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Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Aug 1962, p. 14

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teams CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING | SAL cAsHS Staam | Cuba Relies Re EE For clean cors we deo! up or i bj é . BIRTHS (Continued from Page 13) down, iene paid of Wo, P j eo Heavily On NiICOLS MOTORS LTD, 4, g y 4 j ' % Mecale are henpy "to, announce the 27--Real Estate For Sale\27--Real Estate for Sale wi an "4 mer - : ee : ~-- : : arr , Mi ; i. ° 35 acres, with - ay y: zy . ' areal aby deaghles ete iq joom Giplen) Tachme house, on ACREAGE --_ 10 te 33 scree, wi ea iraae eens Ne ee seivers. large lot, in: Brooklin, Telephone yijle, $300 per acre. MA 3-2383 31--Automobile Repairs Spel Sale 655-4987. $5.900 -- City limits east. Lovely Hoi eran (iee ' me bungalow, Situated on q s 4 4 By JOHN BLAND | JOHNSTON --- Red and Lote nee 100 DOWN, clean and modern three se bon poner Pep nrg ce yes Save At Western " ee a , j Harris) are happy to announce the ar bungalow, lovely recrea- /atse scenic HAVANA (Reuters)--Cuba in rival of their daughter, Mary Lou, 7 ibs. bedroom brick bungalo enjoy modern living at reasonable 4 me Owner moving to Toronto. ss pea olane a . ti 4 10 ous, on Sunday. August 5. 1962, 31 1) iting to sacrifice. Telephone L. §. OW, Large moder, Keng me utile Service Centre Saag is relying more heavily on Oshawa {Generel Hewett Snelgrove Co, Lad,, 723,9810 ity room. For terms and. information, Repairs to All Makes j the Communist bloc for trade Cheryl Ann. sine DOWN 2. Four-bedroom home, telephone Henry Stinson, 725-0243, Scho- than the pre-revojutionary re- MeCABE --- James and Beatrice (nee conta jocated. Full price $8.90. Neld-Aker Real Estate _ LICENCED MECHANICS , gime did on the United States ve re pleased to anfounce the q a ; z Seite 2 Sink of thelr ae James Jay. 6 Ibs. Peephone 725-460 145 King West -- 728-1607 ; |. Figures in a mid-1962 issue eg A on Batra: sneust ' 7 ' FOR art E - Those neatoam Sonne PRIVATE SALE "EIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" 2 laf the: governnient policy) jou the Oshawa General Hospita hanks y red. for i oF er a Seth es i: Dr, Spragge and Doctor Morris cise, acres tine room and all modera HOUSTON'S GARAGE nal, Cuba Socialista, showed ' sé. you convenienc cent mortgage d SERVICE STATION how complete Cuba's transition BON, Daughter, Nae ee town about Tae eeeee 2 FOUR BEDROOM an ' . ; has been to the Sino-Soviet bloc the latest arrival in yoor home. A RANCH STYLE bdyngalow partly) | | BRAKE. SPECIALISTS, voi since Fidel Castro came to ceme are aecepted nti rhished, basement apartment, now PLETE BRAKE SERVICE ' ety! ane peer ng Sapblicntian the same day for enna $70 gegen attractive 3-bed Attached gorage. tocated | MOT OR TUNE a AND spina i early 1959. only $1.50, Just telephone 723-3452 room, near St. Hedwig's, ree-room on Grandview, Owner willing GENERAL REPAIRS é ] The figures, contained in an a sine oe ox Pees © 43 call dar ee 7 ; ; article by Dr. Jacinto Torras, DEATHS oa Bake ke nt nt . 73 i822 undersecretary for' overseas 725-1457 72; 22 Be ; i : trade, showed that trade in 1959 FIVE room rug ae yinerine This $2500 DOWN j RENAULT-----PEUGEOT - remained bout what it had BRIGGS, Charles Fe rk. Mele LAL, aie ee AUSTIN : j : , been in 1958, last year of Die- eee it, on!best condition, New oil furnace, atirac CAT ILL MILLAR : ; é Z ¢ ; : suse: a porate rpg ie ts Hive landocaplng Asking only | $11.300 CALL BILL ' Parts ond. Service Ae : ' f ; * tator Fulgencia Batista's rule. Si Aug. 5, 52 Ma silials < aspect, call Phyllis Jubb ec ; } A Z sf 4 m7, . ' ; . aged 51 years 3 beloved husband of terms. To. inspects ta ee meaitors,| . 