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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jul 1962, p. 3

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Liners To Stop At Quebec City QUEBEC (CP) -- George F. Davidson, deputy minister of immigration, said Monday alli passsenger liners now stopping at Quebec City en route to Mont- real will continue to do so. "I think that a misunder- standing has unsettled. groups interested in Quebec since the immigration department made known several modifications in the work of its employees here," Mr. Davidson told Chamber of Commerce éxecutives. City groups had feared the new procedures would hurt port business and city council two weeks ago sent a resolution to Ottawa urging that they be sus- pended. The new immigration proce- dure will ailow officers to pro- cess passengers batween Que- bec City and Montreal rather} % \than between Escoumins, 145 |miles northeast of here, and | Quebec City j te Work is continuing on the Canada, Japanese | q.yertrusture ot the "sine THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 31, 1962 3 'house 'supply and buoy ten- der that was launched in the Limited in Montreal by Mrs. Jean Casselman, MP. The ship will join the Coast Guard LAUNCH COAST GUARD VESSEL AT MONTREAL in the fall and will be based at Prescott, Ont. (CP Wire. photo) ; Trade Talks Open | ', an _icebreaking _light- coe", TOKYO (Reuters) -- Canada) CAPSULE NEWS and Japan opened trade taiks; here today covering trade ques- tions. between the two coun-) | tries. | J. S. Grandy, director of the international economic affairs bureau of the Canadian finance] ministry, is chief Canadian de!-; egate to the talks, while Yasu- hiko Nara, chief of the Amer-| ica-Canada section of the eco: | LIFEGUARDS PAINT WHITE CROSS CENTRE | tients discharged from mental | The aprigpeonlge™ _ devoted | i j i the last two Saturday morn- hospitals. Under the direction | ' atu of peoel Henderson and Dr. | igs to the painting, Anyone Charles Jackson, the centre | wikis $0 fee 4 fans will be welcome. hopes to open in September. | to assist in the painting of the new White Cross Centre, 187 Simcoe street south. The cen- tre will offer a social re- habilitation program for . pa- OBITUARIES Fourteen lifeguards, in charge of the Municipal Swim- ming Pool in Rotary Park and the Somerset Swimming Pool have stepped into the breach Uranium Firm Accepts Share Of U.K. Deal TORONTO (CP)--One of Can- ada's seven surviving uranium share of a new $127,700,000 United Kingdom uranium deal. The contract, negotiated be- tween the Canadian and U.K. governments, provides for the sale of 24,000,000 pounds of ura- nium at an average price of $5.03 a pound. The government - owned El- dorado Mining and Refining Limited is the only official pur- chaser of. uranium in Canada. The firm which accepted the contract is Faraday Uranium Mines Limited. Its share was 1,083,191 pounds of uranium at a base price of $5.54 a pound, --Oshawa Times Photo SIGN RADIO PACT ' nomic affairs bureau of the for-| oppawA (CP) -- A Canada- eign ministry, represents Japan.| yoxjco agreement made at, The Japanese trade ministry, Mexico City allows amateur ra-| said items to be. discussed are/ dio operators of the two coun-} expected to include Canada's) tries to exchange messages or) recent decision to impose im-| other communications from or) port fees to overcome its for-|to third parties. The external! Phoenix. (Allie) 'Iprior to his retirement about|¢ign exchange difficulties, ex- affairs department said Mon- oenix ie was born in Hastings, Eng- land. He was a_ veteran .of {World War I, having served with the British Army. } Besides his wife he is sur-| Mr. Barton dete