Co. Ltd., 6) mos, ended June 30: 1962, $672, PHONE 668-3644 '501 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY e Meet At The SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL after the game Where All Good Sports Come Excellent Facilities For BANQUETS, MEETINGS, PARTIES, ETC. MO 8-3386 WHITBY STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments 'MO 8-3552 Whitby GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Washing and Lubrication Tune-ups. Licenced Mechanie Tires and Batteries PICK UP AND DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY GEORGE H. HARDING CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. . GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS MO 8.3566 THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS You don't have to play o sport to be a good sport 110 Dundas St. E. MO 8-3410 WHITBY AJAX MARINE Bill Walton, Prop. SANGSTERCRAFT; LAKEFIELD, CANADIAN, GREN-ELL OUTBOARD MOTORS. No, 2 Hiway. Ajax Phone WH 2-4080 RON'S B-A SERVICE Body Work Custom Spray Painting Used Indian Motorcycles Sales and Service 955 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY MO 8-8194 GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports HOME TOWN SPORTS Support the local suppliers of FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES 24 Hr. Burner Service SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST. S, DIAL 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT You $1526.72 $2,500.00 | $98. Lerger amounts and many other plons to suit your budget $50 .. $5000 without endersers or bankable security SUPERIOR FINANCE without endorsers or bankable security The fastest-growing all- Canadian Loon gree 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6541 Doily until 5:30 o.m. Wednesdays until 8 p.m. Closed Saturday During July and August Other evenings by appointment. 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO LACROSSE SENIOR A" LACROSSE Wednesday, ] Brooklin. Game time 8:45 p.m. August Brampton. vs ' Soturday, August 4, Brooklin vs Bramp- ia oh oe ton, at Brampton. Game time 8:30 p.m. JUVENILE LACROSSE Monday, July 30, Kitchener vs Whitby- Oshawa Green Gaels, at Whitby Com- munity Arena. Game time 9 p.m. TREAT YOURSELF TO A TROUBLE-FREE HOLIDAY! JOIN THE ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE NOW !/! VALID -ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA ROLLER SKATING At Whitby Community Arena, 8 to 10:30 p.m., Tuesday July 31 and Saturday, August 4. HOOKER & SONS LTD. No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin General Motors Dealer For CHEVROLET--OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS CORVAIR 24 HOUR ROAD SERVICE U.S. BAIL BOND SERVICE LEGAL ASSISTANCE CAMPING DIRECTORIES PERSONALIZED ROUTINGS ARL BROWN - 725-7422 chance to leave them. He and 70 per cent of the city's Chinese }did, he said he said, is better than under the Pea nationalists. So are transporta- see ahi tion, hospital care -- which is y |free--education and rents. He Attraction |paid two yuan--less than $1-- also, and there is less police Seesiies brutality, less quarrelling and eOLLY almost no. official corruption, ernoen Takano said 411 Fairview Drive GEN, "There is absolutely WHITBY DAVID TRENCHING AND COMPLETE JANSSEN SEPTIC TANK SERVICE no po revolt h f But not everything in Mao's 'BELLE a ' |for two rooms and a kitchen af |without cunning water ibility a successful China is black. Public hygiene, 'SOMMERS' Public morality has improved. against government," PHONE E the BROOKLIN 655-4811 (

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