4@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 5, 1962 Fire Chief Irked By Two Transients Get Jail Terms Striking Committee! Named By Council BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Reeve Sidney Little was ap- pointed temporary chairman of Seven Area Youths Admit Stealing Gas Coates told him he left hi the town's public property com- mittee. The temporary appointment came as a result of Jack Brough's resignation from town council at the last special meet- ing. A stirking, committee made up of Mayor Ivan Hobbs, Reeve Little and Deputy - Reeve Ross Stevens, was appointed to pre- pare suggestions to the new councillor, whoever it may be. BOWMANVILLE (Staff Seven district youths appeared in court here Monday facing 50 charges of theft, wilful damage and assault. They pleaded guilty to most of the charges. James Christopher Brockman, 17 of- 59 Stone street, Oshawa is in hospital suffering head in- juries received in an accident and was unable to appear for the trial. ° Two of the youths, Douglas Francis Wannan, 18 of RR 1 WATER ENTERS BASEMENTS Town To Open Two transients looking for work Kendal and Frederick Morgan)Stacey, 18, RR 4 Bowmanville Gainer, 21 of RR 4 Oshawa,jand Dennis James Wannan, were remanded in custody to| 22, of Orono were remanded out appear in Cobourg court Sep-jof custody to appear in> court tember 10 for sentence. October 9. They were ordered John Tendan, 19 of Newcastle;|to observe an 8 p.m. curfew John Frederick Cobbledick, 17,| until that time. RR 2 Newcastle; Frank Wayne; The gang was arrested follow- Penright, 17, 43 Stone street,jing an outbreak of break-ins, Oshawa; _ Thomas Edward/theft of gasoline and tools from " district farms and service sta- Building Permits tions and soft drink coolers. Increase Shown Constables Francis Dryden, H. R. "Pat" Cornell and George BOWMANVILLE (Staff) =< Town council adopted the build- Old Building BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Fire Chief Thomas Lyle painted an unsightly picture in his re- port to town council Tuesday night. Chief Lyle was referring to the old tannery on Liberty street south, in front of the new sew- age treatment plant, "It is in poor repair, windows) are partially covered with tin, cellar windows are left open and wood and paper strewn on the floor," the chief's lelter read. He added that fires have been set inside by persons unknown here Tuesday. Donald Coates of ing liquor in a place other than The seven youths were also| 4%d the lot is generally untidy Evans of the Bowmanville OPP ing inspector's report at Tues. detachment were responsible for making the arrests. day night's meeting, with more than twice as many permits issued in August than there was convicted of assaulting a Ponty-| pool youth, Ronal Fallis, after al dance in the Pontypool district. | Fallis testified that early Sun- day morning, August 12, he his residence. Constable Tracy Davis of the Bowmanville Police Department with long grass and high weeds. This building has been con- demned by the building insepc-|said he saw a car northbound tor and has been vacant for alon Liberty street Aug. 30. number of years, "T received a call that some- on tobacco fanms were sent to |jail when they appeared in coyrt Carleton Place was sentenced to a total of 30 days when he pleaded guilty to charges of impaired driving and driving while his li- cence was suspended, It was his second offence for both charges. A passenger, John. E. Castle, of no fixed address, was sen- tenced to 10 days for having care and control while intoxi- cated and was also fined $15 or an additional five days for hav- driver's licence in another of pants. 'He also said he hi lost his trunk key when I want- ed to search the car," said the constable. : The trunk was forced open and 4 full bottles of beer were seized. BUILDING PERMITS BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Town council adopted the build- ing inspector's report at Tues- day night's meeting, with more than twice as many permits issued in August than there wa in July. : There were 15 building per- mits issued last month, com- pared to only seven the previous }month. in July. . r ildi .