rar en of Durham Coun- ty Ontario Farmers' Union will be held at Pontypool Hall, Mrs. Mearle Hopkins, Provincial . Lady President, will be guest speaker. Thursday, Oct. 4, 8 p.m, -- Durham County Federation of Department of Agriculture, 'Board Room, Bowmanville. Friday, Oct. 5 -- Weigh Queen's Guinea. steers. Wednesday, Oct. 10, Satur. « RURAL ROUNDUP Durham County Farm Calendar @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 20, 1962 5-Pin Bowling League Renews Season Play 'By EVELYN HOUCK UXBRIDGE -- The first meet- ing of the Uxbridge five-pin bowling league was held re- cently at the bowling alley with 35 people present. Ajax Accident. Victim Still 'In Coma because his car only had sec- ' ( ; ond gear. | A 25-year-old Ajax man is still 3 He admitted it had been mod-|in critical condition in. St.| RO ee ified to go fastet and that it had|Michael's Hospital in Toronto three carburetors on it at the|ronowing a car accident in Whit- time. He said he pulled over|,, on Sept. 14 when he saw the flashing red|™ supe Sunday, Sept. 23, 11.15 a.m.-- Lawyer's Leading Irks Magistrate * BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Mag- istrate R. B. Baxter told New- castle solicitor E, Richard Love- kin in court here Tuesday that he has never seen a better job in any court of a lawyer lead- ing a witness. Durham 4-H Swine Club final meeting and quiz. Ontario Dept. of Agric., 14 Frank street, Bow- manville. day, Oct. 13 -- International Wednesday, Sept. 26 and 27--| Plowing Match, Grey County at Secure yields Durham 500.Owen Sound. lowing is thé Durham County agricultural calendar, released by the Ontario' Department of Agriculture at Bowmanville. Last year's executive was re- turned to office by acclamation with the exception of the rules committee, Ron Duckworth was named chairman with Marion Hodgson, Howard Ferguson, Ethel Stemp and Allan Ashton. Bowling began on Sept. 17.|Rowmanville. There have been a few changes) Wallace was charged wi this year. The handicaps are/driving at 70 miles an hour in raised from the limited 40 to 50 and the price is three gamesifined $50 and $9 costs, for a dollar. \10 days. | The management, Mr. and| weeks to pay his fine. Ilis Worship was hearing e old Linda Wichman, of Ham ton, a defense witness in Wallace, 21 of 20 George stre idence under cross-examination by Mr. Lovekin from 16-year- speeding charge against Raye |30 mile-an-hour zone.° He was|two officers were "ust out He was given twoj/trate that at the time he didn't) Vv- p- a "Sept. 24, 8.00 p.m.-- et th a or|/get you," he told the magis-/ Mrs. Chilvers, are donating) five cents a night and the total| CLOCK ACCUSED amount given at the banquet} Town Constables Ron Parker} lto the winning team. jand John Bird told the court Last year's team won $197.75.|they clocked the accused and| | The 1962 - 63 executive is:|another vehicle driven by John} \President, Don Chase; vice-)A. Stephens, 21, of Mearns ave- president, Pearl Paradine; sec-/"Ue, Bowmanville, at 70 miles retary, Ruth Shortt and the|@" hour on Liberty street north| treasurer is Tom Seeley, Sr. |" Sept. 2. : | The rules committee met at| Stephens was fined $25 and \Ron Duckworth's- and the only|Csts on his plea of guilty. | new ruling is on being late. The officers said they noticed All other rules are much the|the two vehicles side by side at! same. All teams must be start-|he intersection of Liberty and ed by 7.10 p.m. or 50 pins wilijComcession streets before they be forfeited to the opposing|Started giving chase. He said team, The same applies to githe cruiser was travelling at p.m. bowling. ' "| Speeds of more then 90 miles-an-| |hour in order to get within a! PERSONALS |clocking distance of the two ve- Mr, and Mrs. Karl Buzek, hicles. Peter and Caroline of Glen Both officers said they main- {Major strict, returned last/tained a constant distance be-| |weekend from a boat trip to hind the rear vehicle and clock- England where they spent two ed it at 70 miles an. hour for weeks. four tenths of a mile. | The regular monthly meeting) Wallace said he was doing 40) of the Ladies' Auxiliary was|miles an hour when he saw, held with 23 members present.