employee) leivad ty twa sisters, Mrs. wo! the Bowmanville Foundry) \Jewell Mills, both of Green- , flatware and vacuum-tube ra-|technical or personal nature bank. ver o et TOREDE 8 Roma , dios, and the possible conclusion|and the amateur stations may The f | a sees Catholic Church, Bowmanville, fiv Prangerdents {or : -ati held a oe autre Fenerei Surviving are two daughters Fevan's conen seattle exports Pe te re Mrs... Harry Benson (Grace), : : oe . t ' CHILD DROWNS é » Wp y ine iar ie Wenner Ci te d| (Dorothy), Bowmanville. Mr. Heien Lemky, 7, of Toronto was| Church, will officiate. Inter- og ag tigi predeceased _ by drowned in Lake Simcoe at Par- three sons, Nelson, Thomas and DISTRICT adise Beach Monday when she "ame jto. There are 18 grandchildren an unmarked boat channel. . sATK er ay and four great-grandchildren. a Word has been received here _,The body is at the Morris) | VISITORS AT ROTARY TRUCK KILLS BOY ' F Visitors at the Monday meet-| puRYINGTON, Ont. (CP)-- Rt. Rev. F. K .Malane wil] | C be j ; ; } | . Eawin Henry Todley' 'The ae.|sing Requiem High Mass in St.jawa included Ron Parsons.| this town's first traffic fatality ceased, who was in his Sind Joseph's Roman _ Catholic|Kingston; John Wyatt, Cliff! of the year Monday when he year, was found dead at the foot| Church at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dudley, Ian Thomas and Johii| was killed as he ran into the a fall Bowmanville Cemetery. |Fred Adsett, Belleville; Wiiam) truck. : | ; Burger, Farmington, aine:| escalating to $5.70 a pound. ; 4 Mage Ag Wiccan ean The Or nee alley Robert Thompson, Ajax; Dr.) TWO agro vig dee ; The -other firms have until }ERBERT D, TRESIDDER |;.°.": ys Sobol i : iKeith Slemon and Alan Strike, AMMAN, Jordan (Reuters)-- August to accept the contract. the deceased was born at Com-|at him home, Pefferlaw, Ont., 4 Sh okincld samen eave Wirdh, der the contract are: a lengthy illness, at. his home,|a family of seven children. _ BE ae gone . beta Sag The| BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED |two of the babies were born| Rio Algom Mines Limited: 2949 Kingston road, Scarboro,| Mr. Tooley is survived by his The dkcwaasd: oa : igh Members of the Rotary Club| dead, a spokesman at the gov-| 7,400,000 pounds at a basic price on Monday, July 30, of Her-|wife, Mary, and a_ brother, the tate Vent : , son Of|4¢ Oshawa, whose birthdays| ernment maternity hospital said of $4.70, rising to $5.14. bert Dean Tresidder. Ralph R, Tooley, of Oshawa. e late Henry and Rachel Nay- | 4 ; i y George F. i : : : : ; | Mary Johnston, his second wife meeting, Were | S. DEATHS INCREASE a basic price of associated in business with the ERNEST ASHTON BROWN Brees f€,/Shreve, S. R. Alger, Robert) U.S. DEATHS INCREASE Sia ¢ pew rising to $4.38. late Charles M. Mundy and the| PICTON -- The death occur- "ig g gar and has liv-|Hecadorn, Dean Paite, Dr.|. CHICAGO (AP) --The US. Gunnar Mines Limite d:|late Arthur R. Alloway, of Osh-|red very suddenly on Saturday|®® 1" A. e 'atti area for Barry Wood, J. J. English, A|National Safety Council says Slightly less than 3,000,000|awa, for many years. He setjof a well known Picton resident|*0me UUme. He was a poultry 'can of tae : high ; ; ifn: jhalf o rose to a new high, | rising to $4.27 Mundy-Goodfellow Printing Co.|Brown. He suffered a heart at- United Church. He was a mem- a }and at a rate greater than the| Stanrock Uranium Mines Lim. in Toronto in the early 1920's/tack and was taken to Prince Leal of = Loyal Orange FILM ENJOYED |increase in travel. The toll rose| ited: 2,886,105 pounds, at a ba-|and continued as head of the Edward County Memorial Hos-) a tou was predecouisa Members of the Rotary Club) to 18,120, up 1,210 or seven per : : ; by his first wife. He is surviv- ; Bem s i | ; i 1961 period it became General Printers/Previously he had been in ap-| . 