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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jul 1962, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 30; 1962 7 Bil ] Trad We mr ANT ore llateral lrade THINGS AS PLEASANT ' A 6 : WHO GIVES THE H E Bl cong thoy 0 aves urts East Bloc eriaa are . VIENNA (AP)--In Communist chi bis , . ; East Europe there are food shortages everywhere. Yet in Western Europe one can buy Bulgarian eggs, Hungarian sa- lami, Polish potatoes, Roman- ian fruit. Why are East Europeans kept short of food products while the goods are exported? TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 1i--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto wus-TV Channel 2--Bufialo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Charvel 7--Bullalo WROC-TV Channe) 5--Rochester CFTU-TV Channel 9--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie ge WE. WERE HOW KIND » \ STARVED, OF YOU TO SHARE YOUR LUNCH WITH US, MR. [ PUSHINSKY, adabhegee Edad tiara OE in EVENING. | sce Ge | yosuagle ay Stow 5:0. P.M. 9:00 A.M. | 6-3---Vacation Time 11--Family Theatre 11-7---Romper Room | 4--Edge of Night $--Kukla | $--Movie 2--Three Stooges 4--Five O'clock Show | 4" popeye's Playhouse, TULSDA' EVE. 5:30 P.M. a AM 5:00 P.M. UatNeltwes Passese| 4 nenile Drake Show at Sl flay Diplomats blame the Soviet s--Theatre ie 9:30 A.M. | 4--Five O'clock Show : : : q bloc's own Common Market or- Tyan ist . 4--People Are Funny 5:30 P.M. " . : Pass ganization, known as the Coun- 6:00 MA aes (rape vay cil for Mutual Economic Assis- 9--The Lawman he ls aM. | Theatre { ' tance, or Comecon, : Se al |'7--Jack Lalanne 'Show | CH. 4 Theatre : | : Originally set up in 1949 as a 2--Sea Hunt peeatay Wee | Scmcuae 2 y co-ordinating group, Comagee 6:15 P.M. fee 6:00 P.M. t f : IF THEY HAVE, I c BUT I THINK ITS A HUNDRED] |four years ago reorganized it- S-ichabod and Mo | "0:30 AM, -- | $--The Lawman 5 | Puce LIND OTA. ANID £ Ag | PROBES EIN NEAT | [sett to try to build the East bloe :30. P.M | 2--Domino Sou itaseun 3 Pa ones DANNY DAVIS STILL HA THINK ROW Saye 3 COMNECTED IN SOMAE. WAN? into a powerful trading market. 11.9_News Weathers | Pea Peg Your @ inch | 2--Sea Hunt S eo ee ae Sees Hae D. WOULD MISLEA! 4 (o) ND RA STATE PLANNING is ae tne i +15 7 = Tv ' z fi eee ee Pe ee! Sap ; DSERTTAL AGAIN? "5 It was to be directed by state \--Family Theatre oe gee | 6:30 P.M u ae planning rather than by the --Huntiey Brinkley -- | we |11-9-5-9----News; Weather; forces of private enterprise and Report | 5-2--Price is Right Sports was to try to surpass the West 14 7:00 P.M. ~The Verdict Is Yours cis M ; |European Common Market. 2--Wyatt Earp 11:30 A.M. ee ae Cam But while West Europe is 3--Zane Grey Theatre | j1--'Tugboat Annie 5--Hyatley-Brinkley Anvarson --~ 7-30 " : having a boom, Comecon, ac- 4--The Honeymooners | 9--Free and Easy 7:00 ..M, | -- "$--The Law and Mr. 1--Yours For A Song $--Rachelor Father j cording to Western economists, 'i ceaneou i--The Brighter Day | S--Netional Velvet | CROSSWORD has failed miserably, A meeting erates Renn bert 12:00 NOON =| 7--The Phil Silvers | ' ) per ; was held in Moscow recently to i 7:15 PM. Rugs Bunny and | ee Gage é ' ; 'or , : . try. to put new life into it. tilaaay or epee Livni 2--Ripcord -- 3 4 , a: ; Somecon set out in 1958 to ine 730 FM, 9-4--News; Weather; niece ACROSS 3. Poker . Crosby " ' - | te ' ' é . steve Sark Sports A iage Aine 1," on stake and a alatitr) | : | ig the economies of the So: 9--Theatre 7--Jane Wyman Show Mavis | thin ice" . Duck Sinatra [E] a le! nion, Hungary, Poland, 75--Cheyenne unt| S2-Your First 1--News: Weather | @,Handle of . Needle , Barn- East Germany, Bulgaria, Ro- Cone Tell 'The Truth Impression 7:30 P.M. j a spear aperture yard mania and Czechoslovakia. 