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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1962, p. 16

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it acititaatiat Seesite died Weekly Summary Of adian FP: ciaen Mes ag to 362 on Stock Sales sien igh L oy Close "Clove OW'ge High "ig the Toronto Logg Fs ana this week. Issues un- GS Wares pr Sie ie 8544 Pca % BY 85% changed totalled Volume for ise. a was 16,537,450 shares, up $4% U% M4 ----% from the previous week's 12,720,099. Total sales for $16% 16 164%--% the year to date are 680,938,451. Quotations in cents { a 19% +S unless marked $. Gi ice 825 rt a $9 9 ---% WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS 120 «110 --10 By The Canadian Press 2 1G THR OSHAWA TIMB, Seturdey, Geteber 20, 1962 Market Uncertain All During Week By PETER DUN Canadian Press Staff Writer Hesitation and uncertainty Stock Market Activity This Week-------- Week---------- 1962 Sales sles High ch ow Close Ch'ge High Low Sales jes High a kee Close Ch'ge High oe = : 9145 610 780 810 +5 10% 175 500 ris 2» w» 4200 5 4 4i*-% 2 2 1% "*%--L +8 Fag F ef if if rie! '00 6532 12 19 a. 8 45), 35100 12 oF ef g beset by rumors--slipped frac- tionally. Of the higher - priced issues, ++ 200 '175 180 --$ were the keynotes on Canadian stock markets this week. With little solid news to go on, traders steered clear of the markets and trading totals dwindled correspondingly. Even the rumor mill--which has inspired many recent ad- vances -- had the reverse ef-|' fect this week, Traders soured on current take - over targets, f iF i ! E ce tf i Fan te en me il it : H 2) speculation, They got none. - Central Del Rio, highly touted in takeover talk for weeks, ap- peared to be the victim of im- patient speculators. Profit-tak- ing cut about $1 from the stock's price, snapping a lengthy strig of recent ad- vances. The oils, which have been the *t8 tp ue ( PEBRs fe [i Fras | s i Z z i F E 4 ally followed Del Rio's pattern. Canadian Husky, burn A and Devon-Palmer--all di ding facts instead of|imvestors, focus of most whispers, gener-|Clined Home B and Hudson's Bay dipped mildly while Pacific Pe- troleum and Calgary and Ed- monton showed slight advances. INDUSTRIALS STEADY Toronto industrials main- tained their position fairly well in the face of a marked decline in New York, Although this gave slight solace to Canadian i there was little on he Canadian scene to generate enthusiasm, Steel stocks ignored news that last week's Canadian production gained 5.3 per cent over the preceding week, and 4.5 per cent over the comparable 1961 period. Atlas, Steel Company of Can- ada and United Stee} all de- fractionally. Dominion Bridge dropped about $1 after a Bailey Sel-|strong performance a week ago. Papers, too, displayed disin- Move To Perk U.S. Economy Was Highlight | NE YORK (AP) -- LOCK'S FLORIST Funeral arrangement and floral requirements for all { occassions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 ~GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 | 390 KING STRET WEST IN MEMORIAM » BLOBM -- In loving memory of a «dear sister, Barbara, who passed away + October 21, 1960. + Just when your life was polaris ogee + Just when your years , You were called trom th this world of} which the economy badly needed a lift. sluggishly. The reserve action, reducing to four from five per cent the amount