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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1962, p. 17

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Students at a Toronto high school get a bang out of giv- ing money for the United Ap- "SWINGING FOR donations they are allowed to take swings at the old car ia CHARITY with sledge hammers. noon of the fitst day, the stu raised $6. A Moncton, N.B. Hi- Yi group staged a_ similar By wrecking spree to get money for club projects and encour- age road safety. --CP Wirephoto nt Neg sige SARIN peb age aa tars Network AACHEN, Wést Germany a climax of two days of events commemorating the founding of the news agency in 1850 with a pigeon-post serv- ice. journalists from a dozen European countries stood in Aachen's 14th-century city | words onto a screen so that they The greetings flashed around the world after technicians switched Reuters' Aachen trans- the world circuit, normally used only for major news breaks. | got RELEASED | lauded as a white pigeon cir- icould be read by a large au-| dience mitter into temporary control of| undreds of spectators ap-| Naturalists'. Trust, 'for £25,000 has been launched. PME AT Hh tk sy Historic Global Link-Up cled over the rooftops of Aachen, symbolizing the ven- .|ture from which Reuters was .|born 112 years ago. | Its release by Walton A. Cole, Reuters Manager, was followed by 4 gieat flutter of wings as more than 1,000 pi- geons wéte freed to join it. The flight of the birds was the climax to a. day of cere- monies commemorating the pi- geon-post news service between Aachen afid Brussels started by Paul Julius Reuter in 1850 to span a gap in the European tele. graph line. plaque--e pigeon in flight~on the house where the founder of the agency which bears his name staried his business. NATURE RESERVES COLCHESTER, England (CP) The open spaces of Essex are being built over so fast that there is urgent need for nature reserves to protect the coun- try's wildlife, says the Essex BOOTLEG FRUIT. HOPE, B.C. (CP)--It is not easy to bootleg Yruit out of British Columbia's Okanagan Valley. For 25 years a. road- check near this town, 80 miles east of Vancouver, has en- forced the rule allowing one family to buy only 20 cases of fruit a summer--too little for commercial profit. CARPET - AND CHESTERFIELD a Se ~ 728-9581 nse gg denn eto apace wr" THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, October 20, 1962 > WIRELESS DEFENCE ST. JOHN'S, Nfld (CP) -- RAPID GROWTH MONTREAL (CP) -- Arborist Peter Cashin, civil defence di-|Joseph Dumont says next year rector for Newfoundland, says|the city will plant 25 sumacs-- several CD wireless radio sta-|fast-growing trees with short tions 'have been installed across|roots--to replace 100 - year - % the province. They are part ofjelms and ma ples cut a direct communications hook-|make room for 'sidewalks on up with CD headquarters here.|downtown Mountain Street. RUG CL. SS H me pHone 728-9581 \ Satistaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Free Pick-Up and Delivery. Fast and Friendly Service. An appeal AnGus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King St. West, Oshawa 728-9588 ee ae eee Car Licence | |The Anglo-American reso. Under NATO Flag | | tion asked the assembly to call] Sales Early | seterin tit banning) OTTAWA (CP)--The RCAF's lth tena ta. the, semomshere | No, 1 Air Division Friday cele: | | brated its anniversary un-| 1) pe TE a ond fae Mint Sremiider the NATO tlag. in Rurepe, | FORONTO (C2) --- Eemmever land identified without interna-) tional controls." | - bye | American and British sources| Graft -- a 2 he gp wine. three weeks earlier than in pre-| said their delegations would ogee: "4 ot the Wald of vious years, vote the demand for a|'e beginning oie i Tourope,|. The minister said the ad- cutoff date in the 30-nation tes-|"Gna08 § Str kG ob, (vanced date will ease bottle. olution which drew its sponsors of Saat Cohn ONL "|necks during the issuing period] from Africa, Asia, Latin Amer-|°Chve Mele ¢1 nts and|Which extends to March 13. | ica and Scandinavia. rades, aircraft fly pasts and) vehicle permits and drivers'| speeches at air division head- licences will also go on sale Some other Western delega-jquarters in Metz, the fotr\nec 49, The longer period, said reeed i aaten é ihe/fighter wings in France and) Mr, Rowntnee, will serve until lif and other related/the department of transport de- | units. velops a. system of issuing li-| ___.