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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1962, p. 12

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oo liad -- HC ' ke tell Me ate » Pz aga ren heEAM SATA IAG 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 20, 1962 THE HOME WORKSHOP YOUR HEALTH FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE © By ROGER C. WHITMAN WEEK ¥ f ~ 'THE TIMES HOME OF THE ae 139» i2* MASTER BED RM § BED RM 't 147« ia a«ii* PORCH KITCHEN LIVING RM. 1G°~ 13 DINING 99% 9° ' HOME DESIGN No. 805 Here is a Split Level, area 1190 sq. ft. which could be built on a flat roof by raising the grade on one side (in front of the living room). A lot with a slight slope would of course be more suitable. In addition to a semi-basement, there is also a full basement under the Living - Kitchen area. Beside the garage (nor- mal grade level) is located the laundry, an additional washroom, and a den of studio which could be used for extra bedroom if neces- sary. The bedroom area (above the no ) is, as in most: Split Levels completely separated from the living- kitchen area. Design is a combination of stone veneer and frame. Standard Build- ers Blueprints for this design No. 805 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for addition- al sets. They are available in Canada by return mail, (On- tario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax). Now available at this Newspap RETAINING WALL 23-8 24-9 UTILITIES AREA =e Rn T Sean, RECREATION AREA et ' mal N (0 Enclosed please find of Plans entitled " Address .06 for which send me Book OME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail requests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). NAME cisssseccccecccccsstecccesccvesesssseestooeenscenes COFCO E eo erccncoederesesareedssssseessssseseseces LAST STREETCAR GLASGOW (CP)This city's streetcar service -- the last in Britain -- has been withdrawn. Crowds defied heavy rain to watch the last "tram" make its farewell journey. Buses take over the service. FAME GROUP SAINT JOHN, N.B (CP)--A committee has been set up to study the establishment of a hall of fame here to honor ath- lete prominent provincially, nationally or internationally. Office (or from address be- low) is the New 1962 Design Book entitled "Canadian Guide to Home Planning and Design," price $1.00, and is tax free, This new edition includes information on Agency disputed by China and India is the homeland of primi- tive tribesmen. Buying or Selling! will) & G PLUMBING-HEATING co. tTwD. 725-1334 Ingrown Toenails 'e | oe ) Painful, Dangerous ot i By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, Mb Dear Dr: Molner: My son has done about it?--MRS. B. G. Ingrown nails are man-made, almost always. They are painful and poten tially dangerous, If an infection starts, you have real trouble. Catises vary. Commonest of all is improper trimming. You can give your fingernails an arti curve because they are hot subjected to constant pres sure, toenails are. If the nail is gradually bent downward wntil the corner is em in the flesh, thet subsequent growth caf be ex crutiatingly painful. Therefore,. never permit the corner of the nail to be cut so pressed down into the flesh. We tistally say that fails should be "cut straight across." This is not precisely accurate. You don't, obviously, want square, sharp corners on the nails. But you do want to give the nail only @ very gentle curve, and you certainly never should cut it too short. Add to this shoes that are too tight, too narrow, or too short, an4 you have all the. makings of an ingrown nail. Tight socks also can do the damage; they hold the nail down tightly against the flesh. Deformities of the foot or the toe, and sometimes defects of the nail itself can be part of the trouble, but not always. Corrective measures? Trim nails so they have to grow over the toes and can't dig in. Wear shoes and stockings of larger size. And place some cottom pack- ing (moisten it with alcohol as an antiseptic) tinder the nail, thus gradually training it to grow upward just enough so it cannot thrust into the toe. The nail grows slowly, so do not ex- pect a few days of this proce. dure to fix everything. an ingrown toenail. What can be to short that the edge can be: Where such methods are not sufficient, the problem deserves in professional, hands, either your regular or or & podiatrist. In some 8 part of the edge of the nail"must be! removed; sometimes the entire nail should be removed. You can't train a tree to grow in