banks must keep on re- serve to back time and savings deposits, could free $4,600,000,- 000 for business expansion. But the financial community commented that making money available doesn't automatically mean a man will bor- row it; not unless he's coi vinced he can make a profit. by doing so. The stock market evidently doubted that the freer loans would help much because the *ltion was to dip downward. MAKE TAX CHANGE Another government move de- signed to aid the economy was the new schedule of tax depre- ciation benefits announced Fri- day for aerospace industry. The railroads and makers of cars, tools and electrical equipment. announced in July to encourage modernization by allowing -|faster write-offs. ef «| The Business Council embrac- awayiing 100. to corporate chiefs, OMfee ana more each day we miss|SP0ke of doldrums lasting deep her: 'Jinto the next year. Commerce may think the wound is = icecretary Luther Hodges, while insisting he expects _-- to trot get better next year, said busi- niece Ken, ness "is going to be a little slow for a few months." Steel production during the week again refused to break away from depressed levels. New cars are selling for about the same prices as last year. PRODUCTION EVEN The federal reserve an- nounced that industrial produc- tion in September was almost vious two months. sleeping. store sales are unchanged from The rg cierk weary troubles and trials}g year ago. are past, In -- she suffered, in patience ™ God Called her home to suffer sun missed, te always, dear. Evi red by brother in slow trading. | On the brighter side, auto er in = Jaw Shirley, nieces Laurie, |tratfic is setting records and Action} by the federal reserve board to} loosen credit and thereby perk|/market, and aided by recently- up the U.S. national economy| lowered was a high-light of a week :n|Stocks advanced smartly. Mont- Business continued to move} a ief $76 Monday, it settled back market's immediate reac.) exactly the same as the pre-| Department; The stock market spent most) of the week within a tight range/t4d., common five cents plus 10 terest when news was released that Canadian newsprint ship- }ments in the first nine months |this year were down 1.2 per icent from the corresponding |period last year, The group was _ thoroughly jmixed and all price changes |were confined to narrow ranges, BANKS UP In. the face of a firm bond interest rates, bank real, Nova Scotia, Toronto-Do- minion and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce all showed jgains of about $1. | These issues also benefitted from Bay Street talk that extra dividends might be declared as the year closes. Power Corporation high- Hlighted the main list early in the week when the company announced it was considering a stock split and increased divi- dend. After touching a year's peak closing with a $1 gain. BC jpower and Canadian Oil, both |of which form a large part of |power's holdings, each. took gains of $1 in heavy trading. METALS DOWN The base metals list declined |steadily, closing at its lowest level since February, 1961. Hardest hit of the seniors was Falconbridge, which dropped $2. Noranda and Inter- national Nickel both saw frac- tional losses, while Hudson's Bay and Labrador both inched ahead. Total volume at Toronto was 16,537,450 shares compared with 12,720,099 last week. Dollar value was $34,176,103 compared with $23,885,696. On index at Toronto, indus- trials fell 1.13 to 531.77, base metals 2.31 to 171.59 and west- ern oils 2.59 at 113.44. Golds rose .41 to 90.97. Volume at Montreal: indus- trials 1,225,548 shares compared with 817,303 last week; mines, 1,990,398 shares compared with 1,750,400. On index at Montreal, indus- trials dropped 3 to 91.7 and utilities .7 at 1014, Banks gained 1.6 to 111.8 and papers 1.0 at 90.4. DIVIDENDS | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian General Electric Co. cents, Jan. 2, record Dec. 12; pfd 6244 cents, Nov. 15, -record Ray.\sales continue to boom, airline|O¢t, 95. Canadian Fairbanks Morse jtax revision legislation to perk/co, Ltd., Class A 10 cents, Dec. BRANTON -- In loving gene dh bed a 'gear dad, Frank, as wamen oy |UD business was signed into) God gave us a wonderful dad, His memory will ne ad avsdariion was sn 1, record Nov. 16. Great Lakes Power Co, Ltd., }20 cents plus 714 cents extra, Gin, seculonsd' Rie beat oot 'of un. jnounced as 1,746,000 tons of in-/Dec, 29, record Dec. 1. shine, |gots, exactly the same as the He moulded his soul of pure soldi | previous week and disappoint- ing to those who were hoping for a seasonal increase. NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Faraday Uranium Mines Ltd.,| 9 mos. ended Sept. 30: 1962, $1,776,000, 40 cents a share; | 1961, $1,771,000, 40 cents. by At 'Madge, | ! COOPER -- a loving memory of a "dear husband father, Byard John| (Cooper, who Be away October 20,| ©1951. * Keep him, Jesus, in Thy keeping, ¢ Til we reach that shining shore, * Then, O Master, let us have him And love him as we gro agg o wife M: Donald and William. i COOPER ---In loving memory of a 4 fathe END SIGNS WITH ARGOS Nested away suddenly 'cover "as| TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto Argonauts of the Eastern on ball Conference - have Bi of a Maury Schleicher, once an all-| Daven of sadness will ae beer | |American end with Crtassivn pho ™ may think the wound is/nia State. Schleicher - recently 1 released by San Diego Charg- That ice vite ike Senit coecccigd 1078 of the American ecient Always remembered by only daugh- League, is the ninth Unite Pe eh tee em, [States professional imported by| * MILLS -- In memory of a dear hus- | Argos since Nobby Wirkowski raed away. Ocuber tn ie' "*°!became head coach in August.| ~ IN MEMORIAM a 1 He is gone but not forgotten, And, as dawns another year, = our lonely hours of thinking wee ee ree oe Great West Coal Co. Ltd., Class A 12% cents, Nov. 15, rec- ord Oct. 31. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Lid., common 60 cents, Jan. 2, record Nov. 23. Scythes and Co. Ltd., com- ;mon 25 cents, pfd. 31%4 cents, \Dec. 1, record Nov. 12, | | | Plan For Study | Of Radiation Nearly Ready | UNITED NATIONS (CP)--A Canadian resolution aimed at implementing a world - wide study on atomic radiation is jneaching the final drafting istage. The resolution calls attention |to a report of the UN Commit- |tee on the Effects of Atomic Ra- idiation Stating that the impact jon human health of attificial ra- a Not a day do we forget you, In our hearts you are always near, | alone knows how we miss you, i S$ -- In loving- memory of a| TAVENER -- In loving memory a a and grandfather, John Milis|dear mother and grandmother, away October 20, 1960, Florence Tavener, who passed another year. aves forget