. _ " AR cam ext ts Se Soe ee oe eee S.A. Home League. Holds Rally Day -- ¢ The meeting, opened w:th Mrs, Frank Bullar, leading in favor- ite choruses. Mrs, William dames, introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Brigadier Alfred Simester, afier the singing of : = ' e the theme chorus. Jo Aldwinckle~ Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 Birthday cone wae ie THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 14, 1962 7|membered and sunshine money received. Mrs. James made the an- s ¢ meee and --, the / that Trousseau Tea and Showers jimi, st, bese children's home in Korea, which Honor Anne Louise Webster -- me, "aya by Stem: ia Mrs. Major Fred Lewis then ~'|led in a memorial service for Miss Anne Louise Webster has| Mrs. Douglas Gower, been honored at several pre-Joseph Patterson and Mrs. |Alfred Gower were co-hostesses mbers who had d away nuptial events prior to her meta a iniscellaneous shower, held during the year, and read a i , "No Night There", after riage tomorrow to Mr. Ronald/at the home of the former. oo : Ephriam Wright. Mrs. Donald Wilson, Rossland which flowers were placed in a Mrs. John Patterson eftertain-jroad west, assisted by Mrs. nie wes tad eux eae ed for her daughter at a trous-|Newton Wright, entertained at a) migst and a moment of silent seau tea, assisted by Mrs. New-|kitchen and pantry shower and prayer after which Mrs. 'Brig- ton Wright, mother of the|Mrs. Norman Gower and Miss adier Alfred Simester, the Dive prospective bridegroom. \Norma Gower, Drew street.) ional Home League Secretar: Pouring tea were Mrs. Alfred | were co-hostesses at a morning, prayed for the loved ones of Yd Gower, Mrs. Harold Masters,|noon, and night shower whea the departed members. Mrs. Ernest : Mrs: Earl Wright, Mrs. Norman |bride-to-be received many gifts Sargeant sang "The Beautiful é ee Gower with Mrs. Joseph Patter.|to correspond with the time of|q den of P: " y : son, Mrs. Douglas Gower, Mrs. |day. . a nde ead prt ug N ithe service. William Murray and Mrs.| The future bridegroom was fag rt : A ' Mrs. Brigadier Si i : f Thomas Watson serving. honored by his many friends atltai of the beaut garde AT THE RE( 'EPTION ' In charge of the trousseau a stag party and received a gift) prayer spoke on the many paths : : Bo iam \toom was Mrs, Donald Wilson,| of money. lin @ garden, as in life there Pictured after their wed-| Found of Oshawa and the. Paes : . , aoa teat iwith Miss Norma Gower and| Pollowiag ~ sehoaredl tt were many paths of prayer,| ding recently in First Bap- | late Oe ers Postnaes ny : i | right: Miss Gayle Vegodda, | Conway of Toronto, Mrs. of Miss Elizabeth Linscott, |Miss Lorraine Wright in the gift)evening the bridal party will be| each natio , | tist Church sre Mr. and Mrs. --Aldswor' p! rn 2 8 ee | este etndent, Miss Audrey | George Telford, director of | a new registrant. Pouring tea |rooms. Miss Susan Gower and {entertained at the homie of Mr.' m and Sect had jis-0wn) ; : T. way of pra i | Wi i - | moment at 'the tea honoring | Conway, a new' registrant, | nursing, and Mrs. Morley | is Miss Jane Cole- Miss Judy Wright had charge atised Mrs. Donald Wilson, Ross-| always poco Sask ai} leet: ths gg BACKACHE the class of 1965 from left to| her mother, Mrs. Hilliard | Linscott of Belleville, mother --Oshawa Times Photo |the guest book. land road west: \"we may have sincere prayer merly Miss Beverly Carole 4 45 New Students Regist PERSONALS Brenda Bracey, William Webster ti sat msi score] 2 cuaee os wa ar | por ave found the real secret of} of Oshawa and the late Mr. i ew tu en S egis er : ren a lacey, 1 lam e S e prayer. "| Grant and the bridegroom is bidey action When idoays get outa ' | ' ' : "Let us practice the presence| the son of Mrs. William J. | order, excess acids and wastes remain hs | Prior to her marriage recent-, Out of town guests at the| : ; | the son