7 meeting, enjoyed a color film of|the corresponding 1961 period.) eg ns sat ; ;_|ed by his second wife; a daugh- * | , ; | Bicroft Uranium Division, Ma- Limited. He had been retired| parent good health. He was in|. Mrs. ae Knight (Rhoda) the 1961 Grey Cup game be- Mone travel rose only five per cassa Gold Mines Limited: for some years. his 72nd year. ta aon 3 Keuneth Taviy tween Hamilton Tiger Cats aid| cent. Weaver the rates. Tresidder is survived by three/builder and engaged in many! 'The remains are at the M. R_/film was presented through the) siNGSTON, Jamaica (AP)--| This leaves Eldorado, which| daughters, Jessie and gs Enger areas Senna Be-lcimmertelat 'and Son Funeral) Courtesy of Molson's Brewery ithe government will reduce with the independent firms,| (Elsie) of Swinton Park, Ont.,)sided in the village of 'Milford.| morial service in the chapel, | @ordon Rae, lfive per cent when Jamaica be | a rhe Gieteoeie to the firms is der, of Scarboro and Sparrow He was & member of Calvary Wednesday, Aug, 1, st 2.39 p.m comes independent of Britain| based on their production rate|Lake. There is a granddaugh-| Surviving are his wife, the Duntroon Anglican Church, will amnesty is effective Sept. 1. ew Be Whe ost ot The funeral service will be former Fanny Scott; six daugh-| conduct the services. He will be} are decided on the Gos § production, aiming at even dis- held at the Trull Funeral Home, | weaver) stat Ruby (Mrs |minister of Wilfred United} aS eee Thursday, Aug. 2. Interment; 'o1. Glen ompson) Ottawa,/Church. Interment will be in will be in Pine Hills Cemetery.|,... FIRM CHARGED Glecoff's Limited, 170: Ritson) road south, was remanded to Aug. 30 in Oshawa. Magistrate's Court Monday. 'The company is charged with making noise h.| Which disturbed residents in the |area. DOCKWORKERS STRIKE MELBOURNE, Australia (Reuters) -- About 2,400 dock- workers went on strike here today, immobilizing 29 ships. FUNERAL OF CASE REMANDED The stoppage was caused by| CHARLES E. WESTERN Walter Ross Merrifield, 937\the continued use of eight men Aubrey Hele) Oshawa. Funeral services for' Charles/Simcoe street north, charged|Working in the holds instead of| Funeral service was held|@qward Western, who died at|with non-payment of wages and |the 10 demanded by the steve- med gino -- G. = Oshawa General Hospital, Fri-|failure to licence a food shop,)S27es' union. "a Pak Wy ose am Funera ome an ig 7, in his 67th year, was rem; rent pe i : asked | _ bgp aie! govern- non et He was. in his was Jatgely attended. Rev. Ken- kl held hone the Kenia Galeva Megusus'e" cone Se ae ment to forbid further expan- Aasreictd neth Cairns officiated. Inter-| pF \. ' sion of Hutterite colonies in Al-| A son of the late Henry andlment was in Glenwood Ceme. agg agai at 10 a.m, Mon- Monday. 'great vodka tridf'ended Monday berta until the religious group Hannah Love, the deceased) tory, Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister) | ACCUSED REMANDED | With all 16 defendants con- abides by the curriculum set for|was born at Greenbank, Ont. of Northminster United Church,| Edward John Hector Hobson,|¥icted. They hae Ore te il public schools, In 1910 he married the former; conducted the services. Inter.