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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jul 1962, p. 4

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' 4 THE AWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 31, 196% Independence KINGSTON (Reuters) -- Ja-|cunity and limited defence of| maica faces a host of new prob-/her own shores. lems--most of them economic--| Jamaica will remain firmly as she nears the end of morejaligned with the Western pow- than 300 years as a British ers and will seek membership colony. in the Organization of American In becoming the youngest| States to be considered for Al- member of the British Com- liance for Progress assistance, | i ace|Alexander Bustamante, has at gamer sre De ao been emphasizing that Jamaica! ceived as.a colony. has no Communist tendencies in Mbaiinnd of and no sympathy for the regime And, with the like! 00d Olof Cuban Premier Fidel Castro. Britain joiniig the European ; she ,| He has stated that Cuba, 90 Common Market, Jamaica must) nites away, presents no ideolog- seék markets abroad to replace|" Ae Pa .,|ical or military threat to Ja long - tape orn preferential maica. "Cuba does not exist as bir ey Ainge i ne atle as Jamaica is concerned," a must also find means Of/he has declared. Ger ae Gianane ia Grates icine ee tates Ss 1 '-| based on the geographical prox- act the reduced outlet for it re-jimity of the United States, But fj ' a 'IT'S A*GIRL! wife Marilyn (nee Bray) gave | birth to a daughter at the Oshawa General Hospital last Friday. The baby, Sharon Lea, weighed six pounds, two ounces. She is the first Proud father Allan Bailey, fo grandchild for Mr. and Mrs, of 421 Rossland road west, tells the city of Oshawa to get busy and bring their popu- lation sign up to date. His | AT PORT PERRY FAIR Holstein Cattle Shelter Built By MRS. CHARLES REESOR | given and Mrs. Arnold Roach PORT PERRY -- The Port!gave a report on the camp fund Perry Fair will have a new/\treasury. It was moved that a shelter for the Holstein Cattle) sum of money be given to the this year. The regional Holstein} camp leaders in case of extra Show has been one of the fea-| expenses cropping up. tures of the fair for many years' An invitation was received for and a shelter has been badly anyone who would like to see needed. Doe Lake Guide Camp.. There It will be 200 feet red and' will be an open day on Aug. 16. 24 feet wide and is to be con- hess a "4 structed by the Beaver Lumber ro --e, Guring the Company evening, each group provided Construction is to start about|two interesting contests, Mrs Aug. 1, Another item exhibitors| Leslie McDonald contributed a will be interested in is the prize|story of humor. Meetings will for the special in the canning) resume again in the fall, section -- it will be a kitchen' The Reverend E. W. Fuller, timer. rector of the Church of the At a mixed lawn bowling Ascension,. Port Perry and tournament held at Cannington|Brooklin Anglican Parish, is recently, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur|among the 325 church leaders Cox, of Port Perry were suc-| participating in the 21st annual Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey of Port Perry. --Oshawa Times Photo Piano Recital Held At Bowmanville By MRS, A. L, HOOEY BOWMANVILLE Mrs. W. E. C. Workman held annual piano recital at the Lions Centre with J. H. Park- hill, Oshawa, as master of cere- monies. Janice Hunt and Ronald Marchant received Kelly Kirby kindergarten certificates. Chris- tie Tighe received first class honors in Grade 2 Theory. Taking part in the recital were Phyllis Emmerson, Don- ald Blake, Jane McIntyre, Nan- cy, Hooper Janice Elliott, Michael Wood, Rhonda Hether- ington, Suzanne Bryson, Bil] Mills, Karen Coverly, Kathy Vice, Darrell Hunt, Jane Cat- tran, Lorelei Osmond, Barbara Scott, Janice Hunt, Dianne Puk, Ann Hills, Ronald Mar- chant, Susan Mann, Laurel Abernethy, David Watson, Rickie van Heuvelen, Jodee Scott, Linda Kelly, Gay Quin- ton, Walton Prime, Louise Mann, Patsy Blake, Carol Hil's, Linda Johnston, Karen Mc- Knight, Joan. Adams, Mau- reen Wood, Beverley Andersen Kathy McMurter, Pat Rudell, Marilyn Bebee, Peggy Pass- more, Margaret Plummer, San- dra Gallagher, Judy Samis, Tommie Puk, Rechelle Hunt, Wilma Vandemeent, Linda Strawbridge, Hilda Ferbeck, Wayne Hunt, Carol