2--Peter Gunn 3--Popeye and Pals 9--Theatre 11, Like pines; 6. Hypo- seratch- of : | Up to that time, each had de- 8:00 P.M. 12:15 P.M. 7--Bugs Bunny Show var. dermic ers SIMIAleiT | |veloped heavy industry regard- a ee re ee | ene 12, Greeting injections 27. Craze ee Para ak Mor Dae dat 6 |less of availability of raw ma. 4 Pee and Gladys 12:30 P.M. 4--The Desi-Lucy } 13. Piers of . With zest Under- : : AAA bs v re cogil es , terials, each produced the same \ INHERITED + RICH ils, 2--Keyhole Comedy Hour ;|or similar goods, all attempted 9. a kind . Singing world END a A BIG HOUSE UNCLE IN awe 8:00 P.M. 14, Made of voice god 3 , FROM MY... HoLLvweor?) to become self sufficient and : ||suffered from the same short- } aC y ri y's Answer i1--The Fi c nes 7--Bachelor Father | oats . Ran away .Metrical Saturday's ; 7--Law of the Plainsman Laecnets 3 pr Zaniorrew = Pol aga | 45, Solidity : kater writing 2 [cena cer 6-3--Sing Along Jubilee y Pp : a | §-2--The Price Is Right 12:45 P.M 8:30 P.M. 16, Walked Franchot Drug- 36. Originally i 2:45 P.M. n | COUNTRIES SPECIALIZE | Comecon pushed the idea that each country specialize, 4---Father Knows Best | 4_ Guiding Light 11--Official Detective | along store Poland was to expand its pro- Pestana: Bradicata Toe. et. Worid riciis emmacend J a -- 5 ne BUZ SAWYER "© King Features Syadionte, Inc, 1962. World rights reserved." JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA 6-3--Room For One More 7--Afternoon Show 9:00 P.M, vered, as Palm leaf: of sloth other raw materials. Romania 9:30 P.M | 3--Popeye and Pals 5-2--Dick Powell Show ey SS i fra \ a oslovakia was to build up me- 6-3--Making Ends Meet) 4 rhe World Turns 9:30 P.M. | 27, Blaze 3 5 Y 7: |8 '|2 %. #4 . ; , transport. Hungary was to de- (Bob McLean 11--Cannonball | 7--Yours For A Song 29. Ohio city 6~-Concert 4--Password 10:00 ?.M, abe hear Bodies = sean 3--Concert | 7--Seven Keys 5-2--Cain's 100 36, Play on / Yy, YEP/1 SEEM T° | |...AN'I CAN'T FIND MY HERE, PUT 'THE NUT IN THE WONDERED || |scrapped. Investment capital BLL i 4--House Party 10:30 P.M, ~ £ Slovakia were told to put up 11:00 P.M | 7--Queen For A Day | 3--King of Diamonds | $9, Silly Age y : . Weather: Sports | 4--Millionaire 1-9-7-6-5-4-3-2--Newsi slang But, say the Western econom. Viewpoint $--Playhouse &~--Viewpoint 43. Originate ngs ILATERAL TRADE, ONLY 'akakatin Jeckson Daughters 9--Mahalia Jackson | 1. Resort ie ie Me to arrive at a. standard price pias hei Show 9--The Hideaway 5-2--Tonight Show rhyme's ins" a 7 . - ~ not convertible. TUESDAY | 2 Make Room For | 3 One Step Beyond old soul" |bloc nations--rather in the na- what they One result is that the coun- tieetl a "90 P.M. < | 7--The New Breed | 17, Current Jnhappy treat Oriental visi ssuee Saas 1:00 P.M. 2 Alfreo Hitchcock 18, Speedy 7. Woe is me . One game 7--Surfside Six 1l--Roy Rogers 4--Dobie Gillis | 39, Maneu- Elfin layer 37. Two-toed iat ll 8 pa 5--One O'Clock Movie |11--Grand Jury } a plane var many 39. Exclama- duction of coal, sulphur and 4--Meet The Millers 6-3--The Comedy Spot { 22. Small Talks "Russ. tion of t M1--Richard Diamond | 2--Mid-day Matinee 4--Carnegie Hall ee Little mountain contempt Ae = "\\.M ISethepheeteaT tebeee ty ee 9--Meet McGraw g 1:30 P.M. Salutes Jack Benny | 26-Soothe Nathan range 40, Liquor oe . \ Swede. | i &tsaiovant + Movic ican Baterlives ae ee --------S : te a i: : J |dium industry, automobiles and 16:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M: Be tg lad velop 1i p light industry. " | 6-3--Playdate j o Truth | 9--Theat 30, Greed Huge industrial projects--like va tin siege Bape "Murray show *Ichabod and Me $s. Oantvms: : ig proj $-2--Actuality Spectais 2:30 P.M. \1--Bob McLean sym. ube near Budapest -- suddenly 4--Hennesey 11--All Star Theatre | 7--Alcoa Premiere me became idle or the plans were ee | $-2--Loretta Young | d-Tilek tooute ae HAVE MISLAID HAMMER EfrHER/, CROOK O' MY ARM, AN"... " went down the drain, ee Se 88, Kind of 24 [25 MY NUTCRACKER] "Rich" countries like Czecho- 4--I've Got A Secret 3:00 P.M. pat sacha Territory | z ker DONALD... 