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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Aug 1962, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 20, 1962 1§ =aaemay] | small Ships MY DOLLY THE (FUNNY MACHINE, Removed By Elevator VANCOUVER (CP) -- Small ships and barges will be taken out of the water by elevator in a $1,000,000 dry-dock to be built in north Vancouver. A marine lift, a cost-sa TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channe) 6--Toronto : 2 ee 1) (DOKNe FOR WGR-TY Chamel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo ; ; ; THE LADIES' WKBW-TV Chanrel 7--Buffalo = WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester : CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie MUNVax { oie Am. # i oaliamad EVENIN: | 4--Captain aroo. on) | $aToday Show 7--Jungle Jay Show 5:0. P.M, a 6-3--Vacation Time W--Family Theatre | verge fo Base OF Nignt clock Show lovie " -- "4 . y Bi Playhouse TUESDAY EVE. warn \-- 5:00 P.M. €3--Northwest Passage 9:15 A.M. tepanily rheatre ving departure from conventional S-¥en honk owe" eg Show] fFive O'clock Show f } f dry-docking procedures, will be 5:30 P.M. < ; a part of the dock to be built by j 4--People Are Funny lm beasiy Show 'f = s 'i ; . the Gul of Georgia Towi gig siaes Company Limited, owner of a EP = Sovenl bear » My bs; fleet of 150 barges and 12 tugs. | ToJack roma Show | 2--McGraw - ' #2 The oo says that with calendar -- | cad tries bs = the lift the yard will be able Shee unt | Reasoner On" | $-The Lawman q2-\ j f y -------------- "Y T SAW HER LEAVING THIS to handle nine vessels up to 225 6:30 P.M | 10:30 A.M, 3--Movie Museum " 4 duh 11-9--News; Weathers 2--Sea Hunt Spo © King Features Syndicate, Ine, 1962, World rights reserved. ' ' | A uO y n| | AAORNING..I DONT THINK feet in length, 1,000 tons in ew a "i ay I) Bec" - I DIDN'T " (SO Bat SINCE) weight, at the same time. 4--News | $2--Play Your Munch PEP Laelia "+ f ti ' iW 4 In the usual dry-docks, a 6:65 FM. wader tery! 6:30 P.M ee ae 2 heavy cradle is run along tracks tee, arent ie Ame 19-5-2--News; Weathers P : : q /. | |until it is underwater, when the wo || Vike, Y PML. | I ced si cae ? Is Right 145" M. ' Ze . on , 7:00 P.M 'rhe ert 8 Yours|s_suntey Beale : Y APM | '| |Cradle and ship are pulled out 11--Family Theatre Movie 11:30 A.M. | 7:00 <M. | ' gf f 4 / f / of the water. The vessel re zane 'Grey 'Theatre | ore tnd Easy a Vy, : J : ' 1 y mains on the cradle until re- ooner: si ? j ie t : s--The Law "and Mr. | oe 5--Victory at Sea | y | 4--The Brighter Day 4-The Phil Silvers . . : pairs are completed, and the y ; F) Vi ig number of ships that a ry-dock r Ri N -- é = ype ee can work at one time depends gee" PM o \--pugs Bunny an lupo aug) CROSSWORD : \ : : on the number of cradles and : M. ie al Mienas Pea \ 7 e : 1--News:' Weather sete Woes | roe "ve aaa ---- Z : | tracks--called marine railways. 7:30 FM, | Sports 'amil oor " dor me . Al Pir \ ; , Zz i == 2--Wyatt Earp 7--Jane Wyman Show |U--Family Theatre + Slosiems an of aaees sus ' : é SPEEDS WORK a 9~Theatre gag bn ad 1--News: Weather god wonder ; 168 S0Gmae : " e gree ogh --. rt god eenerenne ne Court|3--Popeye and Pals 7:30 P.M. 6, Lounging . Mother: Oe eee ¢ can handle as 4~--To Tell The Truth | 12:15 P.M. 9--Theatre slip Brit. would take nine marine rail- 3--Poter Guns 9--Free and Easy 7--Bugs Bunny Show : (colloq.) ; -- 8:00 P.M. 4--Speaker of the House| ¢_ Beachcomber | . German 4--Pete and Gladys 12:30 P.M. 5-2--Laramie 12, Dwelling sub- ITS PARTOFHIS\ warns re YES..HE'S TRYING The lift will be lowered under 2--Keyhole 7--Camouflage | ad Wa} 7 Prodeetions i World Rights Revecred TO MAKE ONE / d and vessels will be The Desi-Lucy 13.Babylonian _-- marine = A NEW POLICY! : NEW FRIEND EACH i Be peetl 8:30 P.M. +9 Tras or | Comedy Hour DAY! was | war god . Means of ithe Fi &Search for T | 8:00 P.M. 14, An escape TLaw of the Plainsman| S--Noopday Report | 1--Bachelor Father underling 9. Border 6-3--Sing Along Jubilee 6-3--Talent Scouts §-2--The Price Is Right 12:45 P.M. | (colloq.) 