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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1962, p. 7

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LE DLE LE AN NATE LER 8 cae ' a ree eign gasnypecon eee ee ae Sa, TS eee. ay = yt oa ta hott + IN ST, ANDREW'S United | Walter, daughter of Mr. and | came the bride of Robert John pos: " aug lorman alter, CAUGHT BY THE camera | Bryant. The bride is the for- | the son of Mr. anti Mrs. Ar-| MR. AND MRS, GRANT | the former Victoria Jannette | bridegroom is the son of Mr. urch, reognty, Jule Aas | 3 H. Walter, be- sina son of ag yj Alvin George Spencer were} Ann Drewniak, daughter of | and Mrs. Alvin Spencer, Osh- Oshawa > --Ireland Studio t hangin s in Bat- ' ; ; ie "a yahre ; r pri Ceitek. Wd recent. | mer Marion Kirkpatrick, Bat- | thur L. Bryant, oe married recently in Kedron | Mr, and Mrs. Walter Drew- | awa. l tersea, and the bridegroom is | --Wallace R. Berry, Kingston | United Church, The bride is | niak, Winnipeg, and the -- Photo by Hornsby | st awa cout ot ers Aux vember 9, Mrs. George Floody | . , Mrs, 'ge ly are Mr. and Mrs. Ronald | Celebrates 24th Anniversary im tte istiary ad te eote First Oshawa Group would en- The members of the 1st Osh-|land Arnold and south by Mrs. A many years of future good |awa Scout Mothers Auxiliary|Irvine Estabrooks. met last Wednesday at the Gib-| Mrs, Gravelle thanked all who bons Street Scout Hall, The meet had worked on the weekly eu- When ling having the dual purpose of|chres in the past month. The "HOME-NURSING" an annual meeting and the 24th|conveners for the next months birthday of the Auxiliary, Fif-|are: October 26, Mrs, Irvine Call a V.0.N. Nurse . g : |teen rs were tstabrooks and Mrs. Charle: Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 | The reports were received by 2, Mrs. 725-2211 and a very successful year was . A. "Nene Nee Ere i THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, October 20, 1962 7 reported. This Hall has served| and Mrs. David Williamson; No- many boys of the Westmount TY |area in the past and it is hoped SOCIAL NOTICES 'wth the support ot the parents] = all across Canada... RECEPTION MARRIAGE Vee Gisisine-cntuaiane 'cieen THEYRE KNITTING Mr. and Mrs Thomas Horns-) The marriage of Lynn Chris-igiven by Mrs. George Floody by, 760 Rosehill boulevard, will|tine, eldest daughter of Squad-|neminded members of the Auxil- be happy to receive their rela-|ron Leader and Mrs, Milton J.Jiary Study Course to be held tives, friends and neighbors at/Cowie of Victoria, B.C, tojin Toronto on October 25. This 2@ @ Fernhill Park Clubhouse on Sat-|Gerald Clement Martin, son of|course is being conducted by the Oo CZLIZ ON urday, October 27, from 9 to 11/Mr. and Mrs, Paul Martin, Arn-|Provincial Advisory Committee 'm on the occasion of their|prior, Ontario, took place in the|and is open to all auxiliaries in Pp. 25th wedding anniversary. parsonage of the United Church,|Ontario. The Regional Confer- . __,|RCAF Station Rockcliffe, on|ence for the Lakeland Region, of W FORTHCOMING > Ap Friday, October 12, 1962. which Oshawa is a part, will be th Clouds fide EATERS Mrs. Mary Wrangell, Oshawa, on November 24, Delegates|} - wishes to announce the forth- ENGAGEMENT were appointed to attend yen mt Leaps orthland Wools coming marriage of her daugh-| Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Como/of these. a ter, Ruth Louise, to Mr. Gordon|of Whitby wish to announce the| The chairman of the nomina- Eric Greentree, son of Mrs. Gor-jengagement of their daughter,|tions committee