|yas stopped by the youths and| Deputy-Reeve- Ross Stevens!one had thrown a beer bottle at' sits some: ait "yer ig perl Deaten up. informed council that the town's house from a passing Car." \es on cost OF Construction Was pared to only seven,the previous|. "1 don't remember who alj| Will know by Sept. 10 whe(\r said Constable Davis. He said/*2%/0. Plumbing permits total BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --|this problem, but:I'm certainly) month. : hit me," said Fallis, "'but 1)or not the property 'can be pur- the pair also had an argument |!ed $94.75. A total of 161 builds 1A 'Bowmanvillé ma complain-|not in favor of taking the whole| Total cost of construction was, prow, Douglas Wannan hit me chased. |with a service station attendant|ing inspections were made, 14 ed to town council last night|cost of the program out of next $28,370, Plumbing permits total-| t rt : ' | The matter was held in digits oe ae to $1.03. Par inspections, 34 inquiries, that the smell is so bad in his!year's funds," said Mr. Hoop-| led $94.75. A total of 161 build: Fallis said they were after) ance. Jonstable Davis d that and 27 investigations. . basement he has to leave all er. ing inspections were made, 14| after him, because he had been the windows open. |: Deputy-reeve Ross Stevens|trench inspections, 34 inquiries,|involved in a pushing and| George R. Mason of 11 Argyle thought it was an unfair plan|and 27 investigations. | shoving escapade earlier at the street, charged that the storm | for the people who have already ----| dance. i, sewer is no good on his street.| paid for their: storm sewers . | Douglas Wannan was also He said that when it rains,/under local improvement and Vandalism Cure convicted of dangerous driving. muck and water comes into his|are now going fo be asked to Constable Evans testified that cellar, and now that the water help somebody else pay for My he saw a car speed through an is out, the stench comes up|their storm sewers. : | Sought In Light |intersection across Highway 2 BOWMANVILLE .. (Staff) Plugged Sewer Cold or Grippe? | ASPIRIN T. M. REG, '® Reduces fever e Relieves that headachy feeling ® Relieves aching muscles e@ Soothes sore throat makes you feel better fast! A PRODUCT OF BAYER thought ' Bi DOLLAR SALE! HUNT'S CHOICE PEACH HALVES GLEE LIQUID 28 OZ. TIN * |through the cement, The PUC will be asked to in-| jat Newcastle at 60 to 65 miles-| | Mr. Mason said he had to/vestigate the situation and re-|Reeve Sidney Little, newly ap- per-hour. jfurnace because of the water. |storm sewer is found to be al! the town's public property com- Highway 2 at that intersection | "I've been trying to get some| fault, then the roads and streets! mittee, will ask the manager of| 2t that time, someone would laction on this for five years," committee has power to replace| the PUC and the Chief of Police have been killed for sure," he |get you to fix it up, I'll report| advice of the engineer. dation on lighting one end of} The constable said three pas- the situation to the provincial o ~| Memorial Park. |sengers in the Wannan vehicle ees ' Mayor Ivan Hobbs brought it to council's attention| Protect themselves when they| es jthe problem might be in the that the Park Association had|S8W the driver wasn't going to . s. | ; | Driver Claims, |to curb vandalism. Asked by Magistrate R. B. ' ice Department. Eric was on |_,He said that if and when | Mr. Hooper suggested that a Baxter why he didn't stop,) Here's a Davey Crockett fan | ice Department. Mrlc was storm sewers are installed, Find 7 Beers floodlight be Installed to solve) Wannan shrugged his shoulders] e saw the coon crossing the |' \the pfoblem. and said, "I dunno". | He's Ross Lane of Port Perry | toad He took it home and od ble rl sep Rad page od a) a ae and his pet raccoon "Sandy". | gave it to his brother for a tea cumaitin lia policy| Bowmanville man was remand- The coon was rescued by 7: \ed one week for sentence in been buddies ever since : ; . sewer program by W. T. Demp- ' icted of havi li a by Pol- ! -- Oshawa Times : hears nP\was convicted of having liquor B xcrivieedecod nate co ---- - sey, an Oshawa engineer, waS|in g place other than his resi- & $21,180, dence. have 2 En ineer Ur es jgued that there were people iv-|street, claimed ownership to 57 taken ing on Duke street who didn't | pints of: beer found in a car by want the town to go to the eX-|Constable John Bird Sunday, h B Graded | He said a petition was circu-| "We were just going to a eac e |lated by those who don't want | party," was Bruder's. excuse. jto spend money that the town; Magistrate R. B. Baxter com- The case of the missing beach|the letter sated. "T'm not opposed to fixing up| learn your lesson." was one of the main topics at} Mr, Marston's report substan-;~~ se ee Bruder had a charge of carry- town council Tuesday night, |tiated a suggestion made to the| ] M ing an offensive weapon dis- Pontypool Man | |have the motor taken out of his|port back to council. If the) pointed temporary chairman of|. 