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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1962, p. 4

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§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 20, Low Funds Hurt Gardeners Club By MRS, KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- The regular fall meeting of Jr. Gardeners Club took place in the Orono Munici- pal Building with 20 members present, Mrs. Fairbrother welcome' all the members back and espe- cially congratulated them on the excellent showing of Junior ex- hibits at the fall show. Prize monies were then paid to all prize winners. In discussing future plans for the club, Mrs. Fairbrother in- formed the members of the crii- ical financial shape of the treas- ury. With little or no' funds to work with it is becoming in- creasingly difficult to carry on the club. . The children were then in- formed of the special notebook classes for all members under 10 years of age. Mrs. Fairbrother made some very lovely and interesting fall MA \and Thanksgiving flower ar- rangements. The leader urged all members to make an ar- rangement and give it to a sick , |or shut-in as a little gift. PONTYPOOL TOBACCO CHAMP dian Industries Limited, for having won the top award in the 26th annual C-I-L tobacco competition at the recent Nor- folk county fair at Simcoe. Competing in a field of al- most 70 farmers from all to- bacco areas in the province, George Van Dam (right) of Pontypool, Ont., in Durham County, receives congratula- tions from Keith Dolson, as- 'sistant Toronto district sales manager of the agricultural chemicals division of Cana- Mr. Van Dam Is the first grower from central eastern Ontario to have won first prize in this contest. All other previous winners were from Norfolk or neighboring coun- ties. WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. Walter Branch of St.|Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLean, Gertrude Parish, Oshawa will|of 217 Euclid St, rea hedieael pec - - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grimes, held on Sunday, October 21 at/816 King St., are celebrating St, Mary of the People R. C. their 17th wedding anniversary Church, Oshawa. The meeting today. Their friends wish them will be preceeded by Benedic-|¢VeTy happiness. tion at 2 p.m. Mrs, Mary McLerie of Fife- bs| Shire, Scotland, has returned to fr Tor, Soe en Cael ater pang the election of officers at their|month visiting her son and meeting of Monday, October 22. daughter-in-law Mr, and Mrs. The members will also be S. McLerie, 1015 Walton Blvd making Christmas tags. All) Mr. and Mrs, H. E. McLuhan, members are urged 10 be/sheryi, John and Miss Judy present. McLuhan, Mr. Mike McTravich Barbara, daughter of Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. F. Borchuk Mrs. P. A. Hottot, 516 Palace|*#tended the McLuhan - Ronald- St., is celebrating her 13th birth./S0n wedding which took place at day on Monday. Her compan-|Mount Forest Presbyterian ions of St. John's school and|Cburch, they were also guests friends wish her many happy|®t the reception held at Mount returns of the day. Forest Royal, Canadian Legion |Hall. Mr. and Mrs. David McKeag Sr., of Ireland are guests for|, Mr, and Mrs. Albert McMinn, a few months at the home of|Mr. Robert McMinn and_his their son and daughter-in-law daughter Jean recently spent a Mr. and Mrs, David McKeag|Week end at Miner's Lodge at Jr., of 313 Anderson St. . Miner's Bay. Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs.| Expected guests at the home Edward Keenan is Hh Raa of Mr, and Mrs. M, G. McCarty, his 13th birthday on Sunday.