|22 Kilmarnock avenue, Toronto, |enCes ranging 2 4 to = : A motion approved by the un- Florence Brockwell in Shoai meat was ih eden Cemetery, | charged with attempted fraud, |7e aay Yaga an ge ~ bd ion also asked that a "'condition| Lake, Manitoba. ; ® near Lindsay. lwas remanded to Aug. 13 in} ota. unc gery * ee of further expansion be that} He has been a resident of'street, Bowmanville, occurred) pajthearers, all members of|Oshawa Magistrate's Court| Vodka HIMES IG GEV ETOE I) schools for Hutterite children|Oshawa since 1923 and uttend-)at the Southaven Nursing|the Oshawa Works Department! Monday. cai officials were found guilty; be required to be built on gov-|ed Westmount United Church,)/Home, Newcastle Monday, July| tart were Joe Wood, Nelson z of systematically stealing a to- ernment land outside the colo. The deceased was a member/30. He had been in i ADMITS INTOXICATION _ tal of 10,000 litres (2,640 gallons) failing Winacott, Jack Johnston, Rus- ; | nies." jof Temple Lodge, No. 649, AF|health for several months. Mr. cell Clark, Alec Martin and Edward Kylie, 220 James/|f pure alcohol during the last The group decided to estab-'and AM, Oshawa, and a mem-|Barton was in his 80th year. Witnesses totalled : F : 1 James Corse. street, appeared in Oshawalfive years. Witnesses lish a committee to study the ber of Covenant Lodge, No. 67, Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. : oi ES Magistrate's Court Monday, and|220 in the five-week trial, pant) Hutterite question. 100F. William Barton, the deceased MRS. JOSEPH FINER pleaded guilty to a charge of 9% @ widespread crackdown on -- -- i © The funeral service was hel being intoxicated in a public official graft, at the Park Memorial Chapel, piace, He was fined $10 or five! 2 IN MINE FIRE 508 Spadina avenue, Toronto, all days in jail by Magistrate F. S. AO oy go gest | 2.30 p.m. Sunday, July 29, fOr Ebbs. i : ' , dian ig hee |Mrs, Joseph Finer who died at UE WORKersS eed. OG Severe het home, 347 Euclid avenue, PLEADS NOT GUILTY --/{}¢Te injured Monday in @ fire) |Toronto, Saturday, July 28. In-| Clarence Cory, 497 Ortona rt sb emg niiee pr ige" |terment was in Lambton Ceme-javenue, was remanded to Aug.|¢ oe tery, Royal York road 1 in Oshawa Mazgistrate's Court bold ble | Mrs. Finer is survived by her|Monday. when he pleaded not| COLUMBIA GETS GIFT husband; a daughter, Mrs. S.|guilty to a charge of assault-| NEW YORK (AP)--Columbia Sable (Jean) and two sons,!ing Lillian Taylor. University announced Monday |Morris (Puddy), of Toronio and 3 that the widow of a mining en- |Harry, of Oshawa. F HOSPITAL REPORT gineer, who received a *s200| cca ox ollowing is the report of the!<anolarship in 1895, has willed| i 4 . Oshawa General Hospital forthe : university an additional Mrs. WINNIFRED MALLETTE the week ending July 28: ad-|g 999.000. When 'the cnnnonal Funeral services for Mrs.) missions 268; births -- male 29, Henry Krump, died in poe hal and Mrs.\19 years ago. He was a mem-|Port quotas on Japanese metal| day the messages must be of al |Chapel, Wednesday, Aug. 1, at vip he |Oshawa, and Mrs. James Fair KESWICK, Ont, (CP)--Bonnie| ment will be in Mount Lawn Ronald, all formerly of Toron- stepped from shallow water into Of the death at his home in uneral Home, Bowmanvillc.| 0 ing of the Rotary Club of Osh-\ michael Van Impe, 2, became of the basement stairs following Aug. 1. Interment is in the|Greer, Oshawa and Rotarians) cide of a slow-moving garbage : | Bowmanville. Terms ofered the firms un-| The death occurred, following bermere. He was a member of Monday, July 30, of James Nay-| Sunday to quadruplet boys, but) Denison Mines Limited: 5,665,-| The late Mr. Tresidder was lor. He matried the former|ere, remembered at Monday s| Monday. Xollins ji |U.S. traffic deaths in the first pounds at a basic price of $4.10,/up the Toronto office of thelin the person of Ernest Ashton farmer and attended Pefferlaw| 4: Collins, Leo Glover and Wil- sic rate of little in excess of firm's Toronto operation after|pital where he passed away. of Oshawa, at their Monday|cent from the total of 16,910 for hea an Be baci 949,875 pounds. The firm did not) Predeceased by his wife, Mr. Mr, Brown was a well known poth of 'Toronto. |Winnipeg Blue Bombers. The} 9 GRANT AMNESTY | . P is in active mining competition] at home and Mrs. R. S. H he re- Chapel, Cannington, for me.