|/headlights approaching at a |The president, Eve Houck, open-|high rate of speed in his rear jed the meeting with the usual) view mirror. He said he slowed |ceremony. Merian Hodgson'down to 30 miles an hour, but |tead the minutes in the .ab-|was not aware it was a police| le BRS TORONTO IS WHERE? Local merchants may be- Bowmanville isn't fooled. lieve Toronto is straight the sign is located between down but pert 12-year-old | Oshawa and Bowmanville. Diane Huminiuk, of RR 3, | Oshawa Times Photo touch Football |Foote. The treasurer's report/the red light flashing as the car} |was given by Ethel Starr. Bingo|drew abreast of him. | will commence on Tuesday at! Miss Wichman said she was| Starts Saturday the Legion Hall with -- price)a passenger in the Wallace ae BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- On| Oct. 20 -- Alouettes vs. Blue change and several other : Torty.N : i jand saw the speedometer. I Saturday, Sept. 22 marks the/Bombers; Forty-Niners vs. changes in the. special games.|was sauieiecad ei " nelise a opening day of the Recreation Tiger-Cats. An invitation from the Osh- aban she aia Department's Touch Fotball' Oct. 27° --Blue Bombers vs. awa ladies was accepted and| She id Wall eel league. Games scheduled are: Tiger-Cats; Forty-Niners ys.|Evelyn Houck will look after|. 4 onowed the cruiser until 9.00 am. -- Alouettes vs Tiger-) Alouettes. the transportation. pus Heturgte ot Cats; oo -- Forty-Niners Semi-Finals (Sudden Death):| Reports were given on the She jet dhe dose. nat fig vs. Blue Bombers. Nov. 3 -- 2nd ¢ |Risebrough, Merrick and Houck!, heer asap) Nov. 2nd place team vs. but could tell the speed at which) 'Listed below are the players ? weddin mire Alméd ; oh the: various teams: 4th place team; Ist place team Merion. Ech Feed 40 take Ey a vehicle was being driven. | Alouettes -- Guy Parks (Cap. YS: 5rd place team. H i J Pp. y if ; P foucks place at the convention\;CAR SOUPED U D F Si D « i tain), Danny Lemon, anny inal (Sudden Death): in Niagara Falls on: Sept. 24, Nowlan, Doug. Sutt, Gary Pres-| Nov. 10 -- Winner game No. 95 and 26 Giibools." Tin Mircea, saith ' hash en seme Be * ; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stemp|estimated his speed at no-more Ad oe Crests for championship|spent Sunday with Mr. and/than 40 or 45 miles an hour--' ter was not functioning, but he ling for Ontario County Holstein} light because he thought it was) Roy Murray Griffith of 10| , vnual Church Service, Junior an emergency vehicle wanting| Windsor street has not regained) Farmers Assoc., Kendal Unit- the right of way. _. |consciousness after a car ined Church When asked if he was trying|which he and his brother crash-, Monday, to give Wallace a race, Steph-| 3 | ens said he knew there vote Se bei 2 wallec| . be no sense in racing Wallace . i os a "because I know ae car is fas-'ed severe lacerations and a} Residents Say ter than his." -- broken leg. Oshawa General! When asked if he thought the Hospital officials report that his! Gr avel Trucks condition has improved. The accident occurred on Dun-| think so, "but now it kind