Bellman, Susan Elliott, Bonnie Chisholm, Ray Ripley, Rita Vandemeent, Susan Quinton, Linda Karp, Stephen Jeffrey, Julie Margaret Shackleton, Susan Wearn, Christie Tighe, Betty Jane Werry and Brian Hancock. Linda Karp on behalf of the pupils presented Mrs. Work- man with a purse of money. Lunch was served by Mrs, Fred Hillyer and daughter Lyn, Corinne Elliott, Johanne Park- hill, Linda Karp, Tina Hughes, Brian Hancock and_ Stephen Jeffrey. Bowmanville Nursing Grads Hold Reunion By MRS. A. L. HOOERY BOWMANVILLE -- The 13th annual reunion of the Bowman- ville Hospital graduates nurses was held in Iondale Church, Scarborough. Thirty- four. nurses were present rep- resenting the classes from 1913- 1941. Mrs. Elsie Alldread conduct- ed a memorial service in mem- ory of two superintendents and seven graduate nurses. A tour was taken of the Prin- cess Margaret Hospital and Lodge. The graduates then went to the Edwards Gardens, returning to the Iondale Heights church for supper which - was provided by the graduates liy- ing in: Toronto. The 1962-63 | | | report was Injured Man's Condition Same Authorities at the Oshawa General Hospital say that 44- year-old Orville Greer of RR 2, Oshawa, is still in serious condition with multiple head injuries. Mr. Greer was struck by a car driven by Raymond Far- row, 45 of Hampton, while walking on the Taunton road near his home Sunday night. He was on his way to neighbors to make sure his nine-year-old daughter ~ Eliza- beth Anne arrived home safely when the accident occurred The right side of the wind- shield of the Farrow car was smashed out during the im- pact No charges have by. the OPP Whitby ment, who accident. executive will be: president, Mrs. Ruby Trull; vice president, Mrs. Jessie Wilcox: secretary - treas- urer, Miss Velma Gay; com- mittee, Mrs Betty Brough and Mrs. Annie Martyn cessful in winning the Living-| Princeton Institute of Theology stone Trophy for the second! which opened the first week in time in four years. There were July on the campus of Princeton 32 teams taking part, from Osh-|Theological Seminary. awa, Toronto, Peterborough,'-- Newmarket, Stouffville, Aurora, ' Lindsay, Port Perry and Can- ] ae Rain Cancels The Livingstone Trophy is the most popular affair of the Can- NHL All St nington Club, and the trophy, - ar and the first prize are ee " by Mr, and Mrs, W. Livingstone, B b ll T lt who are well known bowlers in| ase a 1 this section of Ontario. The first By MRS. C. H. REESOR year that the trophy was put up A eget Ra fe for competition, Mr. and Mrs,| PORT PERRY The big Cox were the successful win-|9pening of the new Port Perry ners. Ball Park had to be postponed At a mixed tournament held|because of the rainy weather at Port Perry Lawn Bowling Unfortunately, after six weeks Club, a local pair also took top|of extremely dry weather, the honors Fred DeNure and/rains came and necessitated the Mrs. Arthur Cox. Second prize Concelling of the official opening went to Mr. and Mrs. S. Mac.|0f the park and also the appear- Millan, of Oshawa; third prize ance of the NHL All-Stars. went to Oshawa also. The fourth The chairman, Roy H. Cor- prize was won by Mr. and Mrs. nish and his committee, al- L. Reburn, of Lindsay. though concerned by the set- GUIDE MOTHERS MEET --ning'for'a new dais, The see The Guide Mothers' Auxiliary retary, Howard Hall. has an- met in the Scout Hall for the/nounced that after contacting last meeting before taking a/Robby Baun, the earliest pos. summer recess. The regular|sible date would be Saturday, meeting was held after a de- August 25. ae ate cae vs oak All tickets sold will be hon- ried out in record time. It was| Ted for the new date, which "8 announced that the cooking pots expected to be August 25. had arrived for the camping| MUSIC RESULTS supplies and are quite satisfac-| 'The following is a list of the tory. The equipment list has|pupils of Mrs. Victor P. Stouf- now been filled. Thanks and ap- fer, ATCM, AOCM, RMT. who preciation were extended to the'trieq Piano and Theory Exam- me who had helped with the inations in the recent. sessions, he | supper. conducted by the Royal Con- The treasurer's servatory of Music of Toronto, in Port Perry. The names are arranged in order of merit PIANO Grade 6: First class honors -- Susan Roach; Grade 5: Honors --Esther MacDonald;. Grade 4: Honors -- Gordon Williamson; Grade 3: Honors -- Grace Pogue; Pass -- Gordon William- son, Grade 2: First class honors Elizabeth Jefford; pass -- Freida Stein. Grade 1: Honors -- Sharon Baird and Janet Baird. THEORY Grade 2: First -- Dianne Fralick Grade 1: First class honors -- Susan Roach, Esther MacDon ald and Risa Stein. class honors a LARGE ORDER - BRAUNSCHWEIG, MEXICAN ROUTE MEXICO CITY (AP)--Work has started on a railway link Mexico City and the Pacific seaside imiles south of the capital | state rubber combine has or- dered a fully automatic rubber proce stimated line to been laid detach investigated the Acapulco to 190 pant resort cost about $1,500,000, from a jlirm here Hawke, | Heights, Germany| (AP) -- Communist Romania's! sulting from Britain's Common. his statement that 'Cuba does wealth Migration Act, ending not exist" raises a large ques- jthe free flow of Commonwealth) tion mark over Jamaica's future jcitizens into the United King-'relations with that island: dom. |RECORD EXPENDITURE NEEDS MONEY She must raise money to fi-|which 'took over after elections nance embassies, diplomatic|in April, has budgetted for a missions and consulates abroad,|record expenditure of £42,939,- the cost of membership: of the)}000 ($120,229,200). International Monetary Fund,) To carry out tis spending her share in the West Indies|\program Bustamante asked for common services, internal se-,£5,000,000 ($14,000,000) of Brit- The Bustamante government, ; Brings Problems To Jamaica ish gevernment aid and an un- disclosed amount on loan from the United States. He was an ex. |chequer loan of £1,250,000 ($3,- dren and adults, 500,000) by the British, £1,000,- 000 ($2,800.00) from colonial development and welfare funds erty nerve, now vacated by Brit- ish troops, worth £2,50,000 ($7,-| 000,000). On his return on July 7 from London and Washington, Busta- mante declinde to comment on |deteils of his mission and until an official statement is made! by the. government it is guses- work what he got from Wash- ington, He described his Washington and London visits as 'a suc- cess." But exactly what this ill mean im hard figures, aWainst the facts of Jamaica's struggling economy and the commitments of independence, is a question which the nation about to be born still has to face. Jamaica's "lifeblood" crops, sugar and bananas, have long beep cushioned by Common- wealth agreements. | Kedron Church | 'Holds Picnic KEDRON -- With rain falling in Oshawa, the Mountjoy pic- Tatooed Horses oe Replace Sailors and dry for the Sunday School|_%! JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--For |picnic of Kedron United Church.|Seilor Joe, tattooing horses is A picnic lunch was enjoyed at'more profitable than humans 6.30 p.m. followed by races and|But having exhausted the sup- amusing contests for both chil-\P/y of horses for the present, 'he's content to spend his time | | | |horses. In the meantime he's _ back in the business of decorat- jing humans although it pays 'much less. ' Most of his human customers D are sailors. But the tattoing jtattooing girls' names on the business even among sailors arms of lonesome sailors. isn't what it usedto be when Sailor Joe--his. birth certifi- practically every seaman | Several showers were given recently for Miss Carolyn Spen- cer, whose marriage to Austin monwealth Aug. 6, Jamaica will) The prime minister-to-be, Sir and the gift of war office prop |Hicks took place in Kedron cate reads Vivian Augustus sported anchors, hearts, snakes United Church on August 28. |Simmons-runs a tattoo parlor the names of sweethearts or Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hicks en- here, offering "over 100,000 de- simply "mother" on some part tertained a group of family signs in seven colors using the of his anatomy, i latest electric fibre brushes," (orleans se eee anes painless," his TATTOOED HIMSELF Miss Doris Henry gave a kit- 518" S8¥S: do oe ee faim hag ~ : ' vertisement, He cla C) chen shower. Last year he toured U.S. race the world's most tateaed man Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee re- a pee ng ane py rong with 4,871 different designs cov- cently entertained a group of 5 . gtoie and €35 ; aa oe. ering his body. young people from the choir ois. ne cleared $14,000 he. Operating from his little hole- 'and the Young bias od Class