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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jul 1962, p. 21

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DAY CAMPERS ROUGH IT ALONG OSHAWA CREEK A LARGE GROUP of Osh- awa children this week are taking part in the activities of the day camp sponsored by the Oshawa Recreation Committee. In the upper pic- ture the campers are seen re- Oshawa Youngsters Invade Wooded Area Pirates have invaded the woods northeast of the Oshawa airport It was learned, however, they ere there with the sanction of the Oshawa Recreation Com- mittee, which is holding its an- tual Day Camp this week. Ninety-five youngsters be- tween the ages of 6 and 12 were placed on the muster rolls Mon- day. The camp has "piracy" as a theme this year. The boys will be stealing treasures, taking each other prisoner, engaging in man-to-man sword fights, in short, they will take on amny- thing pirates usually do. SHARPEN SKILLS At the same time, they will sharpen their wits and skills with various sorts of craft, woodcraft and how not to cut their fingers, something a worthy pirate is not supposed to do "You have .o keep them busy ell the time," said Bill Flegg, Jail Driver For 10 Days ceiving instructions from one of the supervisors, In the lower picture a group of the boys walk a log across the creek. Ninety-five boys, ail of public - school age, are going out to the woods by bus every one of the camp's leaders, while supervising the making of leath- er eye patches; which were to contribute to a more pirate-like appearance. But who thinks boys are just sitting around doing these chores is slightly off the mark. It is only with much persuasion from the campleaders that the boys can sit still. They are bursting with energy and games are taking place throughout the day to let them blow off steam. "Coming up this morning in the bus," said Adele Planeta, another of the leaders, "they were so full of energy, that I thought the roof was going to come off." CREEK INVITING Luckily the camp grounds thave several steep hills to climb and a shallow creek, which can be crossed by jumping, wading or swimming. On their first day out the pirates practised walking a log bridging the creek, It was here that the first few took an un- intended dip in the water, under loud hilarity of the rest. Cross- ings were made in all mamners, walking, crawling, on hands. and-feet and sitting down. Cuthbert E. Barager, RR 2, Oshawa, pleaded not guilty to a charge of drunk driving in Oshawa Magistrate's Court Monday but was sentenced to 10 days in the county jail by Magistrate F, S. Ebbs. Bara- ger's car was ordered impound- ed for three months and his licence was suspended for one year. Constable S. Hodgson told the court that on June 3 he inves- tigated an accident on Simcoe street north opposite a drive-in restaurant and found the ac. cused in an intoxicated condi- tion. Counsel for the accused ask- ed the officer if Barager re- fused to get into the police cruiser because he complained of being too tightly manacled. The constable said the hand- cuffs were used when Barager objected to getting into the cruiser. Barager told the court he had two glasses of beer on the night in question. Sergeant E. W. Barker said: "There. is Stole Money Took Auto Olay Martinoscar Olsen, 18,| 33A Homewood avenue, Toron-| to, pleaded guilty to charges| of stealing a car and $11 from| a Pickering farmhouse and was sentenced to three months in} the county jail in Oshawa Mag- istrate's Court Monday. Olsen told the court that on! July 29 he met a 30-year-old) day this week. Under the su- pervision. of five ORC camp leaders they will participate in a program of games, in- struction and special events. Not only are they given free- The practise came to good use later on when a game} whereby. one team of pirates) had to catch the other required| many: valiant crossings. And by) jthat time dry pants were only|<t-ong and inclined to take the sporadic, SMALL SKIRMISHES The camp is supervised by Grant Southwell, who with a stentorian voice keeps the pro- gram rolling according to sched- ule, no mean task because small skirmishes between "Buc- caneers" and "Sea Dogs' keep breaking out. The other leaders} 7 aiding him are Carol Ann Woods) ; and John Flegg- Provisions