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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Aug 1962, p. 10

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ee ae eis ire aes es Byes ~ oe ae * . ceaianiti mat isi i " aecastesiyree si tae a ara ee ee a ee ee ~ : : ¢ eta gt Ot ANE A AT OG awa See ae ee | 18 Pe PSs i hace ; oi . i ville, the to the lestablish a committee to study; explained bes plan , ------ raced | D the procedure under which new cream produce' ali omi e Tug pharmaceutical products are tives Tuesday- evaluated before -- ap- . "There is only one solution to Market Listings j;; ag ena pan wesc --_-- a cease ge eos History Outlined | os: wir Board pore ' 1500 42 42 42 By THE CANADIAN PRESS |ation "in destroying any sam- requirements. . 4 Gal 500. 400 ie 0 " "gator 1988 Sir im "hg c A chronology of the Canadian/ples of this drug you may have Pl an A roved «| Dot 300. 354% S14 -- 45 Propane 235 ug he ee pak Pag 310 30 +10 |history of the thalomide drug,|on hand or returning them to 4 ECONOMIC REASON. sine m= i ? Fin A 17% 811% 1% M4--% 500 405 +5 |blamed for congenital malfor-|your supplier. TORONTO (CP) -- Early slekek: by" 1™% $ mations when taken by preg-| April 18 -- Health Minister| representing county "*D sr ' oe eats 8 pabagens ey $ % +9 inant women: Food and Drug|Monteith announced that thelof the Ontario Cream Producers ce lew Engiand, . ergo: $20% oer Nov. 22, 1960 iy 8! Royal College of Physicians and|Marketing Board have unan- simply because was Directorate of national health : _ department cleared a 500-page Surgeons had been requested to'imously approved establishment cheaper than colors submission on behalf of the West German - developed drug and thalidomide was approved sy est | a LOWER YOUR FOOD COSTS-STOCK UP DURING A:P's sansa 99 710 710 710 25 $13% 138% 13% 135 $44% 4% 44+ % 1000 49 4 49 «+1 5 5 Jamaica PS 'to boa 14% 14% + %| ancho: 5 H Giant YK 300 300 --5 April 1, 1961 -- Thalidomide Jockey C 4 3 1 Ne 3333 Goldra Sa, [Labatt 2s tia Pg 12% + lp. 0 18 10" ee ny was placed on the Canadian market by two manufacturers. W. S. Merrell Company of Cin- cinnati and Weston, Ont., sold | Leland 600 $10 ges SS -- the sedative under the name of 104 -- Yl Tejand : Ses Sseetud a aeaet 385 Cy Ssgsengsses 88 Spe * : one 3: 16% Si0s "toy "10% dette 7 cs 8 Kevadon; Frank W. Horner 450 $22 te ee 2 |Houin al called it oi +1 22M 640 630 63 +5 |Hollinger Company of Montreal 270 (269 +2 |lirsh Cop Talimol. oe + 4 |PobCo 87% 7% 7% M1 ll 11 + %| 180 5800 Dec. 1, 1961--Medical repre- $21% 21 6 = : a: sf : Pers + %|LobG 1 pr - z15 $29% 29% 29% $10% 10% 10% + % manufacturing ' 49% LobG B pr 100 $31 31 31 --% 34 3 3 pgp | sentatives Po ed health de- Ap : 190° 190° +10 [MB PR 130 $17% 17% 17% + %|n 266 256 265 companies ficial of reports p; 2 «30 M Leaf Mill 200 $12% 12 12 --% 6% 6% 6% partment officia's CE QUALITY i 40 Mass-F 1130 $10% 10% 10% 25 $i4% 14% 44+ % 365 : hat congenital CHOICE QUA! HALVES = n : oo SoM omy eu *) [Mot Stores 300 87 7 7 Pamoil 3 35 (3S from Germany: ¢ . => "¢ Capple 95 nn] $5te S16 5% ~ 5 ; " ¢ NOs } 4 5% 5% Maritime = 3000 56 tions followed 'use of 6 95 Mid-West 200 150 150 150 Pl } McIntyre 100 $42% am os malformati' Molson B 50 $25 2 23 --%|south U McKen 219500 24 20% +1 |thalidomide by some pregnant & Fapefryit Moore 540 $455 45% 45% Spooner ) ree ' %\women. The representatives |Nat Drug xd 100 $16% 16% 16% Tidal here F aes eh SO eee had statistics to show t ink NO NGas 1020 $16% 16% 16% Un Oils 100 5000 7 were more malformations in- N, ' 4 Ont Steel 150 10 «610 Un Reef P 1000 N Kelore volving mothers who took the 1% / Oshawa A 225 3 2B 'sbi , Nickel MS 40 «(41 5 33 BO 4| Pina 100 36% 6% 6% + ¥lWetates 200 605. 