of|das street west at 11.15 p.m. fol. looks like it." |lowing a heavy rain storm. SOUTH ONT. COUNTY UXBRIDGE -- The calendar;Townships. of Ontario County's agricultural) Wednesday, Sept. 26, 8 p.m. -- events was released Wednesday | September meeting for the Scott by the Ontario Department of|4-H Beef Calf Club. Agriculture at Uxbridge. | Wednesday, Sept. 26, 8 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 20, 8.00 p.m.,/Uxbridge, Dept. of Agriculture Uxbridge, Dept. of Agriculture|Board Room--Directors' meet- Board Room -- Final meeting) ing for Farmers Allied Meat En- a 4-H Grain and Potato/terprises Co-operative Limited. pean aes , Friday, Sept. 28, 3.30 p.m. -- Saturday, Sept. 22, 10.00 a.m.,/ second Vear Didlome OAC Stu. Seagrave--Annual Junior Plow-| gant. will visit the farm of Mur- ing Match at .the Farm of! pay H , y Holtby, Manchester. At 4.30 Leonard Jarvis, Seagrave, RR p.m., they will visit the fary 2. This is a joint match sponsor- a P : ed by the North and South On- . F.' Roy Onmiston, Brooklin. tario Plowmen's Associations. ere are 70 students in the Saturday, Sept. 22, 10.00 a.m. group. -- Ramona Fair. Wednesday, Oct. 3, 9.00 a.m., Monday, Sept. 24, 8.00 p.m.,| Seagrave -- Annual South On- Uxbridge, Dept. of Agriculture|tario Plowing Match at the farm jsence of the secretary, Grace|cruiser behind him until he saw|Board Room -- September meet-|f Leonard Jarvis, Seagrave. Thursday, Oct. 4, 9 a.m., Ux- Club Directors. |bridge -- Annual North Ontario Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. | Plowing Match at the farm of! 25 and 26, 9,00 am. -- Yields! Russell Forfar, Uxbridge. will be taken on plots entered in tato Club. Tuesday, Steptember Saturday, Oct. 6, 9 a.m., Scott!and the 500 Bushel High Yield Po-\ pair held in Elgin Park, Ux- 25th, bridge -- 4-H Club Achievement Danger To Kids HAMPTON (Staff) A 58 per-) son petition was presented to Darlington Township council |\Tuesday night demanding im- mediate action on the Gravel /Pit road problem, | Mrs. Mary Budai, appearing) \for the complainants, told coun- cil that the recent influx of gravel trucks on this narrow road has created a dangerous | situation. "There are deep potholes in the road and the speeding trucks} make it dangerous for the large number of children who live on |this road, going to and from school,"she said. | Mrs. Budai asked if these |peiple have to wait until some-| lone is killed before some action is taken. | "An ounce of prevention is/ jworth a pound of cure," she said. Reeve Garnet Rickard ex-) plained that the speed limit on this road is 50 miles-per-hour, and that to change this would) mean a difficult revision. Ap-) parently before the speed limit} can be changed, a certain num- ber of people must live in the area. As far as the potholes are con- jcerned, council referred the matter to the roads committee the road superintendant |with power to act. 8:30 p.m., Port Perry High|Days will be held for the Scott|-- Annual Ontario County Junior School -- September meeting for 4-H Beef Calf Club, the Scott! Farmer Church Service. Tuesday, Oct. 9, 8.30 p.m., Ux- the Port Perry Junior Farmers.|4-H: Grain Club and the Scott bridge High School -- October Tuesday, Sept. 25/ 9.30 a.m.,/4-H Potato Club. The Champion- meeting for Uxbridge Junior) Uxbridge, Dept. of Agriculture| ship 4-M Club Show will also be! rarmers. Board Room--September meet-| held. ing for the Agricultural and Re- County Council. The afternoon 4 = ' Sunday, Oct. 7, 7.30 p.m., Al- Stephens said his speedome-jforestation Committee of thé|tona United Miasionasy Chureh'and west of Owen Sound. | October 10 - 13--International Plowing Match, 4 miles south will be spent visiting the County Forest in Uxbridge and Mar Donaghue, Gregg Corden, Tim , if : : Braebrook, Paul Meadows, Bill em Bnd WrAgue winners: --. Beach in Peter- § McArthur, Doug. Serotec tary Devitt pon APPROVE LIQUOR |_ Mrs. Harold Hodgson and é : i : PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- Joanne spent the weekend with MIGHTIEST ALL-COLOR SHOW," YEAR! 