10, Plant 4--Father Knows Best | 4--Guiding Light 8:30 P.M, | 15, Transfer ovule 34, Lake, Blue 9:00 P.M. | 1:00 P.M. |11--Official Detective of property 44. Coarsely , Nile source 11--Loretta Young 11--Roy Rogers | ties Frew Beene document shredded 36, Hindu 7--Burfside Six 7--Afternoon Show a 16, Piled tobacco 29. titles pair work can be done. 6-3--Room For One More| 5--One O'Clock Movie | a 17. Scarcity 18, Put an : 37. Charts : i r o handle 8-2~87th Precinct 4--Meet The Millers | 9:00 P.M. 19, An airing ate 20, 38, Pretending M p The lift Any he! apa : Se pees] +--Password 3-Popeye and Pals [1 Gre Comedy Spot | 22 Strange as stop . Slow: to be : te : 7 \ sy vA © al praeg gig cuvbataed hoists 9:30 P.M 2+Mid-day Matinee 52-Dick Powell Show | 20-Texan mark 49, Broad artistic } ele, alee. A gg i i ith ide Bdge 150 tons each 11--Richard Diamond 1:30 P.M. 4--The Comedy Spot 26, White bear sash: ' . Exclama- a Mails with a capa t A 8 9--Meet McGraw 4--The. World Turns | 9:30 P.M. 28, India: Jap. wt : Ne), i I A larg : a It rises to the surface a pag aaa 3 eel eae pe = - eat - 3 as = 4 met " ae : ] inches a -- ane aa 16:00 P.M. |11--Cannonball pee oees a e x 'for turkey _ Work that can be bane spied 1--Bob McLean | 9--Theatre | seme Fr A See ily will be done while the ship 9~--To Tell The Truth | 5.2--Jan Murray Show| 6-3--Playdate stuffing is on the elevator, said Edgar T--Ben Casey 4--Password | 4--Money Talks 30, Warsaw is : Phill: Barrett, Part- 6 -Copoert 2:30 P.M. : the capital Jones of ips, Barrett, $a--Actuality Speciale |, pride of the Family PT 5 $6. Renae ners, the prema firm = the T--Seven Key: | 7~Aleoa Premiere . Tibetan ae eee le: project. Longer s, such as ete ls eoune 5-2--Cain's 100 ~ priest 5 - 9 painting, will be done in an- Theatre | 4--Talent Scouts 96 )-ar manures YEP, T ASKED | ]...AN' JUST FOR SAYIN' GOLLY, HOW COME NONE O° US EVER other part of the yard. en ee pe 10:30 P.M. pats Y, FOR'A COOKIE | | THANK YOU, SHE HANDED THOUGHT 0' THAT BEFORE P 4~--Money Talks 3:00 P.M. | 8 Tombstone Territory 40 at AN' GRANDMA ME A DOZEN MORE / \SPECIAL MOTORS a |11--Randy Dandy | Foxe ol Dlkmonde " Jaw GAVE ME ONE... 1 1 oy While the idea of such a mar- 7--Queen For A Day | 11:00 P.M. month : \ ||ine lift is not new, previous at- 6-3--Summerama 1-9-7-6-5-4-3-2--Newss 41. As regards o tempts were unsatisfactory be- a; 5$-2--Dr, Malone 11:15 P.M, | 42, Not likely - Y SP. . » '|cause of the motors used, said 1--Late Show eyo 1" | fobate Show | 43, Bass 4 : 3 a ye , ae $ Mr. Jones. A new electric mo- 6--Viewpoint 330 P.M. | | Te, Ley, ? : ' egy - a 1g) ep |, 4"The 11:20 Show" | 7--Who Do You Trust 11:30 P.M. "tae Z ; aw y | "| ae sical ' E| |tor was developed by Pearioon ' ve 5-2--Our Five é " : ) 7 fg) Nee Engineering Company of Mi: 11:30 P."*. 11--Blockbuster Movie DOWN K s ? is A Seas 4 : Pins . 11--Blockb Movi Daughters 2 ; : ami, Fla., which is installing'the ScMaballa Jackson' | 4-70 Tell The Truth | ®--ishalle Jackson | 4. Greedy it nan? *, ; Bl ae LAP pg lift. It has a similar lift in Mi- Oe tes se eee 6--Thée New Breed 2. -- Dh : < / ee 2 Dae Ban A pS a et |ami and is building another in §-2--Tonight Show | ImAmerican Bandstand | %2~Tonight Show 8. Learain yr m recs : . cy Holland. Japanese ship yards 3--Dangerous Robin 6--Swing Along 4--Theatre "Pi Ld X: RL ee ; ER 4: ti 7 if have expressed interest in it. TUESDAY $2-Make Room For | 3_one step Beyond ae ett : : ae 2 --. a '| A spokesman for the towing 7:45 A.M, 4--Secret St 12:30 P.M. : %--Popeye and Pale | 3 ~swing Ang. 4--Half-Past Midnight magic lamp 820 oe age bere bs yt pod . overhaul, taking 10 or 12 days, each year. The company's own SAVE NOW 1962 DEMONSTRATORS ---- ei ats i eee pony a be the new nad capa- : ' : city but other companies have We still have a few 1962 Demonstrators available. These are all low mileage cars and are covered by New Car Warranty. If you expressed interest in acquiring are looking for a good car at SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS . . . This is for you. neighboring land and using the 230 KING STREET WEST THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. TELEPHONE 723.4634 | " ICK'S DEAR OLE DAD )| | THAR'S NO FINER a | HAINT NOTHIN' "@ CEPT NOBODY GIVES 5 Tie TEL * SILVER BULLET DIGARMS THE PROFESSOR DEALS WITHI HONOR BOTANIST IS RUSHIN' TO HELP HIS KID ¥ NO FATHER WONT 3B | US NO GREDIT FO'IT// Ble i ar VNintin" ts Geen WHEN HE'S IN TROUBLE!!-- : 7 : png gy mA Hg ee - ASS FATHER search, Dr. Vladimir Krajina THASS TYPICAL jthe University of British Co- lumbia has received a special citation from the University of Hawaii. floated over the wheeled cradle L NeW G ; resting on tracks. The lift will POLICY? 2 i '| |be stopped when it is level with tracks on the shore, and the cradle will be pushed on to the shore tracks, thence to another part of the yard where the re- Saturday's Answer MICKEY MOUSE ares Sy adieste boy King Fon 'The Lowe Ranger, loc. BUSY PORT HALIFAX (CP)--More than 7,500,000 tons of cargo are handled through this year-round port annually. Harbor facilities include 29 deep-water berths, 20 transit sheds, a 4,000,000-bushel grain elevator, oil tanker berths and warehouse and cold storage buildings. SOLD IT?! THAT HE GAVE ME A ROMAN TOMBS IT?! BOY, WAS A are SLICK DEAL! HOW MUCH "USED BOLZANO, Italy (AP) -- Are You GET ----- HULA HOOP." cheological teams have uncov- ered seven ancient Roman tombs near here. Experts say the tombs, still in fair condition, date from the first century AD. TOTTERING SPIRE COPENHAGEN, Denmark (Reuters)--The 72-foot spire of Roskilde cathedral, burial place of the Danish royal family, is in serious danger of collapse ac- cording to cathedral officials. ALS LOSE CLARK MONTREAL (CP)--Monireal Alouettes said Friday fullback = WELL, SUPPOSE "TROUBLE WITH THIS , i] |SHE WANTED } -- Don Clark, leading ground- es ROSA iS SEEING JOWN 1S THE TYPE Ts : 5 7 ' cried in the Eastern Football er i - Ki MR. BURRIS 2 . "5 i ; ) fi last > ee oe a6 PY MISS PANKY? AFTER ALLA \ ELSEWHERE~AND THE 3 ; = sidelined tor show tio. orale iden varctiges, S 11S AFREE COUNTRY RIND OF PEOPLE WHO AR - TO with kidney injuries. Clark, 1s SUE? AND--SOMETHING BEFRIENDING THEM, . g hurt in the fourth quarter of 7 : Thursday's game against Ot- tawa Rough Riders, miss Fri- day's encounter with Hamilton Tiger - Cats. Halfback Meco Poliziani, carried off the field in the first quarter with a dis- located left shoulder, will be EVEHONEY-YouGoT] |OUt of action longer. TO PAY NO MIND TO THE ures ores ae°e | | SALLY'S SALLIES Cape. 1962, Destefbated THE LONE RANGER ||| BAR-B-QUE BAR-B-QUE||| BUPPLIES DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND: SKEETER JULIET JONES NT AULT HAVE IS P CY, FOUR SINGLES-- 'O RATHER gi Me pe 3 TAKE THEM ANO OWE YOU + g 7 ITiS AS SIMPLE ¥ AS THIS: HI6 IGNO- reserved. nL OWE -- THAT A WEBLEY REVOLVES CLOCK- WISE WHEREAS HIS SMITH % WESSON REVOLVES COUNTER- £ COST , HIM HIS LIFE / 1@ King Pistaree Syndicate, tec, 10h, World rights j YOU'LL FIND OUT, WILLIE, LARRY BEANNON "You don't have to go far to gee that women are not all alike." Se sinners ashanti

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