brought forth don Greentree, Oshawa, and the|Jean Beverly, to William Bruce|the results of the nominations late Mr. Greentree. The cere-|Crosson, son of Mr, and Mrs./for officers for the year 1962-63. mony will take place at Col-|Arthur Coker of Oshawa, The Mrs. Roland Arnold stated that lege Park Seventh-Day Adventist/marriage will take place on the committee had been success- ; es Church on Sunday, November|Saturday, November 17, at 4|ful in all respects except the SHARLENE ANN, daughter Church to Lyn Chapman Hen- |4, 1962. p.m in Whithy Baptist Church. -- of bi gee : of Mr. a rs. W. J. Tag- | derson, son of Mr. and Mrs. 2 le meeting was tumed over LE-RING cere- | united in marriage to William | gart, Scarborough, formerly ENGAGEMENT 1 to Mrs. G. N. Vamum,. presi- a, ne pean United| vernon Ferguson, son of Mr. | °f Oshawa, was married re- | E. J. Henderson of Oshawa. | a5, and Mrs. Wesley Owen,| PERSONALS dent of the Oshawa District cently in King Street United | --Eaton's Portrait Studio | Winnipeg, announce the engage-| Committee of Scout Mothers Church Anne Marie Oldham, | .4q Mrs, Douglas Ferguson, Mu | age " Y P J ment of their eldest dau; : s. H. Auxiliaries, anda Past presi- daughter of Mrs. Andtew Da. Uibeidee. ghter,! Mrs. H. K. Wooster, Masson dent 4f the tet Oataee Grom vidson, Brooklin, and the late Doreen Gail, to Mr, Alvin Roy/street, opened her home on Mr. Nathan J. Oldham, was! --Cadieux Studio, Stouffville UN ITS GROUPS Al J XILIARTES Daher om at ue aad te. bani gg a gol home "Mrs. Varnum called for nom. " Uy Allan Fisher, RR 1, Hampton,|hers of the Literary Group of|@ations from the floor for Ontario. The marriage is to take|the University W. > Club,|President. The retiring presi- i Vancouver Honeymoon Follows LEGION AUXILIARY secretary, Mrs. Norman Ras-|place on Saturday, November iter Gaceuinn Ware "The dent, Mrs. Fank Gravelle ' The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal|kin; treasurer, Mrs. H. W./10, at 430 p.m. in St. Martin's-|Great Gatsby" and other works agreed to continue for the pres- C-32--SAGINAW 323--FRONTENAC Legion, Branch 43,/Packer; sewing convener, Mrs.|In-The-Field Church, West Kil-/of F, Scott Fitzgerald: ong until a oo can Sizes: $2-34-36-38 d Sizes: 38-44 : e found, as rim President . . Canadian fi N l R held a business meeting with|James Nesbitt. Phone conven-|donan, Winnipeg, Manitoba. ininel: 'started Palmer storey uptia ites i. ern -- Mc-!ers were appointed. | After the special service and} Mrs. Varnum installed the pre nies vl ae Be Pa be apy ited recently in Yorkmin-, The bride's mother wore a vers, presiding. Two new) Mr. D. H. House of the Group|ing would take the form of a ceremony of laying the corner-|following officers: interim presi- knit in Mary Maxim' " hand" ier United 'Church, Toronto, |beige silk sheath dress accented|members were oo Pret Committee spoke about the pro-|Pot Luck Supper and Masquer-|Stone for the new St. Paul's dent, Mrs. Frank Gravelle; lightful = Chcodopa" seal poy Bry oP Mics Anne Jacqueline Storey,|with Madeira style lace, match-|the auxiliary. Members tomieress of the group. Mrs. Var-|ade, with prizes, dancing and Presbyterian Church recently)vice-presidents, Mrs. Gordon "Cloudspun" delgn daughter of Mr. and Mrs.|ing petal hat and accessories and|Whitby, ene ote : he num discussed the purpose of|games. Each couple is asked to|°Ver 50 were entertained to tea Channing and Mrs. John Col- een: ek Perry, Uxbridge, Dunbarton)an- auxiliary. Mr. Ernest Whit-|invite another couple as guests.