725-1186 or 725-2557 STATHAM ' eS co d Torras said Cuba in 1958 and Hs % Roosevelt 3 fa Geer Gear' faikas of Darens 23-1121 MOTOR SALES We , : dee 4 is 1959 shipped less than three per Ring "eae . Deoler oT Renault cae j / ne ; q / cent of all exports to Com- Nina Mrs. M Boudreault? Scart De er olen AT teote : 59 KING TREET WEST ay rs $ fe ' munist bloc nations, while more ou n udre rs ? 2 ? z ¥ oF ¥ +} Re ae Marie. Ont., Thomas C. of Engle COLDSTREA 23-7712 : Ee i # $ than 65 per cent was accounted John of West Hill and Terr sriggs OBIE SS i ' , . for in both years by the United Fer iia aa ssaaloue ett) trail isa Sip erer PASSENGERS ESCAPE INJURY Sates, g By 1961, Cuba shipped 74.7 per ent | conditic Lloyd be carriage S A . F 1 ' t io no ar ; net $2,300. Caadicne, ys ler ri ble with Miraculously, none of the prop plane was injured Mon- day when a gust of wind blew lor. then the Fight wing and In cent of its exports to the Com mit chairs, Telephe 725.3914 it off a runway and it cracked -- rear the plane's fuselage munist bloc and in 1962 wy : is and in 1962 the plan- 3 Fully. Serviced Lots buy, sell and exchange weed farni. 22 Persons aboard this Ameri- can Airlines 4-engine turbo- yp, In foreground is a propel- \ PWirephoto nod f apes wae 80.7 gees en Memoria rboroug Permits Available t or anything you have. The City ' s # . haven Mer Pe f Ce iting Shae ve Rave ee INDUSTRIAL START to the Sino-Sevi et bloc and one ARTWRIGHT, Samuel or Immediate. Bburiding South and 31 Bund Street East, 723-167 % e ah per cent to the U.S, @uddenly, at his residence. 1 N.H.A. Approved. Call DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses The first cotton textile com- ' molds Street, Whith aan MAR. EREEDMAN alterations,' stip covers, drages,- Fitting Ol } Tl ad 1S S pany in Canada was established MILITARY IMPORTS Bain, dear father ) : . h TO. MEI : 5 1170 & specialty. drs. Toms, MO: 823572 ' at Sherbrooke; Que., in -1845, The same is generally true in Patricia Anne 7 v N rose J- TWO comfortably furnished rooms ; : reverse for imports, Cuban im- Raymond and He TORO : 1 kitchenette, Stos ke HEATING METHODS aymond an poe ae ge A ee Agel oe ¢ port-export trade with countries Town (uneral Chapa Whi. MANN & MARTEL REALTORS LID a Wile gia et al Names Of Cen sored \ 1961 survey showed 57 per other than the U.S. or Com- service in the chapel Wednesday, Aug *. STUDENTS c friar am cent of Canadian homes heated munist bloc members has flue- 8, at 2 p.m. Interment Groveside Ceme t i rt P y. F g ri y. {| size pape by oil; 19 per tent gas, 12 per'tuated from 12 to 30 per cent ter newsprint), f¢ 0. Makes won ( \NESB i ») --!the anti-sa age bill hfe itute cri al »glect ' . i . i r JOHANNESBUR( (AP) the an abotage bi Tuihul.{constitute criminal neglect on cent coal and 12 per cent wood. isince Castro came to power. Pigs re Wallace GREENWOOD HEIGHTS Wachinnae Ga : Whine "His words cannot go into wrote a column for a Johannes-'the part of any government to t Rosebank o } Convalescen print." burg newspaper but it was allow Communist subversi Ecbesnan: flan dah Par voi Jit oh t ses ° ett setae Fisaiesny vi TENTS meee supplies, marine Sg said a headline in the Jo- dropped lo g ago in anticipation to go unchecked and con is SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By