of WwW m J. | order, At OGH School Of Nursing --,"t"ste "tarey"VEt "itwn|coctcNamee' vetaing' wee) Married In Afternoon Ceremony'.s%,e*#y cut." ct cusp «| ed treat \Priebe, Miss Dorothy Yvonne| yy... | All Washingt i, | Following the registration of)Balsam; Sharyn Jane Jones, arte was naneres ieee vag _ owas la on -- Uniiad- in tardage seal Misses Deborah Stacey and i. Ve sy pa cen -- " ; ; M Irene Kydd,| miscellaneous showers. A neigh-|~"""' .. * i a, ; elf 1 acey, wore green . ngs the ki OF ee ot te Sues Geserat Geuriaes,: Cantey Painicin| borkoad shower was held by|Moore, Maryland, U.S.A.; Mr,|!" St. George's Memorial|;8mela = bracey 8 est prayer ever uttered was by|was Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal : y \peau de soie with white lacelcpris Pat "a disruptive dance that) action. Then you feel better-- Hospital on Monday afternoon,|Lee, Oshawa;. Mary Elizabeth|Mrs. William Gerritts and Mrs-|and Mrs. Roy Allen, Niagara Church were Miss Brenda) .oats and matching hats, an Christ, Who said, 'Not My Wiil,lieads to the destruction of s0-| better--work better. Get Dodd's September 10, a tea was held|Linscott, Belleville; Diane Ros-|Donald McMullen, RR 2, Osh-\pais; Mr, and Mrs. Albert|J0yce Bracey, daughter of Mr.|carried yellow roses and chrys- was leet cee wi the £ia!_and moral values." Kidney Pills now. 39 at McLaughlin Hall for the newjalie Male, Virgniatown; Gold-| awa. Also hostesses were Mrs. avanane irs and Mes 'Don: and Mrs. A. B. Bracey, and|anthemums on Bibles. sins, "one Bar ~ students and their parents andjwyn Beryl McDonald, Toron-| Calvin Irwin, Eastwood avenue " ead Z Mr. William Webster, son of| Mr. Neil Daneil was the best) ang "Mrs: Major Fred owis friends, A 'Big Sister', a mem-|to; Monica Mary Gertrude Mc-|and Mrs. Thomas Horsby, Rose-| @ Mackey, Mr. and Mrs. Ken-im and Mrs. G. W. Webster,|man with Messrs. Allan Scam-|cigseq in prayer. | ber of the senior class, wel-|Pharlan, West Hill. |hill boulevard with the bride- neth Ingo, Mr. William Sutton,|all of Oshawa. {mell and Robert Allen as the) a4, Major Lewis will have comed a member of the incom-| Helen Louise Moore, Co-| groom's grandmother, Mrs. E.) Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Darch, Mr.| The ceremony was perform-| ushers. charge of next week's meeting ing class as a 'Little Sister'. bourg; Dianne Elizabeth Morri-| Stickney of Elora, present are Wate Oh. g of ei ed by the Reverend Leonard) The sage se Peer at - cian The 45 registrants: Marjorie|son, Beaverton; Sandra Anne Sg ae ° |Mrs. Walter Oke, Bowmanville;|Ware with Mr. Allen Reesor as)Harmony United Church wit Isobel Saker. Belleville; yoda Myers, Oshawa; Kaihryn Flo- Mrs, aia -- foonmaberygr | and Mrs. Marvin Minifie,| organist. ithe bride's mother receiving in LEGION AUXILIARY Jean Blaise, Islington; Marilynjrence. Pearse, Etobicoke; the ht aa © C a Agsiilary Peterborough. The bride, given in marriage|a beige combed cotton sheath] The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Elizabeth Brockman, Oshawa;|Carolyn May Pegg, Sutton Monge Ege bccn to thel birthday me by her father, wore a floor-| dress and a green velvet hat./Canadian Legion Branch 43, Nancy Jane Bulmer, Oshawa;|West; Barbara Lynne Phillips, led Sean Behe inte Fashion"'| i eas, birthday parties, wed-\iength gown of nylon net and|The bridegroom's mother chose/met on Tuesday evening, Sep- Judith Ellen Butler, Belleville;|Tyrone; Janet Elizabeth Mary|™Ocels 0 bah ig anh Bs ing anniversaries, coming and|iace over satin with a bouffant(a dresden blue combed cotton|tember 11, with president, Mrs. Sarah Mary Callison, Oshawa:|Robertson, Whitby; Sheila|show to be held nest m goings of guests are always of in-| cin The bodice was adorned|sheath dress with a pink feath-!Norman McEwers, presiding, i dehy ' h fone sia: (St. Gregory's auditorium. Thejterest in this column. Write,|~: ' =] y § er, lleville; = > s ie : ' i wi or- Sete Dane Clove, Boh: Carol lee ees cers gg convener is Mrs. D. E. Sager|telephone or visit the social de-|"it" sequins Ad Peele tnd teeta et voile vases ond cyolcee ant ae 1 ety ae i ; i in a featured a square neckline and|sages of yellow roses and chrys-|giyen out for the bazaar to be caygeon, | Margaret Karen Louise Stand- ~tblnen pata -- -- oon i i ao item of lily-point sleeves. Her full finger-| anthemums. "held in Newainber and sone Marilyn Muriel Joyce Davey,jing, Torgnto; Donna Ann Mrs. J. H. Perry, Mrs. K. R.l charge. Selaphone mas $474, NOltip veil was held by a satin] When the couple left i their finished goods turned in,. also Tissot _Conmunce irene Hley,|Stoughien, Dellevilis: Ba, Claxton-Oldfield, Mrs. R. J. Mur- crown trimmed with pearls and| honeymoon trip to lagara) some fine donations. Port Hope; Carol | Margaret/Valerie Taylor, Wellington; phy, Mrs. R. "F. Richardson,| Miss Pam Long, daughter of|she carried a prayer book with|Falls, the bride was a Mrs. George A. Munro from Evans, Oshawa; Carol Joan|Marie Louise Taylor, Oshawa; |\7-? toc Milosh, Mrs. J. W.|Mr. and Mrs. Everett Long, Wil-|rosettes and streamers. a cream and pink embroidered/pranch 103, Montreal, was a Fenton, Cobalt; Joanne Suz-| Margaret Elizabeth Veale, Bea- Pierson, Mrs. D. E. Sager and|son road south, has returned The matron of honor, Mrs.jrayon sheath dress, with @alwejcome guest. anne Galloway, Ajax; Nancyjverton; Sharon Jean Walker,| \°"")" 1) "Ciemens. Mrs. Johniafter touring Europe and Great|Robert Allen, Mrs. Allan Scam-\three-quarter length coat and a) Scholarships are to be sent Enid Given, Bobcaygeon; Lois| New Liskeard. : . Qgh.| Howson, ticket convener, assist-|Britain on an 18 months vaca-|mell, senior attendant and Miss|pink rosette corsage. int? the four collegiates in Dianne Glenney, Whitby; Lucy Joy Louise Whiteley, Osh- i al Lunn with the refresh-|tion. Miss Long has taken a po-| Lois Hulatt, junior bridesmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Webster wi |Oshawa- Hoffman, Cannington; Aurilla) awa; Gwendolyn Joyce Wolla- Sante. sition on the staff of the Osh-|wore green peau de soie with| make their home in Oshawa. | Members were reminded of Bonnie Annie Hooker, Oshawa.|cott, Port Hope; Doris Colleen|™°*: -------|awa General Hospital. |matching hats and carried bou-| Out of town guests were from|the parade to be held this Sun- sg singe mops. ca ig nig oa Constance) |quets of yellow roses and chtys-| Weston, Port Perry and New-\day, September 16 at 3 p.m. awa; ary Jean Jamieson,!Ruth Young, Toronto. | Guests from out of town at\anthemums. The flower girls,' tonville. from the Shopping Centre to Roman Hrywnak the Shreve-Johns wedding were! the Union Cemetery for the in our hearts as we are doing) C'ant, the bride is the daugh- Donna:Joan Blanchard Honored! Anna Matayko {orapw x. tivo, Mig Mildred Beverley Johns [sts "soten' 'ni, "xnay Huntley, Whitby and Mr. Kent! iven to the veterans by Col. Exchange Vows --|Bromiey, sudbury. i 4 At Trousseau Tea and Showers | fons tumor ot ornawa, ------| Becomes Mrs. John Eric Shreve |tisn wit'se svaitesie trom ihe Legion Hall. A Poppy Fund : gon of Mrs. Pawlo Hrywnak of é : itea C hland yell d white chrysan- ovine is to be held at 1 p.m. Miss Donna Joan Blanchard|former on Meadow road. The Ukraine and the late Mr. wc In King Street Unite hurek|an yellow an e chry: Sunday whose marriage to Mr. James| A presentation was made of|qrywnak, took as_ his bride, | : on Saturday, September 8, Mil-|themums. The flower girls the oA aiteuis sche cl David Norman takes place to-ja bridge set and a clock-radio/4nng Mateyko, daughter of Mr.