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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Oct 1962, p. 20

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Mutchmor Halts At Quota System BRANTFORD (CP) -- Rt. Rev. James R. Mutchmor, new Moderator of the United Church of Canada and frequently de- scribed as a controversial fig- ure, does not see himself in that light. "It is the subjects we deal with that are controversial," he told a Hamilton United Church conference laymen's forum here Saturday night. Saying there is urgent need of a further review of Canada's immigration policy, Dr. Mutch- mor said it is desirable to main- tain a balance among national groups, although he would not advocate a quota system such as the United States adopted some years ago. Quoting immigration figures briefly, Dr. Mutchmor said with- out further commeat tha: from 1951 to 1961 the increase in Roman Catholiz immigration was 37.5 per cent, and the in- crease of the six largest Fro- testant denominations 18.3 per cent. ' SOUTH'S LARGEST feeece America and has about|000 people in 3,286,000 square Brazil covers almost half of|half its total population--74,000,-| miles. Kelvinator automatic washers and dryers ARE BEST BY TEST! LOWER WATER CONSUMPTION Research technicians were amazed at the smooth and extremely quiet operation of the KELVINATOR auto- matics -- quieter than any other make tested. Kelvinator's precision engineered Drive Mechanism (with the 5 year guarantee) and exclusive Deep Turbulant washing action Ahetaead the quietest but most effective wash of any machine on e market. = _|Bugles Of Patriotism Sound Through India In high mountain valleys, Hin- duism and Chinese influences) mingled, The British roughed in a bor- der on their maps in the 19th century when imperial China was relatively weak and unable to resist. But the Chinese feel that any area that was once un- der Chinese control, however shadowy or nominal, is forever Chinese. Now that Mao Tse-tung is China's communist ruler ne is asserting this traditional nation- alistic attitude. Nationalism is strong here also. To the nationalistic refusal to give away any territory con- sidered part of India is added a political consideration, Even such a strong leader as Nehru would find it difficult to with- stand the storm if he handed over territory to China. By THE CANADIAN PRESS Montreal -- James M. Jack- son, 60, deputy general manager.) of the Bank of Montreal. Montreal -- Max Conen, 57, president of Canadian Steel pangincarm and Cassal Hold- ings Corporation. Rome--Bishop Edouardo Fac- chini, 76, of Alatri, Italy; of a heart attack. LOANS to pay all your bills US to complete the Minister Nehru and other Indian leaders used it only as a reason for urging economic develop- ment, the bugles of patriotism now are being blown here. "Tf w edo not resist aggression and fight back, it would drag us down to unknown depths," Nehru told the Passegee ape i Thursday. There have been calls tanloaity' Yauve Beane for sacrifices from the people This is the conflict of the In- hile avere ge annual income is dians versus the Chinese rather} e7) than of neutrals versus Commu-|""* « -|nists CLAIMS CONFLICT Each side accuses the other of aggression because of conflict- ing claims as to where the bor- der lies. The border which New Delhi claims was established by the former British rulers of India. It is approximately along the traditional Himalayan frontier of the ancient Hindu scriptures. CAPSULE NEWS Macaulay Tours Japanese Firms TOKYO" (AP) -- Robert Mac- WILL ESCORT SHIPS aulay, Ontario's minister of eco-| LONDON (Reuters) -- Allied nomics and development, in-|warships conducting NATO ex- spected the Tsurumi factory ofjercises on the high seas are to the Tokyo Shibaura Electric|be escorted by guard ships who Company, one of Japan's ma-|will report on activities of Rus- jor electric firms, on Saturday.|sian fishing trawlers in the area, He is in Tokyo to discuss the|the admiralty announced Sun- promotion of Japan-Canadian|day. -- Fide -- and busi. HEADS PRESS CLUB : TORONTO (CP) -- Norman LAUNCH APPEAL vote of The Globe and Mail --A $1,-|was elected president of the era soe hee Ee xf Toronto Men's Press Club at its "thalidomide babies" and their|@"nual meeting Saturday. He parents was launched here Sun-|Succeeds John Dauphinee of The day the inaugural meeting of Canadian Press, Other officers the Society for the Aid of Thali-|¢lected were; first vice-presi- By HENRY BRADSHER NEW DELHI (AP) -- Why have India and Communist China, once friends in "peaceful coexistence," come to the pres- -lent blaze of border warfare? The conflict in the Himalayas is the result of modern national- isms colliding in an area of his- down payment on a home LOANS for car or home repairs LOANS j eto buy the things you and your family want and need NOW without waiting EXAMPLES OF LOANS for any purpose Monthly if You | Receive Payments $506.94 $22.00 | $1,526.72 $60.00 | $2,500.00 | $98.25 Larger amounts and many other plans to suit your budge? '$50 1» $5000 without endorsers or bankable security SUPERIOR FINANCE Daily until 5:30 p.m. Wednesday until 8 p.m. But observers here also be- lieve there is an ideological ele- ment in China's motives for at- tacking India, It is the desire to disrupt Inliia's economic de- 1 mt, to keep India from ahead of famine-stricken velop getting China. The border battles with the Chinese will lead to an increas- ing diversion of Indian re- »|seurces from the slow, massive job of raising living standards. .