| Limited and was introduced bY! many prisoners' sentences by and a brother, Jack M. Tresid- Baptist Church, Rev. W. A. Downer, rector of next Monday. The independence! earl ylast year and the rates ter and a great-granddaughter. | ters, Ruth (Mrs. Morley assisted by Rev. Mr. Harrison, tribution of the profits. 1111 Danforth avenue, at 11 a.™./ Kenneth 4 ; . George Delaney),|Mount Lawn Cemetery, Os Oshawa, Grayce (Mrs.. Frank) awa. Bowman) Scarboro, Raye (Mrs. Hutterite Colony . CHARLES LOVE . . ' Charles Love, of 320 Buena Ron Tolley) Picton, Fern (Mrs Curbs Requested Vista avenue, died Monday, EDMONTON (CP) -- The July 30, at the Oshawa General Farms' Union of Alberta has Hospital following a__ three NELSON W. BARTON The death of Nelson William Barton, formerly of 127 Scugo Mexico, Canada Sign Radio Pact yards of Canadian Vickers FORT ERIE ENTRIES WEDNESDAY, Aug. 1, 1962 town in Westphalia, police re- ported. PLUNGE TO DEATHS ZERMATT, Switzerland (Reuters)--Two Swiss and two West German climbers plunged hundreds of feet to their deaths down the Dom (cathedral) Mountain near here Monday, SENTENCE LOVERS BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (Reuters)---Two village lovers, both married, were sentenced to death Monday for murdering their children so that they could live together illicitly, the Bel- grade newspaper Vecernje No- vosti reported- ARREST JUDGE HAMBURG (Reuters)--Ham- urg district court Judge Fritz Puls has been arrested on sus- picion of participating in war time shootings in the Soviet Un- FIRST RACE -- Two-year-old Mai- dens. Claiming all $5000. Purse $1800, 5% Furlongs. Jeannie Doo, NB 108 Greek Runner, Turcotte X113 Bob Rushton, Gubbins 11} European Jet, Turcotte X106 Selevisor, NB 108 Peter Chall, Lanoway 118 Acadian Lady, NB 108 Flying Countess, Bolin 115 Cyranto, NB ili Wild Fruit, NB 108 Flaness, Harrison XX101 Also Eligible: Lasting Youth, Hernan- dez XXX101; No Can Dio, NB 111; Black 'n Rde, Rogers 111; Doug's Grey, Clark 118, SECOND RACE -- Three-year olds, Claiming all $2500. Purse $1800. 6% Furlongs. Hy Elector, NB 110 Luxiana Lady, NB 105 Grey Duke, Fitzs's 113 Rubria, NB 105 Sanber, Rogers 116 Ridge Drive, Dreyer X112 Diane W., Turcotte X110 Eternal Lock, Harriso nX103 Doll's Son, Potts 116 Well Chosen, Bilin 111 Mariner's Day, Wolsi X106 Cartersville, Hernandez XXX107 Also Eligible: Rail Blues, NB Buc Fever, Anyon 123; iss NB 105; Stan's Ace, Dalton 110; Rose- 117, THIRD RACE Two-year-old Maidens. Claiming ail $5000. Purse $1800. 5% Furlongs. Div of First. Daring Damzel, Fitzs's 118 Whizzinby, Harrison X106 Bella Prestia, Potts 108 ion in 1942, it was announced today, | PRIEST DIES AT 102 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IH. (AP)--Rev. Thomas J. McCor- mick, one of the oldest Roman Catholic priests in the United) States, died Monday on his| 102nd_ birthday. WINS DIVORCE SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) Actress Millie Perkins won an interlocutory divorce today from actor Dean Stockwell after testifying he told her he no longer wanted to be married. Miss Perkins, 24, told Superior Court Judge Allen T. Lynch that Stockwell, 26, caused her to lose "tremendous amount of weight" because of his long absences from home. APPROVE HELIUM PACTS REGINA (CP)--Three helium exploration contracts with pri- vate corporations have been ratified by the Saskatchewan government. The