Ri scom Martin in his 79th year (t t i > sq Hadebieiey me ardware aiitboard motors, guns aod hannesburg Star. It appeared) Of a crackdown, to undermine the safety of the 273 Lakeshore 1 y r 3 zed t 1 « h t st © pric y Dominion 2 & tate ¢ » free f S resting at ¢ ; i r ; ' eg cas P f E LODE ME 1 reet over a story about a South Afri NEEDS PERMISSION ah and the freedom of it Home iprgla vale rotiet ; tea ae subjects," arrangements Under the law, newspapers G a bite la 1. rf er *nt S y sav if = could publish Luthuli's obituary ny SEAS AL SU UTCEe pee ra £C9' fe testimony of a banned court de- f : aR UNDER AMDER, fendant may be quoted "'pro- f OF THE MAXGINI Monday, August 6, 1962, Ernest R furniture, P s Furniture store placed, Magistrate D. J. Bos- q é ardson Langdale (800 Douglas § ) 6 ' y a tment t neo " ated 444 coe South man asked what do you that can be published. A vided it is not communisti¢ fi J BROTHERS FAMOUS beloved husband of Winnitred t by : ne s i aor , fe wat I ' propaganda." P| FRENC LANCING and dear son of Mrs. Emma Swift k you wni : 3 : ; -- plead?', porte ven a statement ! 5 ! 2 ATHLETES, PERFORMED ton, Yorkshire, Englanc Bt ie ee, . ee (He did plead but his Luthuli must first: get perimis- But, Editors ask, who is to ¢ A COMPLETE ONE. year. Mr. Langdale s d i 2 ! : ees. e een 2 . a ; ; ' ARM "GET UP Intosh - Anderson Fun : 2 LLOYD ME | CALF Real Estate Ltd. eimunois menue j ' , words cannot be published.) sion to publish from Justice decide what is Communist pro- \ WITk KIS King Street Bast. Servic the Ch : ae I I Minister Balthazar Vorste1 paganda? ares mA kaa : h F KINI c PACT r 728-4678 SWNiNia Gai Ok reoree eon Levy's name is on a nist aalthaze ste : oe : f S bce Ag iter 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-467 ne chipiatee Chade: tani rentals list of 102 South Africans whose Of es 102 banned persons 52 The law ea She the: first eakaE MP FTES 3 \ e Fox, 412 Simeoe North spoken words and writings, at are whites, offence for publishing such tes- LOCKE'S FLORIST ts ' see ¢ hae 27 B. F. GOODRICH Stores Tires, bat- the time, could not be published In new spaper offices, the re- timony is punishable by one Funeral. arrangeme and E Elliott 2 20, Dick Barriage 5-6243 n np 39.2 oe af oe ae) hag a. tele-'in the press. mark was making the rounds year in jail. The second offence floral requirements for all SGUAMIUIE Sb Galina; thar In this way the government of that a reporter also has tu be ais two years. occasions ned. with variety of tropical fish, soe, Premier Hendrick Verwoerd Jawyer or have one close at _ The view of the Johannesburg OSHAWA SHOPPING . at 31 Cedar Street, Ajax sought to crack down on those: hand. to know what-to write Rand Daily Mail is this: j CENTRI 7 300 j KODAK 300 shite projector, One Kodak it Calls subyersives and Com- The government contends the . "The whole conception of this / Pon : e ae wx carpenter's munist act makes no. restriction 'on is So foreign to. the tradition of 24 HOUR ys VIC / . : press. freedom or civil liber- & free press that journalists will 128-6555 BUIL DER 5 CHANCE vncae ; . per nt fie ack ' MODIFIED BAN ies pa ees ie probably take some time to Yow ~ ; katiatiae a Hae goon Under pressure, the govern. ° 7° ae that ; thain Mein VITAMIN C Jelivery, Installaliog arranged. 