|@t the manse, 445 Beverly street | ins; , Mrs. George on ee Oe E. Storey, Toronto, be-|a corsage of yellow rose buds. , ) _ ; er Pane of Mr. 'Neill Assisting were the bridegroom's and Sunderland -- reer. ing and Mr. David Barnes gave} An invitation was received by Mrs. D. A. P. Allen. These/Floody; sroneinien: Mie, 'icvine mother and his grandmother,|At the conclusion of meeting a/prief reports on the progress of|from the Doubles' Club of|itcluded ministers of the East Estabrooks, The flag bearers sS r, Toronto, son of a ae athin Wi installati ag mage 'A. Palmer,|Mrs- Thomas Palmer. Mrs.|/Program was given ig Mrs: /Cubs and Scouts. Northminster United Church to|T0ronto and Peterborough Pres-|for the ion of officers Oshawa George Palmer chose a dress|Alyn Elliot iaronucing t ei Refreshments were served, attend their dance, "Winte r|¥teries and their wives and the|ceremony were Mrs. Roland Ar- . of 'French blue lace, matching] bers which were as eee 3ag | Whirl', to be held at the air- heads of committees and groups|nold, wife of the Akela of "A"' he tne Meverad Egerton Young, featherer hat, navy blue acces-|Pipe Selections by ok ce ALL DOUBLES CLUB port on November 23. Decem- and Sunday Schools within St.|Pack Cubs and Mrs. Alexander The church organist ac-|sories and a corsage of pink Pollock, Marc epg oy Fela The Reverend F. G. Ongley,|ber 1 was the date decided|Paul's Church. Several friends|Pollock wife of the group chair- Geeepelied 'the salold Mrs,{roses. The bridegroom's grand- ie Gillespie; boloiet I A ~~ pewiy Goveenee, _Tector of St.Jypon for the annual Christmas| {tom Knox Presbyterian Church| Man. Sohn Smith who sang "The|mother was wearing a light a ecg or gar o ey! ey ae Memorial Church was|Party of St. George's All Dou- also attended. Mrs. I. K.| Conveners are as follows: USE OUR WOOL LAY-AWAY PLAN FOR CONVENIENCE Lord's Prayer" and "The Wed- blue lace dress, black pill box| Will " eed; soloist: } Me t oo gowed speaker at the meet-| ples. Chalmers and Mrs. James Mc-|phone (Scouts), Mrs. Richard rf ding Prayer." |hat and accessories. Her corsage Lynda wagered ia uk iid sa the Ali Doubles Club on The latter part of the even- aay LOnrwren Wild PALE, We Doyle, "AA" Pack Cubs Mrs WARD S Given in marriage by her|was composed of pink and white ithe ne i ty Mi el evening. October 13./i15 was spent in playing cro- J.S. McClure, Whitby and Mrs.|Gordon Platt; "B" Pack Cubs, father, the bride wore a floor-|roses. oe tasawel oh is east ak ae vee? spoke of his ser-|quinole, when prizes went to por ea one Pic assisted) Mrs. David Williamson; Visiting 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 725-1151 Jength gown of white satin. The} After a reception in the Oak| Siver medalist. She was accom- highlights" et cae the Mr. Fred Schultz, Mrs, Fred\" pene: north of King street, Mrs, Ro- -- fitted bodice was designed with)Room at Casa Loma, Toronto,|panied by the Pipers. Playing| necj : Schultz, Mr. George McKin-| Mrs. Harry Mi H ' : ; od DY eae: ecially his wo ; s. ry ilison, Mrs.|% re deter, Lene er the bridal couple left on' althe guitar also singing was Mr. Serena Pl re tates poy ag stry and Mrs. Lorne Parliam-|George Glassford and Miss Lucy). a bow : honeymoon trip to vancouver,|Bud Weeks. Mrs. B. Boisvert| Manitoba '|ment. Mr. and Mrs. Edward|Glassford attended the wedding] headdress was a large self rose British mie Whan 3 'land Mr. Bud Weeks with their) 4 4. ; Jeffery were the conveners forjof Mrs: Millson's grand- which held her waist length veil : _-- Per ia. 1 they) cuitars played several cea eg wiges session was con-|the evening, and appreciation|daughter, Miss Jane Carruther: and she carried a bouquet of eft the bride was wearing an|iinn; and Mrs, Boisvart also oe as Le e Praiionts, Mr.