ratification! marks' the first entry of Impe-| rial Oil Limited, one of the} corporations, into the helium exploration a nd development field in Saskatchewan. FOUR PAPERS CLOSE BUENOS AIRES (AP) Buenos Aires went without four| of its major morning daily papers after striking printers ignored an Argentine labor min- istry order to return to work. | Printers at Clarin began aj strike Saturday to back wage! and El! Mundo closed their doors in sympathy. RESULT UPHELD YELLOW KNIFE, N.W.T. (CP)--The election of Liberal candidate Mrs, Isabel (Tibbie) Hardie in the June 18 federal election in Northwest Territories constituency was _ confirmed jtrade minister, 20 Firebombs Found In Train VANCOUVER (CP)--Twenty firebombs filled with inflamma- ible liquid were discovered Mon- day in four loaded grain cars at a terminal elevator here, The firebombs, similar to those used by Sons of Freedom Doukhobors in the Kootenay district, were found when the boxcars were opened for unload- ing at Pacific Elevators. One of the firebombs--among a group of six found resting atop the wheat in one of the cars-- apparently had lit but fizzled out before flames reached the ;|@ "Pi queen, Turcotte X112; Field Trial, Clark | | Riesant, Anyon 115 Schomberg, Remillard 118 Towns Treat, NB 118 |Seoot, Remillard 115 e | Also Eligible: Hyrigo McCmb 3 |That's Nora, NB 115; Dusty Bride, jabs Flaming Louise, Turcotte X103. | FOURTH RACE -- Twi-year-old Mal, dens. Purse $2100. Five and one-half furlongs. Harlech, Dittfach 119 |Johnsal, NB 119 eg |Costly Andy, NB Double Rail, NB 11! That's Sharkey, Turcotte X14 Pick Field, Anyon 112 Star Talk, Fitzs's 119 Turpentine Cat, Clark 119 FIFTH RACE -- "Kiwi Club Purse" for Three-year-olds and up. Claiming all $7500 Purse $2200. Six furlongs. King's Newton, Clark 108 Hill, Simpson (A) X116 Come of Age, Daltin (A) 113 Reactor, Potts 108 Nobilium, Harrison X1068 juintain, Turcotte X103 rincess Leeyan, Rogers 113 - (A) J. Knox and D. Mann and Double M. Stables entry QUINELLA BETTING SIXTH RACE -- "Buffalo and Saleg Club" Three-year-olds and up. Allows ance, Purse $2700. 6% Furlongs. New Providence, Fitzs's (A) 115 Blue Light, Dittfach 115 Colonel Bingo, Gordon 112 Vogel's Victor, Kallai 114 Little Tipper, Anyon 114 Alias, Dalton 114 Epic Queen, Fitzs's (A) 104 Champagne Velvet, Nodarse 118 (A) Windfields Farm Entry SEVENTH RACE -- Three-yeard-olde and up. Claiming all $2500, Purse $1900, One mile and % McComb 108 Winter Garden, Whoe Gies, Fitzs's 107 Finibud, Turcotte X116 Brown English, NB 11% Royal Ivory, Hale 114 Sweet Fennel, Rasmussen 114 War Caper, NB. 116 EIGHTH RACE -- Three-yeat-olde and up. Claiming all $2500. Purse $1900. One Mile and 16th Turf Course. Sancy, Leblanc (A) XX108 Royal Sonic, Anyon 110 Sun Ep, Dittfach (A) 118 Mayir Sarto, Bolin 115 Vale of Avoca, NB 110 Ciurt of Appeal, Dalton 118 Scotch. Fi » Remillar 108 Diameter, Wolski X110 Saqueador, Rogers 120 Golden Cay, McComb 115 Charocative, Turcotte X115 gasolime. Investigators said each fire- bomb would have had to be lighted manually. Large wooden matches were found along the sill in three of X105 (A) Mrs. W. Von Richthofen entry POST TIME 2 P.M. CLEAR AND FAST ACC--X5, XX-7, XXX-10 Ibs. COMING EVENTS the boxcars. Bonner Patting B.C. On Back VICTORIA (CP) -- Attomey- General Robert Bonner says British Columbia is the "cor- nerstone of Canada's economy." If other provinces were doing as well as B.C., Canada would have no deficit in international payments and the austerity- pro gram would have been unnec- WARSAW (AB) -- Poland's| demands, La Nacion, La Prensa|essary, he said. Mr. Bonner, who doubles as said "'Briti Columbia's exports are running at more than $500,000,000 above imports and the balance