'If another car had been on) |said Mr. Mason, "but if I can'tjor repair. the sewer on the/to come up with a recommen-| 52d. ' board of health." C . T ) t Councillor Kenneth Hooper] fell to the floor of the car to se T CAP pero sewer system instead requested a curfew previously] Stop at the intersection. REAL CROCKET x lof the storm sewer. | who goes in for the real thing! | hsi way home one' night when |1h4y won't be done under local BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A et. Ross and Sandy have| , é : Rose's: brother Etic, a. dis- b | A proposed cost of a storM|court here Tuesday, after he Thousands Councillor Kenneth Hooper ar-, payid Bruder, of & Flett pense of storm sewers. Sept. 2 about 2.25:a.m. BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --)sion problem has been created," hasn't got. mented, 'I guess you'll never after {t was learned the cottag-\cottagers by Mr. Nichols when| missed. ers' lawyer is threatening legal! they first appeared before coun- He was arrested Aug. 10 about action. jeil back in June. Roy Nichols, 4hairman of the) He observed during his in- | Nets $100 Fine {9.30 p.m. on Bowmanville's jmain street with an American bayonet in his possession. DETERGENT AYLMER "When he saw me coming he ASSORTED town's roads and streets fikie | of the beach, that! BOWMANVILLE (Staft) 12 OZ. JAR mittee, made public a report by|three gl civ celine 2i-yéar-old Pontypool man, | threw it under the bench he was E. F, Marston, former district pee Sven ee ¥! Winston Stewart, was convicted sitting on,' said Constable ; : |state, but noted that a steep engineer, who investigated the! signe existed behind five lots. of careless driving in court here) Tracy Davis. . " Tuesday. | An independent witness, Wil- situation. | Mr. Marston suggestd that} He was fined $100 and costs or|liam Bickle of Bowmanville bat T. "tyiviegy "greed atthe same procedure be used tojone month in jail and zis testified that he saw Bruder owmanville's es eac |driver's licence Was suspended| swinging the knife in the air ' . +H lled| e claims that the town was unau-|C!Tect anne a a = = |for one month. and making gestures as if he thorized when it removed sand that during his association! grawart was represented by|was going to throw it at a fel- "and gravel from the beach for with the Department of High-/Terence V. Kelly, an Oshawa|low who was sitting on the ~ use on the town roads. |ways, the Township. of Dar-jlawyer, and pleaded guilty ot! bench. ; 4 : on Mee é the charge That was Mike Murphy, a| ~: A letter to council from Mr. |jington used the same method to|the charge. |, that was Mike! Murphy, a) --- Aturson's s6li¢itors, Douglas, | correct 4 similar situation along| The court was told by Con. friend of mine, " Said Bruder. Johhston afd Gray 6f Toronto |stable Stan Rospond of the Bow-| Constable Davis said a large : aray Othe beach where gravel had ille OPP detachm hunk of th 'states that they. have been di-|p 6a a manyille etachment that|chutk of the bench had been "tected by the other affectedi oe ORG PU Stewant tried to cut off a car|carved away where Bruder had opine "ewnaik . pomiaan poses. on Highway 44, Aug. 14, "'three| been sitting. ace with council on their be.|. #@ said that this method in-/or four times'. : half in an effort to negotiate|"olved backsloping the exca-|. The other car was driven by vated portion with a bulldozerjone of the youths convicted of a necessary and proper solu-| f ahiah wa ot tion to the ptublet, and motorgrader, which carried PECTIN BRIGHT'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE LITTLE JOHN TOMATO KETCHUP 48 OF. TIN 15 OZ, BTL, SAIco GRAPEFRUIT JUICE SWEETENED BRIGHT'S APPLESAUCE FANCY | assaulting Stewart's friend, Ron-| Canada Cuts F ; the gravel into the water. This|ald Fallis. | The law firm claims tnat the action replaced the material in| Magistrate R. B. Baxter re-| s remoyval of the gravel has,ja gentle, receding and ari S n firm) marked that it was a stupid over and above the substantial/siope along the entire beach,| thing to do. OTTAWA (CP)--The govern- ment has reduced or eliminated value of the material removed,' hey said. "People get killed driving scarred the appearance of the! 