him, we love him |Qctober 2i, 1961, including fallout from pom bomb tests--may not be y | fully known for decades or even |generations. Can Oj} Steel Can Dev Pal Majtrans Cent Del Mill City Glacier. Nealon Newnor Starratt Paramaq Cop Man Dist vt Dis w Gas Gas pr GB pr ----T--his Week Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High te INDUSTRIALS 64706 $56% 48877 $19%4 $7% 41570 37144 $49% $16% 15% 16 82 11 '975 27 WwW 2203810 538800 413100 351300 283583 55% 18 7 48 6% + Ve 18% + % 7 --%\% B4--% ---%* Industrials A and B 3655 S414 40% 41% 4+ % $14% $21% 75 4650 1400 175 $106% Gas wts 3297 850 Nat Alg Cen Alg Cen p Alg Cen w Algoma Alumini Alum 2 pr Analog Anthes Imp 610 $17% 620 $18% 242 $58 400 565 1486 $41% u" 21% 375 105% 810 | 7 1834 56% 555, 40% 13405 $21% -1 670 $47 1900 155 A 165 $13% Anthes B pr 10 $101 Argus Argus 260 pr 8332 $85 185 $50% Argus C P pr 6748 86% 4 Ashdown B A St Wire 415 Atlan Acc' pid 200 $2 Atlas Steel Auto Elec AutoFab A AutoFab B Bank Mont Bank NS Bath Pow A Beav Lumb Beav L pr Bell Phone B Am Bank BC Forest BC Pow B CPhone 7382 105 4: 100 7500 6059 3294 195 1800 25 37144 80 295 $13 310 $71 $30% 30 $52 2555 $114 48877 $19% BC Ph 6 pr BC Ph 4% 56 BC Ph 5% pr BC Ph 6% Pp! BC Sugar Brockville Brown Bruck A Bruck B Build Prod Burns Burrard A Cabol Cal Pow Cal Pow § pr Can Bread Can Cem Can Cem pr CCC Stone CD Sugar > Collieries Colli pr Curt W c Dredge > Fairbks A > Fairbks B 2 Gas In pr C Husky wis 40 $104% r. 15 $107% 360 $25" 150 $8 125 $10% 725 $17 300 350 1003 $24% 366: $834 150 87% 49 48% 7% 49% 50% 50 265 13 310 69% 29% 52 ll 18 104% 107% . 10% 16 350 wn 8 ™ C and D $412 110 1540 $20% 20 $103 925 «$7 48 942 4 210 705 $32 $20 530 $36 1380 2165 8505 2500 1700 250 175 300 1600 $14% $18% $7% 160 C Husky C wt 100 105 © Hydro Car C imp Bk C C Ind Gas cIL C Mare Chat-Gai CKP Develop 2248 Col Cell Cons Bidg Cons Bidg pr 660 1733 6726 $58 785 $7% 1791 1539 400 64706 24 $155 900 $10% $37 $28 $29 $16% $15% 440 500 405 5 $11% $18% 2250 425 16776 36% $7% Cons Bidg w 6270 320 Conduits Con Baks Cons Paper Con M S Con Gas Con Gas A Con Gas B Copp Clark Corby vt Coronation Coron wts Crain RL D Coal pr D Dairies D Dairies pr Dom Elect S74 1020 87% $36% $19 $17% 100 $106% 295 $107 230 =$8% 645 $164 2525 «36% 820 245 165 $13% 150 $16%4 3125 $il% 245 $119% $55 $43% 5 $17% $13 9 $304 625 $10% Dom Elect w 75 700 D Fndry Dom Lime D Magnes Dosco Dom Stores Dom Tar Dom Text Dover pr Dow Brew Du Pont 3293 $544 Nae Pigs 470 1930 $8% 8128 $12% 15030 $17 1389 100 $334 $16% $12% 100 "4 --% 21% + Ve 75 --15 50 31% 28 50% 270 13 310 69% - 2% 52 11% 18% 6M 105 90 104% 107% B 19% 1 205 30% 20 35% 14% 18% 140 105 16% 55% 7% 12 390 155 4% 255 440 ae os 155 100 5 10% 37 27% 29 16% 210 «+5 31% + % 20 18% + % 7--% 140 --15 105-30 164-- %+% i' -- % 12 390 --10 ~% $36% 55% 56% + 440 ve + 1% --20 Pt 155 100 +8 95 1% +% 7 1 274 -- % 29 16% + % 15% 435 400 11 18% 400 614 7% 310 ™% 7 35% 36 18% 17% 106% 106 8% 16% 6% 13% 16% riage 116 10% 700 53% 7% 8 11% 16% 32% zi 10 iu + 164% --~1% 30% 3 1 50 334 --1% 5654 19% 8Y% 58% 21% 82 4 34 $644 64 64 $15% 4% 4% $4% 4 4 350 310 310 $17% 17% 17% $49% 49 49% | = ++4+ 1725 415 275 355. $15% 15% 15% Hard Carp. pr HH $2 Wye 2 Hayes $13 12 Hees 130 100 «U5 Henshot pr eg $107 «(107 «(107 H Dauch 500 $53% = tal Horne Pt 2834 200 +5 Huy Erie 775 $49% 'as ry +1 Imp Flo 50 $29 29. --1 Imp Life 115 $124 3 +3 Imp Oil 15314 $43% 41% 42%---% Imp Tob 3890 13% 138% + % Imp Tob pr 2000 $6 6 6 Ind Accep 9940 $24% 22% 23% +1% 50 $474. 