| a | dred Beverley Johns, daughter) Misses Brenda Zarowny and ie Mtidoy gectecbie 1h . morrow in Northminster United|to Miss Blanchard by her C0-)4nq Mrs.. Phillip Mateyko of The) je a\of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick|Elizabeth Shreve, wore white ee --_ voll A Church has been honored at|workers in the Robson Leather t,raine in a recent ceremony ' , Johns, became the bride of Mr.jorganza over tafftea with lace Ms 9 Bag r ge r- several pre-nuptial parties. company office. at St. George's Ukrainian Catho-) @ { eae John Eric Shreve, son of Mr.|bodices and their headdresses i agg oe : <7 Mrs. Harry C. Blanchard en-|_ A stag party was held by Mr.\ji¢ Church. a | 2 and Mrs. George Shreve, all ofjwere white coronets. They, car- mill be nach ar pri Micilaes tertained at a trousseau tea in|/Robert Brewster, Park road| The ceremony was performed| ; | Oshawa. ried pink and white chrysanthe- There a -- o easkae a honor of her daughter. Rece.ving|South, with Mr. Gary Judd as\py the Reverend J. C. Pereyma) » Gee The ceremony was 2 pea ed ae rea nie he|September 25 as the officers with the hostess and her daugh- co-host. The prospective bride-| with Mr. Joseph Nakonecznyj as -- , me iby the Reverend Wesley Her- Mr. arvey edland was t wil be attieding Uh convertion ter was Mrs. John Norman,|8'00m was presen.ed with an) soloist. : bert. Mr. Rhyddid Williams|best man with Messrs. Randolph © Niseses Pate mother of the prospective bride-|°V4! shaped mirror finished with) 'The bride, given in martiage | ' j |played the wedding music and Johns and Robert Shreve as the Peabo ipunad sanstins 400 | groom. Pouring tea were Mrs.|@ntique gold and white. A pre- hy Mr, Peter Horbus, wore a/ (@ \Mrs. Ian McNab, sang. ae. 'as f ived at|bags were packed with treats Frank Singer Sr, Mrs. Ed-|Sentation of ceramic ware was) yl] length gown of peau de soie.| | The bride, given in marriage| e bride's mother received a for the chacal all to bares: ward Singer, Mrs. Albert Singer)™ade by his co-workers in the jt was appliqued with flowers te jby her father, wore a full-length the reception held in the Centen- brook Hisoital oh Wednesday and Mrs. H. C. Tutin. Assisting|Production control of General and accented with a bow at the! : jgown of white silk faille, de-|nial Hall, wearing a mink brown Sentaaber ih ane? were Mrs. Harry Andrews Jr.,|/Motors. : back and carried a chapel train.| jsigned with a full skirt and ajsatin brocade sheath dress with pales siseeaniacit Dla Mrs. William Andrews, Mrs.|. Following 'the wedding re-The bodice was fashioned with chapel train. The bodice was/a fur hat and a corsage of ye!- Lloyd Stephenson, Mrs. James|"earsal the bridal party will be| a schoop neckline and lily-point ? : accented by a scoop neckline ap-/low roses, The bridegroom's mo-| Bowman, Mrs. George Brooks|@Mtertained at the home of Mr.|sleeyes, Her fingertip iuiie veil| : |pliqued with seed pearls and se-|ther chose a draped silk chiffon) and Mrs. George Thomson. and Mrs: John Norman, Douglas| was caught by a rose headdress | ' @ \quins and long sleeves. A cluster|dress of fern green with a fur) Take A In charge of the guest book 'treet. and she carried a cascade of "in j of satin flowers held her bouf-|cloche, matching _accessories| and wedding gifts was Miss white roses and a gold cross. | 'tg , set -- -- she carried a ica Fig lng Padglge s O Blanchard with Mrs. | Miss Olga Kaliczynski was the . jeade of red roses. was gi I a in charge of SOCIAL NOTICES maid of senor with Miss Oksana : | Mrs. Jack Ogden was _the| blue three-piece wool knit suit,| PEEK the trousseau room. Mrs. Ron- Lukasewycz and "iss Christine New Appointment |matron of honor with Miss Diane|navy blue accessories and a co' ald Norman and Miss Lynne ENGAGEMENT Topolnucka as the bridesmaids. | : | Corby and Miss Christin ejsage of pink roses when th Andrews were in charge of the) Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bibeau|They wore strapless gowns of| Mrs. C. D. Russell has |Shreve as the birdesmaids- roar ee left on their honeymoo shower gifts. of