'Union will meet at the home of Bushel Club. ; Thursday, Oct. 11, 8 p.m. -- Wednesday, Sept. 26, Solina/ WI Monthly meeting. p.m. Durham 4-H Potato) Theme--Farm and Home Safety, Club Achievement Day, judg- Friday, Oct. 12 Secure ing and final quiz, Department) yields Durham Soil and Crop of Agriculture, Board Room, 14/}mproy. grain corn plots. Frank street, Bowmanville. | Friday, Oct. 19 -- Inter Club Thursday, Sept. 27, 8.00 P-M./ Competitions, OAC, Guelph. --Durham 500 Bushel Club) Thursday, Ni 1 Z Meeting. Members to secure) Meola cad 30 |Farm Safety Meeting, moisture test and plan annual | noon - 4.00 p.m., Brighton, Noy. 9-17 -- Royal Winter 7.30 banquet and award night. De. partment of Agriculture, 14) Frank street, Bowmanville. _| Fair. Monday, October 1--Durham|_ Saturday, Dec. 1 -- Durham 4-H Apple Club Achievement| Holstein Club Annual Meeting. Day, 1.30 p.m., judging exhibit;| Monday, Dec. 3 -- Bowman- 8 pm., club meeting, Depart-|ville Lions Club 4-H and Junior ment of Agriculture Board|Farmer recognition night. Room, Bowmanville. senaun chen 7 : Durham ' . : __| Holstein Club Banquet. Rig 4 eter ns am , Thursday, Jan. 9 -- Durham Hocal » Ontario' Farmers ' soi] and Crop Improvement | Assoc. Annual Meeting, 10 a.m. John Malette, RR 1, Tyrone. Tuesday, Oct. 2 -- Durham-! Northumberland Plowing Match. Farm of Howard Allin, New- castle. Special Tractor Rodeo Class. Contact Department of! Enroll Now... Agriculture re this class. | For Business Training Friday, Oct. 5, 8 p.m. -- An-| at Night School MAKE HAY WHILE THE MOON SHINES 7:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M, Choice of subjects: Shorthand @ Typewriting Bookkeeping @ Accounting Business Mechines TUITION 15.00 per month SPECIAL CLASSES FOR HOUSEWIFES Attend Half Days, Choice of subjects. Tuition 22.00 per month get free literature ACT NOW Oshawa Business College 10 SIMCOE STREET NORTH DIAL 725-3375 > THUR., FRI. ONLY i Tap, Baton Twirling REGISTER REGISTER NOW ! IRENIE HARVEY .D.T.A, -- N.BT.A. 424 KING ST. WEST PHONE 725-6122 BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! PLUS! STEVE SOPHIA LOREN Bowmanville Gets] reeves and CAST of THOUSANDS Sale of liquor in dining lounges|her sister at their cotiage near |was approved Wednesday by ajGravenhurst. 210 to 112 vote in the combined) Mr. and Mrs. Gil Reid and ANTHONY QUINN Bring You Robert MITCHUM | AS KIN > Eleanor = f ' PARKER IN | | # OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE _(Staff)--An| Owen Sound ambulance opera-| _ tor has offered his: services to) the town provided he receives! an $1800 annual subsidy. Donald Harvey made the offer) to the town council ambulance committee earlier this week. Bowmanville's two funeral home-operated ambulance ser- vices will officially terminate on September 30. They gave as reasons for quilting, - increased opera- ting costs and the rising num- ber. of highway accidents. Mr. Harvey told the commit- tee would supply the town with two ambulances. The committee suggested that the subsidy cost be divided on an assessment basis between Darlington and Clarke town- THE BIG ONE! ee PICTURES presents: Nak le We Phas vs. royd, Judy Fowler, Linda Pot-/international council of