|After years of smouldering dis- Linton! nyte with China, in which Prime Library Group Backs Plan To Amalgamate TORONTO (CP)--The council of the Ontario Library Associa- tion Saturday approved proposed amendments to the Ontario Pub- lic Libraries Act which would lead to the amalgamation of many libraries in small commu- nities, The recommendations are to be passed to the Ontario depart- ment of education. Brian land, first vice-president of the association, said library service in many Ontario com- munities is substandard because many libraries are forced to re- ly on volunteer help. Amalgama- tion into larger units would per- mit hiring more professional li- brarians, Algonquin Indian Sings At Concert NE YORK (CP)--Canadian folk singing in three languages -|was heard at a concert in Town esda' -| Hall here Saturday night. ery The performers, in French, English and an Algonquin Indian dialect, were Alan bn gre Baillargeon and fiddler Jean oe a Cavigaat all of Montreal; Karen James of Toronto, Tom Kines of Ottawa, Stanley G. ;|Triggs of Vancouver and Alanis ed Th 4 HM of! 0'B win of Odanak, Que., a psa ed and Jack, of Mapié Grmitn{member of the Abenakis Indian ville, Funeral group. Folkways Records of Canada and the U.S., which has re- corded songs by all of these sin- gers, sponsored the concert. A spokesman for the firm said The wash water is energised by thousands of tiny jets which make the suds doubly penetrating to get clothes clean clear through. NEW BUDGET ACCOUNTS WELCOME ONLY 10.00 DOWN -- 3.00 WEEK B.EGoodrich £ 88 KING STREET WEST HUGHES, Nellie iP Ontario, on a Oc- 20, 1962, Nellie Hughes, beloved tober late John Wesley Hughes At Oshawa General Hospital on Satur- PHONE 725-4543 Other evenings by appointment uddenly, in Oshawa, 21, 1962, Niels of 17° OFFICES IN ONTARIO dent, Steve Douglas. Gtreet East, for service in the Chapel, October 24 at 3 p.m. In- »1,000 persons attended. Town "|Hall has a capacity of 1,500. The New York Times found the concert "'a very diverting concept for a folk program." Its reviewer, Robert Shelton, had a good word for almost all the _| performers, domide 'Children. The tranquil- izer which was prescribed for pregnant women, has been blamed for the deformities of hundreds of babies born during the last two years. rch, Tuesday, Tr 23 at 9 a.m, Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery, Oshawa. (Friends are asked not to call at the Funeral Home before Sunday). e WADDINGTON, William Cameron New Contraceptive Pill Draws Praise NEW YORK (CP) -- A new contraceptive pill being devel- Hospi-| oped by a Chicago firm may be be.| Cheaper and safer than existing pills, the magazine Science re- ports. The Weekly Journal, published by the American Association for year. the Advancement of Science, re- ice|ports on preliminary results of bitests of the drug by more than 100 women. The pill, called ethynodial di- acetate or ED, is made by G. D 'Searle and Company of Chicago, which also makes the birth con- 'itrol pill Enovid. A company spokesman said »|the pill is in the early stages of "| development, adding that studies have been under way for about LOCK'S FLORIST Funeral arrangement and floral requirements for all occassions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 a year with "good" results. He could not give an estimate of the drug's* cust _in comparison with Enovid but said 'we hope it will be less expensive because fewer chemicals are used." Hamilton Boy GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STRET WEST Dies In Crash urday night. HAMILTON (CP) -- Michael Blanchard, 13, died in hospital early Sunday of injuries suffered in an automobile accident while he was en route to a dance Sat- Principal Says Teachers Frown On H-S Groups CHATHAM (CP)--Home and school associations are not as- suming their role in a changing world, school principal J. Russ Williams said in a panel disqus- sion at an Ontario Home-School Area I conference here Satur- day. Mr. Williams based his stand on opinions gathered from teach- ers during 14 years of teaching. "I think that not more than one teacher in that time has said she liked the home and school association." He sted the iation would be more popular with ARREST 44 HONINGTON, England (Reut- ers) -- Forty-four persons were arrested Saturday when ban-the- bomb demonstrators marched on an RAF base here and sought to plow it up. The 500 demonstrators, who marched behind a tractor drawing a plow, declared they wanted to "reclaim the airfield for agri- culture." DISRUPT MOSLEY MEET TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Eng- land (Reuters) -- Police Satur- day broke up a meeting of Sir Oswald Mosley's extreme Right- ist Union Movement amid up- roar from a crowd throwing eggs and tomatoes at the speak- er's platform. CANADIAN WINS MONTEREY, Calif, (AP)-- John Cannon of Montreal sur- vived an unexpected late pit stop for gasoline and won Saturday's featured 45-minute race for mod- ified racers. Cannon, in a Dailu Special with a Corvette engine, had to stop with only two laps to go but lost less than half of his 1%4-minute lead. teachers if their activities were not permitted to interfere with the normal school day or play- ground supervision. Past president Ken Wise of the Sarnia Home-School Association said the organizations can be a powerfully positive force if streamlined to meet changing conditions, Mrs, John Cropper of St. Cath- arines, president