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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jul 1962, p. 29

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, July 31, 1962 15 TELEVISION LOG ae CHCB-TV Chance! 11--Hamiion --_ CRLE-TV Channel 6~Terente é Ree is GRIT, Te GIVER. OWT NEWS BRIEFS WUS-TV Channel 2--Buftalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buftalo : . = H , BUT ilar MCKED UPA WEBW-TY Chanvel 7--Buffalo | WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester ain oUt eK Wa C¥TO-TV Channel $--Toronto- CKVR-TV Channel $--Barrle ING, Senet ui sememenseneennl ae fiat Ate y fit PM : : , ' ~ : Ati southern Nova Scotia was ta 5--Movie 7--Jungle Jay - i eS of ee i topic for the crew of the $-Poveye's Playhouse eS Yscetion hits = - ; Nay jliner I Wonder. It was 9:15 AM. Sollese's "Holly poee ; an ' smallest caught in years, ¢ M, 2--Debbje Drake Show | 2--Three Stooges f i Z 2 i \ usually run around 100 1--Early me 9:30 A.M. ete oy 3 EVE. i er ae 4 j ' J frequently as much as cnt Testre --Family Theatre EAR SADT LAKE CITY, PUSHINSKY SPIRS pounds. 3-Yogi Bear mak , 4 A MAN THUMBING A RIDE, DO NOT McGraw 2--Susie in i / / a ; i < DISTURB 6:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M: | j ANTIGONISH, N.S. ( "Lawman 11--Movie ( : : : Amnroe pov g Bed vaing 8 3--Movie Museum nat ra -- : y q can for a ma being. Swallows built a "eHS P M. eanbay When y f his Maal bee, and he ts Hud 10:30 A. 4-CH 4 Theatre ie 3 hadn' pa rey §~Domino al pith . i I THINK bate' COMPACT YARMOUTH, N.S, , Most fishermen brag - their big catches, but 8 pound swordfish caught faves oahisd t 8 af Eg i--D, Cc a Weather; yeas Pg tor Suncb Jungle 4-1 Loye Lucy 2--Felix Dy eM 6:45 ~ .M. : 6: -M, &--Huntley scenes tu, Saeee Lewes 7:00 «.M, 11:00 A.M, ®--Bachelor Father 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford bah rata eel 5-2--Price is Hight 6:15 2.M. ~ The Phil bi "od 4--The Verdict is Yours| ¢_The People's Choice Show 11:30 A.M. . 730 # Ben C: 11--Tug-Boat Annie (1~News aeee 9~--Free and Easy 9-5-3-2--News, 7-¥ For A Song Sport: came a wien ik oe ote 7:15 PM. -2--Coneentra ary W contract signed' with the univers ay See 'the "Brighter Day | 11--pamily theatre CROSSWORD FAs sity's arts faculty. P #~News: Weather 12:00 NOON 9-6--News, Sports, ; is B $--Huntley Brinkley / : GOOD CATCHES - 7:30 P.M. ea oe 7:00 P.M. . Bed | af o/\e GRANBY, Que. (CP) = Joe at a Tavane eyees Phow! 9--Movie seenee ACROSS 2,"O1A =" 19. Rental ao ie ! 25> a Sanchagrin of Cowans ville Pia. eo Alaa Teiprenion™ 5--Real McCoys - 2, Paddle-like (nickname con- sTaltle 7 ' > Gs bs "+ |landed the biggest pickerel--an §-2--Laramie 9-4--News; Weather '4--People: Are Funny process of "Con- tract FEI : ounce under two pounds--to win 4--The Desi-Lucy Sports 3--The Tom Ewell 4, Muffler stitution') 20, Loca- the binocul off Comedy Hour 3--Popeye And Pals Show 9. Caliber 3. Fresh ~ e n ars ered in the 8:00 P.M. as}. 