Ni a a a den a aed nls Tin, Hi Pict nant, in Aneel Mine il clin, ina itin Actin ttn A, di ithe, Mon ditncttinaahs i tin, Sip oll, oft te yt 10h fa. tyr. sy. Js, tn, I. An tem ui, Nome 1 You Can Serve Your Family __ Today's Stock Market BETTER MEALS AT LOWER COST , 100 Net E 11:00 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge AL LLC 2000 43 «40 40 1 17500 12% 124 124--% 500 9 9 9 580 $10% 10% 10% 500 440 "0 6+5 200 $285 B-- % 100 112 112 112 4500 10% 10% 10% + % 2000 3B 2 + 25% 25) ire 1000 11 HH ll --%& 11% "tis 500 5 5 % : 48 GF Mining 39 3B i 12% 200 325 325 Gunnar M Ha: i4 + 1000 4H 1% wf Heath 500 66 6 \ 500 275 270 270 100 $51 Me sive 675 $50 50 50 | lao iio &% a 10 $1! 5 oe ese 1S 500 (9 9 yf Ye 22% 22% 99 810 B40 840 Ke 400 690 685 3 25 $37%4 37% 37% 00 3 2 2 200 $14 4 14 %| Ke Bb Bb 18 380 380 «(380 5 | Lab Min 155 $21% 21% 214--% 350 435 435 435 +5 ; L Osu iq . HP Ht ebsites e7 3 ~E de FEFSSERSRSSRT Sebo FE8 ss 5 ih = -- Sesehhsssksesbestysesseest PeegclgetFen8§ 3 g 3 if : 2 3 5 uf +1 A gests tSagguescsg Fz. .gye! "33 ? SRREEEY aie a | Zaz. 3 SBSBR8s4E8 l++ sss oage ie F] iad Aa al i RE Fu sitstsss sbSgtga ites getge 5 + 1000 9% % Sh--% 2500 18 18 18 30 380 5 me 16 " ELLEN FLOOD, Co-star of the Domino TV Show says: 100 185 185 185 : "You not only get a better selection of fresh fruits and 100 wn" a0" Pag <= vegetables at Dominion .. . you also get better value. Why? es Because first of all Dominion selects the pick of the crop. i a am Fast transportation ...careful handling... expert trim- tm eh ming and washing...all these things add up to better $11% 11% 11% } 3000 8% 9 lity whi u buy... better kee li i N quality when you buy., er ping quality in your imi iM a ae "+! frige. And that cuts down waste... saves you money... . D PLAY DOMINO WITH ELLEN FLOOD (Right) AND PAT MURRAY EVERY 12500 10 +1 : L = helps you to serve your family better meals at lower cost! ; OM | NION WEEKDAY FROM 9:30 TO 10:30 A.M. OVER CFTO-TV CHANNEL 9 a ag Soy 83 i al 20 7 " 2 * Mideon v6 sf 48 %» 39 Try Dominion this week! "% 'm4 + % Northeal pay" #3 33 ~"/ONTARIO NO. 1 WHITE FLUFFY COOKERS 2500 12 Stores $12% 12% 12% +14/NC Otls 140 --5 |} 100 4 350 $33% 3314 3312 12 11% 12 Newcon wt 100 99 9 99 +2 19% 19% $14% 14% 144s-- %|New Jason 1500 8% 8% 8% ' $16% 2 Pei 00 23 «23 23 HIN Kelore 3000 10 9% 9% --2 823% 23% 23% Newnor 83000 97 50 53 --3 1 / ander 50 50 N Senator 1000 10% 10% 10% --1 200. $3014 us Nickel MS 1000 " 8 8 =l @ ' 300% Wi Win -- " ick Bim 50 ve Bis Nie Quinto bs ae Noringate 1700 $40 335 10 s 6 pe, 5, "Brien 500 (53 ~1 § 6) Be me Opemiska 200 500 Xe ' Osiski 2 42042 =| 1 30000 26 1%! $17% 17% 174--% 0 7 2 3% | Newconex 100 937 Paramq 390 my Pitoh-Ore 8500 lb stain "S50 ho Purdex 1700 18 Ms | CALIFORNIA SWEET AND CRIS P ae fit 'i RR ar i to 'Ontario No. 1 Clean Dry the. c oi a 4 0 A 130 $10% 10% 10% -- ¥%| } ms om as -- uifaut'c us <3 | "oo am do ak a | ONTARIO SWEET, CRISP : : eae Le. C s Jumbo 2? 5 C % 7H hag May = Ul a rl POLY CELERY ST ALKS. -- VALENCIA ORANGES "ss" & 69: 9% 49% 49% Sylvanite 500 10% 10% 10% 295 295 295 500 56 8656 BAG #0 «40 «400 20% 2% 20% +2 Thom L cod * 1 & Tormont #1004 40 +2 |Ontario No. 1 tender sweet washed 1% | Tribag 45 M3 145 --2 6 & 44 --I% 17% 17% 17% Ult-Shaw 10% l04-- % +1%| Un Keno 995 «995 i ee = NEW CARROTS oui | 323 325 aR, 9 1% 4 : 2500 1 7 uv 9 mo «140 18 10 $10 «610 00-56 B =) 19% 19% -- ¥ 10 11% 11% + ¥ 300 1 09-109 1 | % 6 2000 16% 5 nm: 16% | 1200 30% 30% 30% -- * RICHMELLO SPECIAL GOOD LUCK ~~ |SCONE ROLLS 23° | REGULAR MARGARINE 2 ~~ 57° BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT : SALADA