THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 22, 1962 15 Todays Stock Market Listings Net 13 Net A.M. STOCKS 1 Net , u fe Png TN The Gicotien Press | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Stock _ aa ng Ch"ge Toronto Stock Exchange--Oct. ® = | y akeiand Conwest 200 360 380 380 ey oe oe (Quotations in cents uniess warked $.);ont Cem p 400 0 24000 29 «kOiaa 19000 2 2 8 Odi lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-|(ampbtn L 25 $30 3 1000 110 110 110 s ime Sek Sk: Bok rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change isiray Fin A 135 813% 13 ? 300 | 33 33 3 3, | 1000 114 11% 11% from previous board-lot closing sale.) 14. pin rts 1973 26 25 . ° $500 cat oo Se ; : me eg! 1 er 000-24 244 2414 --116/) INDUSTRIALS tm, . De 2b i Sg SN 11 Net LobCo B i (a Dom $287 2% Hot + Se)? Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge | Loeb (a om V a | EE = ay ? y + "MB a ' ie 'an sa" --1 4 Maser 0% 10% ¥%| Frrnooeu Pepe m4 a +h $18% 18% 18% -- %|Met Stores i $11% 11% 11% 1 41 41 --%|Milt Brick 350 3 ss 4 es a 6 sat ' 1% 17% Nigg +h 13 - ri 4 6% «6% |Moore ' ) : 41 Po eis 84 8% {Nat Contain 5 n 2 ie ee + jaa ; % We 56% 5614 -- %|Noranda iM 25% 2514 25% 66% 66% NO NGas y y Hi 500 240240. 240 + a Neen ee / 23 $7 474 M4 50 50 |NW Util pr I 34% 34 34 Satellite 32 32 + %4|Oshawa A 100 $25 2535 bo Satellite 48% 48% -- %| Page-Hers 17% 17% Starratt 76 76 --3 |Phantom 425 485 485 485 Baccatt 270 270 |Pow Corp 115 $70% 70% 70% -- % pareicn Ve 29% 29% QN Gas pr. 100 $534 53° 53) -- % Hoag 11% 11% Royal Bank 45 $6912 69% 69% -- ¥4) 0 j|PeckH 18% 1858 -- ¥| Royalite 147A $14% 14% 14% bd ombill 46% 46% Russell H 100 $10 10) «(10 Fees 5 Tormont : 10434 104% + % Salada 910 89 9 9 4 | Tribag 33 33. «+ ¥%| Sayvette 100 305 305 305 --10 | Langis 3 Un Butfad 1854 18% | Shawin 360 $2444 24% 24%4-- Latin Am 10 Un Fort 48% 48% \SKD Mfg 100 205 205 205 Lorado 98 j Upp Can 9% 94 -- %/| Stafford 325 400 400 400 +20 |Macassa : Vantoe 49% 494 St Pav 200 $9% 9% 9% Macdon vielen 210 210 |Steel Can 182 $164 16 16 Malartie wnat 7 77 --§ | Suptest ord i Se e 19 --¥%% Man Bar Willroy 235 235 Texace * | Maritime "a Wiltsey faa ee Mg tia -- iT Fin A 1000 S12 11% 11% -- | Martin : 4 vw ee C Husky 265 36% St% 6% --¥%iT Fin B 100-312 12 12) +4 i atatch a at x Boar C© Hydro 710 16% 16% Tr Can PL 300 $19% 19% 19% | McKen 3 3 3 3 Young HG C Imp Bk C 192 56% 56% -- Ye! Trans-Mt 1600 $1434 14% 14% -- Ye] McWat 5 Paamne 1100 cIL 275 12% 12% Un Gas 225 $17%e 17% 17% Mentor 37 fakes Cdn Oil K 56° 56 -- %*| Vendomat 150 405 405 405 +5 |Min-Ore 3 + Gales to 11 a.m.: 673, R 1 21% 21% --Ye |Walk GW 250 $495@ 495% 49% -- 4) ne 10\%4' 10% -- % | Westeel 150 181% 11% 11% -- | 18% 185% -- Ye Weston A 300 $i4¥e 14% 14% -- Ye 6% 6% Wood J A 50 $420 42% 424+ % < 1 L Y Woodwd A 1000 $13% 1348 13% e e Le ® Acme Gas 15500 18% 18 % Am Leduc 4366 5% 5% 5 '4 Ang U Dev 2000 29 2 @ - | Ys Asamera 1000 103 103 103 4 -- "Bailey S A 2675 825 810 810 4 $54 53% 53 a 32. -- 4 Bailey S pr 250 $20%4 20% 20% 3 45%e 4544 -- 4 Bail 5-% pr 100 $24% 24% Bu + M4 100 $16% 16% 16% ou wu 8} 35$140 14 S Pev 925 400 3 390 ~ 130 27 273 Y 900 130 3 30 198 554 55% 55! sic D 463 305 5 <5 | 15 . y 400 305 305 80 | ja oe ee ee TO CHOOSE FROM 720 $49% 49% 49% 4000 850 28 350 360 350 360 +5 'C Mic Mae 750 330 450 460 10 | Dev-Pal 19900 69 2% 42% 4249 -- %4 Dome Pete 600 $13 358 134% -- Ys! Duvan 1000 11 6): 68 Fargo 200 284 $23%. 