|was expressed to them byjto Mr. Richard Jobnston in St.|) white Killarney roses and sfe-\olive green double-knit suit,|<ong She is a member of the|4%4 Mrs. W. A. Dixon. It was|presidents Mr. and Mrs, W. A.|John's United Church, Strat.| phanotis highlighted by trailing)green dnd gold accéssories and) poy manville Auxiliary. A group | decided that the November meet! Dixon. ford, yesterday. : g myrtle. |a corsage of gold roses. of Oshawa auxiliary members| ee ere ; The matron of honor was Mrs| Mr. and Mrs. Palmer are|in costume sang with Mrs. Alyn} Garnet Palmer with Miss Bever-/making their home _ in|Ejliot and Mrs. Edward Bouck- ly Smith and Mrs. Robert Miller) Scarborough. ley doing a special item. as attendants. They wore iden-|------= 'A buffet luncheon followed, | ENJOY COMPLETE tical gowns of lime green silk| convened by Mrs. Frank Davey. Photinia organza styled with shirred! TAKE YOUR PLACES bodices, short sleeves and*fuil| Members of St. Andrew's |25TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. HEATING SERVICE FROM skirts. Their headdresses were) Society are resuming classes | The re-organization meeting} matching, wide-brimmed hats} in Scottish Country Dancing |of the 25th Scout Mothers' Aux-| : with open crowns. Miss Heather! which proved successful last jiliary was held at St. Luke's! Miller, wearing a dress similar| year. The classes which are |Church. to those of the attendants and} open to all will be instructed | Mrs, G N. Varnum installed td] ca a matching flowered bandeay by Alasdair Bain of Toronto |the new officers. They are: headdress, acted as flower-girl.| and will be held in Fernhill |President, Mrs. W, G. Grant; | YOUR B-A SOLAR HEAT They all carried cascades of| Park Clubhouse. Mr, George |vice-pres., Mrs. Morris Fegal; daisy chrysanthemums in} MacKenzie and his committee |= ae autumn shades. | will be on hand next Tuesday, DISTRIBUTOR Mr. Garnet Palmer was the| the opening night, to enroll Your Headquarters For best man with Mr. Brian Storey, those who would like to par- . : and Mr. Robert Miller as ushers.! ticipate in the 10-week course. | ey ae Oe md : We Intend DRUG STORES || <iON| A eee Te Se Msn : BIE Prove OPEN THIS SUNDAY NA | check these important advantages: © Our 72:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. we + B-ASOLAR HEAT~scientifically compounded to» ANNUAL TUNE-UP PROGRAM-keeps your Sen. Very Soon, In give you maximum heat value and clean burn- heating unit in peak operating condition. The ceremony was performed ing efficiency, + DEPENDABLE DELIVERY--automatically ad- 4 E D i c A L P H ARM ACY 5 Z | B-A SOLAR P.A.C.--free anti-corrosion treatment Justed to weather conditions, ie of your fuel oil tank. + B-A HEATING FINANCE PLAN--for both new ( i «ah e m7 © a 300 KING ST, WEST 728-6277 B-A BUDGET PLAN-ea f installations and jons, Low d E ATTE'S \\ payments for heating ail ce ren pelle by sce | ' North Si Ph \\ ) y 0 imcoe armacy Paint & Wallpaper 909 SIMCOE ST, NORTH 723-3418 sa he Wee | a al : Hf s'simcor wore | J.H. YOUNG | qaraens| POWELL DRUGS 725-3529 | , ' BA PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ce Oshowa's Mést Convenient Community * 352 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-4734 FREE DELIVERY ' St Rd. N. ond A i ; ° e 307 LESLIE ST. PHONE 728-8797 . evenson o nnapolis Ave spread over 10 months, pay.

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