|3!9 Euclid St., are Dr. and Mrs. Best wishes are offered to Mi-|Frank Palmer of Vineland chael from his compani of| Station. Rally Discusses Museum Work Museums are springing up in many Ontario communities. Last week people interested in this work gathered last week in Ottawa to discuss the do's and don'ts of preserving and dis- playing the ways of life of the past to co-relate with the pre- sent and the future. The speeches, fact and dis- cussions were helpful and in- teresting, and the films such as "The Quality of a Nation" should not be missed by local historical members when it is shown here. The film depicts the develop- ment of Canada and should mo- tivate those who are planning to It was also decided to send a letter of invitation to the Sr. Citizens Club to be guests at the Christmas Party in December. A surprise presentation was then made to Mr. and Mrs. Challice in honor of their birth- days. Mrs. Fairbrother gave them the lovely flower arrange- ments: HIGH C GROUP MEETS The beginning of the new High C Group which is replacing the Young People's in the Orono United Church was held recent- ly. The main business of the eve- ning was the election of officers, who are as follows: president, Robert Robinson; vice-president Linda Tyrrell; treasurer, Shiela Slater. The High C Group accepied the proposal that they again sell United Church calendars since previous sales had met with such co-operation and enthusi- asm. It was agreed that meetings make the 1967 centennial some- thing to remember. The Ottawa Historical Society was host to the convention which had a busy schedule of visits to see the new building develop- ments, Carleton University and the new city hall. The delegates also toured Government House where His Excellency Sir George Vanier and Madame Vanier received. A visit was also paid to the Bytown Museum; while a trip was made to the Mill of Kintail near Almonte. The Oshawa Historical Society will hold its next meeting at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 30, in the McLaughlin Public Library au- ditorium. All members should attend the meeting as slides of Upper Canada Village, before and after the flood, will be shown. Group To Buy Cart By MRS. A, L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE --The Wom- en's Hospital Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital' held its meeting in the new board room. B- Holden, hospital adminis- trator, welcomed the auxiliary imembers, The board room was iné former waiting and office rooms in the original hospital. Mrs. 8S, McMurter, president, opened the meeting with the auxiliary prayer. There were 19 members present. All ac- counts were ordered to be paid. The purchasing committee is to meet with Mr. Holden to de- cide on more furnishings for the chronic ward waiting room. Mrs. C. W. Cawker gave a report on the Cobourg flower, show which she attended in August. Mrs. M.L, Roenigk reported on the Region 8 Hospi- tal Auxiliaries meeting held re- cently at St- Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough, with all auxiliar- jes in the region represented. Mrs. C. W. Cawker presided at this meeting. In Region 8 there are 13,905 auxiliary members with active members, 1,062. The hospital auxiliaries raised $27,154 during! the year. Mrs. McMurter asked the members if they wished the president in the region to hold office for one year or two. Memorial Hospital Auxiliary is in favor of a one-year term. The Memorial Hospital Auxil- jary was in favor of making the regional president a life member of the Ontario Hospi- tal Auxiliaryies Association. Mrs. McMurter thanked all who had helped with the 50th anniversary dinner Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin and Mrs. E. V- Hoar are a com- mittee to purchase a library cart for use in the hospital. STILL FLYING LONDON (CP) -- The only Lancaster bomber still flying was on show at a Midlands air- base during Battle of Britain celebrations, It belongs to the RCAF and was flown here es- pecially for the occasion. held every two weeks would give the executive more time to plan between Sundays and would also keep interest DID high, | vou KNOW That Nu-Way heve Oshawe's only fully equipped, modern tug, carpet end upholstery cleaning plant? NU-WAY RUG co. LTD. 174 MARY ST. 728-4681 bed capacity is 1,172 beds. The| 1862 Centennial Supper Planned By Orono Church By MRS, KEN- GAMSBY ORONO -- The _ centennial celebration: at the Orono Unit- ed Church is to be held during October 26, 27 and 28 