'The letter from Mr. Hurson's| sensibly, without someone like qentire area. solicitors was referred to the|you going out looking for "In addition, a pressing ero-|town's insurance company. 'trouble,' he said. special tariff surcharges on seven types of goods--in most cases after finding that the sur- charges tended to increase im. port buying instead of reducing it CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF! BLADE ~~ 55: RO ASI) = SHORT RIB ROASTS~65: ything you eat! BLADE BONE REMOVED TULIP MARGARINE REGULAR ORCHARD KING TOMATOES CHARICE Lipey's BEANS wi POR IN. TOMATO SAUCE " ORCHARD KING CHOICE PEAS Assonteo BRIGHT'S APPLE 20 07. JUICE unsweerenen AYLMER TOMATO SOUP OPEN THURS. & FRI, TIL Dundas Street -- The special surcharges were announced June 24 as part of the government's austerity pro- gram to protect. foreign ex- change reserves and discourage import buying. The surcharges j--additional tariffs of five, 10 |and 15 per cent--applied to just over half of all imports, | In a recent cabinet order, the| government cancelled five-per.| cent surcharges levied on five| products: Iron and steel rods for wire manufacture, alumi-| |num and aluminum alloys in in-| gots, blocks bars and other! forms, frozen tuna for canning in Canada, rubber thread and cocoa butter. j Informants said the surcharge) on these goods in most cases| encouraged the import of fin-) ished products instead of the! taw materials, thus hurting Ca- nadian manufacture. | Also, eliminated was the 15- per - cent tariff surcharge on wines imported for sacramental) purposes' in churches, The 15- per-cent charge continues for other liquors and wines. The order also reduced the |surcharge on nickel - plated | goods to five per cent-from 15. The. cabinet order was the 4 \fourth amendment to the tariff surcharges since they were in- |troduced. Earlier, the ur. |rfes were removed on wood |pulp, mining machinery and corn for 'agricultural purposes. SWEET, JUICY VALENCIA ?roouct oF sa. 4 ORANGES *« ge APPLES ii CAULIFLOWER 9G eh anes "nme 85 6/1. doe roo =~ 12/$1. WEALTH DOG FOOD Ze Rom ot pity oF me Ptr VCaLrORNA eeblest OF Neo 6 @T. BSKT. ONTARIO GROWN NO, 1 SNOW WHITE 10 OZ. L 9 P.M, WHITBY Shopping Plaza -- AJAX Island Road -- ROUGE HILL AQUA, PINK, WHITE, YELLOW KLEENEX TOWELS LARGE TIN "'3¢ OFF" DEAL DUTCH CLEANSER 2's PKG WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES eRe ee . wi ac yy Woh Pinectit ot Kno Plneiate oF event ABU OF $49 OF ONT, GROWN NO, LON POTATOES HS, wn ne pine AMD PURCHASE OF 7108. OF '& ONE POUND PKO, OF U.S NO. JACK SPRATT CANTALOUPES COUPON exoieps HtbT19/489 CHICKEN GRAPES CouroM Expitts Serr 12/62 < COUPON exrines StPr 12/62. O 'WITH THiS COUPON x AMD PURCHASE OF 'wit THis COUPON AND PURCHASE OF Biel Senon POTATO ep tit 'With Tmis COUPON AMD PURCHASE OF & GIANT TUNE OF alt $ 'WITH THiS COUPON AMO PURCHASE OF A PKG. OF STHINBERG'S SPECIAL PISHCLOTHS BBG, BP COUPON exrines $091 12/62 'With FHik COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 4 POUND OF MORE OF A TITLE GENUINE UATHER 5 $1 69 FOOTBALL I.0S . Ber cOurbh txts $6112 /02 7" / Ano purchase OF re fw ECONOMY BT. OF TEMBER UH GROUND COUPON UCK Serr ayeo $ Win wis COUPON SND PURCHASE OF WORZEMA 996 ORIN ChtAM S with THs COUPON AND PURCHASE OF a kG. OF 16 AeOViAd Oh surte HUNT FOR BEARS BELGRADE,, Yugoslavia ; i * (AP)--A hunt will be organized \ at wae aii ; to reduce the flourishing. bear pe lie {population of Yugoslavia's Sar a ---------------- FIRST DAY BLUES : |mountain area. The bears, y Pane RB " long protected from hunters, maid FROEEH CONC First-day pupil Danny Fine! | David Rudan coanes and lifts | joying strange new world at |lately have been causing dam- ORA' 2/4 "i ig demonstrative in his dis- | lad, clutching his package of | Holy Angels School in Isyng jage and have become a men- JUICE tid school. Teacher Mrs.' potato chit. Soon he was en- ton subtirb of Toronto 2) ace to : a2 couoate TOOTHPASTE "4 seein | "904 Se CIALY ~ § cotter hue 356g re. srabrons