a special direction quickly; neither can you force a nail to change shape speedily, But with|be of|fill 3 patience, anyone can be rid this trouble. Dear Dr. Molter: You have written concerning diabetes that he normal amount of sugat in the fasting state is 120 milll- grams, In the hospital where I have or tests, they use-60 to 90. Th diff Ww. M. ; That is understandable. It is a difference in the laboratory method being used, and the 120 figure is older and hence more familiar to most people. The fewer method of measuring is thought to give a true glucose value. Dear Dr. Molner: I once had duodenal ulcers. Two years ago my stomach became obstructed and I was operated on gastro- enterostomy and cutting of the vagus nerve. Recently I have begun to have the old familiar symptoms of ulcers again.' Is this possible after such sur- gery?--MRS. A. M. Yes, it's possible for new ulcers to form at the site of the surgery. X-rays should prove whether this has happened, and DIFFERENT DESIONS FOR WALL SHELVES | these hanging wall shelves may used in groups or singly to s of any size, Pattern 209 gives an even dozen designs, The parts are all easy to cut and the interlocking joints make construction simple. The price is 50c, This pattern is also in the Wall Shelf Packet No. 69 which includes some more elabo. - jig-saw designs -- all for erence is confusing.-- 91.7 Address orders to The Home Workshop Dept., The Oshawa Times, Oshawa. SEEPAGE BETWEEN WALL QUESTION: After heavy rains we have water seepage where the cellar wall and floor meet. Walls and floor are concrete, There is rio moisture problem anywhere else in the cellar. How can we treat the joint to eliminate the seepage? ANSWER: Fill the joint with latex patching concrete, avail- able at masonry supplies deal ers and latge hardware stores, Or cut a groove into the joint, at. least one inch deep, making it slightly wider at the bottom. British out all loose particles, able for any other purpose. between the be: use? ANSWER: If the attic is used for storage only and there is very little traffic, one-half inch thickness should suffice. CLEANING FIREPLACE QUESTION: How can I cican the brick on the front of my fireplace? It is a smooth type brick. It is not a new fireplace, but is very pretty, leather with ost ANSWER: » ANSWER: Cleaning and etch-| age ing preparations for stone and masonry surfaces are available at masonry supplies dealers, and some stores; follow manufacturer's directions on the container care- fully. Or scrub with a stiff brush and scouring powder or méchanic's hand soap contain- ing sand; then rinse thorough- ly with clear water to remove all trace of the cleaner. WHITE PATIO BLOCKS QUESTION: I would like to have a blocks. How is the white con- crete mixed? ANSWER: White-colored con- crete is mixed by using white portland cement, marble dust, and light-colored gravel. For specific mixing instructions, write to Portland Cement Asso- ciation, 33 West Grand Ave., Chicago 10, Ill. large hardware|§) atio of white conetetel tow wan finely pdinted dye some variet repairers. applying is if so, you'll probably have to resume the old ulcer routine. I hope further surgery won't be necessary. IT'S DIXON'S Heating Kquipment * etette enon 313 Albert St. RA 3-4663 | aan IS YOUR rough weather? Call us this No obligation for @ FINANCING ARRANGED Is it in condition to protect you against @ FREE Roofing Survey. If you need 6 new roof, we can handle everything... including easy-on-the-budget financing. on-the-spot estimates! © CARPENTERS & CONTRACTORS RECOMMENDED "Where Service Comes First' week for © PREE DELIVERY available at goods dealers, housewates and stores, some shoe hen dye is dried, PLYWOOD FLOORING MILDEWED LEATHER QUESTION: We plan to use) QUESTION: Yiplywood sheets for flooring injleather work Hjour attic storage space. Thejusually leave in the garage of slattic is very low and unsuit-\the cellar. They have deve Weljed mildew on the outside. Is want to protect the plaster andithere anyway to remove this h mildew without damage to the thichness of plywood should we! leather? er ts 4 Yes. Wipe the a cloth g a thin coating of floor wax. To against future mildew, the wax, je with one per cent solu- ion of either thymol or par mitrophenol in. alcohol (aval able drugstores). SCRATCHED LEATHER BOX QUESTION: I have a jewelry box that is covered with deco- rated leather. I have had it a long time. Although the leather \is in good condition, there are small scratches in it. these scratches be touched up? ANSWER: Paint scratches with a leather dye to match the leather on the box, using a artist's brush; leather type {.