are looked after by the pirates themselves in the form of packed lunches brought from home, Milk is provided for in the camp. A cook-out is plan- ned for later this week. Parents who wish to see the camp in action will be wel- comed Thursday. On other days it seems advisable for any visi- tor to wear an eye patch. Two Men Given Three Months Two Oshawa men, Peter Siblock, 33 and John Karpovich, 36, pleaded guilty to a charge of breaking into the home of Ronald Brightling, 188 Farewell avenue and stealing two radios, a watch and $120.75 and were sentenced to three months each in the county jai. Detective Sergeant. J. D. Powell of the Oshawa Police Department told the court that Siblock and Karpovich were at the Farewell avenue house the night before the July 14 break- in. He said that the accused men overheard a conversation jand learned that an amount of |money was going to be kept at the house for the weekend. man in a Toronto park, He| said the man invited him to sleep at his Pickering home. "After we had a couple of drinks of liquor and. everyone went to sleep, I stole the money and left in the car," said the accused, Olsen fell asleep driving the stolen car and was involved in an accident near Keswick. An officer stated the car was no doubt in my mind that the accused was intoxicated." damaged to the extent of $100 when it struck a pole. | CELEBRATING . BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district ' who are celebrating their birthdays: today: Barbara De Hart, 41 Ade- laide avenue west. Phone 723-3474, % : Youth Faces < dom to dash up and down the hills on the camp grounds, but they are also taught some of the basic rules and regulations of camping. Oshawa Times Photos Ajax Youth Is Fined $50 David Llewellyn' Thomas, 17, Ajax, was fined $50 or one month in the county jail for dangerous driving and a con- secutive $50 or one month for driving while disqualified by) |Magistrate F. §. Ebbs in Osh- awa Court today. The youth's father told the |magistrate his son was _ head- }advice of people not much old- er than himself. He added: "He smoke or drink or use bad} language. He'll just have to) learn to heed my. advice." doesn't i4)break, enter with #\one count of break, enter and )The detective said damage to Crop Contest Best Ever Charles Boynton, of Thornhill, who served as judge for the field crop competitions in oats Ghe Oshawa Times SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1962 PAGE _e and wheat for the South Ontario Agricultural Society, was highly complimentary as regards the number taking part as well as the quality of the crops gen- erally. He commented the com- petitions were the best yet. Foster Snowden, secretary- treasurer of the society, reports there were 21 entries in the oats section and 19 in the wheat sec- tion. The contestants in the oat sec- tion, in the order in which they were placed, were: Werry Brothers, Hampton; Boyd Ayre, Hampton; Roy Ormiston, Brook- lin; Heber Down, Brooklin; Jackson Bros., Brooklin; John Batty, Brooklin; Vernon Powell, RR 1, Oshawa; Wes. Werry, Hampton; Joe Snowden, Ennis- killen and Russell Best, Hamp- ton. The contestants in the wheat competition, in the order in which they were placed, were: Walter Beath, Oshawa; A. Rich- ardson, Ashburn; John Batty, Brooklin; Charles Langmaid, Hampton; Douglas Ashton, Ash- burn; Lloyd Prouse, Brooklin; Heber Down, Brooklin; Jackson Bros., Brooklin; Lloyd Bradley, Ashburn and Alf. Fisher, Ash- 8 Charges A 21 - year - old Uxbridge youth, James Albert O'Beirn, appeared before Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in Oshawa Court Monday, charged with failing to remain at the scene of an siaccident, theft, four counts of gjbreak and enter, one count of intent and theft. O'Beirn was sentenced to two months in the county jail for failing to remain at the scene of an_ accident, his licence was suspended one year and he was placed on two year's probation. His father, Thomas O'Beirn, told the court that full restitu- tion would be arranged. The magistrate suggested that the incidents may have resulted from the youth's dissat- isfaction with the opportunities offered by farm life. Mr. O'Beirn said his son will live wih relatives in Osh- awa and seek employment here. More than 70 children at- tending Brookside Park