725-4729 1 8 , realize that it now is their re- EIR J be ent later lie e n Justice Minister Vorster says GERROW FUNERAL FULLY SERVICED LOTS DINETTE uc, sane iy Wein ent later modified he. ban Justice Minister Vorster says Cronstuity to impose the, Bag fii tee) Mere reales HAPEL dresser, $90. Telephone 725-8139 Newspapers were told they © r Pi oe ee' on the government's behalf ies fs v a caectiNe pS Aah ds I g , es : STORAGE Pr Cc 50-FT.. AND UP I LO PREPAID SERVICES. RE y REFRIGERATOR, Electrolux make. Could publish testimony given in Which enabled the Communists . " 3 salt 15 TIE HAT, «OF 4 . AFRICAN CAPFLEL Kindness beyond price TO G BUI DEE ED EY Y WORT . : ; sr all size, 4 working conditions $35 court by persons on the boycott {0 ev ade" previous legistai.on ' a ee 2 ACAINGT ME, DEAD t wathin peach af ail hie oh LORS : J casi pp ones Avenue list "as long as it is not nbused South Africa remains a PIONEER CITY GENSE FLY yet Ww 1 * L ITED OU \ . C L " ) HP Mercury outboard motor, elec to provide a forum to such. per- Prime 1 : in the eves of First incorporated -- city cS . . . 725-8333 trie start and generator. Complete w Sot eae ahaa ; 3 728-6226 . | controls and extra Michigan prop, sons to evade the anti-sabotage Communist strategists. the Canada Saint phar N B., 390 KING STREET WEST JOHN A. J or best offer, Telephone 728-2896 act.' justice minister says It would ceived j s City ¢ rarter in BOAT. 14 foot fiber glass, 43.7.motor,, George Peake, whose name electric start, trailer, convertible top, bd e | B @ L A H O @) D complete outfit, Telephone Bowmanville appears on the list of the cen- IN MEMORIAM MA dé sored, is a member of the city, @ at S on iguns. re Can court case involving Leon cartridges. |,eyy and the story said in part LANGDALE. Ernest Richard ' st ch "Aatter the charge | ee 'i Suddenly, at Oshawa General Hospital, r jes principal ar nter HIGHEST PRICES paid 'or good use Mfter the charge had been but if a banned person ovates at s funeral--not a word oi LTD. REALTOR CAPTAIN set. Round table and four council of Cape Town. A South ' LTD. f L arm hairs, practically new. Telephone African Press Association re-| GALLOGLEY -- In joving memory of 25-6854 ey : ical Daniel J., who passed away sudden * BOAT, with many extras, 10 hp motor port about a council me¢ {ing August 7, 1956 28--Real Estate Wanted 29--Automobiles for Sale trailer, swimming pool, double air mat. Went this way: And while he lies in peacéful sleep i "gga i Coe : ie. "Denke ne ; A His memory we will always keep. SPOT cash or terms, We need homes 1% PONTIAC. good condition, radio, yo 9.42 eee Oe ale Teele Mr, Peake spoke during the ~Ever remembered by his wife, Jes- in the $6,000 to $12,000 rang, now,| Private, Telephone 728-7937 after 5.30 3s ee debate on whether the chairman oie and family Sales are t endous. Call Jot ee WE pay highest prices in the city for ¢ ark 2 Jdcences Bolahood Ltd. 725-6544 aietine. 6t PONTIAC four-door sedan, auto-| used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniturc of he Markets "and Lice mn a MADDOCK n sweet and loving els matic. transmission, radio el dises.'Store, 723 444 Simeve South Committee should accompany memory of & darling daughter, Dianne, 29--Automobiles for Sale 335..;;, 000" (OW mileage: Telephone two lawn mowers: t ai the director of the market on a who left us all so suddenly August 6 25 RCA and Philco. Telephone 7 52. tour of outside market produc- Little prayers that keep us in touc CHEVROL mae ba -- rae 191 VOLKSWAGEN, In excellent cor BRAND new furniture balance of Ed tion areas With the little girl we loved so much; sil pea ae ee adio, good tires, $1 MW). Apply | Wiles Stock is being cleared at "In terms. of the general law Your memories, dear