{steam heating treat entire surface with leath- uh cars. ser can be QUESTION: 1 used a iton to touch up a nylon oe ce soto from SOOTY OIL BURNER - ESTION: We have a and it would clear up soon, but we had it all season, What do you recommend? ANSWER: I recommend hav- ing the oll burner service man (or the builder or t man jg caf instal! [= = it insta on and oper efficiency, etc. Either the oil burner needs adjustment be- cause of improper mixture of air and oil, or some parts of the boiler or furnace have doors that do not close tightly and the soot floats through these small spaces, Financing in Canada, Build- ing Construction Details, Landscaping, Color Selection, Interior Decorating, Furni- ture Arrangement, Custom Designing, etc., plus over 100 rf and new designs to choose from. Also. included in this book are full details on how to order blueprints. jammin BUY WHAT YOU LIKE BUT... BUY A HOME FIRST! SMART MEN KNOW IT'S ONE OF THE BEST INVESTMENTS The value of a home is seldom greatly affected by either inflatién or deflation -- the value just steadily rises! Most financial institu- tions invest in homes be- cause they know it's a safe Investment. GUIDE REALTY LTD. e LLOYD CORSON, President © DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Trees. 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 215 KING ST_E. Almost every frightening step of childhood is marked by a singular ems blem of trust. A child's trembling fingers grope upward. A parent's warm grasp is felt. And youth steps forward into new paths, fear melting inte confidence. THE CHURCH FORALL... ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy. nor civili- zation can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attehd services regularly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake, (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily, WINTER SEAL SELF-STORING, COMBINATION DOORS & WINDOWS In the market for Aluminum doots end windows? Call 725-4632. A courteous representative will help.you with your problem . . . and will be able to supply and install your windows and doors at reasonable cost . . . you have 7 different door styles to select from. It cost you nothing to in- vestigate... CALL NOW. WINTER SEAL SELF-STORING, COM- BINATION DOORS START FROM $39.95 INSTALLED, Call Now For Your Free Estimate "'Servihg Oshawa and Area Over 10 Years" LES EVENISS SALES 15 PRINCE ST, 725-4632, Eve. 723-2707 "Where Satisfaction Is Guaranteed" _ God must count on parental hands to lead His little ones to Him. For ree ligious training is part of the vast unknown until Mother and Dad begin to lead their child each week to Church. Yes! God counts heavily on our hands. There is no one else into whose palm our child's fingers slip 80 readily. No others can teach the early lessons of faith and prayer so simply, nor illustrate them so vividly. at home. Indeed, that loving hand of trust which leads a child to Church seeme in turn to be clasped by the hand of God. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Monday I Samuel 12:19-25 Tuesday Il Timothy 1:1-7 Fri Wednesday Psalms Prover' 28 312-18 25 :4-10 Thursday Psalms 25 :11-15 zi] pytight 1982, Keister Advertising Service, lie. THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS .. GENOSHA COFFEE SHOP 70. King St. E. ONE-PIECE CONCRETE oR (MEDIATE DELIVERY CHAU YEE @ FOR YOUR NEW HOME @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS @ NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREARS . AND PLATFORM / HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE 723-7822 67 King St. W. NOW IS THE TIME. Don't delay any longer . . . call a realtor of your choice today. His experience and know-how poorer tee you the best possible buy, to suit your family's needs LIST and BUY Through PHOTO CO-OP OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES, LTD. 463 Ritson Rd. N, A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE (725-1764 1016 King St. E " 725-4704 STAFFORD BROTHERS CEMETERY MEMORIALS MO 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST Res. MO 8-5285 Store MO 8-3334 ROY W. NICHOLS 124 Dundes W., Whitby G.M. SALES & SERVICE 723-7242 Courtice MA 3-3553 Bowmanville OLIVER J-Jdall ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Read The Oshawa. Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Religious Activities CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD.

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