oy. : in-the-wall shop plastered with at a dinner party. The young)"; ndreds of pictures de- couple were presented with aj'! tattooed them all, yearl- aa ' ihe ges oak pr a imirror with a gold filigree/iN&8, everything; at race 1 Jaianie Joe says he will stay | fraree. a oven ua farms, all over the Jit the business drops off. ecent guests of Mr. and* " '", ' 4 Mrs. Atbert Wood were Mr. and' He covered the field so com- One place is aie good as an Mrs. Herb Reid and Allan of pletely, in fact, that now he has Other. There aren't any beget Starkville, and Mrs, Robert|to wait a year or two for more artists, not even in Toronto ig Gay and Linda, of Kipling, Sas- ------ ----. Montreal, so I can go where katchewan, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- ; , like. I stay as long as the peo- don Ferguson, of Port Hope, Pittsfield for two years while ple are coming in, then I move ; were evening callers. Mrs. Gay|he completes a _ university on, : 5 and her daughter were on their Course in Cleveland. He has been in St. John's way to join her husband, Rev.) Mr. and Mrs. William Werry about three months and spent Robert Gay at Pittsfield, Ohio..are the proud parents of a/four months here in 1960 before Mr. Gay will be preaching in fourth son, Wendel J. Werry. 'he left to tour the racetracks. Jack Bray of Port Perry and | DELUXE REDIVUE SASHLESS WINDOW her FUL SIZE 18" x 20" x 7" UNDERCOATED STAINLESS STEEL SINKS Only $ 7.95 each STRAINERS $1.70 "A" Grade 8-Piece Complete BATHROOM $89.88 MANUFACTURER'S SURPLUS ARBORITE and FORMICA other at 34¢ NO SECONDS ee eee eee Royal Board 1%" INTE 2'0" x 6'6' each 2'6" x 66" DOCK src is dex All For Many colors and sizes 24V/oc per foot 25 Piece Lots SUNSHINE ALL WELDED STEEL OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS 80" x 66" 8' x 7'0" $39.99 $49.88 PLAIN ROTARY CUT 1 | SAVE | 4' x 8'| SAVE MAHOGANY PLYWOOD a a0 $9.98 Goop in 35-piece crate lots Solid back for cu GRADE SMALL LOTS $3.15 NAME BRAND WHITE ALUMINUMs SIDING COLORS $31.70 Square in 20 square gre ONLY Less than 20 sqs. add $1.50 square NO. 1 PAINT "A" GRADE DOORS in any quantity GALVANIZED _ STANDARD | EAVESTROUGH 99: Smaller lots $1. GOT A BIG JOB? A few examples of our volume prices on first quality materials -- LATH $34.85 M -- GYPSUM WALLBOARD $47.90 M -- 54" x 4' x 8' UNDERLAY $4.98 sheet -- NAILS $5.46 -- ASPHALT IMPREGNATED BUILDING BOARD $49.80 M -- 1 x 9 WHITE PINE ROOF BOARDS $79.00 M. CARPENTERS 3%" x 4 x 8' BIRCH MAHOGANY PLYWOOD 10 YEAR GUARANTEE 29* 2'0' S 2 § 8." 6" x 2°6" $13.97 "x 2/0" 50 Sheet Lots 98: SHEET Smaller Lots $1.05 WATERPROOF 1/4" 4' x # POPLAR UNDERLAY STRICTLY BEST QUALITY 2'6" x 30" $14.97 3'0" x 3'0" $15.93 40" x 30" $18.99 5'0" x 3'0" $22.61 60" x 3'0" $26.83 Ist GRADE C Face 34" x 96" Sheet 3.56 3.98 RED O 210-LB. ONLY $ Frostone Gree each 08 ea. Other Colors AQUA or YELLOW FIBREGLASS PANELS Only. 39Y%e Per Foot! 8:35 "A-1" QUALITY SHINGLES Any quantity SAVE! 'i PER 1,000 BOARD FEET GOOD DRY SPRUCE STUDS! MIXED STANDARD & UTILITY GRADE LA Lhd ' xq S-- BUILDING? 2x8" & 2"x1 0" Heavy sixteen foot lengths GOOD DRY RED PINE fe 6: 1000 Board Feet Check our prices on all items: You'll Be Amazed ORAL, GREEN, Aluminum Combination Storm and Screen Windows $9.75 70% to 100 inches $11.95 Free Measurement Charts ! Up to 70 United Inches DOUBLE COAT WHITE CEI LING TILE R BUFF he 10 FooT ASPHALT FIRST GRADE 9" x 9" VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE Only 83° each © Garton Lots Cartons of 64 square feet 5.70 13-GAUGE GALVANIZED CHAIN LINK FENCING 36" 42" | 0:9 ry | 2:88 Per 100' Roll per. sq. n or Blue 6.95 sq. FULL CYLINDRICAL POLISHED BRASS KEY-IN-KNOB LOCKSETS way $435 vas CANADA'S Quality DOOR -- = FULLY PRE- FRAMED 4 KEEP COOL! ; AJAX 4 § REDTOP 4 SHEET pboards! 9' 33 4 Smaller Lots, " THIS SUMMER WARM NEXT WINTER! ; INSULATION BATTS 25 Carton Lots, Nome Brand 70-Foot Carton 50-Foot Carton YARD ON THOMPSON ROAD Phone WH, 2-122! ROCKWOOL 2.69 2.79 Add 20c Carton ALUMINUM BROOKLIN Combination DOORS YARD STORE 9.95. for 2'.6" x 6'6" HOURS: CORNER SQUARE 8 A.M. Saturday lots Rugged Z bar doors. Storms, scree! closer, windchain and all hardware to 6 P.M. till 5 p.m. HIGHWAYS NO. 7 and No. 12 OTHER pevvevwvwe included. ; °4,88 Phone 655-3313 STOCK SIZES .

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