par- ticipated in the park's annual pet show Monday. Mary Walsh, supervisor at the park RACCOON SHOWN IN PET SHOW is seen left as she admires one of the many animals en- tered in the contest. The rac- coon, 'Rocky', is held by its owner Cathy Corus, 8, as other children gather around to admire the pet. Brookside Park is one of 24 playgrounds operated by the Oshawa Re- creation Committee. All parks have one or more staff su- pervisors to wach over and yg games for the chil- en, Oshawa Times Photo Sought B 54-year-old Oshawa woman who has been reported missing by her relatives. Mrs. Anna Sladeczek (nee Ciuray) has been missing for about two weeks. Police state that she might seek em- ain Fine Driver $100 Robert Allan Huntley, 24, 235 Mitchell avenue, pleaded guilty to a charge of failing to remain at the scene of an accident and was fined $100 or one month in jail by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in Oshawa Court today. Huntley told the court he left the scene of an accident at Thornton's road north and Taun- ton road west July 15 because he had no insurance. Detective B. D. McGregor of the Oshawa Police Department said Huntley collided with an- other vehicle after he failed 'to stop at a regulation stop sign. jthe other car was estimated at | $425. FOUR AMBULANCE CALLS No fire alarms were received by the Oshawa Fire Depart- ment between 8 a.m.: Monday and 8 a.m. today. The city am- bulances were called out four ployment oe The Picci description of the missing woman was re- leased today by Police. Anyone knowing where this woman is located should notify the police department. Mrs. Sladeczek is of German nationality and speaks Ger- man, Polish and a little Eng- lish. She weighs 145 pounds and is five feet, three inches tall. The missing woman has a dark complexion, greying hair, green eyes, regular nose and a wide chin. She usually wears a bandana and uses glasses for reading. "PRIVATE MATTER" Ullysse Legere, 336 Drew street, appeared before Magis- trate F. S. Ebbs in Oshawa Court Monday charged with passing worthless cheques. The magistrate called the case "a private matter' and dismissed times during this same period. the charge. The Simcoe Boys' John W. EBowry, left, district manager of the Bell Televhone " aN BOYS' CLUB BUILDING FUND BOOSTED Hall Ciub Building Fund was given another boost Monday when Company, presented a cheque for $1,000 on behalf' of the company to William B. Ben- nett, a member of the build- ing fund committee. The cen- tre. which will be erected in Missing Woman y Police Oshawa Police are seeking a | E a domestic or; the Oshawa } price of our newspaper, re very Ur" MRS. ANNA SLADECZEK jtody to Aug. 4 for stealing a Oshawa Girl Contender In Contest Miss Gail McKenna, 17, for- merly of Oshawa, was one of 14 contestants in the Miss 1\Prince Edward Island beauty contest held recently. The daughter of LAC ard |Mrs. Leo McKenna, Gail was chosén to represent the Sum- merside P.E.I. Kinsmen Club in the Miss P.E.I. contest. She represented the club as 'Miss Kinsmen" in the 1962 Lobster Carnival. : She is the granddaughter of Mrs, Clara Whiley, 258 Burke street, Oshawa and Mr. and J. P, McKenna, 239 Kai- ser crescent, Oshawa. Miss Beryl McInnis, of Sum- merside, was crowned Miss P.E.I. and the Oshawa-born contestant was a high conten- der in the contest. NOT CONSIDERING PRICE INCREASE Rumors have been cir- culated that an increase in the home - delivery price of The Oshawa Times is im- minent. The rumors ap- parently started after a price boost by a Toronto newspaper. They have no foundation and are entirely untrue. "We have not considered and are not now consider- ing any increase in the for single copy sales," T. L. Wilson, publisher of The Oshawa Times, said today. Remand Youth For Theft of Pen A 21-year-old Kingston youth was Monday remanded in cus- ball-point pen from a_ parked car. William James Hynes ap- peared before Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in Oshawa court. The accused was apprehended by Constable C. G. Whyte in the Hotel Genosha parking lot where the constable said he was seen entering parked cars. The offi- cer told the court Hynes had been drinking but was not drunk. Hynes told the magistrate he was recently released from the army. }covered some photographs of a Backing Neighbors: Damage Autos A rear-end collision in the strictest sense took place Mon- day afternoon when two. cars backed into each other on Rit- son road south. Joseph Baran, 268 Farewell avenue, was backing his car out of the driveway at 380 Ritson road south, when Walter Goudie did the same across the road, backing out of the driveway of his home, 375 Ritson road south. The ensuing collision, the po- lice reported, resulted in rear- end damage to both cars, to- talling $135. Will Serve Two Months Robert James William Ander- son, 21, Old Forest road, Pick- ering, was sentenced in Osh- awa Magistrate's Court Mon- day to one month in jail for committing an indecent act, one month concurrent for mak- ing obscene pictures and one month consecutive for driving while his licence was under suspension. A Pickering Township Police officer told the court he dis- nude young girl in the accused youth's room. He said Ander- son admitted taking the pic- tures and developing them him- self. Magistrate F. S. Ebbs said: "By your conduct you are mak- ing a bad impression on the minds of young people. In mak- ing obscene pictures, it shows you have a depraved mind. This type of conduct could lead to very serious matters and such conduct is not tolerated here. Anderson told the court he is registered to take treatment at the Ferensic Clinic. Eastview Park, will expand the facilities now offered by the Women's Welfare League to the youth of Oshawa. BAIL RESET Frank S. Robertson, 29 Elgin street east, was remanded to Aug. 13 in Oshawa Magistrate's Court Monday. Robertson is charged with having beer in a Jplace other than his home and with drunk driving. Bail was re- --Oshawa Times. Photo set at $500. Suspend Sentence For One Year Norman Guy Bell, 67 Simcoe street north, appeared before Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in Osh- awa court Monday for sen- tence on a charge of watching and besetting Mrs. Grade Rus- sell. The magistrate ordered a one year suspended sen- tence and warned Bell not to attempt to see or telephone Mrs, Russell. The magistrate said: "If you must contact her to settle cer- tain debts you will have to do it through a lgwyer. You can- not keep hounding. this i BRO. CHARLES ULRICH Oshawa Man Takes Vows CUMBERLAND, R.I. -- Ina solemn ceremony here in Our Lady of the Atonement Novitiate Chapel on July 26, Brother Charles Ulrich, SA. of Oshawa made his first profession of vows as a member of the Friars of the Atonement, popularly known as the Graymoor Friars. Brother Charles, the former Joseph A. Ulrich, is the son of Mrs, Agnes Ulrich, of 166 Eliza- beth crescent, Oshawa. A native of Nova Scotia, Brd- ther Charles attended Gardiner Mines School and Bowmanville High School in Ontario before entering the Graymoor Brothers 'n 1959. Graymoor Brothers are spe- cialists who use their skills to further the work of their soc- iety. Some fill clerical and ad- ministrative positions; others run farms and care for the se minary grounds. In their ranks are found skilled accountants, architects, carpenters, electri- cians, masons, mechanics, painters and printers. In the missions the Brothers may be called upon to run a dispensary or to build a chapel, to purchase supplies or teach catechism to a_ group of youngsters. Graymoor Brothers are stationed at al! Graymoor colleges and seminaries in this country and at mission posts in Japan, British Columbia, North Carolina and Texas. Comedian Is Concert Artist This Thursday's concert, at the McLaughlin Bandshell in Memorial Park, will have as its featured artist an outstanding Canadian comedy star, Doug Romaine. Many Oshawa and district residents will recall his performance here last year and will not wish to miss his return engagement. An innovation at this particular concert will be dancing in the park. A spe- cial floor will be constructed by the parks board and whether those attending wish to listen to the music of the orchestra, di- rected by Bernard Tierney, or dance the evening will prove a most enjoyable one for all ages. The concerts are sponsored by General Motors of Canada, Limited and the Toronto Musi- cians' Association. A grant from the Radio and Transcription Trust Fund helps to"make the woman.' concerts possible.

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