3--Recital 11--Pride of the Family Rect money for investments in 6-3--8 'i "poor" countries ia, 11-9-7-6-5-4.2--Newsi | sacoe Mane 11:00 P.M. P ries like Bulgaria 11:15 P.M 41, Darlings ists, th it i \ 11:15 P.M. 3:30 P.M . : ists, the system still isn't work- 7--Late Show 1--Cap'n Andy Show | 7--Late Show 42:Of a wing a 11:30 Po'. | 7--Who Do You Trust 11:30 P-M. 44, Dwelling 11--Blockbuster Movie 5-2--Our Five 11--Blockbuster Movie | DOWN Despite all Comecon's efforts, panel | 4---To Tell The Truth slags , : the East bloc has not been able 6--British Cinema | 4:00 P.M. 6--The New Breed 2. Nursery ra), f ' : , é eatre | ?~American Bandstand | 4 Theatre ® I wh : and wage policy. Currencies are 3--Dangerous Robin | 6--Swing Along | 4--Suspicion 'merry : = 2 This means that there is only | Daddy | ; (2 was.) é ' 7 7:45 A.M, --Secret SI | 12:30 P.M. | bi ar nng and Pals | Hi Swike Mone' | 4--Half-Past Midnight | lateral trade among the East R W | | \ture of barter. Y Y Y The countries exchange goods You Win a ! WHEN ou BU OUR CA K NO ee ben! can spare for . |need, but there is no multila- ; : i nstrators, COME IN AND TAKE ADVANTA |teral exchange or bloc-wide syse We re Ss See & BUICKS, Also we have several low mileage demonstra tem Of settling toads baleen GE OF tries turn to the rival Common MOTORS LTD PHONE 723-4634 Market to acquire the machin- 230 KING ST. W. ® : ery, raw materials and semi-fin- ished products they cannot get from their own Communist col- TWO CROOKS LEAP FOR SAFETY leagues, i, A ie THE hl WHATS THE NEXT THAT MOTION MEANS Bape ead RANGER'S BULLET SMASHES TH MaRS pen OE has " 1CAN weston POOR, MOVE, WALTER P-JUST *UNTILTHE. SUN GOERS Vela Pra TiGk'S GUN -~ : N f My ter bane donee ng gis . TERS! BIT P--OKAY." DOWN!!OH, WHAT WILL FF ' i A i : r eH | \ A \ j . Went : rencies in the THANK HEAVENS THE BU bomnkbeaadl, y WALTER. DOIN THE eat ell a Vibe Jz | eS ees ef ho time's ee CHIEF DIDN'T SEE. ME= /\ WE DARK OF NIGHT P ek Ra oo BUT HE'S BOUND TO SP ORTS IN BRIEF WINS TENNIS TITLE VANCOUVER (CP) -- Mexico City's Joaquin Loyo-Mayor de- Tokyo 6-1, 6-1, 6-1 Saturday to feated Tetsu Kuramitsu of wx: |win the British Columbia junior ae : on oe paper g inns arsine ic! erner of Vancouver won APPOINTMENT AT. the women's title, defeating Kathy Harter of Seal Beach, Calif., 6-2, 0-6, 6-3, SETS CHANNEL MARK DOVER, England (AP) Simon Paterson, 20-year - old English frogman, swam the English Channel under water Saturday and shattered the rec. ord set two weeks ago by Fred Baldsare of Miami. Peterson swam from Calais to Dover in 14 hours, 50 minutes. Baldsare took 18 hours, 1 minute, July 11. WITHHOLDS ACTION' - VANCOUVER (CP) -- Coach TROUB: TIMEYOU| | LATER... OK, LITTLE FEET-- Lou Agase of Toronto Argonauts ASTER THIS BALLROOM ¢ YOUVE EARNED A said Saturday the club hasn't TORTURE, ITLL PROBABLY we Nan FE decries wit, action ig ware aes BE PA' : against two players who broke ow 3 Bn o0re CF et a curfew rule in Edmonton ; ' Wednesday. Cookie Gilchrist and Boyd Carter, who skipped out of their hotel following the , mt i 2 club's 20-7 loss' to hag we ioe e | ~ Eskimos in a Canadian Footba HAS CAUGHT j : N ; League exhibition game, were ON IN ; va: , sent home to Toronto. Reports - / : : : ? they could be fined up to $1,000 DEVON; ; a : 4 5 were "distorted." SALLY'S SALLIES MUGGS AND SKEETER ' Dierfbated oy King Yesiuces Sy adiante, JULIET JONES SCRAM! I'M FOR YOUR INFORMATION, SIR, IT SO HAPPENS NOT BUYING }} | Tia'civine Sage» WAY FREE SAMPLES 6O HIS EXPRESSION AWAY WHEN = ADD: hae mace (PB WITH EVERY $10 t sa (M DYING TO SEE "@ AYSELF IN, MISTER, BUT . . $'LL MAKE A AND TELL THE Ro gers TRUTH ABOUT THE SHOOTING WILLIE FROM AND WHO |S HANGING AND DO CONNECTED WITH THAT LARRY - BRANNON GOOD THAN IF YOU WAIT UNTIL THEY Cong Feataree Syedionte, Ine, INE. Wartd cights Teeecra we spinesstn se Saas "If you don't stop reading that - 'Summer Romance' script, it will be the end of our somance."

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