Dianne will phone 728-9642 2 rs a Road North Telephone ' Hostess chairs 1 ' t | M P i-¢ never grow old ie ENVOY. sulda Wann, tou 7 y $8 udents desks $15.33, amendment bill, r eake Because they are locked in our hearts ng-ti attresses from speech may not be reported, Lovingly remembered by Dad Grigtnal pewer. $1008. Mother, rs Randy and matter i i bate : ee : Unele Art and Aunt Pear}, cousins |~ ise) CHEVROLET. deluce, fo as ne Sandran_ floor rin The General Law Amend- Casati, Devbie and Garry; Aunt Jan, '3s BUICK Cent ary dardtor like 'new. automatic, 12.000 a $1.39 5 gauare yard Wilson Furni: ments Act is popularly known} spesmrcticecy sams ateehie GH siiniaw Adio. Has MO' Must se yhone i ved ahather ined ar were BS the anti-sabotage Law -- It} MELNYCHUK -- In loving memory to be seen to be appreciated, App 6 tous wSeanGd and toed irene eee rolled through. the Mist session 7 ' ; and used furniture, in time siti Jos Are gg dg ee ee Poenne. Sreseees, Atay, 62 clea t new ' a0 the holidays. 9 refrigerators front of Parliament despite waves of elnyehuk, who ~ passe wa Se ee VOLVO 7 i SW x s swece frank Sih dees chong opposition from Liberals. Though her smile is gone forever, 6 VOLESWAGE teluxe, radio, white + The government claimed it) nah : ; A of drawers from $7.95; one new Kortin And her hand we cannot touc wri ie F c whe Se acea Mitta cae' Okman ee tee ; r THE FAMOUS P.V, 544 tion, One owner. Mileage 32,000 miles J da clean condition lephone mings 728-635 pee RENN cnicie 1 pane! PASSED PARLIAMENT 74, chrome tape recorder model MTL38 gi sede. » law shat i Still we have so many memories ahaa Bopha aaet eee needed the law to stop what it Of the one we loved so muct Telephone 728-9968 sie oboe called a rising tide of comrau- ' from us many more ar ae. gohan is our keepsake ' 1962 MODELS 3 11 OLDSMOBILE sedar > n ti 1 2 t P rfields, space Nism over this segregated na-| ith which we'll never part; ood condition. Best - offe ' playe , 1 ead Wis Gad ta Hin ceoos NOW ON DISPLAY ieeed ae . E A Ply 256 sa P record player GE ae er tion. The Liberals charged it 1 hol Stre ast. 728-1300 te I al beds, desks , We have her in our heart ' ' was a ea} forged by Ver- yn ae bao > aka ters Mar; Jake & Bill's Garage 55 DODGE coach, two-tone c x . even more. Mid : <ieibn a : ime Sack aks aut lary, CIN t white: puke ¥ meer ard 5 t Prince Street, Osh- woerd's regime to hold on to Py r amiles rin. cCKV t \ r : a ro mu station 449 RITSOM 798.09 ? ie a4 : stom bus station, Tele- it: nolicies of strict sezregation McMULLEN -- In loving memory of os 51 CHEVROLET sedan, two-tone mar- ~ of Negroes and other non-whites a loving hubsand and father, Douglas and black, cle ar, automatic S Pp : : Fig allel pt aca HERTZ aes ae ale - ORE Y - papa ener August 5, 196 - , RE Y On. the { is gert Luthull, . ; | white." rs t 4 f the Negro leader and winner of And secret tears still flow, - white adio, automatic Transmission, imir 1 doo or windows : « eet = What it meant to lose you Drive Yourself $495, Telephone 725-50 the Nobel Peace Prize for his No one will ever know CARS AND TRUCKS ONE Go-Kart, complete with 5 hp Doors $39.95 VA meg 'e fight against segregation--} When the days are sad an one -ower Products motor, $165. Telephone And everything goes w Tie as 728- 9493 or 728- 964] BA ssi a Ae called apartheid here. Before ncheer tlle aay Oke 53 CHEVROLET convertible V8 auto Sek tie Tena ee, : Foote's Shell Stotion matic, power windows, seats, two-tone 8 32--Articles for Sale You seem to smile and