ORANGE PEKOE SPECIAL NEW -- NOW IN PLASTIC Business, Government TEA BAGS "-- 79° | JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH = == 25° CAKE MIXES *""""" 2 «= 79° | SOAKY FUN BATH con 79° 105 105 = 16 Fine Division Shown VANCOUVER (CP) -- Where|ernment "wants to set the rules|vention? President Kennedy's Se ae i is the so-called erating and deal the cards too, ratte setae in halting an increase in Picnic Standard Robin Hood -- 5 Varieties Plein or Selter Christies Premium business and government? Does| soon it might also want to play|siee! prices vy ..ajor Aiuer.can such a linea definite black-| them." steel companies, said Mr. Plum- and - white boundary marker--| There's another side to this,| ley, was feared by businessmen PE ACH HALVES C AKE M SOD A BISCUIT : even exist? too, the Worcester, Mass., busi-|as the first step toward price There is a line, concedes|nessman said in an interview) control, although the president Ladd Plumley, president of the| at the annual convention of the now has improved relations i : 21-02. 16-02. € 1.00 nc. Oo PKGS, powerful U.S. Chamber of Com./Canadian Chamber of Com- with the business community. 28-0Z. merce. But it's a mighty hard|merce. Too little government; ..ow does one determine TIN 29° eAcn one to find sometimes. action can be as dampening to| whether the government is over- Business and government are|the economic climate as too|stepping its role? When should so mixed together that it's hard| much interference. nag 2g begin to worry? ; to determine wi . Plum! this ex.) '* ree enterprise system woh tae pte MOBO, sage Tip iecicle ss shavise n rights t0 pri CHICKEN NOODLE -- CREAM OF CHICKEN -- CHICKEN RICE -- DOMINO LIQUID DETERGENT and the other begins, says Mr.jample as showing a lack of|is founded on the rights to pri- Plumley, chairman and presi.|government leadership: U.S.|vate property, free competition OYSTER -- MUSHROOM -- VEGETABLE BEEF -- CHICKEN VEGETABLE DETERGENT 12-02, 27: 24-02, 45° 32-02, 59° TIN TIN TIN dent of Mutual Life Assurance} business leaders have been urg- we a free market, which Pes -- MINESTRONE Company of America. ing a cut in corporate taxes for|ulates private initiative. en t Generally speaking, the gov-|years but no action has been|the government interferes with, We ] 0 PINK OR GREEN -- 9c OFF -- REGULAR ernment should set the rules of|taken. ' jany " these there is always) TINS e . s 4 BARS c the game. But when the gov- Too much government inter-:room for worry and concern. Pp ] ] T lei S p 4 39 BETTY CROCKER ; a mo ive 01 oa > be 5%-02Z. € LIBBY -- FANCY ; : 7 NOODLES ROMANOFF ~« 39° | pyMPKIN ""-""" 2 "= 93° ™s Zo WELCH'S RICHMELLO A GRAPE JELLY "« 47° | Cracked Wheat Bread "a 20° Miri? NEW TIME ~: DOMINO- 9,2 » 10:2 RELY ON Veg CAIN Reoren SASSY) AN Canada's Finest Government Inspected Red or Blue Brand Steer Beef ie READY CUT MACARONI '< 19° | sonecess oto at a ae aon | STEAK loan OR TOILET TISSUE 2 va 49° | TOILET TISSUE = 3g: | ROAST PKG. VALUE -- WHITE PRESSWOOD FULLY DEFATTED SHORT SHANK largest all-Canadian / j : WHOLE OR = ae TOILET TISSUE ss 3g- | SMOKED COOKED HAMS """ . 59° are always welcome at Niagara. = NIAGARA FINANCE Bee NAP nue -- WHITE Be : FULL CUT ROUND END | Schnieder's Farm Style | Choice Tasty Economicel company UmiTeD SERVIETTES «45° | Rump Roast | Pork Sausage | Pork Hocks Coreen eee SERVIETTES 2 =", 33° u. 97° xc. 59° u 25° OF 60 NAP RITE -- RAINBO W ' Everything Guaranteed "THANS SERVIETTES or 100 2 ate OMIN 4 OWN RAP RITE g 200-FOOT c WAX PAPER ou So | Values effective until 6 p.m. Soturday, Sept. 22 at Your Dominion Stores in Oshawa & Whitby