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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1962, p. 8

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MEMORIES OF THE LADIES' AID An old-fashioned afternoon tea was held on Wi vy afternoon in the parlor of Al- 'bert Street United Church. Reminiscent of members of the Ladies' Aid are, seated, left to right. Mrs. George Ford, Mrs, Albert Larke and Mrs. James Scott. Standing | behind them 'are Mrs. Earl Follest, Mrs. Jack Klein and Mrs. Wilbur Down. --Oshawa Times Photo UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES 5TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The October meeting of the \ 5th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held at Northminster Unit- ed Church, The meeting opened with prayer with the president, Mrs. Ronald Trewin, presiding. The secretary, Mrs. H. J. Semple, read the minutes of the previous meeting followed by the report of the treasurer, Mrs. J. C. Bentley. The annual reports were pre- sented showing a very active auxiliary this past. year. Mrs. nating following slate of officers for the 1962-63 season. President, Mrs. J. E. Rupert; vice - pres., Mrs. J. G. Magee; secretary, Mrs. V. A. McGahey; treasurer, Mrs. V. S. Cubitt; social convener, Mrs. D. A. Forrester; press secretary, Mrs. J. T.. Kellington; flower and card committee, Mrs. G. R. Jarvie; sewing convener, Mrs. Gienson McGee and Mrs. Ed- ward Oscapella. |Robert Williams conducted the Mrs. Rupert presented Mrs. Trewin with a_ past presi-| dent's pin thanking her for the leadership and guid given the auxiliary in the past two) years. | Beautiful colored slides were} shown by Mrs. Rupert of a| recent holiday in Jasper. The} meeting closed with prayer. 14TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The election of officers was held at the October meeting of tht 14th Ladies' Auxiliary. Mrs. election. Officers for the coming year are as follows: past president, Mrs. Fred Taylor; president, Mrs. William Kashul; vice-pres- ident, Mrs. William Evans; sec- retary, Mrs, William Boynton; treasurer, Mrs, Harry Boychuk. Mrs. William Sargent, a past president, installed the new offi- cers, assisted by Mrs. John Calder, also a past president. A business meeting followed and plans for Hallowe'en parties for the cubs and scouts were The new executive was in- stalled by Mrs. H. A. Mellow. discussed. Delegates were se- TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH The announcement is made today of the forthcoming mar- riage of Miss Ruth Louise Wrangell to Mr. Gordon Eric Greentree on Sunday, Novem- ber 4, at College Park Seventh - Day Adventist Church. Both are graduates of Oshawa issi College and will be making their home at Colorado Spritigs, Colorado, lected to attend a study course and a conference to be held later this fall. The meeting end- ed with the Scout Mizpah. Lunch was served by Mrs. William Evans. Mrs. Walter Branch Speaks on Russia At Ritson H&S The experiences of a trip through the U.S.S.R. was the theme of 4 speech given by Mrs. alter Branch to members of, the Ritson Home and School Association. Mrs, Branch spoke of her 1,500 mile bus tour, which took her to Leningrad, Moscow and Minsk. Stie com- mented on the lack of, and high cost of consumer goods. Women, she said, were generally shab- bily dressed, wore no 'make-up and did much of the heavy con- struetion work. Mrs. Branch spoke of seeing Baptist end Seven Day Advent churches, and was glad to see that a little Christianity still remained in Russia. Visits to hospitals, schools and apartment projects were not allowed, she said. In contrast to this, Mrs. Branch spoke of the warm friendliness of the Russian people, the mag- the Moscow State University. She stated that Russian enter- tainment is unequalled in the world. In closing, Mrs, Branch referred to the U.S.S.R. as a "Union of Salves and Sadistic Rulers"'. Mrs. Branch was introduced by Mrs. Garth Gillespie and nificent Kremlin Theatre and| § | | thanked by Mrs, Leonard Head.| Another highlight of the evening) was the presentation of trophies. | The J, C. Fetterly trophy, pre- sented in honor of Mr. Fetterly, r former 'principal of Ritson) Joy Hooper who is one year School, was presented to Lisa| Old today. She is the daugh- Palokoski by Mr. Fetterly. This| ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Posing gaily is Miss Erin | i ie Md 'PATTY CAKE' the niece of Miss Ethel Bone, Her proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, James Reid and Mrs. Edwin Hooper, all of Oshawa. --Ireland Studio .|This is causing Canadian par- trophy is presented annually to the outstanding senior grade pupil. The Athletic trophy was presented to Nick Kornic, by Mr. Gordon Terwillegar, former vice-principal of Ritson School, Mr. Terwillegar spoke of the outstanding sportsmanship shown by the winner at all times. The Public Speaking trc- phy was presented to Kathleer | Stewart, by Mrs. Carl Creamer, }past president of the Ritson CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Ladies Civitan Club Southmead Park Aux. Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Past Matrons' Club, OES LODE (¢Pfince Philip Ch.) IODE (Golden Jubilee Ch.) Castle Chapter Alumnae 13th Scout Mothers' Aux. Oshawa Lionettes 20th Scout Mothers' Aux. TUESDAY TOPS Club Re-Echo Lodge St. Peter's WA SA Home League St. Matthew's Guild Christ Church WA Canadian Legion Ont. Regt. Assn. Aux. 9th Scout Mothers' Aux. Jessie Panton Unit Court Oshawa IOF Albert Street UCW Calvary Baptist YWMC King Street UCW Arvilla McGregor Aux, First Baptist WA Women's Rebekah Lodge Beta Sigma Phi Dorcas Group Nellie Dearborn Group WEDNESDAY East View Aux. Victory Lodge LOBA Rebekah Lodge No- 3 Cheerful Givers Unit Storie Park Aux. Christ Church Aft. Guild THURSDAY Calvary Baptist WMS 19th Group Committee Christ Church Eve. Guild Albert Street UCW Oakleigh Lodge LOBA Couple's Club St. Matthew's WA Scout Ex, Board Eva Alexander Unit where the prospective bride- groom who is serving in the U.S. Army is stationed. The bride-elect is the daughter Mrs. Mary Wrangell, Oshawa and Mr. Greentree is the son of Mrs. Gordon Greentree Osh- awa and the late Mr. Green- tree. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR EVENING SHOPPING HOURS -- OPEN DAILY 9:30 - 9:30 23" TELEVISION CONSOLE Model 33T21 One of the finer G-E TV models with full view 23" screen for complete viewing é pleosure, 188: WITH TERMS Budget Terms Trade-In Your Old Furniture or Appliance Full trade-in allowance based on actuol resale value figured in free home appraisal. ty 4 TOWNLINE ai ai -- --_ VARCOE'S R D. : y BR "Honest car's" a KING ST, E. at VARCOE'S RD. HONEST CAL 728-9191 Dist. Comm. Scout Aux. » Home and School Association. Following the presentation the winner gave her award winning speech. Mr. A. S. Winter, Principal, gave a brief talk on the schooi letters and bars that could be won at the end of the school year, He mentioned that the pupils are made aware of the letters and bars at the beginning of the year and could begin working for them, Mr. Winter jannounced that 'Open House" would be held on November 12 Mr. Robert Richards and Miss M. M. Biggs tied for parents' roll call. Mts, Eric Cooper, president of the association, presided. Minutes of the last meeting Milne, The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Frank Hooper, Saguenay avenue, and Mothers Guests Of Mary St. H-S The members of Mary Street Home and School Association entertained all the mothers of the Grade 1 students at a tea held in the Grade 1 Classroom at the school. The classroom was gaily decorated with the work of the children and the artistry of the teacher in the colors of autumn complement- ing the tea table. Mrs. Bryce Brown welcomed the guests and each child pre- sented his or her mother: with a name tag and conducted her Zarowny. A report on the kin- dergarten tea and: catering to the teachers' conference was read by Mrs. William Borysiak. Mrs, Garth Gillespie, finance chairman, announced that a let- ter had been sent to the parents |requesting each family to sup- port the $1.00 per family proj- ect. Refreshments were donated and served by the mothers of Grade 6 pupils. OSHAWA TENNIS CLUB Winter Programme All interested in joining our Winter Social Club are invited to the Clubhouse at Ritson and Hillcroft. for "OPEN HOUSE" SUNDAY, OCT. 21 at 2 P.M. our Table Tennis, Cards, ALL WELCOME--NO CHARGE PHONE 728-1625 Chess, Canteen, etc, lto a chair near the child's desk. Mrs. Brown introduced Mr. Ger- }ald Harper who in turn intro- |duced the Grade 1 teacher, Miss Susan Laird. Th children were then served their refreshments and taken outdoors to play games by Mrs. L, W Hurren and Mrs. Stanley Wood, while the mothers had their tea. The tea was convened by Mrs. Michael Kadoski and Mrs- J. Barcley. Assisting with the tea and serving the refresh- ments were Mrs. Walter Eng- lish, Mrs. C. W. Root, Mrs. William Clarke, Mrs. Hann and Mrs. Bryce Brown. After school hours, the tea- chers were also entertained by the Home and School Associa- tion. | | BALLET GRANTS | Canada's three major ballet jcompanies received a total of $160,000 from the Canada Coun- cil in 1960-61, ANN LANDERS Oshawa Mother Many Parents' Dear Ann Landers: This .let- ter is from a Canadian mother (Oshawa, Ontario) and I regret fo say our teenagers are rush- ing headlong into adult activi- ties, same as U.S. teens. ents no small amount of an- Our son, Barry, who is barely 14 years of age and in grade eight, was invited to a party by a female classmate. We thought it would be all right for him to go. When Barry returned from the party he proudly exhibited the prize he had won for kiss- ing the longest--15 minutes to be precise. His part in the kissing game was a 13-year-old) a I was appalled at such be- havior and told him so. He re- plied, "It takes a party like that to wake a fellow up, mother." Ever since he attended the party he has been lippy and in. solent. I told his father the lad needs a good cuffing. But his father says Barry is feeling his oats and we should not be too severe with him. What is your advice?