Ajax wish to announce the|turquoise imported satin shan-| been appointed as a member of| Wore electric blue peau de soie|trip to Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Steplien- engagement of their daughter,|'ung with full skirts and match-| the Board of Directors of the |Sveath dresses with over-skirts| On their return Mr. and Mrs son, Quebec street, held-a din- Marion Alice, to Mr. Edward|ing stoles. Their headdresses) wooions Auxiliary of the O jof matching silk organza and/Shreve will make thelr home| ner party and dance in honorlJones, soh of Mrs. Edward|Were white chrysanthemums and| Vomens 4 y of the On- |maching rose headdresses. They|at 1204 King street east, Osh- PANTINO of the future bridal couple: Jones of Oshawa and the late|they carried cascades of pink tario Medical Association. learried bouquets of yellow roses|awa. A miscellaneous shower was Mr. Jones. The marriage is to\Carnations. iss Anne Bilyi, : held by Mrs. Joseph Catalano, |take place on Saturday, October |flower girl, wore a white nylon - - amas (Tonight) Cabot street, with Miss Marilyn'6, at 12 o'clock noon in St./frock and carried a nosegay of} L i 1 14 tI t i I i I | i I { I | I I i i i | Bilenduke as co-hostess. Bernadette's Roman Catholic Pink carnations- Mrs. Harry Andrews Jr., and Church, Ajax. | The best man was Mr. Peter Mrs. William Andrews held 2 Horbus with Mr. Myron Lytwyn|f } . ff kitchen and pantry shower at FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | as usher and Myron Worobec as| bats , the home of the former on Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Clark,ring-bearer. -@ Sandra street. of Oshawa wish to announce! After the reception which was ; : ' A miscellaneous neighborhood the forthcoming marriage of held in the Dnipro Hall the brid - } ~ Mil shower was held by Mrs. George] their daughter, Diane Mary, to\donned a black sheath dress et EPS i ices EL Ee Sas We i a es 284 TSS te Sis Ts eG Thomson and Mrs. George|/Mr. Ronald Kenneth Kirkland, . | SLEEVE. |white accessories and a corsage Brooks in the lower hall of)son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth|/Of mauve chrysanthemums, for r ii . : x . FS dele hithe s in = A e bd : H : i oS ee dening Special | SHERRY scans oe Fone obi ole Goer 13, 1902 "7 peo thait" Pog is LONG $ ic! T is mM. . ETc delet eet Ae Milla tal GET YOUR SUPPLY OF FALL TEMMED [fF 1S RIGHT AT HOME GARDEN TULIP BULBS AT KRESGE'S NOW | WA E. ] L EF. R : Bony } d @ 11-12 cm 12 bulbs in a box Rainbow Mixture @ | | | AMONG FRIENDS, serve Chateau-Gai y ~~ £o NAME COLOR . | ol | Sherry. Sweet as you fancy, or delightfully RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 4 LINGERIE BUYS! VICTORY RED BRILLIANT RED Kathy ond RAYON "SHIFT" GOWNS -- Daintily trimmed "Shift" owns _in white, pink aqua. Sizes 32 to 40. Reg. si.90 67 @ SWEET LAVENDER LAVENDER Jutte. oe St: Chotenn Cl Pee eet Dene ave Now! PELiiiig belle ponte GOLDEN YELLOW Both girls Make it the start of your meal, or the star of ce eginghiaprieat BLACK ous one even if you're not expecting company. ORANGE IB Vivocious wg nag Mi! gg 1 67 | ONLY 67c per box of 12 posi) & : 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER | wecpirr's | umireD DOWNTOWN | - : will model < . ; Princess Margaret Rose Yellow Edged Orange Red slims, skirts, | yourparty. Why not pickupa bottletonight, QUEEN OF NIGHTS ee SCARLET ety ORANGE FAVORITE PARROT MIXED RAINBOW. MIXTURE -- Sizes 32 - 40, Save Now! to delight the : ' ARNEL FULL SLIP -- Beoutiful Full: Slips of elicote SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED ce | Chale Wine Arnel -- snow white. Sizes 32 to 40, Savings Priced .... e : | DOWNTOWN OSHAWA i @ ' | GANADA'S WINES OF DISTINGTION - ] OSHAWA SHOPPING} LADIES' WEAR ; é howtane = ZELLER'S Pate PHONE 723-2209 || OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE I 33 KING EAST 725-0532