of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations, said the setup is basically sound, but admitted dismay at home - school pro- grams devoted to travelogues, gardening and other subjects with no relation to primary ob- IF YOU ARE NOW TAKING A LAXATIVE ONCE, TWICE or THREE TIMES A WEEK +. THEN YOU SHOULD BUY OR TODAY? the Laxative Tablet with the GENTLE DIFFERENCE Take gentle-acting Nt... Nature's Remedy! There is no letdown, no uncomfortable after-feeling. NM is an all-vegetable laxative. For over 70 years, N has been giving folks pleasant, effective relief overnight, &R tonight. sé tomorrow alright! Helps you feel better «+ and look better! jectives. REGULAR + CHOCOLATE COATED + JUNIORS His father, Alvin Blanchard, said that if forgiveness is nec- essary, he and ved Me will for- COOPER -- In loving memory of a| give the driver of the car from grandfather, Byard.) Which his son was thrown when hand|it struck a curb. The car ran over him. "I was a teen-ager once my- self,' Blanchard said. Theodore Begin, 18, has been charged with dangerous and careless driving. Police said Dennis Gervais of nearby Dundas, who was follow- ing the car that crashed, has been charged with obstructing police over a statement he gave a constable at the accident scene. IN MEMORIAM HENRY -- In loving memory of & dear brother-in-law, Clinton Henry, who passed away October 22, 1960, God knows how much we miss him, Never shall his memory fade, Loving thoughts shall ever wa: To the spot where he is laid. --Sadly missed and ever remembered i. |by Clarence, Margaret and family. MacGREGOR -- In loving memory of Seite Bene Se Dane wee verned ay . 2 No distance can divide -- For today, in memory's garden, by side IN MEMORIAM A new baby is a new reason for fathers to use this Metropolitan service: Family Security Check-U' y Useful to you whether you need insur- ance or not. / Explains your true "life value" and its worth to your family. y No obligation, except to those you love. There are many reasons to check your family's financial health:incomeschange, children's ages change, family needs change. _ There can be mistakes in the financial secu- rity plans you have made, Plans may be out of date, You may have unintentionally "<disin- herited" a child, You may not be getting the most from the dollars you put aside for security. That meant so much to me. --Ever by son, daughter-in-law, Lorraine and grandchil- COTY -- In loving memory of a dear N Coty WEIGHT-WATCHER'S BIT I wish I knew how to refuse a drink without sounding like a real square. I don't really like the taste of the stuff. You might try the weight-watcher's bit. How do you mean "weight-watcher's bit'? It's really very simple. All you have to do is point out that a couple of drinks have more calories than a cream puff or a piece of pie. Then tell them you're on a diet. Is that really true? Of course it's true. Alcohol is practically all calories. That's pretty smart! Nobody wants to get fat. It's such a wonderful reason for not drinking that probably all the girls will be using it. You know Mother, occasionally you do come up with a really bright idea. The Family Security Check-Up reviews the plans you have made, helps you see your pres- ent situation clearly, puts you in a position to judge intelligently whether the provisions you ave made for your family are all you want them to be. Whether you need insurance or not-- whether or not your insurance is with Metropolitan--a Family Security Check-Up makes sense. Over 2,100 Metropolitan Re resentatives in 102 local offices across Canada are trained to bring you this service. Call your local office today, WHAT IT Is AND WHAT IT DOES FOR YOU With the help of your Metropolitan man-- 1. You check the facts: Your pension p! your home, your life insurance, vour savings other assets. You may be surprisuui to learn how much you're worth. 2. You weigh your responsibilities: Mo or rent in hanes education, retirement, seein and sickness emergencies; how much it would cost your family to live without you. 3 om A nue 8. You oe you stand. You determine y one we love, we will never forget. eS our weak and stron, ints . . . whether th --Sadly missed wife Barbi and ° % y isi 8 Pe app aioli y by wife ara bo YOU KNOW: y. " : ages you have made for your family will Bh a 4 : ? what you intend. You get the facts in front of you. 4, You plan for the future. Based on these facts, you decide what action, if any, may be needed to give you a family security plan tailor- made to your own needs and ambitions--one which makes good sense for you. SAUNDERS -- In loving memory of a| dear husband and fathers Georges who |--that elght ounces of beer or one-and-a-half ounces of whisky, rum or passed sway. Bg 22, 1958. gin contains more calories than a candy bar? TAVENER -- In loving memory ot that nutritionally alcohol resembles pure fat or starch in that it supplies Mrs. who only calories? --that If alcohol replaces too much of a normal diet the resulting Ime balance may lead to malnutrition? --that you can get scientifically dep and its effects by writing to:-- The Education Department, Alcoholism & Drug Addiction R h Foundati Box 1666, Terminal A", Toronto, Ontario dable Inf about alcohol OSHAWA DISTRICT John D. Graham, Manager 86 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, 1 wish to thank Dr. Fulton, nurses on 3A Oshawa Hospital, as weil as my relatives, and neighbors, their kindness |for Sime Allee' By in Telephone 728-6224

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