2--The Pioneers . . Yamaska conservation associa- 12:15 P.M, 2:15 P.M. 10. Ennobles 4, Shallow ion' éeube Petes g-spennae Ge 715 P.M. a. "Cae ; tion's annual fish derby. €3--Talent Scouts House t--News: Weather 12. Below: naul tl : ; : ; Jacques Catudal of Granby also 4--Password 9-Free and Easy hi 9 ay 18,Right of '5. Imita : | BONes wea won a pair of binoculars for the scotie ants BOPMP do a 2 ara La ig j By ] largest pike two pounds eight \--Official ctive amouflag . Me' KNOW You ~~ am sm : 3 %--The New Breed §2--Truth or ta Wage eee 15.Back ----, 7%, Maori fern 2, Dull "ALL "THAT MATH - ~, ounces. §-2--Alfred ce +B Father Boston rootstock sounds, Yesterday's Anower ve MR. GUARD..CAN 3 4-Dobie Gillis te oe 3:00 P.M. 16, Likewise 8. Iced, as as blows 31. Let FINISHED! ; 2 USE THE ELECTRIC MACKENZIE'S HOME BP gh head = 'Ls PM. tan ge Bd 2 17, Hikers' "a cake 23, Citrus J = ; MAF TERNGONG. é) TORONTO (CP)--One of Fo- "EscTHe Comedy Spot | Guiding Light" 63--Dennis the Menace shelter 9.English spa _ fruits : ; : $ ronto's historic sites, the home §-2--Dick Powell Show 1:00 P.M. 4--Window On Main 19. Former 11, Pigs' noses 24, Highest ) of its first mayor William Lyon 4--Carnegie Hall jiedens Ate ware Bay coins: Lat, 15, Former points 33, At the top 5 Ve P| Mackenzie, will be to wee ry Renny 7--Afternoon Show <n dig 21. Scotch Czech 29, Flowers 36. Girl; Dial, ty Tt, ' z ee visitors July $1 after beng : ML j--One 0' s tte Detectives | Beet the tery' | Fy cas a hl WS 473 5 * Ee |fioraton work. Mactontiey 2--Mid-Day Matinee 5=--The | Rebel 23. Cup-like ws 30. Fine, 38, Polynesian , he = me £ é - pesky 'w 18 k. pens 9 | oa. Sivdete eerie $-Checkmate "tc one nab atone heap J Z ] Kas BA, f elected in , was the gran Ichabod and Me §--All Star Theatre oo on 2 j ' Fe ene father of the late Liberal prime T 200 P.M, * s 7 |8 te . 4 ini W. L. Mackenzi 10:00 ©.M, {The World Turns PE | ia Y 1") : ! minister W. L. enzie King. U--Bob McLean iovie a | aed Be ~ Chines Preintaco 2:00 P.M $ase-khe sone 6, Fe Y " DISLIKES CARS ae ies 11 --Cannonball Theatre ls Ye VICTORIA (CP)--A 35-pound Acie Gomis Ta san asiis dae 9:30 P.M. . Y lion cub born at a pet zoo here 10:30 P.M, |_| $Fassword potas, Geer Spectre i z paraded through the eS, with 9--Tombstone Territory 2:30 P.M. sh : ts owner, startling pedestrians 6--Recital 11--All Star 'Theatre ae P d i 10:00 P.M. : and motorists. The cub amused Sa--Loretta Young | 1--Bob McLean ; WHAs, MORE | [E THOUGHT YoU JUST BOUGHT) | | YEAH, I DID. BUT, HECK, ws ARE NOFUNWHENYA) | |tincclr by roaring at passing Theatre 7--Naked City A WHOLE SET O' PLASTI DIGHEG THAT WON'? motorcars. ; 4--House Mans omens Confer- NONBREAKABLE DIGHES. BREAK... f--Late Show 3:00 P. : s RABBITS PEST 5-2-- Play Your Hunch een:20 PM. |'7--Guatn "Fora Done" | *--cucle. Mestre 'oe \ MEAFORD, Ont, (CP)--~ 11--Blockbuster Movie | 6-3--Summerama 10:30 P.M. = (Mile, 4 : --s, Home owners in this commume Cate sect Sait [te | 8 : oa | pial Ti | lnuis there asp net cosegh MIO 3:30 P.M. 11:00 P.M, 28 : (2 i , STAT Bist ann ae ly [aay g 7 3 LAN) | lene statue ee 4--Theatre | eather: Sports id 32 ee was put into ect, re if 1-V Do ¥ : > os J . soe be Beyond bs Verdicn "in Youre 11:15 P.M. | ow" NS BSS | og l 5 that dogs be kept tied up, .nue 5-2--Our Five Daughters | 7--Late Show 3s | : Qa merous rabbits have been strip 12:30 P.M. 4--To Tell The Truth | 6&--Viewpoint | j ig i bl di oe 4:00 P.M. 11:30 P.M. . ry | q AG |b f foie ping vegetable Bardens. WEDNESDAY %-The Hideaway 11--Blockbuster Movie : A 7:45 AM. F--American