47% 47% + M% 2140 475 445 450 +35 $17% 17% 1%--% 470 450 450 --20 & xsBs Inland C pr Inland Gas Ind Gas w 1000 I Bronze pr 65 Inter Min 100 Int Nickel 10819 Int Util 1776 Int Util pr 110 589 40 205 90 BS $25% 25% 25% --l% 460 45% $6014 585% $43%e 42% 350 350 875% 74% 1701 110 105 Inv Syn 00 $53% 53% Inv Syn A 3850 $46% 44% 4444 --2% Iroqg Glass pr 500 $il 10% 10%--% Jamaica PS 1185 $11 10% 10% --2 Jefferson 800 245 20 20 --5 Jock C 3305 300 295 295 Jock C pr 225 $10% 10% Ags vores Ag Jock C wts 6950 53 50 --2 Kelly DA 570 85% 5% rp Va Kelly wts 600 160 170 4 x0 Kelvinator 680 39% ee ---% 1 St Pipe ; 53% -- % L ti Labatt "a Ariged + ha Lafarge 4 Lafarge wts b 80 > Lakeland 225 L O Cem 230 --5 LO Cem pr o'--R LO Cem wis 5 ee ee 2 Lambton L $31 30 30 2 Laura Sec $15% 15% 154+ %& Lau Fin $14% 13% 13% -- % Lau Fin 200 130 $37 3970 37 1 Lau Fin Ar 116543 44 % 27 --I18 Leland S1l%e 10% 10% -- ¥ Levy 2 pr $10% 10% 10% + % Levy 5 $124 1% 12 --% Lob Co A 10437 87% Te 7% LobCo B 5155 38% 7% 86y LobCo pr 355 Lob G 1 pr Lob B pr 28 12793 285: 1890 226: i H48% 4 48% + 4 200 $31% 30% 30% -- 27 Ng 3%. 63) 1 Lob Inc 150 39% % %+ %& Loeb M 1295 $14 13% 14 6+% Lowney 200 $20 20 20 Maclaren 175 $19% 19% 19% -- % ars Hepa PR hr ce $18% a 18% 6 --% M ar Mill 425 fe 1% 11% -- % M Leaf M pr 130$102 101 101 --I1 Mass-F 10059 $11 10% 10% -- % 20 «170 10% 7% 16% 11% 725 400 20 Fea "gk 100% --4% 10004 Mass-F 5 + Metro Stor Met Stor pr Mid Pac Mid-West Milt Brick Molson A $26 uy $81 81 46% 45%e 46% + % $15% 14 14% 470 465 465 --10 $165 16% 165% -- Sa n 300 $16 «15% 15% + %& Nia Wire B 100 $13%% 13% 13% + % Noranda "8617 $27% 26%. 26% -- % NO NGas 4675 $10% 15% 164 -- % NQ Pow 34 $29% 29% 29%-- % Nor Phone 286 $8% 6% 6% + % 0 8s $49 47% 49 $10% 10% 10% 4 Ogilvie M5 Ont Steel 350 Ont Stores Omawa A Page-Hers Parker Pbina Pembina pr Phantom Pow Corp Prem. Tr Premium Q N Gas QN Gas pr QN Gas wis Rapid-Grip Reichhold Reid Litho Revelstoke Revelstoke pr Revenue pr Ses +[+tttte FREESE 7245 500 510 $16% Si 75 $100 St Maurice 800 «(72 Salada-F 11597 89% Salada wts 675 400 Scythes 489 $16% Sayvette 2065 320 Scot York pr 45 $50% Selkirk A 450 4 Seven Arte $8%4 Shawin 17665 $25% Shawin A 5 $25 Shawin B pr $42% Shullys Ind 36 Silverwd A $12 Simpsons SKD Mig Slater Steel Slat Stl pr Stafford Southam St Pav St Radio Stedman 980 $ Steel Can 24767 Steinberg A 615 Ster Tr 25 S Propane pr 200 $26 25% 26 Suptest ord 3385 $19% 18% 19% Switson 200 120 120 1 Tt Zz Texaco C 4 $46% 45% 45% --1% $49% 494 494--% $57% 55 36% +1% 425 400 400 70 650) = «(50 9 o~ is B 0 350 oH re a $12% 12% $19% 19% $14% 14% Trans PPL 7 6% Union Ace $7% 7% Un Ace 1 pr 80 $49% 49% Un Ace 2 pr 200 $8% 8% Un Gas 12275 $19 18 U Gas B pr 100 -$57% 56% U Corp A 25 $28 2B U Corp B 825 $21 20% U Corp, pr 300 Un Stee 2005 85% 5 ector 8600 $10 Ww" 10 Vendomat 2560 460 400 400 Vic G Tr 120 $53 53 Vulcan 600 425 415 Wainwr 3700 110 «100 = 100 5185. $50 49% 50 3900 235 210 225 1599 $14%e 14% 14% -- % $i4% 13% Lh -- $12, 11% 12 +™% $33 33 338 1% 9 $40 40 40 --1, 1707 $14% 14% 14% + % Weston B 8 Wsn 4% pr Wstn 6 pr West A. wts M 104% --1% 710. --30 50 $28 «28 1930 $42% 4204+ % 5 95 115 $95 i 4400 $13% Bh -- % Wdwd A wis 400 305 300 300 ae bh 3g1L4 SureueaeesckPSeoursa $= 2 eegeleoestdeonursenareghgt