in observ- ance of the establishment of the church in Orono in June of A centennial supper will pre- variety show slong with the one-act play. It is also desired that entertainment from one by and by local residents staged relating to an era some 10 or 20 'years past. Two services of worship will be held on Sunday, Oct. 18 with Rev. A. E. Eustace, for- merly of Orono and now minis- ter of Empress United Church, London, being the guest speak- er, The Rey. J, E. Griffith, now of Dunsford, Ontario, will be cede the festivities on Friday evening when the UCW is pro-, viding a Smorgasbord supper with turkey, ham and fish cas- seroles, scalloped potatoes and pies and cafes. Saturday evening the Orono Couples Club is providing a variety of entertainment, in- cluding acts from their own : LIQUOR PLUGS VICTORIA (CP) -- British Columbia Association of Broad- casters has asked the provincial vision broadcasters to advertise beer and wine products. THE NEXT KINSMEN CAR BINGO FRIDAY, OCT. 26 8:30 P.M. $7,000.00 TOTAL PRIZES -- | 1963 FORD GALAXIE PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE ARTS anew kind of | lover! (COLUMBIA PICTURES rem CHARLES K FELDMAN SATURDAY [ME USED LOVE Last Times--TODAY & SUNDAY! ELVIS PRESLEY ,, "FOLLOW THAT DREAM" -- Color the speaker for the afternoon service. A historical review of the church's past is being compiled and will be of interest to: the Orono players presenting their/centennial of the Orono years Church, many who will take part in the United a, DANCE TONIGHT Old Time -- Modern BARN ADMISSION -- $1.00 ST cabinet to allow radio and tele- McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY Bookmoblie Schedule Tuesday, October 23rd, Hormony Church 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday, October 25th, Lake Vista Plaze 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 26th, Oshawa Shopping Centre 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. LOOK FOR THE BLUE AND WHITE TRAILER! We will visit these locations every other week. seeeenecenscmmmtneett ------ sess Sill 91 CENTRE ST., Mac Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Character, Pre-School, Kinderdance. FRIDAYS SATURDAYS MASONIC TEMPLE D.E.A, AT THE OSHAWA ADDED "DEAD TO THE WORLD" Information: 723-7253 aS ILTMORER THE GREATS tite ah. *, ROMANCE AN He was the invi St. John's school and friends. WET OR DRY Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLean, ' Whitby, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie All-|_ WINNIPEG (CP)--With plen- man, Oshawa and Mrs. Ed.|tiful rainfall this summer local Andrew ig Ry cng agen residents used 31 per cent less visited at me T. an@lwater during August than in Mrs. W. A. Reed of Myresburg. 1961, The metropolitan water Pha -- eige of -- works department said 1,158,000 cLeod, reen st., i ere sorry to | thick she te gallons were pumped into the in the Oshawa General Hospital city reservoir compared with under observation, they wish/1,221,800 gallons last year. her a complete recovery. On Sunday, Ross, son of Mr and Mrs. Elmer Harris is cele- brating his third birthday. Friends of the family wish Ross many happy returns of the day. Mr. James McLean of Chap- leau recently visited his parents WHITBY BOWLING NEWS ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE | Team standing for Oct. '| MeFelts 5, 17; Go-Getters 7, 14; Six Seven Ups 7, 14; Jokers 0,| 12; Flashpans 7, 10; Hot Shots 2, 9; Witnits 0, 6; Bombers 0, 2. Direct from Wheeling, W. Va. jr PERSON MARTIN and his Sunny Mountain Boys And Girls FEATURING: © Big Bill Emmerson NATIONAL CHAMPION-- Nene BANJO ® Lois Johnson BEAUTIFUL KING RECORDING ARTIST © Kirk Hansard KING RECORDS MANDOLIN WIZARD BLUE GRASS MUSIC AT ITS BEST also | SLIM GORDON | and LITTLE SHIRLEY Sunday Night OCT. 21 - 8 P.M. Triples over 500: Ladies -- Agnes Sandrelli 644, Anne Nettle 616, Marg Carter 582, Aline Vei- tenheimer 568, Doreen Kehoe) 559, Mary Canzi 528, Lena Chiz-| en 533. Men --. Jih McCarroll 739, Lioyd Seymour 870, ae | Smyth 613, Lou Bedard 597,) Bruce Hazelton 547, Bob Ed-) wards 