Bandstand | $-Mahale dnckeos : ao SH wom Joh \n OLDTIME PRICES ¥--Popeye and Pals 6--Playground Sings Y, ' i per cick Be m ' é (os de re ORILLIA, Ont. (CP) -- The 5-2--Make Room For | 6--Maverick V -- ' ' newspaper advertised a bushel 8:00 A.M. Dadd; 5-2--Tonight Shi Captain Kangaroo Secret storm = Highway Patrol of potatoes at 70 cents, butter 13 2~Today. Show 3--Playground Theatre i cents a pound a ere cents a dozen. t it was an 8 | 1880 copy of the Orillia Packe,t T Y YOUR CAR NOW i te eh ee © °@ by C. H. Moffatt of RR2, Orillia, We still have a few 1962 PONTIACS & BUICKS. Also we have several low mileage demonstrators, COME IN AND TAKE ADVANTA ALTONA, Man, (CP}--Tende GE OF THE BIG SAVINGS ! ers have been called for ree : 34 moval bed hig Rages aaa T : 72 45 grain elevator in this dis' 230 KING ST. W. THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. PHONE 723-4634 |. da 1895 and was operated untit a i ~|few years ago. The first graiw "e SCKUTK WALTER IS MAKING a, THE HE NODDED VIGOROUSLY, i a ee | {elevator here was built in 1893. ee rascre HIS NEXT SHREWD roe ie VERY WELL f= 1'LL. DIG a : f N HEAD! oi 7 CHECKING UP 7 MOVES" WALTER, ARE. YOU SURE WITH YOU, WALTER, PALI { ¢ : : YOUR HEAD BL 4i| EDMONTON (CP)--Weed 'in- MIDNIGHT!! AND NOw, : ( ; HAVING LEARNED A PAIN- THIS IS THE WAY TO FIND spectors with the Alberta field FUL LESSON, FROM TRYING < crops branch served more than TO DIG UP THE CHIEF'S 2,300 notices during 1961 on PANS' people who were not destroying' weeds on their land. BETTER TOMATO EDMONTON (CP) -- A plant geneticist at the University of Alberta has tried 400 distinct crosses in the search for a bete ter tomato plant for home gare deners. Three crosses are said to show promise. NEW FA Y. Neer ; A BURNAB / ~ WHATS THE MATTER, PA? T GET IT... ONE ANGEL CAKE planted 3 (OUR TONGUE COMING UPY new building for the Britisf ~slas \ g a Columbia Institute of Technol- ogy will be built here at a cost of $2,940,000, 3 PATIENT PENGUINS .. | VANCOUVER (CP) -- If the . seven king penguins hatch eggs they are patiently incubating here it will be a record for zoos in North America, says Stanley Park zoo curator Alan Best. He said they had a good chance if the weather remained reason- ably cool. ; SLUM CLEARANCE VANCOUVER (CP)--The city planning department has rece ommended development of 100 acres in Vancouver's east end as the second step in a 20-year, $100,000,000 slum clearance pro- gram. 7 ROUGH MEASURES. ... VANCOUVER (CP) -- Small depth bombs are being used effectively to frighten large seals away from fishing nets. In one attack a seal might de- stroy a $400 net and eat $100 worth of fish. . ai CLASSES MOUNT ORFORD, Summer classes annually by the Les J Musicales camp in this .|near Sherbrooke now are nized by the University of brooke. The summer i g9 I 7fak JANE ARDEN eek, fasion Renee oe Dussibased kp King Fentares Spadicate j ALLTOGETHER, IT COMES. ITS DEDUCTIBLE ON TO THREE DOLLAR: ANO' ELEVEN CENTS! TSK-TSK? YOU FORGOT THE BUS NEXT. EARS INCOME TA ¥" KNOW! SONT DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER COME RIGHT IN, MR. , sume aeranekocie : =I - sx A/f}| SALLY'S SALLIES Y Guy moves 4 OUT OF THE wo, WAY LARRY BRANNON

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