Ford) § | ter, Lynn Yeo, JoAnn Potter,| Workers to "co-ordinate bar-|.. MIG. mest) | Valerie Main-|aining activities' ys { ¢ ie Terpstra, and "'har-| t prize, Wendy Smale, Danny| Monize wages and working con-| % * # |Barnes, Jody Rogers, Louann| ditions," among other things. | THE OTORIOuS) | Ayre, Leo Jansma, Judy Mount-| The National Ford Council of | Ambulance Offer | .. HERCULES IN EASTMAN COLOR ! ships Newcastle and Bowman- ville, The plan presented by. Mr. Harvey calls for a $10 charge ATTILA IN DAZZLING TECHNICOLOR THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401. . . PHONE 723-4972 CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARI per call for town residents and an extra 50 cents per mile for out of town calls. Town council will meet Oct- ober 1 to discuss the matter. Leet Duy BILTMORE uiiZascocen "ROAD TO HONG KONG" -- Crosby - Hope! * Plus "SAINTLY SINNERS" -- Big Cast aN In Person Direst From WWVA, WHEELING, W.V. DOC WILLIAMS ond his featuring @ CHICKIE WILLIAMS girl with the lullaby voice @ SMOKEY PLEACHER king of country comedians @ MARION MARTIN blind accordianist @ BILL GUEST Halifax Fiddle Playing Whiz 3 3 "week! ALL THIS WEEK (GOUNG AUDREY MEADOWS THURS, Feature Times: 1:50-3:45-5:45 7:45-9:50 P.M. SAVE $1.50 PUNE CKLB's e SLIM GORDON @ LITTLE SHIRLEY Sunday, Sept. 23, 8:00 p.m. | Walter P. Reuther. Buckler, Darryl Osmond, Bruce Smith, Bob Ellis and Doug. Hayes. (Captain), Steve Burns, Mike|'Tuther, about 30 miles ynorth-| Toronto. Villon, Larry Hellam, Bill Mor-|€ast of here. The townships re-| Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Foote rison, Roger Swan, Mike Etcher, jected a similar question three|attended the Ferguson and Old- Carter, Brian Patrick, Joe Rehder, Sandy Brown, Gary + Ron Webb, Ken Martin, Doug Young t G McCarthy, Karl Waversveld,| Ss ers qin well (Coach). Forty-Niners -- Larry Perris e TOSS war S Donaghue, Greg Brooking, Den- nis Lemon, Greg Cox, Bruce ,; - : Shen 3 , > ' '* girls and boys attending the|Scott Kakins, Fred Fergu: Meadows, Don Forsey, David) Durham County Recreation As-|Neil Tink, Bob Tremble. igus Taylor, Steve Forsey, Al Brown,|/held a swimming: meet at Bow-/ INTERMEDIATES Ron Beatty, Lannie Burns,| manville recently. Joan Payne, Sally Payne, Brian Evans and Ray Rundle. following © 'Red Ginger Balsom, Ken Rice, Deb- (Captain), Brian Peters, Greg > q hae Jackie Rice, Sta Adams, Dennis Tierney, Ricky president Mrs. Glen Smith, sec.-lWearn, Donna ee Susan Wolner, Eddie Willan, Ron|'reas. Mrs. Clarence Yeo and ; : Grough, Eddie Bons, Pete van- Mrs. Shirley Reynolds. Jim Clements, Muriel Griffin, stone, Mike Myers, John Con-| BEGINNERS la hing Darren, Bill Peeling, nors, Doug. Firth, Terry Devitt, Laurie Lambert, xwen Glaspell, Ted Wood, 5 Jones, Laurie! anpj P | pec raga + mica ir Stainton, Geza Jankovitch, pil Rice. : wide : Patsy Smith, Jennifer Eiking, BRONZE MEDALLION Those interested in coaching [Linda Hazelton, Carol Hill p : dhs of the above fotball teanis aan on, aro Uls, | Mike Gibbs, Glen Fraser, Kathy : Susie Reed, Karen Yellowlees,/Siemon, Dave Brent: -should get in touch with the!nale Griffin, Sandra Hall, Jan-|----------__- David Best, Joan Rogers, Robin ¥ 1B , , oar Tiger-Cats vs. yeah Penny Stuart, Walter Forty-Niners; Blue Bombers vs, |; '8°: Sandra Rogers, Stuart) Mouettes. Chamberlain, Lillian Page, Joh Of Ford Workers a oe --. Rogers, Gail Stainton, joAnn|_ DETROIT (AP) United Niners; Tiger-Cats vs. Blue yardy, Heather Griffin, Donald|States and Canadian union em-| Oct. 13 -- Blue Bombers vs. Stoch, Ruth Shackleton, Bill Hoi.