605. Gos +5 |Norbeau 27 Grog than among those who 20-fl-oz tins Col Cell 380 390 --10 |Piw Corp 262 M 54% -- %| Windfall 500. 19% 19% 19% +1%| Normetal didn' Con MS. ginee git A + HIQN Gas pr 30 S494 ame ae + N Coldetrm $00 57 Dee, 4 and 5, 1961--The com- . 2% 19% 19% + %|QN Gas w 220 60 «66 Nrthgate '2 : : wrote letters to all doc: Cons Paper 35 $38 38% 38% + Mlnoyal Bank 175 6% 69% + % MINES Ne on ae fee da telling them of 6% 16% + %| Royalite 600 ll il Acad Uran 1000 5% 5% 5%--%|North Can 1000 io tors in Canada telling 24 8% + | Rureell" 00 15% A Larder 12200 30 38 29 +2 [Qpemike OM 3 the Cornish Sapte a @ CHOICE QUALITY Salada 2360 1% \4 1S 962--The hea! e- Selkirk A 100 425. 425 IA Arcadia $000 43 43 43 + %|Patino Corp 100 703 March 2, 1 : $8" 4 83 ' i + G\Pato oo 0 Me artment, following studies of ' = Dale: 200 270 265 270 Siiverwd A 225 Sil ile iit Anwor *T00 400°" 400°" 400" 43" |Paymast, 4000 1 reports from European coun- & 4 Dist Seag 130 $43% 43% 43% + ¥%/Simpsons es a ae) Barnat 400 128 128 128 +2 Pick 'Grow 500 tries, asked the companies » My | Pitch- ; % S e ® out a pulpit in the Congrega- Preston" fs $80 900 45 lions ---- -- 5 Arizona Girdled, Seedless, Luscious, tional Christian denomination, | Ragian 4 March 5, 1962--The compan- Pes Large Clusters. wapplng Wives is a personnel worker for Gen-|Rene™ 2009 1m 7 att ies confirmed to the department 20-fl-oz tins € ar Canada No. 1 Grade eral Electric in Lynn, Mass. Dr.|san Ant 69 166 166 --4 |that the drugs had been with- Roche + i Lippincott, 36, is a staff mem-|Sherritt beaphirg \ es ber at Georgetown's Baldpate|sep at ue ee Seach tueh== fhe tepeil- Reg. Price 2 tins 37o--SAVE 120 ti Z a a O armer Sanitarium for mental patients. | Sullivan nent nite to all doctors tell- Rickard said Dr. Lippincott|7@rci" ; j AGP Fancy Quality Reg. Price tin 290--SAVE 17e GRELINGSTAD, South Af-| Last Frid h fthe|and Mrs. Rickard obtained di lene . ing them about the withdrawal LING % ou Af- vast Friday, when news of the tad lao | he reasons. i rica (Reuters) -- A well-to-do|wife-exchange spread and was|Vorces in Alabama and then the Poca 2 ye 30, 1962--Health Minis- TOMATO JUICE 4 48-f-021tins 9g. ibs £ -- who exchanged wives|published by a newspaper in Bday ae! ~~ place. ted piag ter Monteith assured the Com- A&P Fancy Quality Reg. Price tin 210e--SAVE 6e with his best friend last week| Johannesburg, 65 miles away, ir. Lippincott was quoted as/Uit-Shaw % " i , has been found shot dead in his| Momberg took Elsie Kruger to pride the a eros tp cas 2 173 ade a oo es Gat APPLESAUCE 5 20-fl-oz tins 99 Vv farmhouse. her parents' home at Krugers-| dren were left wi e mothers. | Vandoo 1000 40 4 4 : a r 'alencie He had talked by telephone|drop and left her there. |The original Lippincotts had|violam 6700 190 a7 +4 pon Mie still on the market is , Fresh New Crop, Sweet Monday evening to his wife,| Friends of Momberg said|tiree children, the original|West, Mines tom a7 1° pic p. é ne Juicy, Canada Fancy Grade who heard what she thought/Tyesday he had "lg ' set | Rickards two. April 10, 1962--Dr. C, A. Mor- A ia hi d th i , P | Dr, Lippincott said: 'We pre- rell, director of the Food and was a shot and then silence. | about gossip over the exchange| PP) e pre Police found the husband, 27-| of wives. ifer to keep it all quiet because|" -- ee ee . ORANG ES year-old Boet Momberg, dead we're afraid general knowledge| Sales ti 11 s.m.: 707,000. - |doctors asking for their co-oper- ISIN Dig . Reg. Price tin 23 with a wound in his head. His} BosTON (AP) -- A minister of it would make a shambles automatic pistol was nearby and\and a psychiatrist have|% the lives of nine people." \ te : \N y the telephone was off the hook.