will probably be even greater at the end of the year,"' he said Mon- port. day in a trade department re- FERNHILL Bingo, tonight at the Ava- lon, 7.30 p.m.; 20 games, $6 and $10; seven $40 jackpots; door prizes, KINSMEN BINGO... TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK * FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 54 and 53 EARLY BIRD GAMES TEAM 1 JUBILEE PAVILION CHARTERED BUS Going to Montreal, Quebec City, lalso St. Anne de Beaupre |Week end of August 3-6 Inclusive. HOTEL RESERVATIONS Telephone TU 5-2527 PORT HOPE ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY : | Monday after a recount which reduced her winning margin over Eugene Rheaume, the Pro- gressive Conservative candidate from 328 to 323. VOTE AGAINST SHELTERS WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House of Representatives Mon- day voted against President Kennedy's request for $568,755,- 000 to start an extensive new fallout shelter program. PRESIDENT AILING HELSINKI (Reuters) -- Fin- nish President Urho Kekkonen, | 61, has been ill since last Thurs- day, it was officially announced here, He was allowed to get up Monday after a_ medical checkup. 12 KING E. Meat. Specials SHOULDER j@ Winnifred Mallette, who died at newborn discharges -- le 22,'.", Pe _|Sarnia, Friday, July 27, in her femals 26, discharges "80, = an: Ceo ereeneee 757th year, were held from the minor surgery, 112; eye, ear, SIX DIE IN CRASH 4|Armstrong Funeral Home, at nose and throat, 53; treatment) WARENBUEG, West Ger '12. p.m. Monday, July 30. and examinations, 179; casts,)many (Reuters)--Six RAF: men Be BABY NORMAL Bentley, son of Mr. and | April 15, although Mrs. Mor- | stunned Mrs Bill Morley of London, | ley took Thalidomide during | sleepless nights after they TOOK THALIDOMIDE Rev. Frank Ward, minister of 95: physiotherapy treatments,|were killed Monday when hteir Pallbearers were M. Morton, Why ...? pose greater satisfaction Construction begins in October FACTION ARE THE BASES UPON WHICH OUR BUSINESS IS BUII T, uled to start production in 1964 Westmount United Church, con-| 359, helicopter crashed near this + \K. Gibson, F. Fowler, W. Badg- } y should you have your rugs cleaned every Becouse, And IF you are going to have them cleaned, make sure WHO jon New Zealand's first oil refin- NU-WAY RUG °. --- with a daily capacity of 55.000 ducted. the services. Interment; - ley, G. Lawrence and N. Mor- HUGE REFINERY $ prove, that your valuable rug will last 64.804 r cleans them. Nu-WAY RUG CO, LTD. is fully equipped to toke lery. a $56,000,000 plant being and spent many LTD. = jton. coeur "1 see will look more beautiful yeor aft d will give you much AUCKLAND, N.Z, (Reuters) a ee care of you most expensive rug. SERVICE, QUALITY AND SATIS- built at Whangarei. It is sched- "All work done in Oshawe by Quelified. Oshawa Technicians" i | Homes" now under construction. 1S. GROWING ! Come and see our 1962 /'Dream DRIVE UP TONIGHT Salesmen On Location 7-9 P.M. Daily 'A PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE' OSHAWA BLVD. N, (lust Bast of Simcoe) ON ROSSLAND SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED Ont., was. found to be com- | the early stages of pregnancy. | heard in December of the pletely normal when born | Mr.: Morley said they were |drug's possible affects is (CP Wirephoto) barrels of crude oil, producing gasoline, dgesel fuel and bitu- men. 174 MARY STREET 728-4681 360 KING WEST 723-2265 FRESH' MADE Sausage Meat Country Sausage BACON. & SAUSAGE PATTIES SHOULDER SHOP and SAVE at BUEHLER Fender EAT'N TRUE -TRIM BEEF | 723- PORK STEAK VEAL CHOPS BUEHLER'S 3633 ! Wed. Only! c LB, 2.49 uw. 49° u 69°

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