541. i Singles over 200: Ladies -- Marg Carter 240, Betty Steff- ler 236, Anne Nettle 230, 207; | Agnes Sandrelli 228, 214, 202; } Doreen Kehoe 224, 201; Lena) Chizen 215; Diane Pascoe 201.. | Men -- Jim McCarrol 330, 209, 200; Lou Bedard 292, Lloyd Seymour 245, 217, 208; Bob Ed- wards 216, Jimmy Smyth 207, 207; Bruce Hazelton 206. High Triples with handieap: | Ladies -- Agnes Sandrelli 644, Diane Pascos 617, Anne Nettle 616. Men -- Jim McCarroll 751, Jim- my Smyth 679, Lloyd Seymour 670. High Singles with handicap: Ladies -- Betty Steffler 283, Marg Carter 246, Diane Pascos 244 | eee i Charlton Heston SHMUEL BRONSTON CHARLTON SOPHIA HESTON LORE STARTS FRIDAY Seats Are NOT Reserved Men --Jim McCarroll 330, Lou! Bedard' 298, Lloyd Seymour 245." It is said that "no foe prevailed against him.» r Spain, the nation he helped create, made him _ battlefield. So, in the opinion of his foes, he its hero. Europe wove his story into a legend, was at the same time a merciful lord and a 'His enemies named him El Cid, which means _ ruthless fighter. 9 9 of his p ) ADVENTURE IN A THOUSAND YEARS! *€No one, ever, was quite like EL CID...world hero! The Lord-from the Arabic el seid--and they added Campeador which means victor of the "BIG AS 'BEN-HUR' IF NOT BIGGER!" 1. a. ries spencommnpneee A travelogue in brilliant colour, presented i world f lier and photograp The Kiwanis Club of Oshawa PRESENTS "EXOTIC INDONESIA" in person by the PHIL WALKER. across the equator', You will 8:15 CG 1 Admissi: Indonesia hos been described os "A girdle of emerald flung visit the abundantly beautiful islonds of Beli, Java, Sumetra, Borneo, Celebes, Timor, and others of the Indonesia archipeligo. Languorous and lovely with brightly brocaded women, strange and unusuol architecture, superb artistry ond intricate dances. MONDAY, OCTOBER 22 P.M, CENTRAL COLLEGIATE Auditorium SIMCOE ST., SOUTH Season Tickets $5. -- Students Holf Price. Season's pass may be purchased from any member of the Oshawa or Westmount Kiwanis Clubs. Eech Tro ) Adults $1. -- a dollar to see the first one of the it. If after you've seen it, you fe the cost of a season ticket. Students 50c, NOTE: If you have never attended any of these travelogues, spend new series, We're sure you'll rb 8 el you would like to take in entire series, contact the Kiwanian in charge of ticket sales at the door before you leave. He will be glad to credit your dollar towards "ae The gigantic tourney in which El Cid te risks death in "trial by combat" is &y one of the great scenes of all time! 2 oF rs M4 "EL CID" leads a bear knights in # a charge that t ee and Sophia Loren bring a new kind of chemistry to a ro- mance that has lived a thousand years} EXCLUSIVE SHOWING TO MM SUPER TECHNIRAMA the tide of history! + TECHNICOLOR® FAFLNECEVEVEE PACE. AE CY RAMOND HIRD ATED -WASMO SER an EAL camo EDC FRA PUP YORDAN coun THON WANN trac by MILOS ROZSA « SAMUEL BRONSTON PRODUCTION esc ute DEAR FIUM PRODUCTIONS mat y ALLIED ARTISTS | ; ni ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "THE PHANTOM PLANET" { "ASSIGNMENT -- OUTER SPACE" -- Color t SPECIAL GERMAN SHOW SUNDAY, rts) MONDAY! "TAUSEND MELODIEN" MIT GARDY GRANASS -- HELMUT SCHNEIDER PAUL HENCKELS PLUS . "FERIEN AUF IMMENHOF" MIT ANGELICA MEISSER -- HEIDI BRUEHL OCT. 2ist Wy 4 RKS ") CONTINUOUS SHOW FROM 2 P.M. © TO-DAY * ADULT ENTERTAINMENT and frantic as their di THE: Sturene 18-1 wrene_*S ai Te fia ous Hh alga rbot! © SUNDAY ® MONDAY Their nights are as last INTERNS eh Kees thee HELD OVER 3 DAYS wus 1:30 - 3:30 5:30 - 7:30 9:30 P.M, is! Wi KE HIRAR sssaad omer AUBERT DN 4 me Lr) Co XMAS GIFT BOOKS NOW ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE sT'S AN OUTDOOR VARIATION ON AN INSIDE SPORT! FAMOUS PLAYERS 1 © TODAY & SUNDAY ONLY @ ifyburnewves canctanditafer PSYCHO FR AL ED HITCHCOCK'S 'REAR WINDOW A PARAMOUNT PICTURE STARRING JAMES STEWART GRACE KELLY + WEND THELMA RITTER > Ri 'TECHNICOLOR® ELL CO AYMOND BURR (1.V'S PERRY MASON) FEATURE SHOWN DAILY AT: 1;30--3:30--5:25--7:30--9:35

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