23 23 -- %! Glacier 20090 15 15 15 5 440 440 440 10 |Gr Plains 600 $12% 12% 12%--% $i? 7 17 |Home A si ou ou Int Nickel $58 57% 57% --1 |Home B $10% 10% 10% -- | Inter PL $7544 75% 754 Majtrans 10 9 %% | Inv Syn A210 S44% 44% 44% | Medal 252 251 251 --4 | Jockey C 500 295 295 295 Mill City 500 25% 25% 25%4-- 4} Jock C pr 100 $10% 10% 10% |Nat Pete 210 207 208 --2 | eee | N Concord 4 N Cont 23 -----% er 4 a Norcan 50 245 --m | Legion Warned #:'s:, seu ot | Secur Free 660 635 --2 | Triad Oi 40 «(140 +2 | ToKeepEye (#22 223% - U Canso vt 123 «123 2 --2 On Socreds ier BE BES @ AND UP FOR GOOD USED TIRES | Wsburne 3 9 «88 --l } Decailta 105 (101 ~~ | NIAGARA FALLS, Ont (CP mcs | @ «BUDGET TERMS FOR SETS OF 4 Judy La Marsh told members of the Royal Canadian Legion they} agnico 600 66 (66 Pe | should continue to fight for the) Alba Expl soe ¢ 8) + tf) 276 -- 7.50 x 14 -- Black and White parliamentary system that they| 47%" adie oa otal had once been willing to die for.|AtinRut 100 6 6 6 | 73 -- 8.00 x 14 -- Black and White "Be as alert . . . as you are| Sumo Se 2 in veterans affairs generally to! parex bE a, 65 -- 8.50 x 14\-- Black and White yi Qt which many| Bibis 9 8% 8th--% preserve that for whic . wi ee tae j . 8 years ago,you were willing to| Bic? ». "a lay your life on the line," she Feel sd | FREE MOUNTING said in an address to the Dis-| Bralorne | , trict B convention of the Legion, | con Chi Liberal Allowance On Your Old Tires has a deputy leader who reviles | Guin the country, the Queen and serv-| Coch Wik ice to the country in time of|C Bets G) : | 125-4543 M Miss La Marsh, Liberal mem-|C Tung 6: ber of Parliament for Niagara|¢ Maat | 1 Falls, said she questions the) Can-Erin : 12 right of Social Credit to be|Cent Pat 105 105 --1 called a political party since it) Com Per , w C Discov ar. = "Infiltration from the right|C Fen 1 | = can be as dangerous as infiltra-|¢ Marcos : € Morrison 1 29 «(39 | tion from the left,"' she said. © Regcourt 11% 11% 11% Pe ii Ln an Sein a TET What every wife The new Canada Savings Bonds pay may buy. Interest is payable annually should know : 1 j 444% interest for each of the first by coupon, oron the higher denomina- oo three years; 5% for each of the next _ tions by cheque, if desired. -».about her husband's life insurance. j . How many "I don't:know's" would you ; a) three years and 512% for each of the You can cash your Canada Savings score on this test? e? final eight years--an average interest Bonds at any bank, at full face value 1. How many policies does your husband ners andey, se to maturity in 14 years of 5.11% per _ plus earned interest. own? Does heh i : ins 1 gaat toh 7232281 year. In dollars and cents every | Buy new Canada Savings Bonds of protection provided ? / | ' $100.00 you invest will grow with ac- today--best ever! 2. Are any of his policies just temporary ? é i cumulated interest. to $172.50 at How old will you be when this temporary | # ribet 9 maturity. Representative * ; é 5 OSHAWA See) oe Tel: 723-2231 You can buy a $100.00 bond for as 3. Is your husband's life insurance co- ordinated into a program? Is there a part , little as 29¢ a day, through the con- ; (CANADA ear-marked to pay off the mortgage; to Ox E venient Payroll Savings Plan where educate the children? How much income oe a -- E you work. Canada Savings Bonds can SAVINGS : would it pay now ? How long would it last? also be bought for cash, or on instal- FE JO F It makes good sense for a wife to be well Rnieutoaies ments at any bank, investment dealer BONDS informed about her husband's insurance. pee ---- Tel: 723-2231 ; Her security is the number one objective : : stock broker, trust or loan company. and it's through her budgeting skill that They are available in amounts as money can be set aside for the future. If ; rT Seu i ; low as $50.00 to any Canadian resident you and your husband would like to review Supecvisor --adult or child--up to a limit of any of these questions, just call the Man ees Tel; 723-2231 from Manufacturers. You'll find him a = adie ances ~~ " competent and friendly adviser, ANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY