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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jul 1962, p. 28

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Capital Urged To Open Mines | In Territories By GEORGE FRAJKOR CAPE DORSET, N.W.T. (CP) |E. J, Gall, Cape Dorset-Yellow- \knife member of the Northwest \Territories council, said Mon- jday night development of the territories depends on mining and what capital is used to open the mines 'doesn't matter as llong as they are opened. Speaking on the first day of | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT -Canada-Euromart Topic Of Conference The Challenge to Canada, with the following speakers: : Russell Bell, Ottawa, assis- Council, _ |tant director of research, Ca- Other addresses will include: a ce, aed +1 | Alli iversi . 16-18, Viscount Amory, The Unitedicois Cleyn, Huntingdon, "" +20 bee ebsnagiig Bed "Jean| Singdom and the Common om 8| gags Spinners some Ltd.; ca M \ket; R. M. Fowler, Montreal,|H. H. Hannam, presi = ; é mire ee ome president of the Pulp and Pa-|nadian Federation of Agricul- ey ce ate Ae, garded as Toler of the ideas| Per Association of Canada, Can-/ture. <on.|Mr. Gall called on the federal 5 that are drawing Western Eu-|244 and the Common Market;| Dr. Norman " se a aety, | government to change laws that ' 4 rope into economic and political| E. Nichols, publisher of the/zie, native of Pictou un discourage the flow of United oe Hamilton Spectator and a grad-/N.S., graduate of Dalhousie Un States and foreign capital into pene: _ uate of Mount Allison. The/iversity, former president of thet patie 6 Topic of the conference is Commonwealth and the Com-| University 'of New Brunswick | Re : a --1%| Canada, the Commonwealth and/inon Market; I. Robert Schaet-jand recently-retired president) He said the aovereterss o- |the Common Market, and dis-|76), U.S, deputy assistant sec-|jof the University of British Co-jing much to pe acipesh wien cussions will centre around how retary for Atlantic affairs, The|lumbia, will be general chair-| gion's Eskimos = ag em we and our sister countries fit United States and the Common|man of the conference and will|nothing to do with t oF e pa 'into the dramatic drive of a@ Market; Prof. Harry Gordon|give a "summary and conclu-| tion. Young men woe malin continent to replace ancient di- Johnson, of the University of sion" at the closing session, back to hunting . aon visions with a common identity. |Chicago and formerly of $ | W. T. Ross Flemington, pres-/ after being given high schoo However, the discussions will| Francis Xavier -- University,|ident of, Mount Allison, is chair-| educations. be against a background of a where the world is going. man of the University Public "e said there had been no message from M. Monnet Dr. Arthur J. R. Smith of Affairs Council which sponsors new mineral development in the Invited by the institute to be Montreal, secretary of the Pri-|the institute. Martin Duckworth, territories since 1940 although | present, he replied in June: "I vate Planning Association, 'will|secretary of the council, will be'the population and educational cannot leave Europe for some preside over a discussion onlinstitute director. standards inp liegee ie time', But he agreed to tape ' cules Se eee At present, the federal gov- 5 a message 'aad thie will be ernment requires that a com: 2 'heard at the conference's lun pany developing the area' 8 re- 4 cheon on opening day sources. be incorporated in Can- ada or their shares be made SPEECH AWAITED available to Canadians. M. Monnet now is president 'of the Action Committee for a ee [Ratios satan Deraee, ae No One Wants Piece Of Road to what has been termed "the historic declaration' of his. com- jmittee June 26--one to which |President Kennedy's July 4 ments of those banned, WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- The Luthuli, a former leader of|Ontario highways department the now-outlawed African Na-)apparently wants to give some- tional Congress, has long beenjone back a piece of highway ig 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, = | « ster, July 31, 1962 BIRTHS | and Carrol (nee to announce the Brenton Lavern Today's Stock Market Listings 1 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 2235 23 225 910 910 910 --S 80 680 BO 2044 20 2 23% 23% 23% 230 230 «230 TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Cana"ian Press Stock Toronto Stock Exchange--July 31 | Falcon (Quotations in cents unless marked %/ Gatineau z--Odd lot, xd--Ex.dividend, xr Ex-! omc rights, xw---Ex-warrants. Net change is! from previocs board-lot 'closing sale.)/GL Paper INDUSTRIALS 'Guar Tr i! Net | Hahn High Low a.m. Ch'ge |Hawkr-S +) 7, te 4. |Hees S44%-- 44%-- 447% Wl imp oil $144 14% 14% + "limp Tob $15 15 15 % Ind Accep , Inglis S21 A 2% + Mi intend Gas 870 870 10 lintand G pr 38% 38. + "lint Nickel 22% 2258+ Yiint Util 2 12 3 = 6% 34% 34% Sales 100 11 Net | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch"ge, Soteck Win 4% pr 50 $9142 91% 9i%2 -- % Grandue mR / Wetfair pr 50 $28 28 rc !Gunnar 530 Weton B 220 $17% 17% " | Hating 500 OILS \H of Lake 9000 | Headway 1000 175 'High-Bell 400 1, 73), | Hollinger 110 23'4 + ¥2\ Inpiratn 1500 295 +5 lirih Cop - 6600 103 --1 | 2500 625 280 il Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge $47%_ 47% 4744 + YM) $31% 31 31% $554 55% 554 +1 $16% 16% 16% 7™% 130 49 Ky Bales 150 OLEMENS -- Ron Wright) are happy Wirth their son, ~ 3 Ibs. Vie on Friday, July 27, 1962, i hate wa General Hospital. Many ume 5 be Kay and Maroosis. it reusid tor' and Mrs. Edgar and Mrs, Laverne' ie, | ri | | | | | Alminex |Aamera {Bail 5% pr --1 |CS Pete jC x Ga jCent Del |C Mic Mac } Curb --jo | Dalhoei Dev-Pal GN Gas e \GN G Bw us -1 ~~" --38 4 '| By FORBES RHUDE |Canadian Press Business Editor A man who won't be there By | Will be one of the stars of the -- %'Summer Institute of Mount the University of New Bruns- wick and chairman of the At- lantic Provinces Economic --t1 . DUNCAN -- Phil and Disone ars Stock Phaser God for the safe arrival) anitipi Sope thely first born, a darling baby sini, |S" cs " Tracy Lynn,.5 Ibs. 15 ozs., on Satur- § 'aay, July 2%, 1962, at Oshawa General] Agnew-S Ey ital. Very special thanks to Drjau, Gas © Halam-Andres. a Hae ew KING -- id and Phyllis proudly Algoma sano the birth of David Wayne,| Alumini weight 7 pounds 8 ounces, at 12.15/Anthes A «am. Friday, July 27, 1962 at the Osh-| Argus "Amwa General Hospital, A baby brothor/Arg C P pr -- or Brian. Proud grandparents are Mr. Atlas Steel and Mrs. B. King of Oshawa and Mrs.' Bank NS C. Ray of Bancroft. Sincere bgt gestae ani rags. | e@ociare Maroosis, McKay Pp Eso toggect . BOWSKI -- Mr. and Mrs. John) Brazil PE fever are happy to announce the|Br Tnk arrival of their son, John Stevens, BA Oil weighing 7 lbs. 7 ozs.. Thursday July | BC Forest 96, 1962, Oshawa General Hospital. A/BC Pack B wee brother for Kim Leia te au NALD -- Doc and Pat (nee Cal Pow 2 'agumaaea) proudly announce the birth Cdn Brew @yr@ their son, Randy Ross Alan, on/CBAL A w Thursday, July 26, 1962, at Oshawa Cdn Can A Ztieneral Hospital. Special thanks gi oe oe rye as "ir. Doherty. 1G as te Sank 2 N --.Geurt and Muriel wish to|C Husky * Peove ae see arrival of their|C Imp Bk C 2 _~@aughter, 8 pounds. 15 0zs., on Satur- € hd day, July 28, 1962, at the Oshawa Gen- oe Oil Con Bldg SON, Daughter, Twins or Triplets, you Con MS will want to tell the whole town about Cons Paper the latest arrival in your home. An-\Con Gas 2, Sales 60 200 269 375 300 40 359 lo +3 J waite | Jacobu Jaye Expl |Jonmith | Jowey 'Kerr Add iKirk Min iL Dufault 'L Ou La Laz Langi Latin Am 'Lexindin McKen Merrill 72 ' Min-Ore Mt Wright ;Murray M New Ath N Kelor Nrthgate |N Goldert Opemika --10 | Oiko Paymat Pick' Criw + 1% Rayrock Realm Rio Altom jSan Ant Sherritt |Sicoe Starratt % Steep R Sturgeon |Teck-H Tribag + ¥% Un Buffad 2 (Un Fort Violam Willroy Wiltey Yk Bea Young + | Yukeno Zenmac % Zelapa +% 1 + 184 + % $3. +1 260 --2 400 465 465 S17% 17% $65%4 65 $38%4 38% $71% 7 $4815 48% 12%, 10% 12% +M 260 $15 3 ' | Fargo + %|H B OG {Majtran 4,|Medal "3 Sipac Pete {Pac Pete w |Provo Ga + % Quonto Tial 225 $144 723 156 26 850 20 509 2500 3600 100 1000 MINES 450 1000 1000 7200 100 500 500 5000 1000 1 100 305 900 150 1000 1600 500 1500 150 «(150 136 = 136 18% 18 Levy pr + YeLobCo A *iLobCi A w LobCo pr MB PR --~ "| Mass-F Mid-West Molson pr Mont : Loco Moore + "IN Groce pr |Noranda NO NGas {Pow Un Oil 41 Windfat --5 Ye Advocate + % Agnico 4 Akaitcho + %/Am_ Larder Anglo Hur + % | Barex 4 -- 4 Baka + %| Bibi + % Bidcop +5 | Brunwk Camp Chib ta -- %\C Tung 44 + % Cdn NW -- %,Cent Pat Cent Pore + % Cheter Coch Will C Moher Northid Con Que + % C Sannorm 5 Conwet i + 29% 29% 10% 10% 15%4 154 16% 165 +8 +10 +2 490 36 490 5 i at 1 | % % 175175 12% 12% 29% 29% 5M +S 1 J | +5 +$ +3 5 Reichhild ~ VY Royal Bank Royalite Ruell + 'iStL Cem A Ya 'Salada Shawin Slater Steel % | Southam Steel Can n %'S Propane Suptet ord {Suptet pr T Fin A T Fin 5 Tr Can PL 17% --~ Ys, Tran-Mt 17% 174--%\Un Ga 2 2914 29% |Walk GW $29% 29% 29) j|WCoat Tr % ; eral Hospital. A sister for Peggy 2 19 38% ' 38% + 16 16 6% 6% + 1355 135 +5 1% y is pe sear A, Luthuli Silenced By Sabotage Law PRETORIA (AP) Albert John Luthuli, the Zulu chieftain who won a Nobel Peace Prize, has been silenced by South Af- rica's anti-sabotage law. His name appeared Monday, on a ban list published in the : 1. |De Cour 11% -- %|D'Eldona Delhi Pac -- %/Denion -- ¥%)|Dicknn -- %|Dome Gaitwin -- %|Geco Mine 335 2 8150 150 200 115 100 42% 42% 9 2 HG 2000 1000 2500 29500 13 6 3 21 23 Sale to If a.m.: 476,000 3 8 8 +2 100 > $25 245% 245 " _ newspapers and other informa- tion media so they cannot plead ignorance if they violate the 's.mouncements are accepted until 9.00 Coronation Dom St ero Home, Newcastle, on Monday, July 30,) ville and Ronald, Toronto. Resting at ignorance i they violate the »&.m. for publication the same day for Crestbrk 50. t telephone 723-3452. Curb a only $1.50. Just telep! line make : Dosco DEATHS == Tom Text Du_ Pont BARTON -- At South Haven Nursing | Eddy Match «4962, Nelson Barton aged 79 years, dear) father of Grace (Mrs. Harry Benson' Oshawa, Thomas, Toronto, Dor- othy (Mrs, James Fair) Bowman le Mant in St, Josep TC. Church speech may have been an an- ~ ville. i . h's RC, Church} I ; an on Wotsontas ss ae ace, Interment | wat. rhe datiaralion sald zine et ogame "While the economic unity of jEurope is being consolidated) "@) LOVE, Charles ~ At the Oshawa General Hospital on * Monday, July 30, 1962, Charlies Love in *s his 79th year, beloved husband of Flor- ""wence Brockwell and dear brother of ,Mre. W. Phoenix (Allie) and Mrs. '= Jewell Mills, both of Greenbank. Mr. "> Bove is resting at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street West, for serv- ice in the chapel on Wednesday, August 1, at 3 p.m .Interment Mount Lawn Cem . NAYLOR, James At his home, Pefferlaw, Ont., on Moi ot +tay, July 30, 1962, James Naylor, Joved husband of Mary Johnston, ai *\dear father of Rhoda (Mrs. Rex Knight) «and J, Kenneth, both of Toronto in his . 24th year. Resting at the funeral chapel 2°of M. R. Summerfeldt and Son, Can- *- nington, Ont., for memorial service or Wednesday, August 1, 2.30 p.m. Inter- ment Mount Lawn Memorial Park, Oshawa. TOYNBEE, Albert Edward At Fairview Lodge, Whitby on Monday, July 30, 1962, Albert Edward Toynbee, belived son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Toynbee. Resting at the W. C ~ Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for serv- dee in the chapel on Wednesday, Augu: o 1 at 2 p.m. Interment Groveside Cem 'tery. ~"LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangement and floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING ENTRE J Calanre. "24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 « GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL é Kindness beyond price =_ryet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST "IN MEMORIAM | left arm of Hazel Donlin, 17, of Kelseyville, Calif. which | they reattached after the girl CALGARY DOCTORS SAVE GIRL'S ARM sti terete AB : Left to right "are Dr. Glen | Edwards, bone specialist, Dr. | mrnway ride at the Calgary Stampede. Only a piece of skin at the}. shoulder held the girl's arm. | Walter Johns, anaesthetist, and Life Preserver Clue In Death MEAFORD, Ont. (CP) -- Dis- {covery of a life preserver in 'Georgian. Bay near Christian jisland, about 21 miles northeast COWLE -- In loving memory of a . James Cowle, who passed "away July 31, 1944. *'* We often sit and think of him '<> S When we are all alone, > Bor memory is the only thing * That grief can call its own it} iLovingly remembered by * Stella. «US, Threatens "To Close Otf Mine Exchang %-" SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--The U.S. government has threatened 40 close the San Francisco Min- ing Exchange unless its officers can disprove charges that they violated sand Exchange Commission. ~"* The exchange, a smail-volume "L"trading market for mining #¢hares, promptly declared Mon- *""day "'it will continue to remain * : . "open for business as it has for 99 years and 11 months." "The commission accused the exchange of multiple violations of laws and regulations de- signed to protect the investing public. 24; It charged five members' and *«afficials, inc 1u ding. President t,George J. Flach, with aiding j~and abetting violations of secu- " nities laws Unless the exchange move to close down voluntarily, « tts officers will be called 'n an SEC hearing to show cause why 'the SEC should not order its operations shut. Flach said in a statement "most of the charges were based on alleged technical violations .. Many years ago * Ps The mining exchange lists se-| curities of only 42 companies, of whom three reported a profit in their most recent fiscal j years. The exchange has 13 reg- ' ular members, six of whom are * active. WEALTHY ACTOR MEXICO CITY (AP) -- The Mexican actor-comic Cantinflas '"igwho starred in the movie 4 Mtround the World in 80 Days !has offered to donate enough "land for a subdivision of low- Arlie and| rules of the Securities) should {Of here, may hold a clue to the jdrowning of Mrs. Ingrid zum |Tobel, 34, here last week Mrs. Tobel, of Toronto, failed to escape from a sinking plane after it had landed amid 10-foot waves outside Meaford harbor |Her husband and a friend were / rescued, Authorities identified the pre- jserver as the type carried in ithe plane. They said the dis- | covery of the preserver indi- cates. Mrs. Tobel was not wear- ing the jacket when the plane overturned and that her body |will probably be found on the lake. bottom $2 | | 2,400 Forgery 'Charges Revealed SARNIA (CP) -- Frank Al- paugh, 47, has appeared in jcourt here on five charges of passing $22,400 worth of forged cheques. Remanded until Aug. 9 for election of trial and plea, he was released Monday on $7,500 property and $3,750 cash bail | Four of the charges involve | $14,200 in cheques drawn on two bank accounts of Mrs. J .P: |Smith and the fifth concerns an $8,200 cheque on the bank ac- {count of Joseph Maitland both of Sarnia Township Industrials Rise Because Of Banks TORONTO (CP)--The stock\in the Northwest Territories. market, after gaining moderate}Falconbridge rose 34 and Deni- strength early Monday after-|son and Labrador 14 each. Hud- noon, gave in to weakness near|son Bay Mining dropped one the close of light trading point, Industrials ended slightly on, Speculatives saw brisk action the upside on index, however,|in a handful of issues, with Mc- while base metals and western|Kenzie Red Lake, New Athona oils each gained fractionally. | Mines North Goldcrest and Golds showed marked weak-|Min-Ore Mines all churning ness, dropping more than two|through more than 100,000 index points, shares. Price changes, how- Basis for the industrial ad-|°¥<": were minimal vance was strength w pbs weakened by Royal climbed 1%, irops of % and ¥4 in Dome and tia 1%, Montreal one point, and | cant Yellowknife respectively, Toronto = Godnion and Cana: while in western oils, Pacific dian Imperial Bank of Com-|}°troleum fained ¥ and Hud merce both % es Bey Best gain went to Power Cor- poration, up four points to 54. The company has a substantial interest in Canadian Oil, which last week received a purchase offer from Shell Oil of Canada. Canadian Oil rose sharply at the opening of trading, touching a 1962 high of 355%, but slipped later to 35, unchanged on the any: (Yossele) Schumacher, the Is- ATLAS REACTS raeli boy found in Brooklyn, Atlas Steel also climbed to ajN.Y., last month, was kid-! 1962 high of 35%4 in morning ac-|napped three years earlier on tion, but dropped back to 345¢,\a Jerusalem rabbi's word that down 14. Atlas is expected soon|!{ was a "divine mission," a to receive a takeover offer from Judicial panel of the House of Rio Algom Mines, which gained| Lords was told Monday. 35 cents to $9.55. The rabbi spoke in defence of Among base metals, Interna-;the boy's uncle, Shalom Scht- tional Nickel climbed % to 65\Yacks, a 24-year-old. religious and rumors the company has| teacher accused of perjury and discovered gold on a prospect|abetting the kidnapping. The LONDON (Reuters) -- Yosef SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ICEBERGS ix-the Nort ASLANTIC MAY BE AS FEW AS TEN DURING AN ENTIRE SUMMER; OR MORE THAM OHE THOUSAND DEPENDING ON GREENLANDS WEATHER. BE , {dost homes. He said the devel- 'opment would be for bit-part hs >' Ti $i Tae' MORMON CRICKESS FIGHT A DUAL 4k WIKNER \ Scraps. CAN CHILDREN WH CROSS-Eyrs SURGERY 2 YES- 9 our oF 10. | highest court of appeal. Schtraks was taken from | Brixton prison here, where he is | awaiting extradition to Israel, jto appeal against the dismissal by a lower court of his plea to Ine released. Josef,-who was eight at the | time of his abduction, was found | living with an orthodox rabbi in Brooklyn June 31. He and his ;mother, Mrs. Ida Schumacher, | jwere reunited July 3 and re-| turned to Israel July 4 | Schtraks, arrested last August for his part in spiriting his} | nephew out of Israel, is wanted! there for trial. Schtraks' lawyer, Foster, read an affidavit jIsaac Kugler, chief witness for the prosecution, describing a ;meeting attended by 150 per- sons, all of whom were said to be prepared to help in abduct-| ing Josef. | A rabbi present at the meet-! ing, the affidavit said, recom:| mended that he be taken away from his parents that he |House of Lords is Britain's By R J. SCOTT John E> FORERUNNER oF TRE HELICOPTER- VERTICAL FLIGHT 16 NOTHING NEW CURED WHHOuT so Kidnapping S 'Divine Mission' by | w jand a start made on its politi-| cal unification, the co-operation that has already grown up be- tween the United States and Eu-| ropean countries should gradu- ally be transformed into a part-| nership between a united Eu-| rope and the United States." President Kennedy, in his July 4 speech at Philadelphia, stated: "I will say, here and now, on this day of independence, that the United States will be ready for a declaration of in-} terdependence--that we will be prepared to discuss with a) united Europe the ways and) means of forming a concrete Atlantic partnership." The Mount Allison conference on its campus at Sackville, N.B.