ude pereasersshstageds SLLESE * * SeebRSede sbesheeryssgesdesttarsgytcaskces. au8B wud sgb38o8s s-petSaysee.:sucsauag octet on so. o3 78 a8Eces = 23 Fs Norcan Northeal NC Oils NCO wits NCO pr LevddddadigGsdllfenzecslaes oe 358 He Bes pheedzurr8den 1b sgh eb) g me oF # 8z z + '3 Okalta 3650 Pac Pete Pac Pete wts 320 Palliser 2500 Pamoil , 48250 Permo / 5215 Peruy Oils | 3100 Petrol / 15900 Phillips 12800 Place Ponder Prairie Oil - Provo Gas Quonto Ranger Sarcee Secur Free South U é Spooner Stanwell ats L Shore La Lat Lamaque Langis Latin Am Leitch CLencourt Lexindin LL Lae Lorado Louvict Lyndhst Lynx Macassa Macfie Macieod Madsen Magnet ee e88858 BB ee Trans Can Union Oil Triad Oil Un Reef P U Canso vt Unisphere Wespac Wsburne Wstates M aritime Martin Matatch Mattgmi Maybrun Mcintyre McKen McMar MeWat Mentor Merrill Yan Can Meta Uran Midrim Min Corp Min Ore Moneta Mt Wright Multi M Murray Nama Cr Nat Expl Nealon Nello New Alger New Ath New Bid New Cal Abacus Acad Uran Advocate Agnico Akaitcho Alba Expl Am Larder Amal Rare Anacon Anglo Hur Ang Rouyn Ansil Area Arjon A Arcadia 33 2 A Ared Bw 6800 "Pkg im 14% --1y Atlan C C 10) «114 rie Atlas Yk 4 8 8 +1 Atlin 'Ruf ---h Aumacho Aumaque § Aunor 385 oe Bankeno 5: 4 ~1 Bankfield 3B 3: Barex +2 Barnat --15 Bary Expl Base Metal Baska B-Dug Belcher Belleterre Bethim Bevcon Bibis Bidcop Black Bay Bouzan Bralorne Broul Reet Brunswick Buff Ank Buff RL Cable Cadamet Camp Chib Cc Tungsten Cdn Astoria Cc Dyno 18 13% 13% --1 Pce Expl 12% 14%+% Peerless 1 b6%4%--% Pick Crow 9835 68 65 65 --2 Pitch Ore 8 8 Placer 3100 $24 23% 23% -- % Pow Rou 1000 35 «6340 «635 1 Preston 691 635 630 635 --5 Pros Air 214885 94 58 68 48 Purdex 154% 12. 13 --1 Que Ascot 8 ™ 8 Que Chib 7 16% 164--% Que Lab isi Que Lith 235 255 255 5 rs Que Man 200 13% 13% 13% +1 Coniaurum 21% 21% 21% Q Mattgmi 6 18 I Con Key 12% 11% %--% Q Metal € Bellekeno resis Seer Ye 2) Quaston C Beta G 3667 6 =--5K%q_sC«SG 8 Quemont © Callinan ™% Radiore Gon C Cad a a 4 Raglan Nick 85 Rayrock Con Gillies CG Arrow S Halliwell > Marben > Marcus Mogul Morrison > Mosher a a a Conwest Ex Cop Corp Cop Man Coprand Coulee Courvan Cowich Craigmt Crestaur Crowpat Starratt Steeloy Steep R Sturgeon Sud Cont Sullivan | Sunburst Sylvanite =8 #8... 38Seus8s $ sys sBastitess oe r Taureanis PRE A SA = é Frobisher Gaitwin it dawns tte Grace and family. The. depths of sorrow we cannot tell! Of the loss of one we loved so well, Canadian delegate Heath N. And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep|MacQuarrie told correspondents Her memory we shall always keep,| at a press conference Friday Zenith pail Mines enex Gnt Masct E to K Econ Inv $38 38 3B C48 Eddy Match $284, 24 2h 3650 360 340 355 45 410 270 --4"% ~Dearly remembered by Edna, Ted,| David and Sue. TAVENER -- In loving memory dear mother, Mrs. Florence events who passed: away October 21, 1961. You oft times said I'd miss you; Those words have proved too true. 1 lost my best, my dearest friend,| Dear mother, when I lost you. night the proposal builds on a |resolution passed last year, "| kicking off a study on the feasi- |bility of global collection of data on radiation: through the facili- |ties of the World Meteorological | Organization. Emco 50 $11 11 11 +1 Exquisite 560 $10% 10% + % Exquisite pr 10% + Falcon 3 45% --2% Fam Play 35 " 16% + % Fanny F 5 4% -- % Fed Farms Fed Grain