sa 97 King E ho rn oe , : 7 E., Oshawe Rc er, capacity two-con, used Don't cry, I'm only sleeping 8 FORD sedan, °51 Meteor, radio, - R E E AIR conditioner, capacity two-t one sea ly, 728-9968 We'll meet again some day." A-1 °55 Studebaker coupe, V8 standard ss heey Lovingly remembered wife Mae SPOT CASH Telephone 2978 H os OUTBOARD motor, 22 horse, electric and family = fave. your ft I and controls, $2350; also 3 horsepower PAID FOR eee: Amo oor, standard free tt immer and guaran- heavy duty power' plant, $200, Tele- ' must se $50 or best of ole! teed trouble-free all winter, phone 723-3093 Good : 05 " n, aut t you purchase "White Rose" BUICK motor '55 to '57, perfect condi --a snow tires, In good condition i ! fron St. cen NM cy has an DODD MOTOR SALES phone iis yc for '62 Chev. 348 Chev, eranksha fh : ern OC Telephone 725-8503 PARK RE S 4 . 1 ry . 3141 k ? ae VAUXHALL Victor, blue and ivor DIAL 725-1212 OUTBOARD motor, marine sale, } 23-942 mur door, radio, back-up lights, motor HP, very Bood condition, like new, $210, ac al overhauled, $650. MA 3-5018 Telephone 725-6875 SUYING O ELLING 3 " " In Old Parties eee PONTIAC est ai ae BOATS | SHO 4 nr gs Get both...save money too VANCOUVER (CP) -- Rea Bas bbocls After 6 telephone 728-17 é beignets a : ner Appliances. Four miles wes # KARMANN GHIA, 4 " Lorsor raveler, Weymouth Brooklin on No. 7 highway, Telephone Caouette deputy nationa a ¥ " i ior bind MeCN YS and black, fully equ ' re vagicar nrude' Mo- 655-3440 / leader of the Social Credit 123-449 f , 53 ent close. condition. $1500, hon MC lvo Penta NOW WRECKING! Old blanket factory, party, says he feels no respon : ea . f , corner Brock and Mary streets, Whitbs thoussnds "Of. tmemployed are Tild Cate. oe toe Ail onsale fer onle_AgoIY at te eet, nemplayed a laen ranica i felepon MARINE pe peat e gree of Sharing the abundance the S1IC : filing cabinet. chairs. meat seer, time NID TRLICh : F hai country 'could provide x AND TRUCK CHRYSLER hardtop, six- Storage and Supply Ltd. na asain Ge eee a Mr Cc ; : inder, good co r Ais, '§ plicator, Hamilton's, 137 Keock So 5 aouette said he refuse Sacks aie iy TERI: See ; eae ' ' . 2 Wor . RENTALS ate Brooklin 655-364] MOVIE camera, Keystone a Ec a aoa 12 '50' ALE-12 PILSENER go t0 war for Canada's pr FOSHIAC ene, Cowan e's -- Food "For Four sree" wintows sed one Telephone between @ and 9 p.m. 723-1634 Tare cues " as BRANL N WV ae BA- 74h $14.95 2 " FORE ¢ : r selling televisions marks in a weokend intervie 1962 janine, Van ee IN FOUR EASY-CARRY TRAYS while HI-FI Stereophonic tour track tape re ee eos Volkswagens CHEVROLET. Heide VA comer: FOOD FREEZER ----syeamiom amt securing "ants mite) He comil lean cars a er 6. Telephone 728-2276 fl er lager for less than a separate ; a sata ore ' ese ; "9 bel . ie an as nd tg oa carton of each! And for extra convenience, the ane rotRn vie « good nd 30. Automobiles Wanted poe. pleasant way Seledhne ae Par VACcttiM Shop and Save re ead or aig a egy ep Serve ale and lager. The best of both,..in SABYAN CAR ANTEL Telephone 728-9403 et S Graos deine a : Labatt's Sumr Party Case. : Motor Sales Ltd. : furna hy py: 334 RITSON RD { i tee si pensio i . 33 , Te detriment of the vete wh (@) HAWA f CAMP! TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, draws a pension. Open Eyveninas. 723-3461 723-4494 9 i Budget needs jar gervice. New 'and PRUs npeenenmetpmiadtionmamanteettere ty Case is divided into four easy-carry trays, t ae i y LARESHORE

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