| are proposing organization of an| Forty-Niners; Tiger-Cats Alouettes. ' jjoy, Cathy Hall, Graham Duff,| the United Auto Workers Union| Night School |Tommy March. |unanimously adopted a resolu-| : ' ; \the organization of Ford work-| % | Peggy Millson, Ruth Millson,| ers in 32 tri | CM \Glenn Killens, B Peeling,| sm; sgeonbanas | Class Program | nigel "rai woud be accomptsiea, COMING MONDAY " : ' jthe council said, through the AJAX--Registration for night| Bran yee ben sg automobile division of the Inter- ' " | national Metal Workers Federa- | [ = take ped on taheghaaat fa ' . ition, headed by UAW Presid \l PUL | ict. 11 and classes will begin 2 | on Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 7.30 p.m. Injuries Fatal in Industrial Arts, Sewing, Type- 7 Di s writing, English Appreciation) 0 istrict (reading and discussion of good New Canadians, and any other course for which there are 15 : or more applicants. _ A Bowmanville man who was In previous years, there have injured in a two-car crash near been enthusiastic classes in all\|Bowmanville on Sept. 5 died on ed from the two hours of in-| Charles Fulton, RR 3, died at struction given on Tuesday and | Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto, ursday evenings throughout) Mr. Fulton was injured in a a total of 40 nights. roads intersection. tis wife suf- The fee is $5 (from October fered a fractured rib. to March) for students living in| Occupants of the other car for students living outside these|manville and his wife Lillian. areas. Mrs. Fredin was treated at the «Telephone 942-1610 for ae General Hospital for| Yourth, Murray O'Brian, Peter *Tiger-Cats--Dennis McFeeters townships of Burleigh and Ans-|son, have moved back to Fred Braebrook, Bill Scott, Tom| Years ago. jham wedding in Brooklin. Baker, Tom Wright, Lou Bruce, Charlie Ewert and Bruce Col- (Captain), John Taylor, Randy BOWMANVILLE -- The many|Alan Vivian, Joey Strychalski, Van Nest, Mike Marshall, Larry| co¢jation's swiimasinn clnbass 'Blue Bombers -- Ross Myers| wards were presented by the bie Reynolds, Robert Slemon, Hooper, Lee Lemon, Doug/iMstructors Bette Brown and SENIORS ; : , Mary Annjy, ; , David Wright, Garfield Webb, Farmer, Jim ynne Stainton, Kathy Hoar, Charlie Evans. Sheryl Ashton, Linda Mountjoy,, Wayne Trull Ted Brown Recreation Office. ice Peeling, Maureen Reed,| " Council Proposed Ayre, Susan Craig, -Leslyn Bombers. Drew, Tom Leadbeater, Barry) Ployees of Ford Motor Company| Plan Ajax | JUNIORS jtion here Wednesday proposing |Wendy Nesbitt, Beth Robinson, | classes at the Ajax High School Registration will be accepted books), Millinery, English for Crash Victim df these groups who have profit- Sept. 12, it was learned today- the fall and winter months for|collision at the Taunton - Solina Ajax and Pickering District, $10) were Elmer Fredin, RR 3, Bow- information. cuts to the face. GAS. O lM ES POU. E Bb All Canadian...and growing with Canad@! come A RT Se lA eee HORIZes O TONIGHT ONLY! >=@OLDEN=¥ OPE RETA 7, SERIES ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY AT 8.15 P.M. RUDOLF FRIML'S ROSE MARIE HOWARD KEEL « ANN BLYTH THURS. SEPT. 27 "CHOCOLATE SOLDIER" THURS. OCT. 4"MERRY WIDOW" THURS. OCT.1] "STUDENT PRINCE" 'THURS, OCT. 18 "GREAT WALTZ" OCT. 28 "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" _ JiM HUTTON «02S daunitless-type Soldier fighting a prone-type war! PAULA PRENTISS 2+0€S a SEXY-Type medic..with a DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 P.M. , / SERIES TICKETS NOW ON SALE SEE ALL SIX OPERETTAS FOR $4.50 Ve y 2, one Oi : Y an inCinemagcope @4 MeTROCOLORs Ci BICKUS CHARLES MetRAW=™ WLNYOSH] UMEK FEATURE TOMORROW: 1:30 - 3:35 - 5:40 7:45 and 9:55