--D. Dear D.: You'd better haul) Barry back in line promptly--| oat gt no oats--or there will be no stopping him. All teenagers test to set what they can get away with. If you draw the lines. clearly and firm and let them know exactly where the limits are, you'll have no_ trouble. Eigrth graders should be playing pin the tail on the don- key, not kissing games, And where were the parents any- way? Tell your son he can't go to night boy-girl parties, and make it stick. Dear Ann Landers: I am a physician . mother who keeps tabs on your column. You have the responsibility of a' judge, referee, teacher, and priest. It's fun to see you come through with one good decision after an- other, I was especially interested. in the letter from the young mother of four children who couldn't get out of bed until noon. I'm suspicious when she says she puts toys in their beds and they play quietly for hours. She probably has them in a dark room with the TV turned up. No young person should be in .« Women the non-breakable easy Pure-Pak contain- er over ioned bottles. "AT THE STORE AT YOUR or Datry Limited AUT pouring old fash- DIAL 728-6241 Y DAIRY PRODUCT Airs Anxiety bed till noon unless the doctor says there is a need--and in my million. I feel this girl should be encouraged to take pride in the care of her children and home. Hers is an exacting and demanding job, and often she'll get no praise from her husband. The rewards for the mother come 10 to 20 years later. If a wife prepares three meals a day, keeps the house clean, and attends to four children properly she will fall in bed exhausted at 10:00 p.m. For professional reasons I must remain--ANONYMOUS Dear Anonymous: I hear from many mothers, and some physi- cians, but rarely do I hear from a physician who is also a mother. Thank you for an inter- esting letter. Dear Ann Landers: I'm a beautician who loves my work, I am, an expert at hair-styling and tinting and I make good money. The man I want to marry is wonderful and we are very much in love. The problem is he just can't hold a job. He makes a nice appearance and is pleasant, but since July he has worked only 40 days. He does not know what his problem is and neither do I Please don't think we are crazy, but we'd like to know if a marriage could work if the husband stays home and keeps house and the wife earns the living? My fiance likes house- keeping and is good at it. I hate it. I know this is unusual, but I don't care what people say and neither does he. May we have your frank opinion?--OFF BEATERS : Daer Off: The conventional role of the male in our society is that of breadwinner. The fe- male is the homemaker. If you think you can turn this topsy- turvey, try it, but I don't think it will work. Your best bet is to find out Spore Roe oe why he can't hold a job--and correct it. ; opinion, this is one case in al} You con buy @ re-sale home and double your satisfaction . in the house itself and the money you save. Better oll. around terms too! Look to... LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa) Ltd. for the @ BEST LISTINGS © MOST LISTINGS © BEST VALUED LISTINGS RE-SALE HOMES that sell from $7,900 to $14,900 "List With Lloyd". . . Then Call Your Mover" (OSHAWA) LTD., REALTORS | 101 SIMCOE NORTH 728-5123 @ Edword Drumm o Wm. Horner @ Irwin Cruikshonks @ Wm. Johnston @ Lloyd Boichood JOHN KESSLER and HANS HAAGMANS _ TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL =~ 57 KING ST. EAST IS NOW OPERATING UNDER THEIR OWNERSHIP PHONE 723-6201 FIESTA? SIESTA? M ( aking it a purely Oshawa Enterprise Both have been residents of Oshawa for years) TRAVEL IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS FOREIGN LANGUAGES SPOKEN JOHN H. KESSLER former General Manager of Four Seasons Tra Toronto vel in We have had many years of experience in: the IT'S UP TO YOU DOWN MEXICO WAY Let your thoughts wander. Picture yourself dining and dancing on the terrace of a modern luxury hotel... lounging in the shade of an Aztec temple. The holiday of a lifetime! And you jet there fastest on your Super DC-8 Jet Empress = the only non-stop flights from Toronto. Money-saving jet-props too! Travel in the friendly air... let Canadian Pacific jet you there. ay TAKE A LOW COST TOUR OF MEXICO. Example: 7 suns drenched days, only $308.20, including jet-prop economy round trip, some meals, hotels, sightseeing. See your Travel Agént or any field of travel and we are able to look after all your travel problems. FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) 57 King St. E. Oshawa 728-6201 G. HANS HAAGMANS former Manager cf Four Seasons Travel, Oshawa AFTER HOURS: J. H, KESSLER 728-0694 G. H, HAAGMANS 728-0777 Canadian Pacific office, me i G2, noific TRAINS / TRUCKS / SHIPS / PLANES / HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS: WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY MO 8-3304 Meadows Travel Service 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-9441

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