|swapped wives in a "friend! Ve ; ~ " Y S-» Bene gt hog fo a, sitedgemant." with the hin FLYING BIKE WESTERN OIL STOCKS C "pak noes ocfle bes £ f ger, another! dren of each couple staying with ay ' : selected each prosperous local farmer, and|their mother, the Record Amer- Rigel A nil Tiong Our brief review of e : 4 . Bradford Freeh, Crisp, Ganade Ne. 1 Grade their respectve wives, Helen,|; . but) I stocks ' 95, and Elsie, 21, agreed last} 1. by Wing Cmdr. Ken Wallis in Western Oil s Reg. Price each 490--SAVE 100 The newspaper, in a copy-lhis b: i i ilabl st week to exchange partners. , is backyard. The propeller is is available on reque! dane Parte Fi ott right story Tuesday, quoted Dr.|driven by a small engine and sala tags Reg. Price each 390--SAVE 100 heeds € PLANNED DIVORCE New Crop, Fluffy White, @anada Ne. 1 Grade . Richard C. Lippincott as say- wind pressure turns a rotor on SPANISH BAR CAKE each € to the couples to reunite bat ail|i0é: "We're still all very|top. It can fly at 100 miles an BARCLAY & CRAWFORD pana 29 friendly. Everyone was in| hour at 7,000 feet, and the Army Reg. Price loaf 21e--SAVE Te four agreed "'we are h t ro it i BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1902 last ae intend "dg Prva agreement. ~_ use it in place of motor- micssniens Gini wae in BREAD 60% Whole Wheat 2 24-0z loaves 35¢ POTATOES rots bos Mn De way." The couples said they in- The Record American said|°YSeS for dispatch riders. ae dane Parker, Orange Twist Reg. Price each AVE 100 tended applying for divorce soon| those involved were Dr. Lippin- The Dealers of Canade 45e--S, California Bartlett, Canada Me. 1 Grade on. grounds. of desertion. cott and his wife, Virginia, and HISTORIC SCOURGE 37 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA PHONE: RA. 3-3423 COFFEE CAKE each 3 Se The Mombergs had been mar-|Rev. Eric M. Rickard and his} The world-wide influenza epi- Douglas R. Armstrong PEARS for ried seven years and had three| Wife, Carolyn, formerly neigh-|demic of 1918 took more than Sonera) Mis ' Reg. Price pkg 383e--SAVE 200 3 pkgs 79%. Native grown vegetables are now at their peak--cabbage, (Cheerios, Trix, Coco Puffs or Caramel Puffs) cauliflower, tomatoes, radishes, and green enione Se MOKED HAMS GIPER THURS. -FRL SAT. 95 mucsiciernsr. 9.9 PORNO | SORE een ONLY DURING SUMMER MONTHS (Opposite Motor City Bowling ao ' Ib 5 3 Cc 7' 5 9. Tenderized Tender, Juicy Young children; the Krugers, married| bors in Georgetown, Mass. 20,000,000 lives, including 40,000} \\ ~ CEREAL for two years, had one child. The minister, currently with- in Canada. ; * Ne Centre Slices Removed Ne Centre Slices Removed : SHANK HALF +59: BUTT HALF +69. CHUCK STEAKS | FRYING CHICKENS © CENTRE CUTS or STEAKS +79: Smoked, Cooked, Ready-to-serve * CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND BEEP menmarnre sn "*> STEAKS or ROASTS COTTAGE ROLLS *6% SIRLOIN, WING SAUSAGE PATTIES +1139 or BONELESS 97: Swift Premium, Vac Pac CORNED BEEF 279, RUMP ROAST MORE SAVINGS AT A&P! Lean, Minced Grade "A" 7-10 Ib. LIDO BISCUITS CLARK'S BEANS - Brianne 9B om PRICED LOW AT AaP --0 beatae Reg. Price jar $1.18--SAVE 140 BEEF | BUTTER |T MARSHMALLOW pgity| NESCAFE COFFEE +=».99: CORN OIL 25-Aaztin 3 Se Ve, : he vild Starch Price btl 270--SAVE 20 | c| » Rive g |RADISSON imay | Gir uqua im 25. hs. Sly | CORNRELISH = -- =taw2% Catelli e@ WE SPECIALIZE IN FREEZER SUPPLIES e <u 110 | SPAGHETTI 2 stort 31 BEEF BEEF LIDO LY. SNACK 16-02 pkg 39 ft CORAE ANLAOTE & PACIFIC THA COMPAR LTD. FRONT QUARTERS . 42° HIND QUARTERS . G3° % {100 cockTalL mix ne 29 LIDO JUNIOR MALLOWS = 3 29 OPEN THURS. AND FRI. TILL 9 P.M... . SAT. TILL 6 P.M, UDO FAMILY MIX ssa695) Srna cas raz Do

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