| "The fact we have peace and] conces on each driver's birth. contribute to keeping it is our| qay. | WRITER'S SON janniversary present today,' -- iter TE Robert Gallico, son of author|said Air Vice-Marshal Larry E. TV VETERAN } Paul Gallico, plays a newspaper|Wray of Belleville, commander) Arthur Godfrey on Nov. 10 man in Mouse on the Moon nowjof the division, in an address does the first of three hour-long filming in England. Ito headquarters personnel. | specials on CBS-TV. ed! 30 Countries Call For End To A-Testing UNITED NATIONS (CP)-- Thisty countries called Friday end to all nuclear test- ing by Jan. 1. The United States afd Britain quickly countered & proposal for a limited YOU The Public Have Ask WHERE DO YOUR COMMMUNITY CHEST DOLLARS G0?? HERE'S THE ANSWER! They Go To Support The Work of 19 Worthy Health, Welfare and Character-Building Organizations! ier yr | posals were pr the form of resolutions for) consideration in the United Na- tions General Assembly's main political committee, now debat- ing the nuclear test issue. The 30-nation resolution would have the assembly condemn all| nuclear weapon tests, ask that '4mmediately and * Jan. .1 and call on the nuclear powers in the disarmament talks to rt . 'i gation referred it to Ottawa for decision. 1962 Campaign Objective $236,000 These are the 19 worthy. oragnizations who will share YOUR gift to the Greater Oshawa Com- munity Chest. These allocations have been a d i i ta: ton pproved by the Directors after careful review by the Agency Boy Scouts Association (Oshawa District Council) Canadian Arthritis & Rheumatism Society Canadian National Institute for the Blind Canadian Girl Guide Association (Oshawa Branch) Canadian Red Cross Society (Oshawa Branch) Children's Aid Society Christmas Cheer Fund John Howard Society of Ontario Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Navy League of Canada (Oshawa Branch) Oshawa & District Association for Retarded Children Rehabilitation Foundation for the Disabled (March of Dimes) St. John Ambulance Society (Oshawa Branch) Salvation Army : Victorian Order of Nurses Women's Welfare League Simcoe Hall Settlement House Crippled Children Boys' Club Young Women's Christian Association Allocation $26,500 4,000 7,000 7,000 35,000 8,000 3,500 600 700 2,700 13,000 9,000 2,100 17,500 6,000 37,500 3,500 11,000 21,500 216,100 19,900 $236,000 Percentage of Total 11.2: seen wwubhoooN Sa. RMS = -- ie ad ouuwu aAbwoO UW N™N <a vi 2 Yt You're never so close as when you're there 2 eal | Mere ere c few sample Eeohomy feturn feres from Tordnto: To be there in person... to take part ... . to live these moments with the onés you love. Nothing can replace your actual presence ! This year, take that trip, whatever your special reason. Remember, your visit means as much to them as it does to you. And you can spend more time there, less time getting thére when you fly TCA--no place in Canada is more than half a day away. It makes budget-sense, too, when you consider TCA's low Economy fares, * o 2 > ao Administration; Campaign; Canadian Welfare Gouncil Winnipeg Calgary/Edmonton - tact TCA et: ; one an 130 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontorie. TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES ®@ AIR CANADA 25 The Above Figures Represent The Various Amounts To Be Allocated Each Agency -- Depending on Oshawa Reaching the 1962 Objective of $236,000 Let's All Do Our Uimost-And Give Generously To The - GREATER OSHAWA COMMUNITY CHEST DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY MEADOWS TRAVEL SER 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH : TELEPHONE MO 8-3304 VICE | PHONE 723-9441 |

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