Fleet Mig Fleetwood Oils ad B 80200 16 2742 «45 b . ee 1675 20 17 7449 215 5 198 7 29000 614 5% --1% 17800 6% 5% Acme Gas AP Cons All Rox Alminex Am Leduc Anchor 0 Giant YK he Y : 3000 mek Glenn Uran Goldale Grandroy b 2 Granduc 5725 330 305 Gulch J 8% 1% Gulf ecco ll 10 Yal eLead Yukon Cons Yellorex Yk Bear Young HG Yukeno Zenmac Zulapa 5200 37000 2500 4200 29913 33900 yd 7017 154507 a4 14000 21 09 14% # 4% 37 Pe 17% 21 pa | +1 =~ --2 +3 Ford Cda Foundtn 495 Fraser 545 Fr Pete pr 1325 3 Fruehaut 2200 5 475 Bail § 5%pr 605 $24% 23% 2 -- Gatineau 2014 $28% 27% 37% Banff 2900 ie 100 102 --4 Gat 5 pr 40 $93 «9398 103% 93 Bata 5500 54 6 --1 Gat 5%pr 376 $964 96 96th --3% 10914 c and D Gen. Bake 700 $10: 10 10 +% 12% Calalta 27350 19 15. ol? 48 G Dev 650 64 --%e 15% Cal' Ed 2115 $24 22% 23% Gen Dynam 75 4 38% Camerina 1948. 225. 215 4225 +7. Oil Lds 14250 105 +100 103) +1 S Pete 27231 416 «385 «(400 10 Chieftn 4500 133 130° 192 42 > Delhi 12610 370 305 310-45 Delhi wts 733 140 125 130 45 Cdn Dev 4083 400 66 488+ 8 Sadly missed by son Bill, daughter-in- otal Nan. Anglo Un Asamera BaileyS A Bailey S pr 71400 38 2 31% --5% 21600 115 101 102 --10 33880 905 810 825 735 $24% 21 21 We have so many memories Of you, Dad, we loved so much, | +-Lovingly remembered by. Lily, Jack pe Flora. TAVENER -- In loving memory of a mother grandmother, Mrs, Tavener, who passed away Oc- 21, 1961. mother, you are not forgotten MacQuarrie, -- parliamentary secretary to External Affairs dear mother,, Fiorence 'Tavener, | Minister Howard Green, noted Passed away on October 2i, 1." ° that scientific study on the proj- There's a face that is haunting us\ect ig continuing and it will be ever, There's a voice we're longing to hear, |further examined at a meeting There's a smile we'll remember for|of the UN Scientific Committee ever By + 7 H 'Though on earth you are no mores! Though we try to forget every tear Geneva in January. GMC 462 57% 57% : 'M 60% Still in memory you are with us There's a memory fond and true, A spokesman said the resolu- G P Drill 750 81 78. 6 2 |tion likely will be circulated GP Drill A. 500 65 » 58 ' c ® As you always were before There's a token of affection, dear, &-Ever remembered by daughter, Lor-| And heartache. dear mother, for yo |Monday when Canada would be GP Mfg A 51 ijomed by co-sponsors. Yaine, son-in-law, George and grand----Remembered by Art, Holly, 'Molly, | Gaughter Debbie. | Mike, ' {cars compare with 8,057 and OPERA CRISIS compared with 'Auto Production Rs trucks ROME (Reuters) -- Opera- arent jlovers here are facing an un- Rises This Week Production to date this year] precedented disaster, The Rome TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian|iS estimated at 384,789 units}Opera House may have to close motor-vehicle production . this}compared with 293,773 in the|down for lack of money. Mu- week is estimated 11,053 units!corresponding: period last year|Mcipal' council was told by compared with 9,529 last week,|_ ade up of 322,148 Mayor Cleuco Della Porta early says the Canadian: Automobile pie hie cars com-\in October that the city treas- Chamber of Commerce. pared with 242,144 and 62,641/yry has no funds to cover the- Production consisted of adileocs compared with 51,629. |Opera House deficit, 'TAVE NER -- In loving memory +. od ee G PMig B 191 G 8Weres

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