| will open with the university's summer convocation, which will |be addressed by Prof. A. K. Cairncross, economic adviser to the British government, on "charges in the world econ- |omy."' Honorary degrees of doc-| itor of laws will be bestowed on} os imei nares some (private ant Wisco mmnerye Ture) Dr, George Miller, heart and |mer British chancellor of the blosd vessel specialist exchequer and now high com- i ' missioner to Canada. (CP Wirephoto) | : oc oT a See. DIVIDENDS sauce 4 | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Barber-Ellis of Canada Ltd., common $1, Sept. 14, record Aug. 31. Laurentide Financial Corpora- tion Ltd., $1.25 series pfd. 311 cents, Sept. 1, record Aug. 13.!don, a economy of the Atlantic pro vincial governments, will also} |take part in a forum on the| jimpact of the Common Market| on the Atlantic provinces, nd Prof. W. Y. Smith of government Gazette. Under re-| cently passed legislation, past or present statements of} those banned from attending) any meetings may be published. The government publishes the} ists for the information of} 1 { | | Police Capture Last Escapee BRANTFORD (CP)--The last! lof three Burtch industrial farm/|cial segregation policies, said in | inmates who escaped from the) institution more than a month) ago, Max Palmerston, 16, of) Windsor, was recaptured in St. Thomas Monday when he was spotted by a detective. Palmerston appeared before; and was remanded in Wednesday. He) of escaping} coe custody until faces a charge custody. Palmerston, with Jasper Tup-| of Groutville in Natal Province. INCLUDES LAWYER Other names on the first list are Patrick Duncan, son of a former governor - general who recently fled the country, and Abraham Fisher, one. of the lawyers who successfully de- fended hundreds of South Afri- cans of all races accused in a recent marathon treason trial. | Author Alan Paton, another foe of South Africa's strict ra- Johannesburg he also expects to be placed on the banlist. He heads the multi-racial Liberal} Party. The government insists the anti-sabotage law was passed to) strike at Communism and other) |Magistrate H. P. Innes of Sim-|forms of subversion. The Opposition both in and out of parliament declared Pre- mier Verwoerd's aim was to crush all opponents of his racial! segregat licies, nojrestricted to his home district|but no one will claim it. The department has sent a letter to several municipalities, saying it is giving back a seven- mile stretch of Highway 39 to its previous owners. The road in question has been superseded by a new stretch of Highway 39 which now-bypasses the Village of St. Clair Beach and the Town of Tecumseh about 12 miles east of here. Maidstone Township council has received the letter, which says the lieutenant-governor has signed an order-in-council re- verting the highway to the "road authority previously re- sponsible for its maintenance." Essex County's road commit- tee has also received the letter but it too made no move to "claim" the road, / And other municipalities that could be possibly involved are also ignoring the letter. It could cost them money. ner,,22. of Hamilton and. William. Thompson, 20, of Petrolia, es- caped from the farm during a recreation period June 28. Tupper was caught. within a few hours and was sentenced to a year in reformatory years ago made a study of the later admitted several crimes in} TORONTO (CP)--A r | } y-|the Hamilton area, asked for a|Working on a downtown demoli-} learn a trade, and was. sen- tenced to four years, Thompson was arrested in terms at Burtch. i He} e| | Laborer Plummets 5 Floors To Death laborer inces on behalf of the four pro-|penitentiary term so he could/tion project fell five storeys to his death Monday when struck |by a beam dropped by fellow | workmen. |Petrolia after two days of free-| Giuseppe Quartarone, 36, of| With him, in this discussionj}dom and was sentenced 'o ajToronto, employee of a house} jwill be Watson Jamer, Atlantic|year in reformatory. All three|wrecking company, was helping) 4|provinces agent-general in Lon-jhad been serving one-year theft}remove an elevator guide rail) 'when workmen dropped a beam. L 1s as Out Of Date? "Premarital relations? Why not ? --- everybody does it !" Read this shocking report in August Reader's Digest. Many girls, says this cries, abe up their. minds with insufficient knowledge, and without hearing the whole argument . . . and are not aware of the penalties soci- ety inflicts -- including some- times being crippled for life. Read "The Case for Chastity", in August Reader's Digest. Get your copy today ... 36 articles of lasting interest. T Revenue Properties Co, Ltd., -- series A 644 per cent cents, | Aug. 15, record July 31. Secony Mobil Oil Co. Inc., 50 cents, Sept. 10, record Aug. 6.} Texaco Canada Ltd., pfd, $1 Oct, 20, record Sept. 29 | Es 26 HURT IN CRASH MADRID (Reuters)--Twenty. six persons were injured when a passenger and a freight train collided Sunday at Jubera some 105 miles northeast of here, it was reported today aid duction as a "divine mission."| The Schumacher family,| which never went to the. Soviet Union, lost Yosef the night Kug- ler and Schtraks drove him to a settlement near Jerusalem. | Foster said the government of Israel was intolerant to its or- thodox subjects and resented! their desire to educate their) children on religious lines, and} that intolerance and resentment} were the reason for the charges! against Schtraks The hearing continues U.K. Army Desk Job Cut Urged | (CP)--The parlia-| LONDON mentary estimates committee] | says in a renort that there are| boiling? too many "'Whitchall warriors" in the British Army: The ail-party watchdog com- mittee of MPs recommended a cut in the number of military/ officers holding desk jobs at the war office here. And many of those doing only administrative k should be replaced by ci- vilians It said that in the last two years the army's over-all size has been reduced 20 per cent and the War Office staff 614| per cent, but the number of of- ficers in the War Office has in- reased to 23.5 per cent this| vear from 18.5 per cent in 1956 \t the Admiralty, the number/ And air can't boil (or freeze no need for a radiator. Not radiator really helps you keep you run into a jam, i On a hot day. Simply because there's: nothi The Volkswagen is cooled with air. But it's nice to k ing to boil, You never have p ) so there's having a cool when there's the money yo Miles from anywhere, one at other times too, water pump repairs, Or hoses to replace, Apart from the troubles you don't have, ane channannnecrene: now you haven't got And oil lumbing problems. Or it in the u don't spend, repair bill And this applies to tires that quite often go better than 40,0 100 miles the set. Gas Buy now before the price changes. SABYAN MOTORS that goes around 38 miles to # between changes, If you still think we're the ones with the funny car, cut this advertisement 'out, Put Look. Look. See the funny car. Why don't you ever see a Volkswagen he gallon, that rarely needs topping up drawer where you keep your S. would not go with them to.the of officers of similar rank ac-| Soviet Union and lose his Jew-;counted for only seven per cont] |igh faith, He described the ab-jof the total staff. EASS Th LOSERY * 40 Ducks * a 'players and other actors with| low. incomes. 234, RITSON ROAD SOUTH " TELEPHONE 723-3461

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